Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 01, 1919, Image 1

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rillwr P4 , . i
Iff vuwvi livw' ,
' ' '
'-Oregon: Tonight snd Jhurs-
dav showers: moderate eontht- i
(25 000 READERS DAILY) ' '
Only Circulation in Salem Guar-
, anteed by- the Audit - Bureau of
e .Circulations. - - .
" easterly. wiadK . , . ... j '
.-a- sjtus? -Tar: the-24 twn-HAt; s
; .'; o'etotk. this morning: Maximum
VLy- ' H" -temperature 58, minimum 39;
below aero, rising. .,'..'- 4b
: : - . - - JV ' -. '. . .. . ... ,,
fri rft fi jfrmr.c o a -f5fr?. ...... - rf.
iMl m ML l L i H 1 H n r
1 so
Fovl rth Innin J Riot Cinches
First Game of Series for
Cincinnati Jossers "
w'. By Henry Farrell
: ' (United Press" Staff Correspondent)
' I: Redland. Field, Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 1. First blood
for the Reds. A crushing, bruising session in the fourth
inning utterly demoralized the American league champ
ions and sent Eddie Cicotte to the showers for the first
time in his world series career. : '
: 'Tho score was 9 to. L
It was a fair measure of the Tout of
the Oleason elan.
Cicotte, who had been depending up
on to carry the Sox through .the big
series, was battered aiwl bombarded in
, tho hectic fourth inning in a mauner
Hint seldon hns fullen to the lot of a
a world scries pitcher. . -
. INve nins. driven across the plate
with the aid of six crashing wallopaJ
lifeluding a triple by . Keuther and a
double bv Morne Rath, broke the heart
of Cicotte and spelled, "feat for his
club in tho impirtuiit gums of the ser
ies. .
. Walter Rc.uthcr, who a year ago was
not regarded as goo d enough for a
couplo of big league: clubs, proved him
self the hero of the first game. In fact,
lie wag a double hero. Inning after
inning he proved himself a hero, and
be grew greater lis the contest pro
gressed. The slugging Sox were help
less befono hiin. Not content with hold
ing the .Sox, Reutlier led the attack.
He sent the Sox fielders to the fence
to retrieve two towering inpies, wmcu
brace of .bepufies'be interspersed with I
batting n vera go for the day, having
walked, on his only,: other, trip to the
mints o.ug.v.
plate. " it.-,.-,",: .- . .- -.":
Titut Inning. '
Ohicagq 3. Cdllins up. Collins singled
to center. , Li Collins up. E. ''.Collin
forced J. Collins at second, Keuther to
Kopf. Collins taking first. Weaver up.
E. Collins out stealing, Wingo to Rath.
Weaver flied to Bousch in deep center.
No runs, ono hit, no errors.
Cincinnati Rath up. Rath hit by
pitched ball. . Daubert up. Paubert
singled to center, Ruth going to third.
Oroh up. Groh flew' to Jackson and
Kath scored ftfter the catch, Paubert ro
utined on first base. Rousch up. Dnu
b?it CKiight stealing, fkhulk to Risberg.
Houscli walked. Duncan up. Rousch
Btole second. Duncan out, Risberg to
Gandll. Ono run, one hit, no errors.
. Second Inning.
- Chicago Jackson up. Jnckson safe
at first on Kopf 's wide throw to Dau
bert and went to second. Kopf was giv
en an error. Felsch up. Felsch sacri
ficed; Routher to Daubert. Gondii up.
Gandil singled to center. Jiscksen scored
on it. Risberg up. Gundil out stealing,
Wingo to Rath. Risebig walked. Sclialk
up. Sc.halk flew to Rousch. One run,
one Mt, one error. .
Cincinnati Kopf up. Kopf fanned.
Neale out," E.. Collins to Gandi, Wingo
up. Wingo flew to Felsch. No run, no
hits, no errors.
Third Inning.
Chicago Cicotte up. Cicotte fanned,
J. Collins up. Collins flew to Rousch.
E. Collins up. Collins out, Kopf to Dau
bert. No 'runs, not hits, no errors.
Cincinnati Routher lip. Reuther walk
ed. Rath up. Ruth sacrificed, Cicotte
to Gandil.' Reutlier went to second. Dau
bert up. Daubert flew to Jackson. Reu
tlier was held at second. Groh up. Groh
flew to Jackson. No runs, no hits, no
Fourth Inning.
