Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1919, Image 1

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t t5 000 BEADEF3 DAILY) .
Only Circulation Salem Guar-
I anteed by the Audit Bureau of
9 v
Weather Rc;ojV
, '
! . Oregon: Tonight and Sunday
- - fair! gentle wind, - mostly .
---northerly, ---
- .
l II II II 5 II Is - yi I & fe' Ht III I I I I II I II III! J M II 111171 II
7u;o Errors B
Arfist in Fh Clinch
Game for H ncinnati
By Henry l s -rrelr
!' , ... (United Press Staff Correspondent)
v Cpmiskey Park, Chicago, Oct. 4. Eddie Cicotte clos
ed the door of the hall of fame today in his own face,
whereupon Jimmy Ring, by a magnificent feat of pitch
ing, delivered the fourth game of the world series to the
. Reds by a score of 2 to 0.
; , Cieotte accomplished his own down
fall. Two errors by the Box twirler in
the fifth inning were directly responsi
ble for the only runs of the game. And
in the second inning, with the bases
loaded with his team mutes, Cieotte fail
ed in the pinch and passed up an oppor
tunity to deliver a hit tfcat would im
put the gumo on-ice. Eddie tried va
liantly and drove a vicious grass cutter
toward right field, but Morrie Rath
saVed the situation for the Hods by a
sterling stop and a throw that beat Ci
cotte to the bag by keif a step.
Jimmy" King today killed forever his
title as the jinx pitcher of the Beds.
The young right handcr pitched a mag-
iiif icent game of ball, almost as good as
th&t turned an yesterday by Dickie
Kerr. Only threo hits were registered
off his delivery and one of these was at CiadnnRlS Neale out, Weaver to
very flu"ky double by Joe Jackson in 'Gandil. Wingo up. Wingo singled to
the second inning. j center. It was a low fly that dropped
Ronsh played Jackson's easy offering '
in miserable fashion, totally misjudging
the ball. . What should, have been aa
?asy out was. thus tamed into a two
base hit.
First Inning.
Cincinnati Bath up. Bath singled'.to
left. Daubert up. DHtibert hit ratQ;
double play,- K Cotlins- to-yBisbBrg. -wiwent to second.. Ja-okson up. Jackson
Gandil. Grbti"up Grdh popped to Bis-jsafe on Bath's error of his easy roller.
berg. . No r.uns, one hit, ho errors.
Chicago Leibold up. Leibold popped
to Daubert. E. ColUus up.. B. Collins
popped to Bath. '.Wearer up. Weaver
Ray Perkins, ,15, prominent farmer ro-
aiding near Ouiuaby, four niilea north greater police protection in Salem, a
of Salem, was killed sometime Thurs- committee of business men and mer
duy in ton auto accident west of Blodgett chants FrU1av oed their inten-
,on the Yaquinu-Xewport railwav Jine.l-!?" ?' .PPcarJ; Mote the city coun
, , - , , cil at its meeting Monday night. The
The wet condition of the roads is said to present force of seven men is held far
have caused the oar to skid and over- j inadequate, and an effort to have the
' turn, pinning Mr. Perkins beneath tt. depaf tnient increased substantially will
His son, Harland, age 14, who was in thR j be made.
car at-the time, escaped without injury.
Mrs. Eva Perkins, widow of tho vie-
tini,. with. County Coroner Clough, and
her brother-in-law, Bex Perkins, of Port
land, left enrly Friday morning for the
scene of the accident. The body will be
returned sometime tonight to the Webb
& CJough undertaking parlors.
: Mr. Perkins,' with young Harland, left
his home here two weeks ago to enjoy
a vacation in the mountains in the re -
gion of the accident. They were on
their way. liome when the disaster oc -
cured, it is reported.
' He is survived by his wife and three
sons, Harland, 14, Xnrviu, 12 and Ja-ck,
8. v
i Word of the accident reached Mrs.
Perkins late Thursday night.
