. : ' -.r . . t- .. .... . t rr Weather Repci - " ' i Orcjron: Tonight and Toes- 4c Z day fair; gentle winds, mostly sk easterly. 5250 CIRCULATION r 000 EEADEP3 DAILY) Only Circulation is Salem Guar- an teed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. 4c FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BEEVICE w : ..-', FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 236. EIGHT PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1919, PRICE TWO CENTS OM TRAINS AKB jn.TI stands im oouras . .,, ..,.'.;: . ft!. fill lU 2f 11 Stvtr (1VN JuOfl-2v f fflMifif i mm miMML ; iiisp Erstwhile it -dm Mate of Sox : Blanks Tl ftm and Sends 9' ioBeii h; - By Henry L. Farrell ' :;. (United Press Staff Correspondent) t Comiskey Park, Chicago, Oct. 6. Cast adrift by the .A White ''Sox once upon a time because he wouldn't do, Hod Eller, the burly shineball expert of Pat Mo ran 's Reds took his revenge today. The fifth game of ihe world series ler shut out the American league champions by a score of 5 to 0.' - He allowed the Sox but three hits and struck out nine- of them. Six of his strikeout victims came in succession ii the second and third innings, one after another the Sox sluggers stepped to the plate merely to swing their bats and retire The 30,008 fans who came to cheer for o White Sox victory remained to cheer for Eller throughout one of the most marvelonsly pitched games in a world series lijstory. Only 31 batsmen faced Eller In tho nine innings. Never after the first in ning was the big pitcher in danger. As in the first two games nt Cincin nati, a one-inning attack put the game on ice for the Reds. Up to the sixth round jlittle Claude Williams had pitch ed uuhittable ball. Eller himself ini tiated a bruising steam roller attack in the sixth that sent Williams down to his second defeat in the scries. Eller 'slcnar fly dropped between Jackson and Felsch I for two bases. Eller took a long chance . and tried for a triple, but Felsch heaved , wildly and he was safe at third. Eath came in with a singlo and Eller wan 'V-it'.l'naa willi tho firuf run .. .. First Inning., V w; ' ' Uincmuati-r natlt up. . JKatn walked. Williams again was attempting to work t lie coiners. Daubert up. Daubert sac rificed, Schalk to Gandil, Rath going iu second. Grph up. Groh flied to Felsch. Housh up. ' Boush out, Gondii to Wil liams, who covered first base. No runs, no nits, no errors. Chicago, Leibold up. Leibold walked. He waited Eller out and the crowd un corked more enthusiasm when he went down to first than it has shown since the fatal" inning Saturday. E. Collins up. E. Collins out, Kopf to Daubert, Leibold going to second. "Weaver' up. Weaver singled through the box, Leibold going to third. Jackson up Jackson ' popped to Groh. Felsch up. Felscu flied to Duncan. No runs, one hit, no errors. Second Inning. Cincinnati Duncan up. Duncan fan ned. Kopf up. : Kopf fouled to Schalk who made a nice catch near the stands. Neale up. Ncale fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. ,'; Chicago Gandil up. Gaudil fanned. Eisberg up. Eisberg fanned. Schalk up. Schalk fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. . ' . . - Eller struck out .'every man who faced him in this inning. ..' , Third Inning. ..., ' Cincinnati Rariden up. Raridcn out, T& Gandil unassisted., Chick took his drive back of the bag. Eller up. Eller pop . ped to Weaver. Rath up. .'Rath fouled to Gandil.. No runs, no hits, no errors. Williams let his curve ball rest in this inning and- mixed a fast one with an underhand floater. ; (Continued on page six) BRING BELGIANS TO OREGON TO DEVELOP . FLAX GROWING PLEA At the first of its Monday lunch eons -to be held in- the Commercial club rooms today, John H. McXary discus- sed tho housi ag problem i emergency, Val Martin of Portland discoursed up on Oregon opportunities over seas and I'kilippi - Baut, a manufacturer of C'ouitrai, Belgium, was introduced to Salem business men. Mr. Martin, who serve!! in Franco and Belgium with the Canadian army, j declared that the . state of Oregon should organize to secure Belgian cmi gratioi to develop the flax industry as Belgians : were the greatest flax pro ducers in the world. Belgium, he de clared, offered a tempting market for Oregon product, which should be mar keted as such and not through Califor nia. ' Mr. Baut stated that he was here to furnish information upon the Belgian markets and