THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919. PAGE SKVF.N CIRCULATION BEINtt B CAR TH B IAREST 01 ANTts, PAPER IN- MARION COUNTY INSURES ; THOROUGH Dt TBIBUTION OF St' OUR ADVERTISING. 1 ,'V, , J wmm 1M iHT (jr"-"riiiiiiiti y " - CLASSIFIED AD RATES. ' Rate per word New- Today: Xach insertion ... ..... lc On week (6 insertions) 6c On'.onth (26 insertions) 17o One vea"r, per month Pe Minimum per ad 25 cents. Cash advance, except where ad-, Tertisers have monthly accounts,. New Today. SPLENDID light dray wagon $25 cash. Call 940. 241 GIRLS WANTED At the Glove fac it.orv. stead v work. 1455 Oak St. 240 WANTED -r- Wontai to do - laundry work. 1'hone 1.163M. FOB RENT 2 nice sJoopiujj rooms, close an. 255 Center street. 2:i(j WANTED Carpenter wants work in town or out. Tel. 1685J. 237 FOR SALE-A-1 fresli Jersey cows. C. H. Riches.. Turner, Or. . ." 240 FORI) touring car for s;ile,, latest self starter; flash speedometer, separate lights,' shock absorber. Phone 717 or cnH. nt 542 Slate St. 2.-!8 WASTED Will pay, $10 week for ex perienced girl, 4 . in family, light i' work. 404 N. -Winter. Phono 392M. FOtfF SALE 9xll Columbia donkey engine- with linos and- blocks; Very low price, terms to responsible par tie. F. W. Martin, 140 Center St., Salem. .-. 237 FOR RENT 2 rooms with, board if desired, 2' blocks from Oregon Elec tric depot. Phono 112U, ; . , 236 FOR; (SALE House, 2 lots,' plenty fruit, a snap for $1000. 2320 Mill st; . ' 201 FOR- RENTES beautifully furnished rooms, furnace, hot and cold water in! rooms, close in; home privileges, moals near. 335 N. Capitol- Sf; 235 WANT to rent five or six room bunga close in, furnished or iiufurn ' ishetl. Box 5 Capital Journal,,, 235 WANTED Young gentleman and wife want apartment, or f urnAshed house keeping rooms in central location. .." Box 4 Capital Journal... 235 FOR .SALE-House and barn in Mvcrs addition, 20th and Lee. A. ii. Kuf ue Rt. 7. , 241 WANTED 30 apple pit-lews, transpor - tatioH to. and from - orchard?. H W, Clark, Phone ,.i 249f HORJfc'dcrivery, engine A-l condition, - anu iors or pep, would ma-ka a good bu'gvj Wilson's garage; Center , and Conuuercial. .. 1 235 W;,T,Ei) Laborers f or concrete work $4;f0 per day, Sour. Auto leaves Masonic ibldg. J t. fh. Monday. Erix on and Joues, Wl Masonic Temple. 235 FORKENT To'woniah. or quiet cou ple .who will give some, light help for part rent 2 large housekeeping rooms. 880 N., 17th. corner B- 235 WiAXTED Girl, 16, must have work, would like care of children. 15U2 Mis sion' St. 237 FOR; RET A two room, house, and chicken house, $2.oO per month. 1500 S.'.High. 237 BAI1VVI,N and Spitzeoiberg pples for sale on trees. 60e per box, 50c per sack for wind falls; also, tomatoes. Mrs. Oscar Myer, Rt. 1, box 28A. Phone eveiiings 6F21. 235 FOR SALE A big snap, large house fit for rooming house orBns, Un i room modern house.' Call 300 N. Cap-J "i. , . 240 WANTED To (buy from owner for cash, good 5 room house, one large loft, or more, not necessarily modern B,W MO Capital Journal. 235 PROPERTY to. trad for auto, in good country town, rents good -price year . nronnd. It will pav you to investi gate this. R R care Journal . 236 FO SALE 20 acres, gooi level land sufall house, shed, good well with force pump, good pasture, gome lira wr, will sell reasonable i taken at oitcp; 3 miles of small town. Also 2-. horse drill and one feed cutter. Ad drt.s9 E. P. Mills, Salem, Or. Rt. C, bo'x 13. . 