Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 07, 1919, Image 1

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    , ' ";
Only Circulation Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Weather iter 3
: .
. " Oregon! Tonight and Wedne-
day fair j gentle winds, beeom-
. in southerly. ' .
9K , -..-..
t .
Traffic Cop to
Nab Violators '
Declares Chief
White Sox C
rcome Lead ot
and Capture
Game in Tenth
Jlv TIenrv L. Farrell .
: (United Press Staff Correspondent)
Redland Field, Cincinnati, 0.. Oct. 7.The Wtute Sox
came back today. Showing a fighting spirit, Gleason
American league champions battled their way into a five
to four victory over the Reds in ten ininngs bringing the
gam count of the series to four-to two with the Reds on
the long end
Todav'a name was the best ball game
of the sories to date. There was hit
ting galore, first class base running,
sparkling fielding feats with enough er
rors sprinkled in to give Bed fans thrill
after thrill.
.. Wee Dickey Kerr of Texas again
emerged a hero, not because of perfect
pitching of the variety that character
ised his first winning gome, but because
he stood under a bombardment of eleven
Bed hits and fought his way! through n
game man's victory. It was Kerr's sec
ond victory of the sories and the little.
, fellow now in credited with the only
two games the Sox have taken.
First Inning.
Chicago J. Collins up. " Routhor's
first delivery was a fas); one . a f ew
inches outside. J. Collins popped to'
Hath. E. Collins up; E. Collins lined to
Koush. Weaver singled through short,
Kopf got in front of the ball but it was
too fast for him. Jackson up; Jackson
drove a tremendous clout into the left
field pavilion, for a foul. Jackson pop
ped to Groh. No runs,, one hits, no er
rors. ,
Reuther worked very slowly t.irotigh
' out-the inning. -Hc.jlirt, not show in
this session the grout speed and dnzlinj
curves he uneorkecMn.his first appear
singled to short Risberg going to third
nnrl Nclinlk to second. J. Collins UP.
J. Collins flied to Roush, Bisbeig was
held at third. . 'Uoiiius up. oi
lins flied to Roush. Risberg scoring aft
er the catch. Kerr ran to Becond which
was occutiied bv Schalk and he was tag
ovd out" liv . Koif who intercepted
Roush 's peg to third and ran over and
touched him,. One run, one, hit, no er
Cincinnati Gtoh up. Groh flied to
Ffllse.il. Roush ut. Roush flied to J
Cot in a who made a nrettv runnine catch
Tluiienn nn.' Diuican took thl'flo bases
when Felsch dropped his fly in deep
center artcr misjuagmg 11. ivupi up
Kopf out, Risberg to Gandil. No runs
an hits, one error.
The Box score m the fifth inning was
tiro first m twenty-seven innings. -
Chicago Weaver up. Weaver doubled
to left. Jackson up. Jackson sirigca
tn eeiiter. m-nrin!' Wtaver. Felsch Ul).
Felsch doubled to left center scoring
Jackson. Ring now -pitching tor uin
einnati. ..Gondii up. . Gandil popped to
Dttiibert. 'Kisberg i up. Kisoerg out,
Knnf tn T)n nlinvt. . Felsch took, third,
Schnlk im. -Schalk sinrfed throuarh Groh
laboring Felsch and tying the score, Kerr
I up. Schalk stole second. - Kerr but,
Three runs, tour hits,
Acting upon itlie authorization- of
the city council Chief of Police Vai
ney Tuesday added Chester Moffit" to
the fotiue force, He will work nights,
riding a. motorcyclo. A conference be
tween the cblief and Police Commis
sioner Utter with, (business men will
1a IiaIiI iiAniA tlmn Tuesday, when the
other new policemen will be selected.
The conference will 'be called upon
recommendation of the council- that
t lia l,iiaina.ea nun hftVA a- vruce in the
selection of one of the new men.
iPntimAii M'nfffit ha tind consider
able noli Axoerience. and is an effi
cient motorcycle rider, ma principal
Am ail- will I,a AmpisrAncv- calls, and sud-
pression of traffic ordinance, violations
in the city.
