Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 08, 1919, Image 1

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I 5250 CIRCULATION .-; fe!s : -1 w d ' !
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Only Circulation Salem Guar- y . .. 111 fjjpjf - II j . ; . -( , - - -. 9 , .. . .
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Cicotfe Comes Back Strong
Tqn Grafe Game, 4-2
By Henry L. Ferrell ; ?
TTnifaH Pvoca Staff rnrrPsnnnrlPTitV v( .'"
;! RedlandField, Cincinnati, Oct. 8. The fighting spirit
.of the White Sox triumphed again today and the Chicago
ans took the seventh game of the world series, from the
Cincinnati Keas, 4 to i. - " ;
Drag Fiend In
Dire Need Nabs
Physician's Kit
' TH Sox ''victory l)rouglit" .the game
- tount 4 to 3 Sn favor of the Beds and
tomorrow on Comiskey field in Chicajfo
tlio battle, which has now reached a
truly desperate stage will be renewed.
Eddie. Cicotte came back, today and
provod himself in spite of the two ear
lier defeats handed him Iby the Eeds.
The little, veteran worked coolly and
effectively through lilnor unusually
hard innings. Ho was frequently in
danger, but he had just enough in re
serve 'to turn back ' the Reds, who
foughlt bitterly to the cud. The Sox vic
tory was the result of clean, hard hit
ting off Slim Bailee, whom they drove,
humiliated, and ibeaten to the bench in
the fifth inning. The Sox attack, which,
had been strangely missing m ine Mr
. its until yesterday; was most effective
again today. Gleason's men hunched
their hits and delivered in the pinches
when possible runs wore waiting on
the bag.
- First Inning.
tHiieago J. Collins up. Bailee's first
j.itch was a fast one that cut the plate.
J. Collins singled to center. E. Collins
up. E. Collins sacrificed, Bailee to Dau
bet't, J. Collins going to second. Weaver
i. Weaver f lied to Koush. in acep een
tTr and JvlCoUiM was. held at-second.
Jackson up. Jackson singled to left,
scoring J. Collliis. Ho attempted to go
to second .on the throw in end was
caught In the runup, Groh to Rath to
Daubert, but got baek safely to first
when Daubert dropped Bath's throw.
Felach. up. Felsch beat out a bunt,
...niiimr .TnckHnn to second. Gandil up.
Oaridil forced Felsch, Kopf to Rath. Oue
run, three hits, one error.
Cincinnati Rath up. Rath was safe
' on EI Collins error of his grounder.
Beat o obtaining a "nip", of
"dream food," some drug fiend, soma
time Monday,-stole the medicine case
belonging to Dr. W. B. Morse, and after
an unsuccessful search among its con
tents tor cocaln or morpnme, aDanaonea . -.. ;,: T 1 TL ' Hi
it in a yard on South Winter street. It TreSIUeiU aUVZgCT ' IBftB fU
m A . Fit ITT 1 " I 'A ll ..I - M Ml ' - W M -T ""'
was rouna oy a. r. yvooipert, H ine
Central drugstore. . . "
Some connection with the theft of the
modicino case is placed in the report
the.-t a man was seen loitering around
Hush' a mature, in South Salem. Tues
day, acting in a atrange manner. It is
iKdieved that tma fellow, wno wag not
fmn4 wKan nnliifn rnrnla n apn.mli fnr
him, stole the case and substituted a
quantity of capsicum, which is 500 de
grees stronger thaa red pepper, f or co
caine.. Tlie man's actions wouia indi
cate, it is said, that he. was suffering in
ternal ravages.
Sintv Nine Army Flyers
Hop Off in Great Trans
Continental Race Today
Z Mow VnrV fWt.'. ft TVia irrpfltefif aerial race in historv
began at 9;15 a. m. today when sixty nine airplanes start
ed to take off on a transcontinental flight between New
x urK anu ottn r ramiaiav
(Continued on Page Six J
Aviator Known
Here Leads In
First of Race
Investitration of alleged alien euo
mies and their activities in the county
will be undertaken by a special com
mittoe of the local branchi of the Am
erican Legion, appointed at the rcgu
.a . niAntittff nf thn nvom ly.nriun lviun.
ilnv niorlit the chief aim of the Am-
m-innn T.ncyimt ic thp wepdill? Out of
disloyal citizens and the advancement
of the doctrine of Americanism m tne
United Slates, nil reports of alien one-'"
mics will receive the prompt attention
of the, committee. The men selected to
investigate such eases is eomposea 01
Miller llayden, Hairy Hoxie and A. ' B.
l'ratt. - .. : , v.,. ; 7
'- Another commrttee, won Tins charge
of benevolence work for the post was
formed .It is: John H. Carson. Cnrl D.
