Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 06, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Rate per word New Today:
Each, insertion ' ; lc
On week' (6 insertions) Se
On t- .onth (26 insertions) .... ...... 17e
One year, per month Oo
Itinimum per ad 25 cents.
Cash; in tidvan.ee, except where ad
vertisers ' have monthly accounts.
New Today.
fWANTEp Men ' iand women to heli
harvest carrots. Phono 14F32 or call
t 208 Oregon bldg." 240
WANTED Last call for old fir timber.
'Phono 754. 241
WANTED Auto, truck hauling of all
kinds. Phone 1608,1. - 147
TAKEN CP Have some strange tur
keys on my place. Party that claims
them pays damage and this adv. W.
M. Sehuott, Rt. 2, Salem. 238
10 LEGHORN hen's for sale'; also
cord fir wood. 1520 N. Cottage. 238
FOR SALE 7 roorn house with sleep
ing porch and garage, lot 100x180,
' block from State street in East
Salem. Nearly all modern conven
iences including gas. All kinds licar
fing fruit trees, grapes, berries and
walnuts, ornamental trees and flow
ers. Price $3000. See owner 240 N.
Ooin'1 St. or phone 105 1W, 239"
'FURNISHED room suitable for one or
two ' gentlemen, 032 -N. Liborty
Btrcet. 238
WANTED Man with family wants
work on farm or orchard, experienc
ed hand. Call' 2179 N. Front St. 241
WANT ED-Census clerks, ' men, wo
men), 4000 needed. $95 mouth. Age,
18-50. Experience unnecessary., EjC:
nminarHona Salem Oct; 18, For free
particulars, write J. Leounrd, (form
er government examiner) 1382 Equit
able ibldg. Washington, , 242
INVESTIGATE the.. Texas Interstate
Oil & Refining company today. Drill
ing -iri proven gusher territory, and
building modern refinery, Write for
particulars. United Securities com
pany, Houston, Texas..- ,. 241
STRAYED OFFA red and black spot
tod pigi'.'weighing a'bout 40 pounds,
near the Pringle school ' house. If
fofaud, phone W. H. .Graibenhorst Jr.
j. ;"'' .-- .i;,.;-,'.237
HOFSB FOR SALE '.Hon,- 3 lots,,
plenty of fruit; a simp' for $1000
j cash, Gall at 442; State Sti room 2.
Z4 i i t -. . ,201
. WANT EP-Giirl at the Spa. .
64 ACREi good land, 5 miles south of
Salem,; good house , nntl filied,1; All
feefd. (tj'ad alt . under 'cultivation.
$t00 an aero. Address 64 care Jour
nal or phone 1118. : 241
FOB SALE By owner, 31 acres first
bench laud, best of fruit land;,
spring and small creek, 27 acres in
. cultivation, 6 acres orchard in prunes
apples,, walnuts and cherries-," bear
ing; some improvements, $3800;
cask, balance terms. Write Owner 31
care Journal. 242
FOR BENT Sleeping room iu modern
house close in, to business or profes
sional' man. Call at 640 Chemeketa
street. ... . 241
WANTED Position ns housekeeper
for Widower -with a couple of boys;
am clean and neat, and good mana
ger. Box, Want vournal. ". 230
HORSE;- 1400 lbs., 11 years old, good
shape, work anywhere. C miles out
on Pringle road. Rt. 1, box 4A, -Turner.
H. Layton. 238
FREESTONE peaches, 3-4 mile , from
cement' (bridge on " Wallace road.
. Bring vour boxes. M. P. Adams, Rt.
1. Phone 36F12 after 6 p., m. ; 242
3 PEKIN ducks for- breeding, single,
pairs' of tries."' M". P; Adams, Rt. 1,
box IDA. Phone 5CFli.. 232
FOR SALE Baled wheat straw, 0
miles north of Salem near Quinnby.
