- - s' - t VfeaOserRc; t i - : Oregon: Tonight and Sunday f a'ir except probubly rain north- ... west, portion; .gentle winds, mostlv southerly. '. .' , a ' "' -- 5250 CIRCULATION Vis 000 EEADEP3 DAILY) , Only Circulation s Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. : FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES ; SPECIAL' WILLAMETTE -' VALLEY NEWS SERVICE 'ii I" V. teJ $ X I i " '?j ii 6 f FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO.-241.TEN PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND JfW STANDS FIVB CNT - ill Jl II CVVfIOsV If ML n m i ii ii il El I I II I II I r m imd mm m JsOllHOiPIMIBlfM Absolete Methods Must Give Way To Modern Ideas, j Speakers Declare fe Although called for the purpose of reaching a solution of the acute house shortage problem in Salem, the public mass meeting, held last night in the Commercial Club, de-. yeloped into a contest to determine an answer to the ques tion: "Shall the men of today, or the Men of Yesterday, be masters of the nations destiny.'" ' Heated dobates, participated in by P. H. D 'Arey, attorney) C. W. - Nie meyer, realty man, and E. Hofer, of the "Manufacturer," on the above issue, brought the housing meeting into lively .perspective.. . ' The debate arose, when D 'Arey, stim ulation support for the various building and loan associations, declared" that thelrcss renters and working men of today are "too classy." , 1 "Whon I was a kid," he said, "I wasn't ashnmed to take a bath in a washtub, and split wood in the back to Salem. Personally, I hopo tho people yard. I aidn't havo a $3000 house toget so thick that they havo to roost oft live in when I hit this cty. And, in 'trees. It is a sign of encouragement spite of this," he cried, "the brain and not a signal for distress." sinew of the state of Oregon are found ) Mv. Hofer said that the peoplo of ed on just such principal's and circum- Salem should thank Tho Capital Journal stances under which I was raised! " 'gnd its new management for pointing When D'Arcy resumed his seat, Cha.l0Ht tno true facts of the housing situa- W. Nicmeyer arose, and with flushed iate, declared: . , . . D'Arcy 's assertion that the loan nssocia " We 've got too much Of this old Oregon ; t;ons Rrc tue oniy solution to the prob spirit. I'm one of the new school; iem t- - ' f i.u're one of the old school, Mr.j D'Arcy. And this is a .day of the new school. You old timers are StiH trying to put tne Old ittoas into, tne hoaas ot the new men of the day. It is such men as I, M D'Arcy, who have to carry on tho future work of the nation and cHiem iuo, ii yuu picusur-su let db qui -it" ., , ... I T IGAPA IT HOUSE PLANNED FOR SALEM SOON Decision to fake an .effective part in alleviating the house shortage in Salem lias prompted T. 6. Blight, the theater man, to undertake the construction of a modern brick apartment house, to bo located at Cheniekcta and Cottage streets. According to Mr. Bligh, Satur day, the building, which, he says, will be modern in all respects, will cost ap proximately $98,000, with furnishings costing $35,000. In discussing the proposed erection . of the apartment house Saturday Mr. ""liligh said: . "I realize that something must be done to relieve the acute shortage of houses in the cty. so I am going to get right to work on this and do all I can to keep, the newcomers in Salem." He said that he was now engaged in getting plans for the buUding, and that actual construction would begin within 30 days. According to tentative plans tho build 5ng will have a street frontage of 165 feet on Cottatre street and a' depth front nee of 66 feet on Chcmeketa street, Mr. B!iah said. There will be 30 apart merits in the building, he snid, with from two to four rooms each Mr. Bligh purchased the corner Friday from P. H. D'Arcr and Theresa n. D'Arcy, for a sale price of $8000. AH day, according to State Labor Commts leeal matters have been closed, Mr.jsioner Gram, will be to decrease the D'Arcy said Saturday, and the deed has been transferred. POLICE ASKED TO AID - IN CATCHING VANDALS Declaring that boys of the city are breaking many windows from unten anted home, r,nd making them un rentable- as a result. Councilman A. H. Moore, member of the police commit tee. Satiirdav held a lenethv conference