Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 01, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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Rate per word New Today;
Each insertion , ' le
On week (6 insertions) . 5c
On" ".onth (26 insertions) 17o
One year, per month ... : Bfl
Minimum per ad 25 cents.
Cash in advance, except where ad
vertisers have' monthly accounts.
For Sale.
FORD roadster for sale at Marion gar-
FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay. Phone
' SF5. 234
FOB SALE Poland China boar, 12
.months old, registered. Phone 53F5.
' 232
BROOD sows aud inileh cows for sale.
Phone 63F22. 230
GROCERY store aud fixtures for sale.
Write J X care Journal. 10-2
FOR SALE-tfVys for sale, lib, to 2
lbs., 30 cents each. Call 95F21. 3
FOR SALE 10 acres on paved road,
good 6 room house, barn, f a mil v' or
chard. Price $40UO, terms. D. E. "Hart
212. Oregon. bldg. 233
GIRLS coaster wheel for sale, $12. 1135
Waller St. 10 (3
HORSE for sale, weight 1030.. Call S3
Ft) and ask for J. 11. Foster. 10 1
FOJl SALE 6 room house, street pav
inpf paid. Price $1300, terms. D. E
Hart. 21 2 Oregon bldg. 233
Help Wanted
WANTED Waitress, dishwasher and
pastry cook at Electric restaurant,
481 Stato St. - 10-1
WOOD" choppers wanted. Call Bless
ing cigar store. .... : ,-' 230
WANTEDA janitor, .439 Court. Sa
lem Halting jo. . l
hospital. Phone 433. ' 10 2
Ul RL wanted for general house wont.
Phone 1307. ; 23
WANTED Good man to work on farm
and nursery.' Phono 2500J2. 23T
FOR SALE 2Vo acres with good house
and bam, some lagans and close in,
at a reasonable price. Call for Fred
W. Durbin at 275 State St. 232
VULCAN ffas range for sale cheap:
first class condition. Capital, hotel. I FOR SAL?; Ford just overhauled, 4
FOR SALE Near 'Waconda, 30 little
pigs, fiiia m. riuncy, iu,
good tires, 2 extras, electric lights,
.spot light and shock absorbers. SWo
-N. 22d. Phone 1253. 233
FOR SALE Home in Salem for sale
by owner. Price $0300, Address Box
F, Silvcrton, Or. ... V 232
FOR SALB iPretty Collie -pups,'' 2
months old, - well marked; few left,
$7.30 each. Penrcy . Bros., Oregon
Wdg. Phone 603.. ..-:',... '834
PEACft"pUa for sale. Phone 324 or
C74. Trovers drier, Bt." 4, box 54.
Phono 11F11. Price 4c lb, plus par
cel post . or express. 10-4
FOR SALE Team of horses, weight
2400 lbs, and "harness $110; also 7
year old marc, harness and rubber
tired buggy $73. 223 Center St. 233
FOR SALE 1 6-year old riding mare;
1 3-year pld mare, also 1 year-old
mare' cold, Standard Ibred. Will
sell cheap or accept pasture for
cattle or sheep in exchange
hop ranch, South Bottom. Bt.,8, Si
mon. Phone 59F14. ' - 10-2
l FOR SALE Team, mare and horse, 6j
,and 8 years olil. weight .240U-, $doU;
also set of good harness,- Phones 927.
. 233
FOR SALE My farm, ef 117 acres
about 13 miles south of Salem and
2 miles from - O. E, depot. Very
best of river bottom land, nearly
.in cultivation, rest timber and
pasture. Good orchard, fences and
buildings. $75 per are. J-4Q care
Journal. j 10-15
FOR SALE Two second hand tents
good os new and many other articles
of value. 415 South 12th " street.
Phone 966. Harry M. Cannon. 10-1
FOR SALE Loganberry tips. . C.
Zielinski. Bt. 9. Salem. ' - 10 4
WANTED Women' for alteration ana
light pressin''. Call 330 State or 1272
State. ' ; . 232
WANTED Man for geneml farm
work at Oregon state tuberculosis
Fine O acre tract . close, in, mile
' from -car line, all in high state culti
, vation, buildings, 5 acres commer-
cial bearing orchard Bnap, $3300,
-.' terms. ' ...... ( . ' ,
J Fine five acre tract close, in and in
Inch state of cultiVation.-bearin? or-
; chard, fine road, near ear line. Bar-
iiiimi T)nrf. Salum Velie company, HS2 i.in. at $2500. ', " '" 1
24 Commercial." " 10-!iJ:r 10 aCTe3 close to Salem, fine soil,
FOB SALE One. nearly new Maxwell
truck bodv , eheap lor quick; sale.
