PACE EIGHT SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1919. Fill DIE FOR ' U FOR ROOSEVELT Oil The first shot in fond far the the drive for the Memorial was Roosevelt fired Monday with the issue of letters, setting forth the aims of tbe memorial association, and plans for the drive, to campaign leaders in til of the 141 school districts in Marion county. ' Tbe letters were mailed by local chairman of the Boosevelt Memorial association, Dr. W. Carlcton Hmith. The letter, which is elf explanatory of the movement, fol lows: Dear Friend;, There Is a nation wide movement on foot to raise $5,000,000 l Boosevelt memorial. With this money the home of Theodore Boosevelt, at Sagamore Hill, will b perpetuated and monument will be inscribed to his memory in Washington, D. C. A nation al istate and a local organization will itve this campaign in hand, which Is to fee conducted October 20-27th. It is not the object of the committee conducting this campaign to urge sub scriptions; but rather to awaken the BooSeveltian spirit throughout the whole country, especially among the young. Daring the campaign, leading newspa pers and magazines are going to publish incidents in the life of Theodore Boose velt the typical American. His vcrsu tality as a statesman, journalist, histor ian, big game hunter, naturalist, explor er and, above all, hisJOO per cent Amer icanism, are going to be exploited in very part of the .United States, Alaska nd our island possessions. Marion county 's quota for this fun J RHODES CANDIDATES ' FROM "U" SELECTED Paul Doncy, son of Dr. Carl G. Doney, and Raymond Attebury, son of Mrs. J. A. Attebery, Everett, Wash., have been chosen by the faculty of the local uni versity to represent Willamette in the Rhodes scholarship examination to be held in Portland October 31 and Novem ber 1, respectively. Willamette was en titled to enter four candidates this year, but only two students filed applications. Applications for the examination closed October 5 and it was understandd that 17 applicants had filed up to October 1. The colleges of the state entitled to enter candidates were: University of Oregon, Willamette university,-Reed eol-. lege, Albany college, and McMinnville college. Doney is a senior in the university and at present editor of the Willamette Col legian. He is a member of the Cbreato mathean literary society and has been active in all phases of collego life. Attebery was a member of the class which graduated last June, but is junior at present, having been delayed two years by service in the 162d infan try of this state. He was a member of; company M, of Salem, and saw 14' wunrns service in r ranee, ne was a member of the Websterian literary so ciety, president of his class, and presi dent of the Varsity Y. M. C. A. when he joined the army, and ia at present cnairman or the inter class rivalry com mittee. He is employed by The Capital Journal, ana was at the time of his enlistment. The Rhodes scholarship, whicn pays tne receipent SW) pounds a year, is granted for three years and takes the winner to the University of Oxford, London, England.- The college term is HOME WATERS AFFORD LUXURIES OF OCEAN TRAVEL PLUS A PANORAMA OP SCENIC BEAUTY City Treasurer Sore; Gas Kills Office Flowers Cut city treasurer is quite a flower . fnm-icr. Yos indeed, Mr. Rice is a careful with the tender plants as the iiii-st attentive matron. But he's sou! "Doggone it!" he cried Saturday. "If they don't stop the gas leak jn the light jets end heat this blame office np pretty quick, all my poor flowers will die," He fondly enressed the shiny leaves of a struggling plant of Wandering Jew, r, aaybow, that 'a what he called it. "Believe me, if they don't do some thing pretty quick I'll heave a chair . through the window to let air in to eml Among the Utter of" long columns of figures, license pads, ink wells and brok en pens, arc few becutiful objects. ilis flowers. Mil of the small plants as they battle bravely for existence in the foul atmosphere and darkness of the treas urer's office, is the talk of city hill workers. 1920. "TE SCHOOL Of LAW STARTS WORK is 1-1760 and it is the arnest wish of !S1 months. The summer vacations are the committee that this amount may be jpent in travel in Europe. received by voluntary subscriptions. : Oregon will send two scholars this with every subscription, be it great or I year. One man will enter Oxford in mall, a certificate will be given show- January, 1920, and the other in October, . mg tne aonor has contributed to tins fund. It vs especially desire We that some of the characteristics that make Theo dore Roosevelt the greatest American of his day, be made familiar to the young and to this end we advise an hour ba set aside in the schools during the week of the campaign for the purpose of dotting, forth his worth and achieve mcnts. The hindquarters of evert religious denomination will receive published ma terial for Hnnday schools and we should like all local lodges, organizations and women's clubs, put a shoulder to the who! and assist in this ureat move. We are planning to place a campaign manager in every school district in Mar ion eountr and will furnish such litera ture as the state headquarters send out. W,. are goinrf to ask you to take charge of the campaign in your district and you are authorized to collect all subscrip tion and forward them to D. W. Eyre, treasurer, 8ulem, Oregon. The plan of the campaign in your com munity will be left entirely to you, lowevcr it has been suggested,-that a .plan be adopted similar to that cm- ployed by the Red Crosa and other or ganizations. BOOSEVELT MEMORIAL COM. f. ""j Kkwaiin, I I 'tm i it lift I Hi a I h& ,.