PAGE THREE. ICT NOT AVAILABLE If the farmers of Oregon desire to continue the production of flax the pen itentiary stands ready to purchase the eiop delivered at the prison flax plant, but there will be no further contracts entered into involving the use of eon 'Viet labor outside of the prison walls. .This decision, prompted by tho experi ence of the past season, was voiced by Warden B. E. Steiner at the meeting oi the state board of control, Wednesday afternoon, and is approved by Governor Olcott, .who, under the state law, is di icetly responsible for the policy of this institution. At the September meeting of the board of control Warden Steiner pre sented a- letter voicing his opposition to the use ef convict labor in the harvest ing of flax or in any other work in volving the use of convicts outside the prison walls. This opposition is based on tho difficulty experienced in secur ing sufficient labor to cany out these contracts without resorting to the use of "haidboils" and the necessity for maintaining heavy gun guards in order to prevent escapes. . , ; Warden Steiner in his letter to the board calls attention to the fact that so far not a single fanner had entered in to a contract with the state for the pro duction of flax on the new torms which include delivery at the prison plant at a price of $35 a ton for the first class product, $25 a ton for second class, pull ed by hand,. and $15 a ton for flnx cat by mower regardless of length. "It has . been demonstrated beyond question that Oregon .can grow flax of tke very finest quality, also that our , climate is favorable for its manufac ture," Warden Steiner declares. . "It is now time for this industry to stand on its own bottom. Flax must be cared for at the Bame time that our varied fruits,' vegetables, grain, hay, lops and other erops must be harvested. Everyone knows what scarcity of help and high prices exist. The penitentiary bag performed its function, in the flax demonstration." - .Warden Steiner 's letter concludes with a recommendation that other in dustries bo established at the prison to provide employment for the convicts in the evont the flax plant is compelled - to close down because of a lack of raw material which now seems highly prob able. "They are willing to work if encour aged and thereby assist in their main tenance," he declares. "It is proper that those men be taught to learn trades and to, save some money so that when they again enter the world, they do not do so with empty pockets, without a trade and with a mind poisoned against society. The state has its duty to per form regardless of what the convict has done or may do. "An immediate effort should be made to install some industry which will af ford the inmates of the prison labor so that the. men can be kept from idle ness and at the same time produce some profit to the state. I have in mind sev eral industries which I think could be profitably installed, but before making a final report in this regard I woutii advise an investigation of tho most suc cessful prisons in the- United States so that we could get the benefit of their experience and actual results." Warden Steiner will leave within a few days for a tour of the middlcwest, south and east, upon instruction of the state board, of control, with a view to atodying industrial plants in various state prisons. His tour will include Co Iambus, Ohio; Ja-ckson, Mich.; Joliet, JSL; Stillwater, Minn.; Jefferson, Ind.; sad possibly to New York where he would inspect the famous Sing Sing prison. ' Protection From Robin Robbers Asked of Olcott Must a man in Oregon sit helpless ly by while the robins strip his Mountain Ash trees of their berriesf . That's what Chas. Williams, a doc tor of McMinaiville wants to know of Governor Olcott. ' Last year, Dr. Williams writes, the authorities at McMinnville fined him (25 when he attempted to defend his . property from the assaults of the rob in horde; . SSow, in order to prevent a repetition of this official interference, . he wants the governor to issue him a' permit to kill robins. , J. The request has .been turned over to Carl D. Shoemaker, state game warden, for his consideration. Canyon City Man Named As Grant District Attorney The appointment of A D. Leedy of Canyon City to succeed Phil Ashford f the same "place as district attorney for Grant county, was announced by " Governor Olcott this, morning. Ashford has submitted his resignation to take affeet November 1. lost Aviators Found In V ' Graves Oyer Mexican Line ' Nosales, Aria., Oct. 2. The bodies f Lieutenants Connelly and Water fconae, lost army aviators missing for reeks following a flight over the Mex. iran. border, wore f onnd buried near Okrio De lis Angeles, Lower Califor nia, on .September 21 by Josoph Allen Richards, an American, who reported details to war and state departments tere today, " '" CONV LABOR OUTSIDE PRISON i incorporations; j Increased activities in the mining in dustry in eastern Oregon is indicated in the increase in capital stock or tne Cornucotpa Mining company from $800, 000 to $1,500,000, a certificate cover ing which was filed with Corporation Commissioner Schulderman, , Wednes day. The company is located in Cornu copia, Baker county. Articles of incorporation .were filed Wednesday, as follows: Self-Tshbaugh Co., Portland; $5000; George M. Self, Edw. C. Ashbaughi and W. J. Patterson.. - . . '.'