Phone 1608J. ; : U 10-2"
GOOD buys in used cars. 5 passenger"
Ford W 430,. M-axweii true u,
Machine Shop Work.
Expert machine shop service by Ml.
Bergman at high school machine shop.
12 year experience. Gear eutting
specialty. . High, class maeun teols.
, Quick service. Phona 446.
Wood Saw.
ddodvdtv . trufiA tar ftiitfv? in oond W terms.
country town, rents good price yeaki
aruund. it . will, pay you to investigate-
thi8. 'R R care Journal. ; 232,
H good buildings; Snap $3700 BWjjjONE 1000B. Our prices W rig.
W. M. Zandler, proprietor.
Summer ptrojt,. Salem, tir.
, Miscellaneous., 'f'i ?
WANTED uca.i girl or lady for light
nousewoiK, iwo iu luiuujr.
home and Sundays off. Call at 1427
N. 17ili St. .or phone 1032 after 6:30
p. mLi. .,
WANTED At once, inen and - men
with teams "for ranch work. Can
; work alh winter. Houses, wood and
pasturage furnished without charge
E. C. Horst Co.. Independence, Or.
i 1 - 10-10
WANTEk-rGirl for dining room help
at Oregon state tubercu.osis nospit
al. Pays $35 per month with board,
i looin and laundry furnished. Phone
'" 433. ' 10-2
BUOS eleaned 40 cents per rug., Phone
16. L. L. Buckner. zao
BUGS cleaned 40c each. Phone, 18. 10-6
W. BEAVER well drillor. Phone 827J.
H65 N, 19th St. Salem, Or. 10-9
.' nrooerty ' see Fernne" jvtarsters,
2U 12 Giay bldg; Salem,- Or. - -
LEAVE' your children .with me while
you work. 2751 .Laurel: Ave.- .-10-82
Choice lot close in, bearing fruit
trees and berries, old house, all for
Six room house on paved street and
car line, $1600. -
A fine corner lot near state house
with good old house, $3000. : ;
Modern nouse in ivmgwuuu
half value, $2000i "
A store 'building and stock of mdse.
rtniiisr irood business, $450 F. L.
Wood, Bayne Udg. . u 10-4
UiriTAtua and suDDlies. Office appU-
. ances. We make rubber stamps. Slma
ids V Hiffh. Phone "-
Everything Electrical.
fa.T.uXiT lrianf.in i 'a MnAflnlA TemnlO.
kjv Uiim - , '
127 North High. Phono Main laua.
WOOD SAWEDr-Sproed boya will saw
your wood, in town and out., Phone
1678W evenings or mornings. '. 10-5
UTO PAlNTlL'i'G- Fords repainted
$14 and upf other cars in proportion.
All first-class work guaranteed. -J.
E. Johnson, 220 S. Liberty. 10-11
I -AM now booking orders for shrub
bery. tines and perennials tot tail
planting. I do all kinds of landscape
gardening. J.w. warunyj air
St. Phone 916'. 10-5
FOR SALE Beautiful corner,,lot for
residence, one block from state house
grounds. Terms to suit. Phone 603
or 751. . . v . -, ' -232
FOR THAn)E Or sale, 7 acres, near
rralls Ferry station, 4 room house,
twu acres under cultivation, family
orchard!' -jL'all 407 'Union St. 238
FOR SALE 40 nc.rcs loganberry .land,
nil in cultivation, (i 34 miles from
Salem. Fine house, tmrn, .garage,
CENSUS clerks (men, women), 4000
n .i. k io nn T?.
neeuea. W pdB , quick, service', truck
1 pcrieu.ee uniivveBsuij. , v-I . irnoT a.1'
Salem Oct. 18. For free particulars,
write J. Leonard (former govern-
. ment examiner) .1382 equitable bldg.
