Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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! th
By Gertrude Robison "
HE breakfast for the members of F K LYoone, Lcland Forter, W A Clem-
the- Salem Woman' stub wnwMi
rill bo held at the Marion hotel
tomorrow morning at 11:30, will un
doubtedly be one of the biggest events
of the present season. Plans to make
It a huge suceeas have been under way
aiace the opening meeting of the or
ganization a month ago and a large
attendance is expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Meyers and
Mr. and Mr. George G. Brown are vis
iting in Eugene.
- Mrs. Walter Buehner was the guest
f friends in Portland yesterday.
A pleasant afternoon was spent at
the home of Mrs. B. W. Walchor, when
the Loyal Woman's class of the Pi rut
Christian church met informally for
their Tegular business meeting. The
rooms were, beautifully decorated with
ferns and) pink geraniums. Later in the
afternoon delicious refreshments were
erved. Those present were Mosdnmes
K S Huffman, Madgo Taylor, G- E Shaw
'Adam tBorns, Kmma Dwyer, Mary M
linker, Arthur 1) Weleh, J T Hunt, D
A White; M M Ransom, W 8 Birdwell,
O Jj Davis, Guy E Wilcox, Fred A
8napp, H O Eploy, Ruth, Hatch, J 0
sJampbeU. Harry Stilos, J H Campbell,
J a Hall. Cha Knowland. II O White. I
M J Hunt, Will May,, Wm P Busick, week
ent, Y E McCroskey, Ueo reed, ona
White, P p Olmsted,. J I Barber and
Miss Mary Hunt.
The hostesses for the afternoon were
Mrs. W. A. Penney, Mrs. Clifford El
gin, Mrs. John Humphreys, Mrs. S. E.
Wolfe, Mrs. B. W. Walcher and Miss
A. Aline. -
An interesting guest at the P. B.
Southwick residence is Mrs. J. N.
Thome of Des Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. Minnie Marcy Botes, president
of the Lnella club of the Kimball
School of Theology, Salem, is recuper
ating from an operation at the jDcacon
ess hospital at Salem. Before her mar
riage Mrs. Bates was a popular Sell
wood girl. Evening Telegram.
Mrs. Irwin Griffith and Miss Har
riet Griffith wore in I'ortlund yester
day visiting with friends.
Mrs. Charles Miller is a Portland
guest, being domiciled at the Hotel
Portland while visiting 5n the city.
7. S. Jarman of this city ds attend
ing the conference of J. C. Penney
store managers which is being held at
the Multnomah hotel in Portland this
The annual Y. M! C. A. financial cam
paign will begin in this city next Wed
nesday. Plans for the fund campaign
were mado at a meeting of the board
of directors Wednesday. The committee
appointed to take charge was! Chalr
raiq,Pau 1 B. Wallace, T. A. Livesloy,
John A. Farrar, T. IF, Kay arid R. J.
The work confronting the locul branch
of the Y. M. C. A., since the war, is
greater than ever. To eopo with this
sliuation more funds must bo procured.
Tho committee is sending out a letter
to all subscribers enclosing an interest
ing Tesume of the work of the Salem
ass.MUtttion, a copy of the budget for
the coming year and a plea for generous
In support of the campaign James
Elvin, secretary of the local Y. M. 0. A.,
calls attention to th0 state meat of Gen
eral John J. Pershing:
"The Y. M. 0. A. lias served the
army better than could have been ex
pected, Its aid has beon a largo fpctor
in the great final accomplishment of the
American army." . v ' , s
Wnahimrtnn. Oct. 10. Effective Im
mediately, the United States department
nf utrriculture will handle all wheat ap
peals frq mllcensod inspectors' grades
on intrastate as won as liuerniuie trans
actions. Formerly undor the grain 'Stand
ards net. wheat was required to be
elflppod Or delivered, for shipment across
state line before an appear coma oe
taken to the government.
The now arrangement has been mado
by the secretary at the urgont request
of Julius, H. Barnes, Unitod States
whnot ilirnnt'nr. mid is effoctive undor
authority and during the continuation
of the food control act, the wheat guar
anty act, and the executive order oi
Mav 14. 1919. Mr. Barnes sttttotl tnai
it was necessary to have the appeal
privilege on all wheat wnotner inter
tntn nr Intrastate in order to make the
guarantee good to the producer of wheat
everywhere in t lie united mates.
Pursuant to this agreomcnt federal
grain supervisors In all the large mark
ets of the United Staes have been in
structed to entertain all wheat appeals.