- J. LyX ykr3ndeK Osffe ,jxputer&r 'Jke &nd Dances Thirty-five years a skipper on the Great Lakes; twenty-four years in tbe employ of one company; eleven years in command of the SS. Kee watin without missing a trip on her during tnat tune, is the proud record of Malcolm McPhee, who is known to he may be. Port McNicolI Y jn Georgian Bay, famous in son arid story and also in real life, as attested by the thousands who spend their summers on the bits of green that dot the blue waters of the Bay. ru iv unarn, at tne neaa ot Lake wie army of summer travelers that 1 Superior, presents, a quite different hold to the theory that no vacation is - complete without a bit of. water ' travel. . Captain McPhee is as enthusiastic about the scenic beauty of his thirty- nine nour run irom fort McWicoll to - Fort William as is any traveler wh style of scenery, being . staged against the hulking outlines of the Sleeping Giant, a ereat roekv head land that towers above the towering elevators that rim the waterfront. Much of the voyage is made in signt oi land. . sometimes it is .that beckons fa friendly fashion? more - often the boat dips nd courtsys to some pretty island, for there are islands without Dumber and they vary in extent from a mere speck holding aloft a lone pine, to a great Indian Reserve embracing hundreds of square miles. Passing- through the locks ot the Soo Canal is a matter ot keen interest. Many people take the trip for this experience atone. These canals, built at a cost of more than twentyfive million dollars to the American and Canadian govern-! ments, present a busy scene, as sev-' eral vessels are always passing' through while others are anchored at either end waiting their turns to enter the locks. The slow passage through the canal affords ample op portunity to enjoy the Soo Rapids that parallel the canal. j - Life on board the "Keewatin" and her sister ship, the "Assiniboia," is conducive to full enjoyment of the' panoramas that nature unfolds. The , dining saloons that extend the width of the boats, are provided with large plate windows and diners are served a fresh view with each course of the meal. There is abundance of deck space for promenading, especially on the boat deck, while the verandah cafe with its piano provides for out door dancing. t i The round trlrj constitutes a de lightful way in which to spend a' ntkes t for the first time. And well i the dark outline of the mainland I mum of rest nd Tecr'aio" i Assistant Attorney General I. H. Vt-n Winkle, dean of the Willamette law schools, speaks highly of the piosoectt for the law school this term. According to Dean Van Winkle, a number of serv ice men are taking advantage of the sol diers' aid bill to pursue to legal stu dies, and the freshman law cluss prom ises to b larger than usual. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week were given over to registra tion. Actual instruction began at 3 p.-j m. raonuay. Tiie classes meet from 3 to 8 p. ni. The law school faculty for this year. composed of local attorneys, will be us iquows. Judge of the moot court, I. H. Van winkle; criminal law and criminal pro cedure, bills and notes, Walter E. Kcves eviuonco and code, Bov F. (Shields: pleadings and probate law, George G. Bingham; contracts end domestic, rela tions, I van G. Martin; federal court practice and bankruptcy, John Bayne; partnerships and corporations, John H. Caroon; real property and constitutional h.w, William H. Triudle; torts and equi ty, james u. ticiuel; iilackstono, agen- cv and sales, Elmo 8. White. FIRST SCHOLARSHIP IS WON BY PORTLAND BOY ASSOC IAIN OF FRUIT GROWERS Pheasant Hunters In Po!k Having Poor Luck, Report Dallas, Or., Oct. 6. Chinese pheas ants are less numerous in the vicinitv of - Dallas this year than in many years I-ust, due, according to hunters, to the cold raius of the late spring during the lit. telling season. Vw hunters returned to the city the first day of the season with the bag limit, and the number of birds killed have been decreasing from day to day until it is extremely fortn nate if a hunter gets as mauy as two oinw at a trip. This county formerly was famous as hunting ground for Chinese pheasants but each year the birds are becoming more scarce and a number of farmers in the southern part of the countv have placed their farms in a game reserve to protect the pheasants. EXPANDING FAST GIFTS RECEIVED BY Bobert