R. M. Diem. . 237
WANTED One-horse top buggy and
harness, in good shupe. Amanda
Smith, Turner, Rt. 2, box . 17.. . 238
FOR SALE Pair white Saaven nk
soats, 5 months old; al?o wish to ex
change proven Leghorn hens and
Rhode Island Bed hens for White
Wyandotte hens or pullets, young
Plymouth Rock roosters for White
Wyandotte or Orpington or rock.
First house north West Salem school
house, . 237
y . 205 Oregon Building
IFOR SALE Pair f White Saanen
mild goats. First house north of West
Salem school. 237
WANTED To buy from owner, good
house, small acreage or lots, close to
car; must be cheap for cash. Mrs.
M. B. Wojds, Rt. 2. . 237
FOR SALE Or. trade,, good, lot with
garage and foasement dug, cement
walks and curbs, 8 olocks of St.
.Johns post olil ice, block street car,
will take Ford car, or consider horses
wagon and harness, chickens, farm
tools on the deal, $500. ' Address B.
M. Woods, Rt. 2, - 237
LOST Teachers Bible on river road
south of Salem, Sunday p, mi.", return
to this office and receive reward.
WANTED Deliveryinan. Fairmount
dairy. 241
WANTEDT6 "sell bird dog, BuUen-
setter, a .snap. Inquire 371 Court St.
ask for Bush or Moser. . 237
FOR SALE--A baby's white iroii bed.
1308 N. Oom'l. 238
FOR SALE By owner, 98 acres, 1
mile south of Amiisville, D. F. East
burn, Aumsville, Or. . 242
FOR SALE 5 passenger Ford car,
H2. ocoHofsky, 341 state. 239"
For Sale.
FOR SALE Near Wacondu, 30 little
pigs'. Ella M. Finney, Rt. 2, Gervais,
ur. . at
FOR SALE Office partitioning, in
cluding doors and windows. Capital
Journal office.
1918 Ford touring car for sale. Con;
dition first class. 2395 Front St. Phono
494 or 1207M. -
FOR SALE Titan tractor and 3-bot-tom
plow, "8'foot tandem- disc har
- row. Box 8 Journal office. 245
FOR SALE--My farni of 117 'acres
tfbout 13 miles south of Salem and
2 miles from O. E. depot. Very
best of rivet bottom land, nearly
... .in cultivation rest: timber and
pasture. Good orchard,' fences and
buildings. $75 per acre. J-40 care
Journal. ." ; 10-15
FOR SALE 50 eight-weeks old pigs,
choice $6. L. .F..Hill, Rt; 8,' Phone
59F4. , 241
SPLENDID light dray wagon $23 cash.
in n in , , -'- otl
FOR SALE-r-A-l fresh Jersey cows; C.
H. Riches. Turner, Or. ' 240
FOB SALE 9xll Columbia donkey
engine with line-and' blocks Very
low price, term'to. responsible parties.-
F. W. Mrtin, 146 Center St.,
Salein. - 237
FOR SALE 20 acres," good level laud
small house, shed, good well . with
force pump, good pasture, some tim
ber, will sell reasonable if taken at
nce; 3 miles bf mnll town. Also 2-.
horse drill and one feed cutter. Ad
dress E. P. Mills., Salem, Or. Et. 6,
bx 13. ., , . ... 236
NOT necessary ito wait longer. If you
want to build a new home, I ean loan
you the money NOW. All the require
ments is good security and title, easy
payments, 3 to 8 years time. No red
, tape, no delay, money advanced as
building progresses. The best recom
mendation is several of Salem's
best people who are satisfied. See me
todnv and get busv on a new house.
H. E. Boliuser, 328 Oregon bldg..
FOR SALE 30 acre farm Ankeny bot
tom 5 acres hops, balance- cleared;
will take Salem property first pay
ment. Call Moudav at 145 -N. 14th.
St. Mrs. J. C, Pettyjohn. 238
FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring car for
sale, condition first class, 2395 Front
St. Phone 494 or 1267M. .
FERNS and palms and other potted
plants for sale. Maruny's ' green,
house, 211 Milter St. Phone 916.
