PAGE TWO. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1919. By Gertrude Robison WITH tlio ibeautifully conducted breakfast at the Marion hotel ithi morning, the Salem Wo man's club officially opened its social season. As most of the year's work has already been laid out, the affair was strictly social. A large number of wo "men, including some of the cities most prominent leaders, attended, and the break-fast Was as great a success as had teen anticipated. ,.- - . The following social item from the Oregon Journal will foe of interest io number of"8aIeni folk and er Univer sity of Oregon students: "Coming as a surprise to their many friends is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Mildred Cooper of The Dalles to Francis Q. Galloway, also of Ths Dalles, The young Cbla 'slipped away from their friends and came to Portland on Wednesday where they were married in the presence of a ew relatives nt Atkinson Memorial x'hurch at 4 o'clock, the Reverend Kl- : fcert E. Flint officiating. '' "Mrs. Galloway was graduated from Portland Academy and attended Miss topen's sahool in "Northampton, Mass. She has been deputy Bounty assessor in Wasco county for several years and 1ms lived in The Dalles most of her life. She is a daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. D. J. Cooper and a member of a pioneer family of Oregon. "Mr. Galloway is tho son of Judge William Galloway of Salem, former circuit judge of Marion county. He has .'been a resident of this city for some years and was graduated from the Uni versity of Oregon. Ihiring the war per iod ho was commissioned in tho offi cers rcsorve at - Louisville, Kentucky. . For a time he wag instructor in Wiish- '.- ington high aeliojjl, Portland. Gallo way is district attorney of Wasco county and grand exalted ruler of Uio Elks lodge. ' ' Following a brief honeymoon spent at Mansanita beach the young couple trill return to The Dalles -where they Will make their home." i The Y. W. 0. A. make the following " 't ' ui.i ;n j,.i.4 iZ m m m . of great interest to aU the girls and "young women in the city: : 1'hysical culture classes in comiec--H Linn with .wimminv alasum for women and girls arc starting at the x. M. C. A. on Wednesdays. Tho morning class Is hold at ton 'o'clock and the evening "class at seven thirty. After the physic . al culture classes the members can en ter the swim in in;; classes. All who do not wish to take physical culturo are requested to ontor the swimming class es at 10 a. m. and 7:;iO p. m., so that tho tank will not bn crowded. Another class in swimming will be started in tho afternoon for young girls. Tho hour will be arranged 'suit able for school girls and it is hoped a largo class can bo started. Instructors re present at all causes.' For further information regarding physical exam inations and membership fees see Mrs. Pake, club secretary at the Ys W. C. Announcement is made of the danee to be given Friday, October 24, iby the Junior Guild of St. Paul's church. For, years, previous to the outbreak of the . war, this was an annual event but upon our entrance into tho struggle the t representative class of women engaged In war work and the social activities of th Oui'ld were given up entirely. As society gradually settles down to a, pcaco time basis and affairs begin to assume- n morn normal appearance, the Quild,-like other organizations of its kind in the city, la beginning to re sume its social affairs. ' Tho dance on October 24, will lie es- snntinlly a Salem event. The musicians , mil aro Salem people, and any money realized from the dunce will bo used for the consumption of expenses in Sa lem. Sponsored by a group of promi nout and responsible women, and bear ing all the characteristics of refine ment and enjoyment for which the st tivitics of the Guild aro noted, a plea- uriune treat is assurea all tuose who at- tend. The North Salem Woman 's club mot fit the homo of Mrs. Emil TJoth, 1113 et were, Mesdames F. W. Settlomeir, Worth Oottago street, Wednesday af- Ityott Lawrence, H. Overton, ternoon. Tha time was occupied cxelus- i Maine McCord, Lyman H. Shorey, Al ivoly with a Ibtuinesa session, at whichl lca Monnawsy and- J. W. Richards, tho club officially endorsed Miss Mat- Cake.s, ice and chocolate wero served tie Heatty as camlulate for the pros- idency of tho Oregon federation of women's clubs, and delegates were ap pointed to attend the annual conven tion in Corvollis. Mrs. Myra Shanks end Mrs. J. F. Hutchnson wore appoiut oil to roproseait the club, with Mrs. C, Pollman and Mrs. Hoy Shields as al ternates. Vollowing the meeting tho "women retired to the plant of the Salem Kings Products company where the r: i ...i .1 i, TOrioua dopartinents and explained- the process of dehydration. The next meet ing will tbe held on November 12 at tho home of Mm, Straufibauth. Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, chairman of tho Oregon ratificntinH committee, has announced that Thanksgiving diiy has I'i'en soUn-ted fur the opening of a wo man 's liberty drive in all states where la'ificntion is already completed for raising funds for tho final half of the ratification campaign. Ballot boxes la beled "ballot box of 1!20. If vou want .... . . i - , to put in vote in llKit), put a dollar will be used for collecting lun ls. Of the 23 stales expected to ratify, only four will hold regular sessions bo fore 1920, said) Mis. Hawkins. "It is, therefore, nooesrtiry to secure special sessions in 14 other states. Aproitimste lv !7,000,(X!0 women lire already eligi ble to vote in the t'nitcd States in llt'JO." ' , , - . liepiililicnns aro still in tho lead in eallinu extra sessions for the ratifica tion' m me repumienn governors or iowa, .rnwra.Mks) Muraemia, acw Hampshire, t olenido aud( hanns, and tho democratic governors of Aiktui sas, Missouri, Utah, Montana and Mew York have so far called sessions. Mrs. Parks Brlile classes opened Tuesday at the V. V. C. A. with a resideneo of Mrs. CY M. Epply. 1 Rood attendance. These classes sre , , iuitial mmilng ot 1lle" iWSll very pepular in the city among the ,)friopr!, win bo elected and the lui womiwho are interested in Bible ,., p,Bn, jfor tho eoming ear mado research, and promnte to have a large outa ' Uendaoc during the winter. The first of a Tegular series of stu dent recitals will be held at the Chris tian church next Friday evening. This .series of programs will afford splendid practice in public appearance for de serving pupils and a general invitation is extended to the public. The members presented will be representative of the work done in the studios and listeners are promised a splendid variety in a short time. Sponsors for these programs are Mrs. Leiand (Porter, teacher of dra matic art; frank Churchill, organist and piano teacher; Miss Lena Belle Tartar, instructor in singing. The pro: gram this week will include readings iby Rebecca Samuels, Lota Schulz, Lau ra Purvine and Virginia Dorcas; -vocal numbers by Frances Ward and Macyle Hunter; Mien Viola Ash will assist with a violin solo and Mr; Churchill will be heard in some beautiful organ solos. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. (Following an established custom, the new students of Willamette universi ty were entertained Wednesday eve ning by the members of two societies, with a view to increasing the person-' nel of both organizations. Tho "Phi los" chose their building on the cam pus as a desirable scene for the festiv-, ities and a merry evening was spent; Thoir guests were those new comers whose surnames began with any ini tial between A and M. The "Crestos, " after a pleasant program at their club house took thoir guests to the Spa where a delicious luncheon was served in tho Boso room. Now students whose names begin with any letter between M and Z were in cluded in the guest list. The numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers will be sorry to" learn that they will leave for Califor nia next Wednesday to make their home. Mrs. Myers has hold a reapon-1 sible position with the Capital Journal since her arrival in Salem last winter and has made , large number of 'f,ion( .Mr- Myer hos . wtly .turned from overseas whore he rc- saw , T"VU!6. , w.lth a. " ilo hosp.tal unit, Int!ho?rnv1ln Call!nlt 1 " h, dd,',ng f Mr-rMyerS ",u.U Br. " '. and later will go to Los Angeles where Mr. Myers will complete his course in a medical school. Mis. Al Steiner entortainod tho mcmbors of the Sweet Briar club "Wed nesday afternoon, at her lovely home on tho Wallace road. Offtcors for the ensuing "year were elected as follows, Mrs. Glenn Adams, president; Mrs, Carrie Chaffee, vice president; Mrs. ai fnoiner, secretary-treasurer. An ad ditional guest of the club was Mrs. Olifford Chaffee of. Alborta, Canada, After the business session a social hour ensued