03(5 1 KOT necessary 'to wait louger. If vou wnt to build a new home, I can loan yon the money NOW. All the require ments is good securitv and title, easy payments, 3 to 8 years time. No ted tape, no delay,- money advanced as 51-M-6 .... WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. ?i CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS . 205 Oregon 6cilng "building progresses. The- beat recom mendation is several of Salem's ibest people who Hre satisfied. See mo touav and get busy on a new iiouse. H. K.. Buliiiger, 328 Oregon bldg. WANTEU-Apple pickers. Tel. 9F4. J. JJ. Crothers. 235 mii RENTll0US(. f ront, k. block Kne, Phone 479 W. 285 FOR SALE 50 eight-weeks old pigs, choice $U.-L. F. Hill, Rt. 8, Phone 59F4. . ' i 241 MODERN 5 room bungalow, furnished, tor. .tent. 1 hone 7,HK. ; 23i FOR. SALE Mato model Maxwell,; 8 good uscil Fords.- Cherry City garage 170 S. 12th. St. , 235 FOR. SALE 4 fiuo little Fox terrier male pups, 'Inquire 29S.'! Portland road. 235 WANTED Men and women to help harvest carrots. .Phono 14FM2. Write J care Journal. 24C WANTED To trade, , good heavy team, wagon and harness for cattle or hogs. Phono 157UW, . 237 FOB RENT 3 unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, ,io, Bellevue. Fhone . W .!.; 238 FOR SALE 100x52" ft;- S. W. eor. Curt and 3, itn streets, terms to suit purchaser. Oswald West, 500 Journal bldg., Portland, Ore. - 241 HOUSES WANTED If your. house is for sale, let us eU it for you. We need more, houses and', have waiting buyers. Try us first. John II. Scott Realty Co., 404 Oregon bldg. . FOR SALE 30 acre farm Ankeny bot tom 5 acres hops, balance cleared; Will .take Salem, property first pay ment. Call Monday at 145 N. 14th. St. Mrs. J. .C. Pettyjohn. ' 23S WANTED Hello, Hollo! . Another . new and secondhand furniture store, 415 8. 12th; ;a block -from S. P. de ' pot. If you have anything to offer jpall for II. M. Canon. Phone 900. - 260 FOR SALE Five acres, fair improve ments,, fine fruit, household goods, horse, cow, wood, tools, hay, etc., $3250 for all; 2 miles froui Salem. Owner J. B. Still, Gen. Del,; Salem, Or. ..., - 235 FOR SALE My seven room house at 340 -Union street, between, CQinmer eiaV and Liibeil;y. Half bolcfe- from . Marion square. .Js, jbttth. and basc . meat. Price' $1750, israal. piyuient down, balance doJ:ri,Ji woek.jAU--dress L. F. HUlr.BfS4 125. Phone 59F4. 241 VA!NTE1 Information as to the whereabouts of Andrew Muth, who left the home of Ms .parents near Gervais, Wednesday ' evening; He is about 16 vears of age,, but very small for his age, and wore a blue shin and blue overalls, dark Jjrown check ed ... coat, and a - cloth, atriped hat. Hff'was seen in Salem Thursday, and is . supposed to have, left there, as nothing further has. been -heard from him. He is probably riding a bicycle, and will be hunting work but is too small to do much. He ran away from schooling which he should have. Please communicate to ifeleorge Muth, Oervaia, Oregon, or to II. D. Mars, .iustice of the peace, Cervnjs..- 235" For Sale. GIRLS coaster wheel, for ale,.,$12. 1135 Waller St. , 10-6 FOR SALE Near Waconda,. 30 little ' pigs. Ella M. Finney, tit. 2, (Jervais, Or ; 237 F(t SALE-Officc ; partitioning, ln cludinir doors and windows. Capital Journal office. ' :. 1918 Ford touring car for sale. Con dition first class. 2395 Front St. Phone 494 or 1267M. FOR SALE Titan tractor, and 3-bot-tom plow, 8 foot' tandem disc har row. Box 8 Journal office. 