Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    w ... .
J Mround Town j
Wo dance at Macleay Saturday night
'., - , 236
Dr. Chalmer Lee George, dentist, 313
31 Masonic bldg. Phone 181. 238
Cider apples. , We are Teady to re
ceive good cider apples. Bring them to.
the Loju plant Phet company. Phone
804. -
Western Conservatory of Music of
m.;.oin nr. l"rank E. Churchill rep
resentative of Salom fcraneh. Fall term
i :..jart istv OomDlete course in
piano and theoretical subjects.
suite 1-2 Odd Fellows
ance is registered at these schools. Mr.
Arnold said. Beginning Monday be wui
make a survey of all the schools in
the southwest corner of the county. ...
'Beverend and Mrs. H. Dunsford of
Springfield have been the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. is. K. Uarrier during tne
conference. , ,
. Mrs. ora Starr of '.Brownsville is a
guest at the O. P. Bishop residence.
Dance at. the armory tonight. .235
Dance- with the Chernians tonight in
the new dance pavilion. . 235
Eno B. Gilmore of Portland, came
to Salem this week and will mak his
home at 2234 North. Fourth street.
Miss Catherine Barhyte, who is at
tending Oregon Agricultural college, is
spending the week end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C D. Barhyte.
Mrs. J. C Pettyjohn, 145 North 14th
street, who has 'been at Newport since
June 18, acting as stenographer for
the spruce .production division, has re
turned to her home in Salemr
Dance" at the armory tonight. 235
. Brown Art Burlap for draperies, 45e
yard. Burcn's, Com '1 St.
is ithe home, let us
i i, nnr hrf. ti decorate at. JJur-
1DQW yvi " " 1 -
n's, Com'l Street.
Dance et the armory tonight.
Cheap trunks. Buren's, Com 1 St.
. OntobAr B. at 7:30 r. m. Delegates to
A $5 BissaUs carpet sweeper will the state convention will make report
outlast a dozen brooms. Max O. Burcn. and plans for the Legion dance to be
ells them, 17 'JN. wm'i
Many Salem stores are now complete
ly out of sugar, and the demand for
syrups as a substitute! is growing. Hun
dreds of homes are also without sugar.
According to word receive by local
merchants from Portland Friday the
suuplv of syrups in wholesale houses is
rapidly diminishing also, because of the
spirited demand when the sugar fam
ine came, . '
Attention, American Legion Oapital
Post No. 9, will hold! its regular meet
ing at the Commercial eluD Monday,
Marriage licenses were issued Satur
day to John M. Edison, 30, of Silverton
and Honor Terry, 20, also of Silvarton;
August Kluge, 54, 1190 North 15th
street, and Mrs. C Kayser. 45, 119
North 15th street; DYed Kayser, za,
route 3, Salem, and Pauline Kayser, 18
1190 North 15th street. ,
(Continued from page two)
IFuneral services for Dr. W. S. Mott,
who died at his home here early Fri-4
day morning, will be held Monday at
2 p. m., with the Masons in charge. The
funeral will bo from Kigdon's under
taking parlors. The body will' he plac
ed in the mausoleum at Mount Crest.
With the receipt of a final report in
the estate of L. S. Thomas Friday,
Judge Bushey dismissed the matter
from the records of the county eourt.
Heirs to the Thomas estato are: Junia
A. Dimick of Hubbard and Minnie D.
Shroek. -
BE Plnnoy of Portland was a bus
iness visitor inthe state treasurer s
office Friday. '
f Walter Y. Fuller of Dallas. district
fire warden, was a caller at the office
of State Forester Elliott, Friday.
Harvey Welle, former state insurance
eommisftioncr, was ?
ShriiH-ag?regation which patrolled the
streets of Salem Friday.
C H. Spaulding of Ashland has been
admitted toy the supreme court to prac
tice law in Oregon. Spalding is admat
' -ted on a certificate from Washington.
,F. A. Elliott, state forester, was in
Bucene (Friday, in conference with Ma
jor Smith relative to the future dis
position of the 'airplane forest .patrol.