to encourage commercial relations between Oregon and his na tive land. Score 5-0 CAR AND ENGINE COLLIDE TODAY Superintendent T, L. Billingsly, of the Salem Street Railway company, is prob ably fatally injured, and Motorman Wil liam Lott, night chief at tho car barns, is suffering severe bruises and cuts about the face and hands, as a result of u collision of Lott's car with a freight engine of the Southern Pacific company at State and Twelfth streets at 5:25 Monday morning. Motormen Henry Borsman and Arthur . Williamson, who were in the streetcar at the time of the collision, escaped without injury. Aecording to Inspector waiter Smith, Of the Salem Street Railway, who rush ed to the scene of the accident imme diately after it occurred, and took the injured men to the Salem hospital, it seems the cause of the accident was the dense fog which, prevented Motorman Lott from seeing the approaching train. Trouble had developed at the railway power plant, it is said, and Motorman Lott took a car and went to the home of Superintendent Billingsly to bring him down. On the way he picked up Motormen Williamson and Borsman. Approaching Twelfth .street, io:j made the customary stop, while train No. 54 of the Southern Pacific passed, going north. Then, it is believed, that Lott thinking the right of way clear, and unable to see the approaching freight engine through the fog, started across the tra-ck. The streetcar Btruck the freight engine in the middle, bend ing the drive rod and denting the boil er. Superintendent Billingsly, who was standing in the front vestibule of the streetcar with Motorman Lott, was thrown iu some manner under tho car, making it necessary to jack the heavy truck up to get him out. The f rout of the street car was torn away. Billingsly was hurried to the bosptta,, where it was found that his colar bone was. broken, and that several ribs were crushed in, impairing his respiration. Dr. W. H. Byrd, who is treating Billings ly( reported Monday noon that the su perintendent's condition was serious, and that several days will be necessary to ieii now serious hi-s internal injur ies are. . He was resting easily at noon. Lott, who is yet -in a dazed condition, was cut badlv about the face. After re ceiving treatment at the hospital, he was removed to his home. ; Policeman Thompson, who hurried to tho scene of the collision, made a report similar to that of Inspector Smith. As far as it known "there were no witnesses to the smash. The freight engine, in a disabled con dition, was taken to the train yards where a crew was busy making repairs Monday morning. ., . ....... .." .....-' The damaged streetcar waa replaced on its trucks and taken to the ear barns. The tracks were not damaged. Pendleton Woman Killed In Accidental Shooting Pendleton, Or., Oct. 6. Mrs. Gilmau Folsotn was killed Sunday by the acci dental discharge of a shotgun. ' Allan Folsom, her nephew, and Lloyd McRhea and Lloyd Flint of Pendleton had been buntiug pheasants und stopped at the Folsom ranch home, near the eity for dinner. Mrs. Folsora was bidding the boys goodbye as they started away from the ranch. The jar of their automobile dis charged a shotgun which was in the rear of the machine, the full charge entering the woman's brenat. Pendleton has started campaign to raise tX00 .for the AMjertina Kerr building in Portland. Extension of Loan Association to Meet Demand for Increased Number v of Homes Here Is Urfied by McNary John, Mc.Na.ry, prominent Salem at' torney, speaking before a luncheon of business moo at the Commercial club Monday noon, emphasized the necessi ty of building mors homes in this city, aud made a strong plea for capital ists to become interested in the situa tion and lend a hand in this essential movement. In detail he pointed out the operation of the Building & Loan asso ciation, and expressed the hopes that individuals wishing o build,- would avail themselves s of the opportunity afforded by the association and take immediate steps toward relieving the serious house shortage in Salem. . Val -Martin, of "Oak Grove, who has spent some time with King Arthur's legions in Belgium and (Flanders, also addressed 4 lie gathering of business men.. He. told. how Belgium lpoked to the United States for assistance in re gaining its footing ' in the business world, and expressed the hope- that fu ture years would see a close alliance in a. business way of Belgium end