with Chief of Police Varney in an of - fort to get police to stop the' vandalism. He said , that , in view of the scarcity of houses in the city, much ean bo done to. Telicve the shortage 5f the boys are re - strained from coatiuuing this destruc tion of vacant homes. Councilman Moore also asked the po lice to have merchants in the business section remove the piles of boxes snd other "ere sores" from the sidewalks n front of their establishments. "You're ii young man yet!" thun dered D 'Arey. "That's true," Nioineyer replied. "I still have 30 years to go to hnvo accom plished what you have done. And I hopo that 30 years will develops me to such an extent that I fully realize that we must not block the way of prog- Mr. Hofer arose. "I can't agree with Mr. D'Arcy and his pioneer talk. Ho speaks with alarm at the cominor of a number of families ticn rll this ctiy. He disagreed with Mr.J "Tho loan associations can't handle W.fourth f the situation," U said. tu'xt got to build hnndreds of houses here, Mr. Darey says that the plan to build a number of houses of the same typC( in B str)ng; jg bad. They won't 00 go0(j. it makes the eity look poor, (Continued on page ten) Flour on Salem Market to Jump 10 Cents Again That flour prices will raise 40 cents a barrel, or 10 cents a sack in Salom within the next few days, was information received ' Saturday by local merchants from wholesale dealers in Port- l::ml. The raise is made necessary, it ' was learned here, by the strike of dock men in Saiy Francisco and Portland, which prevents the handling of flour, and cuts down the stock of the retailer and wholesaler. It was only a week ago that flour raised 40 cents a bnrrcj and 10 cents a sack in Salem. jt sc sc jc jc sfc sc jjt $c j(c 5(1 HOURS OF WOMEN WORKERS CUT TO 48 NEXT TUESDAY k ,The only effect of the new rulings of the state industrial welfare commis sion which become effective next Tucs- working hours of women and minors from SI hours to 48 hours per week snd an increase in the minimum wage to be paid to the women and minors employed in Oreeron from til. 60 uer week to $13.20 per week." I Women and minors can be emplovcd nine hours a day, under the new ruling ' an lnii on thai,, fima Anna nnl dtqc.I 48 hours in the week, Oram explains. J member of the child welfare commission As was the ease under the old ruling to succeed Fred Lockley of the Oregon women and minors can not be employed' Journal staff who has submitted his later than 8:30 p. m. in any mercantile j resignation because of inability to de or manufacturing establishment. There j vote the attention to the work of the are no restrictions as to the lateness of commission which he believed to be war-, the hour at which women or minors 'ranted. DcVarney who is division com- ; must cease wrk in restaurants, hotels, j lunch rooms, confectionery stores, ice , cream parlofs, etc., except that they jean not be employed to exceed nine hours many one day nor more man 48 hours during the week. refused to accept the pardon which was strictions contained in the mlina etfr eept that employes working more than 10 hours in snv one dav must be paid at at rate of timeind "one-half for th. overtime. School Boys Aid Campaign; Will l Construct Home '; Even the boys are .going to take a band in tho solution of the housiug problem in Salem! ; A class of nine, under the di rection of Building Instructor E. W. Heckart of the high school. will commence the erection of a modern dwelling at Broadway and Market streets next week. The house, which will have all the modern conveniences; will be placed on property owned by Mr. Heckart. Thp cost, which it is estimated will bo $2000, will be Mr. Heckart ' entirely.' Mr. Heckart decided upon this plan as 'a means of furnishing practical work for his class, and aid in a certain extent tho alle viation of the house shortage. The boys will work three hours a day at the house. . . " ::' .-. '. -' .' - 111 IL0UH LEAVE BED FOR . Washington, Oct. 11. (United Press.) President Wilson will be forced to re main iubed "for an extended period," it was announced at the White, House this afternooa. Dr. Cary T. Grayson made this an nouncement in hig regular daily bul letin on tho president's condition. The bulletin jsttld: . . i ' ! i "The president shows signs of con-! tinued improvement, but his condition is such us necessitates his remaining in ura ur in tuura pnuu. ; i This was signed by Dr. Grayson, Dr.. j Francis X.