' Washintgon. . ., 2. " 10-3
i i;
phftne;1608J, or 1170 N. 15th St. A.
M. Bieaerman. i , "
WANTED lr men to put down logan
berry tips. B. Cunningham. Phone 21
, Wanted.":
AUTO PAINTIN Wo will be open
for business on and af tor Oct. 1st at
156 S. 12th St. Wo: are in a position
to give you good service in - auto
painting and laundrvn Your patron
age wilt we nppreciatea. an wunv
guaranteed, uuiictt. Bros. . iu-
Small .payment, Imliinc&.loiig timo at i WANTE1 Lady witn small cmiu,
cent. i). K. Hart, zv&. urcgoni., wisnes nguseworn. rnuuw
For Rent
0 per
FOB RENT Store , bul
FARM FOB SALE 220 acres, 70 in
cultivation, balance .'.timber, and good
pasture, fair buildings,, good wt'ter, sAiLF'-Or
good fences, 3 miles to town, close : FOR 8A.Lt O.
to school.-Priee $40 per acre, pan
cash, balance very' easy terms; A
good chance for a.niaa: of 'limited
means to get a good (arm- that
pav for itself in a low years., v(t.Ji.
Stcvelev. Stavton. Or. ' '.10-4
FOR SALE 3154 acres located in the
center of Howell prairie, all cleared,
has a good family orchard and old
buidings; a very good buy at $4725.
Boo Fred W. Durbin, 275 State St.
lading at
178 S.
, 10-2
WANTED For cash. 5 or 6 room mod-1 Com '1.
em house, near canlinc. Phone 112F3, ; - I , r.
" W L Pray. . . ' s ' 234 TWO nice sleeping: rooms,, close in. 255
FOR SALE 1915 three Spee'd Indian
motorcycle, presto lights, tandem, 1
extra tire, leather legging and tools.
Motor has been overhauled recently.
Will guarantee first class running
condition, for $100 eash. Write Mo
torcycle care Journal-. ' i 10-4
trade, 56 acres all in
e.iiltlvut.tum oxffcpt-5 acres ''of tim-
tber, f . room ijdostered houef largo
bam- and other iout buildinra, BOine
stock .ijnd machinery. Price 8000.1
Si?o Tid W.:'Durbin, 275 -State St.,
VS., V";"' '- ' -232
AUCTION salo, von October 4 on Let
teler place 2 miles west of Mill City,
8 head of cattle, 1 ram, 4 sows, 35
pigs, 15 goats, implements, furniture
and small articles, will toe sold at
hiietion. Hen T. Ludtell, auctioneer;
Nick Topolos, owner. 23
W. Ii. Pray,
WANTED To run ranch, 100 acres or
innr! will rav cash or share. Ad-
i Area 45 e are Journal. 1 10-2
WANTED Clean rags, for wiping ma
' chinery, at tlio Journal, office. tf
ROOSt-nnd board wanted by 5 Willam
ette tehool. glVlsSOalt 12I2.M arter
6 n. m:' t i . ' 233
Center St.
TWO modern TOoms for rent, furnish
ed. 1899 Stato St.. , 1U-
J :-r-;-r'-
FOR .RENT Good i'aftti.' .Owner, 1198
S. 12 St, Phono SOolY..; " 1U.-1
FOR RENT Onruge ih-Hilverton, 2ood
R.U.A. Renter? Own U.R.
-. Own Home.
' The unpleasantness of renting with
the thought that U may B asked 2
move at any tima'v should eonvineo VJ
that 2 own U R own homo' is the only
satisfactory way to live, and far cheap
er in tho rtu of time. We offer U good
homes at prices that will return U B
money at any time or bring tl food
interest on tho money TJ invest. '
nlastered cottage, ; with 2
largo lots, cement basement ,elcctno
lights and bath. $2000, $600 cash, $25
nn mnnfti Blld interest. .. .
S rnnm. nlastered cott'afite, electric
Ii tilt fa lartTft lot. $1500. one hulf.fOBh.
6 room modern oungaiow wna iuo.
$2500, $800 cash, balance 3 years at 6
percent. , , . ... r."
4 room, piasierea couage, mijo
bath, toilet, full cement basement, good
chicken house, plenty, of fruit.. $1500,
one half cash". : ' -
4 room, plastered cottage, basement,
bath, toilet and electric lights. 8ou
nTio half ensll. -. r ..