Gabrielson and Dr. C. iB. O'Neill. This
body will render assistance to members
in securing the conversion of insur
ance, take up the matter of thoso de
siring compensation, oid members to
avau tnemseives or ra guv?rmiium
offer of education, and act us a general
eniianltntinn nnd advisorv committee.
An employment committee, vunwi
ing of Paul Wallace, Frederick S. Lam
port and Dr. B. F. Pound, will endeav
or to place all members of the post in
positions of their liking. All members
who arc seeking work nre urged to
ftnm tn thia committee.
Oecision to hold a dance some time
this month was reached. This, will be
for former service men only.
The arrival of the American Legion
buttons is expected soon. ,
An effort to get additional members
for the Ca.pital'Post will'be made by
(present members. - :
f -
. The annual ..banquet of tho Young
Men's Christian associaWon was held
last evening in the Y. M. C. A. builoV
iiio nml fr.nm evM-v .Toint of view Was
I a great success. 'The supper, a gem of
us KUlu, was seruu me juung n
men of the Phcz plant, and the guest
list included men of all ages and ev
ery walk of life. W. 1. (Staley, acting as
chairman of .the affair, introduced the
viirimiix Knpnkpra of the. nvpiillltz. sec
retary James Elvin announced the pro
gram of the association for the com
ing year. In the absence of ex-pcre-
tar'v Wnni IR fl.inrrii1 . T.nnia ' II.
Compton spoke, telling a number of
amusing incjaeuts. Kererring to tno
aJUiletia department, (Secretary v, A.
Walters, in charge of the country work
told ttie business men that their volley
baM team should ," uft prepared to ac
cept challenge from the Woodbnrn
team in the near ruture as tno men in
that city had organized a flourishing
team of its own and was anxious for
compotitlion. A .glowing tribute Was
raid fn thn V M. V. A. hv Onl. Carl
Abrama especially for its noteworthy
wow auring tne lute war, uuu uie ue
liof was expressed that it activities
in Aava nf nuBRA would rlvail in im-
tortance KS war wor. niu wirver was
equally enthusiastic in his praise of
Hia -nsaorti.fi.iion calling esiclal atten
tion to ii efforts to supply comforts
for tne men in congested places sucn
an UrAat.
An important feature of the evening
was the election ot new airecrors. xuc
followuig six candidates were uuani
mmiaW Alwtiil- Psnl B. Wallace. W
T. Jonks, Dr. H. C. EpJey, Dr. B. L.
Steeves, Col. CarlVbrams and George
iiaivorsen. .$
Lieutenant E. C. Kiel, known
1o many people in Salcni as the
pilot with whom Governor 01
cott made the flight to Portland
from this ctiy, and who was sta
tioned here for several 'weeks,
is one of the fourteen pilots who
hopped off from San Francisco
this' morning for the trans-continental
air race. Lieutenant
Keil's number is 62. . '.
First reports on the progress
of the flyers showed Kiel ,to be
leadina the field Into today. He
was the first to reach Mather
Field control station and hop off
for Reno, the next stop. Kiel
is driving a 'DcHavilad plane.
Any TimeSiscelSaess Be-
gan, GraySsa says.
Foreign Rulers Express Sym-
w mm urn
pathy in Messages lade
Washinirton. .Oct.-.! - "The ores
rl .1 1. , ...... i .1 tl fim n qmnfMr ' '
saia a ,taiemeni issuea py nis pnysi
inns nf nnnn tniln ' .
"Ho is stronger today than at any
time since his illn tm ibegan ' the
The cooler, .weather aeemed to have
For the first time in a week the pres-
LlaMf wad Snl nvaaat lir fitxnA Via actlr.
ed for soft boiled egg for (breakfast.
Afterward he expressed: a desire to see
several persons on Official . business,
flnoliU- imat-MriA' liQt tin. Porr T
Grayson showed remarkable inability
to get in touch with the men he want
ed to consult.
His physicians 'were tiot ireody to
abandon the rest cure. Exertion,, men-,
tail or pnysic.ai, .iney DOiiove, wouia not
bn ornnrl. .in . itnith- nf tkft itnnrovemiMii.
