Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 30, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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.Residents Along North
Fourth Street To Meet
The people" living on" North Fourth
street, who nre asking for paying from
the city council and who are develop-
ug a wonderful amount of civic pride,
will meet Friday evening of this week
to talk mutters over and to adopt some
The ear shortage in Western Oregon I Jtiiid of -bylaws and constitution for
and Western Washington, has not iui- the North Halem association,
proved in the last week and lumbe. However, it has been pointed out
iiinnufaettirera arc 'unable to handlo all by a citizen who has just recently did
their rail business. The situation is considerable walking on North Fourth
severe with little substantial relief in that before the people ask much of the
immediate; prospect. ,. I city council, it might be a good idea for
R. H. Aishton, regional director of , nil to show their prjde in improvement
iihe railroad administration has advised , bv doine n little work 'individually on
the West Coast - Jjumbcrhieji 's Asso
ciation that the early part of Scptera
ilx'P showed an actual u in the num-
" her of closed and open cars moving into-
the West Coast territory, but gave
assiirunces that efforts no ware be-
in made to improve conditions.
. As a result of tho car shortage some
mills are not accepting new orders at
all but are contintii. g their operations
with the view of replenishing their
stocks which have become ubnorinally
Mhort on account of the) continuous
heavy demand for lumber. '
. Despite the unfavorable car situa
tio i the total new busiuess accepted by
the mills during the week ended Sep
tember 20 was 55,801, 00 feet, of
which 42,000,000 feet was for rnil do
ll very, , - - : - : .
The volume of new business offered
is increasing every week. Demand is
coming from domestic markets in the
Bust and Middlo West as well as from
the export tade. '
As a result of the constantly increas
ing demand the volume of orders, cut
and Nhipments at west coast mills ap
proximates that at the southern pine I
t.'.-i. t i i . '
mum wjih-ji uivu,H , nave ueen tno
heaviest producer. For tho first 37
weeks of (he year tho wont coast mills
ut 2,3I,15J,814 feet compared to 2,-
, OIS,4lO,!tl7 feet for southern pine; the
nhipments in the name period were 2,
47:1 9:14,8(18 feet and ..j.,C55,7S4,S22 feet
fo. west coast and southern pino re
spectively and the orders 2,5:!2,4S4,
!W7 feet and 2 58!,0l2,8f)(i feet rospect-
Mince the end of tho war tho Douglas
fir mills have boon getting u lot of
new business from the Atlantic sen
limtrd and other onstoru territory. As
sliij and ears become available this
business is sure to increase.
the sidewalks. Tho citizen pointed out
that sidewalks arc pretty dilapidated
on ftorth Fourth street and that pro
perty owners have taken but little in
terest jn walking conditions.
This question of each property owner
did'ig some work on sidewalks fci the
winter will come up t the meeting to
bo held this week. .
San Francisco, Sept. 30. (United
Press.) I'gly glances and muttered
threats were more frequent along
waterfront today following the first
real fight of the stevedore' strike,
which occurred at 9:15 last night.
For i few minutes strikers and strike
breakers mixed in a ferocious battle.
They fled as police nrrived, leaving nmc
wounded men on the pavement. These
men, too weak to flee, were taken to a
bospitul and treated for wounds rtiB
ing from deep stab wounds to battered
Clubs and knives were used freely.
Joseph Henderson, negro strikebreaker
who lis accused of wielding n knife, fled
from the hospital after receiving treat
meut and has not been found.
Two stevedores were arrested charged
with battery. Added precautions wero
taken today to prevent trouble.
Five Applications Filed
Asking For Water Permits
F. G. Chapin of Grants Pass has frl
ed with the state engineer's office nn
application .for permission to appro
priate 12 second-feet of water from
Horso creek, a tributary of Jack's
creek, for mining purposes. Other ap
plications for water rights have been
fled as follows:
E. C. Ui-derwood and August Bowcn
of Grants Pass, water from Centennial
creek for the irrigation of a small
irucr. '
Harold Wilson of Westfall for water
from Malheur river for the irrigation
of a small tract.
Nettie DlaKe of Fangollano for the
irrigation of a small tract.
Cornucopia Mines company of oCrnu
copia for the use of water for domestic
uprposes in connection with their mines.
