Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 03, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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By Gertrude Robison
TUB many friends of Miss Marie
V. Lodgoy who has feecn employed
aa stenographer in the office of
State Treasure Hoff, aro regretting
ber departure for Seattle, where she
will be employed by a Wow York bond
ing house.
Mis Lodge U widely known in Sa
lem and will be greatly missed both by
state house officials and employes, and
by her numerous friends in other eir
elea. Whale in Seattle alio will make
he home with, her sister.
; . :...
: .
Mrs. A. B. Manlcy, a prominent
Portland woman, while attending the
Methodist church conference, was a
guest at the C. W. Niemeyer residence
on Ferry street. ;
Mr. an4 Mrs. J. B, Hawthorne end
daughter, Lueile-,' returned ' to Salem
Thursday morning from visiting their
on, Ia A. Hawthorne and family, of
Long Beach, California, who also is ex
pected to arrive in Salem in about ten
days. Mr. Hawthorne and family are
at present located nt 1510 State street
Father and son contemplate purchasing
a farm in the vieinity of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rigdon are en
tertaining aa their guests. Mr. and
mra. J. A. south, ot Wasco,- who amv-
ea in toaiem recently for a visit of in
definite length.. Mr. Smith and Mr
Kigdon are brother and sister.
The luella Kimball club was hostess
this afternoon at .a reception, held
from 3 to 5, for the ministers wives
and visiting ladies of the Oregon Metlw
odist conference. Mrs. Matthew Simp
son Hughes, wife of Bishop Hughes of
I'ortiana, was Burst of honor at the
affair which washeld in the Kimball
school of Theology.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. T". O. Rover
have received word that Mr. Boyer is
returning homo. Mrs.- Bnyer is visiting
with her daughter in Chienrjo and will
remain another month. The Boyers
nave just completed an extended tour
of the southern, and middle western
Banish Catarrh.
Breathe Hyomei for Two Minutes and
Believed Stuffed up Head ...
More than 7,00 papers for record wcro
filed with the office of the county re
corder during the month of September,
breaking all previous records for genoral
activity in real estate matters and busl
, boss agreements which call for a perma
nent rocord. .
Of this 700 or more records, 280 wcro
warranty and quit claim doeds. Activ
ity in -real estate matters lins boon most
noticeable the pas.t few mouths. While
thcro has been some selling of real es
tate in Salem the great activity in real
estate has been in the transfer of fruit
tracts and in lands especially adapted
to tho raising of loganberries and
prunes. There has also been sold many
valuable tracts in this part of the val
ley at a radicul increase in value over
Dallas, Or., Oct. 3. With the arrest
here of Clarence E. Bcuddcr and John
Scudder, brothers, and of George Bcud
dcr, another brother, at 1'ortlniid Tues
day, a gang that has been rustlingjcat
tle and horses through the northwest is
belioved to have been broken up. The
arrests here were made by Sheriff John
W, Orr of Polk county and Deputy Shor-
ltf w. IS. Splan of Cascade county,
Mont., who had traced the men to Ore
gon. The plan of operation of the Scuddors,
it is said, was to rent a farm with con
siderable" livestock on it, paying a small
amount down aud giving a chattel mort
gage for tho balance. After a few weeks
it is alleged, they would ship tho live
stock away and disaDpenr. A shipment
of 100 head of cattle and 20 horses to
Portland led to the arrests.
The arrest hero was niado on the old
Dallas, which tlioy had tented. The
men were accompanied bv an elderly
woman, supnosod to bo thoir mother,
If you, want to get relief from c
tarifi, cold in the head or from an irri
tating cough in the shortest time
breathe Hyomei. . -
It should clean out' your head and
open up your nose in two minutes nd
allow you to Jbreathe freely.
Hyomei often ends a cold in one day,
and brings quick relief from snaffles,
hard crusts in the nose, hawking, spit
ting and catarrhal mucus. ,
Hyomei ia.ruade chiefly .from a sooth
ing, healing antiseptic oil, that comes
from the eucalyptus forests of inland
Australia: where catarrh, asthma, bron
chitis, toasilitis, influenza, pneumonia
and consumption were never known to
iHyomoi is pleasant and easy to
breathe. Just pour a few drops into
the hard rubber inhaler, use as direct
ed and relief is almost certain. '
A complete Hyomei outfit, includine
inhaler and one oottle of Hyomei. costs
but little at Daniel J. Fry's and drug
gists everywhere, if you already own
an -inhaler you 'can get an extra bot
tle of Hyomei at druggists. , (Adv)
Thought One Clean .
