Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 14, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I - (Continued from pege one)
Wrninn aiims are merely notices of
trade crossings. Your safety ana ire
quently that of your friends or your
family is dependent upon your viguancc,
Thus doeff the public seivico commis
ion of Oregon urge the cooperation of
automobile drivers, m. reducing to
minimum crado- crossing accidents- in
this stae. One hundred thousand slips'
lwarini? this warning are now ready for
distribution and will be placed in the
lands of every, automobile owner in the
state through the cooperation of the
..nmnliiln-rno-istration department of
thn: secretary of state 's office.
"The soeed of trains is very docep
tive, consequently; with life the forfeit,
do ot race a train to a crossing you
may lo8c"'the warning continues. "
"The public-service . commission of
Oregon- urgently. .requests that .it .be
promptly notified of such physieial con
frjIUinnn.. surroundins? any particular
crossing as tend to increase the, haz
ard. "Obstructions of view, difficult ap
proaches, poor roadway construction, ab
eenee of warning signs, etc., should be
kmuEht -to out. aU onion... Describe. and
definitely locate the crossing diagram
if possible."
The reverse side of the slip contains
illustrations of tho various types of
warning signs and signal devices in use
at grade crossings in Oregon with a de
scription of each and an explanation of
its significance. ' . . .
"Warning signs advise, common sense
should protect," the warning concludes
The Portland Wool Warehouse com
pany of Portland has increased its cap
italization from $25,000 to $150,000, ac
cording to a certificate filed with tne
corporation commissioner's ottiee Mon
day. ":' ' r
An increase in capital irom auuu 10
$20,000 is shown, in a certificate I Ued
by the Umatilla 1'lour & Uracil company
of Pendleton.
Hesolutions of dissolution were filed
by the Gordon Manufacturing company
of Portland.'
most important fact in the ease.
6 Tho belief that Wilson will bo
back at work wthin six weeks is not
generally shared.' One senator who is
supposed to be in touch with the White
House thought ho would be laid up three
months. r
7 Beiioving that , the official state-
Altt Wntnra ft Riitishnr rwontiv
released from the Oregon penitentiary
and deported from Astoria last week,
told the officers that ho cieanea up
000 within three -weeks in Portland bo
fore he was caught. ri - - - -
Asks To Convert Soldiers
Aid Allotment Into Cash
. Claud Kendall, . evidently a former
resident of Oregon,, but now with tho
U.- S. - Army! in a letter to the secre
tary 'of state's-office, wants to know if
there is any way a man who stays with
the army can convert his soldiers' edu
cational financial aid iuto.caBh. .
"It looks to me that the state forgot
us men. who have put all our lives in
service and are looking after the pnos
who Berved during Jthe war only," he de
clares. - - - .
At Death's Door.
"I was talking with my neighbor,
iMr. Webb, the other day, regarding
the great trouble his stomach had giv-i
en him. He said he suffcrod 7 or. 8
ments on. Wilson's condition. have not. yeaTS, and had been almost at death's
homi liffirlimrW tnfnrmurlvp'. mm nmi-ldnnr a number of times from acute Ul-
ators friendly to the president are pri-1 digestion and 'bloating of gas, which
Uml Waes. Victim N
Race Accident, Laid To Rest
" Sacramento,' Call, Oet." "14. Funeral
services for Lieut. E. V. Wales, who was
killed when his airplane crashed , into
a mountains near Saratoga, Wye., while
racing east in the air dorby, were hold
here today.
-The body of Major D. H. Crissy who
was killed at Salt Lake was taken to
San Francisco.
Accused Women Will Fight
. . Extradition To Washington
.Los Angeles. Gal., Oft. 14. Miss
Marie McDonald and Mrs. Fay Wilkin
son are rendy to fight extradition to
Washington on a charge of murdering
William H. McNutt, Spokane capitalist.
Attorney John Richardson, who . repre
sent s them ,announccd today.
Their cas3 will come into court to
morrow on a write of habeas corpus.
'Undoubtedly they are willing to .go
back and prove their innocence," Rich
ardson declared, " but not in the custody
of any officer."
