Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1919, General News Section, Image 10

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(Capital JiKirnal SpwiaJ Service.)
Dallas, Or., Oct. 4. -the big paekiRg
plant of the California Packing Cor
Wedaesdav morning u i.Ueir .' , wf 00 ,. ther, "ay . ?
of few month during which time the fair where they will ,pe-
..a(iuery 5n the big Jiiaat ha been ,B " , aDce The ,dl-
. , , . f , , J , l secured to furnish an attraction for
III": t, wtivn:u ni'j vcim im
'rented the A. G. Kenae fana.
AJraon Ealtrh ad Delroy Fitzkc are
attending high school in Silvcrton this
winter. . !
Grandma Cirtsforth, who formerly Bv-j
ed here, died at the home of her son,
Joha Cutiforth m-ar tienraia nd was.
buried Thursday, October 2. fche leave '
the fimt of the week- from a abort isit a, large t amiiy of ehildren, grand elm-,
with friend ia Portland. .. jdren and great grand children to mourn '
Big Chief Wilfiam of the fiiietz Indian her low. j
tribe and a baud of brave were In I
was formerlr located ia D-illa.
Circuit Judge Harry H. Belt left this
afternoon, for a short lusinew visit in
lira. X. C. fctaats and little daughter
retnrned thi week from o vacation at
the Tillamook county beaches.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Fisher retnrued
the Polk eountv fair which will be held
if i fiuuii ni jcii-at.iT M'.iHiJic v: . .... ,
l,.ll,n, -f the .rMMM1 ,B.e. in.'" " '"J clt f'
flailed, '
The pack th: yeftr will sot be
Krge a last season owing to the short
age of the prune rro but nevertheless
tHf plant will bo kept running several
month taking eare of fruit.
I.a-t wet-on mor then 4.000,000
(Capital Journal Special Service.) ,
hcotts Mills, Or., Oet. 4. The prua.
drying is about finished in this locality.
The erop ha fallen below the estimated
amount. Quite & large per tent have
been damaged bv mold. The present
1 rain will eause more los to those who
(Capital Journal Special Service.) 'have not gotten their prunes all ia
JTorth Howell, Or., Oct. 4. Miss V1- their dryers. The wage have been bitta
ma Parker and Leslie Dunn were mar- 'and some of the help verv ineffie ieitt. .
juMind of prune were rai.wl 5n t!ii Ti
ried Wednesday, Reitemler 24. The, Mr. and Mr. Woodford and family
e.nitv while tLi vear areonliaf trt the!. , i i h s .
. . .7 I , , j ... Bn" WB xreaieti to eiar, ranuy wi i Woodford par.'n ,
liekf. fl(!l!itB rh.'it een lie Til.'icf-d fin the 1 .. ....... ..... ' .
" " .,,:;, ail tne aweet cuier incv couia iirina.
erop m Ur i ometh,rie l.ke 2,000,000 j w H Btvnt fjt TuU(o vi,;fp(! rfJa.
T.v.,,1,. The pim in tin e.tjr not oaWi.. hf.n ,at weftk
..,dl"i ir.etieal!y nil of the output Mr.. Alfred Williams and on, Kldre.1
MMin(r eounrte. i.V. f , ' rl l-0 f 1 K1'""' K'ate of hat June, will teach
Before the rr the Palion plant nhip-f . ' ,. . . . ,uc aenooi uivroo-". I iner inc rowing
... ... ..u". . winter.
Mr. and Mrs.
Emanuel Mjiltx, 'and other relatives.
They have alto been helping in the
prune harvest.
Mis Ethel Shilts, one of our high
perl prune by the earbvad t j European
nen eollee in ftalem this winter.
j Mis Edith Kelloj;, another of our
markets and it is exreefed that rnanv
pfi!ii,i of (he Polk e.;mty fruit will AIjs -Mary srhiie(!er and friend from high isehool (jraduates, will teach south
t ttH their wav to tie market of Europe j fwJ',' Suited one evening last east of town the coming shool year.
this year.
.iL tf.- T. 1 ' - li
,v .r. ..urow ...... J jf(. o( y,.