Chicago Weaver up. Weaver on,
Groh to Daubert. Jackson up. Jack
son, Kopf to Daubert. Felsch up. Felsch
out, Kopf to Daubert. No runs, no hits,
no errors.
Cincinnati Rousch up. Rouseh flew
' to Felsch in left center. Duncan up.
Duncan singled to right center. Kopf
up. Kopf forced Duncan at second, Ci
cotte to Risberg, but beat Risbcrg's
(Continued on page eight) .
$30,000 IS PAID FOR
Ownership of one of the biggest
-pruuo orchards in the county changed
hands Wednesday whin tne tfeeu was a,t bay points are also served by
- Hansferred between Douglas Minto.j.v Southern Pacific electric lines nnd
Will known Salem business man, and
Or-orge W. Shand, of the Salem Iron
Works. The orchard was sold by the
consideration of upwards ,f
C!!' ..
Ihe tug orrliard, wnnn wrr a re..
ZttC oTeniT Z Zt
'Declaring that during the past con
fereuce year while, tho church was giv-J
ing us attention to pamotjc move
ments and other considerations, its
nienrbership had greatly emaucinted,
Bishop Watthew Simpson Hughes, in
the opening address of tho 67th Ore
gon annual conference of the Method
ist E-Msoornal church, at the " Salem
church Wednesday morning, sounded
an nl.inn nf fleelinincr Ltttriritual nower
alui tue Rowing lossxif membership,
V Btghop Hughe.
lauded the work of ministers through
out tho state during the past year, and
was strong in his- commendation .of re
construction work done-lor the govern
ment.- Tho bishon dealt at length on
the elements that Shad caused the
church membership to fall off..
The many activities of the church,
other thun its Teg"Mr worK, wmen in
terfored to a great extent with the (
usual program, was the main cause,
Bishup Hughes asserted. Efforts made
in behalf of winning the war and tho
flu epidemic that swept through the
state last fall and winter, claiming the
lives of many of the church's mem
bers, were also held responsible for the
decline of. strictly church activities.
The .prediction, that unless something
. r ...... -w .. f SI
was done to prevent it( the Methodist
Episcopal church lot America Trould
suffer a loss, of 10,000 active working
members, was made, in IBishop Hnghes
talk. He said, that while he. church
busied itself with' other matters outside
the usual routine of affairs, 50,000
members had been lost during the past
six months.
In speaking of the future, and the
(Continued of Page Seven.)
And now the suenr'situation in Sulem
is really becoming serious, For its size, )
Kfllpm ha Wn roeolvintr more Biitrar
n.n KtriVo nf tho lniiffsWemoii nt
San Fraucisco, but very little sugar is machine shops here whose operators had
coming this way. failed to sign the agrement giving the
It is estimated that what does come men an increase of eight cents an hour
to Portland, will be distributed careful- and a 44 hour week,
ly along the volley towns and that Sa- j Union leaders predicted that 5000
lem will receive about one-tenth of Its men would be striking by noou. -requirements.
j Officers the Metal TiadeB Unions
And more than that, there is no as-
suranec that normal eonflitions in the
sugar market will be reached until about
the first of next year. So strained has
become conditions here, that stores arc-
cutting down purchases to 50 cents each
to their regular eustomers. - In Port
land, where many of the big stores have
been entirely out for ten days, many
stores are allowing purchases of one
pound to regular customers. r
Oakland Street Lines And
Ferry Tied Up By Big Strike
Oakland, Cal., Oct. 1. (United Press)
Twelve hundred employes of the Son
j Francisco and Oakland Terminal Rail-
ways eompany, struck at 3 a. m. today,
tying up the Oakland street railways
n'j the Kev Route ferries.
j by the Southern Pacific ferries and. ;;0,
lOOO commuters who ordinarily take the
Rev Route sought the Southern Pacific
, Til at 300.00o' people r.re earned
lj.ii. I,- v a 1 A T Tt nnd the con-
- ua.... .-.,:.
$7,500 Will Be
Spent in Moking
; Market Modern
Fred WVSteusloff, of Steusloff Bros.,
announces this morning the re-modeling
of the Steusloff meat market at. Court
and Liberty streets at a cost of $7500.