John Barleycorn
Missed, But Not
Mourned at Fair
I Tho following premiums were among Of all the guests at the, fair last
(those awarded for horses at the state week, you were conspicuously absent,
Bingham, Jennie Lick is once again the ,,. , . . 6 ... .
owner In fee simple of lots 22,23 and ' .r ""'i ,
24 of Orrtbenfcorirt.- fruit f.rm. Nn. 3. J'r"1 "uoy. una
In tho suit of Jennie Lick against Cora
Kickabaugh jind others for 'title to the j
.1 years old Ruby first.
r in m
three lots the plaintiff alleged that in
Kill she voluntarily agreed to deed to
Cora RicUabnugh for her sola aud sep
arate use the three lots in question, .
That a real estate broker drew up
the dood and she signed it, .supposing
it conveyed to Cora Bickabnugh and to
her children. As Mrs. -Kickalbaugh was
married aud divorced, tho plaintiff al
leged that she intended to give the
land only for the support of Mrs. Riclc
abaugh during her lifetime and not
the children.
After hearing of all evidence in tho
case, the court ordered that tho deed
?;ivrn be cancelled and that- Jennie,
iick be decreed the owner in fee sim
ple and all other parties debarred from
any Interest therein.
A mammoth drive for renewed "mem
.Ibmliip in 'the Hod Cross will bo hold
sometime in iNovenYbcr in Salem nnd
Minion county. J'lans for the drive are
iiow 'being formulated at a convention
of workers- in. Portland, and no word
more del iiulu Hi nil that the drive will
Ibe In .November, lias yet reached this
In . the .iWIHniuutto chapter of the
'Koit Cross there nre ln,000 mouibors.
The i in of tho drive, which will bo
uiation wide, is to re-enroll these mem
flier at a fee of 1 each; and also get
las many new members as possible.
'Other matters .luting considered at
It lie Poi tlnml conference, which Mrs.
lAUoe.H, Dodd, secretary of the Will tun
iflte chapter "of tlie Ked Cross and
flliime servico league, is attending, are
n general peace time program, and the
lextoiiaiou of homo service work in ail
mictions. Mrs. Dodd is expected to ro
ll urn to Wnleni Wednesday, when it is
expected the (late of' tho drive, and
Iplmis for its successful execution, will
htr announced.
Grain: Wheat, soft white Ns. 1 $2;
feed oats 80c; nvllliug oats 80c; hay,
. irheat," new 17; hav, oats, new WHGti
20; mil run 4:S(q44.
itut(neriiili,:: iiutiitrtttt: Uic; cream
ery butter 07U8o. ' ' ., .
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot
liv, veal, fancy 23c ; steers 7(tic:
rows n(ji'7Her spring lambs 10c; owes
woe; snecp, yearlings 7e.
Hugs aud poultry: Kggs ' cash 57c
Lens, live 22(m24c; old roosters 15
uoc; springs sue.
V ogetablcs:! Outous, per sack $3;
WMery doi. 1; tomntoes 0cj potatoes
oe; sweet l'ouiroes nc.
rriut: vvatermelous 1c; oranges
,. o(W.;i; lemons, ttox V7.QO(i8.liO:
ibniinnns 4Mto; honey, exartoted 20oj
caiiiiiioiipcs i.rt; iiuncli Ueets ac;
caiinage a 3-4c; noaa lettuce OUoj cs,r
xuis i.H-; upi'M, AiatHgas 4uc; grapes,
Tokays 20c. ",''.
Koluil prices: Kggs -doxen 03(i?70e;
creamery butter 75c; cotiutrv butter
tiic; flour, hard wheat .'1.10(u.1.S5
Member's of the XT. 8. National bank
pig club who exhibited at tho stnto fair
found ready stile for their porkors. Ed
Morgan, buyer for Swift & compnny,
bought till the offerings at'Jho fair
ninuV by pig club members, pnytn
I8.35 per 100 pounds f. o. b. Salem." On
the diuy the sale was made the Portland
price was $17.50 per 100.
Tho 1J. S. National bank pig club,
whluh stands ns one of the most indus
trious as well ns progressive pig clubs
in the country, with 139 members, had
on display more than half of tho entire
state exhibit from pib Clubs. Of the
132 exhibits, the V. S .National pig club
members furnished 70. '..'
The prizes ..awarded to members of
this club were an follows:
1st Charles Russell, $10 in cash and
a silver cup.
Slid Otto Knciliihl, cash 10.
3rd: Nicholas Brinkley, ensh $8.
