PAGE FOUR THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1919. GHye (Eapital Journal AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Publalied every eveuing except Sun day by the Capital Journal Printing Co., 136 South Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. GEORGE PUTNAM Editor and Publisher Telephones Circulation aud Busi ness office, 81; Editoriul rooms 82. . National Advertising Representa tives V. D. Ward, Tribune Building, New York, W. H. Stockwcll, People's tips Building, Chicago. PLAY SAFETY FIRST. .AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION 3 5250 Certified 'by Audit Bureau of Circulation. FULL LEASE WIRE TELEGRAPH SERVICE Entered n second class mail matter at Salem, Oregon. INFLUENZA is again making its appearance in north , western cities. Sporadic cases are being reported in Oregon from Portland to Ashland, which constitute a warning that effort should be general to prevent another eipdemic. Seattle has inaugurated a flu prevention campaign. Measures suggested are: ... Enlisting physicians in co-operative prevention army. Compelling citizens to quit spitting on the sidewalk and persuading them to be careful about it elsewhere. Forbidding the sale of non-sterilized second-hand bed ding. Enforcing other sanitary laws. Salem should play safety first and do everything pos sible to prevent another epidemic. Individuals should ob serve the laws of hygiene, live cleanly, take plenty of ex ercise in the fresh. air, and curb their spitting, coughing and sneezing propensities. Bend Woman Is Here to Claim Reward Money Mrs. E. Keeney of Bend, Or., was a state capitol visitor Wednesday, calling on Warden Steiuer of tlio tnto prison to claim the $50 reward offered by the. state for the capture of Dave Brichoux, who had escaped from the state hospital flax pulling crew. , Mrs. Keeney provided the information leading to the capture of .Brichoux, which, according to the usual custom, is regarded ns entitling her to the reward I money sitnougu it is understood mat he sheriff of Deschutes county is also laying claim to a share of the reward for his part in the capture. . The Glatsop County Dairymen's league announces an increase in the price of milk of 40 cents a hundred on October 1 . . Ten commissioned officers and 36 enlisted men have been detailed as in structors in military work at Oregon Agricultural college. A Fool At 40 UTILIZE THE LOFTS. Odds, and Ends I WHO SAID IKON MEN? ' We-used to have a lot of. respect for the dollar. It was made of silver, nnJ ljure the imprint of the United States government, and carried "tho portrait o the artist's beautiful model, and said, "lu God Wo Trust" implying, of course, thst there was no one else that could be trusted for a dollar. The coin was up to date, too, ineo its design in ehiih'd a bunch .of spears and tt mint mark, just (ike the chewing gum nda. When people began slanging the dol lars around und calling them "beans" tnd "simoleuins". th0 best thought of America wa outraged. "Bones" and "iron men" were all right in the world of Jmikery, but they hardly eognnted the amount of respect and dignity tlmt should go with a product that had "to president ami Postmaster Burleson back of them. We felt that way particularly In the case of the dollars that hud been Hump ed iu Philadelphia. Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, and city of Ed Boll, and 'Connie- Mack, and of all that kind of thing. Dollar that fume bright and shiny from Philadelphia should never be called "washers "aud "bucks by us. Dear nol Theu when the high cost of living cinne around we cherished more than ever those bright d'isks. We like to have tli in ant only round, but around us. It became an exciting game, nut to mukc a : dollar go twice as fur, but just as far. ThiM'oin became n, symbol of opulence, ami one felt better, even better off, just to hear it jingle, cttn if it were only In ' Homebody 's elso ' pocket. Anil, then one day "the college pro fessors came out and told us (hat tn dollar was not dear at all; that in real ity it wu cheap, worth barely half what it used to bt . t Which made us all feel cheap; those of us who