PAGE EIGHT. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1919. DR. W. F. JONES MARION NATIVE, DIES IN ALBANY jjt ifc sc Sft sjt ijc jf 3fc g jjc )(c sfc st SOKE BLUFFS WOKK, AND ' Sprague, Wash., Oct. 14. (United Press.) -George Will iams, - transient, brandished a bottle. "It's a nitro-glycerin," he , ycUed at Sheriff Dan Mills. . Mills brandished a shotgun. "I'll shoot you full of holes if you don't stop," the official - threatened. Williams stopped. His bottle was empty. N. B.- So wm the shotgun. RUPERT HEAD OF CAMPAIGN FOR VALLEY GROUP F. K. Bupcrt, of Salem, Oregon, has been appointed chairman for the Wil lamette valley group, including Albany, Carlton, Dallas, Dayton, Euncno." Mc- Salcnt and Woodburn In the 'Albany, Or., Oct, 14. Dr. William F. Jones, native son of Oregon and a resi dent of this state during his entire life, which spanned almost half & century, died at hig home here Saturday night. He was widely known in Linn and Mar ion counties, throuh his work for nmuj years as a veterinarian. The funeral services were held from the Fortmiller chapel in this city at 10 o 'clock Monday morning. , Dr. Jones was a member of a pioneer family of Marion county and wns born In the Waldo Hills near Silverton 49 years ago. When he was a boy his par ents moved to Jefferson and he lived in or near that ciy almost all his life. He had resided in Albany for the past nine years. Dr. Jones was a member of the lodges ef Masons, Oddfellows and Knights or the Maccabees in Joffernon. He was! also a member of the Jefferson Evan golical church. lie is survived by his widow and one 17" 1. r.t 1. : - JU-, .. .1 11. .... Minnvillo J. L. Jones and Mao Jones, all of Port-i "at,"'wide mVn of the Episcopal land; G. W. Jones of Tulare, Cal.j Mrs. ! urch'' the C. M. Smith of Oak Lawn, Illinois, and of 0reon 18 now be,n8 cm" Mrs. Lulu Wiede of Jefferson. Mr. Bupert will also be chairman of the St. Paul committee at Salem, work ing with the rector, the Bev. Charles H. Powell. John L. Etherldge is chairman of the dioceasun campaign acting under I Bishop W. T. Sumner, and 'the diocesan ; committee. The nation-wide campaign is a move- ' ment through which it is hoped the Epis- . , ' , , . copnl church will learn all the truth Several Salem men, representing aDout itsolf( its COndtiion, short-comings packers of this etly, will go to Portland and nced8 It lmg bucn described by October 23 and attend the Portland dia-1 jjiop 8umner as a great spiritual tnet freight traffic committee 's hearing 1 movement. The nution-wido campaign on rules. The hearing will be hold atlhos for its aim and purpose to spiritual loom 805 con .building at 10:30 a. m.'iM aU the agencies, unify all the inter The committee proposes readjustment of egts and co-ordinate all' the activity rates on carload lots of canned goods be- ttnd mouilizo ull. the resources of the xween points in urcgon, wasnmgton ana church. Idaho; and points in Idaho and Utah, primarllv it.' I. t ,ii!v f .,o also from Ban Francisco to points In There will-be a financial canvass, to bo wiKuU mm wBiiugiuii, hiui no(l at some futur0 dnte, but no fiimn nortnern lualio. ( cial goal has as yet been determined. x.lq piupunou rt-mijuBiiuuiu,, u uor.iueu Tni9 wii D8 Qone in the Kenerai con. r.., .,..,., , .lVo ... - ierence or tno enurcu now in session in points out two ror oniem snippers. Detroit. Organization for the campaign W. Q. Allen, representing Hunt Bro- 'includes a canvass of every member of thers Packing company has signified his1 the church, first of all to, enlist the Intention of attending tho hearing, and interest of those members in the church The Ven. H. D. Chambers, the Very Rev. B. T. Hick;, Bev. Thomas Jenkins, Bev. John D. Bice, Bev. O. W. Taylor, Bev. C. H. L. Chandler, Bev. John Daw son, Bev. F. G. Jennings, Bev. William