Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 11, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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( I V
Ml Around Tdwn
i ...
church, has rented a house here at 1995
South Liberty street.
Danee at 8 p. m. Rtarmory tonight.
flrnnra danco at Macleay Saturday
,;rt,f . . 241 t : n. iir tj. : ..lrl.:.. .......
j'1.'- '' " -r '' oi Salem, is reported ito be seriously
j. u. ocuit, ucpuij umi-a " m at ma jLreacones9 nospnai mis ai-
in rortlana miaay, ternoon.
rvanpo Oiiorv's hall at Livesley sta-
tiou every Saturday night. Taluiadge
OA 1
2?Salem, has bought the improved
i ftc.rfi t.mr.t. f rwir mil ah south of Snlem
T " . InwiiAil hv Ck O -BovRfi. Thn trnct is al-
- Wanted1400 loan l on modern crtf 1 Consideration in
property valuo $3000. See Wm.Flem.ng;the which handIed hc
841 to. to street.
Wm. C. McCulloch, Portland attor
ney, was attending .to business matters
at the capitol' Friday. ,
B. E. Pomeroy, physician and sur
mnn. has oDened offices in the Oregon
building, rooms 301-2-3. 341
John L. Logan, H. L. Ganoe and G
Evart Baker of Portland were transact
ing business with the state reasurcr's
office Friday.
T)r. Ohalmer Iee George, dentist, 313
314 Masonic bldg. Phone 181. 252
V.. W. Lazelle. consulting engineer,
was in the state capital from Portland,
Friday, on business with tho state high
way department.
The services of Mra. Warren Hunt
re now obtainable for dance music,
with or witnout orchestral accompani
ment. Phone 1296. . 241
"Will T. Kirk, of the industrial acci
of tho Pacific Logging congress
Sir room bungalow, modern except
basement, full lot, 1538 Saginaw. $2,
750; half cash, balance 6 per cent. See
owners there. ,
W. H. Grabenhorst Bealty Company,
was $4500. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. W. Nienieyer
1370 State street, left Salem Saturday
afternoon for Pacific City wlioro thoy
will eniov tho woekend fishine. Mr.Nie
meyer is an expert angler, and expects
to make a big cateh of the elusive
trout in streams around the coast town.
Dance tonieht at the new Auburn
hall. Good four piece orchestra. Take
a jitney, 25c. ,241
Police Desk Sergeant H. A. Eowo,
while putting in wood at his home, 1360
North. 18th street"-, Friday afternoon
slipped and sustnmca injuries wmcn
nrnvnntrrl Ms rflnortinir for dutv Sat
urday. Officer W. F. Thompson is act
ing oay ocsk sergeant in nergeuui
Howe's absence. ,
Charging her husband. Henry M.
Eoedigheimer, who is employed in an
n.nfn rftitwir alum on -Iri-bertT street.
with cruel and inhumanireatanent and
non-support, Mrs. Esther Bocdighermer
has started suit tor divorce. v
In her complaint, filed iFriday, she
says that several days after their mar
riage at Vaneouver,.vApril 23, 1918, her
husband waxed cruel and inhuman in
his treatment of her, and that during
the time they resided in Portland, af
ter the marriage lie Decame jcaious w
that hn nftrsistontlv a-
cusedi her or meeting omer incu m u
absence and accepting money from
AVar came, the complaint says, and
her husband enlisted, but upon hia re
turn h continued to make false accu
sations of her, and refused to support
her.. ... ...
"mv ."RrnvKcrtifllmex savB that an .at-
Toint marln iW her. husband in May,
1919, to, get a divorce, raiiea oecuuso
of his inability to substantiate charges
. The plaintiff asks the resumption of
her maiden name, Jistner swans, oomo
of the suit, and a permanent airaiony.
J'l""'S" ... ,..v . .
.,in Wnhoi-zli T! Kimi. 30. of Sll-
verton, and Benutn m. nowara, sa, on
W rtiriHtn-fferson. 21,
route 9, Malem, ana Harriet ueiie jv1,
18, route 9, Sialent.
Pork prices in this city made an
appreciable drop during the week, get
ting in line with other market prices.
Dealers announced Saturday that the
1L i. mk, or tne price had dropped two cents during
commission, returnea. x r.uuy "-"he week. Veal also dropped in price
and whore he attended the sessions . ,Mal market8.
Artificial teeth, have expert plate
man, with over 35 years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler,. den
tist, 302 U. S. Nat. Bank bldg.