7 room, plastered house on unprovea
streets, large lot, some fruit. $1750,
one half cash. ', ' t . .; ' -C v
7 rnnm modern house, large lot,
plenty of fruit, improved street. This is
a beauty. $4000, one half cash.
7 rooms, modern, near capitoi bldg.,
all kinds of fruit and nuts. $6000..'.
8 room house, closo in on Liberty
St., fruit, and ,nut. ' A. dandyvbuy. at
Mnnn n- half cash. ' " " :
fi rnnm modern coiiaue. lariiu iut
wirh fruit full basement, cement walk
This is a dandy buy. $2250, $1000 cash,
balance at 6 percent
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank;. Salem, Ore.
Federal Farm Loans
5Vx per cent intorc9t. Prompt service.
j4'j years time, leuorm ,ui "
bonds for sale. A. V. xonrnaicuv, i
Masonic Tempel Salem, Oregon.
..''' iu Rnnth Liberty Street
Phone 937, 1211. Real Estate and
Stock Sale. . .: .
w P WTHHGT. Turnor .auctioneer.
Why not get him. lie, only charges
a percent. .
WANTED An. assistant for the Ore-
goii' state hospital poultry plant. Ex
p.ellent nlaee to learn the business.
. 234
FOR RENT To young1 or elderly poo-
plo: part of rJ9li9e,i jrnrnasura ir you
like, in nice location. May take one
meal when home. Phone 886.
Bargains in Small Tracts.
15 7-10 acres" good red hill soil, T
acrea set to strawberries, fealaiwa
loeans and filberts, wit building, for
$200 per acre, on easy payments.
Here are utners
.10 aeres now land, with buildings, all
in cultivation, $2500.
11 acres all in cultivation, nne rrun
and berry land, 3 mile from Salem,
on good gravel road. $2500, o hali
Cash.:- "': ' ' -'.',' '.. ' .
This is splendid land. Pet it t oer
riee and it will be worth from $500 to
$1000 per acre in 2 or 3 years. ,
r helper lianas
We have cheaper lands for sale
small tracts on easy payments.
Have- 115 acres of cut over jana
seeded to grass, with. 23ft worth of
wire fence, with buildings for $35 per
acre. See us at ouee if you want a
gain in lnrge or small tracts.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
404 Oregon Bldg "
" Why Sell-P6rvLess?!
We will pay you. more: cash for
your household goods. Get oiifc bid
before you sell. Peoples Furni
ture and Hardware Store, 271 N.
Commercial Street, -phone 734.
Second Hand
w roar. Ttanuirarl Good overcoats.
.W nnrl suits, all kinds 01 musical
instruments, shotguns, rifles . heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to sell or trade.
Wliof llAVA VOU 1 The Capital Ex
change 337 Court Street. . Phone ;. 493.
OR RENT-4!aruge ifMitverron, good i - u .,b4. Poolfir Pn
lection., Elvin lHerrc,Bt. .2,, Silvel-f Jphn H. "S?0 Realty fcO
ton. - ; , 232 ;f 404' OlegohtWdg. .
:: We Want.
Your used furniture, stoveB,' carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
mvnrvthinff. Call. 947.
285 Korth Commcrfe'ml St.
FOR SALE Two .brooi sows with 14
pigs. Rt. 9, box 69 ,r. 7AF31.- 10-1
FOR SALE Three acres-of corn and
loose cheat hay, $12.50 per ton. I.
It. Moore, Rt. 7, 'box 202 A.. 10-1
ALL kinds "of sewing done at 239 S.
19th. Phone 1583; -also, orders taken
for crocheted yokes. 10-1
FOR SALE Fine building lot, Sum
mer between Chemeketa and Center.