-Deroum, Dr. Sterling Ruf- fin and Boar Admiral Stitt of the naval 1 n'Wncemeni .was oenyea untu f'Al ,9 ' TZt ?J,U thau usual, ou account of an extended conference of tho president s physiicans. jftrnuiu iu r iuui, o nerve ?poialist, saw newspapermen aft-' or tneir eouiercuce ana no aamuunui an- formation was forthcoming. - Today's statement came as apprise inasmuch as the impression hud been created that Wilson was so improved lie might be able to leave his bed soon, and resume his automobile rides. Al though during tho last 48 hours lie has been taking a slight part in affairs of late, Bettiuii Information through Gray son and Chairman Lane of the national industrial conference recently said he was 'informed Wilson would be able to make an appearance before that body before its sessions ended. OAKLAND STH AGREE TO PROPOSED ARAITRATION PLAN .Oakland, Cal., Oct. 11. (United Press) 'By an almost unanimous vote, Oakland streetcar men today agreed to nubitrate their differences with the street car company. r . Arbitration will be conducted under rcgulatious drawn up at tho meeting with the railroad commission late yes terday. Tho men will go back to work in a body witli no loss of seniority. The decision is generally accepted as foreshadowing the end of the diffi culties between the. men and their em- lovers. Tho strike has continued since Uctober 1. Jt was marked by rioting, bloodshed and fatal accident. The first streetcar in 11 days to be crowded with passengers passed thru the busine.i .section at 10 0 'clock. The passengers cheered and , the cheering was answered from the sidewalks. The union men (believe they will be granted the eight hour day, but are un certain whether they will receive wage increases desired. ' Portland Man Named On ChTid Welfare Commission j D. W. DeVarncy of Portland was Tlfl m.'H tndflV hV Governor Olc.Ott flft & mcrcial agant of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company at Portland has been endorsed by leadine citizens from many sections of the state, ASYLUM INMATE ESCAPES George Martin,' 51, committed to the tn "ospnai om oos cuuuiy, January s. ''- 'T 'he "Ration out workmg with an apple pick- rag crew mis inuimug. uintwu is re garded as harmless. I I WILSON CANNOT EXTENDED PERIOD SUPERIOR NAVY 1 Senator Says Strong Force In Western Waters Needed To Presehre Peace.-: DECLARES JAPAN PLANS EXPLOITATION OF CHINA Attack Directed At Sliantuug Amendment la Hot Speech Before Senate. J Washington, Oct, 11.: Warning that unless a "very superior'.,' navy is main tained in tho Pacific the United (States may some day take the place of Franco in another great war to preserve civ ilization, Beuutor Henry Cabot Lodge today urged that nothing be done to in crease the strength of Japan. .... - Japan intends to exploit China ana make herself a power thut will threaten the safety of th world, he charged, m protesting against the Shantung settle ment in the peace treaty. : "The cane seems so complete, he "that it is impossible to see how : any conscientious American can consent to any act or treaty that will extend ' tho power of such a nation as Japan over a country like Cmna especially whr,n the Knitpd States ileliheratelv (ll.ow chiml -mto the-war, with at least nu impied( y not expressed promise to ivo nB9istKllce and protection at the peace conforence. Tt i11,(i:thid ti.ot muton unaorstanding this subject and looking 'oat upim tha future shouJd be s,lort. ' win.IitA.1 ui nAiiollv tn InnVA Jartnil tn sis bBeonle B pfitU t0 America." I " dcelarei tnat in, Jap " - -v vv r -.