. A permit to erect a one story frame
building on hia property at la5 North
.r wo. issued Friday to
Z lot f Li CT7k, " t
eorge J. Witty. The home will cos.
$2000. :
John Cochran, who has been doing
time in the state caipitol as an index
expert since the last session of the leg
islature dm which he served as chief
clerk of the senate, was a business vis
itor at HUlsboro Thursday. ;
t' t iHVitfj nresident of the
lAtM, association - of Des
nunvuoB . .....
Moines, Iowa, was a visitor at, the
4t j-,-! dCBartmcnt, Friday,
relative tOHho ntry"f " hi ompaUy
into the state of Oregon. The associa
.. . i iMnapfin(r business m
TlOn IS IliriWijr' ;o
"Washington and California. - :
Twenty more men are needed at once
lor work on the Dallas-Salem road, it
. nnm,Mod at the municipal labor
m Tivn-i- morninir. Contractors, in
ehrg of the road work, are sending
that unless the labor shortage is renie
died soon, work will have to cease.
With several visiting ministers of
tne Methodist Episcopal church on
,Tid. the Leslie Methodist church, m
i.. .naoinn Sunday . mornm?, will
.f.A.ot. tl.n liftinfr of the church
debt, a mortgage of $1700. The paper
will tie burned. About $1500 has been
aa w t.hn church durms the
: JV l: I' II V. . .
. summer months for rcpaars.
Diu to ths .liim. weather and wet
roadbed?, pr.ving by the county is prac
tically halted new. Work of repairing
the Silverton road is being hurried on
by part of the pavins crew from the
county plant at the Milos gravel pits,
North Front street. Unless more favor
able weather comes paving in tho
county will dose for the winter soon.
a E. Johnson and wife moved Mon
day from Salem to the house purchased
fcy them of Mrs. H. W. Kelsey. Mr.
ini..mn l.u ofnnp nn hia old run as
trakeman on tho Oregon Electric
branch. He states that his late trou
bl in Portland wheTe he was detaan-
-,i t.h murder .of a Greek was
Vi,: ;TTflati(riitp wan a case of mis'
taken identity. Woodbura Independ-
School Supervisor Arnold, returning
Thursday from a survey of activities at
vr,Aa Oakdale. Mehama and
Troli .hn'nli rnnorted Friday satis
factory progress in the schools, the
only thing holding up the work being
4h hnrTA?o or UIHJJVB. A i"i
goon will be discussed. All ser
vice men and women, whether they
have mode application for membership
or not are invited to ithe meeting. 237
George Detwiler and J. W-. Foster of
Summer Lake were visitors in the of-
fiee of State Engineer Cupper Friday
evening, relative to the organization of
an irrigation district in Lake county
for the irrigation of some 8000 acres
of land..
(Work Work Work Bcmember
alble ibodied boys over 18 years old and
under 60, the Crown Willamette Pulp
Mills at Oregon City and West Linn
will noed men in October or November
for tho winter season. Just keep them
rt mind wnAn arrancriiiff vour winter
work schedule. They have a fine hotel I
just for employes, at low rates. 235
Joy Turner, Mhs. Bac, iteaeher of
voilin, piano, theory- and ensemble.
Boston training. Studio 335 N. Capitol
street. ., ; ,....235.
Bertha Junk Darby, 679 N. Cottage,
Phono 1950W, teacher of piano, theory,
harmony. . . 235
Tonight. The Chernans will hold
their opening dance of the season in
the new. Auburn dance pavilion, one
mile oast of the asylum building. This
is a free dance, everyDody anvitoa,
NOTICE I am not connected in any
manner or capacity witn tne puDiac
dances being given in Salem and will
not accept any responsnuuny w
William Kennedy who sued J. H.
Johnson, and several associates, claim
ing that they removed tim'ber from
his place for their sawmill without his
permission, was trranted damages to the
extent of $792 by a jury in Judge
Bingham's court Thursday.
