Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 07, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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'''' I
, ,
Rate po.r word Now Today:
Each insertion .
Ob ' week (6 insertions)
Ou v'.onth, (28 insertions)- . 17c
One year, per month . So
Minimum per ad 2a cents. 1
Cask in advance, except where ad
vertisers have monthly accounts.
New Today. I
FOR REST Good.12l) acre ranch, best
loam soik" 80 acres, uw cultivation, t
balance open 'pasture auu , timber,
well watered, phono ill house Fair
set farm buildings, good family or
chard, just off Pacific highway,
near good town; good rood to Salem.
JWirable Intention and near good
school. IVrrine & Mnrsters, 212 Oray
block, Salem, Or. 238
(WANTED By responsible party, a
furnished house for a few' mouths.
Address box 18 Capital Journal. 239
FOR SALE Cabbage for kraut, good
quality, delivered two cents a pound.
Address Kt. 3, box 32 Nervals, Or.
Phono 48F11. ' .;. . 242
WANTED 10 apple pickers, 10 cents
per box, 3 miles north on river road.
Mail box 00. 238
.WANTED Women to sort apples, 30
cents per- nour, tree transporranon.
Rt. 8, box 00.
IFOR SALE Tine 8 room house on
Chemekela St. See E. B. Oraben-
horst, 275 Sfate St. ' 237
FOR SALE Modern 8 "room house,
ibest .of location. This must, sqll
quick. B B care Journal. , 237
FOR SALE By -owner,, seven room
house in first class eondifcion; two
lots 115x120, on corner with both
streets paved. Good barn and several
fruit troes upon property.. Excellent
location. Will give immediate pos
session. Terms to. suit, l'hone 122 be
tween 9 and 11 a. m. ; 239
TOR SALE River bottom land situ
ated 13 miles north of Salem, of 151
acres, 40 acres cleared. Hard and
Cottonwood timber, house and burn.
The finest .and of loganberry land
at $05 per acre. Will take some trade
Merlin Harding at Salem Hardware
company. 242
WANTED Experienced maid, good
wages and noon lunch. Apply to
housekeeper Hotel Marion. 238
WANTED '"Woman to wash glass and
silver. Apply to manager Hotel Ma
rion. 238
IfOR SALE Two 5 room furnished
cottages, choice $5090. Phone- 1425M,-
' . ' ' 237
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow; 5 rears
old, very gentle. 715 S. 12th St. 237
FOR SALE 20 acres good level land
small house, shed, good well with
force pump good pasture, some tim
ber, will soil reasonable if taken at
once; 3 miles of small town. Also 2
horse drill and one feed cutter. Ad
dress E. P. Mills, Salem, Or. Rt. 6,
box 13. 237
WANTED A good servicable second
hand collapsible twiin. go-cart. Oive
address stating price. W. & Ball,
Ht. 4. box 14E. 237
ATrENTS .WANTED Either ladies or
gentlemen. Apply to Box 281, City,
for details. . 242
WANTED To rent Sfroui t20 to 40
acres farm land with buildings.
Phone 17F14. 241
IFOR RENT 3 rooms for light house
keeping. Adults only, $12 yer month.
00 8. Church street. . : 237
WANTED Heavy" team. Win, . Both,
alem, Or., (Rt. J. . 241
FOR SALE Good heavy work team,
and cow. J. E. Grunsley, Bt. 7, box
ixB SALE-Jcrsey he7fer alf, goodOR SALT2-Near
stock. Price $3. kon 2302W2. 240 j PB- - Foey, Bt. 2, (terva
WANTED A boy at tho Farmers Pro
duce Co. 239
TOR SALE i acres with buildings
and orchard, 2 miles east of Sa
. lem. A. Grimm, Phone 1UF5. . 242
IFOR SALE Two beautiful large lots, j
ideal location, 18th and Center St.,
watfer pcwot' and' street improve-I
menrs np to aare: appie ami cnerr.v j
. . , . . . , i
l'rvf ill o"r h plsce, aeeonnt lonv- j
Ing -pel city 'Will sell these two lots
lust "wuat tney were bought for
wbfc'h .vai 41250, $000 cash) will
handle and balance on time. See D.
