General ' News . Section General - News Section 'A SALEM, OREGON,-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919. COMMERCIAL POSSIBILITIES OE THE ANGORA GOAT G. GAGE ,t By A. Editor " Angora and Milk Goat Journal, of Portland, Oregon. Gouts and ibexes are of the name to understand the real worth of this to American-flocks. : Men. Closoly resembling each other : little- producer. - - - Game hunters have found the Bocky L'fln.n nointa thev are vet of distinct! Commercial development of the -possi- mountain goat one of the most elusive P"vui,o, ' bilities in mohair growing, however, is and most difficult animals to secure. It types, w ild goats 01 me f-yieuttni. removing this negLect, and the inhabits the higher regions of the back ountnins between Spain and France 'goat is becoming recognized as one Of bone of the continent and, while be ere of the ibexes. Th0 largest and hand- aamest of wild goats are found in Cen tral Asia. It is from these animals that the modern goat was derived. the important and productive farm ani- longing to the goat species, is individual mals in the Americas. Mexico has for and may be classed as sub-genera. Its year been utilizing goats for milk sup- woolly fleece is softer than that of the j ply", but has given no attention to breed- common or short-haired goat, but is :nliBii.lnn mnlia1! ni. i iiinrAvin rr the r-liH rm'trtriKprt hv Innof Htvnio-li. hmr uiuuauiuc j-vi -.-f- - j . be provided where) long Bnow periods are experienced, and feeding Is essen tial when snow Covers the ground. Goats flesh rs generally undistinguish eblj from mutton of the sheep, and largo quantities are supplied annually and ab sorbed in the markets of the United States without creating any adverse comment, or evn being recognized as goat meat, In f a-ct its agreeable tastu and high food value render it in no way Bibliography of the cat is confined to J quality, ot the stock. On the other hand There is found under the hair a close inferior to sheep meat. Increasing quan with less lhan four nundrca ncaa or coat or nne wnite wool, some Deeaers : 'o ' year, xuung imported stock to build upon, North have suggested a eross of this goat on or wethers prepared Dofore the America has increased .its Angora flocks the Angora, but it -has been impossible j aS of five years! are excellent. Kid to several millions. South America has to secure bucks of this species. If there mat is superior to 'lamb in tender and little but common stock though herds are any n captivity, the writer has no!Juicy quality.- Goatf meat is procurable are extensive. Canada has been rapidly knowledge of them. I in many portions of the globe whro liKMuiim Mia nnmW of rfats on the 'T ho .tataj Kof lnnnri. I other meat is not. ,. farms and in domestic surroundings, it' first kept a household pots, and de few volumes, but naturalists and other authorities on the subject apparently agree that the goat is of earlier origin than the sheep. ; Two general designations distinguish an from the other: cupra (goat) and via (sheep). He who tries to trace back tie origin of each species find himsotf nla therefore be expected that the goat is at last coming to De recognized gen erally in the Americas as it has been long valued in the Old World. , Angora goat culture in the United States has been carriod on commercially ill the western states sinco 1890. Origin al importations came to this country a early as 1849. In 1848 the Sultan of Tur key presented nine pure-bred Angorns from the best flocks in Asia to Dr. J. B. Davis, who had been sent as a diplo leaf, in bewildering attempts at fixation ai type, and scientists are not lucid on the line of descent, except that most agree that the goat of today originated in the wild type of mountain-climbing Ijoat whose habitat was between the Black Sea and the HimalayiB. It seems jintbable that all goats of today weio evolved from a common and very re state ancestral stock. . The mohair goats of Armenia are con aidered to have resulted from inter keeding various types of goats, the Xardeatan goat being crossed upon the sailer and finer haired, goat of the rived gentleness from this method of domestication. The beauty and silkiness of their fleece induced the women of the household to weave fabrics of the hair, The Angora is a pioneer, irt thescnsc that it goes ahead of other livo stock and clears the way for pasture and seed crops. 