THE DAILY CAPITA Y JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1919. PAGE SEVEN. CIRCULATION BEING BY FAR THE- LARGEST OF ANB PAPER, IN MARION 'COUNTY INSURES THOROUGH DUfr TRIBUTIOil OF XOim ADVERTISING.- 5 " - : nno aft moMiii nr A octTTnTTTk An E A TTPQ tliACiOirHjU Bate pes., word New Today:- Each insertion lc 5o 17e ..... Be On . week (6 insertioas) On s'.onth (26 insertions) One year, per month , . Minimum per ad 25 cents. Cash in advance, except where ad' vertise-rs have monthly accounts... New Today. 61S room bungalow, modern, full base ment, furnace, built in features, pav ed street, well located; leaving, owner. Address Home A cure Jour nal. 245 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apt., private bath and telephone. 30.) N. High. Phone JS45. 240 WANTED Auto truck -hauling of all hinds. Phono 1608J, A. H.- Bieder- man. 248 FOR SALE 02 acres located 8 miles south of Salem, 30 acres in prunes, logaus;' raspberries and English wnl: nuts, 18 of timber, balance in cultivation. All tools, machinery and stock goes. Price $200 per acre. See E. B, Grabenhorst, 275 State St. 241 FOR .SALE Light weight,, good team, $133 if sold at once. Work for same team and man $8 per day, 8 hours, skipping gravel. Inquire time 'keeper Eola Springs day time, or 903 Union street evenings. . 240 FOR SALE 10 acre3 located north of Salem 3-4 mile of Oregon Eleetric sta tiou, Vi mile school; 5 acres in lo gans, 4 acres in Evergreen blackber ries. This is one of the ibest traets in the county. Price $4500. See Fred W. Durbin, 275 State St. 241 FOR SALE 57 acres all cleared ex cept l? acres of timber, about half liver bottom and all the best of soil. A snap ait $4750. See Fred W. 1 tar bin, 275 State St. , ' -241 FOR SALEA good house just north of Court apts. the lot is 33x80 feet and the price as only $2100. You had better, see Fred W. Durbin, 273 Stato St. , . ; - . - ' 241 OS account of other interest will sell my business making ibettor . than $200 month for $450, this is just what its worth. Unexperienced man handle. Call 544 State St. z-u NEW SPECIAL OFFERS IX HOUSES We have houses close- in, 5 to 7 rooms, plastered, electric lights, baths oud toilets, improved streets, priced from $i-'p() -to B'fo5 tnese, are reai buys and-are, now on the market ; see us in our new offices on the 2d floor, the above house can be (bought with a small payment .down and long, time on balance. 'John H. Scott Realty Co., 22S Oregon bldg. , a FOR RENT Barn for auto. 622 INorth High. , 241 JIODER'N' five room cottage for sale or trade at Ashland Or., close in. Call G070J. , 241 WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms. Call 441 from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., 1240 lifter H. , . , 241 FOR auto truck hauling, try the Bicd-. ennan'itransfer snnd at No -Vary grocery, 3S3 Court St. Phone 409. 252 1X)R RENTHGood 9 room' house mod ern, cement basement, 2 lots with fruit, on State St. Price $23. per month. Squnre Deal Realty Co. 239 WANTED Teains to bank out wood. easy to haul, good wages. Call 1203 'N. Cottage St.--evenings. , . -239 WANTED Practical nursing. Thone 191 7W. -. : . 244 FOR SALE 3 'houses on Union St. by owner, Miss Zanker, 443. Union. 245 IOST On Sunday afternoon " broocS set with pearls. Return ta Journal and receive reward. 241 FOR RENT Small furnished apart ment for light housekeeping. 333 S. 19th St. , . - 240 FOR SALE 3-vear old filly, weight about 1250. Phone 80F2. 