245 EXCELLENT-brgar i'ght 5. passenr. ger car A l anapn sacrmce, owner goirg away. See it at Marion garage. !FOR SALE My farmt of 117'' acres about 13 mue soutni or oaiem kuu 2 miles from' O. E. depot. Very best of river bottom land, nearly in cultivation, rest timber and pasture. Good orchard, fences and -buildings. $75 per . sere. J-40 care Journal. ' -' ; 10"15 FOR SALE Loganberry tips. B. C. Ziclinski, Rt. 9, Salem. 10-4 i-'i mi ii FOR SALE 191S Ford touring car for sale, condition first class. 2395 Front Stf Phone .494 or 1207M. - . FOR SALE 1915 three speed Indian motorcycle, presto lights, tandem, . 1 extra tire, leather legging and tools. Motor has been overhauled recently. Will ' guarantee first class . running condition,, for $100 cash. Write Mo torcycle care Journal,. , 10-4 FERNS and palms and other potted plants for sale. Maruny's green house, 211 Miller. St. Phone 916. 10-29 FOR SALE 0 room house, lot 75x150, east front, barn and chicken house, IS bearing fruit trees, at-249 S. Cot tage St. Jall or address, Mrs. M. (,!, Ferguson, 22 'a N. 10th St. Port land. . 236 FOR SALE-Spitzenbcrg and Baldwin apples on the trees, UOc per box. Phone evenings, C4F21. Rt. 1, box 2SA. .236 FOR SALE Cow and pig. I. H. Moore, Salem, Rt. 7,';box 202A. 230 FOR SALEVacant 5 -room bungalow. V. Hi Miller, Marion,Auto Co. 2.J6 FOR SALE At Salem good lots, $10 itowu, $o per month. Hox 16 Marion, Or. ' 235 FOR SALE House and lot on North Church street. Call 374 N. Church street. " 236 FOB SALE-Auto- tire and accessory business, $5000, Address- 335 care Journal. , .e 336 AM: closing out niy . new Zealand rab bits, .have. aboHt 30 of all sizes for sale at 210 8. 14th. Phone 209SR. 236 FOR SALE Oentlo dri-ving pony about 14 hands 2 in. also harness and rubber tired buggy; White Leghorn pullets and cockerels. A; Hawthorne, Liveslcy station, Phono 40IF21. 235 PEACH pits for alp. Phone 324 or .674. Trovers drier, Rt; 4, box' 54. Phono- 11FI1. Price 4e lb, plus par " eel post or express. 10-4 FOR TRADE Or Sale; 7V4 ncrcs near Halls Ferry station 4 room housed ttro . acres tindor cultivation, family orchard. Call 467' Union St. 238 SOlliWAY and lato Foster peahes now ripo, bring boxes. Jmlah fruit farm. Yi mile from west end of Salem bridge on Wallace road.' Phone 52F 11. 240 FARM SALE Monday, Oct. 13, 1919, at the Joe Brumbaugh place, 2 miles cast of Chemawa and 6 miles north of Salom on Sllverton road. Colonel W: F. Wright 8H0tiouer, ,J. F.; 8a: ago, owner. - . ; ;. y , J- 238 FOR SlALE A fine 5 acre farm mod ern house, good barn and chicken house and yard; peaches. and cher ries; compressed air water system At Salem Heights, 13 mile west of end of car line. W. A. McCollum, 353 Harrison St., fortland, Or. 237 AUCTION sale, on October 4 on Let teler place 3 miles west of Mill City, 8 head of cattle, 1 rani, 4 sows, 35 pigs, 15 goa-ts, implements, furniture and small articles, will be sold a.t auction. Ben T. Ludtell, auctioneer; Nick Topolos, owner. 23 FARM FOR SALE 220 acres, 70 in cultivation, balance timber and good pasture, fair buildings, good water, good fences, 3 miles to town, close to school. Price $40 per acre, part cash, balance very easy terms. A good chance for a man of limited means to get a good farm that will pay for itself in a few years. W, H. Steveley, Stayton, Or. 10-4 FOR! SALE Team mares, 9 years old, 2600 lbs. A-l team, gentle, true; worked together since colts; 3-in. Ruthford wagon, first class condi tion, double box, spring seat; double breeehing work harness; complete $265. One horso 12 years, 1500 lbs, just sliod;'ifirst class horse but poor. $25. Heavy set double breeching, har ness, good condition, $27.50, 7 miles south .Salem, mile east Snnnyside " school house. Box 55A, Shurl Pearson owner. ' . 