Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 01, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Coekeril Bred Barred Hock Joe Cor
dano, 705 Hood St., Portland, 1st; cock,
2nd; hen 3rd; pullet 1st and 3rd; pen
lat. C. B. Whoeler, Pleasant Hill, eock
nd and 3rd. Gill & Warrick, California,
eock 3rd and 2ad pen 2nd. A. J. Hum
ley, hen 1st. Bauey pen 3rd.. H. B.
Krupe, coekeril lat; pullet 2nd.
, Pullet Bred Barred Bock A. J. Ra
ney, Oswego, 2nd eoek. C. B. Wheeler,
1st and 3rd eoek; 1st, 2nd and 3rd coek
eril; 1st and 2nd hen; lat and 3rd pul
let. N. J. Wiley, 3rd.
White Plymouth Rock Fred Peter
son, Chehnlis, Wash., 1st, 2nd and 3rd
cock; 1st, 2nd and. 3rd coekeril; 1st and
3rd hen; 2nd pullet; 1st and 2nd pen.
Jay H. Bickford,. Bedland, Cul., 2nd
hen; 1st and" 3rd pullet. : .
Partridge Plymouth Bock ("has. A.
Evans, Nowburg, Or., lt eoek; lstj 2nd
and 3rd hen; lat pen.
Silver Wyandotte Fred A. Johnson,
1st and 2nd eoek; 2nd, coekeril; 1st hen;
1st and 2nd pullet. " '
White Wyandotte J. S. Griffin, Eu-
venn. Or.. 1st and 2nd cock; 1st ana
3rd coekeril. 3rd hen: 2nd pullet; 2nd
;.en. H. Ringhouse, Clackamas, Or., 3rd I
ock; 2nd coekeril; 1st and 2nd hen; 1st
: nd 3rd pullet; 1st pen. J. B. Janscn,
. .os Angles, Cal., 3rd pen.
Buff Wyandotte Fred A. Johnson,
1st, 2nd and 3rd hen.
.Wyandotte Partridge W. E. Kern,
l.os Angeles, Cal., 2nd cock; 1st and 2nd
lien; 1st pi n. I). C. Clark, Dayton, Ore.,
1st cock; 3rd hen.
Khndlo Island Beds, Single Comb A.
J. Haney, Oswego, Or., 2nd and 3rd
eock; 1st coekeril; 3rd hen; 1st, 2nd and
3rd Ki'let: 1st and 2nd pen. Jas. v.
2ml pen. - . "
Pit Game J. P. Limerick, Portland,
1st, 2nd and 3rd cock;. let, 2nd and 3rd
hen. -
Toulouse Geenc-Mrs. A. Wcinert, Sa
lem, 1st gander; 1st goose. O. E. Loe,
Pilverlon, 1st guilder; 2nd and 3rd goose
1st and L'urt young goose.
White hnden. Geese Mrs. W. II. Craw
ford, Salem, 1st gander; 1st young gan
der; 1st goose; 1st voung goose.
Pekin Duck Mrs. W. W. Crawford,
1st drnke; 1st young drake; 1st duck;
1st voting duck.
Indian Runner Mrs. A. Weinert, Sa
lem, 1st drake; 1st and 2nd duci.
Malalrd J. C. Tibbets, Salem, 1st
and 2nd drake; 1st young drake; 1st
and 2nd duck; 1st young duck.
Wild Call Duck Burton McElroy,
1st drake; 1st, 2nd and 3rd duck.
Brone Turkey J. "W. Blackmas, Los
Angeles'; 1st torn; 1st yearling torn.
B. B. Bed Bantam Leone Davidson,
Salem, 1st cock; 1st, 2nd and 3rd coek
eril. B. B. Bed G. Bantam Leone David
son, 1st hen; 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet.
Silver Senweight Bantams Fred A.
Johnson, Tatoma, 3rd coekeril! 1st and
2nd hen. J. J. Dean, Moneta, Cal., 1st
cock; 1st nnd and coekeril; 1st, 2nd
snd 3rd pullet.