"Hereafter,' Chief., Varncy said
Tuesday, "all violation of the traffic
ordinance will be strirtly attended to.
X want particularly to warn careiess
motorists that glaring lights, lack of
tail lights, speeding, improper parking
and so forth, will be cause' for . arrest
and punishment."
A change- in the-shifts of the police
men, made necessary my tne auumon
of the- two new men occupied the time
of Ulnier varncy Tuesaay.
nineitiiinti-Bath iin.' Kerr's first ; Groh to Daubert
... . n,nt on ttin nlnte. Ruth no errors. -:.
Tmmwl tn Risbersr., Daubert up. Dml- Cincinnati Neale up. Neale singled
J . tr...- nj;i Cl,.l, mi throno-li the hox. Kerv knocked the bell
nen out, rvuir iu uuuuu, -r-- n - -.
Groh doubled to left center. Roush up. down but could nt make the play in
t.,.i. .ii,i a mrt nd Groh was time. . Rariden up. Raridcn flied to J.
... ' "i, tiiiil Riaherrr to 1 Colling. Rine ud. Ring fanned. Th.
nut wiit-it Jin n " .
Wenvr. No runs, two hits, no orrors.
Kerr worked easily and confidently
but thn Buls were laying tho ball on the
. wood hard.
. , Second Inning. .
Chicago Felsch up. Felsch flied to
Kele, who backed up almost to the wall
to make the catch. Gandil up. Gandil
'-..j. V li " TlonhArf Riaherir UD. Ris-
berg flied to Neale, fro runs, no hits,
no errors. -
The Sox were swinging on the ball
The report made soon after the aeci
tiuued to work slowly and took his tinw
before es-cfc delivery.
Cincinnati Duneau up. Iuncau wj
safe on Risberg 's error of hiB easy
grounder. It was a slow hit bell and
H:sberg tried to field it too fast. Kopr
up. Kopf walked and the crowd came
to its feet with a mighty roar. Neaia
up. Neale forced Duncan at third, Kerr
to Weaver. Kopf goiug to second. Rari
deu up. Raridcn forced Neale, E. Col
lins to Risberg, Kopf taking third. Rcu
ther up. Reuther out, Krr to Gandil.
No runs, no hits, one error.
Third 'Inning. -
Chieazo Schalk up. Schalk walked
Kerr up,
Cincinnati stands were in an uproar and
the fans beorired Rath for a hit. Ruth
up. Neale out, stealing, Schalk to Ris
berg. No runs,,onc hit, no errors
Seventh Inning.
Chicago. L'eibold batting for J. Col
(Continued on Page Six )
Washington. Oct. 7. (United Press)
"The president's improvement has
i-.nntinumi.," said a statement at
11:30 a. m. todav bv President Wil
son's physicians.
Ris appetite is ueciueuiy oetier
'and he is sleepinir well," the announce
i . Ti-.il. 'inpnf cnul
Kerr sacriticea, uion 10 - - . .flr.vson.
Ruff in, Stitt," and was issued after a
coiisuliataon among these doctors.
The physicians, it was learned, have
no intention of giving their permis-
sinn to .Wilson to take part ia tne in-
illililflll FOI!
Secretary Of interior Is Per
manent Had Of Indus
trial Conference, v
Merchants' Request for
More Policemen Granted
By Council; Two Added
THia immediate arlrlitiAri nf fwn'tilAiTI rlnt.hpS TYlPtl for
i'rVif diifv tn t.hft Salfim nolice deDartment. was ordered
mgV vj w - - - 7 .
1 iL . li 11 nA H- vns.r4-i v HTrwtsln-VT "t reYi 4-
DV tue City council cit its inccuug ixvnuaj mnu
wa i a - umiton. aoeaiiinir fur ui
busings men, made an arnet plea fov
Discussion Of Issues Pertain
ing To Steel Strike Barred
By Ruling.
; Wimliiiiirtnn. Oct.. 7.fUttited Press.)
