THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1919. PAGE SEVEN. 4 All Around I own Coming to The Grand MMmiHttMMMtlltMtlMtttttt Htt Girl wanted a 'the Bp. yesterday. Mr. Mintoa pent twenty ... ., , two mouths on foreign oil, first as a Oranea danee at Macleay Saturday : member of the 162d and later of the hi . 241;eigual eorps. Since the departure of 'ie . ' T Ith 162d from Fnme he naa beel1 jwi.- values ,:'o0e.-' 60c. r5c-and!, stationed at Bcurges. . $1, 35e yard at Hamilton's. ? Portland TVdd iPiDET Of -were among the visitors at the state capitol, Thursday. Dance Saturday night now Auburn pavilion, 4 pieco orchestra. Su . Cretonnes, values sTc, 60c, 75c. and 1, 35e yard at Hamilton's. r The eerviees of Mrs. Warren Hunt are now obtainable for dance music, with or witnout orchestral accompani ment. Phone C A. McLain, manager-secretary of the 'Eugene watcT board, looked in on -the public service commission, Thurs day while in Salem on business. V A. Elliott, state forester, left this' morning for Tillamook to attend a meeting of the Ooos county fire pa trol association. : Bcbeoca Best, cashier at the Barnes Btore. returned to work : Friday after .......ASmr a 10 days' vacation in Jreu ninfo Qimrr'a nall at Livslev sta tion every Saturday night. Talmadgs orchestra. - 241 Tiiw wpxk dra.iH)rv aueeiaL colors, Snowflake Drapes, reg. 57c yard at Hamilton's. firm "75c, 24U E. Pbnieroy, physieian and sur geou, has opened offices in the Oregon building, rooms 301-2-3. 341 Will H. Bennett, superintendent of taank, is Vainsacfci!ng! (businestf in. Portland today. "v ThU wftk' dranerv soecial. firm colors, Snowflake Drapes, reg. 75c, 57e (Hamilton's. u Knrmii TCTerwiUiper-licensed ladv em balmer with TorwiMiger Funeral Home, 770 Duomeketa at. rnone yz. Six room bungalow, modern- except basement, full lot, J538 Saginaw. $2, 750; haJf cash, balance 6 per cent. See owners there. ' ,'. " A n 4 V It I i 4m X MM MEET ME AT MEYERS - dloton and other eastern Oregon points C. H. Gram,- state labor commission r ia 'hock lin hin ttff.ii'n again today. ' . aft-nv on n.huvnfA ' nf flaVS dlirin2 E. L. Buchanan is agent m Marion. ha in oa Qf , nll Pnlk counties for the JN ationai vi .i,in.. Whil -awav he attend- '''Insurance Co., II, S.vA. See. .him iw . a fl ;meeting of the national safety tun roium ri,rih" ioooj council at uievcuina, umo life, it's -me oiuy r267 for interview.; ' TV SCENE FROM "TKA FOB 3" THB BIOOBST LAIMt 8HOAV ITO AfiW, aiWTO THE GRAND OP EE A HOUSE WED. OCT. 18, H) ONE iNIGHT ONLY - ' : -. ; and Daughters of Isabella, not of the U. S. army aro cordially invited. ' Tick' ets for gentlemen $1. Ladies free. Good music. F. G-. Dockebach, ofthe Ja""" members of the Oregon Social Hygiene Crcamory, left Salem Friday Bonimg MB-otyj were rtate 01 visitors, for iMrtiana on a v.-r. ?etum to this city tonight. Artisans attention. Regular moeting Thursday night, October 9th, Msonic kail 8 p. m. District Organizer GaiTct wUl' address the assembly on a mcm, , terthip fllampaign. Cadets &" present. After moro than two years in the ervice, George Bunce hie tntaTZ from France and is in Salem for a few days visiting, with old friends. He saw eervico with the famous First divis ion after-being transferred from com pany M previous to the latter s de parture for f rance T. T V T. TTnl,t 11 !P Mntn.nrff anJ! Earl J. Cummings of Portland, alt Thursday, m conterence with orticiais rplnt vn tn funds available tor social hygiene work in Oregon. NOTICE The John H. Scott Real ty Co.'s business has grown so that lia.r ViaTTO -Prtliwrl nnPOafUtW tO Tn OVfi into larger office rooms. They are now moving to rooms , numDer ao-m-io Oregon bldg. Just at the top of the stairs on the second floor, The annual Red Cross roll call cam paign will bo