Eex Lampman, the former Portland
nawBiwiwrmnn wlm has recentlv re
turned from service with the marines
n a,.rmnnv anil who has not vet re
ceived his discharge . was a oaiem vit
sntnnl.v Mr. Jha Tteeman of
Gold Hill, wife of deputy U. S. Mar
shal Becman .aecompamea mm.
Dance at 8 p. m. at armory tonight.
- 241
in nrHar nnnnintinc E. M. Page ad
ministrator of the estate, of Miss An
gle Kiser, was made Saturday by
County Judge Bushey. Mr. Page i re
quired to file a bond of $2000' to act as
I riT i
. J-
II . .. nl. i LM
' i
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy" Shakespeare.
The secret of recognition lies in appearance. You cannot pre
sent an appearance in cheap, dowdy clothes You must have
and Style
- And with those you have
Service and Economy
We have specialized on
C. A. Schulderman, state corporation
commissioner, and Newton Van Dalsem,
.it, nirnp.tni, of vocational education,
were in Portland on official business,
riiday. ; ' . . .
Bev. E. G;' Eanton, pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church of West
Salem . Friday moved his family to
Ldveslcy where ho has succedod to the
m.orioi. jTiifinatiTio-. of Woodbnrn M
bought the modern eight-room house
' at 1395 South Commercial street, own
ed by Anna S. Johnson, and will move
lis family in soon.
Norma N.Tei-williger.licensed lady em
lalmer with Terwilliger Funeral Home,
770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724. ';
Announcement that he Will eonduct
a retail grocery business under ; the
name of Yew Park Grocery, was made
Saturday by D. L. Shrode, proprietor.
An .ffiauit nf numimcd name..'Tho
City Meat Market company," was fill
ed Saturday Iby S. Tegland and L. M.
Larson, of Wlverton. .-
vMen engaged in paving the stretch
of lughway between Perkins .school and
n,ii uv thAt thn work will be prae-
Vically eompietett at tne ena oi w.
dii iM,a nnvincr ia bainir done, under
first "contract, by the lOompton Paving
company. With the completion of this
part of the nignway mere wm w u
uninterrupted! stretcn or pavement ub
tween the Smith and Perkins schools.
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear
Funeral services for little Dorothy
Perkins 11 months old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. B. E.-Perkins, 2410 N.
Tjv,,Ttfc atrABt mho died IFridav evening,
will bo held at tne unapei oi tne nig-,
don Undertaking company at iau p.
m.-Sunday. Eev. Porter, of the Chris
tian church, will have charge of the
services. Burial will be in the I. O.
O. F. cemetery.
C I. Lewis,' secretary of the' Oregon
, 7 TTV rw.i"v C I. Lewis, secretary of the Oregon
Mrs.A.Hibbert,of Marquam, Oregon, t ,.. ino.0nerative Aseocia
arrived in Salem, Friday evening ana m Fie,a Manager Earl Pearcy,
is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. W. tWg Saturday from
trr lio liMMt stnnth .inRrrv HLreub. : - .. .
Bhe will' spend the week-end here.
Fot,ir.o,la mlmrn thev eonducted a mem
bership meeting Friday night. They
reported satisfactory progress in the
campaign and said that growers in
that district are much interested in
W. T. Vinton, of McMinnville, presi-
ocnt or, tne state "-c ' that district are mucn mteremcu. m
j m Waal, worn . . i fr!v.4. XTt
van, atorncy irom iawmn, tnB association s piun. i's' .
Btate capitol visitors, Friday, on busi-. Lewi9 ana b. C. Paulus, president of
Bess bofore the supreme court. the Salem Fruit Union, will go to Sil-
.. , , verton and hold another membership
Elizoibeth Levy, teacher of 'violin, meeting. . ,
. o i.,ja nmiliPAt.ra. tmininff.
nest ui iui7iiiuiwi - .
Studio 563 Court St. Phone 544. ; 241 -wiU celebrate Columbus day in hon-
' . or 0f our returned soldiers, sailors and
Leather belting. F. E.' Shaf er, har- marine9, the Kniehts of Columbus and
noss and saddlery. 170 S. Commercial. laughters of Isabella, on Monday eve-
:,. -- . ning, October 13, will celebrate Colum-
G W. Stokes, deputy state fire mar- hus dnv with an informal dance in the
. " .,...! ,i. !,.. too- n KniliUnij ATi ;ourt and High
ommendations for fire prevention based streets. All "H""
Waists and
We are in a position to serve
The line is complete and priced
as low as safety in material and
workmanship will permit.
on surveys conducted recently in Tilla
mook, Bend and Ucppner. ; . .