W. Kelly, Oregon Eleetrio freight of
fice. 233'
9AC HYrtutnn RmlrlirwT '
HI'V8, ca SrJfi
be lb. Rt. 9, box 32. l'hone 31124. 242
FUR SALE Or rent; 3 houses. Inquire
803 'N. Liberty. V. . Fennel. 242
FOR LEASE 30 head of ewes.
F. M. Chittenden, 432 N. Water St.
Salem, Or. 23S
EOR SALE 3 acres Bing and. Lambert
cherries liusido city limits,, good lo-1
.cation. Price $l(il)6, 1-3 cash, terms !
on balance. D. -E. Hart, 20S Oregon :
,F0K mit( ,ono of th(, b,;st
stock gram and dairy ranches 111 1
Marion county, 372 acres, about 300 j
acres .bottom laud. Fine improve.-'
incuts. J''. 1'. Partington, owner, F.IUsJ
. club. 230 I
PORTLAND income property to ex-
change for a homo, in .Salem. What
have you. Address Owner, Ibox 40.
(FOR (SALE 5 passenger Maxwell, A-l
condition, looks like new, runs l.ke
new; n bargain; owner leaving town.
Can be seen at Cherry City garage,
170 S. 12th St; Will take Ford car
in exchange. 23S
NEW 1920 Maxwell run less than 5(H)
miles, bargain at $1023, for a few
days only. Don't fail to see this car
at Cherry City garage, 170 S. 12th StT
will -consider Ford car as part. 23S
FOR SALE House and 2 lols, 4S5
S. 22d St. Call 10 a. m. to 12. 242
FOR SALE A house and 4 lots at a
bargain or will trade for small place
sec. this at once. 2184 N. iFfont. 238
LOST On last Thursday a child's' blue
coat. Flense notifv Mrs. Floyd Vtter,
phone 385R. " 230
gaiig plow
-3 acres corn and Moline
.1. H. Moore, lit. 7, box
TO EXCHANGE A piano for Ford. N.
.Gardner, .Eickreall, Rt. 2. 238
For Sale.
(FOR SALE A baby's white iron bed.
1308 N. Com'l. 238
FOR SALE By owner, 98 acres, 1
mile south of Aumsville, D. F. East
burn, Aumsvillo, Or. 2-12
04 ACRES good land, 5 miles south of
Salem, good house and shed. All
fenced tyid all under cultivation.
$100 an acre. Address 64 car Jour
' nal or phone 1118. 241
FOR SALE Bv owner, 31 acres first
ocnen tuiui, ut-i i
spring and small creek, 27 acres in
cultivation, 0 acres orchard in prunes
apples, walnuts and cherries, bear
ing; some improvements, ,$3800;
cash, balance terms.' Write Owner 31
,. t,.1 '242
HORSE, 1400 lbs., ll yars old, good
shape work anywhere. 6 miles out
on Pringle road. Rt, 1, box 4A, Tur
ner. H. Layton. 238
FOR SALE Baled wheat straw, 0
miles north of Salem near Quinaby.
R. M. Diem. . 237
FREESTONE peaches, S-4 mile from
- cement bridge on Wallace road.
Bring your boxes. M. P. Adams, Rt.
1. 1'h.oiie 30F12 after 6 p. m. 242
FOR (SALE Or trade, good lot with
garage and basement dug, cement
walk and curbs, 3 olocis of St.
Johns postofif ice, Vi block street ear,
will 'take Ford car, or consider horses
wagon and harness, chickens, farm
tools on the deal, $500. Address B.