Mr. Perkins was a member of the
Modern Woodmen, w.hich order will con
duct the service at the grave.
Oakland. .Cel.. Oct. 4. (United Press!
One niao was shot and rocks were he must rely on the courtesy of busi
thrown at a streetcar when it mri'8 mftn. wh sometimes grant the use
at 12th and Broadwav this afternoon. f heV Phones and tomf times do net.
Tk. ... ... o .'! i. .t.ii,wv. ' In the event of a serious call, auch
ers end was the first one to leave the
barns since the trike of streetcar wen
Th strikers shouted and jerred at the
strikbreakers on tk car.
Polioc-snid no damage was done to the
Chicago Box
flied to Neale. No runs, no hits, no
' -,' Second Inning.
"-Cincinnati Rough 'up. Boush flied to
Jackson in short left. DuAan up
Dim can flied to E. Collins who wont
back ou the grass to take the ball.
Kopf up. Kopf fanned. No runs, no
hits, no errors.
Chicago Jackson up.. Jackson flou
bled to center. Fclsfh up. Felseh sac
rificed, King to Battf who covered first
base. Jackson going to third. Gandil
up. Gandil 'popped to Groh in front of
the- plate. Risberg up. Risberg walked.
Sehnlk up. Bisberg stole second. Sehnlk
walked. Cicotte up. Eing grinned. CI
cotte out, Bath to Daubert.' N0 runs,
one hit, no errors.
ThWd Inning.
between E. Collins and Felseh. Bing
up. King tunned, icatli up. wingo
out stealing, Scljulk to E. Collins. No
runs, one hit, no error. -""'
Chicago Leiboldup. Leibold flied
to Neale. B. Collins up. Collins hit
bv a pitched bnll.C Weaver ftp. Weaver
oto .gnwit(ie3R9bforf!W
Collins on third. Felseh up. Felseh hit
to' Groh who threw to Daubert for the
. 1 - . 1 1 -
(Continued on Page Eight.) '
Demanding moro ff f iciency Biid
la discussing the matter tTiciay Ulnar
of Police Vnrney who has long sought
additional men . ill his department,
snid:. , r
'fhe city of Salem with a. police
forco of seven men, expects just as
much police protection as other cities
of its size without an .eqflal number.
of men. In Portland a campaign for an
. additional MS) men is beinir wased. The
reason for this is said to be the steady
' growth of tho city,
i ' Salem, too, is rapidly growing, and
1 the force here must "be t) Uarged with
it. Basing the police requirements hore
on a ratio w'th the number of men in
the Portland department, Snlem needs
a force of 34 men. Eight now we must
havfc at least ten more men if we are
to carry on the business of tho depart
ment, an-,1 provide any sort of real
protection."' ,
Chief Wanwy said that there isn't
one call box in the whole city. He said
that there arc no bents, because the
shortage of men have made the systematic-
patrolling of the city Impos
sible. There are onlv three officers, two
on beats and one on the desk, on duty
at night, Varney said. . - '
The men of the department are com
pelled to work 32 hours a day, and
much dissatisfaction because of this has
been voiced bv the men. They are call
ed to work at all hours without addi
tional pay, and the expectation that
some of the men may resign as a result
is held by Chief Varney.
The call box situation is held laugh-.
able. When an officer is compelled to
i call headquarters, or make other callB I
the present force would be unable-to
eope with it effectively, Varney said.
Pressure will be brought to bear on
the city council at the Monday night
meeting, it is said,' to remedy the situation.
Battle Flags of
Oregon's Troops
; Presented State
Three beautif uT silk flags have been
received by Adjutant General Stafrin
from the war department for depositing
in the state archives along with other
fainous'-Oregon war flags. Neither of
these flags, however, accompanied the
Oregon troops to France, it is believed,
because of delay in their completion
One of the flags is a regulation Ameri-
flag and the other two are regula
tion infantry aad artillery battle flags.
