Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 14, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Bate per wordWNew Todays
Eactt insertion
Od 'week (.8 insertions)
On .outh (20 insertions) . 17e
Oiia. vear. ner month - . - Jn
Itlnimuin per ad 25 cents.
Cash in advance,' except where a
vertiscrs have monthly accounts.
New Today.
WANTED Furnished house or. apart
ment. Call Mr. Johnson", phone 1540
from S a. m. to 5 p. ni. 245
IFOR .SALE Sacrifice, if sold bT-forc
November first, five room house
with 73x150 lot, fine location. W. H.
Orabeuhorst & Co., 275 State St. 244"
MAN with light team would like haul
ing to do; would take a delivery
route. L T care Journal. 243
TEAMS wanted to haul wood. Call at
Blessings cigar store, A. J. Anderson.
FOR SALE The very finest Now
Zealand Tabbits to be had. Buy
puir male and female ready for
Ibrcediiig. Cherry KJity Rahbitry, Sa
lem, Or. Phone 1332J. 253
(FRESH cow for sale, "Call 107F32. 247
iflOR IS ALE Heavy work team with
harness. Am leaving. McComas at
H!euter Street feed stable. 244
LOST Auto mechanics tools on high
way south of Salem, finder please no
tify R. H. Campbell, 235 S. 14th St.,
-Saferit, Or., and receive reward. 245
FOB SALE Five room house, private
- water system, 1 acre good land, 'barn,
chicken houses, all kinds of fruit and
" berries, cheap if taken at once. See
owner, 17(50 Waller street. 248
(TOR SALE By owner, seven room
modern" honsd. Well located: Immedi
ate possession given. Terms to suit
purchaser. Phone 122 botween 9 and
11 a. in. 24C
WANTED Girl for housewoTk month
at Newport, balance winter (rt Salem.
Phone 1204. . V . 243
WANTED To buy a 5 or .C ruom mod
ern house. (Box 19 care "Capital Jour
. . nal. - 244
IFOR SALE-Span of mules with har
ness, good condition. Phone 1191 M.
2480 Hazel ave. 243
FOR SALE Good 5 room house,
lots, good location. PHoae 1 1HIM.
FOR SALE Tomatoes, extra quality,
- 3cH. 735 N. Com 'I St. Phone 403R.
- - ' 248
MAN wanted to deepen well, good
wages. Call John II. Scott Balty Co.
228 Oregon bldg;
iWANTED iWopd haulers wanted at
once, either trucks or teams. John H.
- Scott, Phone 254 or 622. , 245
FOB (SALE Good early puitets. 1135
South... 10th St. 244
WAOfTED At once, -help to plant lo
ganberry tips. One half mile east of
the end of South Jomniercial car
line, -nlso to bur a few Rhode Island
Red pullets. Phone 69F21, noon or
evenings. W. E. Scott. 244
Of the city of Salem, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that on No-
vember 1, 1919, there will ibe money on
nand and applicable to tie payment toi
l the following improvement bonds of is-,
sue "I," number 1 to S3, both in
iclasive. Holders of these' Ibond WiH present
tkcm for payment at the office of the
e'tv treasurer, as interest will cease
Nov. 1, 1919.
lity Treasurer.
FOR SALE Some registered Cot.
buck cheap df taken at once. Call
87F24 evenings-. 244
HOUND1 i September 2d, -ptirse m
street car waiting room at state hos
pital.' Owner may have same 1y prov
ing ironeity and ' paying fur tii'
adv. 245
WANTED Two men to cut and shock
corn. O. B. Miles ranch. Phone 63
VS. - - - - . Via
IDST Seed pearl ear ring, Friday af
. ternopn. Reward if returned to Cap
ital Journal. - 244
WANTED- To buy team 1500 lib. or
over; also 3 wagon and harness.
Call Blessings cigar store, A. J. An
derson. 244
FOR SALE G-hole rancre. cheap, if
taken at once. 19S0 Waller St. 244
WANTFn Man wanted1 to drive car
to California, wages and board. Call
at 565 Xorth. High. 345
205 Oregon Building
5 room 'bungalow, basement, good
plumbing and gas, all ready to move
in, $1051). .