- 10-29
FOR SALE 0 room house, lot 75x150,
east front, barn and chicken house,
13 bearing fruit trees, at 249 S. Cot
tage 'St. Oall or address, Mrs.' M. C.
' Ferguson, 22 N. 10th St. Port
land. 236
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
ehine. first installed at A. B. Stew-
' art 's Repair shop, 347 Court St.
FOR SALE Spitzenberg and Baldwin
aiilcs on the trees, 60c per box.
Phone evenings, 04F21. Rt. 1, boxl
FOR SALE Cow ari3 -pig. I. H. Moore,
Salem, Rt. 7, box 202A. . , 236
FOB SALE--Vncant 5 room bungalow.
0. , Miller, Marion Auto Co. 236
FOR -SALE House and lot on North
Church! street. Call 374 N. Church
" street. t t ' 236
FOR SALE--Auto tire and accessory
, business, $5000. Address 333 care
Journal., " 336
AM closing' out my new Zealand rab
bits, have about !S0 of all sizes for
salo at; 210 S. 14th. Phoue 2092R, 236
FOR TRADE-yOr sale, .7 acres near
Halls Ferry station, 4 room house,
two acres under cultivation, family
: orchard. Call 467 Unioai St. - 38
SOLWAV aud'-late-Foster peaches-now
ripe, bring boxes, imlnh fruit farni,
' yL, mile' from west end of Salem
bridge on Wallace road. Phone 52F
11. . - - , 240
FAUM S-ALl MonJayj-Oet. 13, 1919,
. at the joe BnmtlMuiyh plueft, 2 miles
. east of Chemawa and 0 miles north
of SaJem on Silvarton road. Colonel
- W. i. Wright, auctioneer. J. F. Sav
age, iownor. . .. - 238
FOR SALE A fine 5 acre farm mod
ern house, good barn and chicken
-..-nousc nnd yard; peaches and cher
ries; compressed air 'water system.)
At Salem Heights, 1-3 mile west of
end of ear line. W. A. McCollum, 353
Harrison 8(., Portland, Or. 237
AUCTION sale on October 4 on Let
teler, place. 2 miles west of Mill City,
8: head of cattle, 1 ram, 4 sows, 35
pigs, .15 goats, implements, furniture
ik1 small articles, will be sold at
auction. Ben T. Ludtell, auctioneer; j
uNicit ropoios, owner. .... 23l
BROOI1 sows and milch cows for salo.
I'hone 63F22. 236
For Rent
FOR. RTTVT Sli.r,iin rnnm onfl fints.
to refined permanent parties, with-iwP0D choppo" -wanted. Call Bless
out children. 152 S. Church. .238 ' "lnSs Clar Btorc- ' 236
-- - t ,. t . -f ' - 'I 1 ' - ' '
FOR RENT Goad farm for rent, eith
er cash ot shares, immediate posses
sion given. Seo J. H. Lauterman,
Argo hotel.
FOR RENT 2 nice sleeping rooms,
close du. 235 Center street. 236
FOR REKT-2 . room with, board if
- desired, .2 blocks from Oregon Elec
tric depot, phono .1126.. '; . v,-23
FOR RENTVA' two room house; and
chicken nouse, $2.50 .per mpnth 1560
S. Higlv , Sf ...t 1 V237
FOR RENT 2 unfurnished' housekeep
ing rooms,. 333 Bellevue. Phone 536
W. ' - ... 238
Real Estate Houses.
FOR SALE or trade, fine- summer homo
.at Newport, Or., two lots, fine- large
house. Inquire Valley Real Estate
Co., Carlton, Or. 236
FOR SALEModern six room house
centrally located, electric light, gas,
, furnace. Some fruit. Street assess
ments paid. Inquire 805 Union St. 239
FOR SALE House and barn in Myers
addition. oth and Lee. A. G. Kuf
ner, Rt. 7. - ,241
FOR SALE A big snap, large house
fit for rooming house or apts; also 7
room modern house. Call 360 N. Cap
itol St. 240
FOR SALE 100x52 ft. S. W. eor.