Pkoue 910M. ' 101
FERNS and palms aud other potted
plants for sale. Maruny's green
house, 211 Miller St. Phone 9,,ij()0j(
FARM SALE Monday, Oct.- 13, 1919,
at the Joe Brumbaugh place, 2 miles
cast of Cheuiawa and 6 miles north
of Salem on Silverton road. Colonel
W F. Wright, auctioneer. J. F. Sav
age, owner. -"'
WANTED Plowing to do with tract
or, large contracts preferred. Phone
1604 or call at "163 N. Commercial
st: - : : ' 10 1
WANTED Steady work in country as
housekeeper with Iny little girl. Pre
fer place where there are no chil
dren. Write Housekeeper care Jour
nnl. ' - 10-2
FOR BE"NT--Slceping room and apts.
to refined permanent parties, witn
out children. 152 8. 'Church. - 236
FOR BEiNT 320 acre farm, 120 acres
plow land, balance timber and pas
ture, 9 miles from Salem, 4 miles
from Turner. Inquire ,W.. II.. Stcus
loff "1M3 Court St. " 237
FOR SALE 6 room house, lot 75x150, j.
east front, barn' and chicken house,...
13 bearing fruit trees, at 249 S. Cot
tage St. Call or address, Mrs. M. A
Ferguson. 27 V N." 18th . St.': Port-
' land. : " " 230 i
FOR SALE 5 acres, about, i acres in
cultivation, good house and Darn;
strawberries, loganberries, other fruit
2'. miles from city; very easy terms.
3 24-100 acres 2 miles from business
center; best river bottom land; will
sell on installments. - . .
1 have several cheap houses on in
sfallments. "
List your property with me. I can
' ' use n't this time several 5 and 10
acre tracts, 'also city property. Mon
'. ov tQ.loan on real, estate. If you have
property of any . kind for exchange
see me. H. S."'lludcliff, 4 --Bayne.
WANTED One old woman wants to
A WOMAN wanted to attend two i rent a sman, cncup uuum, r -
small children. Stohrboek Junk i:o.,i unfurmsncd rooms,
326 N. Commercial. Phone 305. 10-2
WANTED Willamette university or
high school students, with bicycle
ni-pferred. to carry paper route. Cir-
' p.nlntinn Dont. Capital Journal. tf
north ealem preferred. Address F.
H. 1108 N. 18th St., saiem, ur. ZJa
FOR BENT 105 acres near Philo-
mnth. o-ood for dairy or sheeli- ranen
in if taken at once. 145 Lofelle
Ml Salnm. - 10-4
WANTED One-year old Whits Leg
horn hens. 768 S.. 13th St. ' 10-2
WANTED-Uomc for 3 year old boy,
country ipref erredt Fair Vrages to
right party. Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards,
U)S front St. -iu-
FOR RENT Very desirable furnished
room in private home, ebo iN. LiUieity
Real Estate Houses
hfVR SALE Seven room house ready
5 ACRE- tract in the city of Salem, ! to nlovc ju $300 will handle. Call
with real good house, barn and chick- j jn c street, 870 14th St. or phone
en house, also one .half set to fruit,
for sale on cash or terms, at a reas
WANTED A position as working
foreman on farm; married, no chil
dren; can give best of references.
i Address Mr. L. Miser, Salem, Bt. 7,
nr mill 491. '238
enable figure. Bee Will E. Purdy, 407 .wir SALE 2.8 acres prunes and cher-
Oregon 'bldg. Jua rie
ies, three miles south.
235 N. 15th St. -.
T. Gilbert,
ALE Good 6-ycar old Jersey i
. . ,1,1..!.,. . 1
cow or trade ror a yuuns, 'FOR SALE or trade, fine summer mm
builu horse about 1400 lbs., aud pay, at ,Nw,mrt, Or., two lots, fine large
difference. Jack Miller, Turner, Rt. ll0Use. nqniro Valley Beul Estate
iv hnve sold so manv houses lately
that we are getting short on houses
for sale. We want all kinds of hous
es. We have a number of prospect
ive purchasers who desire to pur
chase a home at once. See us today
Auto Repairing
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are in
nnrl can guarantee absolute satisfne-
tinn. Wb are also prepared to do first
class repair work on nny make of
cars. American Automobile Co., 183
197 South Commercial St., Salem, Or.
Phone 399. , : . . -
x. CHEMEKETA lodge No. 1
CS ' meets ' every Wednesday
evening at,7:3U at l. v.
ujwnul: hull nn every Tuesday
at 8. Harrv .Levy, C. C; P. J. Kuntz
1C. B. & . - ' ' -'
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Or
gon Grape camp No. 1360 moets everj
Thursday ftvcnihff in McCornaek hall
Elevator service, uracie, m.r.