5 acivs loganberries, good buildings,
10 aeros'beariii? orchard and lonan
borries, good road. $3000. ;
5 room house, good location, .liSoO,
easy terms. Bayne bldg. 248 V
STRAYED Or stolen, small browrt
mare, weight 1000 lbs. star and soar
in forehead, halter and two ropes on.
Phone 707, Whit Cooper. .243
WANTB1) Young1 man (for office
work. Must 'be stenographer. Apply
Capital Journal office. ' '
FOR SALE Ripe tomatoes 30 uts
per bushel, 'bring your ' boxes, pick
them yourself. mile west from
Scliiiicliors dairy, lice Gum. 243
For Sale.
CLEAN vetch seed for sale. 39iF."i,244
FOR SALE iDaytou Airless tireb at
337 Court street. . z-t-t
FOR SALE Good milk Cow and Em
pire separator. Rt. 8 box 45. 243
FOB SALE Vetch and oats seed. I.
H. Moore, Itt. 7, box 202A, Salem. 24 i
FOB SALE 4 room furnished house, 2
blocks from car line. Phono 8;8M
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, full
basement, bath and Dutch kitchen,
at a bargain. Phone 302.- 246
OWN your own home and secure a
building loan Which yon can pay off
like rent, from A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401
Masonic Temple. , . 248
FREESTONE -peaches, 3-4 mile from
cement (bridge on Wallace roaa.
Bring your boxes. M. P. Adams, Rt.
1. Phone 56F12 after 6 p. m. 243
FOR SALE Titan tractor and 3-bot-
tom plow, .8 foot tandem disc har
row. Box 8 Journal office. 245
FOB SALE Leaving town, household
furniture and ehicxens for sale. 1135
Waller street. 243
24 0..A. C. yearling White Leghorns
for sale, and -Oregon cockerels. John
W. Yates. Rt. 4, box 1B0A, Salem..243
FOR SALE Shade trees, ornamental
evergreens, flowering shrubs, roses,
vines etc. Phone 1250W. 243
FOB SlALE 7 7-8 acres east .of fair
grounds, Rt. 7, box 50, at a bargain.
Scott. ' 247
FOR SALE Italian .prune itrees eor
, respondenc&K solicited, Kdw. Potter,
Salem, Or. 243
FOR SALE 40 acres ibest soil, all tin
der cultivation, aoiue orchard, stock
and implements. 6 wiles north, $10,
000. T-44 care Journal. ., 208
FOB SALE English setter bird dog,
well trained! also Mallard duoKs tor
sale, fine for decoys. Inquire 2644
Hazel ave., evenings. ''- 443
FOR SALE Cfood 4 Toom house and
55x125 foot lot, 1030 Norway St.
Price $800. Owner, E. A. Slover, I960
Marion St. cor. 21. Phono 1773. 247
FOR SALE Double -barrel shotgun,
hammerless, 12 guage, Remington;
eood as new. (Price $30. 504 Belmont
St. 244
FOR SALE Berries or dairy, 58 acres;
unndv loam, good road, no improve
ments; will divides. This will bear
investigation for a dairy or berry
ranch. See owner, F. P. Farrington,
address Elk club. 244
FOR SALE Country store, good lo
, eation, good tiusiuess for amount in
vested. 12 acres of land and dwelling'
. house. Please write for particulars
,T. P. Mct'urdv. Oate Or. 245
FOR SALE Household furniture,
stoves, mahogany office desk with
chair, tents, single and double har
ness and Buggy, cheap for cash Or ex
change. 413 8. 12th St. 147
FOR SALE 8 room house, hot and
eold water,- bath, good barn, 3 lots.
Price $1500. $300 cash, 'balance terms
D. E. Hart, 208 Oregon bldg. 242
FOR SALE Furnished 11 room, mod
ern bungalow, cler of all incumb
rance. Will sell for cash only. Box
3 care Capital Journal. 253
A THOROUGHBRED Guernsey bull
for sale; genttc and asy to handle,
3 years old. Price right. Phone 36F
24, jeffcrson. 243
SPITZENBURO, Northern Spy, Bald
wins, Kings, Snow and Waxen ap
ples. Hand picked. W. R. Hicks,
Fruitland road. 243
REGISTERED O. I. C boar for sale,
2" rears old, gentle and good1 breeder.