Frnnklin K. I-Jlne. secretorv of tne
interior, was elected fpermancnt caair-
man of tne round t&oie mausiriai oon
fprinin a the first business of the sec
loud session which opened this morning.
. In seconding wane's norainauou,
Proldent Oomnors of tho American Fed
nmtinn nf ' Labor; said he wished to
make clear taat the assent of Uie laDor
group of'! delegates in Lane's election
vni no reflection on Secretary of Lubor
Wilson, temporary chairman of tho con
fprence. ' -
"The wordrom the White House this
morning is so cheering that it may be
nnssible for tho president to appear bc-
florv Tin!.. Oct. 7. Order was re- ' . r"'
,H,.. th rime of martial law Lane told the conterecs in accepting tne
m tne tAiumei steei uisiricv iuuuj.- -
Riotous elements waicn naa terror- u. o. vonui,
;,! nrv. v.aat. Ohic.ouio and Indiana LftthroD Brown were' chosen joint sccre-
Harbor since Saturday evening ovi- tfcrfes of the conference.
dently lost all inclination for fighting 1 ; There were many vacant chairs whon
when 4000 .regular troops, world war tne conference opened. '"-' . '.
L-ut-ivMitia I111f1lr iinmmaild Of Ma.lOr,, mu ...ln AAn,mlttnA nln'nu in nrnvnnt
Oenerol Leonard Wood, assumed con- aiacusion of the isshos of the steel
tTL"f i . situation. - ;-o;i:r strike in the conference, it was learned.
Sr8uS!. .e committee repprt was to recou.
Oovernor James P. Goodrich sent for menu mat flours or nlee"K o.ft ,
the regulars when 800 state militia naa :ou -u. m. io .u:
been unable to stop outbreaks. The mi- ,5:30 p. m. 0to mention was to be made
litia was openiy ueneu vy ymuw vj. oi tue -uetsnuii ui uuv oooa.vwo
Knf.fr nnlinA nrotecrion
"At a meeting of business men the
matter was thoroughly discussod," Mr.
Denton said, "and it was decided that
an increase of nt least two men on the
police force was immediately necessary.
"The eity of Salem is growing. And
mnaf Irann tVAAA with the GTOWth and
Consequent demand for more policemen.
In other citiea crime is greatly increas
ing, and there are, great possibilities
that the same will occur here.'v ;
Here, Alderman yandcrvort "inter
rupted: ': "
Gentlemen, we know that we need
more poliemcn. ' Wo have been fight
ing with teeth .and toe-nails to keep
what mon we have on tne rorce. , uui,
"We regret very much that such a
condition has arisen," continued Mr.
Denton. ' 1 We feel that all this strife is
petty, and should not be permitted to
stand in tne way or tne city a prog
ress.": .. - " 1 ; '"
mirrnd that make' it necessary now to
increase the force t" demanded Council
man Volk. "It doesn't seem to me that
more men are necessary until these
things oceur."
: Mr, Denton laughed. Ho reforred U
the signifant story of locking the barn
after the horse wag atolen.
" T!e population of Salem will In
crease 3000 between now and net
iKtiTinc " Mr. Denton roolied.: We are
getting to the point where Salem Is no
loneor a village, but a city. And the
Electric Train la Oakhdl
Mes Two Antos :
Running At High Spssi
Irate Citizens And Pdice Seek-
ing Armed Crew, we j Red
After Accident
wnai mon wo nave uu .vw. . i . . . , ,
always, there has appeared hero a dis- bigger the city the more attraction to
graceful personal feeling among the tho thug.
couneilmen and the chief o poKce that
has stood in our way. This must go!" (Oontinusd on page eight) ,
Car Service Is
Hit by Trouble
In Power Plant
Due to another 'break down of tho
engine in the I . H.-. 1, & r. power
plant, Mill and Liberty streets, 'at
10:35 p. m. Monaay, stroei. car service
in Salem was badly hampered all day
Tuesday. Manager Hamilton, of the P.