- ig6S tQ Mturn shantunK t0 China she hM nevcr (ixed the time aud haS aiways intruded reservations as to economic; rights. prcsidont Wilson, in Ms speeches with rard t0 Hhantune. Xjodea said, hao pointed out that tho McKinloy adminis- trutiou, with John Hay as secretary of state, was unable to protest when Ger many seized Shantung, as under inter national law no protest could bo made and only stipulated that "the door be kept 'open. "N Wilson said the lengue of nations would make it. -possible to protest in such instances without giving offense to the power involved. With regard to this Lodge said: "Jt is no answer to say that wo fail ed to object to the German seizure of Shantung. As a mutter of fact, the open door policy of Mr. Hay was th reply to the German government for tho time, and arrested it.: Tho president has gono out of his way to say that just so we could trade with these stolen territories wc were willing to let them bo stolen. This attack upon tho dead is the most repulsive of all thoso at tacks which the president has seen fit to make. The intention of the policy was to save China and prevent further extensions of foreign acquisitions of Chineso territory." Lodge- concluded with: UJt is not enemy territory that wo "thus betray; it is the territory of a friend who helped us and the other nations in tho war against Germany. It seems to nie an intolerable wrong. I desire at least that my vote should record for the benefit nf tWa who enmn nfier me that I In nn way was associated with this wrong to man and to the cause of freedom and justice." STATE CONVENTIONS Of WOKEN ADJOINED Medford, Or., Oct. 11. The annual convention of the Oregon Mothers' con gress and Parent-Teacher association ended here last night with the election of the following officers: President, Mrs. C. W. Hayhust of Pdrtland; first vice-president, Miss Ferguson, principal of Jackson school. Medford:- recording secretary, Mrs. L. A. Harlow of Trout - dale: coirresnondine secretary. Mrs. John Kisley of MilwauKie; financial socre- tary, Mrs. Richard Webb of Oak Grove; treasurer, Mrs. I. M. Walker of Port- land: auditor, , T. Ji. Krae of Wilbur. Ttm new district vice-Dresident are: First, Mrs. W. E. Eakin of Astoria; sec-''and would not stand for the six-hour ond, Mrs. Cummiiigs of lone; third, Mrs. day. Will Wyrick of Pendleton; fourth, Mrs. I wttnl0(j the forces of union labor H. P. Belknap of Prineville; fifth, Mrs.J,hftt it the farmers went on a strike for Bruce Kister of Vale; sixth, Mrs. El-;a vear tt,u4 onv rajged what was needed more of Ashland; seventh, H. M. Miller 'for nome consumption the working men of Eugene; eighth, Mrs. A. E. WriKht- in lne woul,l find out what a reel man of Silvcrton The new directors are as follows: Mrs. Thomas Hampton of Pendleton, Mrs. J. F. Chapman of Portland, Mrs. George W. McMath of Portland and'f labor be solved along tho lines laldlOregon City a few days ago on tho Mrs. S. L. Leonard of Medford. Foreigners Must Be Made Americans; Says (toon After Steel Strike Probe '. -- . By Raymond dapper . ;;:v r"':' (United Press Staff Correspondent) ' Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 11. Foreign..- labor must be Americanized. This is the first conclusion announced by Senator Kenyon as a result of the senate steel strike in vestigation now under way in the Pittsburgh district. Efforts to pass laws which will en- . William Feency, ex-member of the able evory foreigner to become an Amer- state legislature and formerly a eoal ican will be started at once on the com- miner told a- detailed story of alleged days citizens of the town drilled and cruelties to steel workari. " today. Foeney,-representing steel-workers in Senators were astounded at the -isol.the Donora district, declared that for latlon of foreigners in the stoel district. ' days citizens of thct own drilled and They Tislted districts where the Eng- were given euns, and the "riff raff" lish language is scarcely understood, were called in to attack the strikers, he Repeatedly interpreters had to be Ob- said. tained before the senators could con-1 verse wtih strikers. Throughout the steel : mills dangei- signs were printed in five languages. Proclamations wore printed in various tongues, 'senators observed. SOME FKEEDOM! Santa Barbara, Cal., Oct. 11. (United Press.) '.'Bill" Nye, state department special agent in charge of the royal totir, to day related the following story: "When we were entering Beno I told King Albert wo were entering the eity famous for the ease with whieh divorces were obtained. The king re- 'And just to think, they are. givlUg ug tho frcedom of the city.'" ': n... r ... . v - . (United Press Staff Correspondent.) -Santa Barhnrr.., Cal., Oct. 11. Albert, king of the Bolgians, wth his consort, Queen Elizubcth, and Princo Leopold, heir apparent, received