The infantry flag is blue with the words
Stixty-secoud United States Infantry"
worked in a scroll, this being the desig
nation of the Third Oregon regiment
after its assimilation by the national
armr. - TUo artillery tlag is red with
the words "Sixty-fifth United States
Coast Artillery." Both flags tfbntaln
a design of an American eagle gripping
in ono talon a bundle of arrows and in
tho-other an olive branch. The design
as well as the lettering on both flag..!
are band work and the two battle flags
are estimated to have cost in the neigh
borhood of $300 each. The three flag?
will be placed with the other Oregon
flngsin the glass ease which sets just
outside the entrance to the hall of rep
resentativeg on the second floor of the
capitol building.
Striving for immediate action toward
the civic improvement of North Salem,
the citizens of that community in -8
meeting in the high school last even
ing completed the oreanization of the
North Salem Improvement association,
i:id named B. S. Tillinghast, superin
tendent of the state school for the deaf.
as president, with Mark 13. Elliott and
waru v.. -ttieuaraaon .to assist aim t
vice' president, and . ecreTary,-rcspect-
lvciy. , ; i-, , ; y,:-
Immediate ; improvement Of the
streets and sidewalks in tho - North
naieui ouuricc, not only for the con
venience of the residents in that sec
tion, but also to make accessible and
desirable several -vacant honfes in the
neighborhood and thereby relieve the
suortage ot houses in Halem to a de
gree is the aim of the first work to
be undertaken by the association."
Paving cf that section of the Pacific
Highway between the end of the hard
surface street within Uio cliy limits
and the paving which has already been
laid north of town, is to bo given the'
immediate attention of the association, 1
which will act through committees in
all matters. The paying of one street,
extending east and west preferably
Highland avenue, was also discussed.
both by members of the association and
Walter. 8. Low, city street commission
er, who pointed out that the mainteV
ie ot macadam streets alone is so
costly as to make their construction im
T, h. McCroskey, nianaaer of the
Commercial club, urging strong organ
ization for the -purpose of securing pub
lic improvements, pointed out the in
crease in rental values which follows as
the natural consequence of street and
sidowalk improvements and promised
the co-operation of the civic commit
tee, of the Commercial club.
J. H. Walker, monaster of the Salem
King's Products company, and Post
master August Huckestein wero two
other speakers, both of whom -urged the
establishment of a playground and ac
tion to relieve tho shortage of houses.
At the next meeting of the associa
tion, to be held October 17, the offi
cers of the association will reuort on
by-laws and a constitution. Mrs. Jo
seph N. Smith will have-charge of ar
rangements for a musical program to
be preset itod at the meeting,, which
will also feature further improvement
Final Vote On
Treaty Before,
Nov. 1 Claimed
Washington, Oct. 4. .A final
Tote oh the treaty iby ,Nocem
ber 1 was predicted today iby
Senator Watson, Indiana, who.
also declared that the Shan
tung amendment probably will
be voted on next week and the
Jokmoa amendment to give the
Vuited fttates equal voting pow
er with Oreat 'Britain would be
cted on the following week.
It was understood that Sena
ator Hiram Johnson had been
advised of this tentative pro
gnyn trad bis afHfctkig tour
may be cut short.
Herbert Ravage and Philip Ringlc, I possibly be as his uncle wua once on a j The royal party remained at the Wal
members of the 102d infantry, hate re-' non-partisan committee. What's become dorf-Astoria last night whero they were
turned to Salem after passing 20 o' th' feller that didn use t wait t. guest. of the Belgian embassador nt a
m until in France and (ieruiany. a woman got on c- street car firatT private diaaer.
Ber today
Grayson Asmoiaices Wilson's
Condition favorable And
Growing More So.
Telegrams Expressing Sympa
thy And Hope lit Last Re
covery Pour In. .
Washington, Oct. 4. (1:40 p. m.) Dr
Gravson announced this afternoon that
President Wilson ' .' condition remains
favorable and that doctors called into
consultation agree with him in this opin
ion.- The examination of the president 's
eves made by Dr. De Schweinitz showed
Hhei'e had been no change since the last
examination six momkg ago.