K, Xm & P. company's branch offico
i 4-Unt- 41n nnfrino TrnK-
JQVre, IJU1U VUUttJf iii imp v6
ably would not ibe repairoa ana pui m-
to operation again -until weanesaayj
striking steel workers and sympathis
ers. Scores of discharged soldiers, wear
ng United (States army unirorms, ar
icipated in the parade. .
-if thn first orders issued by
General Wood on assuming control of
the city, was that no man. snouia wear
an army uniform unless actively en
gaged ia army service. ,
Auto trucks, carrying mounieu um
ih'iue iruna. moved slowly through the
Oary street today. Soldier guards
were stationed every tew yards rnru
out the residence, industrial and busi
ness sections. ,
The Fort Shenlan troops orougnt
:,im. mnlilTiA iruns. siictv automatic
i-;rion trnih mortarn and one pounders
which were mounted on specially de
signed y'uc.ks.
Troops arriving rroin ana euny
today brought additional heavy arms.
, Tlie state militia was withdrawn to
Indiana Harbor and East Chicago;
where Adjutnt O-oneral Harry B. Smith
nt Tiwliann isnip.d a Droclaniation de
claring that district under military
r Medford, Or. Oct. 7. Lieu
tenant Wobb, pilot of a DoHav
Hand forest ipaftitol aftrplane,
was killed near Gold Hill to
day, when the engino died and
tliA mncliinn nrashed to earth
n a tail spin. Observer MoGinn
hv T.'L. Chadbourne.
' The business of the conference, Lane
characterized k the drafting of a dec
laration of "dependence" upon one an
other of the forces ot inaustry not in
dependence." - ;' -,
The conference passed a resolution in
viting Secretary Wilson to be a mem
ber. Gavin McNab introduced it.
A fight over the method of procedure
terminated the forenoon cession of the
conference, strong opposition developed
to tne rules committee s pToposeo men
ods. A recess was ordered to give each
group represented einployors, .workers
and the public a ehan-ce to discuss tne
committee's report outside the confer
ence hall ;
The committee proposed that the eon
ference be organised on a group basis
instead of on an individual basis. That
is each of the three cajor groups would
have a chaircan and two secretaries.
Each group would decide in caucus, by
majority vote; now it wouia earn i
.., ;rt J f'ollins UP. J
Collins flied to Rough. E. Collins lined
to Duncan. No runs, no hits, no errors..
Cincinnati Ruth up. Rath out, E.
f'..n;. flmi.lil Tlnnhert up. Dau-
bert siiiL'rcd to right. Oroh up. Groh 'dHstrial conference or to interest him-
fanned. Roush up. Daubert atolo sec-8elf actively in any other public af
' ond. Schalk s throw was a trifle lowjfairs. ..... . . j
and wide Roush hit bv pitched ball. The rest cure, which it was s ated,
Heddid n'ot try to dodgk ' Dnncnu JEST f
as if they meana business. Eeutlicr con-. n , th - th doctorR feel
bert and Roush. It was a corking hit. I t,' eneouraKea but tliev will take
IWO :. .1 ,.nvni;f nn avjivtinn which
HO UUU UCIU'.l "V, ,
Two thousand books on scientific and
technical subjects have been roceived
IW fitnte I.ibrariau Cornelia Marvin
from tho American Library association
tn Hiutriluition to the' libraries .through
out the state. The books are Baid to be
of special interest to ex-service men.
(might cause a relapse. They arc "still
in the woods." it was saia imoiiiciany
WilMin slept comfortably most of the
i,,i,t ownkp refreshed hv the cool
er weather. He was cheerful and again
was impatient to get out or Dea.
U'i1n "a ininrovina appetite and his
l.ilitv it aleeu normaliv and conifort-
iably are considered encouraging signs
W lua ,lAitnr. - -
"Sleep will greatly dimmish his
nervousness, they feel, and will enable
the exhaustion to be more quiciuy oyw
Kopf up. Kopf flied to Felsch.
runs, two hits, no errors.
Fourth Inning.
niii.no-vWesver' flied to Duncni.