tho homage of California, today.' The Belgian rulers ended their coast to coast run across the American conti nent when they arrived here shortly after 6 a. m. today to be tho personal guests, of Herbert Hoover for throe days. The stay hero will be purely unoffi cial as no program has boon arranged. The royal trio will probably take ad vantage of the ocean's proximity to take a plunge. They probably will also motor in this vicinity. King Albert's route of travel ha been one triumphal procession since ho crossed from Nevada into California. At Truckec, Blue Cuynon, Koscville, Sacra menton, Stockon, Tracy, San Joso and here tho population turnod out en masse. The most impressive welcome was at Sacramento. Kim; Albert terms it the most touching one of his life, with the j exception of the one receiving when he re-entered Brussels after the signing ot the armistice. I At the railroad station there jo,huu or more jammed the station. As the royal party left Sacramento thousands, lined both sides of the tracks for three miles. The train, running slowly, pass- ed through the human lane. The king. queen and prince stood on the observa- n piationn 10 wave lira. uuu CALIrORNIANS GIVE WELCOME TO Kit G ALBERT thanks for the reception. ,non were. calling upon the eity to raise The official tour starts Tuesday at'an aproprinte sum for the Roosevelt San Francisco. On the night of the Memorial park at Oyster Bay, which n 27th the party will nrrive in Washing- few if any Hnlemites would over sec, ton for Newport News on the night of a site as beautiful and with unnumbered 30th there. They will leave Washing- 'possibilities, wns practically Deing wast ton for Newport News eon the night of jod In our very midst, Mrs. Bush asked the 30tb and will board their ship format the club put forth every effort to Belgium from that port on tho 31st. i ' Effect of Year's Farmer's Strike Told by Woman 1 Addressing the state federation at Bond Thursday, Mrs. Esnor Wigmore, state leeturer of tne armcrs- union aim fraternal delegate to the state .federa- tion, asserted that, while tne iarmersjmme(j;i.teiv af(er tra(j jg r,.ewed has might be induced to stand for the eigni- timir A&r in industry, thev could not strike is. Mrs. Wiirmore pointed out that many farmers have curtailed pro duction because unable to pay the wages demanded. Bhe uracd that the questions dowa by tho carpenter of Nazareth. " When wo attempted to noma meet inir on a vacant lot these doputies arm ed with rifles and shot Buns marched down on oar men with eight returned soldiers boys in uniform and an Amen- can fiag jn" front and five hundred men bohind," Fecney declared. Baker Soldiers Make Agitators Kiss Flag Friday ' Baker, Or., Oct. 11. Eight confessed I. W. W. agitators were forced to kiss the Ameri- can flag in municipal court yes- torday afternoon by ten ex- soldiers. Tho "wobblies" had been in jail for 24 hours, after having confessed they came to Baker to incite lumber mill employes to - strike. All carried cards attnek- $ ing President Wilson, the gov- ornment and nearly everything else American. . Aftor the industrialists had mittee 's return to Washington, he said corted by the pouco to he rail- - road station and ordered to leave the city. ' ' : FIFTY ATTEND F won CLUB With Mrs. Zoduc Biggs, president, pre siding, more than fifty women attended tho breakfast of the Salem Woman's Club at the Marion hotel this morning. "Loyalty and Co-operation," snid Mrs. RigSi in a brief address following the breakfast, "are the secrets of the Hucnoss of any organization, and it is the combined loyalty and co-operation of each individual member thut will in sure the prosperity of tho Salem Worn mi's Club." "Bo a booster," Mrs. Higgs continued, "tako prido In tho ap pearance of your city and don't be afraid to tell anyone that Holem is the most benutiful city in the world! " Finishing her speech with a plea that tho women tnke active part in the work of tho club, she called upon a number pust-prosidents for a few remarks, Mrs. Alice H. Dodd responded with a brief opeech on teamwork, interspersing er remarks with a few well directed anecdotes, and was followed by Mrs. Bush who laid a (treat deal of stress lpon the need of beautifying tho city parss. rmyinjr inai wnno cerium per