Gnldvn .Sebright Bantam H. 3.
'Hamlet. Portland," 1st coekeril. W. H.
Mnynnrd, Portland, 1st hen. '
Penciled Indian Runner Goodacvo
Poultry Ranch. 1st drake; 1st young
drnke; 1st duck; 3t young duck.
Rowen Ducks Goodacre Ponltrv
ranch, 1st young drake; 1st young duck.
Buff Cochin Bantam Miss Carrol
Physical culture is now compulsory in
all public schools here and in order that
the average teacher may ue ruuy posted
on just what is required, a pamphlet en
titled "A bourse in rnygicai xnarruc
t'ion for the Schools of Oregon" has
been prepared by the state superintend
ent. This course of study was being
mailed Wednesday by W. M. Smith,
county superintendent, to all teachers in
the county.
Twenty minutes a day is required to
be spent in this physical culture work,
exclusive of recess periods. The law re
quires that when the number attending
school is suffcient, the school board
must employ a specir.l teaeiier Other-
iw, tho echool toat-aer' is" required to
teaeh physical culture.
. : The law, as paused by the 1919 lcgis-
jlaturc reads: "After the f irsfe d-.vy of
September, litlU, all n:a:c and teir.aie
pupils i nail elementary and secondary
schools shall receive as part of the pre
scribed courses of instruction, such
physical training as determined by the
state superintendent of public, instruc
tion during periods which shall average
at least 20 minutes in each school day,
exclusive, of recess periods. "
All teachers in the county were r.o
sent monthly report blanks, school cal
endars and the word list for the seeonn
Three-fourths of the schools in the
county will be in session by next Mon
day, October 6, it was said. .
t. fa yiiunt (auk, Y) i
k V Brook3. , (Marion.
.Washington, Oct. 1. The house pass
ed a 'bill which will increase Panama
canal toll 15 per cent by charging
for deck cargoes which heretofore h&vo
been free of duty.
This bill was strongly opposed
tho Pacific coast lumber interests.
Use Ih Journal Want Ads
lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It
lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It
Dixon, Spokane, Wash., 2nd coekeril; 1st j Bush, Lents. OrH 2nd cock; 1st and 2nd
cock; 2nd hen. Tom Johnson, Rainier,
Wash., 3rd cockerjl. P. i Good acre,
Conipton, Cal.. 2nd ben. Joseph Fowler,
Duarte, Cal., 3rd pen. ,
Single Comb Rhodo Island Whites
Phil Lehrback, Log Angeles, Cal., 1st
coekeril; 1st and 2nd pullet.
Rose Comb Rhode Island Whites Phil
Lehrback, 1st coekeril; 1st and 2nd pul
lets. H, W. Price, Monmouth, Or., 2nd
.pullets. ;
Rose Comb Rhodo Island Reds Jas.
G. Dickson, Spokane, Wash., 1st coek
eril; 1st hen.
Dark Brahma Miss Henrietta M
Lagon, San Bernardino, Cal., 1st coek
eril; 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet
coekeril: 3rd hen. Miss Belle Cornforth
Salem, 3rd coekeril; 1st pullet. Fred A.
Johnson, Tacoma; 1st coekeril; 1st nnd
2nd lieu; 2nd and 3rd pullet.
Black Rose Comb Bantam Harold
Cadwell, Spokane, 1st cock; 1st hen.
Mille Fleur Bantam Harold, Cadwell,
1st cock; 1st coekeril; lstvhen; 1st pul
let. - ' . ;".' . ; ' t,
Japanese White Silkreji 'Barking
Poultry Farm, 1st cock; 1st, 2ild and i
3rd hen.' " Harold Cadwclllst coekeril;
1st pullet. .-' ' ' ' .'..- -
Red Pouter Pigeons-tG.-L! Ewen, Los
Angeles, 1st eock; 1st hen.
Black Pouter Pigeon G. L. Ewen, 1st
cock; 1st hen.