Horsf&ll, J. L. Etheridge, Dr. H. C. Fixott, Hodncy L. Glisan, J. W. Ganimg, Judge W. T. Slater, S. D. Vincent, C. H. Huggins, B. W. Hastings, A. Ci-NewIf, William Whitfield, A. M. .Ellsworth. Mrs. Julia 8. Whiteford, Mrs. James Mucklc, Mrs. Wilsoa Johnston. Wrecking Of Lousanne Hall Nearly Complete; None Hurt Old Lausanne hall is almost down and without anv serious accidents. There were over a hundred men working on the hall last Friday and quite a number on Saturday. "Close shaves-' and minor injurUs were rumerons such as slopping a two-by-four wi'h tha head oi an axe with the hand. But Hugh JJcney, soi o? President Donv, was the enly youn,- i an who tried to improve on St. Nicholas' style of descending the chimney. While working on the third floor young Do'iey backed i)'to an open thimn.'y and siid down twa stories to the first floor, where he scored t'm pettiest tu'h lnck of the senaon. Hi vns onlv rca and jiirrd up, hiiidi- played th': rest ,f thi .;;irtitcr. HERO OF EASTLAND DISASTER SPEAKS IN SALEM TONIGHT Describing in all its horrible details the sinking of the Eastland, excursion iboat, in the Chicago river July 24, 1918, Arthur Loeb, 30, world famous urver, will speak tonight at the Ore gon theater. He will appear on the stage in the garb a common foathing j suit that he wore when he saved 35 . lives, and recovered 67 bodies from the hull of the submerged Eastland J Loot carries the only Carnegie five-i diamond studded medal in the world, and a large medal, given by the city of Chicago in recognition of his bravery when the liastland sank with its bur- PROPOSED NEW RATES i1 WOULD BENEFIT SALEM TO RAISE $9,100 TOR T TO O. T. Brandt, of the probably will attend. 1'hcz company. PRESBYTERY'S FALL E With President W, 11. Lee, of the in spiritual affairs, community work Mid in foreign work. The campaign will include five m'in uto talks in every church every Sun day, Speakers will bo known as "in formation men," working under the di rection of Sherman Hall, who made a nntional record by handling the Four Minute men in-the stato of Oregon. A part of the campaign will be the enrolling of a large group of persons, pledged to daily prayor, tor the succoss of the nation-wido campaign. Thoy will .mm.T uucgo, moderator, presming, b ituown B(j lutorocsHorle ond the cam. Presbytery will be. held in this city, comimnteing at two o'clock today, and extending over Wednesday. Work per taining to Sunday schools will occupy the sessions of today and tonight. Wednesday the fossions will ibe de moted to the organizing of the presby tery and business of the church. In the aftprnoon visitors will make a tour f inspection to local industrial plants ana to tun university, pnign to recruit them will be directed by the Bev, C. H. L, Chandler of Oregon City. Milton B. Kloppcr, identified with many of tho Liberty loan and othor pa troitio campaigns, is campaign director. Publicity will bo in charge of Orton N. Goodwin. Canvasses and mass mceo.ngs w'ill bo under the direction of Dr. H. O. Fixott, who made a successful record ,ln Liborty loan and Bod Cross work. The campaign of the Y. M. C. A. to raiso $!),100 in 8ulem during a three day drive, begins tomorrow. Commit tees to push the cumpaign to a suc cessful conclusion have been named and instructed and it is bolieved that no obstacles will be confronted in raising the fund. As the budget this year is $300 higher tnan that of last year, ad ditional effort to raise the money will be made. , Tho campaign will be in charge of the following directors of the associa tion: W. I. Htaloy, B. J. Hendricks, .Jos. H. Albert, Curtis Cross, Paul B. Wal lace, T. A. Livesley, F. E. Brown, T. B. Kay, W. T. Jeuks H. C. Enley, A. A. Lee, J. H. Farrar,"B. L. Steeves, Carle Abrams and Geo. E, Halvorsen, The following persons have volunteer ed to assist the directors in soliciting for funds: J. F. Htitchason, Wm.l Gahlsdorf, Wm. Hamilton O. B. Ging rich, L. H. Compton, O. J. Hull, John Bayue, Dr. Findloy, Mark McCallistcr, Wm. H. Trindle, John Harbison, Elmer M. McKce and a number of others whose names will be announced later. Thoao men will moot at . luncheon Wednesday at 12:15 sharp at tho Y. M. C. A. it is hoped that the entire budget will be raised l a three-day campaign. ILee, Newtberg, A buffalo cow, quite tame and uncon cerned in reported roaming in the Cab bage Hill vicinity of Umatilla- county. Professor Crowder-Miller Resumes Work At Varsity Professor Delia Crowder Miller, head of the public speaking department, re sumed full charge of her work at the university Monday, after a four weeks' convalescent visit with her fathor, Bev. J. H. Crowder, of Docatur, Illinois. Mrs. Miller suffered a slight nervous break down as a result of her strenuous wor on the pageant of last spring, a produe-tion-.which sho wrote and directed, and, uftor three weeks in the Deaconess hos pital hero, was given a month 's leave of absence by the univorsity. She roturnes to her work with improved health. Professor Miller's work was in charge of her son, Orville Crowder Miller, who Curry's School and who was in bnsed the financial campaign, and the ' cnarK , I lne p"dub spcaamg ocpan Bev. L. H. Clark has charge of the Dub- mel,t atJ'on coUo8e' N' - oefore com- llcation of charts and descriptive maos..in8 w Willamette. Headed by Bishop Sumner, the dio- ' ' 'utnur Jjoeo, hero 'pf EastUnd "disas ter, who is viaitiiig in Salem today den of 4000 souls, which reads: "For heroism displayed in saving 35 lives and recovering 67 dead budies, July 24, 1916." . ' :. Briefly the Eastland, charted for 2, 200 persons, left tho piers in tho Chi cago river with 4000 persons aboard. The gigantic load, caused iby the in creased number of passengers, caused tho Eastland to list and capsize in the river. Of this number 1462 persons lost their lives. After 25 days the hull was raised and 153' moredoad bodies were removed from the slimy interior of the hull. ' In order to raise the Eastland . Mr. Loeb says, it was necessary to cut holes in the hull of tho craft with oxy eceline torches and pump 260,000 gal lons of water out each minute. During this process Mr. Loeb was under the water for 72 hours, without a diving outfit, never coming to the surface for longer than five minutes. The hero of the Eastland disaster points with pride to the fact that he doesn't smoke, drink or chew. He says that these things would hamper his diving and swimming as a life guaTd. He was stationed as a life guard for. 13 years at Jackson Park, Chicago. Mr. Loeb is now enroute to France where he will undergo an operation on 'his. skull, to alleviate injuries sustain ed when he made a 14-fool; dive into the hull of the Eastland. He is said to (be the only man alive with a broken iblood veiu and a fractured skull. Assisting in the raising of the Unit ed States submarine F-4, which snnte in the harbor at Honolulu in 1915, Mr. Loeb won recognition for his efficient service. He established the world rec ord for depth diving, going down 267 feet. PATROL PLANES ARE ORDERED TO MATHER HELD; ONE REMAINS Orders wore received in this city yes terday morning for th0 complete trans fer of all airships, equipment, supplies and all men, except three mechanics and one lieutenant, from the Eueene aviation field to Mather field, - near Sacramento, Cal. Orders to take ef-' feet immediately. -The orders come as a complete sur prise to the aviators in this city, Lieu tenant F, E. Beoder and three machanic? are to remain here indefinitely as pan, of the government forestry patrol. They will maintain aviation headquarters ou the hill back of the present field, where is already established a government car rier pigeon loft. Lieutenant Boeder will have