PAGE FOUR THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 80, 1919. i I f dupttal aimtntal AX INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PubUlied every evening eieept Sun day by the Capital Journal Printing Co., 136 South Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. GEOBGE PUTNAM Editor and Publisher Telephones Circulation!.' and Busi ness office, 81 J EditoriHl rooms 82. National Advertising Representa tives W. D. Wrd, Tribune Building, New York, W. H. Stockwell, People's lias Building, Chicago. AVERAGE DAILY CIBCtJLATION 6250 i . Certified by Audit Bureau of Circu lation. FULL LEASE WIRE TELEOBAPH SERVICE Entered an second class mail matter t Salem, Oregon. . Odds and Ends Those Prices. A prominent man imy that wo ore paying only a fair price, for the things we buv. Ho rmmt mean a elntn'.lifi'.ir .price. Boston Transcript, More Women's ights. Vi'iird Heeler, "Are the women injr to reform politics?" . , Dislrict Lender "Reform, linthln,?! They've started in to grab the jobs.' Life". jolly Evidence. ' "Ella's new photo must bo a good likeness," "Why?" . ;, , , ' "fSlie's had it two days, and liium't ihown It to any one." Edinburgh Rcnls man, ., , " Economy. i"'WeH, Albert, I've been acting on your advice. I put & hundred dollars In the bunk this month. "Fine! Tt icn't so "aril, is it?" "No; I simply tore up ull tho bills." Mfe. -.:. '"L" A Personal Part. ' A certain young actress had ft small prtrt iu a "war" drama a very smull part, and she was not matisfied. So one uioruing, after rehearsal, she set out to interview the boss. "I have only one line iu the first net," she pouted, "and but ono in the ccod. Couldu 't you give ine a line for the third act alsot" The actor-niauuger thought for a mo ment. ' Well, yes," lie replied. ' ' When the b'xnbhrdinvnt scene is on, and tho hero is irnwhing in his dugout, you may en ter nud say, 'Here is a dud!' " """" '' "Oh thanks!" she exclaimed. "And do I bring i-.n unexuloded shell on the tage with me?" ("Nu," answered tho actor luimuger. "tt' not a speech, my dear; it 's a con fession,',' mighty (London). - CUT IT SHORT, SIR? The tenacity with which conventional phrases cling to Jife, even lifter they liave outlived their usefulness, Is shown liv such questions as the barber, "Cut It ;iort sir? " Nobody in-these dnys of high hair cuts thinks of having It any other way. To have one's linir cut long indunlea r, f nauciiil stnndinir Unit enables one to r ime Imek next Thursday njid have it riono over again. And nobody we know of lit these pipping times of pence can e'aiid tluvt without taking so much mon- fv from the general circulation as to THE world unrest, which culminates in revolutionary strikes, mob violence and riotous scenes, not only in America, but all over the globe, is part of the reaction caused by the world war, which aroused the passions and criminal instincts and, interrupting the even tenor tof eVents, left humanity seething with discontent. For five years some thirty million of men were with drawn from the useful production of life necessities in a campaign of slaughter, destruction and depletionmak ing a gap in the ranks of labor and in the supplies of the world that years of patient production cannot fill. The multitudes who sacrificed and stinted through out the war cannot expect to secure everything they had before the conflict and fail to comprehend the dearth in supplies and that the only way to restore the normal is by hard work, economy and maintaining a good morale. Ex travagance, discontent, mutiny and sabotage only make conditions worse. Knocking and crabbing accomplish nothing. , , , As a matter of fact, there is little to justify discon tent, especially in America. Wages are high and work plentiful, crops are abundant, and ell products, whether of farm or factory, find ready market at profitable prices. Cheerfulness, confidence and enthusiasm should re place pessimism, despondency and discontent. Our ills are imaginary rather than real. The probems we have to grapple with are easily solved if w eapproach them with hope, faith and good will. . , It is up to all of us to banish the grouch, keep cheer ful and industrious in this hour'of world unrest and thus help make life worth while. There would be less unrest if so many were not seeking too much rest. POLITICS ABOVE PEACE. WAR TAX UPON FAIR AMOSEMEfffS NETS coraifiT $3,000 Prominent Indiana Farmer Cured Of Rheumatism By Taking No. 40 For the Blood HERBERT HOOVER, the best authority on political, economic and industrial conditions in Europe, knows whereof he speaks, when he describes the dangers that confront the world as follows: "What the future has a right to demand from us in further economic support is not yet clear; but it is at least certain that if the world cannot quickly secure the settlement of peace and safeguards for the future through the League, the whole of our two great interventions in Europe will have gone for nothing and the menace of re action will again return against us upon the wings of ; haos." ;,,; ' Partisanship and politics however are of much great er consequence in the opinion of the senate than the fate of the worlds What difference if chaos returns to Europe and the A. E. F.'s work be nullified, if the votes of the hyphens can be secured in the 1920 