Wanning his legal battle against the
United Brokers company of Portland,
who, he claimed, defrauded him of a
lareo sum of money through the sale
of somo of his onions, J. W. Collins, a
farmer of the Lake Labish' country,
was granted $718.67 damages, iby
jury in circuit court Thursday. -
J. W. MeLiturff recently discharged
from army serviee, was calling on
'friends in the state capitol this morn
ing. iBefore lonmnir the colors Mcln-
turff practiced law at Marshfiold. He
went to France as a member of the
Viftv fifth- coast artillery but was
transferred to the command of a cas
ual company in charge of German pris
oner of war.. -: n
Tho following clipping from a re
cent issue of the 'Portland Oregonian
will be of interest to a number of Sa
lem folk:
William Harris of Salem sang ef
fectively the solo "Th Voice of One
Crying in th Wilderness," in Cente
nary Methodist .Episcopal church last
Sunday morning. Mr. Harris has a rich
baritone voice and is a favorite Salem
soloist. He is a, student of Miss Magers,
uuwwr oi toe cnoir.
Among the many informal social af
fair fives for the wives of the Meth
odist ministers, attending the confer
ence, wa a delightful tea, Thursday
tor which Mrs." ft. -N Avison, Mrs. u
li. Holt, Mrs. H. H. Vandervort and
Mrsv E. h. Fisher were gracious host
. 4
Joseph Lindsley McAllister and his
fiancee, Miss Alma Haines of Portland,
wilt oe guests of honor at a tea Sun
day afternoon at the home of Miss
Oorothy Worcester in, Portland. It will
take place between o and 7 o'clock and
about 60 friends have been invited.
The-second game in the elimination
series will be played by the women of
tho lllihee Country club tomorrow at
the golf links. The men will play their
tnira eiammamon game ror the presi
dent's cup.
. . 4 . 4
Mrs." 'F. JS. Staibuck of Portland, who
with her family, has been a guest of
her gister; Mrs. W. C Kantner, has re
turned home.
Fsiends of Miss Alta Jones will be
nterested to learn that she is being
extensively entertained in Chicago
where she is spending the winter.
4 4 4
Miss Alice Dabney of Portland has
been a gnest at the home of A. N,
Moore recently. ...... .
their operation or management. Signed, , f , '
ltarley C Pugh.
A. Sweenev. Portland eontrac
tor; was a state capitol visitor Friday
(Sweeney is lniertssicui u
Alkare's new dancing school, ibuilt
-specially for teaching, will open, its
regular classes Monday Uct. btn ; class
es Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
from 8 to 10:30. We aro .step, spocvaiisis
and teach everything that is new, snap
py and up to date. Private lessons &C
ernoons and evenings Dy appointmenm
Phone 13S0J.
236 the development oi tne ouier
rigation project in iamb couuijt.
. Wm. A. Maraliaii. cnairmau oi u
atofn industrial accident commission.
onfl Statn Labor Commissioner Gram,
iboth of whom have been in the east on
state business, are expected to return
to Oregon next Thursday. , ,
Former service 'men, who take ad
vantage of the state's offer of $25 to
ward a vocational education, win db
required to make a detailed report
monthly of -their expenditures, accord
ing to the local branch of the Home
'ervico, post office building, rnaay.
This is required that authorities will
know what percentage of the fund is
being spent on girl friends, and non- j
essentials, for this is being oiscourageu
E. F. Carleton, assistant superintend
ent of instruction, will leave Sunday
In writing friends' here tho Misses
McDanicl. formerly of this city, who
are now holding civil service positions
with the government at wasnington,
D. C, -give quite an interesting account
r.t rin T,fvinr San Francisco,
thev went via Salt Lake, (Jgden, io
with stopover in Chica-
tm t an nll-qtfltp oiaETeant civcn they
rmresented Oreson. . They recently
nent th week end with friends at
TioiKmnro onrl have inst returned from
o t,r riAva visit to New York. While
tiiora thfiv visited many places oi
terest, including a trip up the Hudson
as far as West Point.