FI1D "
HOIiLISTEB'S ROOKY MOUNTAIN TEA a groat laxative mild, pleas
ant, eertain-rso thoroly. cleansing and purifying that CONSTIPATION dis
appears, and when your CONSTIPATION goes your COMPLEXION im-proves--
yon work better cat bottor feel better.
Give it a thoro trial and you will recommend it to all your women friends.
3.V a package. D. J. Fry. " (Adv)
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Donald New Notes.
Donald, Or., Oct. 10. Mr. Wheeler,
district organizer of the Artisan lodge,
organized in Donald Saturday evening
with a very good beginning, consider
ing ' the number of lodges already in
Donald. ' , ,,
Mrs. Mercer was a week end visitor
in Portland, returning Monday night. ;
Clover threshing is the order of the
day around Donald, when dry enough..
A. E. Feller 's machines is now at James
Ryan 's place. He has 10 acres to hull
A deal was closed last week whereby
one acre of ground, the W. W. Walker
residence, and the Donald Nursery pack
ing house ,pasacd to Mr. Huffstutter of
Tonqun. Last spring Mr. Huffstutter
purchased a five-acre cherry orchard in
Donald. They expect to move here about
the first of the year to make it their
permanent home.
Mrs. Delbert Yergen and Mrs. B.
Hughes of Butteville were Donald shop
pers on Thursday. -
Mrs. O. O. Freeman returned home
Wednesday from Portland, 'where she
had been a guest of the Charles Hoskin
family since Sunday.
George Struber of Woodburn was in
Donald on Wednesday.
Hoskin &De Sarta are here giving
their buildings a new coat of puint. The
brick store building occupied by the
M. W, Johnson and Donald bank and
their tile factory roof.
Mrs. S. A. SexBrnith was a Portland
visitor on Wednesday.
Mis. Kiigbaum of Portland arrived
in Donald Thursday morning to visit her
daughter, i Mrs. Ralph Connctt. If a
suitablo house can be secured it is likely
they may move here for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Hawlcs returned to Don
Hid Wednesday from Portland and are
thinking of locating here.
Ed St. Helens came out from Port
land the first of the week and is help
ing his broth erin-hiw, Dolph Cone, with
his farm work preparatory to fall seed
ing. Mr. Cono runs a tractor and is
turning ground over pretty fast.
T. R. Bwayze. and the Misses Eieen
and Fcnmore Pelletier of Portland were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thurs
ten Yergen. ,
Mrs. Eugene Flynn wa-s a Portland
victor on Tuesday.
W. A. Garrett of Bend, Oregon, whs
hns boon visiting his brother, Roy Gar
rett, and sister, Mrs. J. P. Feller, for
several days, returned to his homo on
Mrs. Mary Elliott was a Portland visitor-
Monday. .'.
Rev. A. Hawthorn of Livesloy was as
signed the Fargo church at the M. B.
conference last week for the ensuing
year. Ho will take up his new duties,
October 12th.
Mrs. Mclnnes 'of Fargo was a Donald
shoppor Thursday. ,
Mr. Milen of Portland has traded
some Portland property for 20 acres
near Donald and moved onto tho game
Inst Monday. ?.;., , -?.. jT .
Mr. Jolmsoil' of the Johnson mill mo
tored out from Portland on Wednesday
to look over the affairs at the mill.
Mrs. Chimin- .was a week end visitor
at tho Sexsmith home.
M. W. Johnson was a business visitor
in Woodburn on Monday.
. We Have Just
All At
I .a sr T par s rnc f M c : si i w
Theue is one size, 38, at i....... ...........$12.65
Three 40's at the same price.
One each of 48 and 50 at $14.43
The other eighteen are sizes 42, 44 and 46, ranging
in price from . $7.65" to $16.85
It's a snap for the average and large size men. If you
are a driver, you can't afford to lose out on this, for
a coat like one of these will be a mighty good friend
on a chilly day. .
Every day shortens the range of your choice.
MEN of Willamette
Just Arrived, New Shipment
The better kindin the right shade and sizes requir
ed. We can take care of your wants now. Pair $5.43
- .J
fa II
-i ii.V'rs'Hii J "
-i i
jc ic )( sc j(c
Pralum News Notes.
Mine Owner Was
Forced To Quit
Moves to Coast Seeking Health Takes
Tanlae and Will etorn Horn
A Well Man : ,
''I was forced to jrivo up my mining
business in Nevada and come out here
seeking health but thanks to Tanlae I
am earning back a well man," said
William H. Hart, who owns the Vindi
cator-Divide mine in Tonopah, ' Neva
da. Mr. Hart made this remarkable
statement while in one of the Owl
Drug company's stores in Los Angeles.