M. Gatke, member of the 191U class, liberal arts college, and at pres ent a senior in Kimball college of theol ogy, has the honor of being the first student to receive a fellowship from Willamette university. . Mr. Gatke has been awarded a two-venr crndu&fa fel lowship in Oregon history, a fellowship a Suthcrlin laat Wednesday night by j that has been instituted this term R. C. Paulus at present manager of the I through funds provided by several don- Salem Fruit Union jjmd who will be the ore from Balcm, Portland, and one from mana of tnB 0rp0li Growers CV , - Washir.gtoK. Oct. 6. Secretary Tu- t-iilv of t!i viMiiioct nf Pr.i jirfciiv mi:"! A meeting of apple growers was held! Mr. Wilson today made, pnl-lie n lifrt of the gifts received by t-.irm whi'i in I'-iirot'c. The lifct was issued to show that tbe riiie of the preseuts was n:! gre:it. Kennowick, Washington. Among other duties, it win be liatke's task t write a book .on Willamette nni verBity in connection wtih th history of the northwest. The date, for 'this work will be largely gathered in Salem and Portland, and the possessor of the fellowship will spend most of lis time in the cities just named. Gatke is the son of Charles E. Gatke, retired lumberman of Portland, Oregon. Last year Mr. Gatke was chosen senior student in history by Dean George 'i. Aldon, heud of the history department. In addition to hia school duties, he is preaching at Lyons- and contributing oc casional articles to church papers. He is the author of an essay in the current feisue of tbe Methodist Beview. A large community Methodist church is being constructed in the business por tion of Amity. Woodbcrn Women's Cluii Elects New Officers Woodburn, Or., Oct 6. The Wood burn Woman's club Wedneeday indorsed Miss Mnttio Beatty for president of the state federation. Club officers are President, Mrs. Mary Mishler; vice president, Mrs. Hiram Overton; treas urer, Mrs. E. N. Hallj secretary, Mrs. Artella Lawrence; corresponding secre tary, Mrs.-Robert Scott. Delegates to the state federation at Corva'lis, Octo ber 15 16, arc; Mra. Mary Mishler, Mrs. Nettie Simmons and Mrs. Mabel Settle Mier. j The price of milk in Pendleton has raised lo 15 cents for pints and 20 cents for quarts. ' Every Day Is BARGAIN BAY At 7 - Incorporated oncrative association. ,- Arrangements were made for Mr., Paulus to handle a large tonnage of apples in that district. Many who had net-previously done so signed up as members of the organiza tion at this meeting.' From present in dications it is probable that practically al the tonnage in this district will be enrolled ia the association. The booth which -the Association had at the state fair attracted much 1'avor ble comment. A huge basket of fruit was fewtured, as "Oregon the Fruit Basket of the World." Behind the bas ket a large map of Oregon hung on tin wall and colored ribbons led from dif ferent specimens of fruit to the map showing the district from which it came, (me visitor, an eastern woman, was uot nvinced that the exhibit o. fruit was t artificial until she held vnic of the : i'ples in her hand. She was sure ttint wine splendid Winter Bananas from Roseburg could not be real, fruit. Vari ous districts were represented in the ft-ntents of the basket, there being some very fine Spitzenburg, Jonathans, Wiu ter Bitiinnas and Deliicous as well as some splendid prunes and' grapes. Enough acreage of pears and apples is now signed up with the Oregon Grow ers association to give them at least W0 ears next year and with a very large crop will undoubtedly give n ton nage of over SOO cans. lu eve'v mail are heii-g received requests from inter ested irrsous for blr.nks with -vbicli thev may enroll in the ori:rniz:iti.)o The Oregon Grower, the official orgiin' if tne association, seems to be p:ovir.g u a: : i.uld advertising a'f I for Oregon Article from its pages are being copied in eas ern papers. Some cf the soon est irmt dealers in Ameri'a and foreii;.i cjuu.r'es are writing in :aj hope cf do jiug business with the association next year. Many very large orchards are lie ing sigaedup, among them one of (0 r.eres in apples eame in last week. This ia one of the finest in the eentral Wil lamette valley. A number of over UK' ren-s have been added to the books re- e ntly. The community packing houses vhicil the associction will eont.l nei; year will be equipped with the most tip to ate appliances such as grading ma chines and gravtiy carrier so as to no. Mily improve the pack but increase the vvped and lower the cost of handlinf. In' addition to the" community packlnc i houses in the Rosoburg district large nu inner W"J DC opera to a tnrongnoni the Willamette valley. Packing plan's arc j being handled this year at, OeswelL TTu- gene, Arvadore, Monroe, Con-aHis, Sa lem. Dallas. Sheridan and fc5f innritlo. jln numerous other districts, sufficient tonnage is rapidly coming in to v.arnsnt the establishment of plants and every tain points to aa enrollment of 20,000 acres next year. " It fo'lows: ' "A co'isiderabl': number of S'ii:i!) gift