Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 13, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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' (United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Bants Barbara, Cal., Oct. 13. Queen
Elizabeth went mountaineering today
among the Santa Barbara foothills.
Accompanied by Countess De C'ara-anan-Chiinay,
who gamely endeavored to
keep the strenuous pace'set her by the
queen, they hiked and motored to the
top of several hills.
The queon admitted today to a local
woman that she is "having a wonderful
time." Thl prince revealed the fact he
does not smoke when he refused a ciga
rette. The king got his first ice cream
sda yesterday, following a strenuous
motor trip into the surrounding country,
he arrived in Santa Barbara, late in the
afternoon and with Count Guy Doultie
rnout took a walk up the main street.
As the day was warm, the king stepped
into a- drug store and asked for some
thing cooling. The drug clerk fixed up
a ehooclate ice cream soda and the king
finished it.
The king leaves here this morning at
11 o'clock for San Francisco, arriving
there at 10:30 Tuesday morning. Tues
day night, while' in San Francisco, 18
telephones will bo hooked up to the
train nd the king and queen and others
ai talk to friends in New York.
Owing to inability to visit Luther
Burbank lit his home, a telegram nas
keen sent Burbank asking him to come
to 8an Francisco to meet the king. The
telegram was sent at the queen's re
quest, t ' '
Water For Irrigation ia
Klamath County is Asked
J. D. Hooper of Kismath Falls has
filed with, the state '3 engineers office
an application for permission to appro
priate waters from the Klamath river
for the irrigation of "(0 acres of land.
Other applications filed Saturday w.ere:
Elgin M. Mapcs of Laurel, Washing
ton county, for a domestic' supply from
a spring. - -
: D&vid Vineyard of Williams, Or., has
filed on the waters of Wildcat creek
for irrigation purposes and James Bom-
gardner of Wonder, Jackson county, has
filed on Waters creek for tho irrigation
of a small tract. '
'Mother s Attempt To End
lives Of Daughters Fails
Chicago, Oet. IS. Edna and Shirley
Luikhart toduy had apparently won in
same incorporators are back of the jort-1
ltvnd Wool Scouring Mills, Inc., capital - Qrrftg
urAi) of A75 (100 fnr whifh Articles were 1
also filed today.
Other companies filing articles today
were: ' -
Oregon Petroleum "company of Leba
non, lann county; siz.uw; a. v. i-yie,
A. I. Crandall, X. M. Newport and J. C.
Division Street & Garage company,
Portland; $5000; Willium Van Hoomis
sen, Ambrose Doyle snd Joseph Van
Hoomissen. .
Coming Wednesday
"Tea for. Three," tho sparkling com
edy to be seen at the Grand opera house
n Wednesday evening, October 15, un
aer direction of the Selwyns, lays claim
to the interest of oil theatre-goers, but
especially it would seem to appeal to
bachelors. Written by a bachelor, acted
ly r. bachelor, the play discloses the life
irtory of a bachelor. Boy Cooper Megrue,
tho author, announces that a man may
hot be judged by his works, when it
comes to writing plays and Norman
Kaslcett, who plays the leading role,
legs that he be not held liable for the
lines the author ha-s made him speak.
That these lines are a trifle audacious,
is evidenced by the following examples:
"All wives lie to their husbands, all
jsensiblc wives."
, "There is nothing so absorbing in life
as the love of a married woman, and
frw married men know anything about
"A man may not have loved, but
there liveB no man who has not been
"If forbidden fruits are sweetest, so
are forbidden men most tempting."
"No man is so bad that his wife can
hot find some excuse for him."
Coming as they do from the pen 01 a
fcaeholor, the above and many more in a
. Bimilar vein, indicate a knowledge of
tarried life that is somewhat startling,
to say the least. In lieu of explana
tion, the author -calls attention to still
anotl'cr line of tho play, by which tho
bachelor-hero, a physician, is made to
any that "a doctor doesn't hnve to have
pneumonia to know how to cure It."
The application is evident, that a man
iocsn't have to possess a wife to know
all about how to treat one.