Am erica, "I am expected to discuss the rela Hon of the Mutual Sayings & Loan as sociation to the. housing situation in Salem, or -what aid can be expected from, that organization to facilitate the ibuildiu go? homes," said Mr. Mc Nary. "This organization began doing business wtithin this city nine years ago, upon a -capitalization of $100,000. Since then iits authorized stock . has been increased to $500,000. Its memlbe-r ship is limited to citizens of Salem and Marion county, and now has two hun dred eight -members who are the hold ers of 2100 shares of stock. The hold er of these shares pay 'twenty cents per share weekly to the association; by that means it has accumulated suf MeJient -capital siiice its organization to loan $129,000. These loans have sbeen made in five serios which have matur ed, and ray the share holders a small fraction over eight per. cent interest upon their investment. Loans are made to members only upon real estate se GRAYSON SAYS PeESlllTIS BETTER TODAY Washington, Oct. 6. President Wil son's condition continues to improve, ac cording to Dr. Cary T. Gayson 's bulletin at 11:30 a. in. The text of the statement follows: "After & consultation this morning at the White House, which was partici pated in by Rear Admiral Cary T. Gray son, Dr. Ruffin of Washington and Ad miral Stitt, the following ,bulletin,rela tive to the president's condition was given out: - .. " 'The improvement iu the presi dent's condition noted yesterday, has continued. He had a satisfactory night,, (Signed) , "Grayson, Ruffin: and Stitt." Heat of the past three days breaking all records for 23 years for this season of the year in .Washington, was not a good thing for the president it was learn ed ,and the weather "Sunday afternoon seemed to depress him, but hvst night he showed no ill effects from it and show era during the night proved refreshing. It hecalne increasingly apparent to day from the statement of those about the president that his Improvement will jbc a alow -process and that tho rebuild- lug ll 111!) un vvub Bltciigiu ttuu uill uc accomplished by. a protracted rest. Dr. Grayson is not willing to announce that the improvement is such aft to pre clude a relapse like that which occurred when it was stated "the president is a very sick man." The president's appetite continues to improve. His diet is not substantial, it was stated ,thougb. food of the kind a person denied exercise can readily as similate. Physical symptoms remained favorable. Every of fort is made to keep the pres ident 'a room as quiet as possible. Music from the Washington hotel, not far from the executive mansion, scemel to annov the president and the hotel management was asked to subdue It, which they did. Mrs. Wilson, according to the White House attendants, stands the strain of her husband 's illness well. Doctors say she is a good nurse and that her pies ence soothes the president. Occasional ly she reads to him, ut this is dis couraged iy ur. urayson. Ban Oo Cargo Shicpin? To Tinted Kingdom Is Lifted Washington, Oct. 5. Clearance of loaded vessels to the united Kingdom ports and the eontinuanee of loading and despatching of all vessels for which the cargo is in bend or booked has been ordered, the United States Shipping board announced today. AH sailings were ordered halted sev eral days ngo because of the English railroad strik?. curity to the amount of 50 percent of the appraised , value of the property. These appraisements ri made by three directors and filed in writing with the. association. The borrower pays 15 cents per share per week 'interest upon kilt loan, which equals an interest oi about 7 percent. Share; holders cant borrow money upon thetir stock to an. amount equal to the voluntary withdrawal value of the ame,.; ' - - "Like the league, of nations, any dis satisfied member can withdraw at any time upon giving notice. If ho with draws durSng the firt two years of his membership, he is entitled to all the money he has paid and six per cent interest, less fines and forfeitures, and after two years the withdrawing mem- j ber is entitled to receive the money he has paid to tho association and 6 per cent interest thereon and 76 per cent of the earned profit upon his stock. No member, however, has taken ad vantage of his opportunity, to with draw from, this association for -more than four years, which is commenda tory of the management' of the associa tion, and -the safety of its loans. Moro than fifty dwelling houses have been erected an Salem thru the aid of this association since its organization which would not' have otherwiso been built. The present income ?of -this organiza tion is about $2100 a month, which will enalbk) it to make about two loans, monthly to home builders. This organi zation has never -lost a dollar, has nev er' foreclosed mortgage., has never sued a member,: and afc present has out standing $50,348 in loans represented bv notes and mortgages,-, each of which is -bankable at 100 percent on the dol lar. If the people of this city who were willing to invest a little,' money week ly in a safe investment that will pay 8 pereenl;, interest to such an extent that the association can dispose of its remaining'-stocky it will increase its rev enfte to about $5500 a month, which can be loaned to home builders, and Tight Shirt Is Fa taf Handicap Tp Fair Bandit New York, Oct. 6. This is the fable of the beautiful bandit and the styltstt skirt: .. .. . Herbert Boyd was chasing his dogs down the main drag with his kick full of of kale when a soprano ".hold up your hands 'smote his tympanum. Behind the soprano was a business-like gat aud behind the gat was a dark eyed dam sel. Herbert was not a member of . the sui cide club, so he followed directions. The dark eyed damsel, aided by two male Constituents, frisked Herbert for fair and with it his roll. Herbert raised a great hue and cry, arousing tho minions of the law. , The-beautiful bandit went away from there but wa.s hampered below the waist by tho decree of fashion, which made her run like a republican in Texas. She and her entire caste were "hailed to the hoosgow." Moral: There aint any. It was posi tively immoral. , . 543 Troops From Siberia Land At San Francisco San Francisco, Oct. oWThe- first big contingent of Ameri- can troops from Siberian battle- fields landed here today when 543 soldiers left the transport Thomas. - In the number were 103 from , California. ' '- - ABE MAETIN It's all off when- it rains on a girl these days. Our fair price committee has been organized yan' in case of a dead lock butfher Ike Mopes Is t' have th' decidin vote. thereby aid in. the building of about five cottages monthly. This, however, will onry relieve in a small measure, the. immediate necessity of construct ing houses, inthis city. "According to present ! plans ' the Oregon Pulp and Paper company, the Phez company and the Kings Products company will by the first of July next year employ awout 400 moro men than ane- now employed. This will directly and indirectly increase the population of this evty about three thousand, and tin order to house these people, it will require the 'buskhng . of about five hundred .cottages or. eight hundred apartments. These men will not be low wage earners,' but will receive from four to ten dollars a day, and will be able to pay a rental sufficient to pay the .builder of houses a fair return upon the cost of his investment. A building program upon this large scale can only be accomplished by interest ing men with capital. It can be aided in a degree by investments in the asso ciation, and by meetings which will enthuse citizens to. .individually con struct dwellings, 'but in the main tho relief must come from interesting cap italists. "I would suggest that this organiza tion appoint a committee of responsi ble business men to obtain statistics showing the probaible Increase in our population that will come by reason of1 our new industries and development of our county and city. That it obtain the price for which desirable apartment houaosites can ibo purchased, and the public cost of erecting siiitajble houses and apartments, and. that this data when collated be presented .to men of means and financial concerns, with the idea of inducing them to invost money in relieving the building situation with in thte city. My observation has boen, that capital is not lacking in any .un dertaking when you can demonstrate to , men of concerns with money, that they can make a safe investment and one which will bring a fair return." PASTORS NAKED FOR I'lETIIODIST - McMinuville was selected at tho meeting place for the Oregon Method ist conference next year and a resolu tion unanimously passed asking the re turn" of Bishop Mathew S. Hughes to the Oregon conference during the fin- -al minutes of the annual conference hore this