Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 01, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    ! All A tAiin J T-.; .
i r&M jtai siunu 1UWO
Big daueo Hurst hall Thursday niiiht
by Knights and Ladies of Security.
Everybody welcome. 233
Cider apples. We are ready to re
ceive good cider apples. Bring them to
tho Loju plant. Phez company. Phone
204. r .
Mr. and Mrs., Paul W. Bittenberg of
Eugene, spent several days last week
as the guests of Miss Hope Purdy and
attending ithe fair.
The Gieso method of singing taught
by Lucile Barton, especial attention
given to fundamental principles of
music. Voices tried free of charge. 598
North 17th street. Phoncl588. - 232
Among "the attorneys appearing be
fore the supreme court Tuesday were
Senator S. B. Huston, Judge Wallace
MoOammant, E. E. Hcckbert, J. LcRoy
Smith and H. L. Ganoe, all of Port
land. This week's Drapery special, fancy
scrims, white' and ecru ground wreath
designs, all colors, new -patterns, good
value a,t 50e, 34c yard. Hamilton's.
J. W. Cunningham of Portland and
A. J. Vance of Oklahoma- ity, Okla.,
were business visitors at ithe office of
State Engineer Cupper Tuesday rela
tiva to matters pertaining to the Jor
dan Valley irrigation project' in Mai
nour county. ' i :
Three men were assigned to work
Wednesday through the municipal la-
Dor 'bureau. There is still a demand
for men on the Dallas-Salem road, and
on several farms, but officials at the
bureau expect to have these vacancies
filled in quick dispatch.
Western Conservatory of Music of
Chicago, 111., Frank E. Churchill rep
resentative of Salem branch. Fall term
begins Sept. 15th. Complete course in
piano and theoretical subjects. Studio
suite 1-2 . Odd Fellows bldg. Phone
167 1R. ;.... , 10-15
The schedulo of medical fees agreed
upon by the state industrial, accident
commission some time ago, involving
slight increases over the old schedule
are off active today. The new schedule
will not apply to attendance upon
workmen injured prior to this date.
This week's Drapery special, fancy
scrims, white and ecru ground wreath
designs, all colors, hew patterns, good
value at 50c, 34c yard. Hamilton's.
Bvciyn Lenore Helton, baby daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Helton,
San Francisco, Oct, 1. " President
. Wilson 's mathematical demonstration
that one equals six is a wonder and de
light to the world," declared Senator
Hiram Johnson today, in his first address-
in his home state on tho peace
treaty issue.
Johnson was referring to tho presi
dent's argument that the United States
in reality has equal representation with
Great Britain in the league assembly,
He was speaking before an audience of I
Ran Frnni-iucn hiisinpas men at a lunch-,
eon in the Palace hotel.
"Whatever may be the specious argu- j
T. - -----
ments employed," Johnson said, "the
fact yet remains that an American pres
ident has assented to a partnership with
a foreign nation where that foreign na
tion has in tho partnership six voies to
one for the United States.
" Ton may prove to the satisfaction
o fan irrational international emotional
ist, that one equals six and six equals
one, but singuarly enough in all these
-mathematical paradoxes Great Britain
rer has the advantake and after all
is said, the fact remains Great Britain
lias six votes and our republic but one.
Washington Oct il. "Th epresidont
had a restless night and consequently
is feeling somewhat jaded today," said
bulletin issued at 1 p. m. by Dr.
Gary Grayson, the president's physi
cian. Groyson said the president's, condi
tion was not to be eonsiderel in cy
iras as a relapse. His general condi
tion, he described as improving.
The president slept during the earlv
liours of the morning and dressed to
ward noon. He will probably tak an
automobile ride during tho day Gray
son said, end may walk through the
White House grounds.
October 9 Is Set As Day To
Impress fire Prevention
In a proclamation issued todav Gov:
-ernnr Olcott ' requests all associations'
1,a W.Hn-.l ..4 'ryl"H.a- Post
-j - i . yi i inn jhuct
wnrers .nre rrevenuon day, ia any
appropriate manner.