Court and 13th streets, terms to suit
purchaser. Oswald West, 500 Journal
. bldg., Portland, Ore. 241
FOR SALE My seven room house at
: 340 Union street, between Commer-
Auto' Repairing
TO Oakland owners, wo are fully, pre
pared to take care of your cars no
.matter in what shape they are in
' and can guarantee absolute satisfac
tion. Wo are also prepared to do first
elass repair work on any make of
ears. American Automobile Co., 185
197 South Commercial St., Salem, Or.
Phone 399.
Oregon State Highway Commission
Sealed bids will be received by the
State Highway commission of the
fltatp of Orixmn in mry !A TLfnH,,,,.
mh county coqrt house at 10 a. m.,
on the 7th day of October, 1919, for
,i. ii j i
iur iunowing projecr:
Marion County
'Pacific highway 4 miles south of Sa
lem :
Bordner Hill and Wain Hill section,
1.2 rnues graveling; imn) cu. yds. sur
facing. ;, . . :'
A satisfactory bond will be required
for the faithful performance of the con
tract in a sum equal to one half of the
total amount bid.
Proposal blanks and full information
for bidders may be obtained at the of
fice of the state highway engineer,
Capitol building, Salem, Oregon.
Plans, specifications and form of
contract may be inspected at the same
place or may be obtained upon a de
posit of $3 for each set of plans and
, Plans and specifications are also on
file at room 1301 Yeon building, Port
land, Oregon.
The 'right is reserved to reject any
and- all proposals or to nerept the pro
posal deemed best for the state of Ore
gon: Oregon State Highway Commission
8. Benson, Chairman
i W. L. - Thompson, ComihissijoneT
Attest: Herbert Nunn,
R. A. Booth Commissioner.
SejiffBiber 24. 18'Siafm,' Oregon.
Biate Highway Engineer, . 3i'
cdal and Xiberty. Half bolck from
Marion square Oas, bath and base
ment,1 Price $1750, -small payment
down, balance 4 dollars a week. .Ad
dress L F. Hill, Rt. 8, box 125. Phone
5DF4. . ,v -'-,.;..; , '.. . 241
WANTED 200 ewes to let on shares.
Good pasture. T. P. iFuvrington. 237.
V"ANTED Fluff and colonial rag
rug woaving. Cor. 20th and Mill 237
WANTED To lease 3Q head1 of ewesi
P. M. Chittenden, 542 N. Water St.
Salem,. Or. 236
We have sold so many houses lately
that wo are getting short on houses
. for sale. We want all, kinds of hous
es. We have a number of prospect-
ive purchasers wboi tdesire to pur
" chaso a home at onco. See us today.
, John H. Scott Realty Co., 404 Ore:
gon bldg. . .
WANTED-rCarpentor wants work in
- town or out. Tel; 1685J. . 237
WANTED A position as working
foreman on farm; married, no chil
dren; 'can give best of references.
Address Mr. L. Jdizer, Salem, Bf. 7,
or call 491. - . 238
WANTED To trade", good heavy
tcamj wagon and harness for cattle
or hogs. Phono 1576W. 237
HOUSES WANTED If your house is
for salo, let us sell it for you. We
need more "houses and have waiting
buyers. Try ns first. John H. Scott
Realty Co.,- 404 Oregon bldg.
WANTED Hello, Hello! Another
'ftew and secondhand furniture store,
,415 S. 12th, a block from S. P. de
pot. If you have anything to offer
.'.Sail for'H, M, Cauon. Phone 966. '
:., , '-: . ... 260
Help Wanted
' W ANTRT): rttinrl mnn fr wnilr nil fpnn
t n5T lttlrSery. Phojou800J2. 23T
WANTED At once, men and : men
witn teams tor ranon worK. uan
work all winter, Houies; wood and
pasturage furnished without charge.
E, C. Horst Co., Independence, Or.