Man Arrested For Robbery
Has $20,000 In U.S. Bonds
vately discussing the advisability of rec
ommending that a fuH statcmcnt be is
sued to reassure the country, " ' ' ' '" .
Information as to tho president's
actual. condition, if it is to bo credited,
naturally must : originate with persons
who have seen; him .recently. Persons
who have seen him recently are Ms Tour
doctors, Cary ,T. Grayson, Sterling Buf
fin, F. X. Dercum and E. R. Stitt; Mrs.
Wilson, Margaret Wilson and the train
ed nurses. - Therefore, it will be seen
that the field for investigation of orig
inal source is limited. These are the
oifly ones who .really know at first
hand what Wilson 's condition is at present.
With regard to his mental state, one
who has talked with him within tho last
few days said: "His brain is as clear
as yours."
Senator Hitchcock, who has not seen
him, but who is very .close to persons
that have, said: "Ho is not incapaciL
tated in -the slightest respect. "
Secretary Tumulty, whoso manner was
strikingly depressed at first, seemed to
be quite his old self today and in talk
ing to friends gave an impression of op
timism. The president 's ailment, ac
cording to Grayson, is nervous exhaus
tion. The principal danger and this
danger is said still to exist is that the
nervous exhaustion: might lead to ner
vous prostration or something even more
serious. Tho remedy is rest. Physicians
say that in cases of nervous exhaustion
a deep disappointment, a shock or men
tal over-exertion may cause a relapse.
named to shut off his heart action
He said he wouldn't have lived much
longer if he hadn't tanen Mayr's Won
derful Remedy when he, did, which
made a well man of him." It is a sim
ple, harmless: preparation that removes
the catarrhal mucus from the intestin
al tract and allays the. inflammation
which causes practically ail stomach,
liver and intestinal animenis, iuciuuiuk
appendicitis. One doso will convince or
money refunded. J. C. Perry and drug
gists everywhere. (Adv)
in New York City alone from kid
ney trouble last year. Don't allow
yourself to become a victim by
neglecting pains and aches. Guard
against this trouble by taking
Portland, Or., Oct. 14. When tho po
lice here arrested George Welsh, arias
Anderson, oh a charge of robbing a ban'i
at Asotin, WashT,' they found $20,000' in
Uberty bonds, war saving stamps and
currency in his room, they reported.
Mexico Urged To Establish
. Garrison To Protect Yanks
None of the members of the Oregon
public service commission are attending
the convention of the National Associa
tion of Railway and Utility commission
ers in Indianapolis this week. Press of
business, . . including many important
hearings has made it impossible for the
Oregon commissioners to leave the stale
at this time.
The world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Holland's national remedy since 1696.'
All druggists, three sues. Guaranteed.
Leak for Ike Mae Gold Mxtl box
end accee uniUtioa
Washington, Oct. 14. Instructions m
tho Amerieaii'ornbassy'atfMexicd City
to urge the Mexican foreign office to
establish a permanent garrison of fotir
lundred or more men at Matini, for the
protection of American there, have been
sent by Secretary of State Lansing. This
in a precaution against attack by Villa
forces. - -
The state deparment has been advised
tlre-i the Mrxienn senate by a vote of 26
to 15, reached an agreement on the pe
troleum bill submitted by the Mexican
If Thin And Nervous,
; fry Phosphate
A French s&ientist has discovered an
organic phosphate which should, Ibe a
very effective remedy tor .weak nerves
sleeplessness, thinness and lack of
strength, energy one? vigor.
Its substance, is described by special
ists as identical in composition with
certain' vital elements naturally found
in brain and nerve cells and one which
when taken into the human system is
quickly converted onto healthy living
tissue. . .- , ,
This nhosphate is already widely
known among druggists m this country
as Bitro -Phosphate, and some physi
cians claim that through its use
strength, energy.. vigor and nerve force
are frequently increased in two weeks
time. . . , .