Teachers in the publie schools are
sked to make the occasion tho subject
f brief exercises. Individuals are call
ed UDoa, to examine their homes, of
fices, storerooms, shops and factories
in order to eliminate any fire hazards
that might exist.
tf.t MM. Mi,
lo42 Bellevuo street, died Wednesday
morning at the family residence. She
was 10 months and 14 days old. The
body w at Rigdon's undertaking par
lors. Funeral arrangements have not
yet been made.
Funeral services for Charles Arnold,
who died here September 28 at. th- i
of 90 years, will be held at the family
residenco, 1145 North Liiberfy ' street.
d A aJ """""B " O'ciocK. Kev.
a. I. btover will officiate. Burial will
be in the City View cemetery. Friends
are invited to attend.
Mrs. Mildred R. Brooks, county "re
eordcr with throe women relatives,
left this morning for an automobile
tour that will take them as far as San
Iraneiseo. On their return trip, an ex
tended visit will jbe made at Sacra
mento. In the circuit court, in the suit of
JN. Miller against Bav J. Glatt and A.
G. Glatt, the jury returned a verdict
tor the plaintiff and against the de
fendants and that the plaintiff recov
er $384 for 88 acres at $9 an acre and
no'conaideration for interest.
Frank K. Welles of Portland for six
years assistant to the superintendent
of public instruction was a state capi
tol visitor Tuesday on his way to Rose
burg to attend the Douglas county
teachers' institute. Mr. iWelles resign
ed his position with the state the first
of last Januarv to accept the manage
ment of the Portland branch of the
Rocky Mountain teachers' agency.
We wish to notify our many friends
and patrons that we- have moved our
office rooms from the Oregon Electric
building to rooms 211-212 Gray bloek,
adjoining Commercial club rooms.
Thanking you for past patronage we
extend a cordial invitation to call at
our new location. Yours for business,
Perrine & Marstcrs, Rooms 211-212
Gray bldg., Salem, Or. Phone 907. .
Tho recent storm has shaken mnnv
apples from the trees. If the sound ones
are gathered immediately and put in
boxes we will buy tnem for delivery
at our Loju. plant and loan you the
boxes. Apples are a food product and
should not be wasted. Phone 204. Phez
Company. 237
, Special meeting of Multno
man chapter No. 1, B. A. M,
this evening. Work in the
Mark ;Master degree. Visiting
companions welcome. .';'' 232
Omaha, Neb., Oct. 1 Two hours af
ter General Wood had announced that
troops would be withdrawn from
Omaha, Mrs. W. G. Wisner, was found
Douno;, gagged-and assaulted in a wood
shed i the, rear of her home.
- A eg'ro approached Mrs. Wisner and
threateed to kill her ad her whole fam
ily. Suddenly he threw a cloth over her
head, dragged her iito the woodshed
and assaulted her. Two little children
discovered Mrs. Wiscner shortly after
the assault and their screams aroused
Neighbors. Mrs. Wisner 's chest was
horribly cut and mutilated.
The Wisner home is on the edge of
tho black bolt. General Wood immf 1
jiately ordered throops throtfj around
1118 eets in that vicinity. A .horough
tflafnll Wr.11 hn ... An XL 1 i
search will be made for the brute,
Urtieials tear renewed rioting to
No plans-have been arranged yet
for the collection of clothing for the
Syrian and Armenian sufferers.
While everyone approached on the
subject agrees that there has been and
will be much suffering 4 for lack of
clothing this winter, yet no Salem or
ganization has consented to undertake
the work. Among mony people there is
an inclination to hold onto their old
clothing, due to the present high prices.
Others who nave ordinarily given free
ly of their time for benevolent and
patriotic purposes, do not feel dispos
ed to enter this work.
Cafcria Grape Growers
To Cczhnue Making Wine
San Francisco. Oct. 1. Grane orow-
tb of California received assurance to
day from what thev fnnjnrlv a ralto.
ble source in Washington that the eov-
ernment will not interfere with the
crushing of grapes into wine.
As a result, the United Press learns,
the attorneys of the grape growers
wiU advise them to go ahead with the
manufacture of wine without fear.