a new airplane which is to arrive from San Diego, in a few days to main tain tho forestry patrol work. Whether the orders como as an after math of the recent tragedy near Gold Bay, Oregon, in which Lieutennnt Henry W. Wobb lost his life last Tuesday, oi whether the government has simply de cided that one aviator and one piano is sufficient to maintain the patrol work in this vicinity, is not known. However the forcBt fire season is about at an end and it was expected that activities would cease by November 1. Complete denial that tho government investigation at Gold Bay was condnet- ed under suspicion that someone had punched a hole in Lieutenant Webb's gasolino tank or that some party had tampered with the mechanism of the Ship previous, to Lieutennnt Webb's flight, were made last night by Lieu tenant Boeder, who was a member of the investigating squad. The other offi cers on the investigation were Lieu tenants Carlisle, Bidcnour ami Eugene Batten, of this city. Eugene Begister, Ladies' Hats I The biggest amT'best assortment in town at popular prices. Hats direct from the fashion centers of New York as well as trimmed models from our own work room. ' Ladies Hats $198 to $8.50 Children's Hats 98c to $3.45 Oar Prices Always the Lowest Oale & C ompany Com'l and Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Store Five former citizens of Germany were refused citizenship at Dallas last week on the ground that petitions for their first papers were not filed at least two vears before the -declaration of war. Shipments of perches and pears by thn Ashland Fruit & Produce associa tion have Tiassed the record mnrk of 40 carloads this season. Independent ship pers have sent out about 30 carloads by express. . hpeakers announced for tho sessions, William Whltflold. the Portland a- re: ir. .1. E. Hnydor of Corvallis, Bev. Lnlltof : , ,,, . n, .!! is also a graduate of Dr. A. M. Williams, Atbany; Bev. W. V, ,'., hm1V wt,l .in hJf Expression, Boston, U,U4,.a A Knn n 1..,,. l..,.,. IT V " I , . . cesnn committee which .will suprevlso the campaign includes During her visit in the east Mrs. Miller attended the Iutu national Ly ceum Cliautauqua association convention In Bcssiun at Chicago, J. G. Penney Co. Service Means a Lot to You You do not realize what this wonderful organization is doing to keep prices down at this time when they are at heights never dreamed possible. Our buyers have been constantly on the job getting the best to be had. and at the lowest prices with the result that our showings are the wonder and admir ation of all who have investigated our i LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Women's Coats Plush, Silvertones and other good, heavy coating materials priced from $19.50 to $59.00 Dresses : : Silk dresses made of the best of the :; popular silk materials such as Satin, 1 1 Poplin, Plush, Taffetas, Georgette, i Crepe dde Chine;.:....-.........$12.50 to $39.75 VTcdsa Dresses $9.90 to $39.50 Women's Suits j Of Serge, Velour, Poplin, Silvertones, Tricotine in all the favored colors and latest styles. i $24.75 to $44.59 Children's Coats $6.50 to S18.50 Women's Rain Coats $4.98 to $14.75 House Dresses $2,98 to $5.90 Women s Hats $4.98 to $8.90 -i H. L. RICHEY'S ion Dale FRIDAY, OCT. 1 7, 1 91 9 10 a. m.8 miles northeast of Salem, or 4 miles east of Chemawa, on Chemewa and Silverton road, or 6 miles west of Silverton. v HORSES ANP HOGS I sorrel mare, ago 8 years, weight 1700 lbs.,' a beauty; 1 sorrol horse, age 9 years, weight 1500 lbs, good worker; 1 bay mure, uge 7 years, weight 1500 lbs., goods worker; 1 bay colt, 2 years from heavy slock, a dandy. All the above horses aro sound and of the best type. Ono Berkshire and Poland China brood sow, 14 years old, will faritiw in Novembef, a dandy; 1 Berkshire and Poland China brood sow, 2 years old; 5 six mouths old