,:. V. Rnnn. 648 Uniou St.: rccordel
Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4U
St. Phone 1436M.
Look this list of houses, farms and
small acreage tracts over carefully,
you will iind real bargains here:
7 room modern, closo4n,' lot 60x275
all kinds of fruit Engusn wainuraj
improved streets, garage; this is .a real
bargain $4uuu.
8 room cottage, modern, large lot,
some fruit, concrete walks, close in,
$2250. ' ' . ..'
5 room modern bungalow,, etose in,
improved street, $1750.
4 room cottage, modern, large lot,
good chicken house; a snap, $1500.
s rnnm eorraire. 'oaiu. luiiet, jio-t...
lights basement, close in on improved
street, $2000.
5 room modern bungalow, 2 lots, $V
500. .
U can buy any property we otter on
good terms.
x anus
46 acres of fine bottom land, 25 in
cultivation, good 7 room house, good
barn, silo, chicken house and largo
shed, some stock, tools and grain go
with this place; fine pasture land for
rnnirtiior eatno. also .lUiiiniK uivivtvj.
this is one of tho best farms in the
valley, $200 per acre.
R2 unrea river bottom. 30 in cultiva
tion, good house, barn and wood shod,
2 wells, family orchard good heavy
team, 1 cow, 3 shnats, 50 chickens, all
hay mid farm produce, also the farm
machinery goes with place if sold soon,
$0500. ' - ' Stoves rebuilt and repaired. 00 years
20 acres', good house ana oarn, experience; Depot National and Amen
good family orchard; get. busy on this, can fence, size 28 to 58 inches high;
: Best Buys.
2V, acres, some fruit, mils from
Salem, 3 room houso, vegetable ecllar, ,
on road, $0o0, easy terms.
2 acres, 5 room bungalow,, some rrui .
rock road, at' city limits; $2000.
3 acres paved road, good house, fcuro,
coops, lots of fruit.
a acres au cmuyaieu, s""" "
house,-coops, $1700, cash. '
10 acres, 5 eultivatcd, well watered, o
house, good, barn, lots, of evergreen
$2250, easy-terms.
10 acres, cleared, i acre .larauj
chard, 2 acres logans, acre strawber- .
ries, 5 room house, barn, well, fencod,
best of valley loam, 5 mile from ecn- .
tor of Salem, for short lime $3600.
7.31 acres, all black gravel berry soil
bounded by stream, can all be irrigat
ed, on good road, fine trout stream, 3
miles of Salem; $1250, easy term.
: 28 acres, 20 cultivated, 8 stumps,
family -orchard, best soil, on macadam
ized road, 8 room hotme, 1 miles from
town; $4400.-; . ;' .
24. acres 13 nUtvated,,Daianoc limber,-all
best , soil, 9 room Bouse, barri,
all equipment and stock, 5 miles out; . ,
$6800. . . "'.,, '
315 acres, 200 cultivated, acrea ,
bearing prunes, 7 miles out on rock
road, worth $100 per acre, for a short
time, $73 per acre. .
383 acres best equipped grain anT -dairy
ranch in valley, close to town,
good schools, worth $150 per aero, go-
ing at $30,000 including a fine herd ol . ,
dairy cows all other stock and iinplo-.
menti. .',.-.' , :. . Kj
., Prune Banches , .....
I 20 acres, 10 prunes, 2 logans, good
road 8 miles out; $uuu.
20 acres, 18 acres tn, prunes, arr
plcs pears, and cherries; $8500.
40 acres, ii prunes, buuib
walnuts, fait improvements, good road,
$13,600. - ' . "
.24 acres, aU in prunes, some legaaa,
'good house; $11,000,. . '
,15 acres, t prunes, mmuy ,
houso, barn; $6000. ;
70 acres, aa acres Denring prunon, i
first class improvements, largo
eapacity drier, good road.
. (10 acres, fair nouse, some pu,
oJlchango for Salem residence not over
$3250. '
I do riot advertise aU I have for galo.
If this list does not include, what yott;
are looking for let me know your won
I may be able to please you with somo
thing elso I hane on my lists.
If you are a buyer I would be glaa
td have you eall on mo. Notice my ai
elsewhere about a $7500 house to bo
sold at $5000, and a $30,000 farm to
bo sold at $22,000.