... ' ' : -iw-... .!. 10-10
WANTED 6 -women experienced in
training loganberries Jo help td tip
- the canes. R. Cunningham, Phone 21
F2. . fcf'.y,.v . 238
GIRLs WANTED At the Glpve fac
itory, steady work. 143JT Oak St. 240
WANTED Girl for gcnl housework
.oPhnna 13(17 4i. . " S
WANTED Lady with"' small child,,
wishes housework, Apply Y. W. C.
A. .; , '; ',.-;. 237
WANTED Sales ladieoVer 18, ex
perience not necessary F; W. Wool
worth Co. , ...
WANTED -Willamette i University, or
nign school students, with, bicycle
preferred, to carry paper route. Cir
culation Sept. Capital Journal. tf
WANTED A woman to cook for six
- or eight people, no washing, good
wages. Address box 45, Rt. 2, Gervais
Or. Phone 3F1 1. ... 236
WANTED "Woman to do laundry
work. Phone 1363M.
WANTED Will pay $10 week for ex
perienced girl, 4 in family, light
work. 404 N.. Winter. Phone 392M.
WANTED 30 apple pickers, transpor
tation to and from orchard. R. W.
Clark, Phone 58F12. ' 210
WANTED Girl, 16, must have work,
would like care of children. 1362 Mis
Vsion St, 237
WANTED Men and women to help
harvest carrots. Phone 14F32. Write
J care Journal, 24(?
BUGS cleaned 40 cents per rug. Phone
16. L. L. Buckner. . 230
RUGS cleaned 40c each. Phone 16. 10 0
W.. BRAVER well drilUjr. Phone 827J.
1165 N. 19th' St. Salem, Or. 10 9
LEAVE your children with me whilo
, you work. 2751 Laurel Ave, , 10-22
WOOD SAWED Sproed boys will saw
your wood, in town and out. Phone
1C78W evenings or mornings, 10-5
UTO PAINTING Fords" repainted
i, $14 and up; other cars in proportion.
.All first class work guaranteed. J.
E. Johnson, 220 8. Liberty, 10-11
I AM now booking orders for shrub
bery, vines and perennials for fall
planting. I do nil kinds Jif landscape
gardening. J. W. Maruny, 211 Miller
I at, mono 916. . . , . 10-5
FOR quick service truck hauling,
phone 1608J, or 1170 N. 15th St A.
H. . Biedermaa. 10-6
AUTO PALVTIXG We will hn nnen
for business on and after Oct. 1st at
156 8. 12th St. We are in a position
to give you good service iu auto
painting and latuiury. Your patron
ago will be appreciated. All-work
guaranteed. Gullett Bros. . 10-29
Try Salem First In Bavins
$$ Keep 'em In The Circle $S'Use The Journal Want Ads
' Automobiles. '
F.ORD touring car for sale, latest self
starter, dash speedometer, separate
lights, 'shock absorber. Phone 717 or
" call at 542 State t. -: . . ; 236
PROPERTY to trade for auto, in good
,. country town, rents good price year
around. It will pay you to inveeti
gate this. R B care. JoHrnal.. , 236
yCs CHEMEKETA lodge No.' 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at L 0 O. F. hall.
Mcifc'ornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harrv Levy, G. C.j P. J. Kuntz
K. R. & S'. .-A -.'..." .
BOYAL Neighbors of Amoricar... Ore
gon Grap'e calnp No.-1360 meets everj
Thursday evening in MoCornuck hall
Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car
rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.; recorder
Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th
St. Phone 1436M. . ,
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. iu Masonic Temple. Glenn 0.
N'iles, M. A.; C. A. Vi'bbert, secre
tary, 340 Owens street.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meet!
' every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in McCornack building, Court and
Liberty streets. W, M. Persons, Y. 0,
Franji A. Turner, clerk.
Machine Shop Work.
Expert machine shop service by Mr
Bergman at high school machine shop.
iij years experience. U ear cutting a
specialty. High class maobine ' tools.
Quick service. Phone 448. . -
Wood Saw.
PHOxVE 1090R. Our prices are right
. W.. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N.
Summer street, Salem, Or. ' ,.''"
! Everything Electrical.