M. Woods, Rt. 2. 237
FOR SALE Pair dt White Saaiion
mild goats. First house north of W'e-st
Salem ac-hook ... ' . ' . . 237
10 LEGHORN hens for sale; also V2
cord fir wood. 1526 N. Cottage. 238
FOR SALE Office partitioning, in
cluding doors and windows. Capital
: Journal office.
FOR SALE Titan tractor and 3-bot-tom
plow, 8 foot tandem disc har
row. Box 8 Journal office. 245
FOR SALE 30 eight-weeks old pigs,
i - d.n T rj Ht K I'tinnp
euoice iu. id. ... - ------
SPLENDID light dray wagon" $23 cash.
Call 940. .241
FOR SALE A-l fresh Jersey cows. C.
H. Riches Turner, Or. v
FOR SALE My farm of '117 acres
about 13 miles south of Salem and
2 miles from 0. E. . depot Very
best of river bottom laud, nearly
Y2 in cultivation, rest timber and
pasture. Good orchard, fences and
. buildings. $75 per aero. J-40 cara
Journal. - . " 10-15
FUR SALE 9xll Columbia donkey
engine with lines and blocks. Very
low price, terms to responsible par
ties. F. W. Martin, 14b' Center St.,
Salem. . . . 237
NOT necessary to wait longer. If you
want to build a new homo, I can loan
you the money NOW. All the require
ments is good security and title, easy
payments, 3 to 8 years time. No red
tape, no delay, money advanced as
building progresses. Tko best recom
mendation i several of Salcom's
best people who are satisfied. See me
today and get busv on a new house.
H. E. Bolingcr,' 328 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE 30 acre farm Ankeny bot
tom 5 acres hops, balance cleared;
will take Salem property first pay
ment. Call Mondar at 145. N. 14th.
St. Mrs. J. C. Pettyjohn. 238
FERNS and palms and other potted
plants for sale, Maruny's green
house, 211 Miller St. Phone 916. -
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
.. chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art 'a Repair shop, 347 Court St.. ,
FOR SALE Pair white Saaveu n'..i
goats, 5 months old; also wish to ex
change proven Leghorn hens and
Rhode Island Red- licus -for Whits
Wyandotte hens or pullets, young
Plymouth Rock roosters for White
Wyaiidotlo. or Orpington, or r.oc'k.
First hqiuo north". West Salem school
house, v ' . . 237
FOR TRADE Or sale, 7. acres near
Halls Ferry station, 4 room house,
two acres under cultivation,, family
orchard, ("all 407 Union St. 238
SOLWAY and late Foster peaches now
ripe, bring boxes. Imlah fruit farnj,
mile from west end of Salem
bridge on Wallace road. Phone 58F
11. 240
FARM SALE Monday, Oct. 13, 1919,
at the Joe Brumbaugh place, 2 milos
east of Chemawa and 6 miles north
of Salem on Silverton road. Colonel
W. F. Wright, auctioneer, J. F. Sav
age, owner. 238
FOR SALE A fine 5 acre farm mod
ern house, good barn and chicken
house and yard; peaches and cher
ries; compressed air water system.
At Salem Heights, 1-3 mile west of
end of car line. W. A. McCollum, 353
Harrison St., Portland, Or. 237
Lost And Found.
STRAYED OFF A red and black spot
ted pig, weighing about 40 pounds,
near the -Pringle school house. If
found, phono W. II. G raibenhorst. Jr.
LOST Teachers Bible on river road
south of Salem, StiiWay p. an., return
to this of tree and receive reward.
TAKEN UP Have gome strange tur
keys on my .place. Party that claims
them pays damage and this adv. W.
M. Schuett, Rt. 2, Salem. 238
For Rent
FOR RENT Sleeping room in modern
house close in, to business or profes
sional man. Call at 640 Chemcketa
street. , 241
FURNISHED room suitable for one or
two 1 gentlemen. 632 N. Liberty
street. ' . 238
FOR RENT Good farm for rent, eith
er cash or shares, immediate posses
sion given. See J. H. Lautcrman,
Argo hotel.