241 FOR SALE 1 team of chunky Jjuilt, matched mares, weight 1050 each. 2863 Brooks ave., near fair grounds. ' 240 FOR SALE 1 team 2100 lb. mules, 6 and 7 years old wefll matched, al ways worked together. 223 Center atreet. ;' . 240 fKIR SALE Seven ewes and buck for sale or exchange for shoata or brood sows. Phone 1138J. . , . 241 FOR SALE Siy owner, cozy lit tle mod era home, 529 (S. Commercial. Inquire 355 Bellevue. 341 SV003? Swing. Phone 1350, E, A. Bur ton. We are old hands at tb" busi ness. - i 244 51-FMI WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST-DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. ; HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Building T fresh, yel- ' FOR SALE 1 six year old w J-.- ,.w. mvino- 5 aallons test 0. 1 two-year old heifer giving 1 gallon at milking, gentle and pick et broke. Also one nice pig and 1 fat hog. Inquire at, 723 S. 13th St. ; 240 FOR SALE Cheap, with terms, or ex change for Ford car, good, lot very close street car; garage and bases meat, close to business 'streets. St. Johns, 1'ortland. Address B. M. Woods, lit. 2. 239 FOR SALE 'Ford automooile. Inquire Adolph cigar store evenings. 240 FOR SALE 9 room bouse, bath, fur nace, barn. 110l Ferry St. Lot 39x 140, 3. lots adjoining 396x140 feet, alley and street paved. Tho K. Campbell, 3012 Court bldg, Port land. - . FOR SALECorner 14th and Court streets, lot 80x442 10 rooms, 2 .batns cement porches, furnace, laundry, garage, $7500. . Thos. K. Campbell, 301-2 Court bldg, l'ortiana. WASTED -Waiter at 138 S. High street. '4l FOR SALE Good heavy raincoat, worn only few tunes, cheap, mono FOR- SALE On Court street, modern 8 room house, plenty of fruit. Phone 2413R, 193 S. 18th St. . Z- FOR SALE The last peaches of the season are now ready. Largo yellow .freestone. ,, vine flavor, limited amount. M. C. -Pctteys, Phone .... - . 240' vim SALE iRuick five tiasseneer, 4 cylinder, good condition, little used in pood condition. Inquire 277 'X iCanitol 1 n. m. 241 FOR SALE Small house, large lot. bearing fruit of all kinds. McFar- lin. .Tndson and S. Cottage, 244 WANTED To buy a Unnk. 1135 Waller-street. . 241 For Sale. FOR SALE 70 acres fenced and cross fenced, all under cultivation. 30 ajres 'bearinw -runes, 5 acres cher ries, 5 acres pears and apples. Will subdivide. Would mecept modern house as "part payment. Terms. Phone I. 11F2, Rt. 4, box 101. ' 243 FOR SALE Good Jersey cow. Phone 11 F2. Bt. 4 239 FOR SAtE-Leavihg town, household furniture and chickens tor sale. iua Waller street. ,243 FOR JsALE Ten acre fruit farm,' 5 miles east (of SSalem, block north Yeoman station, on good graveled road, acre of Joganiberrics, family or chard in bearing, large house, barn, hen house, etc., chickens, hay, wagon horses and farm implements. Best of soil. Will sacrifice at $3200. H. C. Bressler, Rt. 6, box 2SB, Salem. 240 FOR SALE IFull Mood Jersey cow, " fresh. 240 21st St. south. Phone 2030 W. "239 FOR SALE Fully equipped late mod el inuian motorcycle, wim or wiin out sidecar. Will- take air good bicycle Call 204 State. Phone 2153W. 239 FOR SALE Extra fine Jersey heifer calf, 2 months old, price reasonable. Call at 1795 Fairmoiint ave. 240 FOR SALE Tomatoes, extra quality, 3c lb. 733 N. Com'l St. " 240 SPITZENBURG, Northern Spy, Bald wins, Kings, Snow and Waxen ap ples. Hand picked. , W. R. Hicks, Fruitland road. 243 FOR SALE By owner, 98 aeTes, 1 mile south of AumsviUe, U, p. mbi burn. Aumsville. Or.'' 242 64 ACRES good land, 5 miles south of Salem. 