The regular meeting of the Salem
Ministerial Association wilt Be held
Monday morning at -10 o'clock" hi the
Y. M. C. A.,' when the work for the
year will be outlined. A large attend
' nce is desired. : , ,
.... . ... , ji ii.
rines will be admitted iree.
friends of the Knights of UoluniBus
Isabella not of the
U. S. army are cordially invited. Tick
ets for-gentlemen l. iadies iree. m
music .
i nffent in Marion
and Podk counties for the National Life.
Insurance Co., V. S. A. See him. tor. a
full return premium policy . on jovi
:n. rv Vinil Phone 1332,1
'"X" ' . . 267
Dance1 at 8 p. m. at armory .toiiiglir.
' t'" 241
J. Mullally, suporviebr of the West
eern Demurrage & Storage bureau of
Seattle- was a stato capitol visitor Fri
day in consultation- with the attorney
general's office relative to reciprocal
demurrage and storage charges.
Wnmr. " Conrvatory of Music of
Chicago, IU., Frank E. Churchill rep
resentative of Salem branch. Fall term
begins Sept. 15th. Complete course rn
piano and theoretical subjects. Studio
" iuite 1-2 Odd Fellows bldg. Phone
1671R ' 1015
m, p'hiWnTMiin and Philodosian lit
erary societies entertained 80 students
n the socioty halts, wancr nan, iai
;., Ann tf tup loinest aiiciua
given at the university this fall. The
nr. .liuiniQ MitnarM Hirer uic uw""
j,uul.s y--y" ,B"V"- -.
town footDaii rany ami uinwnu.ic,..
tha iramen Constituted a Willamette
. on1 i-Anrnsented the princi-
ii ".:! ,,nt f t:li vear. The first
chapel servite. tho Y. M.-C A. and x.
the facultv recep
tio'n, and the Junior week end -were
amang the occasions set iona m
program. After the program, aawo
course banquet was served in the so
ciety parlors. Tho menu consisted of
salad anl waters., ana ace crmm.
Thomas, president of tfie Philodorian
.-I Mioa Kvelvn De Long,
president of tho Philodnsian society,
were host ana nostess wr riv
event.. " ; .
" The Misses Helen Rose, Mildred Oil).
Edna and Elsie Gilbert were the hos
tesses of a jolly, party given to thirty
of the University . students at th-
Jintrm o f Miss Rose, 745 Court street
Clainiing that her husband had threat
D0,i til till iier' nnd since their mar
riage in Salt Lake August 1889, had
been persistently cruel in m iresi
i,f h Km. Acnes L. Orr 1459 Lee
street, Friday started suit for divorce
from Kobert 11. -rr. ene asits tu uuo
uj. a frtni,-mtiinr chilrtren.
. . . . - IL.
In her complaint Mrs. urr says
her husband, during their residence at
La Urande nino years ago, lurcuu u
n oaii ori mirnr nnners. At one time.
she elaims, when her husband announc
ed his intention or muiting uuj numc u
lio mniintams and, sue remonstrateu,
he raised his fists in a threatening
manner and shouted; .. :.. . '
"Shut uip or I'll crush you into tne
Mrs. Orr says that several yearB at-
. . , a n 1
ow th mnmjiffft ner nusnajia uevui
r.no.i a frlulif-fnl tpmner and a disposi
'ir. ti fnr(vr rive. iurillir lllir rn-
ulonoa in rnistern Orflon; shel says, ho
compelled her to travel withi him in
a joggling wagon attnougn sne was m
delicate health. - ...
Mr. and Mrs. Orr have seven chil
dren. They are; Leonard, 25, San Fran
cisco, Walter 23, Murray, Utah, Ida,
21, Delta, Utah, Eli'aibeth. 15, Sarah,
13, Mildred 10 ana J.' ranitun, seven, m
Salem. ' ' .. . . 7
e;,,i ti,a-.rlnn.th nf her lather in
Portland in 1916, Mrs. Orr alleges, she
has supported herself and four minor
children in was city.
Universal Night
"We put the world to Sleep" i ?
UNA-JAMAS v:'.,',
Made of heavy outing flannel, cut on roomy
lines and well tailored.
(See display in Liberty Street Window). ...
We also show a most-beautiful line of SILK
PAJAMAS, very suitable and most acceptable for
gifts. ,: ,
New Fall Draperies
We are in receipt of another
shipment of .NEW CRETON
designs are beautiful and will
tone up the home, making it
bright and cheerful.
Bath Robes
Made up from heavy-BLANKET
CLOTH in unique designs and
fancy colorings. The designs and
' colorings suggest warmth and
A first showing in our Court
street window. $8.50
A complete line up to $20.00 in
the Men's Section. Make early
Waist Special
New Georgette
You Can Always Do Better at
lmB if vsi
Who Always Does Belter By You
We specialize on 1,
Used by Women who care
London, Oct. 11. King George rati
fied the peace treaty last night complet
ing ratification by Great Briain. A spe
cial messenger bearing tne document
was dispatched to I'ans.