Cal., recently. . ; .
"For nine lonar years I have suffer
ed terribly with indigestion and stom
ach trouble," ho continued. "No treat
ment or medicine gave me any perma
nent relief and X got in such a nerv
ous run down and. emaciated condi
tion that I had to leave my mine and
come out here and try to find some
thing to help me. My appetite was poor
and everything I ate formed gas in
my stomach that would start pains
which almost drew 'ma double some
times. I got so nervous that I conldn't
grasp a pen long, enough to write a
letter and at night even the sound of
the wind blowing around the house
would upset me.-1 eouldn't sleep any
way and this together with my atom-
actn trouDle puliotl me down until I had
lost forty -pounds' of ,my weight,. Back
in June I bed a. more severe attack
and couldn't stay: on the iob another
day, so I .just gave- up and came out
here. I didn't get any relief until a
friend recommended Tanlae and I
started taking it.
I feel like a new man since I fin
ished my fourth bottle, of Tanlae. I'm
eating' three- square meals every day
and enjoying them. My nerves are as
steady a. rook again and I can, lay
down at night and sleep as sound ns a
healthy child and get up feeling like
a different man. To make a long story
short, I am goingi back to my mines a
well man and able to get on ithe job
and stay tnere. Tanlae has overcome
the troubles that kept me in misery
for nine long years and I am glad to
have a chance to tell- everybody just
how it has helped me. .If I had only
found Tanlae back at home it would
have saved me the expense of the
trip out here and all that I have paid
out for treatments and medicines, but
my experience with. Tanlae alono has
been worth, more than that to me."
Tanlae is sold in Salem by Dr. S. C.
Stone, in Hubbard ty Hubbard Drug
Co., in Mt. Angel b- Ben Gooch, in
Gervais y Join Keliy, in Turner by
H. P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by lay
man 11. onorev. in Silverton by Geo.
. Steelhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J.
P. MsCurdy, in otayton by C. A.
Beauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
btore, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co., in Donald byl M. W. Johnson, in
Jefferson by Foshav & Mason and in
Mill ,City by Mameteria Gro. Co.
. i (Adv.)
Tacoma, Wash., Oet. 10. The plant of
the Tacoma Gas company which supplies
Olympia and Tacoma, was wrecked early
today by an explosion of unknown
origin. Virgil Stearns,, engineer, was
badly burned and "was removed, to a
hospital. High pressors service was cut
off for several hours." The building was
of frame construction, making the loss
only nominal, Manager D. J. Young
said. . .
Up to October 1, 779 cars of fruit had
been shipped out of the Bogue River
Pratuin, Or., Oct. 10. Henry Schroe-
der, who has been visiting in California
lor several weeks, returned home Tues
School openod bore Monday with Miss
Eleanor Sehaap as principal and Miss
Minnie Bchaller Aa primary instructor.
Practically all of the pupils of school
ago reported for work.
Miss Alicia Wclty, accompanied by
Mrs. Marion Uorbin of Molalla has gone
to Hood River to pack apples.
Miss Esther Sehaap of Zillah, Wash.,
is spending her vacation with homo
folks at Fratum.
Paul Lardon has returned home from
V. J. Krclibiol and Adolph Krehbiel
were Balein visitors on Friday.
Several of the farmers in the neigh
borhood are busy filling their silos.
Mint Growers To Meet In
Eugene Saturday Morniag
Willamette Valley Mint Growers as
sociation will hold a apodal meeting at
the Eugene chamber of commerce Satur
day morning at 10 o'clock. The meeting
was called for the purpose of discussing
tho pool recently formed and the price
i nut ims Dcen orterod for this year's
crop. The pool was for 30 dajs and the
time has about expired. ;- '
The growers are holding their product
at M per pound, while n offer of $7.15
hns been received, and the question now
to be decided is whether the mint shall
be sold for the price offered for the
pool or whether it shall bo held for
the original price. Guard.
Sage Tea Beautifies
i And Darkens Hair
TTTTf ( 1
Sags Tsa and Sul-
Don't stay gray!
pour darkens bairso
- that nobody can tell
. i
You can turn, gray, faded hair beau
tifully dark, and lustrous almost over
night if you.'ll get a bottle of "ywy
ethi'B Sage and Hulphar Compound" at
any drug store. Millions of bottles of
this -old famous iwgo Tea Recipe, im
proved by the addition of other in
gredients, are sold annually. . says a
well known druggist here, because it
darkens the hair so naturally and even
ly that no one can tell it has been ap
Those whose hair is turning gray or
becoming faded have a surprise await
ing them, because after one or two ap
plications the gray hair . vanishes and
your locks become luxuriantly darn
and beautiful.