2ood house and B&ca. au fenced Tind all under cultivation. $100 an acre. Address 04 care Jour nal or nhone 1118. ' 241 FOR SALE By owner, 31 acres first bench land, best or rruit lanu; eight miles, from Salem, spring and small creek, 27 acres in Milinv inn -Q ami nrfltmrd ITT TIT R flfrt apples, walnuts and jiherrie, bear ing; some improvemenra, jasuu; n cash, balance terms. Write Owner 31 cnrA .Inurnal. 242 FREESTONE peaches, 3-4 mile from eoment Ibridge on Wallace roaa. "Bring your boxes. M. P. Adams, Rt. 1. i'hone 5GF12 after 6.n. m. 243 FOR SALE" Office partitioning, in - eluding doors and windows. Capital : Journul office. . FOR. SALE Titan tractor and 3ot torn plow, 8 foot tandem disc Har row, cox 9 journal omce. 245 SPLENDID light dray wagon $23 cash. Call 940. ' 241 I LOANS-6 FOR SAI.K50 eight-weeks old pigs, choice $0. L. F, Hill, Rt. 8, Phone 39F4. . ...... . 241 FOR SALE A-l fresh Jersey cows. C . H. Riches, Turner, Or. , FOR SALE: Cabbage for kraut, good quality; aeiiverea two cents a pouuu. Address Rt. 3, box 32 Gervais, Or. Phone 48FM, . . 242 FOR SALE River bottom land situ ated 13 miles north of Salem, of lol acres, : 40 acres ? cleared. Hard end cottonwood timber, house and barn. The finest .iind of loganberry land at-$0a per acre.. Will take somo trade Merlin Harding at Salem Hardware company. : ' 242 FOR SALE Good heavy work team, and cow-. J. E; Grunsl'oy, Rt. 7, box 82 .. . . .. . ; 241 FOR SALE--Jersey heifer calf, good stock. Pride $3.. Phono 2502W2. SJ4U FOR. SALE 4 acres with buildings and orchard, 2 miles east of Sa lem. . A. Grimm, Phone 111F5. 242 CAMPBliLL'S early- grapes for sale, lie 11). lit. 9, box 32. ruone aifa. vz FOR SACEOr rent, .one- of the best stock grain- and dairy- ranches in Marion county, 372 acres, about 300 acres . bottom laud. . Fine improve ments. F. P. Farriugtoii, owner, Elks .!..!; 239 )R SALE 3 acres corn and Molinc gang plow. I. H. Moore, Rt. 7, box 202A. 239 FOR SALE My farm, of 117' acres - about 13, miles south of Salem and 8. miles from p. E. depot. Very best of river bo'ttom land, . nearly ' Yi in cultivation, rest timber and pastiuo. Good orchard, fences, and buildings. $75 . per' acre. J-40 care Journal. ' - ; 10-18 NOT necessary ito wait longer. If'yoju ' want to build a new homo, 1 can loan :- you the money NOW; All the require ments is good security and title,; easy . payments, 3 to 8 yean time. No. red tape, no delay, money advanced; as building progresses. The best recom mendation is several of Salem's best people who are satisfied. Sea me today and get busy on a new" house. H. E. Boliuger, 328 Oregon bldg. FERNS and palms and other -potted plants, for salo.. Maruny's -gceon house, 211 Miller St. Phone 916. Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY razor blttdo sharpening ' ma chine; first installed at A. IS. stew art's Repair shop, 347 Court St.-y- SOLWAY and late Foster peaches' now ripe, bring boxes, lmlah ii;uit tarm, y-i mile from west ena or Baiem bridgo on, Wallace road. Phone 52F 11. For Rent FARM FOR BENT 171 acres for rent or sale. Phone 63F22, farmers line. 244 FOR SALE jOr rent, 3 houses. Inquire H03 in. ljtberty. vv. o. 'ennot, zi FOJt RENT Sleeping room in modern house close m, to business or profes sional- man. Call at- 640 Chcmcketa street. 241 FOR RENT Good farm for rent, eith cr cash or shares, immediate posses sion given. See J. H. Lautcrman, Argo hotel. j Wanted. WANTED 150 fewes on shares for one to two years, nave a nair sec Hion of fine vasturc. S. L. Hulen Turner, Or. ' ... , 243 WANTED To trade 5 year old m., 1400 for good milk cow, Uatl iwiz or write box 190, Kt. 3. 