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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1919. By Gertrude Robison w 1TII the reopening of the achool year in Salem a number of so- cial activities will be resumed, which were necessarily dropped during the vacation months. The high school literary and social clubs, of which there are a goodly number, will begin irith renewed energy, and the student organization of Willamette universi ty have already begun plans for the year's activities. By reason of the in created attendance at the university the clubs and societies of the institu tion will, naturally have larger mem' bershipa and the year promises to be replete with many pretty informal functions. The teachers in the local schools are ails organizing, and with charaeteris- ue feminine initiative are planning a number of original and interesting meet .... Ti... u:l.:.. i..u u : l , a.. Jigs. The Hiking club, which proved to oe sncn success last term, nas been re organized and the members are only awaiting the inevitable good weather, whi -h an Oregon Indian ' summer tilings, to enjoy the long pleasant hikes that were universal favorites in the past. Viewing the situation from these particular standpoints, the coming sea am gives promise of, being a busy one, .1 -. c .. j . nd if no unexpected interruption oc curs, like the unfortunate epidemic of last winter, students and- teachers in both the high" school and university tnay look forward to an eventful school year. - ' ; i The C. W. B. M. will, meet in the church parlor Friday afternoon at 2:30 with Mrs. Jjcland WV Porter leader. Americanization institutes,' for the purpose of standardizing Americaniza tion work, will be held tliis Jear in ev ery city, town and hamlot in the Unit ed States where a woman 's club is lo cated. This is to bo the speciul feature of the 1919-20 program of tho hundreds of Organizations represented in the general federation of women's clubs. The purpose of the Institutes will be two fold: First, to adjust the American mind to admit the foreign horn into democracy; and, aoeond, to prepare Am . rican citizens to undertake the work of properly reaching the foreign born In an effort to Americanize them. In this great work the club women will have the cooperation of teachers, social workers and memoers of other great or gnn'fcations. The holding of tho community gath erings of American ind foreign born, at which exliiliits of the arts and hand icraft! of lour newcomer will be made in nn effort to foster these gifts and show their, value as contributions to American life. Other attractions at these gatherings will ho pageants and community singing in which there will' lie a blonding of tho voices of the old and new worlds in a itruly democratic spirit. Naturalization laws will be studied, aupplcmentcd by visits to naturaliza tion courts, to observe the legal pro ceeds, -that workers Jiinv be ablo,to assist the foreign bom In tho proced ure noeeeaarv for them to coma into full citiaonnhip. FIRST KING TO VISIT AMERICA HAS ARRIVED (Oontimied fron page one) admimtioa for the soldier monarch in their own. way,, and .they did. The roar of welcome that . went up from their throats and from the whistles and sirens, in the bay and river, curried no spirit of "hail to tho king," but instead, a typically American, man to man 'how dy Albert." Btate department Orders prevented the royal party's progress from Bandy 'iiuok, whom tho Ueorge Washington Anchored during the night, to the army 1 icrs in nououoii, from being the same triumphal entry that was accorded Ueu 4ral Pershing. No private craft were permitted to go down the bay and the noisy welcome thoy furnished was ro- erved until the George Washington aieared the Htatue of Liberty. The Goorge Washington broko out tne Jiolgisu flag from tho mainmast and as escorted by destroyers and seanlanes. ahe passed through tho narrows, the -miicm was greeted with a saluto of 21 guns from Forts Hamilton and Wads worth. the king and queen stood on the i.i-:.iA e -it... . " mo uuurgu n HsnillL'ton alio warped into her dock.