pleasurably,. spent in neighbor-' ly converse and noodilowork. The af ternoon culminated with the serving of dainty refreshments. , , , The club will meet, with Mrs. Chaf fee in two wecks1 ';' . ' "' -'.' A great deal of interest is centering on the Columbus dav dance to be given in the Mooso hall Monday evening by tho Knights of Columbus and Daugh ters of Isabella. Compctont committees have been working zealously for the past fortnight to insure the succesB of tho affair. The services of one of the best orchestras in the cty has been secured and with an efficient decorat ing committee beautifying tho hall, everything is now in readiness for the big event. The following prominent women are acting as patronesses: Mrs. Eugene Eekerlin, Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. Frank Durbin, Mrs. Ktta Squire Scetey, Mrs. .laskuski and Mrs. T. K,. Ford. '.- Woodburn, Oct. 11. (Special) Mrs. J. M. Poorman entertained the Past Matron' club of tho Eastern Star ,ul ncr Bom luesaay anernoon. -jans "& ' a'""""" festival were discussed. Mrs. Keith Powell was an additional guest. The past matrons, he-sido the hostess, pros- '" um!imi y, . oinuu- The lovely W. C. Kantner resideneo on t enter street was the scene of a de lightfully inflormal gathering yester day when Mrs. Knottier entertained the mai'lKrs of the Home Misoionary society of tho. First. 'ougrpgational church lit a protty tea. Hot house plants were used in the artistic decorations, l,nd an enjoyable program was Ten- 'ilkm.! i,,..l.,. th Xfa V!1. .lln... Tk.. I.n.1 liam Fleming. The hostess ws Sraf- umsly assisted bv Mrs. F. B. Talking- ton and Mrs. K. M. Hoover. About thir ty women were present. A huge pink birthday cake, prettily ornaiueuted with ten white candles, t- tho principal feature of the on joyiiblo party at which Mrs. Lowell Tweedalo presided yesterday, honoring tho tenth anniversary of her daughter, Misi Dorothy.: Other goodies ami an entire afternoon Of games completed the celebration. Guests at the pretty affair wero Dorothy . TwePdale, Kosa- j lie Uuren. Carolyn "Umbrith, Moxine Myers. Maxina Glover, Perry Buren, May wassom, Paulino : Johnson and Josephine Albert. Tho many friend of Mrs. George Wower, who is visiting here from At lanta, Georgia, will be glad to learn that she is convalescing from tho oper ation she underwent recently, nt the Palem hospital, for appendicitis. Mrs. Blower will be remembered as Miss Kffie Myers, who before her marriage wai eue ot the cities most popular young maids, V The Priscilla club, composed of a group of prominent Sulom women, will nmM .niivitiua TV tv,.. i, -,;n . k Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge G, Brown re turned yesterday from a week's visit in Eugene where the men attended tha Knights Templar meeting. An enjoy able feature of tho visit was a trip up the McKenzie river where the visiting women of the convention were guests at a pretty luncheon at Kimrod Inn. With an opening dance at the Mooae hall, Monday, October 2(Hh, the Mon day Wight Dancing club will resume its activities for the winter. Prepara tions for the event are now under way and from aH appearances it will more than equal the pleasurable enjoyment the previous affairs of the club; Offi cers are Dr. W. Darby, president. Hen ry Compton, treasurer; Walter J- Kirk secretary. " . . ' ; .The Elks lodge announces an infor mal dance at their club house, Friday, Octooer 17th. As usual, " this is ex clusively for the Elks and their la dies, and as usual also, an evening of unlimited pleasure is promised for those attending. Mr, and Mrs. W. UT. Hulsey and chit- dren, Clifford and Beryl Dean, have returned to- Salem, after spending a month in Texas and Oklahoma, visit ing with relatives. They visited itheir old home and had a very pleasant trip. Soven thousand miles were covered in the journoy. Dr. and Mrs. D. F. Lane returned last evening from a six weeks-' trip in the east. They attended tbe- G. A. it. convention in Columbus, Ohio, from whence they went to itforth Platte, Ne braska, where they, were the guests of tneir son, A. u. Jjane, a prominent pro fessional man of that city. Mrs. William Page Douglass, who, t t BUY THAT HOME NOW! T o room -house fairlr modern lo- f X catcd on Hood street. If sold soon, price $900- . ... 