Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 09, 1919, Image 1

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    a m
A '
(15 000 EEADF3 DAILY)
Only Circulation i Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
, Circulations.
vJ) )fP Mjli lull ini''-i " HiSi(ujt
ly I X W V 1 Vi V ,1 V T
, j . --. --.-
, Oregon t .Tonight nd Friday
' rain west portion, fair east por-
tion; warmer tonight; moderate
southerly winds.
stands rivji ojucra
i,. . .. ""y., ; ..-
Champions Chase Two Chicago
Twirlers to Showers and
Win Game 10 to 5
By Henry L. FamU
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Comiskey Park, Chicago, Oct. 9.--T!he Cincinnati
Reds won the baseball championship of the world here to
day. Pat Moran's men took the deciding game of the 1919
world series from the Chicago White Sox by a sco'-e of
10 to 5, and drove two Sox pitchers to the showers and
badly mauled a third one
Strike Rioters
Shot When Cops
Rush Gathering
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 9. Two strikers
were shot early today and several in
jured when state police charged a mob
which arfctacked negro workmen at the
plant of the American Steel and Wire
company at Donra, near here.
Gary, " Ind.", Oct. ' 9. Censorship on
news ot military activities an the Lul-
umet steel strike zone, now under mar
tial law, wag established, today by or
der or Major Ge-ueraJ Leonard Wood; ;
, Dispatches regarding raids or arrests
made, under the. direction of military
authorities must be submitted to Col
onel W. 8. Mapes, according to Wood's
instructions. "':,.'"
1 General Wood said this step wastak
p.n to prevent radical' agitators dn oth
er parts of the country from learning
of mores taken iby the government to
curb their activities. 1
A bruising, determined attack in fhe
opening round started the Beds 'on their
way to victory. Four terrific safe drives
off Claude Williams spelled the down
fall of the little southpaw for the third
time in the series and ho was forced to
gjc way to Bill James.
First Inning.
Cincinnati Hath up., Williams' first
close to the foul line. Felach up. Felscn
fanned. No runs, two hits, no errors.
Second Inning. '
Cincinnati Rath up.' Bath fanned,
thc last strike was called and the Bea
second baseman chewed at Nallin. Dau
bert up. Daubcrt fliej to Jackson.
Groh up. Groh demanded to see the ball
and looked it .' over. Groh singled to
pitch was a curve that cut the outside iUandil wlio tnrow to James wno covoreu
corner. Bath nomied to Hisbere. who first but was too lute. Boush up. GrOb.
wont oil the grass back of third base to
make tlio catch. Daubert up. Daubert
singled to center. . Groh, up. Oroh
jingled to light, sending Daubert to sec
ond. It was a sharp drive... Jameg went
out to warm up. Boush tip. Boush
; doubled to right,- scoriilg Daubert, Groh
taking third. Duncan up. Duncan dou
bled to left, scoring Groh and Boush. It
was a terrific drive down the left field
, foul line. James now pitching for Chi
cago. Kopf up. " Kopf walked. Neale
up. Wilkinson warming up for Chi
ergo. Neale fanned. ... Baridcn up. Barl
den singled to right, scoring Duncan and
Bending Kopf to third. Eller up. Eari
din stolo second. Eller flied to Flesch.
Four runs, five hits, no errors.
Chicago Leibold up. Leibold singled
sharply to left. E. Collins up. E. Col-
slid into first base and hurt his log.
The Bed plavers gathered nrouud him
and the. game was delayed. , Groh re
turned to first base and the crowd gave
hint. warm, apphvuse. Boush doublea ro
left scoring Groh, but BousS'was caught
when he over' ran; second, Jackson-to-Schalk
to Weaver to E. Collins. One
run, two hits, no'crrors.
Chicago Gandil lined to Daubert.
Bisberg up. Bisberg walked. Schalk
up.' Baridert dropped Schalk 's easy pop
foul for an error. ' Schalk singled to
left sending Bisberg to second. James
up. James fouled to Groh. Leibold up.
Leibold fanned. No runs, ono hit, one
error. - i .
.. Third Inning. . .
- Cincinnati Duncan up. Duncan out,
Weaver to Oandil. -Kopf up; Kopf out,
Mttl'i RACE
Lieutenant Be'.ria fflaynard
Heads All Entrants la
Westward FEht.. ' "
Oakland Rioting Grows
(n lntencitv: Call for
Troops Expected Hourly
Oakland, Cal.. Oct 9. With the crowds of strike sym-
i pathizers here often openly defying the police,' and with
riots becoming more and more irequent, a can for troops
is predicted.