235 60 ACRES rich loam, 5 room house,! barn, garage, potato house. All farm-' equipment, wagon, baggy, harness, 4 horses, 8 cows, 100 chickens, 30 tons j oat hay in barn. Corn enough to fill silo. On main comity road. One eightn mile to railroad station. Price $9000. Olio third cash, balance lbng time, 6 per cent. D. E. Hart, 208 Ore- gon building. 235 BROQTsows and milch cows for sale. Phone 63F22., ;. . , 236 Lost And Found. LOST Agate brooch "Wednesday af ternoon in front, of Rostein's store. For reward phone 2153R. 235 LOST Bay mare, weight about 1200, brand B O on left shouldeiy $10 re ward. M. Lenzele, Rt. 8. 10-4 Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY razor Wade sharpening ma chine, first installed at A.' B. Stew art's Repair shop, 347 Court St. Auto Repairing TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre pared to take care of your cars no matter in what shape they are in and can guarantee absolute pat isf ac tion. We are also prepared to do first elass repair work on any, make of ears. American Automobile Co., 185 197 South Commercial St., Salem, Or. Phone 399. - Miscellaneous. SPIRELLA corsets sold by Mrs. Alico A, Miles, 451 N. 2lst. Measures tak en fit guaranteed. Home Thursday af ternoen.. Phone. 1902J. sat tf RUGS cleaned; 40 cents per rug. Phono 10. .Lv U BucKner, 236 RUGS cleaned 40c each. Phone 16. 10-6 W. BEAVER well drUter. Phone 827J; 1165 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 10-9 LEAVE your children, with mo while you work. B7ol Laurel Ave. 10-aJ WOOD SAWED Sproed boys will saw your wood,, in town and out. Phone 1678W evenings, oi mornings. , 4 10-5 -UTO PAIj.-fTIivrCr Fords repainted $14 and up; other cars in proportion. All first class work guaranteed. J. E. Johnson, 220 S.- Liberty. 10-11 I AM now boottlng orders for shrub bery, vines and perennials for fall planting. I do all kinds, of landscape firdeniug. J. W. Maruny, 211 Miller t. Phone 916: . 10 5 FOR quick service truck hauling, phone 1608J, or 1170 JV. 15th St, A. H. Bicderman. 10-6 AUTO PAINTING We will be open for business on and after Oct. 1st at .136 S. 12th St We- are in a position to give you good . service in auto painting and laundry. Your patron age will be appreciated. All work guaranteed. Gullott Bros. 10-29 For Rent TWO modern rooms for rent, furnish ed. 1899 State St. 10-4 FARM for rent or sWe. Inquiro 1111 J.YUU or pnone iixsm, a zon FOR RENT Sleeping Toom and apts. to refined permanent- parties, with out children; 152 S.-Church; 236 FOR RENT 105 acres near Philo . miUhi good for dairy ot sheep ranch, bargain If taken at'oncc. 145 Lefello ' St., Salem. ; . 10-4' FOR- RENT Good .f arroKf or rent, eith er cash or shares, immediate posses 'sion ; given. , See J,i, H. . Lauterman, Argo hotel. .' MARRY IF LONELY For results, try me; best-and most successful "Home Maker; " hundreds rich wish mar . riage soon; strictly confidential and reliiaible; years oif expetrience; . de soriptiong free. ' ""Th- Successful Club," Mrs; Ball; Box 556, Oakland, Calif. " . : ; Real Estaterr-Houses. FOR SALE or trade, fine" simmer home ; at Newport, Or., two lots, fine large house. Inquiro Valley Real Estate Co., Carlton, Or. ;r zao Wanted. WANTED Girl -for general housework Phone 1367. ... -"L-J 238 WANTED Pullets' or laying hens. 