. Miss Iva O. Wctwter of 1433 Center
street, has tho honor of being the first
woman to join the American T-emnn
Capital Post No. 9. She served as chief
now Ian nbnnt inn
memoers. The next meeting will be
Tuesday evening of next week when
reports will be received from the dele
gate, who attended the state meeting
at Portland. The meetings of the post
are all held in the aoditorinm of tag
Commercial club.
$$$-Keea Them Home
Wfl OF
Josephine Shelton the 11-year old
"""S"1" vi Bine "A. enelton. now
Marie A. Kahler. hn t hopn ni von
home with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weeks,
,n decision handed down yesterdav
v jtp wjiiy. ino decision also in
cluded the conclusions of the court
that the mother was not a fit person to
have custody of her child.
The efforts- of the mother Marie A.
Kahler to secure possession of lier
daughter and the efforts of Mr. and'
Mrs. Lloyd Weeks to adopt the girl,
has attracted considerable attention,
due to the fact 'that . the mother had
alleged her daughter was doing men
ial duty at the Weeks home. Also due
to the fact that Mrs. Weeks is a cousin
of the girl and had been giving her a
home for the past three years and in
tended to adopt her.
When the girl was about one year
old, by consent of her parents she was
eared for by Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Mat
lock. When Mrs. Matlock was killed in
an automobile accident October 13,
1916, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weeks took
the girl by consent of her mother and
gave her a home. An effort was made
by Mrs. C. N. Matlock to legally adopt
the girl, but at a former trial, it was
shown that while the mother had con
sented, ho legal consent had been given
by the father and that the adoption
was not according to law.
The findi-gs ia the case, as stated
by Judgo Kelly are as follows:
That Mario A. Shelton is the m"othcr
of the girl Josephine Shelton, That the
girl has been in the custody of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Weeks. . .
That she was originally adopted by
Cora Bell and C.'N. Matlock and-taken
into their home in 1909 until the death
of Mrs. Matlock on October 13. 1916.
That Florence Bell Weeks is a daughter
oi Mir. ana Airs. u. IN. Matlock and a
cousin of the girl Josephine. That
Marie A. Shelton now Marie A. Kah
ler, is not a fit person to have custody
oi ner aaugnter and Mat Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Weoks are suitable persons to
have custody of the girl. '
On the strength of the findings the
habeas corpus proceedings brought by
Mrs. Shelton were dismissed and the
girl given to Mr. and Mrs. Weeks.
Major F.W i:, Ledbetter, one of tU
prime movers in establishing half mil
lion dollar paper mill in Salem, and vi
president of the company, is now invest
ing in farm property in this part of tss
valley.. ,: -
Announcement hes just been made
that for a consideration of $27,0900 he
has purchased from Lulu M. Lankford
a 270-acre farm on the Biferaide drive
at Hall 's Ferry. There are two houses
on tho tract, one a bungalow erected
by Mrs. Lankford in 1912. It is under
stood that Major Ledbetter has pur
chased the property for his son-in-law.
tvJontmued from page one)
work of the church, the coming- vear.
Bishop Hughes declared:
"Ueloro us is a -(Treat task. It is es
sential iot the life of -the church it be
done ibring m more members
Each church Bhould nut forth the
strongest oriort," Ho said with em
phasis, "to increase its attendance. Tf
the Methodist ehureh is to maintain its
standard, and perpetuate its growth,
each church of a membershiD of 100
must bring in 25 new members. Jn the
eomin? six months there must be an
increase i nmcurbership of 25 percent
He- spoke - confidently of the ureai
centenary - movement," just concluded
by the chnrch, which, enriched its treas-'
ury witn, is,wu,uu. Half of this
sum, he -explained, would be expended
u evansreusue wotk in tnis country,
and half in foreign fields.
The report of 'the Euerae district
made by Dr. James Moore was cheer
ing. Aitaouen so pereent of th chnrctn
membership had left during the past
year for industrial centers, all bennm-
lents were raised, he said; and the
cnurca rultiuea its part in the eenten
ary work.
