Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 01, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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: Washington, Oct. 1. Senators today
were beginning to hunt the answer to
4hig question:
iWhat will happen if the peace treaty
is rejected, either by direct senate
vote, or by President Wilson's refusal
to acccpt .it with reservations, which,
iii his opinion destroy itf
High School Lad,
Dispatch Runner,
Wins Decoration
Seattle, Wnh., Oct. 1 (United Press)
Lincoln high school of Seattle is par
ticularly proud of one of its students,
Henry M. O'Brien.
Tho reason is. that Henry, before he
was 18 years old, had been through five
of the fiercest engagements of the, world
war as runner, onoor the most uazara-
he was 18.
"Asked why he was given the croix de
gubrre,. the high school boy modestly
said: "I don't know why the cross of
wa was g"ivcn me, but somehow they
cited mo. I was iust a runner carrying
messages, and doing roeonnoitcring. "
Nearly $2000 in prizes are posted for
the best children's exhibits at the
Hermiston fair, October 23 and 24.
Mniiv democrats declare that if the;ous of all duties.
treaty tails the men who cause its ; re- ' Tho uniform, which young O'Brien re
jection must bear t)a full respoiiaibil-j cently carefully discarded, was adorned
ity and take action to meet the situa-' th the oroix de. guerre, with star, the
tion. Jn such an event they expect the econd highest award for ''valor which
president would (decline to iuniate ne-was bestowcd by France,
gotiation of another treaty with Ger-1 0Brien; whcn oniy 15) joined the
many, and would not go out of his way - te a few wMte ,ies an(,
to mane easier the task of negotiating 1, recruiting officcrB tuiuk ha
pUbii a irciiicu'vii
A'doacflock exists in' the senate to
day. One way out is lor the president
to yield on strong reservations. Anoth
er is for him to natiy . reiuse mum, ,
which might cause rejection by senate
vote. Or he could withdraw the treaty
from further senate consideration or
pigeonhole it when it reaches him with
reservations which he considers dbjec
tionn'ble. ,
i- Some of the president 's supporters
believe he may find a way to yield on
these reservations without seeming to
yield too much. " 1 . ,
Although there are many indications
that the senate will either adopt reser
vations or reject the treaty, the league
of nations" covenant has as many en
thusiastic friends today in the senate
as it ever had. That is one reason for
the strength of the reservationists, it
is apparent.
Without reservations these league
supporters think the treaty will be re
jected and will earry with it in defeat
the covenant. Hence, these league
friends argue, it is better to yield to
the demand for reservations.
cd menibranes whore it will speedily
begin its work of banishing catarrhal
germs and ending catarrh. Hyomei is
made . of Australian eucalyptus com
bined .with, other antiseptics and is
very pleasant to breathe. ,
It is' guaranteed to banish catarrh,
bronchitis, influenza, tonsilitis, sore
throat, croup, coughs and colds or mom
ey back. It oftens cleans out a stuffed
up head and opens clogged nostrils in
two minutes.:
Complete outfit, including inhaler
and one bottle of Hyomei, costs but
little, while extra bottles, if afterward
needed, may be obtained- at any drug
gist for a. few cents, ........ (Adv)
to 170
N. Com'l St.
Quickly Ended by a Pleasant, Healing
Antiseptic Air. Just Breathe It
' The little hard rubber Hyomei inhal
er, which you can get at Daniel' J. Frys
or. cany reliable druggist can easily be
carried in pocket or purse. It will last
a life time.
Into this inhaler you pour a few
drops of the pure healing oil of Hyo
mei. This oil is absorbed by the antisep
tic gauze within and now you are ready
to breathe it in over the germ infost-
! Omaha, Neb., bet. 1. The city con
. tinfoil quiet this morning after an un
eventful night. General Leonard Wood
said the crisis is passed and ho expects
no further trouble. Many negroes re
turned to work this morning and many
who had left the city following Sun
day 's rioting, arc reported to have re
turned. Fifty-five persons suspected of par
filiation in Sunday's rioting have beeu
arrested, according to County Attorney
Slio:w:ll, who said 250 more will be ar
rested. -. i,.1 ! . .- .-'i .