7 room house, good lot, fruit and -ganen $200 down and 12.50 per month. Price $900 T Good 6 room house. Good ibath, T A-tOA lAln..n A-tfi v civ., ip.iy.. iiunn, luaiuuva fii.j yy X monta. Jfrice S140U Good B room modern ' cottage' oil T a. iin.sireei. uooa terms auuu Nice home in West Salem. Good terms. Price $2000" Good 5 room bunaralow in South I Salem. 2 blocks from car line. T A-lnft Jnn... i.nin..n. r:u. Good 8 ' room bungalow, ' one block" from -ear' line right off of paved street. Good terms, $3200 Good modern 7 room house on paved street, close in. $2500. 5 room modern bungnlow. Good I basement, South Salem. $400 down. Balance monthly pay- T meats. 5 room house on N. High street. 'Good terms. Close in. $800 - 3 acres, unimproved. All clear- T , a i e(i. I., miivs irom iwir grounus. $1100 . : 14 acres, 6 miles north of Salem. All under cultivation. Fair set of buildings on good road. Close to church and school. $3200 10 acres close in on Garden T road. Mostly prunes and other I fruit. Good 6 room house snd oub buildings. Price $7500 5- acres close in. No buildings great deal of grub oak on the place. Price $900 ' -, 1ft acret just outside of the city limits. Fino modern bungalow, and other out buildings. All in prunes and loganberries. If sold, by .November 1st, $16,000 : - 17 acres about 1 miles from T Hillsboro on good road. No im-. 4 provements. 180O 303 acres aoout S miles from Salem. Over 200 in Cultivation. Dark Ted soil. Good 8 room house and otjier buildings, per acre $73 7ti acres, 8 miles north of Eu- gene. Good 8 room modern house. Fireplace, electric lights, good big barn. -Poultry house, granary, ma-chine sheds. This farm is all .undjer cultivation and one of - the best places around. Eugene. $22,00 , 406-407,40Y Oregon bldg: LAFLAR&LAFLAR Bl" II J) Til AT HOME NOW. WB HAVE ri.KNTV OF t EY TO LOA.M, PAY VS BACK LIKE UENT I with her two small daughters, has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McGiichrist, Sr., for the past month, has returned to her home in Oakland, California. Mr. and) Mra. Av. C. Kerron will mo tor from Portland tomorrow to spend, the week as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Lee Stedner. They will be ac companied hy Mrs. H. 1L Olinger. who has been visiting in Portland for the past three days. . Franklin Launer of this city, will be presented in a piano recital, Saturday afternoon, October 18, by the Aurora Woman 1b club, in that city. The home of Mrs. Frank L. Miller will be the aeene of the recital. 1 Mrs. Raymond Walsh snd small daughter, Priscilla, -has returned te her home in California after a delightful visit at the 'horns of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fry, Sr. Miss Buth Johns, popular member of Salem's younger social set was so loist at the regular meeting of the Commercial club, Wednesday evening. Mrs. W. C. Kantner will leave for Seattle tomorrow to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. O. A. Thomas. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Thomas left yes terday for a week's visit with the lat ter 's sister at Summit, Oregon. - Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Martin motored to Albany last week on a brief busi ness trip. The Bridge Luncheon club will meet with Mrs. William Boot, next Wednes day afternoon. w Mrs. BT. W. Meyers and- Miss Stough- ton spent the day in Portland Friday. .'.. w w Mrs. Charles Gray is spending a brief visit with friends at Camp Lewis. Saul Janz and Esten Williamson are enjoying a motor trip to California, Settled In New Store 270 N. Com'l St. W00DRY The Auctioneer: Thin People 1 Increase weight 10 to 25 pounds per. month. ' By simple guaranteed, safe, reliable treat-' meat. Tonoline will increased your weight with good solid stay there -flesh and muscle. Write today for1 FREE 50c box enelos- ' in? lOe in silver or stamps with? this ad to American Proprietary . BydnicateST MaKlen, Mass. r, STATE g STREET CO. '8 InoneOZb ST0I v - A safeblower who doesn't know a dress shirt front a "bathing suit insists on eing Jufc'k JPickfrjids 'valet in ' Burglar by Proxy", a comedy drama in, five riotous reels. . , Also 'WASWANIPAE -WEEK-END OUTING-CHESTER SCENIC 1 Ye : .z '1 t Oat-of-Town Sodely. $ j(4: the meeting of the Aurora Wo man's club last week, Mrs. W. P. Wurs ter, president, was elected as delegate to the state federation convention at Corvallis and the-candidacy of Mrs. J. W. Sadler for director of the state feo eratiott was endorsed. The following committees were also appointed to serve for