Work will begin November 1 and is ex-
peoted to be completed by the first of
next year. ., v .
' The present refrigerator system of the
market will be torn out and discarded
entirely. In its place thore will be in
stalled a most modern refrigerator sys
tem, fell within a cork insulated box.
. A special feature lis the fact that the
refrigerator will face on Court street
with-show windows by which a posset
by may look into the refrigerator, facing
12 feet on the show window of Court
street and ending to a depth of SO,
From the sidewalk, toe. enure refrigera
tor and its contents will be in full view
at all times. " ,t , ' .' .
; Another improvement will be the plac
ing of straight counter extending 65
feet north and south, 40 feet of which
will be refrigerator show cases, , A new
wrapping system will also be installed.
Special clerks -will a'tfen'd to alt the
wrapping and handling the "cash. Kvery
thing will by specialized. There will bo
cut an additional entrance to tho market
from Liberty street.
Steusloff Bros, who with Curtis Cross
are . erecting tho Valley Packing com
pany plant just north of the city, will
devote their entire time to the new
plant and hand the management of the
retail market over to those who have
been associated "with them for several
years. This change in management will
take place about the first of the year.
- (Br. United Press.) )
Workers in steel shipyards in the v-"
Francisco bay district,, kos Ang;elcs,
Portland and Taoouia went on strike to
day, called out by the ordor which was
issued prior ts the conferences held. in
Washington late yesterday. The yards
at Seattlo were not atiectea, tor tne
men there received early notice of tho
-Washington arrangement,
: w. i.j-- .t., itt..'...
fected later were informed that the
government would allow .shipping board
yards to pay the eight cent an hour in
agreed to by the employers and
'Mm man ftr.v iiA t n. f itil fliaf ull mm,
the men, they indicated that all the men
on strike in yards that havc signed this
agreement woud be sent back to work
soon probably by tomorrow morning.
The strike, however, will remain in
force in yards that have not agreed to
the eight cent increase. This includes
the Bethlehem yards at San Francisco
and Alameda and yards at Portland.
Fifty thousand men aro out in the Son
F-ianeisco bay district, and about 5000
arc out at Portland. In I.os Angeles the
yards are open, and conflicting claims
r.re made as to the number of men a!
That the government had made prepa
rations to- guard its plants was indi
cated by word from Vallejo. Two coin-
! panics of marines, with .machine gun
equipment, were held there for strike
Portland, Or., Oct 1. Tlic strike situ-
atiou took a turn at 10 o'clock this
beean ordering 0ut workmen ongageu in
ussert that all shipyard workers will bo.
called out in sympathy within a
if the shops now affected don't sij
sign the
Tho shipyards, it was stated, secure
considerable material from the machine
ahops, and tlio union shipyard workers
will not be allowed to work on this. '
Aggie Freshmen To Hare
Strong Grid Aggregation
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis
Oct. 1. Football fans predict a wonder
ful freshman tetm for the college. Two
full teams were out the first night for
practice, more than 100 having signed
up for the freshman squad.
Strike In Alaskan Gold
Mines Ends This Morning
Juneau, Alaska, Oct. 1. The strike
at tho Alaska Juneau gold mine here, of
two weeks duration, ended this morning,
all men returning to work.
The union concedes defeat in its di-
i.:..i... .,. i....-
Charges Of lllistrestsesi
"WitfaoKl Vistege Of Trta '
Corporation Head Offers Com
mittee Figures io Prove
Washington, Oct. l.-r-Flat refusal
to deal with onion labor, was made
to the senate labor '.committee to
day by Judge Elhast SL Gary, head, '
of the United-States Steel Corporation.-.
..'.::-.,.-; . --; .' '
By Baymond Ciapper
(United (Press staff correspondent)
Washington, Oct. l.-r-Chargcs that
the United Btatea btoc-1 corporation
had mistreated its .employes are "with
tout a vestige of truth," Judge Elbert
II. Garv, head of the ;corporation, de
clared today before the senate labor
Gary Was the first witness represent
ing the employers to Vfo heard, by the
committco (investigating the ' steel
strike. . .' ' ", :
"It has bocn. well known for the
last, ten years that the lnibor unions
lmv been attempting.6i,organji!0 tn
tlieiV own way the emijoyea of th'e
United States' Steel oorporation sub
sidiaries," Gary said. ;
';Thcro is no basic industry in this
country or in tho world1 which has paid
higher Wages to its employes than the
steel Corporation or has treated them
with greater respect or consideration
than the steel corporation.