24U WANTED Cood bicycle cheap. Chas H. Raymond, 650 i. Winter. 240 WANTED Work by young lady 18 years oia. I'rcicr worjc in store. itoi E B Capital Journal. 240 NOTICE Last call for old fir limbs, Phone 731. 241 HOUSES WANTED If your house is for sale, let us sell it for you. We need more houses and have waiting buyers. Try us first. John II. Scott Realty Co., 404 Oregon bldg. . WANTED Hello, Hcllol Another new and secondhand furniture store, 415 8. 12th, a block from S. P. de pot. If you have anything to offer call for H. M. Canon. Phone 906. ' ' 260 WANTED To rent from 20 to 40 acres farm land- with buildings. Phone 17F14. , , -, " 241 WANTED Heavy team. Salem, Or., Rt."7. Wm. Roth, 241 Real Estate Houses: FOR SALE Furnished. II room, mod em bungalow clwir of all incum brnnce. Will sell for cash only. Br B care Capital Journal. - 24) FOR SALE Modern five room cot tage on paved street, close in; large lot. Phone owner at 514. 240 FOR SALE By owner, - seven room house m irt class condition; two lots 115x129. on corner with both streets paved, (rood burn anct cveral fruit trees npon nroperty. Excellent location. Will give immediate pos session. Terms to suit. I'houe 122 be tween 9 and, 11 a. m. 239 HOUSE FOR SALE House, 2 lots, plenty of fruit; a. snap for $1000 cash. Call at 442 State St:, room 2. 261 FOR SALE 7 room house with eleep- ing porch and garage, lot 100x180, block from State street .in-: East Salem. Nearly all .modern: conven iences including gas. All kinds beat ing fruit trees, grapes, berries Hud walnuts, ornamental trees aiid flow ers. Price $3000. See owner 240 Nv Com'l St. or phone -1051W.' : 239 FOR SALE-Modern six room house centrally located, eleetric light, gas, furnace. -Some fruit. Street assess ments paid; Inquire 805 Union St. 239 FOR SALE House and barn in Myers . addition,. 20tK and Leo. A. G. Kufr . ner, Rt. 7. . - - 241 H' ' m Hi FOR SALE A big snap, large houso fit for rooming house or apts; also? 7 room modern house. Call 360 N. Cap itol St. ' '," . 240 FOR SALE House and 2 lots, 485 S. 22d St. Call 10 a m, to 12. 242 FOR SALE 100x52- ft.- S. W. cor. .. Court and 13th streets, torms- to, suit purchaser. Oswald West, 500 Journal bldg., Portland, Ore. , " , . ' 241 FOR SALE My seven room house 1 at 340 Union street,- between (ommer cial and Liberty. Half bolck from Marion: square. Gas, bath and base ment. Price $1750, - small payment down, balance 4 dollars a week. Ad dress L. F. HilL Rt. 8, box 125. Phone 59F4, - - ', ; -- -241 ., Lost And, Found. LOST Purse Sunday night, contained line, vrluahlo as keepsake to owner. also 2 ichevks. Phono 624W. ' , 239 LOST On last Thursday a child's blue coat. Pleas? notify Mrs.' Floyd Utter, phone 385R. . . 239 LOST Teachers Bible on river road south of Salem, Sunday p. m., return to this office and receive reward. Help Wanted WANTBDs-Eldorly lady for cook on ranch, for one -pei son.'' Phoiio: 20F12. WANTED Bookkeeper'..- youne man wi tfi soqigi oxiirHce, preferred. Sa-OT-'-f v 240 lem WOOD haulers wanted, can make about $15 per day. Phone 629. 239 WANTED A iboy at tho Farmers Pro duce CO. ' 6dV AGENTS WANTEDrr-Eithor ladies or gentlemen. Apply to Box 281, l-'ity, for details. 242 WANTED By responsible party, a furniBhed house tor a few mourns. Address box 18 Capital Journal. 239 WANTEiD-t-30 apple' pickers, transpor tation to "and from, orchard.; K. w. Clark, Phone 58P12. . 210 WANTED Men and women to help harvest carrots. Phone 14F32. Write J care Journal. 