Peter Hubs is employed at a sawmill Mieh., after visitinK Mrs. lean's par
in Silverton. ; ents here are takinj; rest and recreation
It is reported that Ovid Coomler 'ias;at Hot Springs.
r-. . ii.l . i j 1.1
(i.u.iifHi .jiirniii "(ef:ii rwjTirri j
Donald Or., Citf. . IS-rvi.-e were! ,.
IieM in the I'rcsbyterinu ehun h at Don j s .
fcbl Kunday morninjj by Rev. Tfeble, of!
lbp.v f'olIee. Mr. Ooble lately re-1
limed f'om wrviep in the navy andj
has tftke? up his attnlies axaiu, whicln ?
tie ir (.a emn iwIf..f1 to firr.f. ia hf.n he eti! h ,"
r r - - ' -r
t'fie.i (he navy. He rrported that ar
r in ;.-ie were being made in which
Io!d emild Pipeet regular services
fifti'i- Prenbi tery, which meets in falem,
f'(t. r It, and Kith.
: Mr. ;md Mrs, M. W. Johnuii, Mr.
and Mrs. F. I. Allen of anV'cotiver
ruatored np the highway to Cascade
l0k last Hiinday, stopping at Eagle
( reek long enough to partake of a
f 'ii ken dinner tin- occasion being Mrs.
Alle; ' birthday anniversary.
The sugar ahortage in Donahl i
p'ayiti havoc with the lute fruit can
ning. Mr. K. M. ftin came out from Port
land aad spent the week end with Mm.
latin and little Kntherine, who have
been sf'ppln gat the Bungalow hotel
for a while.
Mixs Alice Pendleton returned from
Kile in, Knturday, wherp ahe had been
frr the neck, as the representative of
the Industrial ehd) of )Mild.
Mr. and Mr. I.ois Epers have re
turned fioin I'orttiinil where they spent
a weak visiting: their daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. ('. Walker returned
h'ltnlny from Kiilem where they had
spent the week atlcudjiig the fair and
Visiting f rii tils. '
Mrs. Pete Moherg visited at the
lowc'iif her brother, jWillium Bird
Inst ivck.
An effort is being luaile to organ
ize an Artisan lodge in JinuaM. A so
meeting was held in lertHrt hull
Kilurilay evening in the Interest of the
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, -Mr. and Mrs.
I'xiiie of Boring nhu camped at the
f.iir f rthe week stupped over ti Koii
aid en H.iturdny to visit their brother
i .1. ilf 'h, and' family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zorn were Port
land visitors on Thursday, Mr. Zorn
reiniiiiiil until hntunlny.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yei-jen and Mr.
t.ud Mr. A. 1. Vergeu retmiied Sat
ii i In v from Hnlem where they li.id been
f'uwjiitij at the fuir grounds for a neck,
'lr, F, V. Jones nils iu itonahl on
"AVdiii'sday makiiiir ttrrawt'meiil to I
tin- an entertnininetit for the school
i'i lh DeKart h-i!l on Friday, fl.tot;er
Id. The program will consist of chis
a cal and populiir vocal svb-i .linns. Mrs.
.iiich, (tiaiuiitie soprano Mr. .lone,
c'larnctcr iiiipersir.iatnr and reader. A
i; usii-nl comedy act in custom.- will be
resented. Mr. ami Mis. JoiiCi iohic
t: u r. 'll recommended by .-.u' h iucu
In A, II. i,ea secretarv st.'ile fair
boaid and Prof. II. j,. liufe.i, I'loilic
I oe. Milcn came down from PeiiiHe
ton luM i'lidny to SM'iid a mw linvs
V. ith his sister and molher at the Hun
gilou hold
Curl allrlun, Kiuesl eVren, Roy
f firiett H'ol Mug ill v returned t'roiii
t le coa-t nhere (hey were hunting mi
Hilm.lay, riiortiiii poor auecess, I
Mrs, W, A. Hc.itt, .vim ftiue-t mill
tl.nighter Nancy were Portland week
end lisitom, Mrs. Kcott remaining over
until Wednesilnv,
Joe liuvis, who has been spending
mime time in tlm IWiald iieighftnrliooil
left lur Salem on Thursday.