- The former wept the crowd through field glasses and the queen busily snapped pictures ith a small camera. The steamer wus docked on the north side of tho pier, the berth of the Imperator, which wu moved to tho south side of Pier No. 2. Vice President Marshall delivered the address of welcome. The king replied liriefly. Tho king said that he and the queen greatly regretted President Wilson's illness end expressed hoie for "speedy Te estaMishment of hi health, which U o precious. " Ho said their voyage to this country was a distinct step in their lives and that they hoped to gain many new thoughts ami ideas. After, the greeting!" were exchanged, the royal party shook hands with the members of tho welcoming committor, then boarded automobiles for the ferry trip to New York. ' The royal party arrived at the Wal durf -Astoria shortly before I o'clock and was acclaimed by thou'itmds ill the treets about the hotel. 000,009 Highway Bond I-sae Is Delivered To Buyers Another two million dollar issue of ti-t highway bonds was delivered by the stste treasurer's deprrtment to "sr trn 4 Earles of Seattle, Wednesday. Jo Buhm-dfloii, assistant state treB tirer, made the trip to Portland to de liver the bonds which are a- part of the 10 00,000 issue authorized by the last legislature. The institutes will also demonstrate the need of ooenin? the nubile sehool i buildings for night and day elasses for the- training of new citizens and will also work for every possible form of educational opportunity in industrial plants. The promotion of community centers in school buildings and libraries will be undertaken, at which it is proposed to hold Americanization conferences. To these all women's organizations and others interested will send represent atives, including the leading women of each national and racial group, to con fer ou the ibest means of reaching the foreign born. Every effort will be made to study the immigrant and his needs. A great many interesting persons were visitors in tne city last week at- tending the state fair and availing :., . ... ' themselves of the opportunity to re new old acquaintances and visit friends Among them were a number of guests at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Owen voiwrmnn, most or wniwn were con nectcd with various booths and cxliib- its-at the fair, They wre J. L. Porte, Canadian government agent, in charge Tiehener, deputy U. S. marhall Port , . , ' . ' ; . . , "i ia vunsaiuu xmrm; r ranK is. land: J. A. Smith of Marshfield with the Coos county exhibit; Mr. and Mrs. (iuy Ford of Myrtle Point, represent ing the cheese association of Cook county- X. F. Donnelley of Portland, looking after the interests of , tho Weatherly Ice cream company; H. Sporch of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Montgomery of Sacramento, who had entered a number of race horses; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thoen of Portland; h. A. Hitchcox, with the eastern Oregon exhibit; W. Zoimer of Portland; L. D. Smith of Marshfield; H. Lidvard of Forest flrove: M. G. Hushes of Hilln- uorto; Mr. and Mrs. i. H. C. Elliott anrl laushters .Susan and Florence of Port:: . L' 1 ., . ,,- . -- '.urn; r. . vuiemau or rortianu, rep resenting the Alliers rBos. products; I. A. Vunce of Portland; Charles Cleve land of reshum; Mrs. W. J. Ward of t'ortlmiit; w. H. Walton of Khedd: Miss Maud Sparks and Mrs. Willi sparks of Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs.1"" goT", Senator Kenyon asked. v. v.. l nomas Of Uswego; A. Clark of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Moses and son. and Mr. and Mrs. Chose of Chohalis, Mr, and Mrs. John Brooke of Garvaig announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Juno, to Knytnond .1. Lambert of Ht. Paul. Tho wedding win uo an event oi early lall. Mr. and ilia. Thomas Burrows re turned from Newport Friday after nn extended stay nt their Nyo beach cot tage. . . . " Mrs. V. L. Griffith, left for Portland today, where she will be the guest of friends for several days. 