; "We are going to make such an ex
amples of tho leaders of the mob that
the fair name of Omaha will never again
he disgraocd," Shotwcll declared.
Among those arrested was C. I. Neth
ftwav, real estate dealer, whose wife was
found brutally murdered after being
assaulted several years ago.
Mayor Smith continues to improve,
physicians said, and will soon bo out of
danger. , . '
(By United Press)
. Vnstoi-rlnv' a winner! Salt Lake,
Frtider Baum, now a Bee, held the
Oak. n five hits and blanked 'em in
the run column. The Hive Hounds won,
1 to 0.
. rio PliiviiTs hurled them too much
for tho Soa's and Beavers at Portland,
end the Senators and Siwashes at 8e
A rtmiihift header will omen the weeks
battle between the Angels and the as
piring Tigers.'
. (Continued from page one)
installation of modern conveniences in
the numerous idle houses here woum
tend partly to alleviate the situation,
and i-uiain thnae nenoln in Salem.
i w lnilhonT,nist of the rp.altv firm
f W. H. Grabenhorst .Co.,. said that
an average of 12 persons apply there
each day for homes to .rent. An aver
age of four persons a day "coma with
ready money' to buy homes, but will
not agree to pay the" " prohibitive pxie-
aa)Yri hv OWTlP.rfk -C . ! "... T . ..
There seems -to ' be a growing de
sire of property owners nere io iry i
make a million off of property . that
t iling " Mr. - Grahenhorst
JISII t, tUllU " J ,
Baid. "Such a practice should be con
demned, of course. But nothing can be
done with those who have so little
civic pride- to .frighten away- the
new comers wun ngureg inai: mo
. pospible. i . - - -
t hi; tJmr n buildinsr eoroora
fniT-'ina in mnke..somc readr mon
ey, 'would find Salem the' spot on the
Tf oAma tn nip. that such a firm
could come in here, buy up a strip of.
land, erect modest coraiges. ruv iunu
even before they - are buitt. - Surely
there 'd be enodgb, profit in it to at
Kavarul hllJlitlPSS men have offered
answers to the reason why this tide
of immigration, that is sweeping down
with sucn rapiaJiy on oaieui, jo giv
ing. One said that little or no building
was done' during the- war. Soldiers
have returned and married and, though
building stopped marriage didn't, so
.there natural are more people in the
country seekin- homes.
The paper mills here that will soon
emplor at least two hundred men has
east its magnetic spell on the work
men, savs another.
Ship construction in coast towns hav
....j tho nanr families, who
deserted the inland towns, are now re-1
turning, was another reason advanc-
Two discoveries have added greatly
to human welfare.
In 1835 Newton originated the vac
uum process for condensing milk witb
cane sugar to a semi-liquid form.
In 1883 Horlick at Racine, Wis , dis
covered how to reduce milk to a dry
powder form with extract of malted
grains, nctihout cane sugar.
This product HORLICK named
Malted rVUIk. (Name since co'icc3
by others.) Its nutritive value,
digestibility and ease of preparation
(by simply stirring in water) and Use
fact that it keeps in any climate,
lias proved of much value to martkinc
r3 rn ideal food-drink frota in'anr-
.ocllce. . ': v ..
To the People of Polk and Marion Counties. -
. We are opening a produce market and will be prepared to purchase
all kinds of produce.
This will give the people oie of the greatest opportunities for sell
ing and buying, our place will be in operation at once.
-' We are already now for Poultry, Veal, Pork, Hides, Pelts, Wool,
Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Hay, etc.
We are connected with an eastern firm and are prepared to pay the
highest prices. .' . .
'' Give us a trial and you will be convinced .