'Phone 479Wj . . . 235 WANTED 200 ewes on shares. Good "asture. T. P .Farrington. 230 WANTED House to rent, prefer 7 or 8 room modern. Phone 972W, 234 WANTED Lady with small child, wishes housework. Apply x. W. C. A. , 237 WANTED Sales ladies over 18, cx pcrience not necessary. F. W. Wool' worth Co. . WANTED Clean rags for wiping ma chinery at the Journal office. tf WANTED -Fluff and colonial rag rug weaving. Cor, 20th and Mill 237 WANTED To lease 30 head of ewes.. IF. M. Chittenden, 542 N. Wnter St. Salem, Or. 236 WANTED Housekeeping room for , lady with ten year old girl, country preferred, ii W Journal.. 235 RANCH WANTED Wanted , to hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn. WANTED Willamette university or high school students, with bicycle preferred, to carry paper route. Cir culation Dept. Capital Journal. . tf WANTED Homo for 3 year old boy, country (preferred. Fair Vrages to right party. Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, 195 Front St. , . , 10- WANTED A woman to cook for six or eight people, no wsshing, good wages. Address box 45, Rt. 2, Gervais Or. Phone SFI1. , 236 WE WANT HOUSES We have sold- so manv houses lately that we are getting short on houses for sale. We want all kinds of hous es. We have a number of prospeet- WOODRY HAS MOVED to 270 N. Com'l St. . t ive purchasers who desire to pur chase a home at once. See us today. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404 Ore gon' bldg. .. . - - - , WANTED To buy secondhand bicycle, "must be in good repair. Phono .1018 W, or- call at 1342 N. Capitol St. 235 FOR SALE Modern six room house centrally -located, electric light, gas, furnace. Some frnit. Street assess- ments paid. Inquire 805 Union St. 239 WANTED" A position as working foreman on: farm;- married, no chil dren; can give best of references. Address -Mr. L. MJzer, Salomj Rf. 7, or call 491. ' . .. - . 238 WANTED Salcsmim to sell groceries wholesale direct to farmers, com " mission; One' competent to establish and take charge of business paving f,.$3000 to. $4200 a year. We furnish .training, experience, capital. Not easy money but permanent, profit able opening for right man. Quality goods. sold on satisfaction or money back ibasis, Farmers savo 20 percent. Man With farm experience prefer red. Car or rig required: Give ago, . experience, phone number. Parks Bros., Portland, Or. Sat 4t i, Good Buys. 5 i acres, 100 beariiiB prune trees, family orchard, . house, barn, well, close , in. Price $2750, $750 down, balance $300 per year, I 30 aero tract, 10 acres bearing Id. gassy in first class condition, 3 acres i in prune; orchard. Price $15,000. acre tract, house and orchard. good location, about 3 blocks from car line. Price $900, $300 down, balance terms. Nearly l acre, good 4 room house, good well, some fruit, close to'caMine. 1'rico $1800. ' . 68 acre farm, best of fruit land, good house and barn) good road. Price $8000, $3000 down,, balauco 6 -percent interest. 10 acre prunes orchard, 5 -acres Br years, 4 acres six years, acre fam ily orchard, rock road, 4 miles out. or clmrd in first class shape. Prico $5500 17 aero tract, located , on., main, Pa. cifift highway, 10 aeres- bearing orch ard' mostly prunes, somo apples and cherricsy house and barn; 4 miles out. rrioo $5500, terms. 