carried on from October 2 to the 11th. The object of the drive is ito enlist new members and re enlist n, i,l v,nc The T?,oi1 Ornss desires to (keep before the minds of the public that although he necessity ior .service is greatly lessened, civilian re lief demands are enormous and the or ganization, is becoming hard pressca tnnAa tn nrrv on the work. This imembcrship drive i3 for the purpose of filling its corrers, ana, as was w case last year, all you will need to be come a member, will be "a heart and a dollar." . . Frank 8. Bramwell of the Oregon .4. ihonvha. nfl AnttimflfAA. ttYiH BOn. Frank C. Bramwell, formeriy register of tho U. S. lnnfl oince t us uranao but now cashier of the Grants Pass IRnnliintr nnmrwinv at Grants Pass, were . , Viillinn- on frienda amonor ithe state of- Tho name of the White Cross Amtm-1 . . while in Salem on lbusineas lance Service company oi 3 tu i ivilinlnnce service cnangeu n i " . . , company, in supplementary articles of incorporation filed with. Corporation Uommissionor Schuldcrman Thursday. J W. Field of the United States de partment of agriculture, was a vitor in the fltate engineer 's off ice Thurs ,?)dar. Mr. Field is connected with the investigation waicn mo uoi- ... JffTiSltare -i flieking-ihto tho water rights on Malheur lake which has been designated as a federal bird reserve. Western Conservatory of Music of Chicago, 111., Frank E. Churchill rep resentative of Salem branch. Fall term begins Sept. 15th. Complete couro .u Wednesday. .T. . T. Van, Dnren. nresident of the Van Doren Fruit cannery, who is asso wi.tli hia Ihrothnr. P. W. Van Doren in the distribution of the Twin City tractor, said Friday that the suc cess of the tractor in this part of, the j.i,tiw' 4a. nrnflt.innllv njiniired. Much imterest in too new machine is Dcing shown, he saitf. Application for permission to appro priate water for the irrigation of a small tract near JtaKer. has ween iimu with ithe state engineer's office by Dr. jx. Koehler. The construction of a small reservoir on Nelson creek for the stor age of 20. acre feet of water for irri When You Think of Today MAE , MARSH it m A I", fx a A- i'A ... "HIDDEN FIRES" S The drama of a Beautiful Lie, COMEDY SCENIC Liberty Newest Designs in 1 . Waists and Blouses Georgettes, lvv. k)l Crepe-de-Cbine Made in a separate factory by an organization of Waist Specialists. We have placed on "Special" two numbers of these beau tiful waists, made f rom good quality . GEORGETTE CREPE In various colors and the new attractive stylesspec ial . $6.95 Quality First You Caa Always Do Better at 1L v ilcooDicooB s Vzs Who Always Does Better By You Quality t First 8 P. M. piano and theoretical sublets. Studio , gation putp08e8, is contemplated in an -suite 1-2 Odd 167 1R. Fellows bldg. , , mi.. flan 1U IW. Nelson of Mitchell. OAKD OP THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors and friends, also the employees of the Sa- 'lean King Product Co. and Hunts our sad bereavement in the loss of our dear husband and brother, and also for -the beautiful floral offerings. Katherine Heckman, Theodore Heekrl man and family. i . T "20 - - V, T ME A T think of the Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian .A,n;mr for Seattle from where she will sail on the Kashima j. hw ay commission of the state of Col -! f., tl,i flrient, on a five months ..,, i.i,. r surnnor. nuditor of tonr. MISS m.irvm win uo ied on tho tnur by Miss Jessica -Todd of Monmouth, dean of women at tire tate normal. The latest arrival from overseas is Joseph Minton, who arrived in Salem W. T. KIGDON & CO. tlmlertakera 252 North High Street ELSIE FEBGUSON SOCIETY EXILE" LI.OYD COMEDY PATHS As a euide in opening a set of books inn i-rt.,,,.,.,s fur .11 oi tue state auditor of state, has written 6am