Geo. Halle, Jefferson, Or. Rt. 1. 243
1917 VEIJE 6 for sale or trade for
property. Address Velio care jour
nal. - '
11 A'RES close in, all in Cultivation,
fruit and' berries; sacrifice for quick
sale. Information 4 H. at 167- N. Com
St. Address Rt. 2, box 81,. Salem,
Or. . , -'46
FOB SALE Apartment and rooming
house, well furnished, good building,
.including heatiing plant; fine loca
tion, full of tenants. A good piece of
income property. Investigate. Owner
at 645 Ferry St. Phono 1806W. 240
FOR SALE Samson 12-25 tractor, 3- j
uorioni, .i-t-ui. gang piuw, o iuui
dem disc with cutaway rear, one
team of horses and harness, one sur
rey, one heavy hack. J. P. Aspin-
wall, Brooks, Or. . Hid
FOR SALE 70 acres fenced and
cross fenced, all under cultivation.
50 acres 'bearinf -runes, 5 acres cher
ries, 5 acres pears and apples. Will
subdivide. Would nceept modern
house as port payment. Terms. Phone !
11F2, Kt, 4, box- 101. zd
FOR SALE My farm of 117 acres
about 13 miles south or Saiom ana
2 miles from O E. depot. Very
best of river bottom land, nearly
in cultivation, rest timber and
pasture. Good orchard, fences and
buildings. $73 per acre. J-40 care
Journal. , '. 10-15
FERNS and palms and other potted
plants for sale. Maruny's green
house, 211 Miller St. Phone 916.
WANT El Auto truck hauling of all
kinds. Phono 1608J, A. H. Bieder
nan. . 248
i.i -i .I. c -
WANTED Work ,by - experienced of
. fie girl. Good .references. Write
B 90 tare Journal. . .246
WANTED Married man for work on
farm. Steady for right man. Phone
54F13.. ' W5
WANTED 2 students desire1 board
and room With garage privilege, itt
country. Box O J Capital Journal. ,
WANTED By .college girl, work in
evenings and Saturdays. Miss nut
ter, 5T4 X. 15th St. . 244
WANTED 150 -ewes on shares for
one to two years, have a half sec
tion of fine .pasture. 8. L, Hulen,
Turner,, Or. -- 243
WANTED'. Ladies and gents gar
ments to remodol, no alterations too
difficult. Mrs. C Ezra Sparks, lady
tailor, C. Ezra Sparks, man tailor.
Call room 2, 442 State St. . 252
WANTED By 11 year old boy, place
to chore for his .board for the f inter
wh.Ua attending sctiool. Box 21 Cap
ital Journal. 24
SITUATION doing office filing and
clerical work wanted 'by girl exper
ienced in this line of work. Can do
stenography work also. Phone 530M
-' ' -r244
WANTED HcJlo, Hollo! Awother
new and secondhand furniture store,
415 S. 12th, a block from 8. P. de
pot. If you have anything to offer
call for H. M. Canon. Phone 960.
- 260
Lost And Found.
LOST Tan kid glove size 6 2 3, Re
1 turn to Journal. -244
LOST Teachers Bible 4n- river road
south of Salem, Sunday p. m., retnra
to this office and receive reward.
LOOT Shepherd dog. Anyone giving
information will receive reward. 525
N. 20th. Phone 2026 W. 244
LOST -X; working .woman's , all in a
brown leather purse on State street
near Oregon Eelectric depot Satur
day afternoon. (Finder please phone
1S09W, 043 Ferry St. Libera) reward.
Help Wanted . .:
WANTED Practical nursing. Phone
1917W. - , 244 1
For Rent
-Part of house.
1505 N.
. 244
HOUSE for rent; lots for sale on in
stallments. 2123 5S. Broadway. : 245
FOR RENT Furnished front room for
2 gentlemen, Phone 1363M. . 244
FARM FOR RENT 171 acres for rent
or sale. Phone 63F22, farmers line.
