Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 11, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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- Christian and Missionary Alliance. .
Services at 2:15 o'cloek nest Thurs
day, October 16, at 632 South Commer
cial street, Eev. J. E. Fee of. Portland
continuing Bible studies in Eevelation.
A cordial invitation to all.
Associated Bible Students.
Associated Bible Students meet at
' Moose hall, corner High snd Court
. streets, from 10 a. m. to 12 n. .Study in
- Sixth Vol. and Tabernacle Shadows
: Junior class at 10 a. m. Friends and
public invited.- " r
St. Paul's Church.
Seventeenth Sunday after ..Trinity:
7:30 a. m., holy communion; 9:45 a. m.,
. church school; 11 a. m., mornin;; prayer
and sermon, "God's SRcrcts and Beve
" lations"; 7:30 p. m., evening prayer aud
' address", "Purity." Everybody welcome.
, Clias. H. Towell, rector.
Ct t I i a
acr corresponding secretary oi me fellowship and worship and rirdine for
in jji-., ,,. i ' service. Third annual reunion aud roll
will deliver the sermon both, morning . . ., ,
j s , a 1. 3 to 5 p. m. Devotionul service
and evening. At 3 p. m. we plan a mort- , ...,- . ,
, .r L T7. u.-'Snrt Toll cr.ll. 5 to 7:1.j p. lu. Hot-in! rer-
gugr uuiuiu murium. Jvei uitriuucr ' . , . . ,. . I
, ." ?,!, . , " .. , lod including lunch. 7:lo to 7:3U p.
p. m.
T" Committee Lights On
Slogan To Get $6000 Here
Salem's quota in the T. M. C. A,
Greatest Asset." ......
Arguing that the Y. M. C. A. is the
best organization for shaping the mor
als and lives of the young men, who
"by Ihrir eknracter determine tlip;mor-
r ' - ' n . oa "tii ii i . . . . .
j: j -n i j: it- ..I riuiBf nervier. I :ou 11. ra. nun van con- ,mm f, f.mrta whiph hpuiim in
uU,r w u . umw .ugaunr .. , . . ,. , i --, - - - - - of thp ..: th. ,ommntec hones
........... mis eity next, uronrsnnj, is u,uuv. . . . ' ' .
The eommittee in charge of the cam-! to be allies to raise., the quota in quicK
Rural school districts in Hood Biver
county are increasing their budgets for
the coming year to provide more money
for' salaries.
the ehnrch. Junior C. E., 6 p. m. Young
People 's meeting. 6:30 p. m. Song serv- j
ice and sermon, :JU p. m. Frayer meet
ing 8 p. in. Everybody invited to these
services. S. L. Putnam, paStor.
South Salem jFrionds Church.
Corner of South ' Commercial and
Washington streets, H. E. Pembcrton.
astor. Bible school at 10 a. ni., classes
: Lor all, CarL Miller, superintendent. At
11 a. m., Genenil Superintendent L. C.
,1 Hinshaw will be present aud preach.
Again at 8 p. m. Young People 's meet
ing at 7 p. ni.
Scandinavian Metliodist Church.
Fifteenth and Mill streets. Preaching
at 3 p. in., subject, "The Glory of God
inMan." Mr. Gust Anderson will
' perintend the Sunday school, which con
, venes at 2 o'clock. The Swedish tan
' guage will be used at the preaching
service. Come and help us in our work;
we need you; you niijy need Us.
Leslie Methodist Episcopal Church.
Corner South Commercial and Meyers
street, Horace N. Aldrich, pastor. Sun
day school at 9:45 a. m., with classes
for all ages end grades, under the super
rision of compentent teachers, E. A.
Rhoten, superintendent; 11 a. ni., pub
lie worship, with sermon by President
K. J. Talbott of Kimball School of
Theology. Special music by the choir.
At 6:30 pi m., devotional meeting of the
Epworth " League, led by Frederick
Aldrich. At 7:30 p. m., service with
sermon by Edwin Sherwood, D. D., fol
lowed by a social hour under the super
vision of the fourth department of the
Epworth League, Floyd Mclntire, chair
man. ! : :
Evangelical Church.
Seventeenth and Chcmcketa siremn,
F. W. Launer, pastor. 8unday school
at 10 a. m. 'Sermon at 11 a. -m., sub-'
,iect, "The Soven Sayings on the Cross."
There will bo no services in the even
ing. A special service will be held by
the three Evangelical churches at the
Evangelical ehnrch on corner of Center
. and Liberty streets. - , ,;,
United Evangelical Church. " - '
Cottage, near Center street, 6. L.
Lovcll, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.
m. Divine worship and sermon at 11 a.
m., "Does Prayer Change Things t" We
- will unite in a union service with the
Evangelical association at Liberty and
Center streets for the evening services.
ChristiBn Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. "im
ev. Launer preaches the sermon at-7i30
p. m. .'.' 1 ' ' . -';
Central Congregational Church. .
Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry
. streets, H. C. Stover, minister- A rally
dav service, promotion of classes and
pjrqgfiim in connection with the Sunday
- school at 10 a: m. Ciinstian linden vr
t6:45 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p.
. m., theme,' "Youth ' -Gift to Christ.','
Music JW.th? 8!r8 chorus. . n . ......
- - First Congregational Church.
Liberty end Center streets, Dr. W. C.
Kantner, minister. 10 a. m., Sunitay
school with classes for all, W. I. Stnley,
superintendent; 11 a. m., communion
service with reception of members; 6:30
p. m., Christian Endeavor; 7:30 p. m.,
"Investments That D0 Not Pay." Pol
' lowing this address there will be two
interesting motion pictures, "Yoscmlte
Valley," and "A Trip to Baltimqre."
Prayer meetinir Thursday at 7:30 p. m.,
studies in the "Book of The Acts." A
cordial invitation to all. .
First Baptist Church.
This is rally week at tho First Bap
tist church. An attracive leaflet has
been sent to the members containing a
greeting from the paste, Eev. G. F.
Holt, and mi announcement of the fol
lowing schedule of "At Home" wce:
Sunday, October 12, 9:45 n. m. The
Sunday school "r.t home" in Rally Day
program for tehchcrs, scholars, riarents.
friends. Mobilization day. 11 a. The
church "at home" in public worshin.
Topic "On a Mountain of Vision." 6:30
p. m. The B. Y. P. IT. "at home" to the
young people in a snappy wide-awake
service, the kind young people like. 7:30
p. m. The evenjus . congregation "at.
home" in a- spirited service of song.
Sermon topic: "Facing" a Year of Vic
tory." Mr. J.'W; TrojK. wijl- lend the
sinking. ,. v. ' 1 '
Tuesdav. October H.lft p.-m.-The
brotherhood "at home". to the men of:
the ehnrch and congregation. The first
meeting of the season. Receptioa of the
men to onr. returned, soldiers.' Supper,
"ond fellowship interesting program and
forecast of winter's :"plans. ' : .
"at homo''4e'voto'nTiily.i rSoCii-41x' aAd
sniritually. ' The -last ; da V, that great
dav of the feast." Climax of week pf
Tlio John Duncan packing house at palgn, to stimulate support to the cause
Cove has shipped to date 28 carloads of has decided upon, the slogan: "The
fruit this season. ; v lYoung Men and Boys of Salem are. Her
Make Your Winter Pay Big
A Vaughn Drag Saw Will Do It
Get a sturdy Vaughan and Jet it saw your wood for less than 5 cents
a cord. Takes logs to 8 feet. When not doing ten men's sawing, it
operates other farm machinery. Repeatedly pays for itself in a single
season. ......
Standard $155
$165 w-sj :
Vaughan Is Supreme
Because it is built for long hard honest service' and has more time,
labor and repair saving features than any drag saw made. Investigate'
for "yourself. The Vaughan is the only saw with the Jiffy sawholder
which grips or releases' saw head in instant; the'only saw with metal
to metal clutch that cannot burn out; the only one with the accident
preventing safety angle; the adjustable Pitman head the siniglo unit
" crank case; heavy malleable sprocket, etc., that gives long life and
euts wear and repair. .
Write us for Machine
Or Information If Your Dealer Hasn't It.
40 WINTERS, 40
Forty Wiutors and fortv summers
have rolled away since persons who
are living and well today first took
the preseription for "Number 40 for
the iBlood." "Number 40" is com
pounded from ingredien s that nv set
down in the ,JJ. S. dispensatory and
other authoritative medical books as
follows: Employed in diseases of tho
glanular Vfvsrtm, in Ibloo poi jviug,
mercurial an lead poisoning, scrofula,
rheumatism, catarrh, constipation, liv
er and stomach diseases. Under its use,
sore?, ulcers, nodes, tumors and scrofu
lous swellings that have Withstood all
other treatment disappear as if by
magic." "
No. 40 is sold by Schnefcis drag
Famous pain and ache Liniment,
kept handy, brings gratify
ing relief
RHEUMATIC twinges ease up
soon. So do stiff joints, lame
back, neuralgia, overtaxed mus
cles, and those pains from weather ex
posure, too they don't fight long
against the . cpunter-irritant Sloan's
Liniment produces.
Kep this old family friend handy
for instant use a little penetrates
without rubbing, leaving no skin stains,
muS3, or clogged pores. You ought to
keep a bottle handy always.
All druggists. Three sizes 35c,
70.-., $1.40.
Mm? $!
Avoij Trouble ftt
Teething Time
by giving baby
TU Uuu1 ui OiUm't Ratahtor
By causing the stomach to
digest food as it should, keeping
the bowels open and by giving
baby less food, the first teeth
never cause trouble.
