Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 09, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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All Around Town
Girl wanted at the Spa.
Dance armory Saturday night. 8 p.
m. 239
B. E. Pomeroy, physician and sur
geon, has opened offices an the Oregon
kuilding, rooms 30L2-3. 341
Oglesby Young, Portland
was transacting business at
capitol Wednesday.
the state
Dance Chcmawa Thursday night.
H. Scott Real-
ty Co. 's business has grown so that
they have found it necessary to move
into larger ortice rooms. They are now
movintr to rooms number Siab-azv-zas
Oregon bklg. Just at the top of the
stairs on the second floor. "
Mrs. Mae Robe has bought the mod
ern home on 15th street, between Che
meketa and Court, from Frank Durbin.
She will move in ,at once.
Norma N.TerwUliger,licensed lady em
balmer with TerwiHiger Funeral Home,
770"Chemeketa St. Phone 724.
6ix room 'bungalow, modern except
basement, full lot, 1538 Saginaw. $2,
750; half cash, balance 6 per cent. See
1 owners there. . '
1). L. Wood, formerly with the Falls
City News, but who, since last spring,
has been engaged in the printing busi
ness in San Francisco, writes friends
here that he is determined to return
to Oregon. He says that he isn 't at all
satisfied with conditions in California.
O. E. Brookings, of the Quickeuer
Press, 193 North Commercial street.
laving aclcepted a position in Califor
nia, with Mrs. Brookings and child,
loft this city Tuesday. They are mo
toring south. Mr. Brookings has leased
has printing eslaiblishment to D. H.
Talmadge, who is now in, charge.
Wanted, $1400 loan on modern city
property value $3000. See Wm. Fleming
341 State street.
Dance armory Saturday night. 8 p.
m. 239
Iieo h. Gilbert, Elgin Six distribut-
or for western Oregon, returned to Sa
lem Thursday from Portland, whero he
went ,to attend to business.
Saun Louie, proprietor of a small
restaurant on High street opposite the
Oregon Electric depot, has sold his in
terests' in it.
O. M. Wilkius, president jot the
Portland Automobile Dealers associa
tion, was in the state capitol Wednes
day on business relative to the opera
tion of the auto mechanics act passed
by the last legislature, the enforce
ment of which has been enjoined by
Federal Judge Bean of Portland.
the Portland Salted Nut (company. Al
though probably the youngest business
man of his class in the state, he is di
recting the 'business of the firm to
success. He is the eon of Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Rosumny, Portland.
Dance Query 'a hall at Livesley sta
tion every Saturday night. Talmadge
orchestra. - . 241
A total of $568,371.12 was disbursed
by the state industrial accident com
mission during the niqnth of Septem
ber in the payment of compensation
claims," according to the repoTt just
compiled. The report shows a. balance
of $1,178,211.98 in the hands of the
commission on September 30. :
Dance .Saturday night new Auburn
pavilion, 4 piece orchestra. 240"
J. M. Haddick, Portland attorney,
was a state capitol visitor on business
before the supreme court," Wednesday.
George M. (Brown, attorney general,
and Percy A. Cupper, state engineer,
left Wednesday evening for southern
Oregon where they will check up on
the Grants Pass, Medford, Talent and
Gold Hill irrigation districts. Attorney
General Brown will also appear betore
the state convention of the W. C. T.
U. at Ashland, tonight, in an addresB
on law enforcement. !
Don J. Upjohn, private secretary to
Governor Oleott, was back at his desk
in the executive office Thursday, af
ter a vacation of ten days spent with
relatives in Portland. Mr. Upjohn was
accompanied on his vacation trip by
Mrs. Upjohn and son? Richard, who
have also returned to Kalem.
A license to conduct a shooting .gal
lery was issued Thursday by City
Treasurer Rice to A. E. Smith. Mr.
Smith oponed the gallery at 178 South
Commercial street today.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our friends
for the kandness and sympathy shown
us nt the loss of our husband and
father. Mrs. W. 8. Mott, James W.
Mott, Lloyd Mott, William (B. Mott.
F. W. Stcusloff, the packing plant
man, returned to Salem Wednesday
night from Seattle and other Pugct
Bound points where he had gone on a
tour of inspection of packing plants.
Warren Belt, secretary of the Wash
ington state board of control, was a
state capitol visitor Wednesday while
visiting with Justico Burnett of the,
Oregon supreme court and Jedge Har
ry Belt of Dallas. ..--.