Ey Now nSPY
toxrfbsrn. V, lehama o
I wish to state thst I am new lo
cated in Portland with oflices
at 414 Failing Building. Jly new
offices are fully equipped with
all moderi appliances fot the
scientific fitting i.f "giaosc and
eorroction of eye troubles. Sa
lim people are coruiauj invited
tn call on me whei. la Portiand.
414 Failing Building
Portland 0"gon
. New York, Oct. 13. (United Press.)
People who want to make money
there being several of them in the vi
cinity of Wall Street and elsewhere in
this city are struggling to adjust pa
triotic scruples with possibilities of
"cleaning up" on the low exchange
value of the Gorman mark.
Marks have hit the bottom in their
spectacular drop, it is felt by many,
who have followed the tumble in value
of tho German unit of exchange from
twenty five cents to three andi a quar
ter cents. Much exchange on German
banks is being bought at the low price
Most of the purchasers are bank, em
ployes, people connected with business
houses, and those who "play the
game" on the outside looking in at
Wall street. Many bankers consider the
mark a good 'buy, but .cannot purchase
except as individuals, since reliable
and conservative banks cannot specu
late on unproductive values.
Speculating on the mark is consid
ered purely a gamble, ibut; usually a
good one, since the exchange depends
largely on trade,-and it is. thought
trade will begin' gradually. It is
thought by many that the mark should
rise to ten cents in value insido two
yeaTs, enabling trebling of. money in
vested. However, conservatives point
at the 'Bussian ruble, in which many,
people invested, and which is now
down to practically nothing in value.
Many people who invested in marks
last spring when they were around
eight cents, are rueing the' drop to
three cents. - " ,
The system of buying most in vogue
is to purchase exchange in Berlin
banks. The receipt can either be kept
here, and sold later, or can be sent to
Berlin, where the marks can be on de
posit at interest. It is said the Germans
are not averse, to the enormous buying
of marks even at such low prices, since
it will enable them to secure raw ma
terials oritihe dollars they thus sectir,e
in American exchange, and will stim
ulate' trade. Furthermore, demand for'
marks will send their value up. t;
There is. a very general-feeling, de
spite the low price of the mark, that
the Germans will come back industrial
ly very quickly, perhaps mote, so than
the (French and Italians, due to the
Teutonic mania for work. . The only
great danger, bolshevism, is considered
pretty well under control, especially
since the new German republic has at
its disposal at least , a million fighting
men under the . name of "Noske
Some who would otherwise "take a
fling" at the money market, hesitate
because of anti-German feeling. The
idea, of abstaining from buying any
thing German seems to have beon pret
ty generally forgotten, howevot, in the
jumble of new popular problems which
have arisen.
Buying of French exchange is almost
as spectacular as the German. Tho
French franc has dropped to about half
of its original value, with relation to
American money, and many people are
acquiring; money of France, as a specu
lation. In most cases, the French ex
change is sent to. Paris, to be held on
deposit until the franc sees , better
days. The Italian lira is low, but is not
a popular, buy at present, perhaps duo
to lack of confidence in the "Italian
government, of. else lack of familiarity J
with Italy on the part of-the public. .
Chicago. J. Ogden Armour of Ar
mour & Co., Ernest A: Hamill, pres
ident of tho. Corn Exchange National
Bank; Julius Rosenwald, president
of Scars, Roebuck & Co., and sev
eral other Chicago millionaires, ara
going about today clad In shoes re
cently half-soled.
Tfcey refuse to pay $14. $1 and
$18, the price "good shoes" are sell
ing for here.
Armour says he bought bis first
pair of new shoes in three years last
- Ronenws.lt!, whose company owas
a shoe factory or two, hasn't taken a
pair of new shoes oat of stock for
two years-
All of which hasn't anything to do
with limousines. Ton eaa bet yoar
bottom dollar that Armour, sad the
rest of thera "half-sola" their limou
sines too.
Men with money always refnse la
jay the other fellow's price. T'-.s
other day a wealthy man ia Saa Frui
ctsco speat a half day haggling cfr-r
.he price of an expensive automo
bile. He finally forced the price
Iowa fifty dollars.