" Jackson fouled to Raridcn. Felsch
singled through box. Gandil up. Can- j
dil out, Kopf to Dr.ubert. No r,uns, one
hit, no errors. -
Cincinnati Xeale tripled to left cen
ter. Bafide out, E. Collins to Gandil,
Neale being held at third. Reuther up.
Reuther doubled to left scoring Xeale.
It was a terrible smash down the left
field foul line. ' Rath up. Rath hit to
Risberg whose throw to catch Reuther
at the third hit the, ruuuer's shoulder,
the ball bounding away nnd Reuther
ftrimr Mnth wtMit to second, wuuen
T. ,1 Tl'nllKAl
uu. nam bioh iwhu j-'a""v v i - ,
.Jackson, and Rath was out at the plate lumbi university late toda.
on Jackson's throw to scnam.
runs, two hits, one error.
. Fifth Inning.
Chicago Risbcrx up. Risberg wclkeii.
8. hr.lk up. Reuther was wild and Ring
went out to warm up. Schalk walked.
Daubert and Raridcn went out and
talked with Reuther. Kerr up. Kerr
iff York. Oct. 7. Cardinal Mercier
T.- ..V, tin.A raAoil'fl tliA liPPTPA OI LiLt. U. U.I jO
Taris. Oct. 7. (United Press) Italy
morning. . , ! was injured
There were only six cars Tunning in
the city Tuesday. There wore two on Lieutenant Webb,
?M)Uta Vomiuerciui 'sireeij. ;ww-uw I ''ecc'iU
each of the othen. principal lines in. tne
city- . ' , ' '
Tin, hm.kiiAwn wns ejftiiHcn wnen tne
connecting rod ton the engine crystalK
hurried to the Willamette Iron and j
Steel Works in 'Portland, whe.ra it ia
'being repaired. t -'. ' 1
a iiaw a arrun. mr nnvfn vcuv iiiui
is now being loaded In Portland for
thin olant. and iison its installation
here, which probably , will, be throe
weeks, future trouoic or anis minu wm
be eliminated, Mr. Hamilton said. The
new gonoratpr is of 500 horsepower,
and will roplaco the generator burned
out several days ago.
The dead are:
A. Markley, Oakland. .
J. F. Barum, Berkley.
Mrs. Aloye E. Case, Berkeley.
" Raymond White, student, Uni
versity of California.
- Warner Van Mandersehicd,
Berkeley, student University of
Calif ornia.
- Francis Wall,' Berkeley, eon-,
cussion of the brain. :.
. Seriously injured. - x
Miss Irma Warner, concussion
of tho brain and fractured kneo.
the foregoing dispatch,
was one of the first avlators
4 o.aaifrnnrl in fnrmri-. mfttrnl dllt.V
" iti Oregon, and was one of -the""'
men to bring the first planes
for patrol duty to Salem from
Mather Field. Ho was station-
ed in Salem during the time the
patrol iDftse waa oemg main- f
twined here, W
Plane Reaches Portland
In Round-the-Rim Flight
Pnrtl.nJ. Or..' Oct. 7. Tho Mattin
bombing plane, which is on its "around
the rim" tour of the country, -arrived
in Portland yesterday evening at .6:15
o'clock, having been in tho air one
hours and 50 minutes - after leaving
Camp L'ewis. -
Lieutenant Colonel K. . Hnrtz ana
his crew will "hop off" for Eugene.
,i ' r
Oakland, Cal., Oct. 7. (United. ;
PreBs) Three days of rioting ia the
strike pf streetcar men 5 bore ',- were t
brought to bloody eiiron today when
a Key Route electric train manned by
heavily armed strikebreakers trashed. ;
into two automobile . and -fcillea aix
-person. Two other were injured.
As tne train speo on wnnuui oiu- ,
ciiinglt high speed, Ibodiee were
thrown right and left, and wreckngo of
th two machines was carried . for
blocks. '" ' ,
u.v...n (l.o tmin finally stooned the
armed cuards and the erew fled, ear
rvinir with them their high powered
rifles. : ' ' '
An enraged mob Of citizens la gearcn-
inir for them. Feeling has been at
high pitch over the lmportatnon er
armed guards. Bipht of these were ar
rested late yostCTaay aner mej- n
ed into a mob of strike sympathizers.