240 WANTED Man with family wants work on farm or orchard, experienc ed hand. Call 2179 iN. -Front St. 241 WANTED- Census clerks,, meto, wo men), 4000 needed." $95 month. Age, 18-50. Experience unnecessary.. Ex aminations Salem Oct. 18. For free , particulars, write J. Leonard, (form er government examiner) 1382. Equit able bldg. Wasliingtoji. . 242 WANTED : dairy. Deliveryman, Fairmoiint 241 WANTED Men and women to help harvest carrots. Phone 14F32 or call at 208 Oregon bldg. 240 WANTED At once, men and men with teams for ranch work. Can work all wintor. Houses, wood and pasturage furnished without charge, E. C. Horst Co., Independence, Or. 10-10 Automobiles. FOR SALE 5 passenger Ford car, $429. Socolofsky, 341, State. 239 For Sale A Snap In Houses. That strictly modern and well-appointed homc.ut 404. North Church street (coiner of Center, and Church streets). The location is everything that can be desired; the business district is cdnonient also the various schools and churches. In fact the lot. may be considered a really choice one. The size is 66 feet by 85 feet. Beautiful shude trees surround the house in addition to several varieties of shrubs and roses. All the rooms are largo and have high ceilings. Furnace heat through out. There is a nico entrance hall; com modious drawing room and & cosy dining room. Telephone, recess; two very large bedrooms with roomy clos ets; bathroom; well-arranged kiteh ne; fine pantry. m The basement is full-sized aiidlinii a cement laundry room, fruit room and garage. . .. A good supply of fuel iu the base ment goes with the property also a combination gas, coal and wood Tangc and a gas heater. Price $4,650.00 The property may be viewed at any time by appointment. C. W. Niemeyer 213-216 Masonic Bldg.. Phones 1000 Salem. Orceon ' ' 1014 Miscellaneous. IF IiOOKlJfG- for bargain in a car, . call and see the Buick I have hero ' now, this is sure some buy. Salem -Auto Exchange, 229 W. State St. vPho8sr.r,.--. , 240 W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J. : 1163 N. 19th St. .Salem, Or. -10:9 LEAVE your- children with me. while : you work. 2751 Laurel Ave. 10-22 .XJTO PAIXTIXQ r-?. Fords repainted $1J and up; other cars in proportion. All first class work guaranteed. J. E. Johnson, 220 S. liberty. 10-11 AUTO "PATis'TING-r-We will be open for business on and .after Oct. 1st at 1156 S. 12th. St. We hre in a position to "give you good service in , auto painting aim laundry, xour patron . ago1, will be appreciated. Alt ! work , guaranteed. Oullett.ros. ":! 10-29 INVESTIGATB1 the' Texas Interstate Oil 4s Refining' company today. Drill ing ini-proran. gusher territory and , bwilding modern, refinery. Write for ' partic-ulars.- United Securities -com-' pany, Houston, Texas. . 241 WOODS BARGAINS ! 20 acres bearing prunes, good loca ' t.ion,. $8000. .' . . 13 acres prunes ,.naid, ..loganberries, good buildings,, close in, right'price. 70 acres mostly prunes, good improve .mcnts, $430 . per acre; will divide. Take hoine part pay. Room 8 'Bnyno bldg. .' . ' ; 243 Auto Repairing TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre pared to take care of your cars no matter in what shape they are in and can guarantee absolute satisfao . tion, We are also prepared to do first class repair work on any make of cars. American Automobile Co., 185 197 South Commercial St., Salem, Or. Phone 399; -.- LODGE. DIRECTORY TCN CHEMEKETA lodge No. 1 C'V"'" meets ..every Wednesday evening at 7:30 at I. p. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT MdCornack hall . on every Tuesday . at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Runts K. R. & S, ; '.'