Dr. Frederick Kolle, editor of New
lYork Physicians'. "Who's Who," says
"i"" pruiLiuK . .v ., i ....a in pVOT. hOKD1ta in the Unit-
Monrto" decided to reduce r.ne. price on eA States .A sitter.o area great'' artety
the. .oW Oregon code from $12 to'$8 per 6f ;g0 Called phosphates, -those who
set after October ,85. The reduction isi.-wish to test this suibstance should be
due to the fact that the new code will sure to sot the genuine BitrO-PhosX
be rendv for distribution next June. phftte. V " - ' (Adv)
The Romance of
The Final Chap
ters of
"Tarzan of
The Apes"
3 Days Only in
Addition to
Foster Players
SPECIFY Firestone Gray Sidewall
Tires when ordering your car and
make every mile you drive a pleasantef,
easier, less expensive mile. You'll know '
the feeling of confidence that really
dependable tires bring.
Most miles per dollar is a simplified
statement of Firestone economy. It
means the greatest return on your in
vestment, the biggest value for your
The faithful . service- of the Firestone
Gray Sidewall Tire has been the talk of
car owners for the past year. It means
fewer tire troubles, less annoying delays,
less upkeep expense.
. ... . . '
That a more liberal mileage adjustment
is in effect is only an additional reason
for riding on . . -
Most Miles per DoiW
Sloan's Liniment trill brinft com
forting relief quickly
NEVER breaks faith, Sloan's Lini
ment doesn't. Just penetrates
without rubbing and eases the
external pain and ache, rheumatic
twinges, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica,
lame, sore, strained muscles, bruises,
For 38 years it has gone ahead win
ning new friends, holding old ones,
strengthening its reputation as the
World's Liniment. C'ean, effective in
relieving the aches and pains of men
and women, this old family standby
can be relied upon to do Its work
promptly and surely. Don't be without
a bottle another day keep it handy.
All urtiggisis oacv uc., ei.iu.
They Smile
WHEN they wear a BISHOP'S OVER
COAT, they know their troubles are overPast
never to return for many months. That is the
satisfied feeling, that you have when you know
your clothes are the best; it raises your "MOR
ALE" and your chances for success are great
ly enlarged.
Here's the opportunity; you're the man to
make good.
Shirts? TheyV Here
In many beautiful stripes, figures and
weaves. You cannot be disappointed no matter
what your taste in shirts may be. A bewildering
variety of patterns and silk figured weaves, and
the price is so modest that you can afford sev
eral of these beautiful garments.
Manufactured in all the well known brands,
that the well dresser bows the merit the best
! only.. ; V -' :-
Bishop Shirts
THOSE shirts made from "BISH OP'S FABRIC" are proving very pop
ular. They are such good, warm, material, also dressy. THEY give you
that satisfied feeling of being appropriately clothed. Made in the military
and plain collars and neatly finished.
THE values in these garments are manufactured into them. Longer
' bodies, larger bodies, generaus sleeves at the shoulders an ddouble stitch-
ed. There are 100 dozen awaiting your pleasure. j .
' r - . "... - r i -' - ' " . -. , .
"Every Family Marion and Polk Counties a Patron"
Salem WOOlen Mills Store
m -' . - - ; . i tf !I
: ' ' IN V. .
It 1
"Happy New Year" will arrive with your friends' best wishes, but will it be
happythat is the question. Who will make it happy? Your landlord when
he raises your rent from $15 to $25 or $:50 per month? The Butcher. .when
you trade him eold. coins for his bones? The grocer when he charges you $5
for a little basket of groceries? NO ! This won't make you happy. Then who
will make you happy? The answer is--THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. We
will give entirely FREE one mahogany Brunswick Phonograph with 1-4
dozen records to the customer who will have the largest amount of our
PREMIUM COUPONS by Christmas. It is perhaps necessary to explain again
our coupon proposition : With each cash purchase of $1.00 we are giving one
coupon, these coupons are good for valuable premiums consisting of Glass
ware, Graniteware, Fancy Crockery and Silverware. In order to bring a little
happiness to your home the management, has decided to give FREE this beau
. tiful Brunswick Phonograph to the person who on December 23rd has the lar
gest number of our premium coupons. During this time, however, the coupons
will, as usual, be good for other valuable premiums. " '
For men, women and children. Unusual low prices will prevail in this de
. - partment during this sale. Sale will continue until' Saturday. ;
PH0ME453 -
186-194 North Commercial Street