,lso far as known union leaders nave
Second Day Of Trans-Coatm-ental
Race Marred By Two
lin. doubled to left sending Leibold to! Weaver to Gandil. Weaver made a" pi'et
third. Bing went out to warm up for 'ty play on u- slow roller that he captured
the Beds. Weaver up. . Weaver fanned, in front of Bisberg. Nen'e up. Ncaio
Jai'ksou ui).- .Tnckson popped to Kopf, "
who mude the catch behind third basc (Continued on Tago Six )
' Friday will be ono of tho biggest days
Willamette has seen in a long time. Dr.
I)iicy thrilled the entire student body
Et chapel this morning when he an
nounced that Friday, tomorrow, will be
a holiday for the purpose of destroying
old Lausanne hall. Financial matters
rc coining along so favorably, he an
nounced, that the committees have ae
cided to commence the immediate de
struction of the old dorniinctory. Act
iiiT uron the ndviee.of the committee,
President Donr-y decrcd the holiday nnfl i
the first efforts to realize the girls' new j
All the boys of the school will report
for duty at the hall between 7:30 and
8 o'clock Friday morning. - They will
come armed With hammers, hathers,
axes, saws, crowbars, and nny kind ot
weapon for ripping off boards. The
girls are to co-operato by preparing a
student feed at the First 51.' E. ehurch
for the noon hour. "'
In the evening the students will hold
a big football rally preparatory to the
Willamette-alumni gumc to be played on
Bweetland field Snturday afternoon. A
bonfire composed of waste materials
taken from Lausanne hall during Fri
day's labor will be lighted on the base
ball (licmond.at Til 3 p. m.
A short veil and song rally will be
staged about the fire. After the fire,
he team will be paraded about town in
chines and the boys of the school wilj
-..-pontine the down-town district. All
the students will assemble for a general
song and yell rally at the corner of
Ptr.te and Liberty streets at about 8:30
j. ni. Colored lights,' noise and music
will reign supreme throughout the dem
onstration. Altogether, Friday will form
the "jazziest" epochal day Willamette
has had sinee Jason Lee laid the eorner
atone of the institution.
Portland, Or., Oct. 9 (Uni
ted Press.) "Whose court
granted you the first duverccf"
Judge Gatens asked of Mrs.
Belle Eoff, applying for a sec
ond divorce from Henry Eoff,
whom she married shortly nfter
receiving the fjrst -decree.
"You did, judge," the wom
an answered.
"Whatl" exclaimed Gateyis.
"Well! I did a pretty bad job,
didn't II"
The judge granted her another
divorce with the hope it would
be a better brand, and suffici
St Paul, Neb., Oct. 9. Lieuten
ant Maynard left foi North plane,
Neb., at 8:14 p, m,-
not made good their openly expressed
threat o ormNthe strikers for elf de
fease if riot clubs wcra again used by
police. "The clubs were brought into
play yesterday when mobs got beyond
As arrests were made by police, parts
of tho mc would surge forward. Their
attempts to rescue the prisoners did
not aucooed.
A wasron load of tomatoes stalled in
the midst of rioting rapidly disappear
ed as riot-era pelted police and armor
ed streetcars with the vegeta'blba.
SNo ear had been -run. up to 8:.-so to
day and there had been no trouble up
to that houiv The police were prepar
ing for a busy day, however.
With tho company's guards' depriv
ed of their rifles, the mobs have be
come ibolder, and have used long poics
to Matter down car doors.
Strike eympathizers have overturned
automolrilefl dn itheir efforts to stuli
streetcars. -
r Preparatory to tho bag-rush held on
the. athletic field this afternoon, the
frosh and sophs staged a free-for-all on
the campus near Science hall at a late
hour last night. A dozen sophs antici
pated as many frosh who wcre in the
act of advcrtisiilgthe class of put! u
liminarv to the hot contest of todav. TheT
result was-.that both frosh and sophs
were hinted, ft' number; afrested for dis
turblng the peace Md with them two
juniors. , .
: After the fight had been going some
time, a few aggrevated neighbors called
on tho police force to quell the disturb
ancc. , Patrolman Victor rushed to the
aceno and jerked in tho following men: ,
Freshman Radspinner, Sophomore
"Jeter" Gillette and Harry Karey, and
Juniors Ray Rarey and Paul Day. The
two juniors agnied against the trip on
the grounds of innocent bystanders
RaVey was "looking on" and Day, the
official, varsity photographer, waa tak
ing flashlights of the bout for varsity
publications but Officer Victor beat
them out on rebuttal.
The men were tuken to the station
Mid d smissed after a lenient lecturo on
the ciime of disturbing the peace.