under ordinary "!i'emntnnce9 would have felt like thir- THERE are a number of buildings in Salem with va cant upper stories. Some of these lofts are unfin ished. Others have been empty for years. ' There is apparently no reason why these lofts should not be utilized, modernized and equipped as lodging and apartment houses. The returns would justify the invest ment, enhance the property and improve the city. The improvements could be made quickly at compar atively small cost and they would provide immediate housing accommodations for many now unable to locate here and help solve the housing problem. The present dirty, unkept appearance of these upper floors is discreditable alike to the owners and the com munity. A healthy public spirit as well as the possibility of profits should furnish the inspiration for the remod eling and utilization of idle upper floors. . - It is an O'd proverb that every man is either a fool or a physieian at 40. Well, I fooled along for 40 years in the practice of pharmacy and the study of medicine and therapeutics before I discovered the wonderful prescription for .Number 40 for the Blood. There is more of this wonderful prescription sold and used by the citizens of our home city than all other blood medi cines combined. It -is indicated in all depraved conditions of the system. fin blood poisoning, in sores, ulcers, ecze ma and skin-diseases. In chronic rjieu- Glendale Boy KiEed By Failing Tree Wednesday RoBeburg, Or., Oct. 2. P. W. Zwight J son of M. D. Zwight, a lumber manu-j facturer at Glendale, was killed WeiTues ' day morning when a huge limb of a tree , he was felling struck him on the head,' crashing the skull. j Zwight was 25 years of agj and un-1 til Saturday last was employi'd by thai Standard Oil company at Koseburj;, when he resigned his position to take i. j'nurge or n crew or men at tne men (dale mill. It was, while directing the: work of his crew that the accident oc curred. . - ' HINTING A HUSBAND By Mary Douglas ABOARD THE BLUE JAY Mr. Arnold! as Invited us to spend tlio day on his yacht. , The big Picree-An'oW was waiting for us. I sank buck into the luxurious seat naturally. Lazily I watched the flying bits of laudsenpe, the white winding road, and the blue waters seen from sudden hills. After two woeks this Is ho natural to me. I am perfectly at hnme. I have almost forgotten that there was a Sara Lnue that had to be cureful. -A girl who polished her own shoes. Anil must scrimp una save for a new dress. To whom luxury was a forbidden thing. ., And now it. is so perfectly nat ural. II is second nature, in two short weeks time, to ring for a maid. To have every comfort, convenience, elegance, at command.- Mnybc I shall never need to go nssu to that other Sara Lane. That flnrti Lane who has lived and struggled foT ty cents heard the market drop out t ruin twonty-f i ve long rears. under us and wo would have felt our- For Georgo Arnold hits everything. He selves going strong even ut fit teen cento a Pittsburgh inillioimite. That mythi -Cwtoons Magazine.,. .TURNER LOCALS (Cnpital Journal Special Service-,) O. W. Karris hn' bought tho Bieknell residence aud will move as soon as Mr. itauBct vacutos the house. Chester Smith und mother, lira. Art rvinith. are visiting Turner friends fro hi eastern Oregon. Turner public school opened Monday with an enrollment of 99 pupils, Sev rrnl more are to start as won as the prime crop is harvested and the school jeiir biJs fair to be a banner year. tions. Thero WSIb a sitting-room with deep blue rugs. A davenport and chairs of that (lurk blue velvet. Windows, cur tnlned, that gavo on tlio shining waters. A dimug room perfect ju its appoint incuts. Aud tiny bed rooms. To mo it .seemed a floating palace. Then we Bat on the wide awninged deck. The wicker chairs held out com fnrtnble arms. A tiny button, concealed ut the aide, was the signal for the stew aid. It was a long, idle, sunny day. Ycf though wo all were there, I found my self much alono with Georgo Arnold. We talked and strolled together. Alone, he showed me tint utusic-rocmi.. The mustai room with its piano und its white, fluted columns. ... ., . . ,. I paused