COZY front room, newly furnished, on
carhne, bath, and phone, reasonable.
Phone 1451 or oall 323 N. 14th. 244
FOR RENT Good farm for rent, eitlf-
cr cash or shares, immediate posses
sion given. See J. H. Lauterman,
Argo hotel.
Ford with shook absorbers, A-l con
dition, $425; Stndebaker bug, good
shape, $325; 5 passenger Overland
$250. Salem Vofie company, 182 N.
Commercial. 245
USED tractor and 3 gang 14-inch plows
for sale elieap, used only as demon
strator. Salem Velie company, 1t!2
North Commercial. 245
FOR auto truck hauling, try tho Bied-.
erznan transfer stand at Smith's ci-
gar store. State and Commercial St.
Phone 100. .252
. Miscellaneous.
GOT caught using too much gasoline,
found at 340 N. Ooro. St. how to get
25' to 50 pereent -more mileage, 243
WOO sawing. Phone 1360. R. A. Bur
ton. We are old hands at the busi
ness. . . 244
LEAVE your children with me while
you work. 2751 Laurel Ave. 10-22
LIBRARIES bought and sold.
143 N. High. Phone 340.
EXCELLENT territory open for live
salesman, with roadster. See Kincaid
at 337 State St. 247
AUTO PAINTING We will bo open
for business on and after Oct. 1st at
156 S. 12th St. We are in a position
to give you good service in auto
. painting and laundry. Your patron
age will 'be appreciated. All work
guaranteed. Gullett Bros. 10-29
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor (blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art's Repair shop; 347 Court St. "
Real Estate Houses.
BARGAIN S room modern bungalow,
1441 Trade street, $1500. T. L. Wood,
Bayne bldg. 245
FOR SALE Cheap, good 7 room
house with 4 lots, good barn at 2308
N. Liberty. For particulars write
Bt. 1, box 50, Oregon Oity, Or. 244
FOR SALE 3 honws on Union 8t. by
owner, Miss Zanker, 445 Union. 245
SIX room bungalow, modern, full base
ment, furnace, .built in. features, pav
ed street, well located; leaving,
owner. Address Home A care Jour
nal. ' ' "' ' 245
FOB SALE Small house, large lot,
bearing fruit of all kinds. McFar-
lin, Judsou and S. Cottage. 244.
FOB SALE 9 room' house, bath, fur
nace, bars. 1166 Ferry St. Lot 396x
140, 3 lots- adjoining 396x140 feet,
alley and street paved. Thos. K.
Campbell, 3012 Court bldg, Port
land. 244
FOB SALE Corner 14th and Court
streets, lot 80x442, 10 rooms, 2 bath
cement porches, furnace, laundry,
garage, $7500. The K. Campbell,
301-2 Court bldg, Portland.- 244
FOB SALE 'Funuahed ll room, mofl
, ern bungalow dl-ear of all incnw
i- 'brance. WH1 sell, for cash only Bo
B' esre Capital Journal. " 2'
Why Sell Pot Less?
We will pay you more cash for
your household goods. Get our bid
before you sell. Peoples Fnrnl
turo and Hardware Store, 271 N.
Commercial Street. Phone 734. :
Federal Farm Loans
5 pee cent interest. Prompt service
34 Vj years time, Federal farm loan
bonds for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401
Masonic Tempel ialem, Oregon.
Machine Shop Work
Expert . machine shop service by Mr
Bergman at high school machine shop.
12 years experience. Hear cutting a
specialty. High class madhine tools.
Quick service. Phone 446.
The State Tax commission will at
tend as a board of equalization at' the
capitol in Salem, Oregon, on the third
Monday in October, 1919, and public
ly examine the assessment roll by it
made, and review the same, and cor
rect all errors in valuation, .description,
quantities or qualities of property by
it assessable and in apportionments of
assessments mndc by it; and it shall
be the duty of the persons and compan
ies interested to appear at the time
and place appointed.