.'.' ROYAL Neighbors of " America, Ore gon Grape camp No. 1300 meets everj Thursday evening in McCornaek hall Elevator service. Oracle. Mrs. Car rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.; recorder ' Mrs. Melissa Persons,- 1413 N. 4th St. Phono 1430M. UNITED ARTISANS 'Capital .Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8. p. . in, Masonic1 Temple. Glenn C. JNiIcb, M. A.; C, A. vittbert, secre tary, 340 Owens street. . MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets every Thursday evening at 8 o cloel in McCornacr; building, Court and .Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V, 0. Frank A. Turner, clerk. Machine Shop Work Expert machine shop service by Mr. Bergman at high school machine shop. 12 years experience. Uear cutting specialty. High class machine Jools. Quick service. Phono 440. . Wood Saw. PHONE 1090R. Our prices are right. W. M. Zaudler, proprietor. 1235 N. Summer street, Salem, Or. Everything Electrical.. . SALEM Electric Co., Masonia Temple, 127 North High. Phone Main 1209. Auctioneers. G. SATTERLEE Office 124 South Liberty Street. Phone 937. 1211. Real Estate and Stock Sales. W. F. WIRHOT, Turner auctioneer. Why not get him He only charges 2 percent. tf Why Sell Por Less? We will pay you mpre cash for your household goods. Oct our bid before you sell. Peoples Furni ture and Hardware Store, 271 N. Commercial Street. Phone 734. Typewriters. REPAIRS and supplies, Office appli ances. We make rubber stamps. Sims 143 N. High, Phone 340. 10-10 Second Hand Goods. No Cash Required Good overcoats, shoes and suits, all Kinds of musical instruments, shotguns, rifles heating stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have youf The Capital Ex change. 337 Court Street. Phone 493. EOOXOMy FURNITURE HOUSE 'New and secondhand giiods bought, sold awl exchanged; farm machinery . sold on 'commission. Bring in whut you have to sell. Stock and farm ' sales. Geo. Satterlee, auctioneer; Lu cas and Xeedliam, proprietors. Ferry' and Liberty ts. Phone U'7, Look at This: v S room well located modern 'bunga ow with some furniture, $2000, terms. Socolofsky. . 341 State St. . -, tf Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Off tea corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in- advanc Phone 606. We Want. Your used furniture, stoves, carpets and tools, as we pay fair prices for everything, uau v(. CAPITAL HARDWARE It FURNI TURE CO. 885 North Commercial St. Money To Loan. " . On good real estate security" 1 THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd ft Bush Bank; Salem, Ore. Best Buys. 5 acres close to paved road, all in cultivation. $200 per acre, easy, terms. 5 acres half mile from street car, all dn cultivation, well fenced, black grav el soil, tuo best of berry land. $1500, $300 cash, balanco to Suat. 10 acres, 5 cultivated, 5 btush and timber, running water, , lots of Ever green blackberries, the best of logan berry soil. $2250,' half cash, balance easy terms. 10 acres, fair improvements, all in cultivation) all 'the best, of valley loam, family orchard, fenced, two miles rrom city limits. $4500. Terms df desired. - 15.38 acres,' 15 cultivated, .38 timber, good house,, barn, family orchard, good well, rock road,, mail route, two from city, stock end equipment inciua ed. $5500. terms if dosired. , 20 acres, 5 acres Italian prunes, B Potites, &V4 loganberries, balance stumps pasture, all the best of soil, on macadamized road, old nouse ana Darn eight miles from Salem. $7250. Terms 20 acres, aood 7 room bungalow, ton- ant house, all necessary outbuildings, well fenced and cross fenced with wov en wido. 13 acres in fruit, 10 dn bear ing prunes, balance . walnuts; apples, peaches, on rock road close to eaiem. $10,500 if sold soont Price subject to change without notice. 