The installation of new officers of
Three elements enter into the successful
accomplishment of this
Quality, Style,
A visit to our Ready-to-Wear
Section will quickly convince the
most exacting customer that we
are showing "High Class," "Ex
clusive" COATS, SUITS,
Prices no higher than charged
for inferior merchandise.
night for Moro where he will attend, tne iuiigiits or "' ,v ;v;"
he Sherman county teachers' institute , ing yoar will be held Monday evcrong,
m there he will go to St. Helens to Attorney Frank B. Lonegran of Port
vttend the Columbia county institute ! land, head of the organization m Orc-
liid thence to Gold Beach to attend gon, presiaing. : ,
the Curry county institute. .installation oi u... -"-
C. S. Lamping, manager of the Port- will &e enjoyeu. mo j
.and branch of the federal reserve Urand . unignr, a. a. "-i'"
oank, and E. F. Simms, assistant cash- ; grand knignt, v,yru oumg; m""" .
7- T- i ... i 1. a iu. i- rt'Rnon. riwnrnpr. .loscon Al
ter or tne ijivestocs oiaio wui i ntnii. y . ...... .
North Portland, were - visitors m the Imch; financial secrewy.
, nf Will H. Bennett, slate super- ldson: treasurer, juk v..u,
:J t.oV4 TiViHav den. I . X. lttsn: nuiwam
tjjiern; trusieo, ouTpu ii,
n, r.nt utorm has shaken many
poles from the trees. If the sound ones
fire gatnerea lintueuioi. r- -
. T .in hnv tnem for delivery
t our Loju plant and loan you the
taxes. Apples are a food product and
Siould mot be wasted. Phone 204. Phe
.252 North High Street
Mriv Ralph White an
nounces the opening
of her Dancing
Academy at
Cotillion Hall
Courses are as follows:
advanced adult class be
gins Wednesday, Oct. 1,
at 8 p.m.
Beginners adult class,
Monday, Oct 6, at 8:15
p. m. .
, Children's class, Sat-'
urday, Oct. 4 at 2p. m.
Junior class, Satur-'
day, Oct. 4, at 4 p. m.
Babies, 3 to 6 years,
Friday, Oct. 10, 3 p. m.
; 'Classical and inters
pretative dancing for
young ladiesy Monday,
Oct. 6, at 7 p. m.
Toilet Sundries
This Department has been restocked with the most
dependable and desired
toilet Preparations
. We specialize on the famous
New Draperies
Now is the time to tone up the home.
Our new draperies will
add that touch of cozy
NEW NECKWEAR You Can Always Do Better At
The very latest in Ladies'
Neckwear just received. I 1 1
i We wish to notify our many friends
and patrons that we have moved our
office rooms from the Oregon Electric
building to rooms 211-212 Gray bloek,
adjoining Commercial club rooms.
Thanking yon for past patronage we
extend a cordial invitation to call, at
our new location. Yonrs for business,
Perrino & Marstors, Rooms 211-212
Gray bldg., Salem, "Or. Phone 907.
i n i
To the People of Polk and Marion Counties.
We are opening a prodnee market and will be prepared to purchase
-all kinds of produce.
This will give the people one of the greatest opportunities for sell
ine and buying, our place will be in operation at once.
8 We are already now for Poultry, Veal, Pork, Hides, Pelts, Wool,
Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Hay, etc.
We are connected with an eastern firm and aro prepared to pay.
highest prices. ,
Give us" a trial and you will be convinced
A market pri wili published in the Daily Capital Journal m
voU may know every day the latest quotations. . ' . . ,
Our place is located- at 255 Ferry street ia rear of the American
Automobile Garage, Temporary Phone 399.
BEN. MORRIS, Manager.
fcSU N P AY''"
doaothy oish
; We need more women to build up our crews for
the winter Work will be steady. Good wages. Cour
teous treatment Apply at once to
Salem King's Products Co.
Front & Market Streets
Buy it Fresh from the Big Electric Ovens
Our bakery products are different than the ordin
ary kind, and better than you are used to buying.
Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery
Special for
Next Week
Better get your pair today
387 Court Street SaIcm,Ore.
You See What You Buy Before Paying Buying At Home