Petitions-- or applications for the re
duction or change of apportionment of
a particular assessment shall be made
in writing, verified by the oath of the
applicant, its president, secretary, man
aging agen or attorney in tact ana
bo filed with the commission daring
tho first week it is by law required to
be in session, and any petition or ap
plication not so made, verified and fil
ed shall not be considered or acted up
on by the commission.
By Frank K. Lovell, Secretary.
Sept. 23-30, Oct. 7-14
Farms For Sale.
34 acres at Monmouth all in cultiva
tion, good iamily orcherd; room
house, large barn, two wells, good
feees. M000.
20 acres. 10 in cultivation, 0 m 2d
arrowth fir and pasture, elese in; no
. IB ..1J Altl.T
lmproycmenrs. it soia ,oou jii-i
acre. v
6n ae.res all m cultivation, fair im
orovenients. on main highwaj-, 8 miles
out. $9500; good terms.
34 acres. 4 miles out, new house,
good barn, fine family orchard. $7250
46 acres of bottom land, a; in culti
vation, good house and barn, silo and
shed, fine family orchard'; the best buy
in the county. $200 per acre.'
10 acres, good 7 room house, bath,
toilet and cement basement, 8 acres in
cultivation, 1 in good fir and oa
timber; a real snap if sold soon, of
will trade for good house in Salem.
5 acres on hard, surface road, close
in, good 5 room cottage, barn and
chicken house, $3000, . cash.
3 acres joining city limits, new 3
room bungalow, good barn, chicken
house and garage. $2200 if sold this
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon Bldg,
ifKt CHEMBKETA lodge No. 1
t" " w meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
McCornack hall-on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C.J P. J. Kuntz
K. B. & S". ... ... v .. ' , .
ROYAL Neighbors- of America, . Ore
gon Grape camp No. 1360 meets every
Thursday evening in McCornack hall.
Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car
rie E. Burn 648 Union St.; recorder
Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415. N. 4th
St, Phone 1436M. ".'
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C.
Nilcs, M. A.j C. A. Vibbert, scerb'
. tary, 340 Owens street. ' V . 1
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5248 meoti
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in McCornack building, Court an
liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V. C.
' Frank A. Turner, clerk. '
Wood Saw.
PHONE "1090R. Our prices are right.
' W. M., Zandler, proprietor. 1235 N.
S'.immer street, Salem, Or. ,
Everything Electrical.
SALEM Electric CO., Masonic Temple,
127 North High. Phone Main 1209.
Best Buys.
50 acres, 14 acres cleared, 20 acres or
more partly cleared, 22 acres timber,
mostly river nonom, o room uuukj,
barn, on paved road, 4 miles from good I
town. $60 per acre. $1000. cash, bal
ance at 5 per eent. )-:
219 aercs, 94 timber, 123 cleared, 80
vallev land 139 river bottom, 7 room
house, large. 'barn, .6 miles from good
town, $80 per acre,
i 200 acres, 140 cleared; 30 slashed, 30
timber, family Orchard, best ef soil, 40
acres bottom, 8 room house, l.rge barn,
fenced, 3.4 mile from high school, aa
join'mx town-. Price1 $125 pe acre, half
cash,, balance 5 per cent. - - r
29V4 acresy 21 -ouinvatea, stumps
all brusft cleared- up and burned, fam
ily1 orchard, faar house and barn, all
fenced, ort good macadamized road, one
half mile from' School, a real Bargain,
137 aermf 90- cultivated,, balance tim
ber, family orchard, house and barn,
fenced, one and a half miles from Sub
limity. $89 per crcr term if desired.
316 acre, 100 cultivated, , balance
timber and pasture, new house, largo
barn, 8 miles to town,. $65 per aore.
Terms to suit.
64 acres, 53 cultivated, 12 timber,
good 7 room house with) basement and
Water systom, good barn close, to school
4 miles from Salem. $250 per acre, half
cash, balance 6 per cent.
20 acres, IS cultivated, 10 beariag
prunes, 9 pasture-, all- good soil, house,
barn, on 2 rock roads, only $7250.
