Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 03, 1919, Image 1

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f vf5 000 READERS DAILY)
Only Circulation Salem Guar-
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
- Circulations.
Weaker Rc;
--'Oregon! Tonight end Thurs
day showers;, moderate south
easterly winds. !
"" Oregon: " Tonight and Satur
day fair,-warmeT Saturday; light
nd heavy frost in early, niorn
' ing, except near the coast; gen
tle winds, mostlv northerly.
CHICAGO 118 If: 1 OF
Kerr Holds Cincinnati to Only
Th ree Hits and No Runs;
Sox Score Three
f -5 . '
By Henry L. Farrell ?
(United Press Staff .Correspondent)
Comiskey Park, Chicago, Oct. 3.--Hats off to "Little
Dickie" Kerr.
The, midget pitcher of the Comiskey crew did today
what Gleason's highly touted aces -failed to accomplish
and turned in a shutout victory for the white hose in the
third game of the world series, 3 to 0.
-" Dickie is the smallest pitcher in the
big leagues, but he is the biggest thing
the Beds hav0 encountered in many
naseball games.
Hardly larger than the bat he swings,
this mite of a southpaw not only stop
ed' the stampede but blanked the Mo
jiui outfit in spite of its vaunted work
fl"d held tltcRedland wrecking crew to
three lonely singles distributed in as
riany innings.-" "'."'
After the fifth inning not W
reached first base and Kerr had them
swinging wildly with his fast breaking
curvis or popping up weakly when they
swung at the .slow ones he mixed in.!
Kerr displayed' the courage o.' a vet
eran against the mightv mr.ul-.trs who
broke the hearts of t'icotte and Williams
Build Wow! Prices for
Lumber Cannot Drop
Opinion of Lumbermen
It being evident that many persons in Salem are de
laying plans for building homes on many of the city's va
cant lots because of the belief that prices of building ma
terials "will drop with the winter and spring, it seems that
they are in line for a keen disappointment..
That there is no logical reason why taken in the housing matter without da
tho price of lumbor will drop here this lay.
winter, or even as late as next spring, I At the maas meeting scheduled for
is the opinion of Superintendent Mey- next week, at which the housing situa
eis, of the Charles K. Spalding .Log- tion will be discussed in all phases, C.
giiig company 's plant here. . W. Niemcyer, prominent business man,
With the law of price governing be-,
ing tho supply and demand for products,
and with tho demand". for lumber in a,
'parts of the country increasing, there is
little chance that the price of lumber
will drop," Meyers" said Friday. "So
long as labor also demands more, it is
veritable folly to believe that a price
reduction can come."
"It seems to me not that wo wish to
sell them lumber that the people who
pliin to build had better. do it now when j that an original course of procedure wltl
prices are comparatively low. tor, .i jle tried. Mr. Niemeyer, who has made
believe, they will rise rather than fall!"11 exhaustive study of the movements,
now," he added,
Meyers said that he felt it an injus
tice to have the firm accused of prof
iteering, when, in reality, it is selling
lumber jn Salem at a price below its
wholesale price. lle said that certain
grades of lumber which tho company .bihties on the citizen's property, ad
sells here for $-4, sells elsewhere whole- vanc,?s money to erect a home"; and
sale at $75. . grants more than the common length of
"Surely that can't be called profljtinlc n which to pay. The interest is
teering," ho said. , .(the lowest, mid is governed by a slid-
With business men thoroughly aroused scale the home builder who is
to the needs of the hour here it is ex- quick to pay receiving a lower rate of
peered that some fruitful action will be interest. ' '
Helena. Ark., Oct. 3.r-The death toll
in two days of race war at Elaine, Ark.;
near here, today stood at twenty -two.
1'ive were whites and the remainder ne
groes. ,- i
- One of the dead whites is a soldier from
t amp Pike. He was killed when negroes
fired on him from ambush.
Quiet prevailed early today with
Samp Tike soldiers patrolling the streets
of Elaine. Five" hundred snldiers are
on guard here and in Elaine, augmented
l.v 1000 former soldier, deputy sheriffs
and armed guards.
O. C. Bratton, former assistant post
master at Little Roek(, Ark., is under
arrest Tiere, charged with first degree
murder. He is aceused of b;inp an in
6tiifttor of the riots. Bratton declares
be was in Elaine on legal business and
had no connection with the uprising. i
unj it. spite of the 'act tha; it was his
maiden appearance in the Dig baseball
classic he pitched one of the best games
in world series history. -
It was vastly different crew of Sox
that turned in a victory today. The
desperate situation which had their
backs to the wall, combined with tho
plaudits of the home town fans and
tho super pitching of Kerr made them
a most dangerous crow.-
First Inning. -
Cincinnati Rath up. Rath bunted
down the third base lino and had the
ball been fair he would have been safe.