'In many new countries settle ment would have boon impossible with- A Sample of the Raw Product and to use it for cushions, pillows andonr me Roar' . ..... 1 T .1. L. ..... I. . ...... Oi.i.. 1 in mu ouuiunuoicni outlet! lurc f locks of Angoras 'arc maintained. beds, before it became a staple for com mercial purposes. , . - Today tho principal uses for mohair aro for car-seat plush upholstery, tapes tries, auto robes, auto tops and dress' -i 017 uuub.. j.ue iiBi- ui uruor purposes ior which it is available and employed Texas having nearly as many goats as sheep on its ranges. Fifteen thousand in the Arizona- county were sheared in matic representative from the United. very large and the varnssmm from An States government to the Ottoman em- g0ra fleece are the most beautiful ob- pire. These were the first goats import- tamable. .Xra aiswiewui r.u BDcu. -u. breedi floeka of 8ma,U nUinbcrs were Ixxly in the animal and more weight . . ,,. .-,,. narengru i "- 1893 wnen tho industry may be said to Domestic or milking goats are consid- . ' Ti. red to baVe originated likewise from ed to the United States. Subsequent brought at intervals thereafter up 1893, when the industry may be sai ! have become somewhat established. Lat to the wild goat (capra Aegagrus), al though the- Hycyclopaedia' Brittanica may a: " Uonsioerable diversity or opin or importations have been of small num bers and there have been scarcely any Industrially considered, goats are productive of mohair, milk, meat and skins. Even . the long straight hair of the milk goat is utilized commercially. Their value as browsers and land cleaners has been proved, although the Angoras brought to this country recent- 7 'Tu,: 7 T" t B v ... 1... "Li. u: :., laoo goras capable of getting their own liv- laa haa been exDressed bv naturaUsts as -Y' uo " ... ine without food or sheltei. i to, the originaf stock .f the mesti, CZAZ i" aai.f WU1C11 IB Ult3b vvitll.iu uvij ovqajf quarter of the globe the now prevalent ft-iiri mnnt. nroliRblR conclusion being that the various domestic breeds are desend-!pi'e' ed from wild stock now extinct.," , It ,is reasonable to conclude from the faarvgoing that the various breeds of do mestic goats have come down to the jwfseht from the Porsian wild goat. Breeding has been conducted in the yar-ioiia- eountries of Europe with a view to increasing desirable characteristics in domestic goats. The Department'; of Agriculture has lsj published several farmer's bulletins on the subject of Angoras, that- numbered 573 being the most, useful. The branch of this department having the forest service in hand is keeping special graz ing examiners in 'the field studying flock management, methods of care and breeding, 'grazing on forest areas, elim ination of marauding animals, restock ing of grazed brush lands to maintain permanent range, and offers the forests for use of the stockman, under certain food or shelter in severe 1 regulations, restrictions and with-a mod- losses have resulted, with! crate fee for orazine. : - kev made it an offense punishable byi1"0'1. goats were This service also contemplates exten- - . 1 . . . aroplr nti a hvnal. vanrvn ..: . .a ! i .j, . 1' . ... . 1 . , 'axiu.niuu uj. inw einpiuymeut ox goat meat as Given the average care accorded death to take Angoras out of his cm- L- J Long Mohair fleece grown on an Oregon Angora goat. Staple of length over 20 inches often sells above $20 a pound. ' pense, , - Higid quarantine regulations by the United States Bureau of Animal Indus try are maintatnid to prevent diseased animals being brought to this country, The goat has been one of the most im- )but under proper inspection and deten- aortant domestic animals in Asia and ption, tins oDstacie is not a nopciess aei arope for centuries, yet we on this ' riment, and it may be practicable in f u idc of the Atlantic have been reluctant hire to secure iiif usion of new blood in- havo the forage utilized. " v ; by tho experts of theforest service and Winter shelter is advised at lower the biu-eair' of animal industry, as well altitudes than the summer crazinif as hv the leadine flockmastcrs ana food to supplement the supply of other grounds, some of which are above 5000 hreoilnra of reiristercd stock. t. .tt. !. ,. on. Oftlifornian.' . . c "u i ainas. it is not .acsired to nave the feet elevation. " - ' 1 . The American Anirora Uoat Breeo- , ',,,, nhvaleiao. Dr. W. C. Bailey.' :..!?L :. 