FOR RENT A two room house, and
cnicxcn nouse, z.uO per month. 1500
S. High. ' 237
FOR RENT 2 unfurnished "housekeep
ing rooms, 3,ja BeUevue. Phone 536
W. . 238
Real Estate Houses.
HOUSE FOB SALE House, 2 lots,
plenty of fruit: a snap for $1000
cash. Call at 442 State St., room 2. j
FOR SALE 7 room house with sleep
ing porch and garage, lot 100x180,
y. block from State street in East ;
Salem. Nearly all modern conven-1
iences including All kinds bear-j
ing fruit trees, grapes, berries and .
walnuts,' ornamental trees and flow-
era, l'rife $3000. See owner 240 N. j
. Com'l St. or phone 1051 W." 239" j
FOR SALE Modern six room house
centrally located, electric light, gas,,
furnace. Some fruit. Street assess
ments paidt Inquire 805 Union St. 239
FOR SALE House and barn in Mvers
addition, 20th and Lee. A. G. Kuf j
ner, in. I. ' . zti
FOR SALE A big snap, large house
fit for rooming hoiiso or apts; alsy 7
room modern house. Call 30O N. Cap
itol St. ' 240
FOR SALE 100x52 ft S. W, cor.
Court and 13th streets, terms to suit
purchaser. Oswald West, 500 Journal
bldg., Portland, Ore. .291
FOE SALE My seven room house at
340 Union street, between Commer
cial and Liberty? Half bolck from
Marion square. Gas, (villi and base
ment. Price $1750, mall payment
down, balance 4 dollars a week. Ad-
dress L. F. Hill, Rt. 8, box 125. l'hone ,
WAjNTiiJU une-norsa lop ouggy ana
I. Ana ! rmnnA ' all Ta A illnlicla
V " ! n 9 w 17 l !
WANTED To sell bird dog, Kullen
eettcr a snap; Inquire 371 Court St.
ask for Bush or Moser, - 237
WANTED To buy from owner, good
house, small acreage or lots, close to
car; must be cheap for eash. Mrs.
M. B. Woods, Rt.. 2. ; ; . . 237
NOTICE Last caff for old fir limbs.
Phono 754. ' : 241
WANTED Auto truck hauling of 'all
kinds. Phono 1008J. . lit
WANTED 200 ewe3 to let on shares.
Good pasture. T. P. Farrington. 237
WANTED Fluff and colonial rag
rug weaving. Cor. 20th and Mill 23 1
We have sold so many houses lately
' that we' are getting short on houses
for sale. Wo want all kinds of hous
es. We have a number of prospect
ive purchasers who- desire to pur
chase a home at once. See us today.
John H. Scott Realty Co., 404. Ore
gon bldg.
WANTED Carponter wants work in
town or out. Tel. 1685J. 237
WANTED A position as working
foreman oa farm; married, no chil-'
drcn;' can give best of references.
Address Mr.- L. Mizeiy Salem, Rt. 7,
or call 491. :.-. 238
WANTED To trade, good heavy
team, wagon and harness for eattle
or hogs. Phone 1576 W.v '237
HOUSES WANTED TT. your house is
ror sail', let'ua sen r, xor you. we
need more, houses and have waiting
buyers. Try us first. John-H. Seott
Realty Co., 404 Oregon bldg. '
WANTED Hello, Hello! Aniother
new and secondhand 'furniture store,
415 a 12th, a block from a P. de
pot. If yon have anything to offer
call for H. M. Canon. Phone 960.