afternoon. Bishop Hughes completes his quadranium. this year. The assignment of pastors was made in the various districts as follows: Salem, district, T. B. Ford, superin tendent: . Amity, A f Lacy. ' (Ballston and Perrydale, W M Onr nor; Banks and North Plains, F S Ford; (Bay City, G L Tufts; Bcavcr ton. b A Gray; Boring and Sandy, B A Bristol; Brooks, Wythnall. Jamby and Central Point, Henry Spiess and O A Bpicss; Carlton and Iil-ley,-.T T Keating; Clackamas and Wil lamette, V R Royston; Cornelius, J G Crozier. . Dallas, C P Johnson; Dayton, M A Marey; Dundee and Lafayette, J a j Gillespie. . . .. j Kstcada, J iF Dunlop. j Fair-view and Bridal Voil, S J Kes-terj- Falls City, A IF Grissom; Fargo, Alexander Hawthorne; f orest urovc, C R Carlos. - - . Oresham, R F. Myers. Hillsboro, Walton Skipworth; Hub bard, H O Cooper. Keiser, B C Brewster. ''' Livesley, E G Ranton. Marquam, O B Smith; McCabe and Bellvue, S W Hall; McMiiinvillo, E M -Smith; Metzger and Tigard, R C Young; Molalla and C'arus, J R Ben ton, Xeluilcm and Wheeler, II J Hicker son: Xcwberg, C E Gibson. Oregon City, M T Wire; Oak Grove and Bennett Chapel, J O BlacKwcll: Oswego, . G Alford. Pleasant Home and Troutdale, mrl B Cotton. ; R-ockwood, F .T ftehnell. Salem: First, R f Avison; Jason Lee Memoriar, Thomas Acheson and W J Worrell: Leslie. H X Aldrich; East Sa lem. Howard M Mort; West Salem, R .1. Allen. , Scholls and 'Farmington, J F Cole man; Sheridan, J'Vnnk Jones; SiVver ton, W E Ingalls, William INichol, as sistant; Stavton. C B Rees. Tillamook ft O Oliver. Viola and Clarks, D H Purcell. Willamina, Perfcal M Blinkensop; Wilsonville and Tualatin. Atfred Bates Woodburu, O L Dark and Frank L Moore. ' V'amhill, W J Warren. Eugene District, James Moore, super intendent: Albany, J C Spencer; Alpin, R J Dav enport. Bandon, to be supplied; Brownsville, ,T W Downs; Buena Vista, C T Cook. - (Continued on page two) CHARGES TODAY METHODISTS Congress Petitioned to Rat ii cy League Section; Shan tung Provision Scored. Adopting a resolution to send a petition to the United States senate urging the immediate ratification of that part of the peace treaty embodying the league of nations, and "unqualifiedlyy denouncing" the Shantung provision, the 67th session of the Oregno Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church came to an end at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. Shortly after noon the announcement of appointments was also made. TROOPS PATROL GARY TODAY TO Gary, Tnd., Octi 6 State troops early1 today succeeded in suppressing race and strike riots, which broke out at in tervals during the last thirty six hours Four companies of Indiana military guarded streets leading to the steel plants. Additional guard tToops were held in reserve at East Chicago, where Adjutant General Smith Is in command. Smith announced that he had author ity from Secretary of War Baker to call , for regular 9rmy troops i the state guard is inadequate. One thou sand regtflar armjr soldiers of " the Fourth division 'are held in resorve at Fort Sheridan for strike duty. ' The first troops arrived in Gary shortly before midnight. They were sent on Toquest of Mayor Hodges. The mayor announced that local authori ties could no longer control the situa tion. Groat crowds of strike sympathia ors had gathered before the gates of tho American Sheet and Tinplate com pany and tho Gary works of the Illi nois Steel company. . Local police, kept mobs from storm ing the gatos until troops arrived. Shortly after the troops arrived the crowds dispersed. , The troops, led fay Major Lauden Hnrrvman, pastor of the Second Pres byteriun church of Indianapolis, march ed to tho police station where Major Ilarriman reportod to Chief Forbes. The soldiers were distributed to strategic points to guard against re ported plots to storm tho steel plants and drag out strikebreakers at work within. Eleven arrests were made during the night following outbreaks in four sec tions of the city. One man was probab ly fatally shot. Several otherB wore injured. Antomolblles carrying cltiison police, were fired at from the sidewalks Adjutant General Smith stated today that if there are any further outbreaks, he will declare martial law in tho en tire Oalumet steel district. Ho ald he had a proclamation signed by Govern or Goodrich and the secretary of state proclaiming martial law and that he could make it effective at any time