Light Brahma Mrs. W.. ,Babb Losiiilue pouter figeon u. 1,. fcwen, m
Angeles, Cal., 1st eoek; 1st and 2nd j.-md 2nd eoek; 1st young -cock; 1st and
coekeril; 1st hen; 1st, 2na ana ora pui- ..net nen; isr young nen
' lets; 1st- pen.
Single Comb White Leghorn Helen
Leepor, Oakland, Cal., 2nd and 3rd
coekeril! 1st hen; 1st pen. Allen Wheel
er, Pleasant Hill, Or., 1st cock; 1st
coekeril ;lst 2u (land 3rd pullet.
Singlo Comb Light Brown Loghom
Paul Schule, Portland, 1st cock; 1st and
2nd coekeril; 2rd hen; 1st and 2nd
pullet; 1st pen. Arthur Wado, Maryg
ville, Wash., 2nd cock; 3rd coekeril;
3rd pnUet; 2nd pea, fiEtd..AJa ahafon
taeomi Wash.; 1st and 2nd lien.
Single Comb Brown Leghorn Arthur
Wade, MaryBville, Wash., 3rd cock; Bra.
coekeril; 1st aud 2nd hen; 3rd pullet;
1st pen. Fred A. Johnson, Tacoina,
Wash., tnd cock. Paul Schnelc, Port
land, 1st cock; 1st and 2nd coekeril; 1st
and 2nd pullet; 2nd pen.
Buff Leghorn Mrs. A. Larson, Carl
ton, Or., 1st and .2nd cock; 1st, 2nd and
3rd coekeril. , !: ;
Buff Leghorn Single Comb Mrs. A.
Larson, Carlton, 1st and 2nd cock; 1st,
2nd and 3rd coekeril.
Single Comb Black Leghorn Mrs,
Emma Hurlburt, .Albany, Or., 1st, 2nd
and 3rd hen; 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet; 1st
Silver Leghorns Fred A. Johnson,
Tacoma, st cock; 1st coekeril; 1st, 2nd
and 3rd hen; 1st and 2nd pullet; 1st
pen. '
Black Minorca Single Comb Mrs. M.
McKenzie, Portland, 3rd cock; A. W.
Parks, Portland, 2nd cock; 1st, 2nd and
3rd hen; lBt pen. N. L. Wiley, Box, Or.,
1st cock; 1st coekeril; 1st pullet.
White Minorca Singlo Comb Win.
Tupper, Hillsboro, 1st cock; 1st, 2nd and
3rd coekeril; 1st 2nd and 3rd hen; 1st,
2nd and 3rd pullet.
White Minorca Bosc Comb William
Tupper, 1st coekeril.
Blue Andulusians D. M. Gulbraith,
Monmouth, Or., 1st, 2nd and 3rd coek
eril. .
Ai3Lmas Single Comb Hocking 1'oul-
Special Awards. :
Best Bird ; in 'American ' Class H.
Ringhouse, 1st; D. C. -Clark,' 2nd.
Best Bird in.Englih ; Class L. M.
Vavney, 1st; B. V. Peate, 2nd. .
Best Bird Asiatic Class Mrs. Waier
Bnbb, 1st and 2nd. -: ,.
Best Bird Mediterranean Class Paul
Selmelo, lt; Hocking Poultry Farm,
2nd.-. : - -'V;' i : ' .... ,
Single Cotnb' Brown Leghorn Dark
PallShij(dajtil4.:Spnl ) k-
Bmgle 'Ciltiwn'lieghornJ'-Light
Arthur W. Wade; 1st and 2nd pen.
White P!vmouth,;.,:Rw.k Mrs. Fred
Peterson, 1st and 2nd pen.
Singlo Comb . White Leghorn Miss
Helen Leepcr, 1st pen,
Light Brahma Mrs. Walter Babb, 1st
pen. : . .
Single Comb Rhode Island Red A.
J. Haney, 1st pen.
Part. ' Wyandotte W.; E. Kern,' 1st
Single Comb Black Minorca William
Tupper. 1st pen.
Single Comb Rhode Island Bed A.