Three of the frosh, Hugh Waler, Rod
ney Aldeu and Ryan, were captured by
the sophs and h'ken to the men's club
at 920 Oak street. At three o'clock
Thursday morning they were accom
panied as far as the mill race and dump
ed in. Thence they went homo to break
fart .lack Lucker, soph, was given a iov-
ride into Polk county by the wearcs of
the pieen.
Ri mo of the fr.cn who figured in trie
rivalry wcre: Frosh Radspinner. Walk
sr. Aldon, Ryan; Sohps Vernor Saskfla,
Chub Sackett. Ben Richli, Jack Lnekcr,
Harry Rarey and "Squint" Diriilck.
Ray Rarey and Paul Day refereed the
; New York, Oct. 9. (tlnit-cd Press)
Lieutenant Beilvin Maynard, - a rea(
't'skj pilot' Veontinuoo' to set tho pace
in the transcontinental air race today.
- The first entrant to reach Chicago
in the westward flight, Maynard, a
Baptist Dreacher, left, that city at
7:09:12 a. m; (Central time) today. He-
armed nt Bock Island. 111., 188 macs
distant, at 8:37 a. m. and loft for Ies
Mofhes. Iowa. 158 miles away at 0:09,
He arrived there at iOffH a. In. and left
for tmiaha at 11:34. Me arfived at
Omaha at 12:47 p. m. j ..
The east jbound planes began leaving
Salt Lake- City" for Green River, Wyo.,
shortly before 7:451. m. (Rocky Moun
tain timel. In distance they were close
behind Maynard.
Salt Lake City. Utah, Oct. .:.
(United Press)-Pacific coast entries
numbers.,.r)8, Bl and 62 in the transcon
tinental' airplane race gpt.nway from
Salt Lake before 7:4o a. m. xocmy.
. Pl-iim No. 62. mentioned in the fore
croiiiff disoat-ch. is the one piloted by
Lieutenant E. C. Kiel, who has as his
observer Serffe'ant McKee.- Both Itien
are former members of tho Oregon for
est patrol and were stationed iu Sa
lem at one time.
The armored cars carry no passen
gers other than their guards. : .
dinners uu noc -uuicaa -. 10 . . arm
themselves: we are going at the matter
aloUg different lines." ., ,
Thus statement, made today by Wil
liam B. Spooner, secretary of the Cen
tral Labor council,' refuted his- state
ment mado yesterday (before the oity
council, in which he said tho members
of the labor, council would arm them
selves if police continued to club strike
Spooner dntiuvatcd the "different
lines" would ibe on attempt to get aid
from the cannon's' international, 1
Spooner said the contral lwbor coun.
cil had decided to urge All those affili
ated with the council to withdraw , de
posits from oil banks wih the excep
tion of the Bank of Italy. Sixty five
Iaibor organizations and their members
will do this, he said.
Head Of AH. Suggests
poistiseiit Of Board At la- '
dushrial Session.
Labor Truce Lasting Three
"... Mentis And SusCudaug
Strike Proposed. : -
Co-Operation of Salem in
State Advertising Plans
Is Called for by Bramwell
.;v"s. ; v-'-.;.-;.- i s ' v . (.- '' ''v,',:. "'"'V.
' Urging the Salem Commercial club. to pit its influ
ence back of the State Chamber of Commerce in its pro
posed campaign to make known to the world the possibil
ities in Oregon, F. S. Bramwell, vice president of the Ore
gon State Chamber of Commerce addressed the regular
monthly membership meeting of the Commercial Club
Wednesday night.
Locknort. N. Y.. Oct. 9. Lieutenant
H. D. Smith in plane number 48, a. Do
Hnviland-I.ibertv, lost his way in a rain
storm, en route from Rochester to Buf
falo and landed in a field at the south
end of this city at 11 o'clock today. Li
starting again the mncbino failed to
cler.r an apple orchard and crashed to
the ground. Lieutenant omith ana uor
pornl E. ' A. Nutter, his passenger cs
ct.pcd unhurt. The machine was wrecked.
Sncakine 20 minutes, in his quiet, Im
pressive manner, Mr. Bramwell brought
with force thc facts of Oregon possibili
ties to tho attention of the 30 members
of the club in attendance.
The housing situation, touched tightly
by Mr. Bramwell, in his address, was
discussed at tho meeting. A committee
of five was appointed to make a survey
of the housinfe situation in Salem, anu
was msiruciea iu repun, n
the next meeting of the board of di
rectors Wednesday. That the first step
to bo taken now in Salem's progress is
the solution of the housing problem,
namely, the building of more homes, was
mado apparent by several speakers.