Rath out, Risberg to Gandil. Daubert
up. Duubert f lied to Flesch in Rhort
(Continued on page six)
will expound the principals of the ' ' Own
Your Own Home" movement. Efforts
are now being made in the city to inter
est financiers in this plan, and it is be
lieved that as a result of the mass
meeting, much support will bo gained.
In all sections this plan is being test
ed with more or less success. All styles
of application are not tho same, and
should the "Own Your Own Homo"
plan be adopted in Salem, it is probable
believes that a plan, which, briefly, is
as follows will be a long step toward
solving the housing problem hero:
,A number of business men form a
corporation, to be governed by fedora;
outlines. Thss corporation assumes fia
Pinky Kerr has got so he kin take
bay rum without th' shave. If an ole
woman lived in a shoe t'day she'd go
broke keepm' up th' property.
Spokane Realty
Man Killed and
Body Is Burried
Spokane, Wash., Oct; & The
body of W. H. McNutt, realty
man, missing since July 23, was
found yesterday on his ranch
near here. ' ,
McNutt tad been bound,
gagged, murdered and buried.
Mrs. Fay McDonald Wilkin-
son and her sister, Marie Jewel .
McDonald, are under arrest in .
Los Angeles, charged with the
murder, 1
Ted and Will McDonald,
brothers of the .women, also are
charged -with murder" and are
sought by southern police.
The McDonalds are children of
the late Judge McDonald, of
Whitman county.
Bobbery is .believed to have
been the motive of the murder.
McNutt had more than $1000 on
him when ho disappeared.
. It was Shrinors da v in Salem' Fri
day. The streets wore thrown, open to
them, and the city'j welcome was cor-
Oia.1. '
With tbo'arrival of 200 shriners from
Portland Friday morning, , who are
bound "to Marsh field to take in a new
ela.su of members. The party, with six
Salem Shriners, after parading down
Commercial and 'State streets at noon,
left on tho southbound train. They will
stop, an hour at Albany, at Corvallis,
and will receive a !big reception at Eu
gene armory tonight. r ,...-'
The party, is d,u-to arrive at Marsh
field ait S:30"a. (m. Saturday, and will
be entertained at Shore Acres, the pa
latial afunc" of L. 3. Slmpsoa. ' In. the
afternoon the" Shriners will attend a
clam bake in their honor, at the sea
shore. Following ithis the ceremony ini
tiating Marshtield candidates into tne
Al ICader. Shriue will be held. The
party will thon return to Salem, arriv
ing at 10 a. m. Sunday.
Tho Kalem men to go witn tne party
wore: Hal D. Patton, O. J. Schei, J. A.
Allison, Z. J. 'Biggs, C. E. Wjlsbn, Lee
L. Gilbert and Henry Domes of Ger
vais. ;
That Salem will be without sugar
entirely in -about two weeks, or just
what time the supply now on hand in
local dealers' warehouses, was the ap
parent outcome of the shortage Friday.
According to word received by G. E.
Schunem.au, 200 .orth 14th street, lo
cal representative of Wadhum & Kerr
of Portland strikes in the factories of
tho Western Sugar Refining Co., nnd
on the water front in San Francisco, is
responsible for the lack of sugar.
The bulletin received by Mr. Schuue
man states that all the "raws" now
on the coast for tho manufacture of
sugar are tied up on boats at the piers
in Sau Francisco, where sevedorog re
fuse to handle it. Until the strike is
ended no more sugar will be manufac
tured for coast use, the 'bulletin said.
Although it would seem that this sit
uation would cause a ris in prices
here, ift is said that dealers, while lim
iting their sales, will not make any
raise in price.
Now York, Oct." 3. The official
welcome of King Albert Queen Eliza
beth and Prince Leopold to this city
at noon today, although deferred until
S4 hours after their arrival from Hel-
giuin, surpassed in enthusiasm the in
formal greeting they received yester
day. Teas of thousands were massed at
the Battery and in the vicinity when
the royal party arrived there on Rod
man Waiiamukcr's yacht, " Norma,
wliieb. they had boarded in the North
river immediately after leaving their
hotel. , -
Other thousnndr lined lower Broad
way, which the party and their escort
traversed in motors to the city ball.