SALEM Electric Co.,' Masonic Temple,
, 127 North, liigh. Phone Main 1209.
Office 124 i South, Liberty ; Street.
mono wsi, izii,, need ... i&tate and
Stock Sales. ,, . '
W. F. WIRHGT, Turner auctioneer.
' i. WliWi nnt not ..Kim Ha nnlv ha.Ttram
. 2 percent. - - , tf
Why Sell F-or Less?
We will pay you more Cash . for
' your household goods. Get our bid
before you ' sell, u Peoples Furni
turo and .Hardware Store, 271 N.
. Commercial Street. . Phone 734.
REPAIRS and supplies. Office appli
ances We make rubber stamps. Sims
143 N. High. Phone 340. ' .10-10
Second Hand Goods.
No Cash Required Good ovorcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds . of musical
instruments, shotguns, rifles heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to sell or trade.
What have yout The Capital Ex
change, 337 Courf Street. Phone 493.
Federal Farm Loans
5Vj per cent interest. Prompt service.
34 years time, Fodornl farm loan
bonds for sale. A. U. ttohrnstcdt, 401
Masonic Tempel Salom, Oregon.
cialist in the Modern Scientif
ic Application of Glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of Eyestrain
and Headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. Bank budd
ing. Phones, office 145: t. JM4.
Stove Repairing.
Stoves rebuilt and repaired. 50 years
experience; Depot National and Ameri
can fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high)
Paints, oil and varnish etc; logan
berry and hop hooks, ,;
250 Court Street, Phono 124
Salem Scavenger Garbage and refu
of all kinds removed on monthly con
tracts at reasonable rates. Cess poole
cleaned. Dead animals removed. Offie,
phone Main 1C7.
. Look at This.
' 5 room well located modern bunga
ow with some, furniture, $2000, terms.
341 State St. tf
Choice lot close in, bearing fruit
trees and berries, old house, all for
Six room house on paved street and
ear line, $1600. -A
fine corner lot near state house
with good old house, $3000. . .
Modern house in Kingwood Park,
' half value, $2000.,.; . . . -A
store building and stock of mdse.
doing .good business, $450(1. F. L.
Wood," Bayne bldg. 10-4
Ford Tractors For $275.
You can convert your, Maawell, Chev
rolet or Buick into a real tractor for
the above amount. The change can be
made in 30 minutes.
Our used cars are as follows:
1-Ton Ford truck, fine shape 675
1918 Chevrolet - .- $625
1917 Brisco touring $600
Chalmers, A-l condition . :. $285
1917 Velie - $825
Hudson Super Six : $950
1917 Saxon aix $700
We sell nils, greas,' gasoline, used
anto parts, tires tnd aeoiuories.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
849 N. COU. Y. M. C. A. BLOCS
Fine 6 acre tract close in, 'A mile
from car lino, all in high state culti
vation, buildings, 5 acres commer
cial bearing orchard. Snap. $3500,
Fine five acre tract close in and in
high state of cultivation, bearing or-'chard,-
fine road, near car line. Bar
gain at $2500.
10 acres close to Sulom, fine soil,
good buildings. Snap $3700, good
terms. -For
bargains in farms, tracts, city
property see Perrine & Marstcrs,
21112 Gray bldg, Salom, Or,
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 606.
We Want.
Your used furniture, stoves,, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
285 North Commercial St.
Money To Loan.
r On good roal estate security - "
Over Ladd & Bush Bank; Salem, Ore.
Bargains in Small Tracts.
15 7-10 acres good red hill soil, 7
acres set to strawberries, Ibalunce to
logans and filberts, with buildings, for
$200 per acre, on easy payments.
Here arc Others .
10 acres new land, with buildings,, all
in cultivation, $2500. ; ,
11 acres all in cultivation, fine fruit
and borry land,.. 3 miles from Salem,
on good gravol ran d, ' $2500, . one half
cash. . - ..
This is splendid land. Set it to ber
ries and it will bo- worth from $500 to
$1000 per acre in 2 r 3 years, ,
Cheaper Lands ' ':., 'H
We have cheaper lands for sale in
small tracts on easy payments.