Mr. Bramwell, the principal speaker
of the evening, told of the necessity for
irrirrational development of thc aTld
lands of the state,
'The old-adage that everything comes
(Continued oa page eight)
By Ralph F. Couch
(United Press Staff (lorrespondent.) '
Washington, Oct. 0. Immediate ar
bitration of the steel strike waa pro
posed to the industrial conference today
by President Gompers of tho American
federation of Labor. ?:
Gompers suggested the conference ap
point an arbitration board to mediate
iho strike and the strikers return to
iork pending a settlement. " j-
Under Gompers pla .t each group in the
conference would name representative
to make i. p the steel strike arbitration
board, ' .,"''' ",v-.,:'.''.'w'"iv ''
, Other priosals of tho labor group, of
which Gorrpers is head, included reso
lutions patting tho conference on Kcord,
for: . ' ' . ,
Right to organize and bargain eoyet
tlvely and" to bo represented by lead
ers of their own choosing" in all nego
tiations. ' - v
Rights of 'freedom of speech of the
press and of assemblage."
Right of employers to organic into
associations or groups to ' bargain col
lectively. . ', ..,.. . .,..,,.. ,- ...
The eight hour day, one day's rest In
seven, and "Saturday half holiday to be
oiu'ouraged. " ' ' " . ;
"Over timo beyond tho establlBet
hours of labor should be discouraged but
when absolutely necessary should be
paid for at a- into not less than time
and one-half." . '
Women to get equal pay with men for
equal work and not to be permitted to
perform disproportionate to their
Children under 16 not to be employed.
Establishment of a new conference
board, consisting of an equal number of
Observance of fire prevention day in
Salem schools today was not very keen.
Teachers in the various schools touch
ed lightly upon the eubject, ond in sev
eral school houses children gathered up
scraps of paper and sought to eliminate
anv fire hazards they say. At the high
school file prevention was discussed.
An eftort to have Fire Marshal Hutton
address the students at tl high school
nn tiro Drevcntion failed. Marshal
Hutton gave as a reason ithe stress of
the duties of his office just how, but
Dromised to vnsit tho high school ana
organize a fire squad amongthe boys.
Hi! will also explain the necessity tor
tire protection in the schools, and as
sist in the organization of a general
fire prevention program in the school.
fitr School u()erintoiideiit Todd
said that the schools did not take up
the matter very much today because
of -the rush of work attendant -to-the
start of the schools. Ho said, however,
that tho schools will tnko up the sub
ject of fire prevention thoroughly
little later.
Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 9. Dane nura
bir 4.1, bound westward in the trans
continental air derby, fell into Lake
Erie several miles out of Ashtabula har
bor this morning, according to a wireless
from a Canadian steamship company
boat received at Martinfield here. Both
occupants were picked up and are be
ing brought in, the wireless said.
The aviators are Lieutenant THyncs,
pilot, and Lieutenant T. K. Matthews,
The report that the. Standard Oil
company had leased the Uligh .block,
Hi Uli and vState streets, and was remov
ing tho trees as preliminary work for
the installation of a filling plant there, -
was denied y Roy C. Campbell, special
agent for the Standard Oil company
here, Thursday. Regarding' the rumor
which is current that the filling sta
tion will be erected, Mr. Campbell de
clared: 'There is nothing in it. The Stand
ard Oil company does not "even con
template the erection of a filling sta
tion there." ' ' ' . "
When asked if 'it 'were true that the
company had leased the corner, he
"That is none of your business! "
T. G. Bligh, owner of .the Work, also
declared that he haa not leased it, al
though he had been approached by Mr.
Campbell for such a lease.
Altoona, Pa., Oct. 9. Sevctcen hun
dred Pennsylvania roundhouse employes
struck ls)t niht, affecting this city and
The prosperity of Grants Pass is em-
Salem is awakening to the gravity of leurosentatives of emnloyors and work-
in urging that it, the housinar problem more and moro, and ers. to review industrial conditions and
was the duty of every citizen of Oregon definite action toward solving it is now 8nf eguard rights and principles nt both
to get behind the chamber of common 1 shaping. At ulmost all meetings the sides.
in its efforts to promote tho develop- last week of civic and social organiza- j Prohibition of all immigration for two
mont of the state's resources. tions the housing situation was taken years after peace i ratified and regula-
Pressure must be brought pn the up, and in most instances some action , tiou thereafter to keep down the flow
Un'itod States government, Mr. Bram- toward its solution decided upon. 'so it shall not "exceed the nation's
well said, to bring to the state Its just j t tj10 meeting, of the Commercial ability to assimilate and Americanize"
recognition. He urged th0 unit of all ciub last night, which was attonded by ' new comers.