"Well, I saved that much, aoy
iow," he said, exhibiting the 1 5.
"I hate to pay the other fellow's
Rich men are rich because they
bay carefully and save. Get tha str
ing habit.. Work over jour list of
"necessities." . Cut out the expensive
things. Pat year money In 'War Sav
ings Stamps. They win bring yon
4 per cent compounded quarterly.
Beautiful Complexion
That splendid actress now appear
ing under the Paramount baincr is fa
mous for her beautiful complexion. She
attributes her wonderful skin to the
use of a simple toilet articlo called
Derwillo. There is nothing like it for
tan, freckles, .shiny nose, sallow, dark,
rough skin. It takes the plate of face
powder, stays on better, as perspira
tion does not affect it, and it instant
ly beautifies the complexion. One ap-
jlication proves it. If you want a nice
ilv white skin with rosv chocks, get a
bottle of Derwillo today;- you will be
delighted. Derwillo us sold at all np to
date toilet counters. Be sure to read
iarge announcement of Mi6s Clayton's
soon to appear in this paper. It tells
hew to instantly have a beautiful com
plexion and a soft, white, velvety skin
everyone "just loves to touch."
The Santiam Woolen Mills, Ine., of their bttl with dehtl.
Portland, capitalized i4 $150,000, filed j Both girls were growing stronger, and
articles of incorporation with Corpora- aeeording to Dr. Thomas A. Carter were
tion Commissioner Sehnlderman here to- j throwing off the tffects of bichloride of
day. .The incorporators are J. W. Creat h, ' merurT poisoning adniinistccd by their
a. JtsurKn ana jbri xumseu im. insane mother. --v
Baths Relieved Permanently j
Mr. Joseph A.' Weis, Hotel Vendorae
Washington, D. C, writes Tyrrell's
Hygienic Institute of Now; York as
"On the 15th of June, 1915, I pur
abased a 'J. B. L. Cascade.' Tha re
sults it has produced are simply mar
velous. For 20 years I used cathartics,
but have used nothing but the Cascade
for almost a month. I feci like a new
man; I want to ibe pleasant to every
body. Before I used the Cascado I was
a grouch. Did not like anybody and
eould not be pleasant."
If you bathe internally with the " J.
B. Ij. Cascade" you will find yourself
always bright, confident and capable.
Poisonous wAste in tho lower intestine
makes us bilious, blue, dull and norv
ous. Internal baths are nature's own
cure for consrapauon just antisnptic
warm water properly applied. Drugs
force naturetho "J. B. L. Cascade"
gently assists her. ...
It is the invention or t harics A. Tyr
rell. M. D., of New York, who special
ized on internal bathing for 25 years,
andl will Ibo shown and explained to
you by Daniel J. Fry, who will also
be glad to give you tree on request an
interesting .booklet, called "Why Man
of Today is Only 50 per cent Effi
cient, ' ' which covers the subject in a
very thorough way. (Adv.)
"Where Home
Comforts Abound"
The pleasure of your trip to Port
land will depend upon the hotel you
select. Coxy surroundings, moderate
rates, and the welcome you find In
your own home town, await you at
the Multnomah.
-. Garage in Connection.
How To Keep-
Highest Cash Market
Wants all kinds of scrap iron, junk,
metal, rubber, rags, sacks, hides.
We want and wreck old atftos.
" ' Don' forget' the number
in Good Condition
Sound nerves, a clear head, good
digestion, ttrenethl endurance ' and
general health- depend Upon clean
blood. It the kumeys ana cuaaaerao
not properly perform their function!,
the blood cannot be clean and pure,
for these organs ' filter and cast out
the waste matter,' . impurities and
poisonous acids that cause nervous
ness, rheumatic pains, oackacne, lan
guidness, sore . muscles, swollen
joints, stiffness, puffincss under the
eyes and other weakening symptoms.
"I wss afflicted with kidney and bladder
trouble for nearly 6 years. Had one very bad
apell about 5 years ego. Was confined to bed
for 4 or 5 days, unable to . turn without help.