before o picture in an open frame. A picture of a sad-eyed girl; George Arnold said, "That was my sis- tor!" A long, idle, sunny day. A day I would not forget. I could scarcely believe thut we had steamed back to the vacht club, that it was lute afternoon. "As the tender camo chug-chugging towards us, George Ar nold leaned on the poKshed rail, lie spoke low, o only I could hear. "Miss Lane, would you come out to my yacht tomorrow f Take tea with mo alone t" He paused at the question. Ho cul thing to mo two weeks ago. My thoughts came to an end. Wo wore at the yacht club. Tho littlo tender was waiting for us. Wo snw Mr. Arnold's yacht, the "Blue .Tav," for tho first time. It luv likoi .1 t .. 1.... 111.. As we eftine nnfil'er. U was nven morel Ibeautiful, intricate. George Arnold j 1 1,1,1 m' SIM'rot' 1 lmJ Kivpi mi' life ln- WHited for us on the briilge, As I step- j to his hands. ' pod ulourd, I could not help ft little j And as we crossed tlio intervening nirii! or cxeHt'iiieni, in some wuv x I watched me with Benreuingsves. When I had snid "Yes," I felt I had GatsoD Officers Go East To Bring Back Safe Blower V.'F. Br.kotich, deputy sheriff of flat s ip fomily, nnd lnu Belcher, a special deputy, were here Wednesday to receive from Governor Oleott requisition papers on the governor of Missouri refloating the release to the Oregon officials of Prank Barrett alias Prank Wagner, Al Meadows mid James Clerev wanted foi 1'iowiiig a safe in the Kullunkl store at Astoria the night of August 1(1, A tola of apriixlmntelr $10,000 Hii liberty bonds and gold .coin was taken from toe safe. - BnUot icli and Belcher left last night for Rt. Joseph, Mo,, where the three men are being held. Fanes Will Not knew I was the guest of honor. He was doing it all for me. He took us over the "Blue J:iy." Aud smiled at my delighted exehuiia- wnters to the land, I saw only tho gold en light in the clouds. Not the grny of evening creeping on. (Tomorrow Pi tiding Out the Truth.) op Here: Field Plowed The aviation field here htning been torn up by plowing demonstrations dur ing state fair week there Is no landing field available at this time for the aft' eotnodation of the bombing plnne which i. "lak'tns n tour of the Pacific coast. Governor Oleott conveyed this infor mation Wednesday to Colonel Hnrtz, in command of the plane, who li.-.d wired from Spokane for information relative to landing facilities wth a view to in. eluding Mem in his schodulo of stops. WARNING AGAINST CANCER i . born: 5 COOPER To Mr. nnd Mrs. Cecil T. Owper. L1B7 ' 'North' Commercial utrret, Tuesdav, September (to. 1P1, son, to be called James W. Cooper Killinj frosf, several Wftelis earlier than usual, struck TTond River valley Monday night. Truck gardens suffered B3riusly. - - The Aniorieftii society for the con trol of eancer sounds ,i tremendous warning against cancer in tho follow ing vital facta: . ' " 1. lbtiing the great war the United States lost about XO.OOO soldiers. Dur ing the same two years 180,000 people died of cancer in this country. Cancer is how lulling one out of every ten persons over 40 years of age. 2. Many of these deaths are prevent able, since cancer is frequently eur able, if recognized and properly treat ed ii its early stages, .... 3. Cancer is not a constitutional or "blood" disease; there should ibo no thought of disgrace, or of "hereditary taint" about it. 4. Cancer is. not a comimiuiciblo dis ease. It la not uossPble to "catch" can cer from one who has it. 5. Cancer-is ot inherited. It is not certain even that a tendency to the disease is inherited. Cancer is so fre uuettt that sinqily b" the. law of chauco there may be ninny eases in soma fam ilies, and this gives rise to much need less worry about inheriting tlio dis ease. , G. The beginning of'caneer is usual ly pninles; tor tins reason its mswii tfus onset i frequently overlooked, aud is too 'easily neglected. Other danger signals must be recognized and com petent medical advice obtained at once,- .-. -' . Kverr persisting lump in the breast Is a warning sign. 