J. Raney, 2nd pen; Joseph Fowler, 3rd
White Orpington B. . V. Peate, 1st
pen. ' -S!M!-''?'V..
Sicilian 'Buttercup-r-Albert Botemiller
1st pen. - -Salmon
Faverolles Eugene Prescott,
1st pen. v
Golden Campine X. J. Bryant, 1st
pen. ...
Pit Gamcs J. P. Limerick, 1st pen.
'.' Speckled Sussex Dudley Baker, 1st
Pullet Bred Barred Rocks C. B.
Wheeler, 1st pen; A. J. Raney, 2ndpen.
Cook Bred Rock Joe Cordano, 1st
pen; Gill & Warrick, 2nd; A. J. Raney,
, Single Comb AncOna-Hocking Poul
try Farm, 1st and 3rd pen; R. L. Sting
ley, 2nd pen. -
Dark Cornish L; W. Weisenborn, 1st
poesn't ixt a bit and costs only
few cents
1st vr 1 1
Three Real Princesses From the U. S. A.
Quit Kingdoms to Join Army Democracy
Descendant of Montezuma
and Other American Royal
ty Hard at Work Oversea
Entertaining Doughboy
n wi. ,s J" II liillvi li 1 Bi I
ki 1 ? ; floA H-V&i aih XI
. ' ... .'.,.....'". x ' I " '
"Hearts of Youth"
"g--M -. ; 7 ; 1 5 f ;
i ir M.ni.iKcwiirrn.'i.nin.aJ! , v . tT'
Beats Porous
Plasters, Foot
Baths. Etc.
trv Fnrm. Los Anacles. Cal.. 1st, 2nd pen; Henry Weisenborn, 2nd pen.
and 3rd cock; 1st, 2nd and 3rd cock-j Singlo Comb Black Leghorn Mrs. E.
eril; 21 and 3rd hen; 1st pullet;. 1st Hurlburt, 1st pen.
and 3rd pen. R. T. Stingley, Junction J Silver Leghorn Fred A. Johnson, 1st
City, Or., 1st hen, 2nd and 3rd pullet; pen.
2nd pen. I Single Comb Black Minorca A. W.
Silician Buttorcupts Albert Boteinil- Parks, 1st pen.
ler, Ridgefield, Wash., 1st and 2nd cock; j White Wyandotte H. Ringhouse, 1st
1st coekeril; 1st and 2nd hen; 1st, 2nd 'pen; J. A. Griffith, 2nd pen; J. B. Jan-
and 3rd pullet; 1st pen. sen, ora pen.
White Orpington C. D. Rorer, En
gene, 2nd cock; 1st, 2nd and 3rd hen.
B. V. Peate, Beaverton, 1st cock; 1st,
2nd and 3rd coekeril; 1st, 2nd and 3rd
pullet. " '
Buff Orpington Burton McElroy, 1st
cock; 1st and 2nd hen. J. A. McKen
zie, Beaverton, 1st and 2nd coekeril; 1st
2nd and 3rd pullet. L. M. Varney, Spo
kane, 3rd hen. J. J. Dean, Moneta, Cal.,
3rd coekeril. ,
Dark Cornish L. W. Weisenborn,
Portland, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cock; 2nd
and 3rd coekeril; 1st, 2nd nnd 3rd hen;
1st and 3rd pullet; 1st pen.; H. D. Dan
fair, Passdena Cal., 1st coekeril; 2nd
pulet; 2nd pen.
Speckled Sussex W. E. Baker, 1st
cock; 1st coekeril; 1st and 2nd pullet;
1st pen.
White Crested Black Polish MrB. M.
Williams. Los Angeles, 1st cock;
coekeril; 1st hem 1st pullet.