1 commenced using Foley Kidney Pilla and
can truly say I was relieved at once. 1 take
pleasure in recommending your kidney pills
to all who have kidney trouble." JohaHeatb,
MichigaaBar, California.
Foley Kidney Pills
soothe, strengthen, heal overworked,
weak and diseased kidneys and blad
der. When these organs are working
properly, the blood isv cleansed and
purified, appetite returnsgood diges
tion follows, refreshirig sleep li pos
sible, health end strength come again.
They have brought relief to thousands
of men and women wHo 'thought old
age was coming on before it was due,
SOLD 8? -
TrH! fpl! PtI f
- a Tin
It's . the Gospe! Trotlh
, ' YOU should know some of the
facts about the CAMERON IRON
CHAMBRAY materials made into
shirts for the workingman.
ORDINARY shirt is 32 inches from
inches. This gives "FOUR INCHES" better
"neck to the bottom". CAMERON shirt is 36
They are made Oversize that means "all over.'
ABSOLUTELY fast dye, won't fade.
SOFT to handle in the tub for the women, mak
ing easy washing, also so easy on a man's neck to
wear. -
ORDINARY shirt has 48 threads to the square
inch, while the Cameron has 70. This makes what is
called a packed garment. That means there are
more threads to the inch than any other shirt on the
" market. THIS makes for longer Service as it is
stronger. :
, True test for all garments of this nature is to
pull ou the diagonal of a CAMERON then the same on
.another garment
MANY- inore interesting details will be given,
telling of the acfual nature of these shirts.
WE have 200 DOZEN of these garments or over
in our basement, ready for you. .','.
" Men's Socks
Al V
I Today
rfck ;.- ift,.-mVrli'i1 vfl
"V , , r i r ' fj-
V :..V,.1.r.f.,-.i,;...'i."f",ww
Men's Silk Dress Socks
in the Interwoven, dou
ble heel and toe, colors,
'. Champagne, navy," tan,
castor, slate, white black
Clocked comes in Cor
dovan, green and blue;
These are extra values,
bought some time ago
Medium weight dress
socks in wool -and cash-.-mere.
In natural and
black. These are special
values at the price.
.' Heavy work socks s
comes in the bundle, for
heavy duty wear, dark
blue and Natural. 1 '
Your Expert Buyer Wrl Reach the Eastern Markets on Monday
"Every Family In Marion and Polk Counties a Patron"' ;
Salem WOOleil (llls Stare
" Arthur Waters, a mopibor of the I.
W. W.," who was deported from Astor
ia, was signed as a decKhand on the Co-
lilida at 25 cents a month until ho
reaches Kngland.
'A mpssngo has bern received by Mr.
and Mrs. Grant. Wilcox of Koselburg
anrtounciiig tho death of their son Her
bert, a(?od 19, at Port Lawtoni Iby the
accidental discharge of a gun. ,.
Tn response to an inquiry as to wheth
er the diexigo iHhinook. was soon' to bo
returned to tho mouth of the Oolumbirt
river,. General Blueki has advised Sen
ator Chamiherlain that, there is no need
tff dredging the bar. . 1 ..
A valuable hound belonging to Io
licoman Harms of Portland, wliioh wan
lost by him whiile hunting in the wild
of Iiano county, was found Thursday
by John Itarker. The uuinial had beon
without food for 10 days.
Douolrs Fairbanks
Tfa price) or a 5 War Barlnsa
SUtna this month b f 4.21. Bay osl
very week.
"His Majesty, The American" ;
Starts Thursday CHAS. RAY in "The Egg
Crate Wallop."
This Beautiful
Either in oak or mahogany, will be given as a
premium on goods purchased to the party hold
ing the largest number of coupons on Christmas,
from the People's Cash Store from now until
Christmas. Save your coupons. Have us explain
the plan of this contest. Your coupons are also
good for other premiums and you may also be
the lucky one to get this beautiful $100 talking
S i ' . . t4l
: IVl'J. yi
; 4l
! Groceries
j Dry Good
TTiefrestliimStore. r HVt&i
PH0ME 452