Gary offered' tho committee figures
which he said would prove the truth of
his statements.
"It. has been rharireck that during
the existing strike some of our subsi-!
dinrieS have been guilty of attacking
and mistreating the strikers,"' Gary
continued. "That is without founda-
tiori. There isn't a vestige of truth in
. Gary denied that Mrs. Fannie Snell
ing was killed by anyone connected
with the steel corporation or its sub- If rom London's lor.ding families are serv
sidiaries. Ho said she was killed at jnf ag p0ftors, watchmen and other un
Brackenridgc, Pn., and that, his com-' 8kinc(1 workers, dcclarine they wish to
pany has no works or employes there.
Answering another chaise of cruel -
inn llnvlS,
caused bv an employe of the United Increased restlessness is noticed
States Steel corporation, but instead .among tho strikers. Complaining against
was caused by'an I. W. W. member. 'the government's use of military guards
Garyi said aome investigation had one branch of tho railway union has is
been made: "Our orders are absoluto-:Sued an ultimatum threatening to flood
ly against anything of that kind, any "several tunnels and call out the tunnel
where,, any time." pumpers unless tho soldiers are with-
He said that employe around the drawn within 48 hours,
coal mines were defending themselves 1 The government, in a new statement,
from attacks of strikers. , urged strictest economy and reiterated
"The strike was preceded by prom-. that the food situation was satisfactory.
ises of higher pay to appeal to, the cu -
i""1 ul7 r ,
don 't know how many to burn houses,
lfl,l,.nr. .I.aI. liilflrnn nti '
kidnap their children, etc.
"Men stayed on strike oecouse they
feared lack of police protection," (jary
j . . .
Tiler's lots o' Herbert Hoovers, but
Mhey have t' be appointed. We can't
nl,t . Rlc.sin are of ten disiruised
t misfortune,,
Itinerary Made
Up for Albert's
A merican Toiir
Washington, Oct. 1. (United Press.)
The-etate department today made pub
licise itinerary of King Albert of' Bui
gitua, who begins a tour of the country
October 5.
The itinerary, which is subject to
change, follows: 1
Leave New York, October O; amvo
Boston, Oetober 6: leave Boston, Octor
ber 6, arriving Niagara Falls, October 6j
leave Buffalo, October 6, arriving Mo-
line,. October 7; leave Davenport, Iow&,
October 7;' arrive St. Paul October 8;
leave Minneapolis, October 8; arrive
Bpokaae, October 10; - leave Spokane,
October 10; arrive Mary Hill, Oetober
11: leave Mary Hill, October 12: ar
rive Portland, October 12;" leaves Port
land, Octobor 12; arrive San Francisco',
October 1; leave San Francisco, Octo-
ber14; tarrive El Portal, October 15;
teavp- El Portal, October 15; arrive
Grand Canyon, October 17; leave Grand
Canyon, October 17; arrive Albuqtterquo
October 18; leave Albuquerque October
18;' arrive Kansas City, October 19;
leave Kansas City, October 19 ; arriVo
Omaha, October 20; leave Omaha, Octo
ber. 80. '. '. - : '
; Time for ' departures and arrivals In
eluded: '
October 7 arrive MoMne 1:30 p. m.,
leave Davenport, 8.40 p. m.: October 10,
irrive Spokane 3 p. m., leave 11 p. m.;
Ootober 12, arrive Portland B a, m.,
leave 11 p; m,j October 14, arrive San
Francisco 8 a. m., .leave 11:40 p. m.;
Octolwr 18, arrive Los Angeles 9 a. m.,
have 1:30 p. m.; October 20, arrive
Omaha 6:40 of. m., leaving 7 p. m.
By Ed.. I. Keen. ,,,
' (United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Loudon, Oct. 1. With the government
meeting increased success in running the
railway blocade, indications today were
that the railway men favored a call for
help from tho "triple alliance" (rail
way men, miners and transport workers)
halting industry throughout the nation.