Issuing of Grayson .8 bulletin was de-
laved bv a long conference of physi
cians." Those at the . conference were
Dr. E. E. Stitt, head- of tho naval medi
cnl school; Dr. Sterling Ruff in and Dr.
Grayson, . ;
- There was an air of mote encertul
mwn lit the White House thia mornine
It was learned that the president slept
quite lute and awoke feeling much re
freshed. He wna said to appear cheer
ful and unworricd. Throughout his ill
ncss ho has not been concerned about
himself, a fat which his physician be
lieves will hasten his recovery. .
The president, upon awakening this
morning, chatted with thoso about him
aud laughed, aecordUg- tfl White Houae
attaches. v
Joseph B. Wilson, 1 the president 's
brother, was unable to remain-here, but
is keeping in touch with , the White
House by telephone.
Mrs. Wilson was in the sickroom, at
an .early hour todfiy. She rarely leaves
her husband s side. She is being assist
ed by two trained nurses.
Dr., Grayson, who had been, showing
evldenee of worry since the president
halted his speaking touf-Hn Wichita last
week, seemed more cheerful today than
he has'been for some time.'. -
When Dr. Grayson was taking the
president 's temperature this morning,
he remarket: "Your temperature
"Yes, my temperature is normal, but
my temper won 't be if you keep me tn
this bed very much longer," said ml
son with a Bimle. . -
There were no evidence of excitement
outside the White House early today, no
curious crowds, nothing to indicate that
the president of the United States lay
seriously ill. An occasional automobile
rolled slowly up the sweeping drive to
the stately, pillared portico. In tu
wing which houses the executivo offices
the motto semed to be "business as
usual." Clerks and stenographers were
at work. The telegraph department of
the White House, in fact, was busier
than ever, due to the volume of tele
grams and cablegrams of sympathy, and
expressions for Wilson's speedy rcco
ery, which were pouring in from all
parts of the world. Mrs. Wilson is rend-
(Continued on page eight)
I .
Virgil Crane is th' new principal
Mass Meeting Catted I
A public mass meeting, at which every property
" owner and prospective builder are invited, will be ;
held at 8 o'clock next Friday evening in the auditor- ; ;
ium of the Commercial club, to discuss ways arid ; :
means of solving the housing problem. ; ::
At the noon-day luncheon of the Commercial ; :
club Monday, Attorney John McNary will. talk. on ::
the housing situation. ::
Journal Readers Submit ;
Possible Solutions of
City's Housing Problem
-Much comment, on the streets, in the clubs," in the
homes, in the lodges, and in the churches, has been pro
voked by the campaign for a solution of the housing prob
lem, here. In answer to a request of The Capital Journal
that opinions regarding the
has received many letters,
below. 1
H. A Howard, who is staying at the
Hotel Marion, suggests that the landlord
bo licensed; or that the city build, and
rent homes. Hia 'letter follows:
Why not put the landlords on a. li
censed basis with fixed rent prices es
tablished by ft board! Why not grant
this .board the right to fix ront prices
aa they shoum be, and make the land
lord live up to the agreement t
Why grout landlords the. right to
build houses and bungulows out of -old
barns with a few measly boards and a
dab of cheap paint! : -
Why not let the city build bungalows
and rent them as they Bhould bo rent
ed! Why not !
Isn't this a free county. Why not
keep the landlord from -getting it ai:
it. A. UUWAK1J.
A prominent realty denier hero llKem
the housfing situation to. tjio Methodist
Episcopal conference, He says that, as
Bishop Matthews Hughes told the con
ferenoc, Salem scemgto bo pceupie with
too many outside .matters not directly
affecting its own welfare. - He speaks
strongly for the renovation of old hame
in the following letter: S .
Editor Journal: I am contributing
the following for your columns as sug
gestod by your October 2nd issue in tho
articlo headed ," What Is Your Idea!"