Have 115. acres of cut over land
seoded to grass, with $250 worth of
wire fence, with buildings for $35 por
acre. See us at once if you want a bar
gain in largo or small tracts.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
. 404 Oregon Bldg r
Best Buys.
5 acre close to paved road, all in
cultivation)' $300 per acre, easy terms.
5 acres half mile from street car, all
iin cultivation, well fenced, black graw.-:.
el soil, the best of berry lund. $1500,
jpoou caan, Daienco to aunt.
10 acres,, 5. .cultivated,' 5 brush and
timlber, running water, lots of Ever
green blackberries, the best of logan
berry .soil $2250,'' half cash,' balance
easy terms.
10 ocrtcs, fair improvements, all in
cultivation, all the beat of valley loaui)
family orchard, fenced, two radios from
city limits. $4500. Terms it desired.
15.38 acres, 15 cultivated, .38 timlber,
good house, barn, family orchard, good
well, rock road, mail route, two miles
from city, stock and equipment Includ
ed. $5500, terms if desired.
20 acres, 5 acre Italian prunos, S
Pctitcs, 'iVi logaiilbeiy'ics, balance
stump pasture, all the best of soil, on
niacuilaaitizcj roud, old house and barn
eight miles from Salem. $7250. Terms.
20 acres, good 7 room bungalow, ten
ant rruusc, all necessary outbuildings,
well fenced and cross fenced with wov:
cn wide, 13 acres in tfruit, 10 Sn bear-.
int prunes, lialunce waiuuts, apples,
peaches, on rock road close to Salem.
$10,500 if sold soon. Price subject to
change without notice. "
20 acres, all cultivated, well drained,
the Ibest of soil, acres logans, fair
house and ibam, family orchard, stock
and equipment included, close to paved
road on ro.-k road, 5 miles out. $6500,
terms on $30U0,
i acres. 28 clear, family orchard,
all the best river bottom loam, on rock
road, close to school, 6 room bungalow
fair barn and necessary outbuildings,
woven wiro fence. Price $6500, half
cash, baluni'c terms six per cant,
5-acres 4'j beaiinu loiianB. V, rockv.
close to Aalem. A splendid investment.
uniy ipaou.
320 acres, "DO cultivated, good soi
fair improvcmenits, . and 4 miles from
best town iu Polk county, only $125
per acre. v ( -
92 acriw, 70 cleared, bulnnt'o pusture;
family orchard. Old housi and barn,
fenced, 4 miles good town, school on
place. $10,000. r
14(1 acres, 50 cleared, 96 timber, 4 lo
gans, 1 peaches, 1 inmily orchard, ul .
river bottom soil, old house and barn,
well fenced, 3-1 mile from school. $85
per are, half cash, balance 6 percent.
37 acres, 14 bearing prunes, 10 in
cultivation, balance timber, rock road,
4 miles of Salcnl, $21)0 per- acrd.
Will accept house, as part payment, , "
For best buys' see '' ' ' ' ,
t V Socolofsky. '
i '" : j 311 'Btato streit" .u '
' Advertisements have been issued by
the t'matilla Indian utfeney inviting
iids for the sa'O of 787 acres, of choice
i Indian alfotments. The salo dale is glv-
' r .... v... OU , -.
''' See Our Small Tracts.
10 acres with .modern 7 room, plaster
ed house, 1 acre ; fruit, acres- oak
and fir timber, .bam. and chft'kca.
house, 7 acres under cultivation, run
ning water to house arrd barn. For
quick sale $3000j one half cash, balance. .
3 years at' S per ceiit. . - - - '-
10 acres, mostly in pruscs, 8 mile
out, good improvements. A real snap,
$4000. See this placet - t ---
5 acres on hard surface road, close in,
good 5 room cottage, barn, tool house,
wood shed, and chicken, house. $3000,
one half cash. A great loganberry prop
osition. -
3 3-7 acres joining city limits, on
River road, new bungalow, good barn,
cbieken house and garage. $2200, $120
John H. Scott Realty Co.