B. L. Buchanan is agent in Marion
and Polk counties for the National Iflfe
Insurance Co., U. S. A. See him for a
full roturn premium policy on your
life, it's the only kind. Phone 1332J
for interview. 267
Secretary McC'roskey of the Com
mercial cluJb, received a lottcr Thurs
day from Francois De Mey, Antwerp,
belgium, manufacturer of baskets and
willowware, asking for a list of retail
ers in Sallem'who handle this sortof
product. The' letter enclosed a com
plete price list of the baskets and wil
Artisans attention. Regular meeting
Thursday night,. .October 9th, .Masonic
Tiall, 8 p. m. District Organizer Garret
will address the assembly on a mcm,
toerdhiio cfompaign. Cadets please be
present. ' 2401
In the case of Robert Lee. Boehaner
vs Julius Silverstone and Seneca Fouts
which was up for argument before the
supreme court, Wednesday, (silverstone
end Fouts, both well known lawyers,
acted as their own attorneys.
C. E. Cochran of Portland, attorney.
for the O.-W. railway, accompanied by
his father, Sam Cochran of La Grande
called on members ot the public ser
-vico commission Wednesday, while
transacting business in Salem.
state land board, and Justice Geo. H.
Burnett, are in Eugene today attend
in? the grand commandery, Knights
Templar, of which Mr. Brown is grand
commander tor Oregon.. -
TT. C. Brcssler brought In a turnip
from his firm 5 miles north of the
city that weighs 6 3-4 pounds. He says
thore are maiy like it in fact it Ss
"run of garden." It measures 8 inches
in diameter.
The two flag poles which adorn
either wing of the state capitol build
ing ore this week undergoing their
first "dressing up" since they were
ereciBd some five years ago. Bernard
Hill a steeplejack who blew into the
capital city this week has been engag
ed to do tho work, putting two coats
of aluminum paint on the steel shafts.
T. K. Campbell, a member of the orig
inal board of railroad commissioners,
now the public service commission,
serving from 1907 until 1917, was call
ing on his many friends in the state
eapitol Wednesday. Campbell is the
owner of considerable Salem property
and is greatly encouraged by the way
real estate is "looking up" in the cap
ital crity. . ; .
Judge R. B. Bntler of The Dalles
was a state capitol visitor Wednesday
attending to business matters and vis
iting with his brother, Chauncey But
ler, head of the motor yehicle regis
tration department in the secretary of
state's office. ....
W. Farrell of Hood River has filed
with State Engineer Percy A. Cupper
an application covering the appropria
tion of water from Indian creek for
irrigation purposes. An application- has
also been filed by E. V. Smith of Sa
lem for ;the appropriation of water
from Vitae Springs for the irrigation
of a small tract of land and the devel
opment of power. .
An even dozen candidates nil men
were here to take the regular bar ex
aminations Tuesday and Wednesday.
NJvmes wfl the successful candidates
will not be made public for several
weeks. ;
Clifford A. Lewis, for four years an
attache to -the -county assessor's of
fice, has resigned his position there
and is now connected with the Salem
Abstract company. Assessor West, see
ing the chance for advancement for
Mr. Lewis in the abstract firm, read
ily consented to his resignation, though
regretting to lose sucn an efticient as
sistant.. . , ,. . .. .
CITY" 123450.... 123456.... 66
Mrs. Floyd Boyington, former depu
ty in the office of the county clerk,
and her two children, Alleno and Alice,
who have 4ecn visiting friends in Sa
lem for several days, has left for
Springfield, whero she will visit her
sister, Mrs. Esther Levitt. Mrs. Soy
ington will then return to her home
at Fort Benton, Montana.
The monthly report of . the local
branch of the Homo service, post
office, shows much business handled
during September. Two hundred and
eighty five persons were dealt with
during the month, 188 were rendered
material assistance by tho organiza
tion,and 197 received information from
the officials. The expenses for -the
month amounted to 2$Sb34.
Tho case of tho state against W. W.
Huntley, who is charged with obtain
ing money under false pretenses was
postponed in justice court Thursday in
definitely. It will probably come up in
two or three days. Huntley is said to
have mortgaged property that did not
belong to him. -
The inability of Chief of Police Var-
ney to find a snitaiblo man to fill the
new position or officer. 'ut tn fitaiem
police department, left the city with
out tho additional man yet Thursday.
Chief Varncv said that he is matting
a careful hunt, tout the demand lor ef
ficient policemen an other cities has
had its effect on Salem to the extent
that the men who- might have itaken
tho position here have gone elsewhere
to accept police positions. He said that
ho hoped to find the' other man- in a
few days. ,., . ; .