'harles K. Spaulding is a Portland visitor, being domiciled-at the Imper ial hotel during his stay in the city. Mr. and Mrs. O. Cotterman entertain ed as their guests Saturday at thoir homo on Highland avenue, Dr. and Mrs. Constance, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jensen and children Leroy and Agnes, nil of Portland. ' Among tho Sulem folk who are in Iortlnnd today on business matters, are Herbert Kuan and Joseph Bichard son. i htw An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade j ' " The Supremacy of our Blouse Values is Splendidly Apparent in the NEW Wirthmor Silk Blouses Never before have we been rible to more strikingly demonstrate the decided superiority of our Blouse values than is permitted in the remarkable offerings of these Wirthmor Silk models: Styled most atrtactively and appealingly; developed of quality fabrics (beautiful Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin), made with painstaking atte ition to details, and cut otf full gen erous, correct fitting lines, they are the kind of Blouses f ot v hick you would expect to pay and ordinarily would have to ppy a far higher price, , s '. Ladies' Store 466-474 ' State Street i i Portland Woman Takes Own Life; Was Dallas Girl Portland,' Or., Oct. 2. Lvdia Cullen, srife of E. F. Cullen of HillBdale, shot and killed herself while alone in her h ime between 6 and 8 o'clock Wednea diy evening. 8ho had returned an hour Ki'Jier from a four-months visit with her parents in Dallas. "We'll cat su;4-cr at my brother','.' mid Cullen. His wife demurred, and Cullen set forth with their 8 year-old son, Brewster. When they returned from their meal at the home of C. E. Cullen, Mrs. Cullen 'g body, with the fatal tiil let wound in the right temple, was found on the kitchen floor. Shu left a short noto. It read; '.'.Vor my little Brewster," ami on top of it was a pursj containing 10. TO HIRE WATCHMAN " The employment ef a'night watchman at the state school for the blind was au thorized by the state board of control at its meeting Wednesday. This action wit taken nn ihn lirtrpnf rannmrmtnlntinn nf Superintendent Howard of the school who declared himself fearful of the eon- ' "ufncfs ,if VTesel dion" whicu involved lnnvmor th instttntinn nn. involved leaving the institution un guarded at night, were permitted to continue. COMPROMISE IN STRIKE CANNOT BE SAYS GARY (Continued from page one) If the investigation could be made more simple for the benefit of the com mittee, it ought to be done," Gary said. "There is danger of a misunder standing upon tho part of the working ,., i. .: nun. "It might bo desirable if the repre sentatives of your committeo make a thorough investigation of our mills, tak ing two or three weeks." "n vou think the committeo ought The dignity of our professional eti quette matches the high standards we have set for the con- I' wuvb ui uui uiiaiuLsn- . o 01 CHIOCE WHILE THEY LAST $5.00 Salem's Exceptional Store "No, I don'fsay that," Gary replied. Kenyon reminded Gary that he had referred to a newspaper article saying that the -proposed visit, of the senate committee to the Steel district would prolong the strike. ' "I am inclined to think there may be something in that," Gary said. He then read letter he said were ro- eeived by. the employes threatening them If they did not strike. Gary stat ed that net profits of the United States Steel Corporation in recent years are as follows: la 1924, $58,267,925. . In 1915, $107,832,016. I 1918, 30B,449,476. - - Ia 1917, $253,608,200. Ia 1918, $167,562,380. . Gary said only 82 men out of 191,000 ra the manufacturing plant worked a continuous 24-hour shift at any time last year and only 344 worked an eighteen hour shift at any. time. Women, Here Is 'iff A Money Saver Save five to tea dollars,fquiekly by Jry cleaning everything in the aome just as easy as laundering, yon ean dry clean suits, coats, waists, silks,, gloves,-shoes, furs, draperies rugs, mens clothes everything that would be rum- ea Dy soap and water. Place a gallon or more of gasoline in a dish pan or wash boiler, then put in the things to bo cleaned and wash them with Solvite soap. Shortly everythir comes out looKing UKe new. 'Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles. No pressing' needed. Do not attempt to dry clean without Solvite soap. This gasoline soap is tho secret of all dry cleaning. A package of Solvite soap contain ng directions, for home 'dry cleanine costs but a few cents at any drus. gro cery or department store. Dry clean away trom name or out of doors. (Adv) Salem People Prevent Appendicitis Many Salem tieoole are usinir simnle glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc.", as mixed in