341 State ,St. tf
oly No. 84 meets first Thursday oi
each month at 8 p. m. in MasonU
Temple. Glenn C. Nilos, M. A.j C. A
Vibbert, secretary, aiu uwens shoo.
Oregon Ccdiir Camp Io. 6Zto meeti
every Thursday cvoiiing at 8 o'eroel
in McOornact 'Punning, vuuri, m.
Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V. 0.
Frank A. Turner, clerk.
Stove Repairing.
Co., Carlton, Or.
room. house, close in, on easy
ments. Phone 910M.
FOR SALE Buy from owner, 5 room ; WANTED To buy from owner 7 or 8
plastered nou.e, pn-uum
nil conveniences, close in town, pav
ed street; barn nud garage, and
enough ground to hold two moro
houses; garden and fruit; large base
ment; will sell for eost. 1158 North
Commercial St. 23-
See Our Small Tracts.
10 acres with modern 7 room, plastor
ed house. 1 acre fruit, J acrea oak
and fir timber, . barn and' chicken
nae u u.,...r ... ... ... r - - - - h,Be. , ftrcs under cultivation, run-
John H. Scott Keany vo w to houlM, and banu For
gon mug.
14 acres, small house and Darn, nne
anriuir. 200 o-vear old prune trees, 1
ncre logans. 4 acres in cultivation,, bal
ance in timber, stumps and pasture; its
a snap at $2500.
10 acres, 8 in cultivation, 1 in
fine nnk and fir timber. 1 acre in
Paints, oil and. varnish etc) logan
hnrrv and hop hooks.
250 Court Street,- Phono, lira
n.oin. Wheat. oft white No. 1 $2;
feed oats 80c; milling oats 86c; bay,
cheat, now $17; hay, oats, new 18t$
20; mill run 4ii(gj'9.
.BuVfcrfalt: i 'Buttdrfut 67c; sreanv
ery butter 67(68c.
Pork, veal ami muiion; im
17c; veal, fancy 23c; steers 7fe9c;
cows o(7c; spruii iun"
4(ji5c; sliecp, yearlings 7c.
Eggs and poultry: t.ggs cas w,
hens, live 22d24o; old roosters i.j?
16e; springs 22c.
Vegetables:: Onions, per sack J;
celery doz. $1; tomatoes 90c; potatoco
3; sweet potatoes 6c.
Fruit: Watermelons lcj orange
$5.7G(&6.50; lemons, box $7.50W.5U ;
T..nnnn 9'x.c: honey, exartetod iWi
.n..loHnes' 01.60:- bunch beet 45;
Lost And Found.
WASTED To buv from owner, 5 room)
bunsalow. Must" be cheap for eashj
and well located. Call 503M.
TjOST Khoe buckle in black and ail
- ver. Monday. iBeward. Phone 2363.
' 232
IQ.l'LOST A 15-inch, string of pearl beads
at lair grounus or iu
Phone 2363. 232
mm LOANS-6
THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY liNTliKii,si vaiiu.
: '- '' 205 Oregon Building
TBAYED or stolen, large yellow Col
lie dog with some white on breast,
answers by name of Fox. Reward.
Mrs. S. P.". DeVine, Salem, Or., Bt.
4, box 116A. . 23 2
quick sale if.iuuu, one nan uu, vu
a years at o per rem, . v
10 acres, mostly in prunes, 5 mile.
out, good improvements. A real snap.
$4000. Sec this place.
5 acres on hard surface road, close in,
good 5 room eottagc, barn, tool nouse,
wood shed, and cnicnen nouse.. .)uuu.
ono half cash. A great loganoerry prop
osition, ! " - ' ': ' C-'-- '"
a 3-7 acres -joining city-limits, on
River road new bunp alow, good barn,
chicken house and garage. $2200, $1200
cash. ' -" '" . " ; ' '
John H. Scott Realty Co.