Contains no harmful ingredients
formula on every bottle. Use it
and note how easy and comfort
able baby is when teeth come.
At all Jrmiaiata.
,T. C. Perry
476 E. Main St.
Portland, Ore.
You Will Find
"HA.' ."r
NOTHING that we could say would so thoroughly
convince you of the value of Chamberlain's
Tablets as a personal trial. . We can, tell you
of thousands who have been permanently cured of
chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick
headache and . disorders of the stomach and liver,
t but this will have little weight with you as compared
to; a personal triaL That always convinces.
First Christian Church.
Song by audience; prayers by two vis
iting elders; song by aucfiefice; sirtptiirc
by F. W. Porter, minister ef FirttSiris
tian church; duet, Mr. anj Mrs3 Dhllas
"Murphy; short address, C; F. SwaYider
of Portland; violin solo, Viola As;
hort address, B. L. Putnam, pastor; spe
cial music, Lenoro and Theon& Putnam;
burning of mortgage, an impressive
service conducted by charter members;
doxology; benediction.
First Presbyterian Church.
Jiomas A. Anderson, minister. Sun-
dsychool at 9:45, Joseph H. Albert,
superintendent. International lesson.
. Morning worship 11 o'clock, Quarterly
communion with brief sermon on Culti
vating Memories of Christ. Young peo
ples meeting 6;30 and evening worship
at 7:30, theme! "Power the Path of
Thy Feet." The Willamette Presbetery
meets in this ehureh Tuesday afternoon
st 2:30, holding -sessions Over Wednes
day. "
Salvation Army.
Special harvest festival services Sat
urday, Sunday and Monday. Commen
cing Saturday evening with a street
meeting, at 7:15, in the hall at 8 o'cloek.
Sunday on the street at 10:30 a. m.
Meeting for holiness In the hall at 11 a.
m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. sharp. Uni
ted Mission meeting at 3 p. m. T. P.
1. at 6:15 p. m. Street meeting at 7
p. m. Special' services of thanksgiving
song, testimony and preaching in the
I hall at 8 p. m. Extra special Monday
evening! Come to an old fushioned har
vest home at 8 p. m. Public cordially
invited and welcomed. Captain and Mrs.
Hunter officers in charge. "
Nazarene Church.
Nineteenth and Marion streets, one
"block south of Center on Nineteenth,
Chemeketa ear. Sunday school at 9:45
a. m., W. B. Hardy, superintendent. We
-are paying special attention to the
teaching of thc Bible in the Sunday
. school. . Preaching at 11 a.'m. and 7:30
p. m. We are holding to the "Old
Fashioned Way" of teaching and
preaching. .Von:r People's Iflble sttidy
at 6:30 p. m. - ahd-week prnver meet
ing Wednesday eveninjf at 7:30 o'cloek
Come over mid enir an hour with tm
A. Wells, pastor; Florenc Wells, dea
coness. - " '
Court Street Christian ChuTch.
Corner North Seventeenth and Conrl
treets. Bible school, .10 a. m. sharp.
" billowed by morning worship. C, F.
: Dinner "
I cvA thick iuicv beefsteak -h.--' -"I
I Hotrollsv and:butter : ' J -
1 . Folger-s : Golden Gate Coffee v : 1
j - - That's- -a - meal fit for the 'President " -:
I ,:;,;,; Everyone, dikes good , coffee. You j
I will like Folger's Golden Gate. I
t Different in taste from other coffee' 1
I -urftii- ' ' '':and better. , '";;'' 1
' . kMlCCi; K -I
Lite-- XS 1
Give Him & Generous Slice of
v ' With Butter and Jam
A growing boy demands plenty of good, ' :
wholesome food, give v him . BAKE-RITE
BREAD, it'a healthful and economical.
At; meals and ; between meals Bake-Rite
Bread is best for the children. 1
457 State Street
' Heaters and Ranges are best for many reasons, . The Universal stoves .ai o
not a new product.' The 'TacFory has been in '. "operation for over "fifty-fiVi; '
years. And during this time have always built dependable merchandise. .
Range as illustrated not thrown together, but,
actually built from the ground up. This, range hs
polished top, full nickle trimmings, full CAST.
BODY, 18-inch oven, finished in black and white, or
blue or grey enamel. Note the construction of thc
warming closet. The pipe goes up in the rear of the
closet which has a full drop door.
W S3?"-
,yfii"iiti1ffliJ,'liiiiltflliliitiliiiWWiMl ihif rr l jF
K 11
fk y--J-,' ia
1 i" tvJZ. . i
. .rjp: t
As illustrated, has duplex grates, burns wood
or coal. The body is made of the heaviest grade
of polish Wellsville steel, has glass door in front
as well as full sliding top to put wood in. Can be
furnished in several sizes. The nickle is plain and
easy to care for. . i : . i. " 1
iron ; , :
Trade In Your Old Stoves