Shirt All He Needed
"Ten years agoI was reduced to a
mere shadow. I was yellow as a gold
piece and would often be' doubled up
with most excruciating pains in my
stomach. Physician! could only relieve
me with morphine. I was advised to
try Mayjr'a Wonderful Remedy and it
aeiped me at once.. What is more,
have been well ever since. A friend
said he thought one more elean shirt
all I would eve wear." It is a sim
ple, harmless preparation that removes
the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal
to 270
N. Com'l St.
ft T 1 & R
Dry Goods Millinery and Shoes
Ladies' and Girls' Coats
Good assortment of up-to-date coats. Must be seen
to be appreciated. Good cloths, latest styles and
modest prices
41... .
ii'i.ii. i, i i i i i I Judge Boise furm, two miles west
While the sales of real estate have n.n,. ,i.i..i, i, r
been breaking tho September rocord,
Iho number of mortgages Taid off, as
fllinwn in i kn Villi,., rfi a.xinV.. I.-- I
!, broken -11 nr.v),.,,. 'Juh I who WBS not tftIt(,n into """tody. They
ii .1. -X, j, .. came in a few days aeo in wagons, drlv
lV. wwi niK.- . !... . ".. ltnVfirt t0 b Pft" ' the stock stolen in
iv:i. yrr'r.r:??". c Montana.
eellatious of mortgages that have been
jutining from goven to ten years. Kual
state men point with pride to this rec
ord of cancelled mortgages, indicating
the prosperous eouditiou of the farming
While tnuro hus been 112 real estato
mortgages tiled during the month, fully
ouo-haif of those are to secure deferred
payments on large farm tracts pur
chased. That in,, with 280 deeds f ilod.
lucre naa been
Splan left Wednesday for Oreat Falls,
Mont., with his prisoncM.
Alleging that th,o sawmill firm of i.
Johnson, and associates, had unlaw
ail uiiUBUUi UVUVlir lO'fi v rn,vu,l fl.,KnH U: 1
reai estate, wherein the purchasers pays' William Kennedy was granted damages
io tne extent of. by a verdict ren
in cash a portion of the purchase price
and secures the amount unpaid by mort
gage. The mortgages are not those
letting behind and guing iu debt, but
. uf thouo who are taking a chance on
increased roal estuto values and buying
valuable tracts.
Only 22 chuttel mortgages wore filed
in Beptoinber, a few of these being tar
unpaid amounts due on the purchase of
The benefits urising from having an
army discharge recorded has been appre
ciated by returned army men to the ex
tent or 40 during the past month. Navy
men have filed their discharge papers
to the extent of 1 1.
In mutters of real estate and other
property matters, affidavits are fre
quently necessary and 25 wore recorded
last month. Assignments aro also re
corded, although. but 15 were)rccordcd
iurmg the past mouth. Other papers re
corded are as fullowa; Conditional sale
J, contract 1, agreements 3, hop con
irncm a, certified copies 1, leases 2,
power of attorney 2, bill of gal0 2 and
luneniance tax i
dercd Su Judge Bingham 'b court Thurs
day. Tho suit has occupied the atten
tion or the court for soveral days.
Eugene, Or., Oct. 3. Albert W. Nott
of Marcola( aged 32 yeans, died r.t
Mercy hospital in this city last night n
the result of injuries sustained Wednes
day when ho was drawn into tho gear
iiic of n donkey engine and crushed and
Tho Dufur Orehurd Company Owners
company hea filed with Stute'Engiiieer
Cupper an application for permission to
construct a reservoir on Tamarack creek
for the storage of 450 acre feet of wati-r
find for the appropriation of this stored
,, Jlr ma irrigation or ai)iz acres
or land. Tho construction of a dam Bit
feot iu height, nino miles of pipe lino
nu omer improvements at an estimated
cost of approximately 105,000 1a con
templated in this development.
Other applications on fil0 in the state
ngihoer'a offieo are:
Hy Florence L. Harris of QU'lidsle,
Cnl., covering the appropriation of 137
second feet of water from City creek
nd Steamboat creek iu Douglas" county
for hydraulic mining purposes.
By the I'ruirio J'ower company es
Prairie City, Or., covering the appropria
tion, of ten second feet of water'. from
ftrawberry creek for the development
of aproxiraately 223 horsepower. This
development contemplates the construe
tlm f a pipe line and other improve
nunts at a cost of 116,000.
I J To reduc the Itch- 7
lgf0 li(Tt us soothing
applications of
The busiest millinery department in this city. There
is a reason for this, and that is you can do much
" better here than elsewhere. We use the best of ma
terials; our trimming is the very newest; our prices
much lower than other places.
Shoes (
Beal shoes for wet weather. The guaranteed kind.
No composition. No fiberoid. No paper but all
leather. '
Men's and Boys' Goods
All wool mackinaws, sweaters and overcoats. The
very best the markets afford. Men's and Boys cor
duroy pants, wool overshirts, all oLthe test. Men's
v - ., and Boys Caps, nice patterns: '
. '.. an.d 246 Commercial Street
MMMMltt1MMtMtttUtmtKttMIUt e-
: V u primped Hats Values To $7.50 Special $4.95 . ' ' :
Mezzanine FloorMisses, and Women's New Coats, Prices $15 to $25.
White Corner Building,
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store :
Salpm's Greatest Showincr of Women's Suits,
Coats and Dresses 1
Women who come to this store for their wearing apparel not only get depend-
able garments in the season's authentic styles, but they also have the advantage of I.
choosincr from the largest lines of Suits. Coats and Dresses in Salem. Just now
our fall and winter stocks are at their best and those who make selections at once
will get the benefit of a full season's service. Out-of-town people visiting Salem
are especially invited to view this superb showing of fail and winter apparei.