he thought necessary. STRIKE ENDED AND SERVICE RESUMED By Ed L Keen (United Press staff correspondent) London, Oct. 6V British railway workers were returning to their posts today after iboth the strikers and the government had made soncessitfhs yesterday- which ended this country's greatest labor walkout. On many of tho railway lines trains were in operation early today. In some quarters fear was expressed that agi tators might cause further trouble but there was no evidence of it in London where the night shifts generally re ported for work last night. With both sides claiming victory, tho average Briton wa concerned chiefly with the simple fact that a settlement had been reached. 'Kegnrdless of the partisan claims of victory, the Briton recognizes general ly that both sides conceded some points and granted some compromise. Both retained enough to "save their faces" and both were plainly conscious of the terrible possibiliities involved in a fail ure to settle the issue. Under the terms of the settlement; wages will remain at their present lev- ; (Continued on page two) PREVENT R OTS DECLARE The motion to adopt a resolution ask- ing senate ratification of the peaee trea ty met much protest and gave rise t heated discussion of the much dlsenssed document, In connection with this, Bishop Hugh es, presiding said: , "Is think it, is wrong for the confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal church to urge the ratification of the most in iquitioua thing in the history of tho world, I don 't mean the lcaguo of na tions. I don't mean the treaty with tho nations with which we hav warred. I am sure this conference does not want to underwrite th disgraceful Shantung affair! ' . K'l would not have it known," Bishop Hughes continued, "thn,t I presided at a conference that approver such - a shameful thing. . And I would not have it known that I am in favor of a treaty mado in secrecy, and in favor of at Oriental nation." - This gave rise to a demand for a re&o lution urging disregard to that distaste ful provision. Someone suggested that it bo takon up later. "The Hme to scttlo it is right now," replied Bishop Hughes firmly. "And there is no better place to settle it than right in the United States senate where it now lies.' And I'll wager that th treaty will be ratified, omitting the Shantung provision, and not affeettnjr, the sterling qualities of the league of nations." ,: ,; ' "It is not the place of this confer ence to take up matters of political Im portance only," someone in the throng said. . j' . ' ' "; '"'''. "This is not a matter of political ex pediency," Bishop Hughes -eiplamra with emphasis. f'Thls is a matter of moral expediency, affecting the Mires, yes, and souls of 37,000 persons, and this ehurch could not express itself in greater matter. " Continuing, Bishop Hughes declared. . "This conference, I am sure, will ex press itself for the league nf . nations. But we cannot, as ministers of God, ask the United States senate, or any other body, to ratify nnv provision that is tn iquitious, nnd recognized by ill Ameri cans as iniquitous. " . Upon recommendation of Rev. T. B. Ford, a resolution congratulating Mrs. (Continued on page two) ONE NEGRO KILLED AND FIVE HELD AS HOSTAGES BY 1103 Washington, Ga Oct. 6. Jack Gordon and Will Brown, negroes, were taken from the Lincoln county jail at Llncolnton early today by ft mob and lynched, according to a telephone report received tare. Following the lynching the bodies of both negroes were burned at tna stake, it was said. Washington, 6a., Oct. 6. (United Press.) Mose Martin, negro, was dead today, a mob victim, and five other ne groes were being held as hostages by mob which demanded that Jack Gor don, also a negro be turned over to them, by prison authorities. Gordon was in tho county jail today charged with the murder of "Bed" Freeman, a deputy sheriff, when tb deputy tried to arrest him yesterday for carrying concealed weapons. In the sheriff's absence, the officers In charge of the jail, refused to release Gordon. The mob had threatened today to end the lives of the five negroes held la swamps near here, unless Gordon wan turned over to them. Martin was shot and killed late yes terday whon he is alleged to have de nounced efforts to capture Gordon. Will Brown and ; another egro charged with being accomplices of Gor don were arrested and taken te tha Liiieolnton jail for safe keeping.