I will say that as Salem is host to tho
Methodist people at this timo, we might
take aa a (rood pattern tho .bishop
Hughes whoso system for solving tho
problems of his own flock could bo used
to an advantago in solving the probloms
relative to our neds, both spiritual and
The Methodist people always advise
an open confession as being good for
the soul, and in my opinion mat very
thine would be good for citizens of Sa
lem. Bishop Hughes says that members
of his church have had their minds car
New York, Oct. 4. (United Press.)
King Albert, accompanied by; Count
D'Oullremont, a member of his party,
flew over New York this morning in a
naval hydro aivplanc, spending half an
hour iu the air.
1 ' It was a fine trip and the hght wus
wonderful," the king said.
Escorted by two secret service men,
the king left his hotel it n o ciocx,
proceeding to 86th stret," where he boavd-
ed the plane at the Dana oi me mm-
son river.
The kinii has canceled arrangements
for his tour of tho United States owing
to President Wilson ' illness. '
The program for entertainment of tho
Belgian royal p&rty in Boston tomorrow
and in Buffalo Monday will remain un
changed, but from the latter city, King
Albert, Queen LUzabeth,
Prince Loo
Dold and their retinue will go direct to:
the Pacific coast, traveling incognito,
There, they will remain quietly at some
point in ".California nntil October
when they will go to Hun Francisco to
resume their tour, if tho president '8
condition is sufficiently improved in the
The king also cancelled a theater par
ty lust night. It was believed, how
ever, that the royal party would carry
Out the program arranged for today.
Breckinridge, third assistant secretary
r.f state, in anneuncinz the
o'jehunge of program, said the king "was.
matter be sent m, the editor
some of which are published
ried away with other than spiritual
things. It seems that the people of Sa
lem have allowed other things to carry
their minds away from the important
question, "How is Salem going to meet
the demand for more huoscs!" ' , :
One would infer that some one had
complained about apartments being fit
ted up in a cheap way, evidently by
some good citizen who wishes to house,
temporarily, thQso who wish shelter, at
this time. Docs the teader behove thnt
the bishop would condemn the members
of his church who would do his best to
answer his own prayer! Let those whu
do nothing ceaso censoring those who
are busy trying to meet tho problems of
the city ,and then, their minds will be
free to co-operate, and not hinder.
If tho city of Salem were real old
fashioned Methodist camp meeting, and
each person was called upon to give
their experience, how many of us would
ask for tho prayers of the good brethren
of the .church instead. of finding fault
with what the ether members had done.
My , experience as far as living in 8a
lein is concerned, covers Dut- run
poriod of my life, approximately eigh
teen months, but my activities have
been along the same lines through life.
I met a man who practices law in
Salem. He had two houses to sell or
tnwib. One was only a sholi of a house
and the other was in a very bad condi
tion, and renting for about eight or ten
do!!irs per month. I obliged tho attor
noy by dealing for these two houses. I
finished one of them by making it mod
ern, and today instead of being vacant
it is a fine residence for the people, to
whom I sold it. The other house I plas
tered, painted and -completely reno
vated. I planted shrubbery, and over
two hundred ros0 bushes. This is nyr
(Continued on page eight)
Twelve Yankee
Warships Enter
Dalmatian Port
V Basle, Oct. 4. Twelve Amcri-
. can warships have arrived at
Spalato,' Dulmatia, according
to .a Contrul Agency dispatch
from I.aibach today. .
American naval forces in the
Adriatic were lost reported to
include two cruisers and a num-
ber of destroyers. , .
Benson for the shutdown Thursday
noon of en hour of the streetcar scr vice
of the Salem Street Bailway company,
,was made Known rriaay Dy Manager
Hamilton, of the P. B,
& 1. company '
j branch house here.
I- Accordinct to Mr, Hamilton some un
known accident on the transmission lino
between Salem and the eompany'a gen
erators at Cazadoro caused a high vol
tage shock in the big genorntor of the
power plant at Trade and Liberty
streets, setting it afire. The generator
was entirely burned out, leaving only
the small one in operation, which was
inadequate to carry the weight of the
streetcar lines.