.. ' , ?-... . , 260
Help Wanted
WANTED Girl at the (Spa. , -j
WANTED Man wifamily wats
wqrK on. rami or orciutra, experacm
edYhand. CBdrana'TCTfont St. 241
WAINTED- 'Census -elwks, m'ei, wo
men), 4000 needed. $95 month. Age,
18-50. Experience unnecessary. . ,x-
animations Salem Oct. 18. For froelfHQNE 1090R. Our priees ar right.
particulars, writo J. Leonard, (form
er government examiner) 1382 Equit?
able (bldg. Washington, .. , 242
WANTED Delivery man.; Fairmount
dairy. , ., . , ., . .. . . , .,241
WANTED Men and women to help
harvest carrots. Phone 14F32. or call
at 208 Oregon bldg. - 240
WANTED Good man to work on farm
and nursery. Phone 2500J2, . ' 23T
WANTED At once, men and men
withv teams for ranch work. Can
. work all winter. Houses, wood and
pasturage furnished without charge.
E. C. Horat Co., Independence, Or.
- . ' 10-10
WANTED 6 women experienced in
training loganberries to help to. tip
the canes. B. Cunningham, Phone 21
F2. 238
GIRLS WANTED At the Glove fac
tory, steady work. 1455- Oak St. 240
WANTED -Girl for general housework
Phone 1367. - 238
For Sale
A Snap In Houses. .
That strictly modern and well-appointed
home at 404 North Church
street (corner of Center and Church
The location is everything that
can be desired; the business district
is convenient also the various schools
and churches. In fact the lot may
be considered a really choice one.
The size is 66 feet by 85 feet, -.-
Beautiful shade trees Burround the
house in addition to several varieties
of shrubs arid roses.
All the rooms arc largeind have
high ceilings. Furnace heat through
out. There is a nice entrance hall; com
modious drawing room and & cosy
dining room. Telephone recess; two
very Inrge bedrooms with roomy clos
ets; bathroom; well-arranged kitch
nc; fine pantry.
The basement is full-sized and has
a cement laundry room, fruit room
and garage.
A good supply of fuel in thg base
ment goes with the property also a
combination gas, coal and wood
range and a gas heater.
Price $4,650.00
The proerty niay be viewed at
any time by appointment. '
C. W. Niemeyer
215-216 Masonie Bldg,
Sr.lem, Oregon
Phones 1000
- T014
with small child,
Apply Y. W. C.
wishes housework.
WANTED Sales ladies over 18, ex
perience not necessary. J. W.iWool
1 worth Co.
WANTED - - WilI pay1 $10 week for ox-
wnrk. 404 1M. Winter. Phone 392M.
W'ANTED 30 apple.'pickers, transpor
. tation to ftJid from orchard. R. W.
Clark, Phono 5SF12. 240
WANTED Girl, 16, must have work,
would like care of children, 1502 Mis
sion St. '., . . . ... ' 237
WANTED Men and women' to help .
harvest carrots. Phono 14F32. Write !
J care Journal, 'y... ' ,-, . . '. ,240'
FOR SALE 5 passenger Ford ear,
$429. Socolofsky, 341 State. 239
FORD touring ear for sale, latest self
starter, dash speedometer, separate
lights, shock absorber. Phone" 717 or
call at 542 State St, ; 238
SJO. CHEMEKETA lodge No. 1
'' . meets every Wednesday
evening at T:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
MeComack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kuntz
K. R. & S.
EOYAL Neighbors of America Ore-
ii ,o;n . .
goa vrrape camp itu, jouvi uiodvi dw;
Thursday evening in McCornack hall
Elevator service. Oracle, Mrei Car
rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.; recordet
Mrs. Melissa Peraons, 1415 . N. 4tb
St.; Phone 1436M.. - . .;,-
bly Noi 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m, in Masonic -Temple. Glenn C.
Niles, M. A.; C. A., Vihbert, socre;
tary, 340 Owens street. .;
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5248 meeti
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in McCornack building, Court ani
liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V. O.
Frank A, Tumor, clctk.'
Machine Shop Work.
Expert machine shop service by Mr.
Bergman at high school machine shop.
13 years experience,- Gear cutting
specialty. High class machine tools.
Quiok service. Phone 446, '
Wood Saw.
W. M. Zandlor, proprietor. 1255 N.
Summer street, Salem, Or,
Everything Electrical.