Mich as books, walkini; iti;!;-, an old silver dish found in the ruins of Louvain,. war souvenirs made by eol diers from war materials nnmerous medals struck off in the president's honor. . ' . ' Photographs of the king and queen of England ' A book relating to Windsor castle. "The freedom of the city of London presented hi gold casket. ' 'A water color picture on a bonzc easel, presented by the king of Italy. ''A bronze figure presented at the capitol in Borne. ''A figure of Italia Victoria, sent to the train at Genoa. - - ''A bronze figure presented by stud ent in France. "A mosaic presented by the pope." . The followi g gifts were received by Mrs. Wilson: . .''A pin on Parisian enanfel with tiny diamond chips, presented by the city of Paris. " ' Linen, hand embroidered lunch set, small cloth and dozen napkins in ease, presented by the working worn- aa of Paris. ''A small medal presented ty Car dinal Mercier. ''A Belgian lace table cover, present ed by the queen' of Belgium. 'A complete tile f the- Libre Belgque, the paper published during the German occupation of Belgium, present ed by the king in a leather folder. "A reproduction of The Woif and Romulus and Remus, in gold present ed by the people of Italy, through pop ular subscription. 'A piece of lace in a leather cu.-e presented by Mguor Orlando on behalf of his. colleagues. 'A small reproduction in silver of a picture found in the rains of Pom peii." Tumulty added the ''president also received numerous honorary degrees from all the countries of Europe and many resolutions of respect and grati tude." . Ladies 'Hats The biggest and best assortment in town at pop- ular prices. Hats direct from the fashion centers of New York as well as trimmed models from our own work room. . -1 j. $ LADIES HATS L $2.98 to $8.50 CHILDREN'S HATS.. .. .:98c to $3.45 Our Prices Always the Lowest Gale & Company Formerly Chicago Store Com'l. & Court Sts. DECKHANDS WlACS'TED $73.00 Month, Board and Bed Permanent work. Sundays off. Best food best quarters best pay of any boat on river. Some- employes now on strike. Apply WESTERN TRANSPORTATION & TOWING- CO. Camas, Washington" WILLAMETTE NAVIGATION CO., West Linn, Oregon "Where Hone Comforts Abound" PORTLAND, ORE. The pleasure of your trip to Port tend will depend upon the hotel you elect. Cosy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find In your own home town, await you at the Uultnomah, Gang ill Conaectlon. ASK FOR and GET 15 Il m The Original ? - mnlUd fvlslk . For Infants and fnvalids Avoid Imitatica and &cbaUtul Ethel Gaylon's Beautiful Complexion Tint splendid . actress new appear, ing nnder tbe Paramount banner is fa mous for her beautiful eomplexion. te attribute her wonderful skin to - tho use of a imp?e toilet article called Floi-tpillA.. TtlAT: i TlftliTliT l:tto it fftl tan, freehreo, shiny nose, sallow, dnrk, rough skin, it takes the place of face powder, erlays On better, as perspira tion doe not affect it, and it instant- l 1 it . ! . ' r. , plication jproves it. If you want a nice lily white shin with rosy cheeks, get a bottle of Derwillo today: you will be delighted. Derwillo is sold at all up to date toilet counters. Be sure to read large announcement of Miss Clayton's vhow to instantly have a beautiful coiu 'plexion and a soft, white, velvety 6kio everyone "just loves to touch." Girls-Ladies-Women FIND HOJJJSTEB'S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA a great laxative mild, pleas ant, certain so thoroly eleansing and punning that WN5T1PATION dis appears, and when your CONSTIPATION goes year COMPLEXION im proves yon work .better eat betteir reel better. Give it a thoro trial and you will reeommend it to tA your women friends. 35 a patkae. D. J. Pry. (Adv) For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Co. APPLES .We are in the Market for ail va rieties of Late Apples. Call np RMS BROS. - Warehouse, High and Ferry Sts. Phone 717 Office 542 State St. Salem, Or. San Francisco-Oaqlaiid Car Strike Wearing End Oakland, Cal., Oct. . With the San Franciseo-Oaklaud Terminal Railway reported as ready to concede the eight hour day, the strike of its employes seemed today to be aproaching an end. The men have declared thev would not arbitrate that point. Arbitration, how ever, would be resorted to in an effort to reach agreement on wage matters. Albert W. Xett of Marcola is dead as the result of injuries be received when ho was thrown into the gearing of a donkey engine and, crushed and mangled. ... IL.M.HUM cars of YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea On. Has medieine which will euro any . known disease. Open Sundays from 10 A. 1L until 8 P. M. 153 South Uigh Bt. Salem, Oregon Phone ZSi NOW Is,,iemeto BUY RANGES $42.50 to $75.00 HEATERS $1.75 to $30.00 BOILERS $25 to $7.50 MATTRESSES . $5.00 to $24.00 DINING TABLES $17.00 to $43.50 LIBRARY TABLES .$9.00 to $30.00 i PROFITS DIVIDED Peoples Furniture Store New and Second Hand Goods Bought, Sold and Exchanged . 271 N. Commercial St Salem. Phone 734 t tMM(MIHMMMMIMmtMMtM1