Wilson asked, many quest ions about
tno- industrial conference ana tne peace
IrPHTH nirilHT.lfin . )PSIPni!LT IT. W H.H OIN-
1.0.1 L. unniU Mm Wilonn in
telephone Secretary .Tumulty to got the
micsi.jiewB xrom lav umi'.'-' -
A message was received from Earl
l urznn hv Viscount lirev. tintusli &ni
rne waoie nation as watcmng wiiu
ntense anxietr and concern the illness
of the president. Pleaso convey to the
white house, an expression of our earn
est hope for speedy recovery."
Kini hni'Dw CBiblerl rtv as follows
the; illncs-0f the president, but trust
you can give me reassuring reports of
tiia ,Mwlifinn '
King Albert of Belgium telegraphed
" Verv triad to hear vou are iretlina
better from Aa.y . to day.. I send you
most Jieartfelt wishes tor complete re
President Suareit of Colomibia cabled
" We present to your excellency tho
nT-nrasainn fvf nun Rvmnllthv AnH the
wishes we make for your excellrncy's
nrecious health."
Amaronian Hoghos Mubar, in the
T,a,nn nf Attthiib.. pflhlln from Pn.rift!
Wa Iioua Knnn vorv Bflit in lftnrninir
of your illncsg and are thoroughly glad
now to hear of your improvement.' We,
together witn tne Armenian nation, ex
press our most sincere wishes for tne
cmnflv riinvMtf fif VOUr hpAlth. SO
precious to your glorious fatherland,
numanity ana Armenia.
Speaker For Commercial
Ma h a MM m
Hub Meeting Here loday
Vice-President BramweU, of the State
Chr-mber of Commerce, arrived in Sa
lem Wednesday afternoon and will
speak at the regular monthly meeting
lie win
miftn fivA hA ' mA.tiinea ' were
scheduled to leave Mineola, nd the re
mainder were to start from San iPran
ciaeo.. The.raoS across the continent and
baelt mere thaa D40U mues was ex
pected to consume at least twelve days.
Thero' will' toe no night flying .
liieuteaani J. a. maciue, "inj v.
17- a TWtfRuvilcinA fniii trnt s.waV ex-
at- o-in Tiro ininutMi later Britra-
dier General L. E. O. CJwlton, British
attacae, took trie air in io. w, a w-
toi. ' - -.'
- The- raco will , be across the conti
nent. and bak, a total distanx-e of more
than 400 miles. .There are zi . control
stations where . each plane will . stop
tnr HiirfT minutes. Planes TCmaining
more than 4S hours at a station will
be eliminated. ' The stations inciuae:
Chicago. Rock Island, IjlKj.Des Moines,
Iowa;, umana, wcd; ot. ruu, mm;,
Vn.ii, ii.ait ffh Sidnev. Nob: Chov-
enne, Wyo; Rawlins, Wyo; Green Riv
wm. sn.lt Ik (Stv: Battle Moun
tain,, Jfev; Reno, Nev; Sacramento, Cal
and San (Francisco. . - ..'.'
Following Macule's start, otner ma
chines ot a war in this order at about
two minute, intervals: . .' . '
Xumiber 11, 15, .Hit, 87, 4T, S.i,.z(,
31 and 9. '.,.. '
'Number- 9 was delayed ty motor
Xumber 35 was forced to return
twenty minutes later 'because of engine,
trouble.' i'.'.'.i ' - ".' ' Vi"
Ron .Ti,miti'j ' Oct. 8..-. (United
Presa) The first airplane from the
Pacific coast - iri . the trejwcontinental
air race loft the ground at tho Pre-
siaao. m. o;au xnis BHtnua.'
The plane ia ..DoHavlland and U
driven hv Lieutenant J, P. Reichter.
Lieutenant J. B. Patrick is observer.
Others will follow at two minute in
terval. ,. - . - ., i, ; . '.' - '
. Due to the nori-appeaiaace of one' of
the aviators,. 15 instead of 1& will loave
from tiis coast. . -: - . -.
The mat plane to leave-thai, ground
was piloted v. Major -O.- P. Bartholf,
and it. took off ahortly after 7 o 'dock.
, All. machines . rose toward the west
circled around and mado course direct
ly oast, disappearing behind the hills
ill muuu tuuuvj,.
The field -of starters was roauceti to
i aii.on onirinA. trmubln nrevcntod the
plane of Lieutenant A. B. Kice starting
with tho others.
The planes scheduled to lcav0 Minooln
nrft. ....... .
Airplane Typo of
HnnW. "Pilot. - ' ': Plane.