UALEM Electric Co., Masonio Temple,
127 North High. Phone Main 1209.
Office 124 South Liberty Street.
Phone 937, 1211. Bcal Estate and
Stock Sales.
W.- F. WIBHGT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him He only ' charges
2 percent. - tf
t Why Sell For Less?
We will pay you more cash for
your household goods. Get our bid
before you sell. Peoples Furni
ture and Hardware Store, 271 N.
Commercial Street. Phone 734,
REPAIRS and supplies. Office" appli
ances. We make rubber stamps. Sims
143 N. High. Phone 340, 10-10
Second Hand Goods.
No Cash Required Oood overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, rifles heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
othor nsetul articles to sell or trade
What have youf The Capital Ex
change. 337 Court Street. Phone 493
iNew and secondhand goods bought,
sold and exchanged; farm mnnhinery
Sold on commission. Bring in what
you have to sell. Stock and farm
sales. Geo. Sattetlee, aiictumeer; Lu
cas and Needham, proprietors. Ferry
and. Liberty Sts. Phone, 1177. .
: Federal Farm Loans
$Vi pep cent interest. Prompt .service.
34Vi years time, Federal farm loan
bonds for sale. A. C. Bohrnstetlt, 401
Masonic Tempcl Salem, Oregon.'.
cialist in the Modern Scientif
ic Application of Glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of Eyestrain
and Headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 V. S. Bank build
ing. Phones, office 145: . J24.
Stove Repairing.
Stoves rebuilt and repaired. 50 yeart
experienco; Depot National anil Amerv
can fence, sizes' 26 to 58 inches1 high;
Paints, oil and varnisn ete; logan
berry and hop hooks.
: 250 Court Street, Phone 124
Auto Repairing
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to 'take care of your cars no
matter in what shape. they are in
"and eaa guarantee absolute satisf ac
tion. We are also prepared to do first
class repair work on ' any make of
ears. American Automobile Co., 185V
197 South Commercial St., Salem, Or.
Phono 399. , ' " ,t "
Look at This. '
5 room well located modern bunga
ow with some furniture, $2000,, terms.
Socolofsky. .
341 State St. tf
Water Company. .
'corner Commercial and Trade street!
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 606.
We Want. ,
Your used furniture, - stovoa, earpete
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
285 North Commercial St. -
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank; Salem, Ore.
W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827 J.
1165 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 10-9
LEAVE your children with me while
vou work. 2751 Laurel Ave. . 10-22
i-UTQ PAINTING Tords repainted
$14 and up; other cars in proportion,
All first class work guaranteed. J.
E. Johnson, 220 S. Liberty. 10-11
AUTO PAINTING We will bo open
for business on and after Oct. 1st at
156 S. 12th St. Wo are in a position
to give you good service in . auto
' painting and laundry. Your patron-
age will be appreciated. All work
guaranteed. Gullett Bros.' 10-29
INVESTIGATE the Texas Interstate
Oil'& Refining company today. Drill
ing in proven gUBhor territory, and
budding modern refinery. Writo 'for
particulars. United Securities com
pany, Houston, Texas. , r 241
Some More Good Bargains,-
28 acres ri ver bottom land near
town, albout 20 in cultivation, good
buildings, orchard, near school. Snap,
$3500, terms; or will tuke residence to
half value. - .' '. ''
28- acres near town over half in cul
tivation and fine bottom land, farm
buildings, orchard, fine road; bargain
for $4400.
1ft acres of best loam soil with good
buildings, near Salem; Sniip, $3700.
5 a res of choiee garden, or berry
land close in: $2500.
'Fine 80 acre farm 6 mileg from town,
fine new bungalow and all other build
ings, pa't boaverdaiu land. Bargain,
$10,000. .
IFor bargains in real etate see us.
Perrine & Marsters
212 Gray block
Good Buys.
0'4 acres, good buildings, close to
town; price $2000; $500 will handle,
balance SO a year, o percent interest.