7 i- . ,.en ; hrnsh cleared in this work,' nor the for- Breeding upward with employment, ers' Association, , Beods Spring, Mo., j isked his life in the early nineties nnd ' f ' ' "-!T D""u'u overrawo oa- -uors want W j only of tho4beSt. bud brought out a few goats at great ex- Rfl H15rr0f TRAOC MARK lOl $.T tB,S Be Sure to Say "Threaded Rubber" If everybody said "Threaded Rubber Insulation" when they bought batteries and sawtoit that'ThreadedRubber" was what they got there would be a lot less battery grief. Far fewer jobs of reinsulation that is so often necessary to get full life out of the plates of an ordinary battery. : Assurance of longer battery life. If your battery is getting to the point where it shows signs of quitting it will pay you to get on the track of Threaded Rubber. Come in any time and have a - talk about batteries. : v r Degge & Burrell . 238 North High Street. Antomobile Electricians t . bucks ioecouimended has established ; .V-nq .of rcjilto Which many, of the earliest importations of Asiatic and South African ' sto. k -have been continuously recorded. Growers are united in tho National Mohair Growers' Association, Laguua, . Texas, a marketing and promotion or ganization of large membership una , wide influence. , . , - Canada has given official recognition -to tho industry . by authorizing, forma tion of .the .Canadian float-Society with headquarters at Ottawa. British, Colum- , bin lias a goat society at Victoria. Mnny -states have organized associations tor betterment of the industry in t!iu past ' few years and countries, are . forming ; local branches to forward Angora gout enterprises,.' ,' ..'.,' .. .-- T, K , , ,1 ' The goat is a clean feeder a, ; profitable domestic animal. There (4 as-' much difference between the common gout and the modern purebred as -there is between the oldtima Texas longhora and the modern purebred Hereford, kluo nomie administration of the Anierlcnn farm will adept this little animal 'more generally as time passes. V . : . , ' ' . Ooat farming' holds opportunity for profitable investment, because its grew- ' tho has been substantial and in no sens ephemeral. The increasing demand for ) stock cannot be fully supplied, and will not be adequately filled for many yonrc. Counting all classos of goats there are -approxiljotely 120,000,000 in the world . under human eontrol. Of the wild liftvi of the goat little is known, as it inhiili-, . its . the ' most; inaceessiblo. ;; hountita- heights. It is wary, elusive and coime- quently hard to meet. It is at homo oa " roeky elevations where no men coin ) find footiug. Cnses have been noted where Angora herds have become separ- atod, the stragglers going to the smnmit of rocky hills where they lay in the sun- -shine for days and only descended nt kst for water and salt. Western forcn hnvQ supplied game to tho hunter In the , form of goats strayod from tho floeUn of farmers adjacent. The instinct of wiW lite returns to the animal species when liberated or escaped from the flocks. The Rocky mountain, Olympic ami Cascade ranges of mountains in tho : northwest have absorbed many valuable animals now occasionally brought down by the hunter, who considers hp has se- 1 cured a repast equal-to venison when h gets a voung kid cjr doo of ' by his facility wittf the rifle, ' ; t?.' Through Service We Grow Tomor row 2 Days Only Monday CONTINUOUS SHOW TOMORROW 2:15, 4:15, 6:15, 8:15. CONTINUOUS MUSIC ON OUR HOPE-JONES ORCHESTRAL UNIT WURLITZER PIPE ORGAN Y , :I ,. ' X., vmnsumpiianKHHiaWBH 7 y - - I v It certainly is what you might call a "duce" of a nx to be in although a man might call it something else! A man under a. charming and w chaperoned widow' bed at dead o" night! Not a stranger either! A perfectly hopeless case! J- i v;r" " wl Zr " f ' J W (, Jl . o1' 'l.f TjIa K'-v' t a -. i t si ani hum- - " . Ah! And BUT! Al though she had no ex cuse you should have heard whut HE said! It seems beyond reason but he PROVED it! No hopo for Daino Grundy here! Nothing for tho Dume to do but evnpor ato Into thin utmos pliere! It's a great com edy! A great thrill pic ture! A great Billie Hurko picture! You really mustn't hmhs it! BILLIE BURKE IN "THE MISLEADING WIDOW" Vaudeville - TOPSY SPOT COMEDY ANIMALS VIC COOKE COMEDIAN II ma m COMEDY -OH! JUDGE;, HOW COULD YOU? PATHE NEWS