5 acros, 4'. bearing logans, 4 miles
Out, $2250. This can be worked from
the eitv and is a nood investment,
10 acres, in loaans aa cacrines
and prunes, half acre oak grub. $4250,
casv terms.
103 acre farm for rent, $150 cash
rent, $75 must bo paid in money and
$73 to- bo paid in clearing worn on tne
7 room mortem house, east front, ma
eadamiBed street, 2 lots, bearing fruit,
5 room modern bungalow, macadam
ized street, car line, $2000, easy forms,
5 room cottage, 5 lots, lots of -fruit.
$1800, $200 down Ibalainco $2a per
7 room house, well built, paved
street. 75 foot front, lots of frnrt; $2,'
350. $700 eash, balance to suit at 7 por
fl room modern plastered house, $1,-
275, half cash, balance to suit at 6 pcf
5 room bungalow, cast front, $1500,
$500 down and balance to suit at 8 per
5 room well built plastered modern
house, lots of fruit, oast front, close o
school, $1750, terms on $800.
Socololsky. '
For best buys aoe
341 State street
Exceptional Offers.
Wo can sell the following house on
small payments and monthly install
ments: 807-817-833 Mill 8t. improved street,
electric lights, bath and toilet. $1250
1090 Mill street, electric lights, bath
and toilet $1400
no N. Winter street, 7 rooms, eleo-
trioity, bath and toilet. $2500
730 'N. Winter street, 7 rooms, elec
tricity, bath and toilet $2.00.
604 N. Liberty street, o rooms, elec
tricity, bath and toilet, $2750.
070 N. Liberty street, 5 rooms elec
tric litrhts. toilet. $2000
053 Front street, 6 rooms electric,
hnfh and toilet $2500.
780 ;N. Cottage, large lot, improved
street, basement and barn, , electric
lights, bath and toilet, $2000.
The lots alone arc worth the price
asked for these properties.
John H. Scott Realty O
228 Oregon Bldg. .
Snans In Houses.
49.1 W 23d St. 5 room cottaeo. bath,
toilet and electric lights, garage and
barn, some fruit. $1500.
1860 S. Church at. A dandy new o
room cottage, bath, toilet, electric
liehtsi fine lot; $2300.
1272 Fir street, 7 room house, large
lot, all kinds of fruit; electric light,
bath and toilet. $2300.
We will help yon pay for these
houses if U R looking for time pay
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg. , '
Use The Journal Want Ads
Look at This...
5 room well located modern bunga
ow with some furniture, $2000, terms.
.:; Socolofsky.
' . ' 341 State St.' ' " ' tf
Water Company;
corner Commercial and Trade street!
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606.
We Want.
Your used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
285 North Commercial St.
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd.ft Bush Bank; Salem, Ore.
Best Buys.
5 acres close to paved road, all in
cultivation. $200 per acre, easy terms.
5 acres half mile from street car, all
dn cultivation, well fenced, black grav
el soil, the best of berry land.; $lf00,
$500 cash, balance to suit.
10 acres, 5 cultivated, 5. brush and
timber;- running' water, tots of Ever
green blackberries the 'best of logan
berry soli. $2250, half eash, balance
easy terms.
10 acres, fair improvements, all in
cultivation, all the best of valley loam,
family Orchard, fenced, two' males from
city limits. $4500. Terms tf desired.
15.38 acres, 15 cultivated, .38 timOSet,
good house, barn, family orchard, good
well, rock road, mail route, two milea
from city, stock and equipment memo,
ed. $5500,. terms if desired..
20 acres, 5 acres Italian prunes 0
Petites. . 2'A loganberries, ; balance
stumps pasture, all the best 01 son, od
macadamized roau, old house ana Darn
eight miles from Salem. $7250. Terms.
20 acres, eood 7 room bungalow, ten
ant house, all necessary - outbuildings,
well fenced and cross fenced with wov
en wide, 13 acres in fruit, 10 Sn bea
in? prunes, balance walnut apples,
peaches, on rock road close to oaiem.
$10,500 if sold soon. Price subject to
change without notice.
20 acrosp all cultivated, well drained,
the best of soil, 2 acres logans, fair
house- and barn, family orchard, stooi
Atari pniumnent. inc.lnded. aloso to caved
Toad on rock road, 5 miles out. $8500,
term on $3000.