mako Willson Park one of tne most magnificent in the country. Mrs. Klliott, Mrs. Cartwright and Mrs. Albert alo offered valuable sug gestions, and tho affair closed with a private business session of the execu tive committees. Inrush Of Hun Goods When Peace Comes Is Attacked Washington, Oct. 11. Legislation to inr0tect A mcricun industries from a f00(j 0f German manufactured goods ;i,ecn determined upon by senate leaders, it was larned today. It will be put through immediately after final action on tho peace treaty aad before adjournment of the extra session, according to plans of Senator Penrose, chairman of the senate finance committee, Senator Hinoot and other party chiefs. ' , Sheriff Wilson hns brought to Hgh two more checks alleged to havo been Jcashod by A. Jones, who was arrested at charge of pnssing worthloss paper. BREAKrAST 0 BBS Lieutenant Maynard Reaches San Francisco On FTt From East At Hex KIEL AND SPATZ KECK ANMiECK GOO! EAST Western Men Apparently la Lead From Standpoint Cf Time Repsrts Sbsw. DOitna) n "O 'TO 'oosioubj ubs " Press.) Lieutenant B. W. Maynarrt, first of the west bound flyers in tne transcontinental air derby, Alighted t the Presidio :at 1:13 this afternoon . completing his race: Maynard 's total nying. time : irom Now York to San Francisco will bei 8 hoursi 59 minutes. 48 seconds, tha war department announced today. This is an averRge of aftout iuai miles an hour, it was stated. The air distance was 2701 miles. . ' The "flying parson'? had made th last lap of his sensational cross eonntTy flight in 04 minutes, Iiymg iroin oaera mento to San Francisco. , 1 Maynard was greeted by Major Gen eral Charles J. Menohev, director of the nir sorvice, U .S. A., who came hero from the south to greet the leader of the flyers from the east. ' As Mcnohcr and the "flying parson" shook hands, "Trixic," tho German po lice doer who enina as Maynitrd's mas cot, capered about tnem,, gma to oe tm terra firms, again. . As the-plane ncarod the field, the in- :.: nuiin Wii" wdj visible. suriJdiuu u.w f, and 4e crowd shouted. ., . k ' WmitenanV Maynard left Mlneola, Field, at 9:84 a. m. (eastern time) on October 8. - Ho mado the dash 1n a De Ifavilund 4.' ' . New York, Oct.' 11. (United Press) ' The transcontinental air race had nar rowed down to 3 contestants thia aft ernoon, with the two eastbonnd aviator apparently ahead of their wesinounti rival. ' - ' 1 ' Major Carl Spats arrived in Roche: ter, E7 miles from New .York, shortly before noon. He had spent tho niht in Brvrwi, Ohio, with Lieutenant Kiel arid mado his first stop todav nt Clevelnn.l. Spat, left Cleveland at 9 u. m. (central time) and Kiel got awav at 9:17. Cnp: tain L. H. Smith, who has boen setting: the pace for Hnnt nd Kiel, left Bryan this morninet but was forced t In"' t Wa.rrensvillo. Ohio, seven miles f torn Clevelnnd in a heavy rain. His pro rmllcr was smashed a"iid he dashnl tn Cleveland in an automobile trr repairs. Lieutenant B. W. Mavnsrd, the sk tjllot, arrived, at Sncrnmrnto at 11 :t a, m. today. Maynard 's closest west bound comentitnr ivis fTrfnin H. Oi. D..nvton. last renortcd nt Bawlins, Wyo. Trailing Rnatz and Kiel wns Lien tenant B. P. Worthi""'"". wh" lrfi f!W' esfr. for Bryan at 0:02 o. m. central time). EDITOR RMS OFFERED TO HIM Portland. Or.. Oct. 11 Ham Kauctjs- man, serving a sentence of 490 days m jail here lor puousnmg uiui-j . in his newspaper nt rst. riuicua, yi., refusedto ucccpt the pardon which cm anted him by Governor Oloott. Kautzman was given ma -r on tho condition he leave the state of ... .! ..n.lAw tin. Oregon and never again engage newspaper business. J -. The prisoner who is 72, says he is too old to learn another trade or find other work. Ho says he would oaly be come a oublic charge in some other state if he accepted the pardon, adding; "I pref or to stay in jail' Ranch Hand Resisting Posse Of20D; KiUs Twa Bozemnn, Mont., Oct. 11. Deputy Sheriff Frank Curtico and Pomeroy Frceland were killed and Harvey I'lum- lec, ranchman, wounded in gua battles wtih Buford Webb, farm hand, who re sisted a posse of 200 for three hoars be fore he was riddled with bullets. Webb wounded Plumlee, his employer, i aa uroument over waaes. Plumlee called help and Webb was surronaded n a- granary,.- - ;- - - " PARDON OLCOn