Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 01, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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If Salem only had a real aviation
field, there would be a chance to come
in on the great aviation events of thin
fall and next year. Several events are
leing arranged, such as flights nrouu'.l
the world and Salem will lie left out,
but unless there in an official landing
in the city.. The aviation field used
before the state fair, managed by the
. atate fair board, was plowed up fair
week and turned oyer to tractor shows
and at present is not in condition for
the binding of airplanes. ,
That airplane matters are developing
ad that Halem will be passed by In the
great events of this fall and next year,
unless the fair grounds board provide
for a permanent aviation field, may be
aeen in the following telegram received
tliii morning at the Commercial club:
'"The commission appointed by the
Aero Club of America and tho Aerenl
League of America, under conditions
noted in article sent you under separate
eovcr to organise nn aereal derby around
thii world, request you to appoint n
lion rd of referees consisting of three
prominent men in your organization,
ending us their names and addresses,
who will act in co-operation, with the
content committee, checking arrivals and
departures of aviators, should your city
lie on the routo.
"Also checking tho arrival of any
aviators who may desire to make a
flight to or from your city. Such ac
tion will aid much in emergency flying
tod and from your city, and do much for
the advancement of aviation.
Prompt action and an early reply is
urged a the committee desires to per
fect as rapidly cs possible a series of
aeronautical events of local and extend
ed magnitude for the year 1920."
The matter will be reforred to Gov
unor Olcott and an effort will ho made
r once to determine whether Salem Is
Ito be on or off tho map for the great
irplnpo events of this full and next
year. . ,
Chicago, Oct. 1. Steel mills in the
j Chicago district were reported worlc
iing at ."0 per cent capacity mid steadily
j increasing today. ,
I At Waukegan, where .clashes between
! strikers and workers have been f ie
Ujuenf, quiet was reported. When the
j request of city officials for state troops
was refused, 300 local business men or
ganized a militia company.
Mills at Joliet were making steel to
(!ay for the first time since' the strike
started. i
dn d.-cide to strike tli.-y will receive
tho support of the international offi
cials. -Secretary 4emcu of the metal
trade drprrtinont of the American
Federation of Labor said.
Jierr-ies declared that the men have
been Irving to gain their demands thru
negotiation. Berries today also receiv
ed word -that all Seattle shipyard work
ers will receive an increase of eight
; cents an hour effective today.
London Oct. 1. After conferring
with' labor representatives from the
tvanspoit workers conference for three
end ha f hours, Premier IJoyd'leorge
announced today that hn had refused
to reopen negotiations witti iie rail
way leaders unless the men resume!
The labor deputation returned to
Oaxton Hall to submit their report be
fore the conference. A coniiuln:ii'iie
from Downing street today uiipd stiic.t
food ecnomy in view of the possibility
that tho strike would continue for
some time. The railway service con
tinues to improve, the report staled.
Eight hundred trails wore operated
yesterday and uiany of tho railway men
are returning to work according to
the government. It is stated , that the
ministry of food cleared .1000 tons of
fpod at Ltfnidon by train, exclusive of
that handled by motor trucks.
The power supplying the whole sys
tem of the Northern Electric tram
lines was shut off at 10 o'clock this
morning. The reason is not known.
Washington, Oct. 1. Tf shipyard
workers meeting in New York late to-
Coming to The Oregon Sun
day and Monday
U 1
Xi '
I Ii
"' I1
San Francisco, Ciil., Oct. 1. (I'uited
Press.) Only a few small sliojis in the
San Francisco district have agreed to
grant the eight cent increase to iron
workers. None of the lnrge shipyards
have granted the increase according to
announcement late today by Secretary
Miler of the Iron Trades Council.
"I think reports that the employers
plan to grant the men's demands arc
too optimistic," he said.
'Suffered Five Years Gains Thirty
founds by Taking Tanlac
"I'll tell the world that this Taulnc
'comes nearer doing all that is claimed
tnr than any medicine I ever saw in
my life." svid Otto Zangsr, a well
j known carpenter Bud builder who lives
nt I.VM Pleasant Ave., Los Angeles,
t'al., the other day.
j "I have tried a good many differ
jCiit medicines during the past five
; years," con'inued Jlr. Zangg, "but
Tanlac is tho only one that has meas
ured up to its recommendation, and is
the only thing that has di ne ine any
,gbd at all. ! suffered from stomach
: trouble, a-id every time I ate anything
I would be nil bloated up with gas for
. hours afterwards. 1 was so nervous
that I never got a good night 's sleep,
and just kept fretting worse until J was
forced to give up my work altogether.
In fact, 1 was in such a bad fix that
I was not able to get about very much.
Kvery time 1 saw a medicine advertis-
ied as being good for my kind of trou
'ble, L would get it and try it, tout I
didn't get any benefits from any of it.
; " Well, when Tanlac came along I
thought I might as well give that a
trial, too, so I bought a 'bottle and
commenced taking it: I . reaMy laughed
'when 1 first heard about Tanlac, for I
j thought it would be like all the rest
but I want io tell you thut Tanlac
fooled mej for it just sintph- knocked
j my troubles right out, and 1 am as
; well and hearty now s I ever was.
'Why, J have actually gained thirty
'pounds mid -when I go to b.d now 1
j slecp until time to get up in the morn
'ing. Yes, sir, you will have to go n
jloug ways to find a medicine at good
as Tanlac, and as long as I live 1 will
I " ....
- kMw7a fey-
: 1
praise it for the good it has done me."
Tanlac is sold in 3alem by Dr. S. C.
: Stone, in Hubbard ty Hubbard Drug
Co., in Mt. Angel b-r- Ben Gooch, in
Gcrvais y Jo-n Keby, in Turner by!