. - , . .Miome of Miss iMsa, "
Bcssio, two year old daughter ot Mi. Pri,lay. evening. ' The young peoi.l'
and Mrs. J. F. Dancer, .1740. Hickory raost of whom belonged to the Ade-
Btrect, died at me imuuj Tantc and weosterian mowj "'
Saturday morning. The body m at the ' tnere(1 at the Rose residence after
TarlorB. Funeral f, Innau. fnnt hall rail v held on
, JVIEUUU vjiuv. B - , me luamiivin- -
rranegments have not yet been made.
Eov Alexander Haw-therre of. the
Methodist Episcopal church at Livesley
was busy Saturday moving his family
to Balem. Bev. Hawthorne, who .will
Undertakers. . '
252 North High Street
.- ?':..-,.-..-'
Sacred Heart
New York, Oct, 11. No confirmation
was available "today in London, Wash
ington or here of a widely circulated ru
mor of a distnster to an unidentified
British ship with loss of 2000 lives off
the coast of Norway. It was discredited
Oct. 19, 20, 21, 22
ELSIE jFEJMiu w - rl;
17 ' "'
'A societV EXILE' i
' . ' J
PATHE - - 1 1
u.4. ort T.ilrrtv streets and S"ep'
a- pleasant evening at law and indoor
pan.rs. Music was also mong the diver
Hut nhoeo ate. mnurat o..
wafers were served the guests near
the close of the happy afair. The fol
lowing students' were present: Misses
Millicent Grieves, Marjory Flegol,
Maxina Bureii. Gietrhen Brown, Flor
ence Cortwrisht T.'iMa Ingels, Isnbe la
Bu-m VeA Iitks, Veda Mirwa, rneja
Campbell,'"'" Velma Baker Mary .W
Albert, Mildred Gill, Edna Howd, H.l
cn Rose, Edna Gilbert Elsie Gilbert and
.the Messrs. .Loren Basler, Leland Aim
tin, Jnek Liiekcf, Kcnnetn rowers,
. r:;.,k 1nHmM fiitlrltft. .Law-
Davie. Fred A1'1"C fmkhai.n
Gilbert, Ravmond Attebety. Lester Dnr,
Verncr Sackctt Hugh Walker, Eodney
Alden, Paul Flegel, Truman Collin and
Raymond Arlington. J , :
Five thousand boxes of tomatoes frr.m
five acres of land at Dillard is the rec
ord made bv T. B. Evans & Son,. The
fririf "brought a price of more than 10
cents box. - - '
Under the directibn of the
Sisters of the Holy Names.
Salem, Oregon, Boarding
and Day- school .
Most Approved Methods
Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp,
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin
and Harmony
Elocution and Physical
: "' Culture Classes
Modern Conveniences And
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
v , September 8th
.... - Address:
Sisier Suuerior
at the rate of 10 to 35 pounds
por month. By simple' guaran
teed, safe reliable treatment, ,
tassco will reduce your weight
without unnecessary exercise
and dieting, and will not injure
or weaken your system. Write
today for FilKE 50o box enclos
ing 10c in silver or si amps with
this ad to Tassco Co., Boston,
Virgil Dutton, 9-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Dutton of Hood Bivcr,
broke his leg when his foot was, caught
in the spokes of a wagon.
A contract has been let by the Ma-
sonic lodge at Prinevillo for. tho con
striictlon of a new temple to cost $25.-
Will tako your used furniture in
exchango for new.
(Made In Sll verton)
Cooks with kindlings
or" small wood, lleate
like furnace. GoodH
supplied to dealers by
Home Industries
P.O. box Ml)' Portland
v: :
of tha HILLS"
E 3 '
1 1 ?!!lBlP .
I I iiIil I If , 5 - . J3A
,.Tn tlie I'oliniuis of (his paper would mean
rlrni tasty walls along with other
Ui. ';. - If you would rent or sell to
allv.'nitrlfm let mo doellnite vonr lironpr
.. . .... r x-.
ty neatly' from my complete line of
Wall Tints and Decorative
; Fabric Papers.
They are snuitnrv, eoniinlcoI and beuu-
tii'ui. . . .
; K"r liniiij a house inside Wj recom
.mfhir ' ' . ' ' '"'
: Fur pntiting -papeit to any kind of
vv.ills try . -
l It is surperior to anything on tho
iji-.ikct and Coats Only a trifK
197 N. Commercial St.