shoats, 75 to 100 lbs., each, extra good; 8 pigs, 2 months old, a fiue bunch; 1 fat hog, weight about 400 pounds; 60 mixed chickens; 18 beese. MACHINERY 1 Sharpless cream separator; 1 Hodges Queen 6 ft. biudor; 1 Champion mower Vj ft. cut; 1 10-ft. McCormiek hay rake; 1 low down manure spreader; 1 16-inch Oliver sulky plow; 1 8-ft, disk with tongue truck; 1 8-ft. Lever harrow; 1 14-inch Oliver plow; 1 8-inch plow; 1 potato plow; 1 7-ft. Van Brundtsecder; lone-horse cultivntor; 1 3-inch Mitchell wagon, nearly new: 1 fanning mill; 1 hcavv D. block and rope; I anvil and vise combined; 1 set tiling tools; 1 grindstone; 1 set heavy work harness; 1 single work harness; 1 hav rack; 1 20-gallon caldron kettle; 50 yew posts, seasoned 3 years; 2000 shingles; 3 22-inch collars; 1 18-inch collar; 6V4-ft. crosscut Saw. TCRNITURE 3 iron bedsteads and springs; 2 mattresses; 3 dress ers; 3 carpets; 1 6-ft oak extension table; 6 oak diners; 4 rockers; 4 kitchen chairs; 1 couch; 1 full leather Davenport, good as now; 1 drop head Singer sewing machine; 1 oak parlor table; 1 heater; 1 kitchen cabinet; 1 Majestte range; 8 kitchen tables; 2 wash boards; 1 boiler; 1 comodo; 1 washing machine, and wringer; 1 carpet sweeper; 2 kitchen cupboards; 2 tubs; dishes, kitchen utfinsils; canned fruit and vegetables, forks, hovels, spndes, tools, logging chains and other articles too nu merous to mention. ' TERMS: All sums under $10 will be cash, over that amount, 12 months time will be given to parties furnishing approved bankable notes at 8 per cent interest - LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS F.M.W00BRY, The Aactioneer. Phone 39F15 Phone 510 or 511, Salem NOTE: Woodry is now located at 270 North Com mercial street. last your sale with me for RESULTS RLRitchey, Owner. ; Route 9, box 106,. .. Demands have been presented to tho board of education by the teachers of 30 schools in North Bend for an In- creaso in salaries of $20 a month, ef fective from the beginning of the pres ent semester. Farm Machinery, Tools, Etc., sn Commission. Furniture And Household Goods Bought and Sold and Exchanged at the Highest Market Price. Economy FURNITURE HOUSE Ferry and Liberty Sts. PHONE 1177 HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of All Kinds Best Prices Guaranteed CALL 398 CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa St. Phone 398 Rheumatic Pain Is ,, Warning Of Poison When your muscles ache and your 1ack is lama vou. are warned that your kidneys aro. full of poisonous acids. i Heed this warning by taking RHEU j MACHOL, - tho internal treatment for j rheumatism, which promptly flushes ! poison from the system. It never has j failed yet. Get RiiEUAMOHOL from ! your dTuggist, or send $1 direct for ifcottle and 'booklet to H. E. Machol, Idaho Springs, Colorado. ' (Adv) BAKE-RITE . The Health BreadBaked by Wire PURE, CLE ANr WHOLESOME Try our Cakes, Cookies, Pies, Rolls and 'Pastry BAKE-RITE SANITARY BAKERY 457 State Street For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Co. POTATOES Burbanks, American Wonders, Netted Gems, Pride of Multno- mah, Garnet Chili, Early Boso. '. We will be ready to commence '. '. shipping as soon as yon have fully 1 matured stock to offer. Phone ', 717 or address 542 State Street, " MANGIS BROS. 1 1 L.M.HUM cue of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Oo. Has medicine which will cure any I known disease. 0en Sundays from 10 A. M. f until 8 P. M. 153 South llil'h Kt. Salem, Oregon Phone 232 i MM HMMM Buy Now at This Store ; RANGES $42.50 to $75.00 HEATERS $1.75 to $30.00 BOILERS $2.23 to $7.50 PROFITS DIVIDED MATTRESSES $5.00 to $24.00 DINING TABLES $17.00 to $43.50 LIBRARY TABLES $9.00 to $30.00 Peoples Furniture Store i New and Second Hand Goods Bought, Sold and Exchanged 271 N. Commercial St Salem. Phone 734 v. MMMMIMIMMMMIMMMMMMH.