2 i Col. C. C CulVBr...,-.J...Pokk(!r
3 , Ma j. M. Kirby.',...-......." Fokkor
4 ; Col. 0. .Brant....!. DH.l
ti n Lieut. W. C. Brown....,-...v -Lcpere
8 Lieut. Nelson
8 ; LlcuJ A. Pearosn .L...,..;i,........DH.4
9 i Genbral Charlton -........Bristol
Belgian King Tha&ks Pecpls
; West For Feed
(Continued on pago eight)
Wood Boom For
President Now
Taking Shape
I Chicago, Oct.. 8. . Definite
niim tn jirinir out Maior en:
, erttt Leonard Wood as a candi-.
aat tor -rne - Tepumiwiii uum-
irtu fnr nrenidCTlt . WPre eX-
pected ta be taken We today.
John . r. King, repuwicaii-committeeman
.from Connecticut,,
i credited with being the mana
ger of the Wood boom, arriv
;ed hore to meet Wood back-,
era from the middle west. .A
tentative search for headquar
ters was started aud it wag re
ported, that the former Roose
velt headquarters in the Con
gress hotel, where the great
battle of 1912 -was staged will
be taken over hy tho sWood
. managers. , .
The f Jo-ht at Mis. M. K. Meudenhall
for a .writ of hube&s corpus and the
release of her two -sons, jonn ana viur
ence, from etistody of officials hore
. ii, nnnntnn nrll.Q(li.
wno are uuiuiuir i f""'"5"" ' .... t.1
... u-Mfr.o wau friMlrntpd i df the Commercial club tonicht
lion ueuim 10 ;"m'ui " "a i -- ----- t
WnHnesdaV when tho two young nu-uiiuin. on grm-rm mu ""
mt i.:..i.u.n nntiimitinn meet- . em i.a iitv mwl ihn stntn. and cite m'OUTCSS mode here
-iiie niwii: uiftn"i..T . i WCie quien nynnciA in. - ' r
inr in Portland Wednesday, awarded r(,turl,od to Montana. The motion filed . by th0 chamber of commerce.
. . .u- In ...arx.il. . ' -. . .v.,, m 1 ... n.wif riflirir ,Trt nncnkufa Will flrldrMH tllO
Marion county iih; cuunt;i. i" mrs; Menaennau iuusuuv iui v;" v... 6" -- - ---
ize the grades on Wain -and Borden ! hai,cas corpus, which was to be heard ossemblange. following itio meeting in
Is, south of Salem, the county agreed before Judge Bingham today, now be-.the club auditorium at 8 o'clock, a buf-
a 11.. ...u n-ut.inf rtnaf nfl thn ..n ' fit lunch will hp served.
comes nun. . .
to do tho work without cost, and tho
contract was expected.
Work of excavating and grading on
the hills is now under way. With the
completion of this, the county, acting
the contract award, will gravel it.
and make it rendv for hard surface that
will be laid by the state next season.
In awarding the 'contract to Marion
countv the state effects a saving of
about' 25 per cent. The state's only ex
nnnm will he for mntcrial.
County Judge tiusney saiu tui.i w
countv court offered to do the worx
nirtnut. cost that residents in that vi
cinity would not have to wait for roads.
He said that private contractors would
hoit waik with the coming of inclement
weather, while the count v will continue
r,il h tnsk is finished. In this man
; London, Oct. 8. Field' Marshal Von
Der GolU anil, his German, forces hi the
Baltic states have joined the Russian
... ' x- !.1.t- 4-I.a linlchA-
nortliwestern army to hk" i -- . i
vikr the Dailv Telegraph said today, 'ner, Judge Bnshey saidv the" people In
1116 . . o...-- , .erred hv the Wam and Bord-
quoting reports irom vupru..ofiv. it lm0n
The Higicorrespondentof the Even- Ka roads will not find winter upon
ing News says he has seen plans ana them wtihont good roads,
reports prepared by German officers -Brovidini"
for the occupation of the KJ !, i.omp I A Kfi rlaVM
whole Baltic reeion. According to these , - .. iv
Iilans, it is proposed to gain control
1 nml Esthonia and effect
the restoration of "old Russia by Christ
In Cincinnati, Perhaps
. . nn ft.