Most of the imported strikebreaker
were brought. rrom ios flngrano.
Dnlookcrs estimateo me mn
travelinc 50 miles an hour.
folice commandeered private aulo
mobiles to carry the injured to hoiK,
pitals. Three of the. dead are women.,;
Their bodies aro so badly mutilated
that identification is impossible.
Police predicted that if the armed
truards arc cornered a bottle will re-
Charles Sawyer, 19, of Independence
was arrested Tuesday morning by Dep-
..I fit,i-;fP Unw.r a Minrfrn nf Inr-
ceny tn a awemng, ana is oemg ncia . ,(h.
. . .... .a fnnnTuhiio fiwiwfia were aeuan gam-
pending hearing pciore tne justice oi , V" . -. It-WB9
niui... wnlnnolav mnnunff Mftwvfir UB - ..
itBI. 1 urnfl,..aIlnv mnrnilKT.
ballot en any proportion. Then on thei ;
floor, each of the tnroe groups woul"ICL:..J CuUrA A- Rnn
.nt m ip vte and an unanimus vote of I nffllVarll OlTIKc Ull DttV
all three would be necessary to passi . , ... .
any proposition. . . . wis liUUg Wttll.c
llnnniienrs or tnis sciicme aanuicw
k President Wilson's idea, in sum
moning the conference, to have a
''round table" discussion of every pro
position to clear the atmosphere and
(Continued on Page 5.)
Creation of Federal Body
To Handle Labor Troubles
May Follow Investigation
By Raymond Clapper
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Wtn oliiTi nrf fin rw 7 A law prpfitinir a federal "clear-
ing house" for labor disputes probably will be recom-
menctea oy tne senate laour wjmmiwv 1uvc01.1gcn.1ii5
steel stilke, according to members of the committee to-
steel strike, accordmgto memoers 01 tne commutee w
. . ... 1. ,,t.' . Unnn UT..1U1, mniA n
Ttiia -i ftiTrtiiu v tavorea av oenaior
Walsh, Massachusetts aud other mem-
i- tVon,n tint 7 The strike of
50,000 shipbuilders and metal trades
men or tlic Day. uisirict rviiivu uiu
today to a long struggle whon both
sides' reiterated their uncompromising
positions. "
The men refuse to return to worn
unless the eight cent, increase is giv-
AM TlUn amnlnvurt fpftlftA tfl civc the
increase, having dotcrininod to "stand
'by the government in its effort to re
store normal conditions.
hers of the committee,including Chair
man K.myon. -
" Undoubtediy some torm 01 legisia.
this at present, Senator Walsh said, on
the question of compuUory arbitration.
"You can never pass a law for com-oi-UItratiiin.
" . he continued.
" flint' would take the rieht to strike-
ullixrod tn have stnlnn H0 worth of
war saving stamps and $95 worth of
certificates of flopoBit on 1110 govern
ment, from a shack occupied by several
Greek road workers near Mill City,
This theft was committed, it is said,
on the night 01 iJetoDcr a. wawycr
gained entrance again to the shack
Ma.,1hi niolit iKhnriff (Nivilliam said.
"""'""J -ft""l .
and was caught as ho camo out with a
watch ho had stolon.
He wa arrested and forced to show
the hiding placo of his loot, which he
had concealed along the railroad track
between Satcm and the small town.
Sawyer is a former inmato of tho
stato reform school. His father is at
tho state hospital; and his mother re
sides at Independence. They have been
j separated for some time. Tho young
man confessed tho burglary.
believed, however, the officials of the
san Francisco-Oakland Terminal rail
ways would avoid further trouble to-
da by abandoning efforts to run ears
VirAi.tnnn nlrmm have Ibeen hot or
injured in the strike rioting thue far.
weores have 'ueen arresn-u, luoiirams
the ck'ht armed guards who lireci on
the crowds yesterday. Probably hun
dreds have been nit oy iiynng iinmnicn.