25 acres, mile north east of Sac
lein, 2 ai res- cleared,- 'balance second
growth fir timber, small house, spring.
Price $2000; $M00 down, balance terms
6 percent interest.
25 aero farm 3 miles north of Blod-
gett, Benton county, 16 acres eultivat
ed, Souse and barn. Price $1800; $500
down, balance 3 years 6 percent inter
11 ar farm, good buildings, will ex
change for bungalow in Salem.
S 3-4 acres close in, small bungalow.
Price $1400. ?
10 acres, good bottom soil, loganlber
riH. nenches. house. $K()0.
10 acres good .bottom land, 3 miles
out. $1500.
0a aero farm, 44 acros cultivated, 18
acres timber, 15 acres Italian prunes,
J2 acres loganberries, some English
and Royal Anne cherry trees, build
ings," stock, fanning implements and
tools. Price $260 an acre.
682'A acre farm, 300 acres plow land,
balanco pasiture, buildings, on main
highway, 2 iniles-from town. Price
an acre.
W. H. Grabenohrst & Co.
275 State St. 237
The State Tax comm'ssion will av
tend ii a board of canalization, at the
capitol in Salem, Oregon, ou the third
Monday in October; 1919, and puouc-
lv examine the assessment roll by it
made, and review; tho same, and cor
rect all errors in valuation, description,
quantities or qualities of property by
it assessable and in apportionments ot
assessments made by it; and it shatl
be Ike duty of tlw persons and compan
ies interested to appear at the time
and place appointed.
Petitions or applications for the re
duction or change of apportionment ot
a particular assessment shall be made
in writing, verified by the oath of the
applicant, its president, secrefary, man
aB'ng agent or attorney in fact and
be filed with the commission during
the first week it is by law required to
be in session, and any petition or ap
plication not so made, verified and fil
ed shall not bo considered ox actod up
on by tho commission...
Bv Frank - K. Lovell, Secretary.
dept. 23-30, Oct. 7-14.
Use The Journal Want Ads
Salem Scovanger txarbage and refus
of all kinds- removed on monthly -con
tracts at reasonable rates. Cess pool
cleaned. Dead animals removed. Office
phone Main 167. " - ' .
"Ford Tractors For $275.
You can convert your, Maxwell, ChcT
rolct or Buick into a roal tractor for
the above amount. The chungo can be
made in 30 minutes.
- Our used Curs are as follows:
1-Tou Ford truek, fine shape $67i
1918 Chevrolet $025
1917 Brisco . touring $00
Chalmers, A-l condition 2S-
1917 Velio $823
Hudson Super Six $950 .
1917 Saxon six '.. $700
We sell nils, greasy gasoline, used
auto parts, tires md aeontones.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
S49 N. COM. Y. M. O, A. BLOCK
Best Buys.
5 acres close to paved road, all ia
cultivation. $200 per acre, easy terms. .
5 acres half mile from street car, all
in cultivation, well fenced, black gra
el soil, the best of berry land. $1500,
$500 cash, balance to suit.
10 acres, 5 cultivated, 5 brush and
timber, running water, lota of Ever
green blackborries the boat of logan
berry soil. $2250,' half cash,, baluuea
easy terms. ...
10 acres, fair improvements, all in
cultivation, all the best of valley loam,
family orchard, fenced, two miles front
city limits. $4500. Terms if desired.
15.38 acres, 15 cultivated, .38 timber,
good houso, barn, family orchard, good
well, rock road, mail route, twa miles)
from city, stock end equipment lnolud
od. $5500, terms if desired. ..
20 acres, 5 acros Italian prunes, 5
fetites, ZVa loganberries, . balance
stumps pasturej all the best of toil, oa
maeadO'imzed road, old nouse ana nam
eight miles from Salem. $7250. Terms. ,
.20 acres, good I room nungaiow, ten
ant house, all neeessarv outbuildings,
well fenced and eross fenced with wov
en wide, 13 acres-an fruit, 10 an bear-
mi? prunes, wimnoe wainuns, sppiuv
peaches, ou rock road close to Salem.