The final etarting of tho steam driven
generator, which was held up for a time
whilo employes cinanea prune pus uui ui
the condenser suction pipes, which ar
believed to have been thrown 1n. the mill
race bv the Willamette Valley Prune
association workors, was made, and the
resumption of service accomplished.
before cinir.cn
Governor Tells Ministers At
; Conference Of Early S&te '
Wives Of Visifcg Pitstirs To
Be Feature 0J This Etea
ing s Program.
Governor Olcott addressed -the
im session of the Methodist Hpisecopal
conference Saturday, coming announeea
before the large visiting delegation with
an interesting resume of the early his
tory of the Btate, and spoke with pleas
ure of his own affiliation in formar
years with the Mothodist ehureh. . The ;
governor opened his addrese at 1
o'clock and spoke for twenty minutes.
Fallowing an interesting- description
of ciyie mutters in the state in early
years, ho produced a copy of the consti
tution of 1857 the first governtal docu
ment of the state and noted the vari
ous Stages of progress made in Oregon
up to the present time. He brought a
bundle of reference on early history f
tho state from the state house. '
The greater part of ttho morning ses
sion was devoted to tho transaction ot
business, passing of resolutions, and th
reading of the report on the atnte f ,
the church by C. C Clino, of Portland,
chairman of the committee. ' .
The four laymen, elected Friday even
ing to attend the national eonferneee In
Des Moines next May, are: Major I a
Hopflcld of MeMinnvillo, C. A Meeker
of Medford, Burgess FordTson of Dr.'
T. B. Ford, and superintendent of Stay-,
ton schools, and Prof. Dubach of O. A.
C, OorvaJlis. ;
Under the supervision of Mre. Charlea
E. Gibson, a dinner for the minlstcia
!v.' mmnoiatlon will bo riven at 6
o'clock tonight at Leslie ehnreh. t '
At 7:30 o'clock celebration of me .
Conference Claimants society wia oe
held, D. H. Leech presiding. An ad
dress, "From a Conference Viewpoint,"
will be made by Dr. Charles B. Gibson,
and Dr. S. J. Greenfield will tfehver a
Tim nroirram for Sundivy follows:
9:00 a. m. Conference Lovefcast, S. A..
Iteoford. LL. D. presiding. N'
10:30 it. m. Sermon by Bishop Matthew
Bimpson Hughes. V. D., LL. U.
3:00 p. m Ordination worvicea, msHu
6:30 p. m. Epworth Jjpngne itniiy, o-
lcm Cabinets as host.' , '
7:,10 p. ml A Great lonng reopie b
Serviee, E. M. Smith, Distriet I'ren
ident, presiding; address, John M.
Walter, D. D. .
An immense apple erop throughout
Marion county, which, it ia estimated,
will bring 100,000 returns, was report
ed Friday by County Fruit Inspeelor
Van Trump. In all sections, Mr. Van
Trump said, tho picking of applea ia in
full swing, hundreds of persona being
A record price, which 1 1.75 at Port
land, will be paid for Marion tounty
applea of the better grade. Other ap
ples, for use manufacture of jellies,
jams, cider ami so forth, wiU bring
about IS a ton. ;--..
Thia year's crop is by far the biggest
of any previous sca-soii, Mr. Van Tromp
The picking and handling of prunes
will practically be over this week, bo
said. . In some sections, a reeord crop
of prunes, was grown, he iL
Foundry At Woodburn To ;
Reopen For Business Socn
The cheering news eomea that the
Woodburn Foundry will soon be re
opened slid ready for business.
- J. Ry McKinney was hero from As
toria Saturday with C. J. Johnson and
M. Felice and arranged for tbo leaao
oft he building that has been vacant
to the latter two gentlcmcnt, who will
n once begin equipping it to meet nil
demands and be ready for business by"
the middle of the miith. Independent.
BRING $100,000