The rioting started after United
States Judge VanFtcet had issued
temporary injunction restraining strik
ers from attempting to intimidate em
ployes of the company.
6ukland'B population has a strong
porccntago of labor sympathise. ;
(Continued on page eight)
l ndouoteuiy some mrui ui ii-Kiia. umi
tion to.orcvent'a repetition of the steel from labor. This-is labor, s only weapon
strike will result,"-Walsh said today, jand it would not be given u without
"Government maenmerv ougni to "e m ngm. vu.iipu,
devised to act as a clearing house for which the strike would Ibe delayed un
industrial disputes. This uliould take j til after a conference, would onlyre
tho form of a body to which either la-1 suit in postponing a strike for a few
bor or employers could go to state their 'months, during which time the employ
grievances. Let the commission or er could he stocking up goods with
..!.. i .,,1 it. r.wn'uhii-h to sunulv his trade during a pro-
! s ... ,. .,1,1 mnkp liinffr-d strike. Then the employers
Tell Binklcy has added ft fine new
Huperintcndent T. L. Billingsly, of
the Salem mSetreet Bailway company,
who was injured in a collision early
Monday morning of a street car and
failr,.n,l Irwnmntivn. was renorted im
proving at the Salem hospital today. Al
tlumirh snendinir a restless night, his
condition changed for the better Tues
day morning, and Jit. Uyrd, who is at
tending him, said that he has developed
no more symptoms that would indicate
that his condtiion is serious.
The report made soon eftor the ac
cident that Billingslv was standing in
the vestibule with Motormai L.oti at
the time of the collision, was denied
Tuesday by Acting-Superintendent
Wuiio. Hmith. Smith mi ill that Billinirs-
ly told him that ho waws sitting inside
imn nvuTt ' -' " ... . .
Paris. Uct. . tunitra rre.ij u j : investigators to tne scene aim n,u, .-v. ... . '-r' ,,' " Imttleshin urcv tourx'C t' Ins ovevneau wnen tne cciuoin (0us (leraiimrnivin m iu
ratified the Ucrman ana Austnr.n pcco a report on in iaci as n m. - -"' ------ --- eXDteMft, Karmer Joe Sapp has a letter' cur, mtuniir . i . '- T 1 "V"-,
treaties Mondav bv the issuance of a Then lot the public judge who is in Uabor to a finish fight, the Pe -a ' " yin. j,e '11 return if his 'compact threw him through the inner to ,me!lplicable point, in Wilson
treaties iiionua. . . ... tu ,. , ' be nr unable to save up against a long- from bis son a in ' - ' .,, ih. urVB and tnrongll k.n.ilina f the Adnatie outt."
Ilt QirH rt'lHll I I'll I 17 lUK WIVUil " . . f . tit A .,. ..n.lilltlniT I UWI. " -".. - - - -
Rome, Oct. 7. Oommenting bitter
ly regarding the allies' attitude in the
1'iumo situation, both the idea NMion
al and the Tribune profess to believe
President Wilson is suitenng nuui iu.
tnl derangemont.
huvn hfidn iiulired hadlv at tn
conference, since hitherto the only op
position comes from a mini wno m mr.
tally deranged," snid the Idea Naaie
alo. The Tribune editorially said:
"The fault regarding Piume not on
ly is Italy's, but the allies, who blind
ly followed suggestions of a high Vrr
1 .1. M . Viimnn MMiB It 11 ftfllL
iunttua Tinr irrw 1 rum iihihw" " -1
the car, just hoiunu ine aoor nMflnd who i now urrpring irura ws
whon tho accident was about to oc-)ollfi (itrBnK&mcnt of the nervoua y"
1 ..An., ,m nnrl in. . .
toval decree
e wn . - .-- -
Legislation should go no further thanjer period of idleness.
father '11 cut down production.
, rtoor, arounu me curm .u.w6 naniuiiig 01 rti". -i---
the outside door onto ne pavement, ,