20 acres, all cultivated, won arainea, tho best of soil. 2 acres logans, fair house and barn, family orchard, stock and equipment included, close to pavea road on rock road, 5 miles out. $6500, terms on $3000. t. i 36 acres, 28 cloar, family orchard, all tho best river bottom loam, on rooli road, close to school, 6 room bungalow, fair barn and- necessary outbuildings, woven wiro fence.. Price, $6500, half cash, balance terms bux per cont., 5 acres, 4 bearing logans, rocky, close to Salom. A splendid investment, Only $2250. 320 acres, 290 cultivated, goou sou, fair improvements, and 4 miles from best town in PoHt county, only $125 per acre. 92 acres. 70 cleared, balanco pasture, family orchard. Old house and barn, fenced, 4 miles good town, school on place. $10,000. 14(1 acros. 50 cleared. 96 timber, i'lo- cans. 1 peaches, 1 family orchard, all. river bottom soil, old house ana Darn, well fenced, 3-4 mile from school. $83 por acre, half cash, balance 6 percent. 37 acres, 14 bearing prunes, 10 in cultivation, balance .timbor, rock road, 4'j mil" of Salem, $200 per acre, Will accept house as part payment. For best buys see Socolofsky. 341 State strei.t ' ' Stove Repairing. Stoves rebuilt and repaired. 50 yean experience; Depot National and Ameri can fence, sizes lib to om incnes aign: Paints, oil and varnish etc; logan berry nnd hop hooks. SALEM FENCE AND STOVE WORKS 250 Court Street, Phone 124 Scavenger. Salem Scavaogcr Oarbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con' tracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals romoved, Offio phone Main 167. i.JTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT j Notice is hereby given that tho fin al account of Ceoi-ge F. Oucrne, admin istrator of the estate of Charles A. Guorno, has been filed in tho county Court of Marion county, Oregon, and that the said court has duly fixed the 20th day of October, 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. thereof, at. the court room of said court in Salom, Ore gon, as tho time and place for tho hear- ne of objections to said tinal account and the settlement thereof, at whieh time any person interested may appear and file objections thereto ana contesi tho sumo. GEOIUiH F. GUERNE, Administrator of the estate of Charles A. flueme. 10-18 FINAL NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR To all whom it may; concern: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Ludwick, MickclMW, administrator of tho efftnte of Nannie Cleaver, deceased, has this day filed in the county court of Marion county, Oregon, his final account in said estate end taat snia court has fixed and appointed Monday, Aovember 3, 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni. of said day at the coun ty court house, in said county ana state, as the time and place, for the hearing of any objections to such final account and for the settlement there of. Dated at Salem, Oregon, October 1, 1919. LUDWrCK 5UCKELSOV Administrator of the estate of Nan nio Cleaver, deceased. Carey F. Slnrtin, Attorney for estate. Try Salpm First la Buying Federal Farm1 Loans , . 5 per cent interest. Prompt service. 