404 Oregon bldg..
LOST Buy mare, wcigfct about 1200,
brand B O on left shoulder, $iv re
ward. M. Lenzele, Bt. 8. 10-4
i mo i - ... . j .... iKBntit (rapes i.ov:- on""" '
fruit, a fine plastered 7 room house, im-m ' : ,, i, on 'cubbaxo 3 3-4c; head lettuce owe; .-
good' barn and chicken house, running
watpr to house ana nam, wt..
in mnatl. Vn ririinpfl. filtf nouse
eood barn and chicken house; this is hhone Main 167
i .i m nnn I - i
a real ouy at . m v. vv. 97K
5 acres on hard suriaca eiose m, ji oru llitcimo i ui p"i'-
good 5 room cottage, barn, tool House y convert your. Maxwell, Chev
of all kinds removed on mommy '. .z ., Malaeas 10e; grapes,
tract at reasonable rates, was pooif 1, i? r , .
cleaned. Dead animals removeu. viiiat - dozon 6,rj(ii)j0c.
creamery butter 75c;. country butteT
67.c; flour, hard wheat $3.10(3.25
and chicken house; you'll have to UI' toltt or Bui,.k into a real tractor for
ry, $3000. i-: "-' ':.:''"' "X' ' I the above amount. The change can be
10 acres,' smau eouoKe, irB" ';"-
El, M i
LOST Elk silver cardcase, engraved
"B. H. L. 336." Phone oKOK, Mrs.
Pearl Ling. Reward. . 101
WOMAN wanted to sort rags. Stein
bock Junk Co.,' 826 .2. ; Commercial.
Phone 305. - - 10 2
Look at This. '
5 room well located modern bunga- j
6w with same furniture, $2000, terms.
. 341 State St. tf
to 170
A N. Com'l St,
r "IIJJ 1
fine chicken houses, 1000 chickens, all
farm imnlemcnts. brooders and hatch-
ng macluncry go witu tins, riuuu;
milos out.
itinito iff 3(t minutes.
Foimi PAVi.vo MOiti'J, ....
. Our used. cai ars ait loiiows:
in.... .rtlr finiiluhnnp '.. . $675
3A acres on hard surface with fine .. ,,Mrut. ' ','.'...' $(2.'I
3 room cottage and good barn, young I
RrisRn tourintr .1. ...... $600
orchard; this-is a real buy, $1800 - ' CIialln)W. K.x conditioij ...... ....... $285 1 8.25; co,Iiraon to fair steerE$5.7C$a.7
3 acres joining city limns on o uBn v .. $829, . no(i 0Wr and heifcis, ipo.rn
Hudson Muper Six ...... .1 . 7g0. medium to good cows and beifoM,
1917 ,8axon six ......... v- ; W00 $5.7S(&'.75; eanneM $2.75fa;4.50; bulla
Wo cU oils, gTeasa," JMOUm,. MM 4.7S6.75; ealve, 7.70o?l i
mn1. modern houso. barn, chicken
t. ..... n.i nirmtf- & fine place. We are
nffnrino thii for auick salo at a real
Ft . "
haro-ntn. S22O0. .
John HScott Realty Co.
404 Oregon building
Portland Or., Oct. l.-iBuHor, oitr
creamery u5ac. Eggs- seleeted losal
ex 6200c. Hens 30(u!31o. Broilers JS '
to26c. Geeau 15c Choee 32C34e.
Live Stock .
Cattle: Keccipts 317; tone ct ;
ket steady; good to choice ters$9.2j
r7.V fair to medium stee.re $(.8J-a
auto parts: tire ind aeoisories.
Oleson's Auto Excnange
349 N; COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOrn.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and 1 rnde streeit
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 606.
Dr. L. HALL WILBON-Spe-rintint
in the Modern Bclentif-
i. Annlieation of Glasses for the aid
nf vlHinn and tho relief of Eyestiain
and Headache. Office cloned Batur-
For information of roommouor , ... ,4fi tefc ,W4.
J ""
$10 Bonus.
nation of 5 roc
'house for rent. Phone 1718J.
Hogs: ''Receipts 88; tone of market
sleadv; prime mixed ii.wnqio.uw,
medium mixed $l717.50i rough heav-
lor $I5.50(M.50; lgs M.IH ""'
bulk" $18. " ' , .
-tShevn: Receipts 1; tone ot '
steady; P'ime lambs $1112;
medium lambs $10.50((ill; ewes $7.W'
8; wethers $7.5CKu; yearling $57.J
Peter C. Henderson, a well knowa re
dont of Milton, died suddenly a e
Miht n.m while he slept. U had