i-sioraiiuu ui ui .- - - i Kettiana ,jt ictu, ---- -- man u-c l- -
mos, when an attempt will be maae 10 Jf a ninth game lg necessary to urn.- d g0Urc(, but they arc neiu up uuu
form a Uerman-Kussia rjnance ag--""ltlie worm seni-s, n ... -the
entente. I in Cincinnati on Friday, (.arry Herr-
. The Evening NVws dispatch says lhat;maa won the to to t w to decide
Vim Der Goltz plans to advance on uign
Round Table Conference is
Adiourned; Thursday to be
. Busy Day is Expectation
By Ralph F! Couch
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, Oct. 8. The industrial peace conference
met today, found there was no business before it and ad
iourned until tomorrow after a thirty minute session.-
During the adjournment, me tin i w " ,
?roui8, representing capital, labor and delegates remained in the hall for half
the DUbliC WU1 convene st-puruic;; n s-"K i
meoare proposals for introduction to- Although resolutions cannot be in-L'L-
Under the rules, individual ttodueed until after the group in which
l"' . . l.i. .;!tJ v;.ti n them.
delegates mar not present nwiunwu u-i --
without assent of their groups. Charles E. Burrctt, one of the farmer
.t t nUJr Untm il .trihiited In the hall todav
Tomorrow tne cwutieuM - , , , , . ,,
'will lie flooded with propositions. More copies of a document labeled' Preamble
- 1. .:,. .nnnnitinfl till, nVfiitwIt'llt tft
than 200 have been received iram mi- m rcim,, -.. ,
appoint a comniissi"ii m ruiuiait; "
agricultural national policy." j
are confirmed by an apDal from Gen
tnil YuUnitch anti-bolshevik leader.
. . .i At. .. .-Aim. titna nni ' tin is n fininnii 1111 luui'i icwicim-
lecide r'u . . if mnmt 4:An n lii farmer end a w.ott-2aiiit
where the game will be pmyed, should before 7 lhem. the fact tM onw three farm delega.c,
ike Sox tie the series in Chicago t towudw . thi, orning were included in the conference. .
Decisioa to hold their regular meet
ing every Wednesday noon at the Mar
ion was reached at-a meeting of the
Uotary Club at . th Marlon this noon.
A vote to discuss the housing situution
at the next, meeting was also reacacn.
The election of officers occupied
part of this uooa's session. John Todd
was elected president, If. H .(Hie, vice
n,n.Un.ii William Walton trcttSiinT,
necretarv. The other
three remaining members of the board
of directors chosen at the last meet
ing of tho Rotary men, arc; iranK
Dcckebach, C. B. Cliincey and Theodore
ci,,,,. 1ns, Cnihrsn. nf Portland, attor-
nv- tcr the Southern Pacific company.
and member of the Portland Kotary
finh annke on the principals of the
Uotary club organization.
llthnnoh in its inr&ncv in niticui
k. n, Chih U makinir fast strides,
and many of tho city 's prominent, meu
arc becoming members.
Officers Seize Red
LHeraturdn Gary Today
Gary, Ind., Oct. 8. Army intelligence
l.r-H uizd nearlv a ton of radi
cal literature in raids on various, red
centers here today.
. Main, fliirinrA 1 Lennnrd Wood declares
tiic outbreaks had been caused by red
agitators ".whose only desire soemeu to
be to foment riots.''
Department of justice agents, eoopcr
.Hi. Armv nf ftcfim- tnnk three al-
leged bloshcvistic lenders into custody.
A mass meeting of citizens was neia
last night under direction 01 army oi-
ficers. Major J. U, Bye asxea ior vol
unteers to assist the troops in preserv
ing order. Two hundred former sol
diers volunteered and were placed on
duty today,
That Salem's eultuned life should
kocp abreast ' with its civic growt fs
the motive which is back of the Salem
Art LeaKiio. whoso organisation was bo
gun Tuesday evening in the lecture room j
of tho Salem public library, heu, en
thusiastic artists and art patrons of Sa
lem assembled in first regular session.
This is the first, organiwitlon of Its
kind in the capital city, for' although
several clubs for the promotion of art
have been formed tliolr eriorti nave oeen
i,Aati,i,.tnd in nnfl branch of art. The
lcaguo will not only fostor art, but Will
aid in advancing literature ana music, as
well. Tho various branches win m-
ciuue ui;i-i;ji-ii"in j -
graphy, interior decorating, life study,
technical and historical side or art, nrt
nnmanifltinn nilrl keramiCS.
H t Inut n lirht 'h meeting the time was
given to perfecting the constitution,
v..i.in.. 1,.tni a mid tho election or oiri-
,.. ti,n fnllnwHnir beinf elected: Mrs.