.a. r. vornonns, in wooaourn'oy uj
man H. ouorov. in Silvcrton by Geo.
. - Steelhammer. in Gates by Mrs. J.
; P. McCurdy, in otayton by C. A.
! Heauchnmp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
' btrre, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores
I Co.. iu Donald by M. W. Johnson, in
j Jef ferson by Foshav & Mason and in j
i Mil: City by llamcteria Gro. Co.
" (Adv.) !
Look at Tongue! Eemore Po'san From
Stomach, Liver and Bowc's
Fifeafms Ammunition
N( AAWbrn. V ffchanlfi
Hjl I jrnituTro itT'l
jl GerviV L, C3Uylontsjl
NS 3lem JSy
BILLIE BURklE .."rhe MisleadtaVidov'!
ud i ern.
Plumbing and Water Systems Installed
; by QEABEB BROS., 141 South Liberty
Jt., Phone 650. Also agent for Fair-lanks-Morse
Qas Engines.
-every word of it"
"l ktioiv it is, because I have tried it !
" If you are suffering as. I did with
a skin-trouble that itches and burns like
mad, and 13 so unsightly that you dread
to be seen ; il you are trying as I did
treatment after treatment without real
help, then you can imagine bow I felt
when Kesinol gave me inUant relief and
soon healed the eruotion completely,
ily doctor prescribed 't.
. "Why don't you try Resinol ?"
- Ecerr dri'Sffirt sells Resinot Ointment rod Resi
aol .Soap. Samples fete, rite to DepU4.K, Resi
nol, Bihiraorc, M4. Ktmtmbtrl Gtt
Shootini ElHt
Si N KH8 Cl!LB ;";i
OS"'' cel'VSj
I xmrizp
I Accept "Caliifomia'' Syrup of Figa
only look for tho name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most harmi
less laxative or physic for the little
' stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its delicious fruity taste. Full di
rections for child's dose on. each bot-
tic. Give lit without fear.
for that skin trouble
We maintain a standard of quality, in our dia
mond jewelry, so high, that the superiority of their
beauty can be recognized at a glance. Come in and
see our beautiful displays of every style of jewelry.
Jewelers and Opticians
Salem Oregon
State Street
P. V. Hrowu, retired farmer, 141IH State' street
says: "Hard work weakened my kidneys and I often
felt the effect iu lameness and soreness across the
smnll of my back. Finally my attention was called to
Doan's Kidney Pills and I got some. The' backache
and. soreness entirely left me."
Over teu years after Mr. Hrowu said: "1 .,m ready
to confirm any time whntl sail 1 niny former state
ment, regarding my experienco with Doan 's Kiduev
Fills. I still consider them a medicine of merit and
they always do good work when I take them.".
Belmont Street
Airs, il. B. Churchill, 705 Belmont Street, snvs:
''Some years ago 1 was flown in bed for a week on
account of my back. I couldn't get up or down with
out assistance and my back felt weak and lame. I
-vrns sick nil over. Hearing so tnnnv recommend Dorii 's
Kidney Pills. 1 sent for a box. and had taken onlv a
few doses when I felt bitter. Two boxes stopped 'the
trouble aiwl in every way I felt like a different per
son. ' ' ,
S. Thirteenth Street.
Mrs. L. M. Drager, H69 South' Thirteenth street,
says: "I can conscientiously say Doan's Kidnev Pills
are a reliable medicine for kidney disorders, I have
taken them at different times' when I have had -a
dull, tired feeling across my kidneys and when my
kidneys haven't been acting regularly, Doan's have
never failed to give me rjuick relief." It is only onco
iu a great while now that 1 have to use a kidney
XO package of Doan's Ki dney Tills is genuine unless
it bears the maple-leaf trade mark and the signature
-"James Doane."
High Street
Joseph Wint, retired blacksmith, b'tiS High street,
says: "My back and kidneys bothered me. My kidneys
were disordered and my back was weak. Doan's Kid
i:cy Pills soon put me right." :
Over three years after Mr. Wint said: "My opin
ion of Doan's Kidney Pills is just the same today as
,it was when 1 gave my first, endorsement. I haven't
hud any kidney trouble now for several years and I
give them the credit for bringing such lasting results."
Lee Street
J. H. Peut'on, 1405 Lee Street, savs: 'On several
occasions a cold settled in my back" across mv kid
neys causing pain and extended into my loins. I knew
that my kidneys were to blame and" started using
Doau's Kidney Pills. I found them just the thing to
rid me of the pain nnd disorders." -
Over four years after,' Mr. Penton said "I have"
never found a more reliable medicine for backache
and kidney disorders than Doan's Kidney Pills.
Whenever my kidneys got out of order Doan's soon
put them right." ,
Every Duggist has Doan's, 60c abox. Foster-MObarn Co Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y.
E all seek life's comforts and
pleasures, but many of us pay
J-tpd high a price for: thenii f Cbhtin "
ued over-woirking, over-eating and
over-drinking; late hours and loss of
sleep, gradually roll up an account O
tuat brings sickness and enforced
reM. vveaK Kianeys is the common
penalty. Daily backache, dizzv
spells, headaches, rheumatic pains and kidney irregularities are warnings of kidney
weakness. Don't wait! Neglect may lead to gravel, dropsy or BrighVs disease. For
quick relief avoid over-eating, over-drinking, over-working and other excesses, and
help the weakened kidneys with Doan's Ki dney Pills. Doan's have brought new health
and happiness to thousands of sufferers. Many of them live right here in.Salem. Ask
your neighbor!
These are Salem People:
4 i