-.:-., Lane-Miles Standish Co.,. Portland; $10,000; Alan Lane, 'Miles " Standish and W. J. Piepenbrink. ,-. , :..' Champion Manufacturing Co., Port land; $30,000; W, L. Freeman, IPred Plympton and H. D. Story. IMS RELEASE OF. GEORGE CHENOWETH A plea for the early release . of George Chenoweth from the state hos pital for the insane is mado toy Dr. F. J. Sehliemann of Gold Beach, in a let ter received by Attorney General Brown, who declares himself to be with out any jurisdiction in the matter. Chenoweth, a member of the last Btato legislature, was acquitted of a man slaughter charge on the grounds of insanity and committed to the state institution by the circuit court of Cur ry county. He is now deained in the re ceiving 'ward .of the state hospital whore he is kept under close scrutiny by officials to determine whether or not his mental condition will justify his detention in the instituton. ; "Tho character of the man is well shown when the prosecution in an in quiry brought out his statement that ho did not agreo with his counsel that he was insane," the letter reads. Dr. Schlieinann declares that he has examined insane .people for 40 years past and is unable to detect any symp toms of insanity in Chenoweth. "I regard him as absolutely honest, absolutely upright in thought and ac tion; a man that would not tell a lie on the witness stand even to save his own life, " he. continues. The letter conclude with the declaration that de tention in the hospital would "simply be injuring him without helping any one." TOMORROW TOM MIX in f Fighting for Cold" A touch-and-go comedy depicting the perilous ad ventures of a, dauntless lover of the West. Filled with virile action and live : ly romance. , See it and learn why Mix pampers the savage grizzly. V- THEATRE JS Mystery Story Made ' By Women For Women i Three women are responsible for the production based on a woman's nine emotions to be presented at the Liber ty theater starting today. It is called '.' A ' Midnight Romance," and stars Anita Stewart, who scored such a sen sational triumph in ' her characteriza tion of Amy Forrester in "Virtuous Wives.' The story is a fast moving tale of mystery and romance, in which Marie Alexander, a victim of abuso as a hotel maid by day, and sought and loved by night as a beautiful vision in charming gowns, completely ftarflrsr the man whose heart she has won, and suc cessfully upsets a thrilling blackmail plot of which he is the intended vic tim. At this noint she disappears and when she again is found by the young society man who bad known her only as a phantom of the beach and gar dens at midnight, it is under circum stances and in surroundings more be wildering and perplexing than even his wildest surmises had imagined.' (Adv) . k'A midnight"romanceJ QMTsews J. Brownstein, who has been acting as administrator of the estate of Louis Silverman, was granted relief from ob ligation Thursday through, nn order of County . Judge Bushey. Brownstein claiming that old age -incapacitates his successful handling of the estate, cn- CLEANLINESS NONE BETTER MADE Bake-Rite Bread A Perfect Loaf. Fresh and Wholesome BAKE-RITE SANITARY BAKERY ' 457 State Street " - BUY A HOME 'AT PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, 2 p. m. 390 Hoyt Street, fine 7-room house. Strictly Modern. Overlooking city. Fred Griffiths Owner, The Auctioneer. Phone 510 or 511270 North Commercial Street BUCKMEGHT . u.8. pat. or. ARMY TT2? SHOE Yes this is the sflCe that gives you every step com fort every minute." Why? Because it is built right to start with ! Our first consideration hat always been to put into every Buckhecht Army Shoe: best mater Ms, wholehearted workmanship and U.lino BLACK GUNMFTAL.MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF , Exclusive Agent -r-.?:r- PAKIS BKOHEES , 357 State Stree t, Salem, Oregon Manufacturers BUCKINGHAM & HECHT San Francisco KMt MORE POWER BAD B1EAT DO YOU WANT your friends to avoid you? They will certainly do so when your breath .is bad. , There is no excuse for anyone having a bad breath. It is caused by disorders of the stomach which can be corrected