142 acre farm, 100 acres .cultivated, balance, pasture and. timber, best of soil J good -8 room house, barn, f amily orchard, good road, 5 miles out. Price $165 per ocrc. . 10 acres of good bottom land located 5 miles from Salem, all cultivated, small buildings, some, fruit. Price' $2000 5 .acre traot, 1 acre-of loga'nsV some cherries, house, bam, well!; 5 miles out. Priee $1000i ' M v. 63 acre farm, noarly'all eultiVa-ttidj1 good prune' and' loganberry land, gjod hoiiso. Price $100 'jer'awcf .'-" 15 aor tract located on main Pa cific highway, 1 3:4 milos from eai line;; 10 aerea- bearing- prunes) -i ami ly. orch ard.. Prcie $8500. . HOUSE BUYS 5 room bungalow located at. 620 South 18th street. Price $1050. 6 room modem house located at 1370 State- street) furniture goes, Price $5,- 000.1 ' ;.'.' 8 room house and large lot, two blocks from carline. Price $1000. 8 room modern home, large lot, paved street, carline. Price $3200. Good 8room modern home located close- in, ba4viit, fireplace, paved street. Price $4500. '. : 5 room modern house, good location. Price $1500, $600 down, balance $15 per month, 6 percent interest. 8 room modern house at 1644 South Liberty street.. Price $2850. W: H. Grabenohrst & Co. 275 State street . , 235 We Want. Your used furniture, stoves, carpets and tools, as we pay fair prices for everything. Call 947. CAPITAL HARDWARE & FURNI TURE CO. ' 283 North Commercial St. FOR CHOICE BUYS IN SALEM TRACTS FARMS AND ORCHARDS ' , SEE C. W. NIEMEYER . ' ....... 215-216 Masonic Bldg. SALEM, OREGON. Help' -Wanted WOOD choppers wanted. Call Bless ing cigar store.. -236 WANTED Good man to work on farm and nursery. Phone- 2500.12: . 23T WANTED Carpenters, inside work, - Salem, scale. Erixon and Jones, 201 : Masortic Temple. . - - 235 HELP WANTED Five apple pickers, . one month's picking, 40 cents per hour. Apply at" Woodfin's barber shop. " WANTED At once, men and men with teams for ranch work. Can work -all winter. Houses, wood and pasturage furnished without charge. E. C. Horst Co., Independence, Or. . 10-10 WANTED 10 men to put down lognn- berry tips. B, Cunningham; Phone 21 F2. ' 10-4 WANTED At- oiice man with teams to haul wood. J. H. Scott, 404 Oregon bldg. Phono 254 or 622. 235 WANTED1 6 women experienced in training' loganberries to help to tip tho canes. B. Cunningham, Phone 21 F2. ...... 238 WANTED Experienced maid,, good wage and noon lunch.. Apply to housekeeper Hotel Marion. 235 2 .Typewriters.; REPAIRS and supplies. Office appli ances, we make rubber stamps. Sims 143 NvHigh. Phone 340. 10-10 Second Hand Goods. No CaBh Required Good overcoats; shoes and suits, all' kinds- of musical instruments; shotguns; rifles heating stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and. 1000 other useful articles tor sell or trade. What have youf The Capital Ex change. 337 Court Street. Phone 493. ,;. ; Federal Farm Loans '. 5 per cent interest. Prompt servioe. 34 H years time, Federal: farm. 'loan bonds for Bale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Tempel Salom, Oregon. Optometrists... yY Dr- k. HALt wilson-Siw S'1 cialist in the Modern Scientif ic Application of Glasses for the aid l i'lmnn nnil thfti-relinf of i Bvestrain and' Hcadacho. Office closed' Satur days. Office 210-211 U. S. Bank build ing. Phones, office 145; m. J4f - Stovel Repairing. - Stoves robuilt and' repairod. 