38 acres, 28 cleat", family orchard,
all the beat rivef bottom loarh, on roslt
road, close to- school. 6 room, bungalow,
fair barn and necessary outbuildittgs,
Woven- wire fence. . Fritse $500, kali
eash. balance terms six per cent,
8 acres 4Vi bearing logans, rock,
eloso to ttalom. A splendid investment.
I 8-2(1 aerfes. 290 cultivated, aood soil.
I air lmDroremoms. ana mues irvra
. 7 . ' . . . . ' 7i '
best town in Polk couity, cttry $125
per acre.
92 acres, 70 cleared, Balance pasture,
UmVr orchard. Old Ions and bar,
fenced, 4V4 miles good fawn, school oa
piace. fiu,uuu.
146 acres. SO cleared, 94 timber, 4 lo
gans, 1 peaches, 1 family orchard, all.
river bottom soil, old House and barn,
well fenced, 3-4 mile from school. $89
per acre, half cash, balance 0 pereent,
7 onrfl 14 'hABtinr nruriMI. 10 in
cultivation, balance timber, rock road,
4y3 miles of Salem, $aoo per acre,
Will accept house as part payment.
For best buys see
841 State stre4 '
Stove Repairing.
Stoves rebuilt and repaired. 50 fears
experieneoj Depot National and .Ameri
can fence, sizes 26 te 58 iaehef high;
Paints, oil and varnish etc;, logan
berry and hoD hooks.
250 Court Street, Phone 124
Rulem Snavanirer Uarbase and refuse
of all kinds- removed on monthly con
- II. t 1
tracts at reasonaDie ram. puu
cleaned. Dead animals removed. Offici
phone Main 167.
Auto Repairing
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are in
and ean guarantee absolute satisfac
tfbn. We are also prepared to do first
class repair work on any make of
ears. Amorican Automobile Co., 185
197 South Commercial St., Salem, Or.
Phone 309.
REPAIRS and supplies. Office appli
ances, wo inane niDDer stamps, nimi
143 iN. High. Phone 340. 10-14
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Will receive bids until - 5
o'clock p. m., October 20, 1919, for
tho construct! n of cement concrete
sidewalks to be laid on the west side
of Liberty street, between Wilson and
Miyprs streets, in front of lot l, blocs
12 of George H. Jones audition, aise.
On tho west side of High streot be
tween Mission and Kearney streets in
front of lot 4 block 2 of George H.
Jones addition, also:
On the west side of Liberty street
between Kearney and Bush streets in
front of lot 2 block 4 of Gcorgo H.
Jones addition, also;
On the south side of Bush street be
tween Commercial and Liberty streets
in front of the west, 80 feet of lot 8
block 5 of Giorge H. Jones addition,
On tho south side of Rush street in
front of tho east 45.25 feet of the west
125.25 feet of lot 8 block 5 of Goor
H. Jones addition.
Plans and ipwuritavions may be had
at the recorder's office.
243 , City; Becr,db
Office" 124 ' South Liberty Street
Phone 37, 1211. Bcal Estate and
Stock Sales. :; , . .
W. F. WIRHGT-, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. He only chargee
2 percent. " tl
Second Hand Goods.
No Cash Required Good overcoats
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments,., shotguns, ntlea heating
stoves", gB" stoves, suit cases and lOOtf
other useful articles to sell or trada.
What hare Tout The Capital Ex
change. 337 Court Street. Phone 493.
& cialist in the Modern Seientif- '
ic Application of Glasses for the aid!
of vision and the relief or .Eyestrain
aftd Headache. Office closed Satur
day. Office 210-211 U. 8. Ban buildV
ing. Phones, office H5i r. J 84.
Will otill 2-ottom 14 in. gang a 2MS
milea per hour. Oome In and make ar
rangements for demonstration.
Our nseef ears are as ronows
1920 Studelbakcr. 5 passenger $135(1
Dodge touring, good as new $1000
1917 (Jhevrolet
1917 Brisce touring ' W9
J.917 Saxon six $709
We sell Mis, g?ea, gasoline, ad;
auto parts, Ures tad aacniories.