by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured of stomach troubles by the years of suffering. Price tered his application for resignation Wednesday. Jlrs. Celia Silverman will act as future administrator. " Although a i estate of more than , $2,000 was left by Nannie Cleaver . who died here in 1916, Grace C. Mick ' elson and Edith ' Kane, heirs, have I found it necessary to pay out $504.83 of their own money to relieve inenm jbramces, according to a final report ori l the estate filed in tho court house Thursday. The report was filed by Lud- wig Mickelson, administrator. Novom- PURITY fk PI It is significant that the Buck hecht Army Shoe -is worn by thous ands of men in walb oflife. They have come to sp predate its yield ing comfort, its velvety feel, its wear-resisting qualities. And so will you once yon treat your feet to Buckhecht Zerolenegivesbet ter compression, therefore, more power to your car. It burns clean and goes out frith ex haust. Deposits least carbon. Get a Correct Lubrica tion Chart for your car. STANDARD OltCOUPAK? (UUwaia) use of these tablets after 25 cents per bottle. Woodry '. Bish - WHAT ever trouble you may have had in buying clothes at other places You will have no trouble at BISHOP'S. NEW goods are ar , riving daily to fill up the greatly enlarged store. WE have had made of OREGON fleece wool 100 dozen KHAKI : SHIRTS. They are made from absolutely pure fleece wool. THE . wool used in this shirt is clipped from the sheep and put directly into your clothes. The animal vitality remaining in the wool assures sat isfaction and long wear. ; ; Priced at $5.00- But Worth MORE. BISHOP'S have the largest stock of fancy shirts. They are made hy all the well known manufacturers, j - THE Ace shirt is the latest arrival, among the many new ones. They are made up in a wonderful variety of stripes and silk figured weaves. In soft cuffs and bands, at prices that you will appreciate. V WORK SHIRTS THAT WILL HELP YOU work. : "V-v v -; THEY are so large and roomy they do not bind and hinder your working ability. MADE extra large and extra lentgh. THEY are the best garment on the market for the money. Complete Outfitters of the-Working man. . to "Every Family In Marion and Polk Counties a Patron" Salem WQOlefl VjillS Store ber was tho date set for hearing ob jections to the report. ; About 400 hunting licenses have been sold ii Salem 'since tho opening' of the hunting Benson in the state October 1, according to reports made to the county cjerk's office. More than 300 licenses had been sold up to Thursday by ngents throughout the city. And 25 licenses 'had been solu! up to Thursday noon at the county clerk's office. r A marriage license was issued Thurs day to Harvev Walker 52, a farmer, residing on route 7, iSalem, nnd'Nottio H. Fairchild, 42, of this city, A certificate of assumed . name has been filed with the county clerk by A. D. Spier of 357 North Commercial streot and W. F. Glover of 241. North Com mercial street. They will transact busi-, noss under the name of ' 'Liberty Ex change." : Dorothy Wilkjns born July 1, 1915 has by an order of the county court, been legally adopted by Mr. and Mrs. op's Fabric William F. Brownil'ig. She has no par- ents living and has been with the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Port land. The adoption was upon the pe tition of Mr. and Mrs. Browning, The legal name of the Httlo girl now is Jannette Dorothy Browning. , Aliens Are Barred From State Jobs By New Order No person who is not a citizen of the United StateB or who has not at least filed his declaration of intention to be come a citizen will . hereafter be em ployed at any of the state institutions in Oregon. Orders to this effect wore issued to all instituion and department heads Wednesday by tho stato board of control. A Canadian employed as a janitor at the tuberculosis hospital is said to bo the only employe to be affected by the or der at this time. Your Daily Bread is your best food for the three following reasons: FIRST: . : ..V -;.V,-. . " 7 Because it is a delicious, palatable food. SECOND: ' . ' Because it is wholesome and nutritious. . ' THIRD: Because it is, today, the only economical food ' that can be bought. : . Order that extra loaf of HOLSUM from your grocer today. Cherry City Baking Go. John Bobert Medley, Civil war vet eran and resident of Oregon since 1S50 is dead at iiottago Grove, aged 75. I havo raisod three children, have al ways used Chamberlain's Cough Borne dy and foun dit to be the best for coughs, colds and croup It is plensnut' to take. Both adults and children like it. My wife and I havo always felt, safo from croup with it in tho house." Chamberlain's Cough Beincdy contains no opium or other narcotic. WOODRY HAS MOVED to 270 -N. Com'ISt. ntii)IHUtMtUMtMM