Dr. D. H. Leech, in aDeakina of Ma
worn si M Irene, said that hi rhnr1
had paid off $27,000 of its debts, aad
gaye $25,000 to benevolent. The mem
bership of the Eugene ehureh, whieh is
regarded foremost in the field nf th
smaller districts, has a membership of
iuw, w HUH, . . -; "
Following the report of various min
isters, memorial services for Dr. H. J.
Van Fossen, district giroerintendent nf
the Klamath Falls dirtrict, and Bev.
Alenzo Coslet, a retired minister, were
e,d- Tlle memorial address was- made
Bav- Charies A. Edwards of Aeh-
At 7:30 o'clock toriight the confer
ence missionary sermon will be deliv
ered by Eov. George H. Bennett, pas to
of the Albany church". Rev. Charles P.
Johnson will preside at this evening's
meeting. -. t. "' ' '-
Kev. Clarence True Wilson, state sec
retary of the American Temperance society,-will
speak at 8:i30 at the Meth
odist church Btate and Church streets
on ::The Inside of the Prohibition Vic
tories." Many 6olem citizens will re
member the association of Dr. "Wilson
Mrs. Ralph White an
nounces the opening
of her Dancing
Academy at
CotOIionflaB ,
Courses are as follows:
advanced adult class be
gins Wednesday, Oct. 1,
at 8 p. m.
Beginners adult class,
' Monday, Oct. 6, at 8:15
p. m.
Children's class, Sat
urday, Oct. 4 at 2 p. m.
Junior class, Satur
day,' Oct. 4, at 4 p. m.
Babies, 3 to 6' years,
Friday, Oct. 10, 3 p. m.
Classical and inter
m pretative dancing for
'young ladies, Monday,
Oct. 6, at 7 p. m.
Dr. CB. O'Neill
LaddcDush Dank Duildii$
TTCor, 6ate art
g r
several jrears ago with. Col. E. Hofes,
of this city, in a srie of stirring de
bates- throughout the state, and will
attend this evening's session of the
conference. 1
This will bo the last time Dr. Wil
5 room house and bath. East
front. Large lot. IRth right off
of paved street, $300 down. Bal
ance monthly payments. Price
5 room cottage bungalow. Mod
ern conveniences. Two doors off
Court street. $2000
Good 5 room cottage on 15th. 8t.
East front. Good barn. House
modern. Half cash, $2200
5 room bungalow. Good base
ment. Close in on Cottage street.
$2500 i j ;
(Fine room house. Large lot.
East front. All modern conven
iences. Close in. $6000
5 acres unimproved. All cleared.
Bight off of paved road. $1100
5 aeres, 1 mile from fair grounds
Some stumps and grub oak, $900
14 acres 6 miles north of Sa
lem. Fair buildings, land all in
cultivation, ("lose to church and
school $3200
10 aeres 1 miles out on Garden
road. Good 6 room houo. About
0 acre of pcunes and other
fruit. $7500-
400 7-8 Oregon Bldg. .
1. 1919.
Soma of these are short "Ripple-back"
models; others, full length belted, and loose
back, Raglan sleeve models. All are of the
"MEYERS QUALITY" and moderately
priced, from $30.00 to $100.00.
It would be impossible to -find any
superior in quality price considered and
none priced as close to manufacturers cost
as these. "
Our first consideration is QUALITY,
then STYLE and PRICE. '
In our offering you" will , find:
and - fur trimmed models, priced from
$28.50 to $125.00. v
Cold weather is here; don't be one to
wait until the last moment. "Be prepared."
Secure one of our large Comfy Coats made
VELOURS and all the new Fabrics.
Prices from $19.85 to $115.00. - '
You Can Always Do Better At
son will' speak, in Saloon, it
f 1
to 170
N. Com'l St.
We need more women to build up our crews for
the winter. Work will be steady. Good wages. Cour
teous treatment. Apply at once to
Salem King's Products Co.
Front & Market Streets
Dance With the
Cherrians Saturday
October 4, in the new Auburn dance pavilion.
A good orchestra A FREE DANCE
, Ssj
rcl vTi N ; K
''".' Undertukers
" 252 North High Street
Salem, Oregon.
J 7:15, 9 p. m.