T iiij was the lun. heon hour for "the fi
nancial district workers and they pre
ferred givim voice to their admiration
of Albert of -the Belgians and his -party
to undertaking "the more prosaic
task of eating.
coin or
iso r TODAY
is Din
Consulting Experts Agree
With Grayson s Nervous
Breakdown Piaguosis.
Temperature Is Normal And
General Physical Condition
Promising. v
Washington Oct. 3.-(Unitod Press.)
At 12:15. p. m, Dr,,Cary T. Grayson
issued the following statement:
'The president's condition is un
changed." ., . i ;
Dr. Grayson today . reiterated . his
statement that tBicS president ia ex
hausted physically and mentally and
that only complete rest: can restore him
to; good health. -w"' - -
Each, of the doctors called into con
sultation have agreed tfith him in diag
nosing tne case as one of nervous ex
naustion and ' have iewise agreeu un
tne treatment, it was stated.
Dr. Grayson said the calling in of spe
cialists wag to give him tne aid and
assurance to which ho believes the .presi
dent and the country are entitled. He
will keep in touch with thorn and thuy
will call at tho White House with him
twice daily. r ;,.
Dr. Francis X. Dercum, Philadelphia
neurologist, will return to Washington
from time to time as h is uqedod. Dr.
Grayson conferred-with, him over tne
telephone this morning.
Dr. Grayson emphasized that a com
plete lireitk has not come, but said that
he feels he is "shaking on thin ice"
and wants to take all precautions possi
ble, in viow of tne president s ago and
the heavy strain he has undergone in
recent months. ' ' .
While the president is confined to his
bed and not permitted to do any work,
he retains an active interest in affairs
and convorses freely with those about
him. Physical symptom remain favor
able, according to Grayson. The presi
dent's temperature is normal and other
conditions are regarded as good, al
though ho is greatly weakened.
He takes nourishment, although his
appetite is not good.
Dr. Grayson set at rest rumors that
there might be an operation. Such a
step is not contemplated, he said. No
X-ray has been used, u reported.
Attending the president are a trained
nurse and Mrs. Wilson, who remains
with him constantly and personally min
isters to him as much as ahe can.
Secretary Tumulty said today no mat
ter, however importunt it may bo consid
ered, will be brought to the attention of
the presidont. Yesterday ho was told of
the vote on the Fall amendments and
tho ratification of the peace treaty by
the French chamber of deputies.
W. G. McAdoo, the president's son-in-law
and former secretary of the treas
ury, is at the White House. Mrs. Mc
Adoo will arrive this afternoon. Mrs.
Francis B. Sayre, the president ' daugh
ter, is also on the way to Washington.
Miss Margaret Wilson has leen at the
White House since the president return
ed from his tour.
Realty Transfers
Recorded Total
Over $100,000
Realty transfers aggregating more
than $100,000 were recorded at the
conntv recorder 's office Thursday.
Thursday was a record day for months
in recording. 76 papers beinj filed.
The principal, realty transfers, among
the 20 made are: -
G. L. and A. C. Rose jto the Pliez.
Farms Co.. 154 acres. lfi,40: X. and
L. Sohn to B. E. Williams of Portland,
400,24 acres, 41,500; A. O. and H. Fo.v
dick to A. C. Keene. 50 acres, 414,000,
and F. and it, Kloft to Frank and
Charlotte Bernard, 130 acres, 17,000.
Xew York, Oct. 3. In an In
terview today. Queen Rlizcbeth
of Belgium declared she fully
approved of woman suffrage.
"Woman suffrage is a good
thing. It is the right thing,"
he said. - ...
i i Banker Promises Suppo rt' : j
Although declining to preside at the proposed
mass meeting in the interest of the housing situa
; : tion next week, A. N. Bush, president of the Ladd &
' Bush bank, had this to say : regarding the matter,
;: Thursday:
; :..'"- "I am in full sympathy with the camDaim for
i , more houses in Salem; and recognize the fact that i
J thev must, ho Km'lt if ttii'a
A. vv v;o wvjf ao W XVCCp paC Willi
t h progress. This bank and myself, will aid in a con
I servative way any legitimate proposition." '
Dark Stain Upon Slain
Aviators Shirt Single
Clue to Cause of Death
Nogales, Ariz., Oct. 3.--A spot apparently of blood,
on the shirt of one of the two lost army aviators whose
bodies were foumi September 21 at Bario de Los Angeles,
Lower California, by Joseph Allen Richards of Chicago,
was the only possible indication of how the aviators died,
lucnaras aeciarea toaay,
A report that the airplane is lying
on a mesa about 15 miles from where
the aviators were found, has not been
verified. The two aviators, Lieutenants
Frederick; B. Waterhouse of Weiscr,
Idaho, and .'ecil Connelly of San
iogo, had been missing since August
20 when they left fJnn Diego on a fa
trol 'flight over the Moxican bordor.