Salmon Fa vorlies Elsie Bobbins, Sa
lem, 1st cock. Eugene Prescott, Salem,
2nd and 3rd eock; 1st and 2nd coekeril:
1st and 2nd hen; 1st and 2nd pullet;
1st pea. - -
Silver Canipine -Grace Bcardsley,
Portland, 1st and 2nd coekeril; 1st, 2nd j )0 . rid. your feet of every hard corn,
and 3rd pullet. ' fssft earn, or corn between lie toes,
Golden Chammne X. J. . Bryant, I nd eUse, without one particle of
t -.: i onrt 3rd cOcV: nain. soreness or irritation
1st. 2nd and' 3rd coekeril; 1st, 2nd d u the diseovery of soied Cincinnati
Magic! Just drop a little Freezone
on that touehy corn, instantly It stops
aching, then vou life the corn off wita
the fingers. Truly! No humbug!
Try Froezone; Your druggist sells
tiny bottle for s few cents, sufficient
Entertained right royally are
(.He men pr tn A. E. F. The roy
alty of two continents is sending
Its princesses to amuse them. Only
recently the Princess Marie, of Roil
mania visited the leave area at Alx-les-Bains
with her mother, the
Queen, and danced in a tag danea
with American privates.
And the Y. M. C. A. has sent
three native American princesseB
to Europe to dance and sing, prin
cesses that belong to the ancient
royalty that held sway over vast
areas of this continent before Co
lumbus set toot on' American soli.
The Princess Bluefeather traces
her descent, on the distaff side
to Montezuma, emperor of the
Aztecs. Her mother was of purest
Aztec blood, she insists, and her
father was a Frenchman by the
name of Deg Champs. The prin
cess spent her childhood with a
tribe of Indians in Oregon and
learned ' from them many .Indian
songs, legends, tribal dances and
Incantations with which she is now
entertaining nightly the crowds of
doughboys who flock to see her.
The Princess Tsianlna to another
Indian princess who won fame as
a singer in the opera companies of
Charles Wakefield Cad man on the
Pacific Coast. She was adopted in
childhood by a wealthy white fami
ly in Denver and given a good edu-.
cation. The dying request of her
Indian mother that she should al
ways wear the native Indian dress,
has been observed and, regardless
of the stares of the crowds, the
princess has walked unconcerned
through the cities of the, old world
as she used to walk through those
of the new, in her beaded leather
robes. She reached Germany and
for months entertained the soldiers
there with native songs and dances,
appearing alone and in concerts
with Mr. Cad man. Princess Tsia
nlna is a composer of ability. She
hag made a close study of Indian
customs and folk-lore and her pro
grams were always well received
by the soldiers. She went abroad
last September.
The third of the royal trio is the
Princess Oalilohl, who also is
known under the English name of
Anna Boss. Her father was Rob
ert Ross, hereditary king of the
Cherokees of Oklahoma, and she
comes from Talequah, the former
capital of the Cherokee nation in
the Ozark foothills.
For two years before going
abroad she appeared with Ernest
Thompson-Seton, the naturalist;
giving recitals of folk-lore and
songs and dances of the various
Indian tribes. She was the model
for the Zolnay statue of Baquoya,
one of her own ancestors and the
inventor of the Cherokee alphabet,
which stands in the Hall of Fame
at Washington, and she officiated at
the' unveiling ot the statue last
year., Her Indian name signifies
"One-who-does-things-well," and her
success In serving the boys abroad ,
has satisfied them that the name is
one she well merits.
SE22S5 'ouvs i
jl Winat.iu Pp&l
you have acough or cold. (Jure
a cold qb soon as you can.
Don't let any member of the family, :
young or old, f.o f-'ouml coughing,
sneezing, inumin.l, h-v.-',lr.j or wheezing. A
neglected cold can ccniy run into really
dangerous sickneca. . It pays to keep
';':';.';; Foley's 'Vi ,.
Honey and Tar
in the home, ready for use at the first
signs of cold or cough. It la prompt
in action, pure, whokiome, absolutely safc
and costs less than if you bought the ingrcdi
ents at retail and mixed. U yourself.
Weat Home to Break Up a Cold
CP. CuUan. 82 5. Ulmtlt St., Mobile. Ala.. tnltM: '.