A, Koatfj dep uty secretary of state, for shce s rrom the various records in uso in Oregon. t am i-.nn(.tin!ir HSsistanco from three of tho most up to date states in the union, vour state 'twing one oi xue three, "'the letter from Strong reads. Dr. F. H. Thompson surgeon fof the state, industrial accident commission, wlm hna ihnnn absent from the city Viim nkfl whilft ho travelled in the east in interest of the commis-. sion, returned to- his home here vvea Tfp is in Portland to io,. wiiilo in"hn piist Dr. Thomoson visited the reconstruction hospitals at Toronto, Dan., yvasnington, u. u., auu Letterman hospital at aan Francisco. Will celebrate Columbus day in hon or of our .returned soldiers, sailors and marines, the Kniehts of Columbus and Danghtors of Isabella, on Monday eve ni vtnhm 13. wilt celebrate Odium- --- t - t io nn wth mi informal dance in the Derby building on Court end High otrpota All Anldiors. sailors and ma rinM w ill hn admitted free. Other friends of the Kniehts cf Columbus UlDrCtfaNeill oriuntiKioruriiurtn . STATC ?. STRtEI ... ... b... s.d..r , a , irtuu&LMi va m vumuiim .... 8 P.M. DANCE ARMORY -SATURDAY NIGHT Admission: v ; Gents, 90c; War tax, 10c; total, $1.00 War tax, Ladies, 10c. W. L, BRYANT Manager.' 8 P.M. 8 P. M. NOTICE TO THE PTJBLIO We wish to notify .our many friends n-nil natrons that wo hav moved our foffiee rooms from the Oregon Electric building to rooms Kii-aia uray uivo, adjoining uommaieiai oiuo ruutim. Thanking yoa for :.pnt patronage we extend a coraiai lnviuiuon no " t qur new loatmJYours, for tbtisiness, Perrine Maitors, Rooms S11-212 Gray bldg-V Salem, .Qr; Phone 907. Tomorrow Only Midget McLtkct HAMILTON THE FURNITURE MAN Will take your used furniture in exehango for new. j.vy a y.v... F . ju.y hx'A 1 This week we have an es pecially fine lot of CHOICE YOUNG BEEF, also a plen tiful supply of MILK FED yEAL- In spite of the raise we offer Sugar cured picnic hams, per pound -25c Pure lard (guaranteed),' per pound ... $1.55 Swift's Jewel shortening, per pound $1.20 It pays to trade at the - DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS tn'Mts Msjcsta. theAmertcan' Coming To The Oregon For 4 Days Starting Sunday Silk'umbrellas just arriv ed. Priced $5.10 to $13.35. At the. Remnant Store Saturday anight DANCE Big New Hall TURNER lift Jli1 . .rttrtnvHfniTIV Hi We want :: to meet your boy h ?f".TOf - 7.-4 Midget .-.- Market Originators of Low Prices 351 State St. . We want to meet all youngsters boys and girls who arc putting tbeir cye to $hd severe strain of school work. 'Possibly any, eye examination Will 'reveal the need of glasses which will materially improve vision. Spectacles particularly the Shcll tcx are especially recommended. We will gladly supply yoor child with glasses if they really need them not otherwise. ' Call Saturday if convenient to you otherwise at your convenience. . HENRY E. MORRIS & CO. 805 State street ' Salem, Oregon Ik. '. ARTCRARPlCTUREyM) Elsie Ferguson IN ociety; Exile" Lloyd Comedy 9 sStlP-l Pathe ANNOUNECMENT To the People of Polk and I larion Counties. We are opening a produce market and will be prepuicd to purchase, all kinds of produce. ...11 Thi'rill give the people o-e of the greatest opportunities for sell ing and buying, our place will be i -i operation at oneo We are already now for l'oiJ ;ry, Veal, Pork, Hides, Polts, Wool, Potatoes, Onions, lieans, Hay, ere. We are connected with an eastern firm and ara prepnrod to pay tne highest prices. Oivo us a trial vi you will be convinced A market price will bo published in the Dady Capital Journal so you may know every day tho latest quotations. ... . ;,. Our plaeo Is located at 255 Ferry street in rear of the American Automobile Garage, Temporary Phono 3!)9. P,EN. MORPvlS. Manaprcr.