Blanks for taking the annual school
census were mailed out. wiui instruc
tions for enumeration work to the
clerks in all- the- school districts of the
county Thursday from School Superin
tendent Smith's office. The instruc
tions ask that the census be taken
some time bofpre October 25. All per
sons between the ages of four and 20
y ears will be enrolled in tho census re
port. Apportionments of the county
and stato school funds will bo sent the
clerks in the various districts about
November 25, Mr. Smith said.
Earl L. Fisher, a former resident of
Albany, who is now employed in the
tax department at the court house, has
bought the home owned by George W.
Gray ait 1381 State street, and is now
moving in.
. . Edward A. Dunimin recently pur
chased the 32 acre improved farm on
How-M piTie. owned iby ElvlpJUew.
Consideration in the deal, which was
iandled by the W. H. Graenhorst
Company, was $5000.
P. L. Pearson and wife, who came
to this .eity several days ago, is visit
hur at the home of Mr. an4.Mrs. Ed
"Westinghouse, Liberty street. After
visiting hre a few days Mr. and Mrs.
Pearson will go to California for an
extended visit.
Western Conservatory of Musie of
Chicago, HI., Frank E. Churchill rep
resentative of 8alem branch. Fall term
begins Sept. 15th. Complete course in
piano and theoretical subjects. Studio
' unit 1-2 Odd Fellows Diag. rnour
1671B. 1-1R
If George N. Davis, former judge of
the Multnomah county circuit court
at Portland, will make ' known his
whereabouts Arthur S. Benson, cleTk
of the supreme court, will be pleased
to forward to him a copy of an opin
ion in which ho is interested which has
already chased him through most of,
the army camps in the united estates
and France. The letter containing the
document was mailed by Benson on No
vember 12, 1918, and was returned
Wednesday covered -with postmarks
and notations indicating the inability
of the (postal service to locate Davis
who entered the service of Uncle Sam
as a major early in the war.
ttyle9 Service and Price
They must measure up or we coul dnot maintain our earned reputation for "GOOD GOODS"
Now-a-days with, cotton prices
soaring upwards it makes it pos
sible to wear SILK UNDERWEAR
even as an economic proposition
but those who have worn Silk Un
dergarments will endorse the as
sertion that they fit better, feel
better and do certainly give a sat
isfaction impossible to getfrom other fabrics. Our
showing is completeand the prices are no higher
than inferior merchandise. '
A "ft
Hit f Jm
' ' 'J! 1 1 flB
J Iffl
Another express shipment
of Coats have just arrived.
They are made Up of the
newest fabrics, in the most ac
cepted style, practical and ser
viceable. We are daily prov
ing our supremacy in
Quality, Style
and Price
Waist Special You Can Always Do Better at Headquarters for
Newwrtte KCS'ifIP Munsi"g Wear
4fi' Q(i JX JJOOOEuLoOODS tl- The Standardized
p0.9 ' WloWiBAlwaysDoBettsrByYou; Underwear.
Louis Eosuimny, president of the
Portland Salted Nut company, of
Portland and Charles M. Hecht, travel
ling representative of the firm, were
business visitors in Salem Wednesday.
After transacting Jausiness here, they
loft for Albany, Corvallis and Eugene.
Rosumny, who is only 18 years old,
recently resigned the position of ad
vertising manager for the Pantages
Weekly, publication of tho Pantages
theater ' in Portland, to take charge of
We have an " under
standing of our bus
iness. We are regard
ed as a' success be
cause we have been
studious and Solicit
ous and have' prov
en on all occasions
our worthiness to
Two Chinese, William K. Lai, a res
taurant man of Minneapolis, and Kun
nice lime, of Salem were granted a
license to marry Wednesday by the'
county clerk.
Alfred Leaton, Salem, and Agues
Wilkonson, also of this city, were also
granted a license.
Marriage license were dssued Thurs
day to Fred Henry Albus, 27, of Aums
villc, and Edith, M. 11 iglnberger, 21, of
Sublimity; and John J. Tufford, 23, of
Portland and Gamctt Lucile, 19, of Sa
Highest Cash Market
Want all kinds of scrap Iron, junk,
metal, rubber, rags, sacks, hides.
Wo want and wreck old autos.
Don't forget the number
We wish to notify our many friends
and patrons that we have moved our
office rooms from the Oregon Electric
building to rooms 211-212 Gray block,
adjoining Commercial ciuo rooms.
Thanking yqu for past patronage we
extend a cordial invitation to call at
our new location. Yours. for business,
Perrine & Marsters, Booms 211-212
Gray bldg., Salem, Or. Phone 907.