'AH such lumps are by io means cancer, but ev en innocent tumors of tha l.iet may turn into cancer if neglected. f. In women continued unusual dis charge or bleeding requires the imme diate advice of a competent doctor. The normal change of life is not ac companied by increased flowing which is always suspicious, The return of flowing Rfter it has tnce stopped should also, be considered suspicious. Oo not expect the doctor to tell you nhnt tho tumor is without nxakliijr k Medford Students Vote To Give Help To Orchard Men Medford, Or., Oct. 3. At 'he high school nssemb.y hour Tuesday fee stu dent body ol" i!20 boys and girls voted unanimously to work in the orchards a week whenever the high school should be adjourned for that purpose. The school board decided to close the high school Monday for a week. The ques tion of closing the grade'schools of Mod ford and a number of tho coivty rnn schools will be acted o" later. . .LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS . New York, Oct'. 2. iLibdrty bond quotations: -. 100.02; first 4's 95.22; sec ond 4'g 93.90; first 4 's 95.50; sec ond 4's 04; third 4 's 90; fourth 4Mi 94-14; vietory 3 3-4's 99.94; 4 3-4 '8 99.88. - If Back Hurts Use Salts For Kidneys Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like lead : or Bladder bothers you Meat " forms nVic add t ,,. - ..; .-, 1 Most folks forget)- that tho kidney, like the bowels, get sluggish and clog ged and need' a flushing occasionally, elsa wo have backache- and dull misery in, the kidney region, severo headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. lou simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and th moment you feel an ahe or pain- in the kidney re-' gion, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any rood drug store here, take a tnblespoonful'Hn a glass of wa ter before break last for a few days and your kidneys 'will then act fine. This anions suits is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithin, nud is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity.. It also neu tralizes the acids in the urine bo it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. ; Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent litltia wnter drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid nevs clean, thus avoiding serious com plications, , A well known local druggist say3 he sells lots of Jad fialts to folks who be lieve in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. ,(Adv) careful physical examination. !. Any sore that does not heal, par tieuhirly about tlio -mouth, lip or tongue is a danger signal. Picking and irri tating suoli sores, cracks, ulcerations, etct, or treating these skin conditions by home remedies, puste, 'poultices, caustics, etc., is playing with fire, Warty growths mole's, or other birth marks, especially those subject to eon stunt irritation,' should be attended to immediately 'if 'they change in color or appearance, or start to grow. Avoid ntico of chronic irritation and removal of just such seemingly insignificant danger spots may prevent cnucer. 10 Persistent 'indigestion in middle life'uii), , ui.rl. .,.,.1 ..i, ui ,.tu jtiim, luiiuiiiig, or. iiiarritoen, call tor thorough aud com petent medical advice as to tho possi vilify of internal cancer. 11. Open warfare by open discussion will mean the prevention of many need loss deaths from cancer. The common belief that cane,er is a hopeless malady is paiiiy iiue to the inet that eases of successful treatment- are frequently concealed by the patient and his fam ily, while cases of failure (too often resulting from delay) aro likely to be come common knowledge. Miss lievtha Dorris. n irraibtnto nf the University of Oregon and recently police matron tit Kugene, is now in euargei or a 4cpttrtiucnt on the police fore f New Orleans. Stops Medicine- Health Recovered By Internal Baths Little Otivian JSmith, daughter of 8. G. mitli, was seriouslv injured at Cot tage Grove when she was struck by a bicycle s she was returning home I roiil school. T.enlMmr A itnln ,n l,,i 1,'x.l- nA.l his father's home, telling of his inten tion io column suietitc, A. v. Moore, tivintv til Adlilnn-l tl.,. m ,1 1. :t I.. J .1. I... ,,1,1, ,111,, IV!I.