R. Monroe Gilbert, president; Horace
Sykes, vice-president; Mrs. Bytoii lirunK
secretary-treasurer; Mrs. E. E. Fisher,
--t JlHnA. . '
It 1 U UllOl,Hl, '
Heads of committees were chosen as
follows: Miss Lura Pratt and Monroe
c:ii.vt nntlniT skntchim? and still life;
Robert C. Paulus and Horace Sykes,
photography; Mrs. F. S. Burton and
Miss Flora M. Case, music and Uter
.... VT. flonrirn Ci. Brown and Mrs.
T. Leland Brown, keramics. Others will
Elkhart Man Talking To Rsy-
al Party In r .em:ch A&ed .
To Use English.
Aboard Ring Albert's Train, Omaia
Xb- Oct. 8j f While lenterins tbe ' :
great agricultural .center- of this great.
country, the queen, and I, aa well as t,
every Belgian will rememJer that it i
was from the wheat belt that eame
the first spontaneous offer of foodr
.iiif-fa. In luirlin 'Belaium." Kinr Air... -
bert of Belgium today said on the ar- , . .
rival of tho royal party in Omaha,
The king made several inquiries into
conditions here and expressed a ileire
to see the livestock markets nd gTont
.ndustrica of this city, Leaving Umana
the royal couple expressed their grati
tude for the splendid help extended ,
their countrymen by the people oi tno
central west. ' ,
n..tk thu kinor nml thfl Drinco stood
on tho observation platfoi-m early this
.HnHinr, th iffMwiin.) whi7ed thronsh
Iowa and were, greatly impressed iby
1110 Blgnt. or tne VU1U : "
reached from the railroad a far m
the distance as they could see.
Late last night Prince LeopoM grat
ified his long wanted wish to seethe
Mississippi tiver. The" "rivet 'was cross
Til . nbhut midnisht.
but the prince was tip and for his spe
cial benofit a huge scarcnwtrni, mi
ned along for sightseeing "purposes at
night, was thrown on the river.
Throughout- tlve run over-jowa n ,
IcfnTaka crowds gathered Jit stations
I- .1,1. Unff anA nntwll. At several
Itf BW me T ' . . - S
places they cftma out on the platform
and shflok hands ani sissmi uiwinn.
A briof halt was made at MuniJa,
t ,vna .clrnnil pmnlnvcs gather
ed and gave the queen three eheer.
At Elkhart, ind., , yesieriiBy, -
amusing incident occurred; a fi'"
working man approached the king and
spoke to ham in flemish but was rm
aMe to speak clearly, so the king ask
ed him if he couM speaK rniifn
"Yes," replied tne man.
"Then speak English, please," said
the king. " '
mi. .1 i.:..M ,1 v,vjnjia apa pvnnctea 10-
day to mount the engine cab agntm and
take over the .tnrottie.
The special i duo in imeyenne as
r,Mnih. t.onieht and in Ogdon, Utah,
nt 3:3(t tomorrow afternoon.
A halt of an hour will proDaoiy '
made at Salt Lako City lato tomorrow
afternoon, where it is hoped to visit
Ihc Mormon tabernacle.
A.BS DiU4.it i in -
(Continued on page "Ighti
! xi Jr
n,, Un o tdnnl Wife LB O110 fihO
confidence in her husband
as she has in a milliner.' Jest wlion we
think th' public is gittin intelligent,
,mmrh ' iln it's own thinkin' somo
'spread eugle orator comes along an' fills
Mclodcon Hall.
Oakland, Cal., Oct. 8. (Unitod Press
win. .iv klll..fl and one believed dy
ing, police are today endeavoring to ap
.,ri,n,,H Edward WilBim and Mead
Smith, conductor and inspector, respec
tively of the train which crnsaeu mm
loaded jitney bus hero yesterday,
r.mnnv officials disclosed tho names
of tho two other members of the car
Miss Erma Warner one of the victims
is In t hospital here suffering from
lacerations of the scalp, concussion of
the brain ,a fractured knee, three brok
en ribs and internal injuries.
After four days of negotiations nope
for eailv -settlement of the strike of
of the -San Praaeisco-
Ouklnnd Terminal Railway aeemed
abandoned today with tlie rciusai m
tlie company to guarantee reinstatement
of all striking employes penally aroi-
When a crowd stormed three ney
A hv strikebreakers
this afteruoon, the cars became stalled
and a riot call was sent In. ,
Timelv arrival of police saved crews
three cars.. Police . used clubs freely ,
driving back crowds. Rocks and bottles
were hurled. Five arrests were inade.
Bitter jeering crowd grew to 500 withia
three minutes. Cars moved slowly on.
Halted three times.