4t!l Homer Bray, cash $7.
Slh Tariion Oontcs, cash $3.
Cost Of Sprvire Basis Is
In Rate Case Brief
John. Many were the eyes (and nosvs;
that strained for a sight (or smell) of
you; but, somehow, yon didn't manage
to nir.kc good connections with the big
show. Where were you, John Barley
The police watched for you. Even in
Sulein you kept from sight of publie
gaze and taste. It was not like the old
en days; you worc-hero then, but not
over Rubv, this timet
On the fair grounds agents of the de
pnrtment of justice and our friends from
years Kuliy, fust and sec- the United States marshal's office in
Portland were thero to greet you. But
no. Only your weaker brother Augus
lus Moonshine wits there. And, it
might be added,- John, that he' seemed
weaker then in tho days of highbinder
betting and iunvselcct nickering ponies.
Betting went on just tho same, John
Probably it wouljl have neon better-
more frantic,' as newspapers speak of
mobs had you been there to inspire it.
Gains were calculated through sober
eyes of delight this time; and not
through your burnished periscope of
.Stallion, 2 years old Rubv, first;
Merritt & Bowers, second.
Stallion, year Ruby, first; Meiritt
& fiowors, second; Ruby 3rd. .
Stallion under 1 year Ruby, first
ftlarc, 4 years old or
first, second nnd third.
Mare, 3 years Ruby, first.
Get of one sire Ruby, first.
Produce of one mare Merritt & Bow
ers first and third; Ruby second and
Senior .Champion. Htnli I : Merritt
& Bowers, first.
Junior 'Champion ''Stallion Ruby,
Senior Champion Mare Ruby, first
- Junior Champion Mare Rubv. first.
Stallion any age Merritti- Bowers,
first. ,
Mare any ago Rubv, first
! Animals owned bv exhibitors drink.
Merritt & Bowers, first. i Tho fair was a success without you,
English Shire. Barleycorn. Even greater and livelier
Stallion 4 years, or over Ruby first than when vou were with us. So, you
Merritt & Bowers, second. . H(,e, our visitors couldn't have missed
Btauion, .1 yenrs-i.ewis, tnst. vou much your gurgling, reckless
Stallion, 1 year Buby, first.
Stallion under 1 year Rubv. first.
Mare and Suckling (Jolt iRuby first
Mare, 4 years- old or over Merritt &
Honors, first; Rubv, soconcl, third and
- Mure, 2 yours Kuby, first.
Got of one- sire Ruby, first.
Produce of one mure Ruby first.
Senior . Champion Stallion Lowis,
Junior Obampiou Stallion Ruby,
first. '''.'
Senior Champion Muro.Mcrritt &
Bowers, first. , f
Junior Champion Mare Ruby first.
Stallion Lewis, first.
Mare Ruby, first,
fi atrjinnls owued by exhibitors
Ruby, first.
laughter aud careless gait. So tako the
hint, John, take the hint; and remain
forever conspicuously absent from our
iieuls of merriment!
Senator Johnson To Open
Speaking Tour In 'Frisco
San . Francisco, Sept. 30. Senator
Johnson of California will arrive here
Into today to speak against the. treaty
i-.nd. tho league of nations in answer to
speeches inndc here by President Wilson.
No comparison of his crowd with the
great throng that greeted the president
Will be possible, because the immense
nuditorium in. which Wilson spoke can
not bo obtained bjr Johnson.
Portland, Or., Sept. 30, -Butter, euy
creamery 0,Xil6tki. Hggs selected local
it. (Inline. Hens StKfflUo. Broilers 5
(a 2lc. Ueeso 15c. Cheese S2(u)3-ic.
Live Stock
Cattle: Receipts 7; tone of- niaf
ket lower; good to ehoiee steers $9 23
ffl'IOj fair to medium steers 7.2.(a)
8.25; common to fair steors$5.75$0.7."
choice to good cows and heifois, $U.7S
7.00; medium to good cows and heifers,
$6.00(7.00; eanners 2.75(S'4.50) bulb,
r4,7,Xrf.75; calves, 7.7r.13.75.
! Hogs: Receipts 40; tone of market
steady; prime fnixeit $1 7.50( 18.!0j
medium mixed $l"gI.17.50; rough heav
ies 15.7.V47; pigs $15.7.W17; bulk
l7.25(a17.5. , . '
Sheep: Receipts 67; tone of market
steady; primo lambs $1112; fair to
faiediiim lambs 10 IX;' ewes $750(3;
wethers 7fo;S; yearlings Gfrfi'.SO
Conditions in many parts of the
mountains are reported to be such that
should an electrical storm come, many
fire likelv would' result.