This was foreshadowed in a stavcmcjii
by Robert Williams, head of the Trans
port Workers Federntion, in calling a
meeting for today,
'The transport unions are likely to
become involved in the strike," Will
r iams said, after a conference betweeu
transport executive and representatives
of tho National Railway union.
Anti-strike volunteers are constant
ly bccaniini; more numerous. Many S0113
. , . tie defense of tho principle
1 p .nnrtitllHonHi tfovnrnmont. " which1,.
. ..
the strike:
jThc. pinch from the coal shortage Is
jl,Knit,,1,"H' u"wl"n'
j , f d tQ clo9(, to(,8V
I "
Pittsburgh Pa., Oct. 1. A. printed
st stem out signed by Samuel Gompers,
president oi the American Federation
of Labor and William Z. Foster, sec
retary of the national committee, made
public here today, doclarcd:
ine swei nirine is a irrmcmiuuB
success. Over 370,000 steel workers are
on strike.1 - '"'
The statement asserts .- the union
ranks are being augmented daily by
inaiy more strmers. xno signers crit
icised the press and declared corpor
ations were using it to discredit the
strike. A
Washington, Oct. 1. By agreement
among the senate leaders today voting
is to begin tomorrow afternoon on
Senator Fall's amendments to the
peace treaty of which there are moro
than thirty.
Washington. Oct. 1. A resolution or-
t dering the fcderal'tr'adc commission
, investigate sugar prices was passed
the Hous. .ate today without debate.
' smw big mm
People Flocking to City Un
able to Find Homes; Real
Estate Men Swamped
Salem, now in the process of a general expansion, is
swellin gbeyond its bounds.
with them -hundreds of families. In air channels but one
there is a concerted movement toward growth. That one
is the building of homes.
,..'-........... .. - ,. . )
I Chicago, Oct. 1. "-(United Press.) I
William B. Colver, member of the fed-
era! trado commission, addressing the
National Association of. Advertising '
Specialty Manufacturers hero; today,!
warned that "labar and ita offspring
capital, must stop blowing soap bub
bles.". . ' . ' i
Colver characterized the cost of liv
ing as "the price of the ticket from
the cradle to the grave" and added that
there arc "no return trip tickets."
J "When labor shirks ' Its duty and
when capital exacts fictitious toll, each
Iiub raised the price of, the ticket and
each has eut tho value of the dollar,"
Hie said,.'..,.. .; -f '..-. ....... i... v'.,...'i
"If labor and capita? were united,
ns they should bo, in the effort to do
their duty, then the future would be
come brighter li ve removed tho bur
dens artificially placed upon them.
think it would be a great step to
ward reduction of the eost of Hying if
the whole scheme of excess profit 4a
could bo abolishod. There never was so
bad a doviee in business as thdevie
called 'cost plus' and the excess profit
lax is in its essence a 'cost plus'
scheme. "
Army Food Shipment For
Salem Once More Delayed
Word was received by the Salem
Postmaster Wednesday morning from
the deputy zone supply office of the
war department, handling surplus army
foods, that tho shipment assigned to this
it v will bo delayed several days. The
j - -. -- - - ..
cause for the delay was not mentioned,
Numerous orders from Salem pcoi;.i
for these products were ont to Fort
Mason about six weeks ago, and were
re-routed to Portland, which will ac
count for the long lapse of time before
hearing from thorn.
Money sent for articles, mat tne gov
donoy sent for articles not tne 'ibw tt(.tive in intronHcinjf ew indus
ment is now out of, Will be returned ,n bu, hM p(ld 1Htlc ,
ernment Is now out
as soon' as possible.
Necro Charged With Attack
On Woman To Be Tried Today
Camden, N. J., Oct. 1. (United
Press.) James Whiting, negro, chnrgea
with assault on Mrs. Mary MoUcy,
hito. was in ail her today awaiting
trial. It was understood he would be
tried privately some time today to pre
vent possible action.
Whiting was captured In a swamp iv
ilea east of her after having been
smoked out.
" He is said to
V Would Cure Home Folk
Of Presidential Hypnosis
Han Francisco, Cl., Oct. i. -(Unltco
Prcna. With the avowed intention of
curing Californians of "presidential
hypnosis" Senator Hiram Johnson to
day opened his battle against tne peace
treaty and the league of nations cove
nant in "his home town."