"I wm trovaUntf m tba iMerent of my businna .nl con
tractd aovero.eeid in New Orlesna. I tried to break
it by means I bad prviouiy vad, but--no, it 0ot ma in
tna left lung. I purchased twa at Hottlaaof ' '
I reached Meridian, Miaa., n beitar. I tried a porous '
uiasicr ana nec musiara loot uaens. nay cold ant so bad
I maoo tor noma.
I SSW vour 'ad' and I took a bailie
Foley 'a Honey and Tar Compound, discarding ether
inedicinea. 1 got relief. I ant well. I thank vm.-
and from now on l'doy'ii Honey and Tar always will
pa in my noon.
' Foley Honey and Tar ha been used for
mare than thirty years in thousands oi home
for relief from coughi, colds, spasmodic croup,,
tickling throat, hoarM-ncis, whooping cough, .
bronchial coughs and the coughs thut follow
influenza or grip,
Marshf iuld is iirthe midst of the great
est construction rirogram it lius over ex
perienced. Tho portions of tho city
burned in February luivo been elmost cu
tirely rebuilt with modem edifices.
Good blood makes firm tissue, strong nerves,
steady eyes and clear brain. Keep your blood pure and
full of healthy, red corpuscles, and your liver active, by
using Beecham's Pills, which remove poiscnous matters
from the system, assist the stomach to assimilate its
food, and the food to nourish the body. A world
famous remedy to strengthen the vital organs and help to
'Make Pore Mood
Direction of Special Value to Women era) with Every Bo.
Sold by druggista throughout the world. In boxea, lOc, 23c
There is no ne permitting yourself
to be deceived. J'erhaps, like thousands
of other afflicted with catarrh, you
are about ready to believe that the
disease is iiicuraWf, and that you ere
doomed to spend the eemainder of your
days hawking and spitting, with no re
lief in sight from inflamed and stop
ped np air passages that make the days
miserable and the nights sleepless.
Of course this an depends upon
whether or not vou are willing to con
tinue the old time, make shift method
of treatment that you and many other
sufferers have used for years with no
substantial results. If you are still con
tent to depend uion the use of sprays,
douches, inhalers, jellies and other like
remedies by themselves, that are ap
plied to the surface and cannot reach
below it, then nwkc up your mind now
that your catarrh will remain life
companion and will follow you to the
Yon must realize that the -dies it
self, and not ita yaptoB, is what you
hove to eure. Of eourae yon know that
when voa are cured of any disease ita
symptom will disappear. Catarrh man
ifests itself by inflammation of the
delicate membranes of the note and air
passages, which choke up and make j
breathing very difficult. To get rid of
these distressing effects you mint re-!
move their cause.
The blood is laden with the catarrh
germ, which direct their attack
against the tender and delicate mem
branes of the nose and throat. These
gorms cannot be reached by sprays or
douches, which, of course, have no ef
fect whatever upon the blood.
8. 8. 8. is a purely vegetable rem
edy made from root and herb direct
jfrom the forest,' which combat prompt
jly any disease germs or impuritie in
used for more thnn fifty years, with
ost satisfactory results. It has occn
successfully used by those afflicted
with even the severest cases of catarrh
hecause it drive out from the blood
the ciitsrrh germs, and eliminate ev
enr foreign subjtance from the blood.
S. S. S. is sold by druggist everywhere
For the benefit of those afflicted
with catarrh or other blood diseases,
we maintain a medical department in
charge of a specialist skilled in these
diseases. If yon will write ua fully, he
will ejtVe -your careful study, and
write rou'rut what your own individ
ual case require. 'Ko charge isr made
for thi service. Addrew Swift Specific
iCo., 0fl Swift laboratory, Atlanta, Oa,
and Player Pianos Best and Cheaper
Salem, Oregon ,
and Records
Sewing Machines
All Makes
Genuine Needles -
and Oil - ;
Sewing Machines Repaired and Rented
Music Studies
, McKinley and Century ,
10c Editions
- Music Store
rd hen; 1st and 3rd pulleti ltA aa gettuU-