Airs. Osliorno mid Heiuice and Del
lieit IVIler left for .Salem, where Del
and Heniice will enter hool satui(lay.
Mr. Heron is siemliug some time in
1'orlU.ii visiting her sou.
PERHAPS you think that every last per
son is recklessly spending his money, these
days. x '
Well we can disprove that belief by point
ing to thousands of steadily growing bank ac
counts here at the United States National.
A great many people are
wisely looking ahead and
making hay while the finan
cial sun shines.
1 t
m&-mmmm.mp&iwMmmKSm. mt mtt 4mi tarn. 1 1. . Jt a n.:.-
(i apital Journal Hpecial Snrvl.ce.)
JKa, Or., Oct. 4. -Mis. fhiiilos
f-regnry is in Portland today looking
lifler business iiiluiivds. ln, itrcgorv
in iiiojuietiit of the Ladies Toggery on
Mum street.
Mis. Julius Merxiig of Kpokftne.
V asliiutou, Is a guest at the home of
hpj p.deut.s, Mr. and Mr i'ld Y. Coi.d
o i llsivter slrect.
Henry W. Domes, a prominent tnck
miser of the Met'uy district, was n
comity teat visitor this week..
Mr. ami Mr. (). H. Suniterg are the
guests of relntlves In l'ortlatid for a
few days. ,
Ed O, iJimn of tbn Kosy Korner von
feitiotiery Is tnjoying a outing ut Pa
fific f'ily for ft few dfty.-i.
VilHiim F. I.ee, a priHu'ment Fulls
f'ily resident, was iu Dallas Tuesday nr
rmginz for lii omnial exhibit at the
Polk county fair. Mr. I.ee usually car
r'.ea away a number of first prie (.
enhibit entered each year.
Walter J. Tooa Jr., a pri'iueitt nt
torney of McMinnviile, wan a Dallas
business visitor this wee, ifr. Toon
Monty's Tire Shop
Tires, Accessories
and Vulcanizing
Phone 66
219 North Commercial Street
TTHE MARION GARAGE has the Highest Grade
Mechanics in its repair department that is why
our work is strictly guaranteed.
Marion Automobile Company
Marion Garage
Open Day and Night
Oils, Greases, Etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holvcy'a baby,
who has been quite ill for several days,
is reported as seeming some better.
News" items t-ro scarce as everybody
ig very busy. .....
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Central Howell, Or,, Oct.. 4. The
friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs.
E. K. Bassctt gave them a farewell sur
prise party Wednesday evening. A large
crowd was present nud a good time re
ported. Mrs. Jardis Wultmnn and daughter,
I.ut-ille, Miss Aurdey Baggett and Miss
Ele I.ovrc were calling at the Mik kelson
home Wednesday.
J. W. Baggett niuile a business trip to
Salem Thursduy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed McDomtld spent
week ngo Hundny nt the home of Mr.
end Mrs, E. E. Bnwsett. "
The Misses Emma anif Mubel Mikkel
sun called 011 Miss Audrey Baggett Sat
urday. Miss Fleda Shejinrd spent fair week
with her sister, Lcflia and Hazel, of
Mr. Wilcox and family have recent
ly moved on the Frank Durbin ranch.
Little Alice llerr is visiting hor grand
parents iu Hilveiton this week.
Pcnnimorc Buggett returned from
eastern Oregon last week to attend high
school in Hulvm.
S:iul ,lnn. and Esttu Williamson are
, ending the week with Albert Jan&
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Werner and Hap
pv have moved on their new ranch this
Mr. tmd Mis. Albert Jan and daugh
ter Krettt spent Sunday evening with
Iricads iu Sulcm.
Mrs. Anna Finucis is ablo to walk at
; pfi sent.
r They have graded dirt on the gravel
ifroni Central Howell to Central Howell
i church this week.
day with relatives near Stayton. j; Fred Chapman has rented a place las speiit the week end at the DavsT
G. O. Looney and A. Weinert, with i one and a half miles northwest of Che- home,
their respective families, attended the I nrnwa and moved over this week. Rninh Gilbert l,in, ,,h. .