the current year; Program, ehairrnan, Mrs. William Wurster, Mrs. Ernest Piper, Mrs. . iB. F. Gdesy; civic, chairman, Mrs. Albert Ehlen, Mrs. Earl Cribble, Mrs. John Miller; house, chairman, . Mrs. W. W. Irwin, Mrs. J. W, Sadler, Mrs. George Ehlen; memfMrship, chairman. Mrs. Fred Yergen, A. Powers," Mrs. William Wurster; art, chairman, Mrs. Ernest IPiper, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. S. C. Barkman; press, Mrs. Clara At kinson; music, chairman, Mrs. J. W. Sadler, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. Guy hickok; librarian, Mrs. IB. 1. Giesy. Mrs. Wurster, the new president. Mrs. Ottaw&y, the retiring president, and Mrs. Hadler, an ex-president' of the An Investment because it brings returns it the mainspring of alt business the voice that carries the met. sage to establish con fidence and good will -to create a desire to buy. ' Is your printing rAts kind? Let year printed mat ter imprest if impor tance and your own indiuiduality by iff. Quality the work of U)e Shaver Press Y.M.CA.Building SJtLEM . PHONE 2 17 9 (MI lift DiCB. ONeill OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN LaddBush DankMdiifrf : Sn!emOr ll tWn t t LUBE ' club will all attend the Corvallis meet ing. Five hundred was the feature of the afternoon Friday when Mrs. Chris Giesy and Mrs. L. G. Gieey entertain ed a coterie of friends at the formers home near Donald. The guest Jist in cluded Mesdames Aufranc, Moore, Sex smith, Freeman, Suikct. Garrett and Flynn, of Donald; K. R. Gribble, Fred xergen, a. i. xergen, u-eo. W. Yer gen, Glenn Yergen, Badcliffe, See, Powers, Chas. Bccke, Ottawav. Diana Snyder, Vandeleur, Sadler, Wescott, Mjenry u Bents, rrank L. Miller, of Aurora; Moshiberger of Woodburn; Webb of San Francises: Vadnais of Portland, and Misses Veiuia Bents and Georgia Kraits of Aurora. Dallas 'At the inLtial meefitior nt the Dallas Woman's club, which was held in the Hbrarv. Tupurinv. th fnl. lowing delegates were elected to at- tiuiJ . 1. n ....... J I . n i lis next week: Mrs. H. A. Woods, Mrs. Oscar Hjlvter Mra -"fi! V rioltM . alu ternates, Mrs.' Eugene Hayter and Mrs. c. a. Hamilton. ANNOUNECMENT To the People of Polk and Marion Counties. We are opening a produce market and will be prepared to purchase all kinds of produce. ' . ' . , This will give the people one of the greatest opportunities for jell-" ing and buying, our place will be in operation at o'nee. , We are already now for Poultry, Veal, Pork, Hides, Pelts, Wool, Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Hay, etc. We are connected with an eastern firm and are prepared to pay the highest prices. ' Give us a trial and you will be convinced; A market price will be published in tho Daily Capital Journal so you may know every day the latest quotations. ' Our place is located at 255 Ferry street in rear of the American Automobile Garage, Temporary Phone 399. BEN. MORRIS, Manager. The New Philadelphia Diamond Grid BATTERIES Guaranteed EDISON-ALKILINE For All Lighting Purposes The Battery Shop 263 NOBTH COMMERCIAL 5TEEET - tmi i i nil i m - 1 RTY Arrangements were also made by tho literary, section to adopt the ehautaur -qua reading course for , the year. "America Among the Nations." will be the theme. Mrs. Oscar Hayter ia chairman of this section. - ,' Aurora Miss Ida Jones was pleas' antly surprised with a party last Sat urday evening in honor of her eigh teenth 'birthday. A pleasurable evening was spent with, cards, games and danc ing. Those present were Leona Will, Diana Snyder,- Mary Gibson, Hester Welch, Bernice Burger, Ida Jones, Vel ma Bents, Mr. and Mrs. A.-Eblcn, Bob Bonn, Boh. Shiinmin, Bert Shimmin, Percy Will, Guy Gibson, Harold Jonee, Henry Bents, Eugene Jones, - ' - :- - . r . Mies Rosemary McGuire was honor guest. at a pretty surprise-party last Tuesday, honoring the sixteenth anni versary of her birthday. The afternoon was pleasantly spent with games and music, and delicious refreshments were served. The guests were Mary McGrew, Marion Rafinot, Anna Hapfinger, Le (Continued on page three) ; MI"lfWl ruiiisj Thiiteen blue coats, a French named highball and an abscessed tooth mak Jack Kobin's life one continual round of surprised in Jack Pickfoid's latest First 'National Exhibitors' Crlcuit re lease ."Burglar by Proxy." Mil! mmttm IVAlKsM Also "YAPS and YOKELS" BIG T COMEDY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 11 Years GO