A market price will be published in the Daily Capital Journal so
you may know every-day the latest quotations.
Our place is located at 255 Ferry street in rear of the American
Automobile Garage, Temporary Phone 399. t
BEN. MORRIS, Manager. ;..
a6 itcoryraa
tffe--.".-r; v.;-, rwfv . ,. , 4 0
1 sa
Look I Here is the globe spread out fiat be
fore your eyes. See those stars? Every
star shows where a U. S. Navy ship was on
September 2ndj 1919. The Navy travels
the Seven Seas.
Don't you want to see theVotldl
ROMANCE is calling, to you!
Strange and smiling foreign
lands are beckoning to you. Shove
off and see the world!
' Learn to " parley -voo" in gay
Paree. See the bull-fights in fc
Panama. See surf-riding on the
beach of Waikiki.
Learn the lure that comes with
the swish and swirl of the good salt
sea. Eat well free; dress well
free ; sleep clean free ; and look 'em
all straight in the eye British,
French, Chinese, Japanese,.
Spaniards, Egyptians, Algerians ,
and all manner cf people.
Come! Be a real man of the
world. See the world. See it with
the red-blooded, hard-working,
hard-playing men of the U. S.
Pay begins the day you join.
On board ship a man is always
learning. Trade schools develop
skill, industry and business ability.
Thirty days care-free holiday each
year with full pay. The food is
good. First uniform outfit is fur
nished free. Promotion is un
limited for men of brains. - You -can
enlist for two years and come
out broader, stronger and abler.
Shove off Join the U. S. Navy.
If you're between 17 and 35 go to
the nearest recruiting station for
all the details. If you don't know
where it is ask your fawtmaster.
Shove off ! -Join the U. .Navy
THE way to keep warm is very simple and. reliable, when you
step into BISHOP'S and ask-to-see their WINTER weight under-'
wear." .!- ,...v.-', ' - ;v: '"'';' v' ".. ",:
' " THE salesman will immediately show
you goods that have a reputation that as
sures satisfaction. :
B & L UNION suits in the heavy
winter weight wool, priced at
$4; $5. ?6. $6.50
B & L, UNION SUITS in the cotton,
heavy weight for winter, these are the
best of their kind for service.
$1.75 $2.50. $3.25
WE have other styles and kinds that.
, will interest you and are of the usual
r BISHOP quality. ' ' : ;
"' MEN'S two-piece underwear, both
in the wool and the cotton, in the. best
known garments at prices you can afford
to pay. '
Men's Hosiery
WE carry a full line of the famous "INTERWOVEN". They come
in all the materials, colors and weights that you may need.
; COTTON HOSIERY in quality that will surprise you by the ser- "
vice they give. ' - ;.
Cashmere hose for every day wear in natural and black colors, 1
?: easy on your feet at 50c, 65c, 75c. . ....
HEAVY wool work socks, for those needing a heavy sock of the
best quality at 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, and $1.00. ..:
PREPARE now for your winter needs. Why wait?
"Every Family In Marion and Polk Counties a Patron"
Salem Woolen Mills Store
Machinery has begun to arrive for he
paper mill now under construction at
flttlcm by the Oregon Pulp & Paper company..
Hardy C. Stanton of Boseburg, a plo-j Sixty thousand baby trout of tho rain
ner of 1853 and well known throughout , bow variety wore liberated in the north
the stute, hag just celebrated his 93d fork of the Umatilla river near Gilucn
birthday. i lust week. -n, -v -;;.''
pecial for AH Week
'nderwear and Sweaters
Groceries McnsBrnisniDj
Dry0ood5 Tfie PfeIjUElSta HakShoe
Clothinf l' ,..lotionj
, PHONE 453 -
Our enormous stock of woolen and cotton
underwear and sweaters
for Men,
Women and
Will save your pocket and your
health. The prices are not of the
. latest but the quality is of the best
and at before the, war prices. . .