commercial clubs in the state in a iignr manv prominent and influential men of Delegate McNab of the pubhe grei
to be broueht on cougress to bring re- i. tiv ti, nrooosal that the Commer- presented a resolution assented to by
lief to eastern, central and southern Ore-'ejai cu, mcmhCrs bind themselves in a that group, providing, for ar national
... i. .... . i -..
eon. Jn tnesc sections, ne ueciurcu, n- corporation to build more nomes was aroiirniion ooaru.
rigation must bchad. heard. This could be done to advantage,
Ho attacked the uninviting attitude u waa pointed out.
of marketmon in western urcgon. T, h . f (ii..0(,tor), realizing that
"A great deal of thc money "1 l80mrtl,inK mt be done to meet tho in
business of southern Oregon is going in-1 vitablo illf)ux 0f peopie to Salom this
10 nurorniu, mr. j winter and spring, discussed the pur-
" Eastern Oregon's trade is conducted f certain pertv llcar gttiem.
in Idaho and Washington. These condi
tions should not exist. It is a
of educating the people in these sec-
Tho tnntiiHvn ulans are to erect many
mBttcr 'modern bungalows on this land.
The North HrJem Improvement asso-
tions of the state that business can " ' eaiiont knowing that more and better
transnctca Wlin ineir uruincra ill nn'
Members of the Salem Elks will
leave this city at (:30 oVlock tonight
for Albanv where they will attend a
concert nnd dance given there under
thc auspices of the Kiss and the Amer
ican Legion, An invitation to attend
was received this morning by local
l'robablv 2000 Elks from Salem, Eu
gene and Orvallis will attend thc ju
bilee. The Eugene order will take a
band to tho celebration.
ypon their arrival at Albany the vis
itinsf Elks will parade through the prin
cipal streets, then retire to the armory
where the concert will bo held.
King Albert Is
Invited to Pay
Visit to Salem
(Continued on page eight)
Washington, Oct. 9. Ratification of
the peace treaty by King George is im-
minent, it was stated here today, tnaa-
phasized bv the opening in that city this much as notice of ratification has Heen
week of two new hotels and a calcteria. receivca irom bu me ammo. uiwuuu
At a meeting of tho .board of
directors of tho Salem Oommcr-
cial club Wednesday night it
waa voted to send a letter of
invitation to Oregon's capital'
city to King Albert, and par-
ty, now touring the United
States. According to latest ad-
vices on the king's travel
course, the party is now head.
cd west, and will be on the
const several days.
The Commercial club, taking
this action, places Salem the
second city in the state to send '
a welcome' to the royal visitor.
Recently Mayor George L. Ba-
ker of Portland, and Governor
Olcott shaped a wire of invita-
tion to" Belgium's ruler to visit
the state and Portland.
homes are the neod of that section ot
the-city to meet the expansion of Salem
toward the north, is also taking up the
matter. Its aims are to interest ro
.sponsible organizations to build und
mnliifnin linniAi nf beautv in that cart
of the cltv. ',-'.. Washington, Oct. 9. (United Press.)
it !, maaHna nt th. Rnlem Ho-' President Wilson's condition ia
tnrv club, next Wednesday noon at the ' proving slowly. Dr. Cary T. Grayson
Hotel Marion, the housing situation will and Dr. B. T. Btitt said today.
be investigated. Members of this or
ganization, speaking for themselves, tire
firm in tho conviction that Salem must
Friday ovening, at 8 o'clock, a public
mtuis meeting, to which all are Invited,
will bo held at the Commercial club
auditorium, Catlin & Linn building, Lib
erty street. The housing situation Win
be gone Into in all phases. Men rep
resenting building firms, building ma
terial producers, and real estate organ
izntions will speak.
The Professional Business Women s
Thc statement issued just before nPo
said: ,
"While there is no material change
in the president's condition, the slight
improvement noted yesterday con
tinues. "
Senator Hitchcock, administration,
leader, called at the White House today
and talked with Tumulty.
Democratic efforts are now centered
against beating amendments and for
this reason, ho said, there is no pressing
need for President Wilson' aid. When
tho question of reservations eomes up,
club, which met last night to form pli.-ns however, the a'dvice of thc president will
for its organization, also took up the be required. He said the democrats a
housing problem. They voted to eq-jnot yet ready to accept reservations to
operate with the mon In solving the save the treaty.
problem; and the members were asked "If the present delay develops into
to make known any practical ideas they a filibuster, we will take measures m
might have to reach a solution. 'head it off," Hitchcock said,