34 Vj years: time, Federal farm loaa. Donas tor sales, A. U. iSonrastedt, 40t Masoaie,c Tempel Salem,. Oregon, j - Optonretrists. Dr. L. HAJ-Jj WILSON-Spo-cialist in the Modern Scientif ic Application of Glasses for the ail of vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Satur days. Office 810 211 U 8. Bans build ing. Phones, office 145; rat. 1244. Some More Good Bargains. : i 28 acres river, bottom land; neat town, about 20 in cultivation, goo4 buildings, orchard,, near- school. Bnajy, , $3500, terms;, or will taW. residence t half value,, 28 acres near town over half in cul tivation and. fine bottom land, farm " . .buildings, orchardj fine-road; bnrgam for $4400i - ' 10 acres of best loam soil with good. -buildings, near Salem; Snap, $3700. 5 acres 'Of - ehoico: garden? or uerrj . land close in; $2500. Fine 80 acre farm 6 miles from town,, fine new bungalow and all other build ings, part beaverdnm. land. Bargain, $10,000. . "..' For bargains in real estate see us.- Perrine & Marsters " : "212 Gray block , MAKE A TRACTOR OUT OF YOU OLD CAR FOR $275 Will pull 2-ibottom 14-lri, gang at 24 miles per hour. Come In and make ar rangements for demonstration. Our used cars are as follows: 192-0 Studebaker, 5 passenger $1350 Dodge touring, good as new $100 1917 Chevrolet ......"..........v. - $375 1917 Brisoo touring ......1... $600 1917 Saxon six , 70 We sell oils, reaw,, gasoline, asci auto part'i tires and aeoi-uories. . Oleson's Auto Exchange v 849 N. COM. Y, Mi C. A BLOX Rumely Oil Pull Tractors." IF you're going to buy a tractor n will puy vou to see me ivuiii.ij . Rumrfy Oil Pull tractor gives best results. Wm. H. Trumm, locnl agent. Advance Rumely Thresher Co., 263 iNorth Commercial street, Salem, Or. Phono 413. 26J drain: Wheat, soft white No. 1 $2: . feed oats 80c; milling oats 8D0; hay, , cheat, new $17; hay, oats, new $18 20; mill run- $43(gi. . Butterfat: Butterfat, ewe; cream ery butter, 67(5 60e. ' rorK, veal ana muiioo: .rum v 16c; veal, fancy 23c; steors 79c; ows 57c; spring lambs 10c; ewes. 4(u)5c; sheop, yearlings 7e. . ' Eggs and poultry: -Eggs cash 60e; hens, live 22(i24c.j old roosters-15 16c ; springs nac. . ... Vegetables:; Onions, per sack $3; . colory doz. 90c; tomatoes 90c; potatoes , 3s; sweet potatoes 60. Fruit: watermelons jc; umnBo. B.7Rffi)6.50s lemons, box $7.508.50; .' bananas 9 Vjc; honey, exartcted 20c; . bunch beets 45c; cabbage .i'Se; neaa lettuce 60c; carrots 4ac; grapes, . lagas 10c; grapes, Tokays 10c. Retail prices: Eggs dozen 6a70e; , creamery butter 75c country butte t 67c; flour, hard wheat $3.103.25 PORTLAND MABKBTS Portland, Or., Oct. 9. Butter, citf creamery 6667c; Eggs selected local . ex. 63fr72c. Hens 3031e. Broilers 2 (o20e. Goeso 15c. Cheese 3234e. Ur Stock , Cattlo: Receipts 26; tono of mar ket steady; good to choice steers $9.29 (ri9.75; fair to medium steere flMotg 8.25; common to fair Bteers$5.75$6.7S; choico to good cows and heifeis, $6.75 7.50; medium to good cows and heifer, $5.75(0)0.75; csnners 2.754.!0 ; bull $4.756.75;- calves, $7.7513.75. o Hogs: Receipts 831; tone of market weak and unsettled; prime mixed $10(1 16.50; medium mixed, $15.50i)16; rough heavies, $13.0014.50; pigs, $14.5015; bulk, $16.00. - Sheep: Receipts 13; tone 01 maraos steady; priino lambs $11.00(513.00; fE-ir to medium lambs $10.5011;, ewe 7..-)n(S 9.00 ; wet he- """"C; v -n FOR RENT Furnished .front room for 2 gentlemen. 359 Center St. 141 FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms. , 435 Liberty. 24l pit I - V bl"l (3,UrW L VfSV ml fWrn. vt-Q W BrooJcs )