Johnson will address several civic or
ganizations this noon at a luneheon at
the Palace hotel. At 8 p, m. a mass
meeting will be held at tho Coliseum.
Oldest Steel Ship in U.S.
Navy Reaches Mare Island
Valleio. Cal., Oct. 1. Th0 U, S. S.
Chicago, oldest steel ship in the United
States navy, built in 1883, dropped nn-
Ichor today in Mare Island channel.
to! The Chicago is a 4.TO0 ton vessel. It
by was part of the famous white squadrou
that visited Europe.
Industries are coming in ;
; IhfiMI- Buildl Build!,. The- cry is
voiced, by . every man in touch with
the housing situation. : v: ; ... .
-.Daily real estate dealers here, aw
besieged by families migrating to Pa
lero. They want to rent, but," if there
isn't anything to rent, give us a home
on easy terms,", they say. "We like
tho town and want to stay. We're not
very particular, any place to stay will
do." That's their plea, but St. goes nn-:
answered. .Because no -homes are im
mediately available. And ' the " dezcn
who orae to Salem1 every day annous;
to make this their home, are compell
ed to elsewhere.'""' ".'-''", r-
- At the offices-of--e;"-W.--Niemeyer,-
rfa gt dealer, from 15 to 25 per-
sons armlv daily for homes to rent.
They . are. turned away. The situation
is the sfrine- in all realty offices. j
"The situation is deplorable, ". Mr-.
Niomever declared Wednesday. ,"W
must build. Tho man of means horor
must recognize this ideal means for;
investment, and prepare home - for
these people." - t
The other dealers say the sime thinR;
When asked for a solution, : Mr Nie-;
mover said: ',,.' y,
"The land is available Something
has been said attont the high cost of t
lumber and the inability of -people ta
build because of this, 'Why worry
nbout jhifl wfajsn thfy fon huild iire--proof
"concrete home, just as aftraetivft
as. thovwooden home, for 4 groat deal,
le.SRT ' - 'iiJ.V ... ,. ,i
"To meet the demand that Is stead-
ily increasing!, I have niad plans for
13 now, modern California type homes
In "the' vicinity ot 13th anil Center
street. Tf I can build, other men hera
can build and make money at it." -
Mr. Niemeyer also said that a com-.;
mifctee is preying on confess to pass
ja housing bill. This, ho explained, will
enable the man without means to build
his own home. 'Niemeyer expressed the
belief that the bill will be passed by ..
this congress, and fare tho same suc-i
cess as the farm loan.
'-At present there arc only six Vnwt.
under construction . in Salomj These
will accommodate oVly about one fir- -teenth
of the. families who seek resi
dence here. - .. ' .-
It was pointed, out by H. 8. Rndeliffe
another prominent realxbr here, thnt
there are about 200 run down houses
in Balem that could be .made fit to
live in, ; ;
" And I will guarantee that T can
rent 300 of such homes here within, six.
months' time," he declared. -
"What should be done by the Cham
ber of Commerce," Rudeliffe contin
ued. "Is to prevail upon tho Spauld
ing Lumber Co. to reduce the eost of
lumber. The Chamber of Commerce has
no attention to shaping aceommooa
tions for the incoming families. I ain
sure that if the price 0? lumber were
g,, '.,ert.;,rtMr ow iou
I lie said that low rents and baa
streets adinccnt to some of the run
l(inWn properties here havc made It un-
'just if table for the owners to rcmoout
the houses.
P. h. Wood, who has been forced to
turn away many applicants for homes,
said Malem must awake to the import
ance of the demand for homes, and
build. He said that he rented one house
before the diiartiiig family moved out.
Like 'Mr. Hadcliffe, he said that tho
(Continued on page three)
A general advance of 10 cents a sack'
the price of flour became effective
in Kalem Wednesday. Although all firms
have not yet raised the price, It la be
lieved they will before the week B end
ed unless the market price drops.
The new wholesale price shows an ln
ircase of 40 eents a barrel, with flour
selling at Portland at til. 13. The 49
pound sack of flour will now sell in 8a
Itui at $3.10 and 3.25.
With the opening of markets Wednes-
'day morning it was expected that retail-,
'ers, with a stock of flour on hand, would
ignore the raise as long as possmie.
But, with the market firm and littlo
flour in trade, local retailers found it
necessary iu ram mm p"