This is th age of youth. Gray haired
Commander Of Letterman
Hospital Killed Thursday
San Francisco, 'Oct. 10. Colonel Rob
ert M. Thornburgh, commaii.lant of Let-
ormna general hosnitnl, is dead and six
persons are suffering minor injuries a
the result' of an automobile accident
here last nicht, when the automobile in
which Thornburgh was riding crashed
into a municipal bus.
F. W. Carev. driver of the machine
that Colonel Thornburgh occupied, and
Janios Lawless, driver of tho municipal
bus, are both eharjtbd with manslaugn-
fr because of witnesses' conflicting
Tie Mosier frirlt district shipped i
rarlir.dg of prunes this year, th. erop
being sold for $100 a ton, a record pries
tor the ti'Uit.
An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade
i 1 zzz
C 1. V
They are in the weaves and colors which will
be extensively used in the making of the new
garments for fall and winter. - x
A wide range of colors and a splendid variety
of stunning weaves.
Women who demand the Utmost in Style and
quality will find this display interesting.
56 inch Wool Bedford Cloth for Suits or Coats in the Latest Shades. Pea
cock Blue, Navy Blue, Light Blue, Black, Dark Brown and Red, yard $3.98
Ladies' Store
State Street
r i ii MiaM si as All f r f I 1
Salem's Except ional Store
Men's Store
State Street
There's satisfdction intiidtjoB
"I've juft had my house painted with Heath fit'
Milligan Paint. ;
What do you think of those colors? They were
suggested by the H. & M. Art Department.
I know the paint is right, because my father and '
grandfather both used that brand. " ' . .
Heath & Milligan Quality and Heath & Milligan
Service is a combination which can't be beat.
Write Heath fit Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago, for a set
of either exterior or interior painting plans. They are free."
"Quality Goes In Before ' The Name Goes On."
Neither pounding heels nor piping hot
water wilt affect Chi-Namel on floors,
furniture or other woodwork. Re.
markably brilliant because of the water
proof jelf-leveling Chinese Oil incorpo
rated by our secret process. Chi-Namel
finishes for hard or soft, old or new
wood are also the most economical
because they cover one-third more
surface than most other finishes.
(fclway the rf preventative store in its locality)
and learn of the many Chi-Namel finiahca for
everything in the home and the eate with which
you can apply these clf-levelm Chinete Oil
finishes without lapa or brush marks. It wiH be
5 mtnutei well spent.
Our Paint Department is
complete give us a trial.
Ray L Farmer Hdw. Go.
Corner Court & Commercial Sts.
Phone 191
unfvMirafctdve olia aren',1 wanted
around, so get busy with.Wyetb's Sage
and Sulhpur Comiplonnd tonfgbt and
you'll be deKghtcd with, yonr dark,,
handsome hair and yonr youthful ap
pearance within a few days. (Adv)
The Great Merit of
at '
as & staunch
food of finest flavor;
is supported by its
enoniy as a ready to
sefve cereal for break
fast or lunch-
v :
Not a bit of Waste
Acids In Stomach
Cause Indigestion;
Create Gas, Sourness and Pain
How to Treat
Medical authorities state that nearly
nine tenths of the cases of stomach
trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning,
gas, bloating, nausea, tc. are due to
:rr "'uruCTU"no m. ? people who enjoy their meats with no
o.-iu nuu nui as W)m eueiieve to a mnr flvf nf infli.ro.tinn i1
- - - juuu. J '. U VII...,al.
stomach lining is irritated, digestion is
delayed - and food sours, causing the
disagreeable symptoms which every
stcmach sufferer knows so well.
Artificial dicestents are not. nenilnil
in such cases and many do real harm.
Try laying aside all digestive aids and
instead get from any druggist a few
ounces of Bisurated MagnesiaTand falie
a' teaspoonful in a quarter glass of wa;
ter right after eating. This swoetens
the stomach, prevents the formation of
excess acid and . there- is no sourness
g-or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in
powder or tablet, form never liquid or
milk) is harmless to the stomach, in
expensive to itake and is the most ef
ficient form of magnesia for stomach
purposes. It is used by thousands of
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
1 r. i. . v 11 r
For Infants
& Invalids
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages
Quick Lunch at Home or Office
Avoid Imitations and Substitutes
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy .Names,
Salem, Oregon, Boarding
and Day school
Most Approved Methods
. Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin
and Harmony
Elocution and Physical "
Culture Classes
Mcdcrn Conveniences And
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
September 8th
Slsier Superior