iRichards in a statement to the JJnit
ed Press today told of finding the
bodies when he went-aishore from the
steamer. Navari, to replenish the ves
sel's water supply while en routo to
About 20 feet 'back from the high
water mark I saw the skull of a man
stickins" out of the ground, he said.
' !T.er f Teal.ca . two inodlf the telle, were taken away from me and
buried in about twelve inches of sand. I 4 , , j .u u .
On tb smaller man I-found tho bar rf an arguuu-nt started among the Mox.can
a lieutenant wings of the aviation 1 ut fi"u whether they should jail
corp. and leather legginas marked I for. robbery of bodies. I was ro
' Hannan Brothers, New York.' On the cased when I prevailed upon the mayor
larger man I found gold cuff buttons i to intorcodo. I went -to Guayma and
markod with the letter 'it!,' eagle froin thoro the American consul accom
wingg and propeller bar insignia. Both paniod mo to tho border,'.'
Taxes Delinquent After
Saturday Night; Fay Up
Have you paid your taxes!
Bottcr "get a move on,"
then,' because tho tax collector
closes his doors at S o'clock
Saturday evening. Then dolin-
quent taxes are assessed a pen-
alty of 1 per cent urttir Novem-
bcr 5, when an additional pon-
ally of 5 per cent is added.
It was reported at tax collect-
ing headquarters in the eo'uit
house, Thursday that many por-
sons, knowing that tho time in
which to pay and evade the pen-
alty was drawing shorter, were
hurrying in to "square up"
with the county.
Contrary to the report in a morning
newspaper that County Judge Bushcy
was opposed to a county library, and
i hat ho scorned tho idea because "95
percent of the books should never have
been published," Judge Bushcy rather
encouraged the plan, and only defer
red action because- of the urgency just
now of other matters.
"We will need every ecnt 'we can
get to apply on a road fund," Judgo
Bushcy said Friday, "and it is for
that reason primarily, that the county
court remonstrated. It is true that I
said that a number of books are unfit
to read, but there can be no doubt
about the .advirobility of a central
plane where citizens can refer to bonks
of actual benefit. But, for the time
being, the city library will have to do,
and the book kept in many of our Sa
lem lodge, and organizations will have
to bo used." .
When Judge Bushey waa confronted
Thursday by State Librarian Cornelia
Marvin, who strongly urges the county
library, he suggested that the matter
be placed before the people through
tho ballot at the next election. Ho def
inite action wbi taken by the county
court, and the matter was temporarily
Woodburn, Or., Oct. 3. Damage esti
mated at more than 400 was the result
of a fire that broke out at 11:10 a. m.
Thursday in the third story of the Ma
sonic temple, and which was subdued
with difficulty by work of volunteer
fire fighters.
bodies wore whipcord pants with cov
eralls over the uniforms. I dug deoper
graves and buried the bodies.
"Proceeding with my ship to Santa
Rosalia I reported to the captains of
the American steamers Providencia and
Jim Butler, gave theib writen state
ments and showed the rolics I had tak
en. The captain of the Providencia car
ried the story to tho American consul at
GtiayniRS and on hour later I was ar
rested by tho commandor of the port of
Santa Rosalia was investigated and re
leased with a police guard.
''About seven o'clock tho samo even
ing a paper was brought to mo to sign,
which I refused to do. I wag searched,
Dr. W. S. Mott. 64 years old, for eo
years an active physician in Salem, died
at the family residence, 680 North
Commercial street, at 2.30 . m. Friday.
Heart disease was given as the cause.
The end came unexpectedly, Dr. Mott
working at his office in the Banc .
Commerce building until Wednesday,
when, not feeling well, he went to bed.
His widow, Mrs. Wyletta Mott, and
son, Dr. William B. Mott, of Portland
and wife, wore at his bedside at the
time of his death. Dr. William Mott,
who learned of his father's illness, came
to Salem Thursday, and was administer
ing treatment when the end came.
Dr. Mott was born in McGee, Penn.,
April 17, 1855, and came to Salem 30
years ago last July. Since bis arrival
here lie has boen actively interested in
matters for the betterment of Halem.