50' years- experience; Depot National ana Ameri can fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high; Paints, oil and varnish , etc; logan berry and hop hooks. SALEM FENCE AND STOVE WORKS 250 Court Street, Phone 12 Scavenegr. Salem Scavenger Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly cow tracts at reasonable' rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals removed. Offier phone Main 187. Look at This. K mnm wlt located modern bunsa- ow with some furniture, $2000, terms. Socolofsky. 341 state St. tf Ford Tractors For $275. You can convert your, Maxwell, Chev rolet or Buiek into a real tractor for the above amount. The change can be made in 30 minutes. BETTEH INVESTIGATE THIS OE FORE PAYING MORE, Our used cars are as follows: 1-Ton Ford truck, fino shape ...... $675 1918 Chevrolet $25 1917 Brisco touring $600 Chalmers, A-l condition $28o 1917 Velie $825 Hudson Super Six $930 1917 Saxon six , i"fw We sell nils, greas), gasoline, used sutn parts, tires md aeontories. Oleson's Auto Exchange 849 N. COM. T. If. C. A. BLOCK WOODB BARCkAINS - Choice lot close in, bearing fruit trees-and berries, old house; all for $400. Six room hpnxe on paved street and car line, $1000. A fine corner lot nesr state house with good old house, $3000. Modem house in Hingwood Park, half valtio, $2000. A store building and stock of mdse. doing good business, $4500. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg, 10-4 BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE ' Fine 6 acre tract c'ose in, V mile from car line, all in hign state culti vation, buildings. 5 acres commer cial bearing orchard. Snap. $3."00, terms. Fine five acre tract close in and in high state of cultivation, benrinjr or chard, fino road, near car lino. Bar gain at $2,500. 10 acres close- to Salem, fine soil, good buildings. Snap $3700, good terms. , For bargains in farms, tracts,, city property see Perrine & Marsters, 21112 Gray bldg, Salem, Or. Water Company. sii.Timr w A tfti COMPANY Offfca nmn finmniArmal nsd Trade, streets I Rills psvable monthly in advance ,i Phons 608.-..: ; ...i, . Bargains in Small Tracts. 15 7-10 acres' good red- hill soil, 1 acres set , to strawberries, tialanse t logang and filberts,, with biiildings, lor $200 per acre, on easy payments. Here are "Others . 10 acres new land, with buildings, all in cultivation, $2500. 11 acres all in cuttavatiom fine frwit and berry land, 3 miles- from- Salem, on good gravel road. $2500,. obs naif cash. This is splendid land. Set it to ber ries and it wilF'bA worth from $600" t -$1000 per. aere in 2 or 3 yeaw. , Cheaper -Lanus We have cheaper lands, for sale ia. small tract's on easy payments; Have 115 acres of cut over" lan seeded to- grass,v with $230 worth of wire fence, with buildings for $35 per acre, See-us at orreo if you want 'kar gain in large or small tracts! John H. Scott-Realty Co. 404 Oregon Bldg . ' See Our Small Tracts. 10 acres with modern 7 room, plaster ed "house, 1 acre fruit, 1 acre' oak and fir timber, barn and ehickest houxe, 7 acres under cultivation) run ning water- to house and hara. Fo quick salo $3000, one half cash, balanc 3 years at 6 per cent. 10 acres, mostly in- prunes, 3 nuns out, good ! improvements. A rear snap. $4000. See-this, place. 