Hayesville district Hunday school con- j Will Dunigan returned home by way hmitinsr trin
veiition at Frultland. Sunday. ;of Camp Lewis Tuesday from his over- , , ., ' . , , .
, r , 1 a seas service ' The Hazel Green fiuiulay school will
Mr. and Mrs. Boseoo n Orsdol and ""-ice. , hM
little daughter, Pauline, together with: Henry Ritchey has sold lus farm to h ilomn (),.tni1P,. 10' 'i,.-,,.n-,,
the former's parents of McMinnville au- man from Silverton. be r0nflore(1 bv t,,e cnil(1rcn an(1 atf ad.
toed over to se0 Mrs. Van Orsdol's con- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jones are moving dress by a speaker from Philomath at
sin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jones, into the little house owned by William 11 a. m'. Everybody is invited to bring
Mr. and Mrs. Van Orsdol are teaching, Mersinger. their lunch and stay for the afternoon
in Newberg. j Elroy Kirkpatrick and mother of Dal- service. ; '
j (Capital Journal Special Service.)
I Ha;:el Green, Or., Oet. 3. Misses
Margery Pannenter and Grace Rape
'spent a- part of fair week with friends
in Nulem.
I B. C. Zeiliuski and family spent Suu-
I - 1 1 i. . . 1
to 270
N. Com'l St.
Thousands View Dramatic Scene as Pershing
Clasvs Hands With Belgians Heroic Primate
WhaU City Kept Waiting
While Soldfer of the Sword
and Soldier of th Croat
Exchange Greeting fTX
i . .
When General Pershing halted hi
parade and held all eJew York wait
ing for &fteen minutes, while he ran
ever to greet Ordinal Mercier, every
eye in the dense crowds was fastened
on the two ttriking figures of the
Soldier of the Cross and the Soldier
of the Sword. The heroic Catholic
prelate, who had defied all the armies
f the Kaiser, bent eagerly forward
to grasp both hands of the smiling
military chief who had led our army
to bend back from Belgium the Hun
invader. For this moment, a racing
transport had hurried the Belgian
churchman over to the port of New
York, only few. hours before the
, Pershing parade began to march. He
, bad come to this country to thank all
Americans for their sucatr of his op
' pressed people, and he had begun his
mission most happily by being able
to thank John J. fershmg, first of all
1 1 ?
... . 'Wh. :
High Churchmen of DevatU
ated Country Will Exprena
Thank of Hia People at
Conference of Hierarchy
tfonal CathoHc War Council, have
fme the aid of the Cardinal
When he has formally expressed hit
tianks to the whole American nation,
f e w'11 hurry to Washington to thank
the heads of this national war work
ing body of his church for all that
they have done in establishing schools
and various welfare units throughout
his country.
To welcome him at' the Capital,
Cardinal Mercier will find convened
the entire hierarchy of the Catholic
Church u this country. Cardinal
Gibbons has called all the heads of
his church together to take council as
to the best way to aid this country h
u.vuig 11a posi-war problems through
the National Catholic War Council
Now that the grim exigencies of war
fare are ended, the Catholic Church
may rechristen its organization for
national service the
P.,r i,.e, in ti,. d,,t,.t .t,. a. cmi .t.. . . r wanonai t-ath-
T j Y Li Z j 7; j- , , . " awora nas ouc weaare Uaunciu"
f f li a 1 r 7 o nal eIp'd push blck Ul? despoilers of In all its plans for fi
.1... jt . . ....
Merder first met neralPersWng, Belgium,- and the SoldierVi t" tor naYon's gVto hisS
in tha day. when the work of the has bent his energies to rehabilitaUng gathering of church heads trill lUte.
warrior was the only hope of the his ruined land. werfi To th. Tvoice o 'T, .it Ti
yWtual shepherd wood guard, Sinct workeii, trained and tent by the Na- to honor. "r6Iun8 aeititea
-f 4-4s