---- Ml
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names,
balem, Oregon, Boarding
and Day school
Most Approved Methods
Primary, Grammar and .
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp,
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin
and Harmony
Elocution and Physical
Culture Classes
Modern Conveniences And
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
September 8th
Sister Superior
Shirts, Coats, Socks
For Men, For Boys
Standard, Warmth Giving Wearables at
Secondary Prices v
flood quality medium
heavy grey and 'blue,
shirts with cape at
$6.60 to
Heavy wool, to wear in heavy
work shoes, white, blue, grey
aud heather mixtures
. 45c, 50c, 65c, 75C, 85c
Auto Robes
Comfort at Small Cost
AVith your venuission, one of these Robes will keep the drafts
from your feet on your next motor jaunt the, secret of health
ful tuotoriug is a eool head and warm feet. These nre exeellent
robes SSxSO inches in sixe, priced at .25, $10.15, $13.25
Womes's NewXFall Suits $24.75 to $75.00
Here you'll find stylish suits in all the wanted fabrics, including Estella, Duvet de
Laine, Peace Bloom, Evora, Yalama, Tricotine, Velour, Broadcloth, Camelshair
Cloth, Cheviot, Serge. Braided, embroidered and fur trimmed models, as well- as
the plain tailored styles. All the new fall colors brown, blues, greens, etc., and
all sizes, including stouts.New suits priced ...-................... $24.75 to $75.00
Misses' and Women's New Coats $19.50 to $11 a
It doesn't matter what particular style you have in mind, you are certain to find a
pleasing model in this immense showing. Ccats 'for every purpose motoring,
sport, streettschool or dress occasions, and there isn't a wanted ma-
; terial that is hot represented. Don't buy your coat until you see this ' j1 A CA
display. Prices start at plJNW'
Great Showing of Dresses
Great Showing of Misses' and Women's Dresses
From many of America's most noted designers Dresses for every occasion in a
T H.?i-.-l P -1 J 1 1 , 1 J J.!jl.l. 1 11 -
muiuiuae 01 cnarnung siyies- urapea, pianea, uums, siraigm-uiie ana oiuuse pi.-
iects. ureses oi ueorgeue crepe, satin, cjrepe Meteor, urepe pe - cmne, lricoi- t
ette, Tricotine, Serge and various other materials,. Beaded, embroidered, braided J
and button trimmed styles also a number of beautiful frocks trim- ; f
med with folds and ruffles. All the newest fall shades. Prices range
from $23.75 up to ..:.;.: ,.:........;..,.. ......
$59.50 1
tract and allays- the inflammation
whieh causes ipraeticnlly all stomach,
liver and intestinal ailments, in-eluding
appendicitis. One dot will convince or
Hioiey refunded. : (Alv)
To Eat
.void Indigestion, Smi Acid, Stomach
Heaxtirani, v. as on Stomach, tac -
Heavy Standard Fleece lined
two piece umlorweiw for boys
in all sines up to 34 at 40c to
'60c a gaijueat. ;
Heavy felannet lined Duck
eoats, suitable for cold raiay
weather. Sizes 34. 3,snd 36
only $3.00
Indigestion and radically all forms
of stomach trouble, say medical authors
ities, nre duo nine timesout of ten to
aa excess of hydrochloric acid in the
stomaclu Chronic "acid stomach" is.
exceediiialy dangerous and sufferers
should do either one of two things.
, Either they can go ou a limited and
is at the bottom of most
digestive ill. t
for indigestion afford plea
ing and prompt relief from
the distress of acid-dyspepsia.
often disagreeable diet, avoiding foods
that disagree with thcin, that irritate
th stomach and lead to exeess ocid
saeretion or they can eat as they please
in reason and make it a practice to
counteract the effect of the harmful
acid and prevent the formation of gas.
sourness or premature fermentation by
the use of a little Bisurnted Magnesia
at their meals.
There is probablv no better., safer or
more re'iaMo stomach antiaeid than
iBisnrated Magnesia and it is widely
used for this purpose. It has no direct
action on the stomach and is not a di
gestent. But a teaspoont'ul of the pow
der or a comile of five grain tablets
taken in a little water with ho fiod
will neutraliaio the excess acidity which
may be present and prevent its further
formation. This removes the whole
whole cause ' of the' trouble and tb
meal digists naturally and healthfuf-"
ky without need of pepsin, pills or arti
ficial dgesteuts. ?
Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mag- .
nesia from any reliable druggist. Ask -for
either powder or tablets. It never
conies a liquid, milk or citrate and
in tho bisurated form is i!ot a laxar
tive. Try this plan and eat what yon
want at your next'meal and se if this
isn't the" best advice vou, ever had on
"what to eat." (Adv.)
For Infants
& Invalid's
R Cekia(
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages
Quick Lunch at Home or Office
Avoid Imitations and Substitutes
How Pat &
u:tes em usp
For Breakfast
i ' -;