5 acres on hard surface road, slow in good 5 room cottage; burn, tool house, wood shod,- and chicken houses $30O0y one half cash; A great loganberry , prop- - ositiom --; 3 3-7 acres joining; city limits, am River road- new bungalow, good bam, - chicken house and garage. $2200, $1204 . cash. - John H. Scott Realty Co. v y 404 Oregon bldg. Best Buys. 2 acresi some fruit, miltifroim Salem) 3 room house, vegetable- seiiar, on road, $650); easy terms;.- ' 2 acres, 5 room bungalow, mn trait rock roadyat city limits $2000; ( ' 3 acres paved road, good hqusCi,jarn,,v Coops, lot' of frnit. "' 5 ' acres., all'" cultivated;' good' bant; house, coops, $1700,; fr cash. .'-") 10 acres, 5 cultivated, well waterod, t, house, good barn, lots of. evergrsenst ; $2250, easy terms.- 10 acres,..9 cleared, 1 aors family -w-chard, 2 acres logans, "4 aere strawber ries, 5 room house, barn, well,; fenced, best of valloy loam, 8 miles' from ecu- ter of Salem, for short time $3004.' 7.31 acres, all black gravel berry soil bounded "by -stream,- can all be'-iirtgat-cd, on good road, fine- trout stream 3.-; Vk miles of Salem; $ivy, easy termati 28 acres,., 20 eultivated,', 8;; stomps, family orchard, best' soil,' on moaadtoin- , ized road, 8 room house, H4 miles from town; $4400. i , 24 acres 13 cultivated, balaner lim ber, all. best - soil. 9 room honse, barn, all equipment and stock,- 8 mile autj $6800. 315 acres. 200 cultivated, 23 acres bearing prunes; 7 miles out on rock road, wortn iuu per aere, ror a sour time; $73 per acre, ' 383 acres best equipped graia-and dairy ranch in valley, closer tft town, good schools, worth $150 per aose, go ing at $50,000 including a fine herd of dairy cows all other stock and imple ments. Prune Ranches 20 acres, 10 prunes, 2 logans, good road 8 miles out; $7000. 20 acres, 16 acres in prunes, 4 ap ples, pears, and chorries; $8500. 40 acres, 17 prunes, some ehettles, -walnuts, fair improvements, good rad, $13,500. ;..' 24 acres, all In prunes, some logans, good house; $11,000. 15 acres, 7 prunes, family orohard, house, barn; $6000. 70 acres. 32 acres -bearing prunes, 10 logans, first class improvements, larga apucity drier, good road. 10 acres, fair house, some proaus, to exchange for Salem residence not aver $2250. I do not advertise all I have foi sale. If this list does not include what yon are looking for let me know your wants I may be able to please you with soma thing else I have on my lists. If you are a buyer I would ne gla to- nave you call on me. Notiee y adi elsewhere about a $7500 house t ba sold at $5000, and a $30,000 term ta . be sold at $22,000. Socolofsky. 341 State St. tf Houses For Sale. 5 rooms, clectrie lights, bath and toilet, improved streets. $1200, one half cash. 7 rooms, modern, close in on, impro ed street, largo lot, all kinds of fruit; this ia a roal bargain. $4000, on half cash. 6 room modern cottage, bath, touct, electric lights, good basement, larga lot with fruit. $2250, $1000 cash. 4 room plastered eottuge, bath, toilet, full basement, fincatot, good chicke house. 8 room house, close in on Liberty Bio electric lights, bath, toilet, largo lot,, some fruit and walnuts. $3000. A snap. 5 room modern cottage, 2 lota, just out of city limits. This is a new sous. $1500, one half cast. 7 room house on improved atroet, laree lot. For quick, salo $1700, $900 cash. John H. Scott Realty C. 404 Oregon bldg. Money To Loan. On good real- estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd ft Bush Bank; Salem, Ore. , ' D. H. HOWTEK DOES ( HIGH CLASS LADIES us ' TAILOBINO I