Adler-i-ka. This - flushes BOTH upper and lower bowel so com pletely it removes all foul, accumulat ed poisons from alimentary canal and pre? tints- lappenuoeitia, Adler-i-ka re lieves AMixt CASfy gas on stomach or sour stomach, otten CUBES constipa tion. In one case of chronic stomach trouble ONE bottle produced wonder ful results. J. C. Perry, druggist, 115 ooum commercial,- (Adv.; Do Away With Indigestion How to Purify a Sour, Distressed Stom ach in a Few Minutes Let us talk plain English; let us call a spade a spade. Your food ferroewtg' and your stom ach- isn't strong enough to digest the rood you put into it, so the food sours and forms ipoisonous eases, and when it does leave your stomach it has not furnished proper nourishment to the I blood, and has left the .stomach iln a I filthy eondituon. , r Take Mi-o-na stomach tablets if you wMui r.u I'luuigtr your, iiiiny siomau. to 'a healthy, clean, purified one. t IT Mi-o-na fails to relieve your mdi gestdon, rid you of diKziness. bilious nesa and sick headache your dealer win cneerruliy rotund your money, i 1 If you want to make your stomach 1 o strong that it will digera hearty meal without distress, and you want to be without that drowsy,- all tired out feeling, take Mi-o-na; - it should gave you prompt relief. For Sale by T. J. Fry and all leading druggista.(Adv) Men's Store 416 State Street . i ... .... Chamberlain's Congi Remedy This is not only one of the best and most efficient medicines for coughs, colds, eronp and whooping eough, but is also pleasant to take, which is inr portant when a medicine must be giv1 en to young children. G9itmberlain's Cough Kemedy has been in Use for many years and has met with much favor wherever it-' ood qualities have become known. Many mothers have given it their unqualified endorsement Win. Seruby, Chilucothe, Mo., writes, TH1H AWL will mend harness, shoes, gntia b a u s. etc. to sew up wlra cnts on stoct. Special with needle and spool of waxed thread, 6M cents. By mail, 75 cents. Full directions with same. The Brown Mercantile Co., 171 First atreei, Portland, Oregon. SQUEEZ TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful i is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy far kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Famous since 1606. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. Look for th. urn. CoU Mxil oa vwyhu mm accept im ici lint ion WOODRY HAS MOVED to 270 N. Com'! St. V -v ... c c c V ' ECZEMA To reduce the Itch, ing, use soothing applications of VICRS VAP0R1 "YOUR BODYGUARD" -5QjL60.l.2O The Joy Of Ai Perfect Skini (tVKnow the joy and W happiness that comes to one thru possessing a skin of purity and beauty. The soft, dis tinguished appearance it raiders brings out your natural beauty to its full' est In use over 70 years. Fruit-Juice Essences Jiffy-Jell desserts carry teal fruit flavors in es 'sence form, in vials. A wealth of fruit juice is condensed for each des sert. So you get a fresh fruit dainty, healthful and delicious. This is the new-type quick gelatine dessert five times as good as the old kinds. Loganberry and Pine apple are two of the best flavors. Try them. They're found only in 0 Flaeon, at Your Groor's 2 Package for 25 Cent ,K a package before a package during and a package urn II II w NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! &S'",M''W?', Honesty, speaks fpr, itself -s IMPEMALES MOUTHPIECE CIGAKETTES - are bo honest in their work-, manship, so eujperior in good , tobacco well blended, smoke so fragrantly cool through the mouthpiece, that they speJt quality in any company j 10 for 13c .'v, The John Bollman Co. Branch "SLOAN'S LINIMENT NEVER FAILS ME!" Any man or woman vho keeps It ; Handy will tell you that same tbint ESPECIALLY those frequently ; attacked by rheumatic twinges. ; A counter-irritant, Sloan's Lini ment scatters the congestion anden trales without rubbing to the afflicted '; part, soon relieving tne ache and pain, j nepr. nanay ana usea everywnero for reducing and finally eliminating the pains and acheis of lumbago, maiifTfria trtticrlA etraftl. 4nin AtifTnraA. wwu.u.6.u, , , I sprains, bruises, the result of exposure 10 weatner. Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drug eists. 35c. 70c., $1.40. the war the war