$10,500 if sold soon. Price subject t
change without notice.
20 acres, all culti.vuted, won. ora'iuen,
the Ibest of soil, 2 acres logana, fair
house and Ibarn. family orchard, stock
and equipment included, close to paved
Toaa on rocs: roaa, a nwej oui. ipv.jut,
terms on $3000.- ."- ,
36 acres 28 clear, family- orchard,
all the best river bottom loam, on roelc
road, close to school, 6 room bungalow,
(fair barn and necessary outbuildings,
woven wire fence.- Price $650 h"1
cash; balance terms six per cent. : ,
" 5 acres. 4VJ bearing lognns, rockyf
close to Salom, A splendid investment.
(Only $2250.
820 acres, 290 cuitivutea, gooa sou,
fair improvements, and 4 miles from
tocst towU in Polk county, only $125
per acre. .
92 acres, 7U cieareu, unraneo pasturs,
family orchard. Old house and barn,
fenced, 4'j miles good town, school oa
place. $10,000.
14H ftcres. 50 cleared. 98 timber, 4 lo
gnns, 1 peaches, 1 family orchard, all,
rivor 'bottom soil, oia nouse anu uarn,
well fenced, 8-4 mile from school. $HS
per acre, half cash, balance 6 percent.
37 acres, 1 bearing prunes, iv
cultivation, balance timber, rock road,
4, miles of Salem, $200 per s acre.
Wilt accept house as pan payment.
For best buys see
341 State stre
Grain: Wheat, soft white No. 1 $8;
feed oats 80c; milling oats 80e; hay,
cheat, now $17; hay, oats, new $110
20; mill run $434.
Butjnerfat:: Buttdrfat 67c; ereass
ery butter 6768c.
Pork, veal and mutton: row on ioo
17c; voal, fancy 23e; steers 79cj
ows 5(a;7 c; spring Iambs 10c; ewee
4(&5c; sheep, yearlings 7c.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 00c;
hens, live 22(o24c; old rossters 15(j
16c; springs 22e.
Vegetables:: Onions, per sack $3;
'celery doz. 1
()cj tomatoes we; poiaioos
j3; sweet po
tatoes 6e.
Fruit: Watermelons jc; orange
$5.75(n)6.50; lemons, box $7.50(rt.8.50;
bananas 9!ie; honey, cxartotcd 20e:
bunch beets 45c; enbbage -S'.'CJ heal
lettuce 60c; carrots 45e; grapes, Ma
lagas 10c; grapes, Tokays 10c.
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 65i)70e;
creamery nutter voc; country uw
67c; flour, hard wheat $3.103.25
P..rttnni1 - Or.. Oct. 7. Butt !r. city
creamery 65(n)0!c. Eggs selected local
ex. 63(fi72e. Hens 30(p 3le. Broilers 23
('20c, tieeso, ise. wieese aemmn..
Live Stock
.'.Cattle: Receipts nunc; tone of mar
ket nlow: good to choice steers $9.23
ro'0.75: fair to medium atccic $7.2of
8.25; common-to fair steerp$5.75t6.75;
choice to good cows and heifeis, $0.73
7.50; medium to good cows and tioifera,
$.-.75(tt.75; canners 2.754.50; '
$4.7.-jfl.7n; calves, $7.7513.75.
Hogs: Receipts none; tone or murnui,
lower, weak; prime mixed $17(6,17.50;
medium mixed $l.50ffil7) rough heav
ies $I5.2.-)(U 10.50; pigs $15.25fe IB; ; ;
bulk en.50. . : -
Wheeps Receipts none; tone of market
steady, prime lambs $11.00(S12.00; fr.ir
to medium lambs $10.50U; ece
47.50rrfB.00; wether $7.50(8; yemriuga
:'V7.30 ' .-
Try Salem First la Buying