Will take your used furniture in
exchange for new.
$$. Keep 'em In The Circle $$
W. H. Frost of Long Beach, Cal.,
representing the Egyptian Chemical
eompanv of Boston. Mass.. was a busi
ness visitor here Thursday. He trans
acted business with the Welb & Clough
tmdertakiner comnanv. Mr. Frost left
the city at 10:05 for Eugene,
252 North High Street
Is of a eertain Jcngth, perfect In
shape, and is built to give a life
time service. How many eyes arc
like this I Very few,' indeed not
more than twe in ten. That means
that eight people in ten require the
attention of an Optometrist. Possibly
yon are one of these eight. If so, our
service would be of great value to
Although four miles trom Salem, and
little in touch with the outer world, the
Middle Grove school, on the Silvcrton
road is by no means lacking m enter
prise. This fact was ascertained by
County School Superintendent Smith,
who visited it Tuesday.
'They're live and hard at work
there," Mr. Smith said proudly. "On
of tho first things I saw as I went to
tho school was a new flag the start
and stripes flying from the cupola. The
boys and girls in this school have shows
that they are net lazy, for during ths
summer they have earned $1200. This
was earned by 34 of the larger pupils.
Tho highest amount mado by any of
them was 110."
Directors of the Middle Grove school,
anxious to have it in first class shape
for the oocning of the classes, gave it a
thorough cleaning and oiled the floor.
They are planning to give 'the wood
work a eoat of varnish in the near fu
ture. The teachers of this school are Miss
Emms, Bistow, principal, and Miss Elsie
Wikoff, assistant.
The school board at Swegle school, on
the Garden road, have made some no
ticeable improvement to their school.
A new hyloplato blackboard makes ttie
work easier for both teacher and pupils.
The school house has been thoroughly
cleaned End the floor oiled. There will
be no dust floating in the air at Swegle
this year. The teacher, Miss Elta Plett
is full of enthusiasm and is very anxious
to have a successful school.
. The boys and girls of the school nave
not been idle during the summer. They
have earned $450 in the berry patches
and elsewhere. This is sn average of
20.40 for each pupiL The largest
amount made by one pupil was $90.
A union meeting of all tfc ehnrches
of Engene was eaHed Sunday night to
launch a campaign for 30 000 for the
reestablishment of tho Jf, M. C. A.
i it
it j $
A beautiful girl outwits fate
KG0-GET-EM-P0TTS" Comedy
Jack Pickford'
In a Ton of Fun
Coming Sunday
r- b
I.C.B. O'Neill
- laddDush DankMdin
TfCor. Stale 8J?d
fW 625 fllenOr
Special good grade all colors, a yard 25c
These goods cost more money wholesale, a real good
quality and you are not limjted in your purchases.
They will not be with us long, so be on time.
Good 9-4 bleached sheeting at, yard 75c
Sheetings are high, this quality is quoted in Port
land stores from 90c to a dollar a yard.
Turkish towels, a large assortment, pretty patterns
from H5c to $1.50.
All special good values, and sure to please you. Scal
loped and cut corners, 76x81, weight 3 lbs, price $3.50
Marseilles bed spreads, 76x86, weight, 3 1-4 pounds,
price $2.75.
These goods are made from superior staple cotton
and warranted to give satisfaction.
2 yard3 wide, far below present wholesale values at
yard $2.00, $2.50, $3.25, and $3.50 , ;
Real table linen, 66 inches wide, at $1.75.
Mercerized table cloth from 39c a yard up to $1.25.
All good values. ,
Pure staple cotton, 66x80, white, tan or grey, good
weight, $3.50.
Nice plaid blankets, pretty patterns, 66x80, at
$6.50 a pair.
Extra large blankets, nice plaid patterns, 74x84
at $7.25 pair
Large silkolene comforts, 100 per cent pure carded
cotton, $3.75.
240-246 Commercial Street
To the People of Polk and Marion Counties.
We are opening a produce market and will bo preparod to purchase
all kinds of produce.
This will give the people one of the greatest opportunities for sell
in" and buying, our place will be in operation at once.
" Wu are already now for l'oullry, Veal, Pork, Hides, I'olts, Wool,
Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Hay, etc
We are connected with an eastern firm and are prepared to pay the
highest prices.
Give us a trial and you will be eonvlnced
A market price will be published in the Daily Oapitl Journal so
you may know every day the latest quotations. ..
Our place is located at 25" Ferry street in
Automobile Oarage, Temporary i'none am.
rear of the Amoricon
BEN. MORRIS, Manager.