Olesdn's Auto Exchange
849 N. COM. t. M. O. A. BLOt K
We have houses elose in, 5 to 1
roomst plastered, electric Hunts, bolha
and toilots, improved streets, . priced
from $1250 to $2750; these are real
buys and are now oa the market: set .
us in our now offices on the 2d floor,. ,
the above house can be bought with a
small payment down and long time ,
balance. John H. 8cott fteslty Coi, 228
Oregon btdg.' ' ;
Rumely Oil Pull Tractoi.
Off yoa'rr going to buy traote it
will pay you ro see tne nuuinj
Rumeljf Oil Pull traetor H
resuM. Wra. H Tru-mm, local aat,
Advance' feamely Thresher S9
iNortht Oommereial street, Salens Ow.
Phone 413.
Real Land Buys.
40 acre, 17 acres Italian prune, Val- ,
a nee in cultivation exeepting 3 Mrea
of aood Umber. Good fruit dryeri J
room house in first class eo mitts a. ,
Good barn and other out buildings, t
miles 8. of Salem on Pacific Wgaway,
$13,000. .
50 acrea, splendid land adjaialng
city limits,, gvod houso, family erlsrL
$375 an aore. . .
10 ars, 6 in cherries and filbsrts, ,
good woven wire foneCS,- near KAag-.
wood Heights. $1275.
6 acres good orchard, about 14
mil... south cast of Balem. $2764,. or
will trade for lots or house in Balrwi. f
333 acres slose to Balem an gooa
road. 230 acres oulttvaed; good tnm-,
ber; 70 acres jus, set out to prunes; 8 :
room house fully modern; new Bra ,
flOn-OS! osood tenant house and ether ,
outbuildings. Oas engine with water .
pressure system, AH necessary m summ
ery and implements, also some atwek. :
21 aorca, all cleared; good 8 roona
house; good barn 160x00; bottom Ian
with irrigation system eomplode. Good
family orchard. Good fences; Mil
from Independence. Machinery a4 inv
plementa go with place. $8000, sash -$2000
and balane-a easy term.
24 acres, 20 acrea prunes, VA lo
ganberries, 3 acres good timber; build
ings all first clean. On Jefferson read.
101 aercs, 20 acres timber and pas
ture, 30 acres hops, balance in eliUiva- -tion.
Family orchard; best of load, all
level, well fenced. First class 10 room :
house; 1 new barn, 8 old barns;
wells. Only $140 en aero. :
ill 1-5 acres, all cultivated; 8 aorea -prunes;
2 acres mixed orchard; 3000
logan plants. Good 5 room house; 'fcarm
2430, well water. 1 l-a mn irom
school. $3800.
C. W. Niemeyer
Just real estate and high class in
vestments. 813-218 Masonic bviidinfh
Saiom, Oregon. Telephones 1000, 1014.
More Bargains.
50 acres with extra good buildings,
all in cultivation, near school, on How- -ell
30 acres with fair farm buildiata,
all in cultivation, four miles fiam
lem. Price $6000.
10 acres, 8 acres in cultivation, 3
acres in timber, well and oreek water,
near school and railroad town. Frio
1500. . ;
10 acres with good house and barn, ,
half cleared, nice berries and fruit, .
four miles out. Priee $350e. ;
12 acres of land located on Pntufia .
highway, 9 acres in prunes (bearing).
1 acre loganncrriee; nAtt nines ,
Bush's bank. Price $8000. Terms. i
S 4i f vita with trnnd btiildinas and
abundance of fruit, all in cultivation,
3 miles out. PTice $2750.
6 acres with fair buildings, nien ;
prune orrnwru in ucuiiug, wv.
I'nce $a uu.
Also the Judge Slater property o
the corner of Church and Chemefceta
St. anil the fine modern home at 640 ?
Chemoketa St., both for sale at tar-.,
gain and on exceptionally eJT i",,"
For particulars call f"i
tt?. A. Liston.
484 Court St. H :
(Continued en Pago Six.J