-M Him- Self ointi time sturduy night. Mr. A. Czarmecki, 057 Montgomery St., fciaii Francisco, Cal., writes Tyr rell's Hygienic Instiitnto of :New York as follows: " must admit that the use of the J. B. 1j. Cascade' his cured chronic constipation from which I suffered. Since May 12, UH.'S, I havo never even tasted any kind of' patent medicine or purgative. My health is . exut-eueat -an every respect. " Over half a million bright, keen, in telligent Americans have found that internal bathinsr is more ewnt-rat to their health, than external baths . Have fiHind that used occasionally at night thev feel liko different people the next morning. No more of that bil ious, tired, nervous foeling. but having by nature's own cleanser antiseptic warm watci- removed all the poison ous waste front the lower intestine, they awake thorttnuMy refreshed by normal sleep, with all their functions acting properly, clear headed, happy and confident, eager and cajiable for the duties of the day, . Why not. learn mote- a'bout this rap idly growing anil natural practice? The "J. B. I. Casetnlc" is the- invention of Chas. A. Tyrrell, M. I)., of CS'ew York, a specialist on internal baths for 2-3 years, and is now heiug shown and explained by Daniel J. Pry in Sa lem, Ore., who will give you free ou request n-n bttcp'tiitg booklet' on "tht subject called "Whv Man of Ttday is Only 5 Opercent Efficient." (Adv) MOTPSFRIEIW Expectant Mothi BUnPHD KEGUlTO CO BWT Ml ATLAKT. Ca WOODRY HAS MOVED to 270 N. Com'I St. matism, catarrh, constipation, stomach, kidney and liver troubles. J. C. Men denhall, 40 years a druggist. Houston, Texas, Jan. 22. 1918. J. C. Mcndenhall, Evansville, Ind. Dear Sir: "Having suffered from 12 to 18 months with nervous breakdown, said by physicians to be sciatic nouralgia, causing gener al toxic poisoning and seeing your ad verti ment in the Ean Antonio Ex press,'! called on Dr. A. M. Fisher, druggist. He recommended your pre scription Number 40 which I have using for three months and have received' great benefit from it. Sleep well, "good appetite, have gained Several pounds in weight, get. np feeling fresh very morning. Have no pains. My nervou system has become nearly normal." Be speetfully, J, L. Dupree, 1715 Commom St. Number 40 is sold by Bchaefcr drug store. THE J. C. Lotion for Skin Disease Perry's. " . ' ' ' Prescription for Eczema ft U yer the itiindard ikin remedy liquid used externally iiulant relief from itch. Soap the mildest of clean ten keeps thesktn alwaytciesD ana neauny. Com la sad uk hi about beUa- L ADD & BUSH BANKERS - Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. now imencan w omen reaK uowa Owing to the modem manner of living and the nervous haste of every woman to accomplish just so much" each day, they overdo, and as a consequence develop ailments peculiar to their sex, as is indicated by backache, headache, nervous ness, the blues, displacements and weakness. ' Women who find themselves in this condition should slow down,' and depend upon that good old fashioned root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, to restore them to health and strength, for there is no other remedy known that so quickly restores a healthy, normal condition. Here is the Story of a Most Remarkable Recovery Minneapolis, Minn. "I was run down and nervous, could not rest at night, and was more tired jn the morning than when I went to bed." I have two children, the youngest three months old, and it was drudgery to care for them as 1 felt so irritable and generally worn out. From lack of rest and appetite rny baby did not get enough nourishment from me, so I startad to give him two bottle feedinos 1 A t . . . . O . After taking three bottles of E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound I felt like a new woman, ' i oi lite and energy. It 13 a leasure to care for my children and I amvery happy with them and teel fine. I nurse my j)aby exclusively again, and can t say too much for your medicine Mrs. A. L Miller. 2633 East 24th St. Surely this proves the curative value of 1 IvJL 1 mfflt ' y f K5 a day c ".tt: - v.X- pi.1 r it -vjy ji - - ..a-fc ,,1 Li f- vy'', tt 1 1 1 0 1 a r.1 PV . S " " - .. . ISl!" ' ' I "' : ill