Before coming hrc, he practiced at med
icine in McGee six years.
He was a Mason, Forester, Artisan,
Royal Neighbor ,a member of the East
ern Htar and of the Modern Woodmen.
At various times he was connected with
other fraternal movements ,nnd at all
times during his active life here he
Btrived for the advancement and growth
of this city.
Word of their father '. death was sent
Friday to James W. Mott, a lawyer of
Astoria, and Captain L. H. Mott, of Fort
Ward, tho other two son. who survive
him. They are expected to arrive in
Salem sometime Friday night. Funeral
arrangements will not be made until
their arrival. -
Dr. Mott, after establishing for him
self in enviable name in the medical
world, married Miss Wylettt Bunn,
daughter of James Bunn, Altona, Penn.
They then came west, Mopping at Ha
lem where they have resided since.
The body is at Rigdon's undertaking
Stanford University, Cat., Oct.
3. Herbert Hoover, addressing
the student bodv and citizen. '
here Thursday afternoon strong
ly endorsed the peace treaty nnd
tho league of nations.
ujtx UA,f RWMOT
tative To Meetiag At Dcs
Mmisters Throw Away
Own Salvation.
The election of delegates from Oregon
to tho national conference in Des
Moines next May of the Methodist Epis-
ennnl nliiiwti wan Anmnlvttaii at 4Yia TV,.
day morning session of the 67th session
of the Oregon annual conference of tho
Methodist Episcopal church. The elec
tion progressed without delay, and sup
port to the candidates named was appar
ently unanimous. ; "
The delegates selected to represent
the Oregon district at tho big confer
ence are!
Rev. T. B. Ford, district superintend
ent of tho Salem district; Rev. William
W, Youngson, district superintendent of
tho Portland district; Richard N. Avi-
son, D. D., pastor of the First church of
Salem; Bev. D. H. leech, ;pastor of thn
Eugene church: and the alternate dele
gates arci' itevt JoBhua Btanafieldf of
the First church of Portland, nd Clar
ence True Wilson D.- By .ooretary of
and morals, Washington; B. C. ' -v . J " .
The selection of Dr. Avison of the
Methodist EpiBeopal church of Balem
confers a notable honof upon the eity.
His election was accomplished without
dissent, and the general attitude of tho
delegate to th conference hero was '
one of pleasure with the success of the
elections. " .
Diirini the morning session, held at
the Methodist Episcopal churub, State
and Church streets, Bishop Matthew S.
Hughes, who is presiding at the eonfer-
. .'. un-.-
once, (leliverea a message un - nmr
Influence of Evangelism." t
He pointed out that many preachers.
bound up in their" work, and religious
study of theprinciplcs of the church,
lcis! their own salvation. This; nc le-
lared, disqualifies them te conduct the
duties of the church as they should he.
In explanation of this he eited the
ci'.-so of John Calahan, noted eriminnl of
Minneapolis. He told how Callahan,
ordered out of Minneapolis because of
the crimes he committed thore, went tu
New York and succeded 8amnel Hadly,
famous orcanir.er of the Bowery Mission
in New York. Callahan, having thim
. ... . .1 a- .V -!.-
found Jnristianny, murneu m r.n.
from wnicn ne was rraniHiimi, wuiwhi
bv the police judge, mayor and the tiest
Of citizens.
Much of the morning wn devoted to
regular business. Many student, in tho
ministerial course, were p.'wed on an
other year.
At the afternoon session fonr preach
er and four laymen were elected to at
tend the Dcs Mwincs convention. The
names of those held highest in favor
could not be learned.
Between three and five o'cloek a re
cniition was tendered to the wives of
visiting ministers nnd ladies visiting the
conference by the Luella Kimball club
in the Kimball school of theology.
At 7:30 a joint centenary meeting wilt
be held wtih Dr. A. L. Ho worth pre-
siding. James E. (Irowdcr, w. u., wu.
address the conference on "Methodism
World Program." .
A $10,000 real ostate deal, whereby
(tin drv nods firm of Rostcin Green-
buum acquires title to tho building at
".M.tfl North Commercial street ia which
its store is located, was completed this
I Tin. aula wan mndn bv Georre Wat-
sou, who purchased the property rrom
tho W. F. Boothby estate two years ago.
Mr, Boothby constructed tho bnildinsr
23 years ago. . -
The Rostein & Greeubaum firm epea
ed their store hero 13 year, ago,