The Astoria branch of the Young
"Women's Christian association is eon
ducting a, eampaiga to raise a fund of
$10,000 for extension work.
Portliiitd. Or., Sept, 30. Transporta
tion based on the cost of service i.
urged in the Columbia basin enso brief
which lias boon fifed with the interstate
commerce commission by Former On
ernor Oswald West, representing the In
land Empire Shippers' League.
The brief maintains thnt the shipper's
right to have his -products carried to
mnrksd at a reasonable rate is being vio
lated in the Pacific northwest and'eon
tends it Is up t the commerce commis
sion to stop the violation and end the
The brief urges recognition of the Co
lumbia river water grade in tho grant
of a rate which will be lower than that
over the mountains to Puget Sound.
A single auto truck load of prunes.
from the Emery ranch, delivered tvt the
wcking plant in Roseburg, Thursday,
brought the owner $1000.
Bh V wfrlf; V : 'i: . -' ;
The sale of 40,000' pounds of hops,
grown on the old Van Dandaigue yard,
at a figure not less than 35 cents a
pound, was authorized Tuesday 'by an
order from the circuit bench. The or
der was made necessary for the fact
that legal litigation over th yard is
pending, and, under the law, the receiv
er of property in such a case, can take
no action without consent of the court.
The authorization was given to May-
belle Jette, named receiver in the case.
The suit, made by the- firm of S. & V.
I hlmann, is to recover funds fa id to
have -been loaned to Kin Daw, China
man and C. W. A. Jette, operators of
the yard.
The order of the court, stipulating a
minimum soles figure of 35 cents a
pound is interesting when the fact is
considered that the average salca price
of hops at the present time- is 70 cents.
Chinaman Run Down By Auto
In Portland Is Near Death
Portland, Or., Sept. 30. Leong Dan,
an aged Chinumai lies in the hospital
at tho point of death today.
Untana Buzzelli, 19, his brother Peter,
17, and P. Friede, 18, are in jail being
held by the police pending the outcome
of the Chinaman 'a injuries.
It is alleged that Gatana Buzzclli, who
was driving an automobile with his
brother and Friedo as companions, fail
ed to stop to allow passengers to alight
from a streetcar, and knocked down and
run over I.cong Dan.
Portland Milk Dealers To
Raise Prices October 1
Portland Or., Sept. 30. Dealers an
nounced today that the price of ijulk
will bo tiJ.ai:ced one err per quart to
If. cents for 'ash and V) cents on ilt
f erred piy ;-nts OoioVr I.
Produce- will advaiic,'. tho juice to
dealers f'-ve cents a n iudied p-unds the
f'.-st of thu a onth.
Job Printing
' - AT THE
Capital Journal
There ae approximately $240,000 in
outstanding taxes in Douglas county to
bo collected xy October 5.
Chinese Pheasant
Season Opens Tomorrow
Shot Guns, all kinds. Shells and accessories for the
- - Satisfied Sportsman
Hunting licenses Issued
Hauser Bros.
372 Stafe Street , Salem, Oregon.
1 1 I -' "Hp
The New
"TEA-FOIL" Package
It's soft and pliable decreases insize as the
tobacco is used tobacco does not cake in
the" package no digging it out with the
finger. Keeps the tobacco in even better
condition than tin. Now, don't you owe it
to yourself to buy a package and
give Tuxedo a trial?- Not quite as
much tobacco as m the tin, but-
& " vWKWVN X -: "-ao rth -r i4, j L i hi u- n tmum-
m& , t. -. a , . M yltfrtV mtttrf rr-Tmni 'iWutt i mm?! immumtm 1 1 i n mi inwiiiiiMiiiwi n 1 1 iianrr nwn i n i j'ni i mi i -n mm J
Ftaest Bcrtsy Toiwcco
Mdbwaged dO perfect
Plat a dssb of Chocolate
iVU-A-i" f
i v
Nose Knowrf
In "The Misleading Widow next Sunday arid Monday.
The Perfect Tobacco For Pipe and Cigarette
Si "' Cuaranieedby
::':-:r::.,:-.r::rfl,:-s-:- v. f
0 G