404 Oregon bldg.
Houses For Sale.
5 rooms, electric lights, bath and
toilet, improved streets. $1200, one half
cash. ,
7 rooms, modern, close in on improv
ed street, large lot, all kinds of fruit;
this is a real bargain. $4000, one half
Cash. ' ,'
6 rooin modern cottage, bath, toilet,
electric lights, good basement larg
lot with fruit. $2250, $1000 cash.
4 room plastered cottage, bath, toilet,
full basement, fine lot,, good, chicken
8 room house, close in on Liberty St.,
electric lights, bath, toilet, large lot,
some fruit and walnuts. $3000. A snap.
5 room modern cottage, 2 lots, just
out of city limits. This is a new house.
$1500, one half cash.
7 room house on improved street,
large lot. For quick sale $1700, $900
cash. '-. ' . . - -" .
John H. Scott Realty Cu.
: 404 Oregon bldg. ' ;
Grain: Wheat, soft white No. 1 $2;
feed oats 80c; milling eats 86c: hay.
cheat new $17; hay, oats, new $18(ij
20; mill run $4344.
.Butlherfait:: Buttdrfat 7c; ereara--
ery Gutter 6768c.
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on too
17o; veal, fancy- 23e; steers 79e;
ows 57c: spring lambs 10c; ewe
45c; sheep, ' yenrlmgs 7e.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 58s;
hens, live 22(d24c; old roosters 1568
16c; springs 22c.
Vegetables: : Onions, per sack w;
celery dofc. $1; tomatoes 90c; potatoe
3s; sweet potatoes 6c.
s Fruit:1 ' Watermelons lc; oranges
$,1756,50; lemons, box $7.50a8.50;
Dananas. vw,-- noney; -exanciea -uo;
cantaloupes $1.50; bunch beets 4oc;
cabbage 3 3-4c; head lettuce 60c; car
rots 45c; grapes, Malagas luc; grapes,
Tokays 20o.
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 65(ffi70e;
creamery butter 75c; country butter
67c; flour, hard wheat $3.103.25 :
Portland, Or., Oct. 6. Butter, city
creamery 6566c. Eggs selected local
ox. 6372c. Hens 3031c. Broilers 23
26c. Geese IBc. Uheese (gjjic.
Live Stock .
Cattle: Receipts 2290; tone of mar
ket slow; good to choice steers $9.25
'9.75; fair to medium stecre $7.25
8.25; common to fair stoers$5.75$6.7i";
choice to good cows and heifeis, $6.75
.7.50; medium to good cows and heifers,
$5.75(a6.7u; canncrs $2.75(a;4.50 ; bulbs
$4.756.75; calves, $7.73i3.75.
Hogs: Receipts 2565; tone of market
slow, weak; prime mixed $17.50(218.00;
medium mixed $1717.50; rough beav
ie8 $15.50?t) 10.50; pigs $15.7516.50;
bulk $18.
Sheep: Receipts 2322; tone of market
steady; primo lambs $11.0012.00; fair
to medium lambs $10.50ll, ewe
7.5S9.00; wether $7.50(3 8; yearlins
General Wood Pots Blame
' Chicago, Oct. 6. Responsibility for
the recent Omuhu riots, rests upou "ttie
I. W. W., its rod flag and tho soviet
organization of this country," Major.
General Leonard Wood declurod in
address before the Ch' 'ago Sunday
Evening club.
General Wood branded tho I. W. W.
end kindred bodies us the "enemies of
tho American home' 'and urged Ameri-
'.eiwis to take an interest 'm local afluns
and elect decent men to politico, mice.
Amorica must rely on the former sol
diers as "the nation's strongest force
for peace nnd good order," . Gcnerul
Wood declared.
Hoover Urges Higher Pay
For College Professors
f Ban Franc isco, Oct. 6. Herbert Hook
er in the address to the Harvurd club
of northern California tonight, will urge
that professors of American universities
receive pnv at least equr4 to laboring,
n j-n. .