election? - The senate is the principal obstacle to peace and the restoration of normal conditions. . If it rejects the treaty, imperialism will return to Europe and the kaiser again reign in Berlin. , , . The Oregon sta.te fair helped pay the expenses of the United States in the late war to the extent of a'bout $3,UUO. for it wa this amount that the vari ous shows and restaurants were obliged to pay, just the same as any ordinary business or house of entertainment. The Alamo shows were the largest contributors, for from every ten cents they took in at the various shows, one cent was laid aside for the internal revenue collector, ho was on the job working for Uncle Sam . The ferris wheel contributed its share on the same basis and the dev ils' den and the whip and the riding ponies each laid aside ono cent out 0 every ten in receipts, to help in pay ing the war debt, Jewelry dealers with their phoney wares contributed 5 per cent of their total receipts, the uuul war tax. Soft drink stands paid and even those folks, from the country, who set up stand3 to feed tho public und were given conces sions were surprised to learn that the revenue department was reaching out for part of their receipts to help in paying off the war debt. Several farmers who had heard noth ing of licenses for internal . revenue, were given some first instruction by revenue officers to the effect that $10 was the customary license fee for those who would run an auto for hire. Ono thing escaped, and that was tickets sold for admission to the grounds. In framing the new revenue laws, it was provided that all horticul tural and agricultural displays and such would not be obliged to pay a percentage of receipts in the way of internal revenue. Tiio MUler-Judson company of Seat tle, Wash., capitalized at $15,000 am doing a general brokerage and eouuU sion business has filed a declaration "f purpose to transact bur.jicjs in Oregon. HUNTING A HUSBAND By Mary Douglas THE STORY OP HER LITE "Can't I do something for you?" I knocked timidly at JMrs. Ashby 's door. "Come in, " who called,, Sue Was stretched out on her couch. " "I'm too fired to lift finger, Mara Lane,", she, more, won. I copied her lotters--care-fully. I went to the door. "Sara, Sara Lane, I want to talk to you. You saw it all, last night. You felt badly, 1 know that. You must like me, yes? Perhaps now you understand How can I be other than I am Bald. Well I knew why. Now that lust night ' nffivir was over, the tension was let down. Jenkins had driven Judge Ashby buck to his hotel fur tho worw fur what he had drunk. And Mis, Ash by felt "all lu," as she said. I wanted to help her. To let her know I felt fur her. But I could say nothing to her directly. So I offered my services. Yon can do something for me. You Mug. about a panic in the neighborhood lCBn Writ some letters for ine. Would wtiero he buys bis otigar and. Rww vou? ' a. I "Gladly," I said 1 lie necessity of economy litis brought I picked up some shoets of paper from innt 01 me oiti tuswonea men to ine l.ii, f coiffure. The western birds in the eeiiate stil cling to the flowing mnne, I, ut they have to have long lir.irs to go with their Princo Albert const, and. it is even more expensive to buy n new suit tlinu It is to tet a fresh hair cut. Tt i thoaauio wny wtih shampoos. ' It bus Won so long since a man has been with that man for a husband! "Divorce? It is impossible. Ho is too clever for ine. He is a big lawyer. Ho can outwit me every time. He wants thing us they are. Ho Is sntmieoj and as for me "You wonder why I married him, per hups? I was in love. I was eighteen. He was thirty-two. Ho was big and strong. I had a head full of dreams. I loved his masterful way you saw it last night." She shivered. "That is what it became after our marriage. I had r baby, a boy. Ho died when he was four. "Other women see me. Thev . AUTO THIEF TO WORK OUT flit IN PRISON A fine of $00 was imposed upon Har old .Walsh, with the privilege of paying or working it out: by staying in the county jail, at thoi rate of $'i a day for stealing the Ford of Edward Tooker at tho state fiairMfcs?t Thursday and 1 driving it to Portland. frank Hosse, a' boy of 15 who looks much younger, and who 'was under the influence of the older man Walsh, was allowed to go home to his mother at Tacoma. Both iboys pleaded guilty of taking the car. The young man and boyish looking boy simply said he wanted tor get home and that lie didn't intend to tultc the car any farther than Portland. Walsh, who is mofe than 21 years old pleaded guilty, easing he came-to Sa lem and could find no work. That he tried to board a trin for Portland, but was kicked off. That this- was tho first time he had been in any serious trou blo and that he had been away from the farm near Centralia only three weeks. , Judge. Unruh, whilo not giving the older youth a heavy sentence, said that it waB the pinole system that had led litany young men to commit a crime, knowing ho would- likely get out of it at tho, be sentenced and then paroled. However, as there were many extenuating circumstances in connection with this ease no heavy punishment was inflicted. Report On Estate Of W,A1 Jones Filed With Court ae. u In the act of hi-.vlng a shampoo Hint thud been a secretury less than six month the whole thing is only a memory.- Wa ago. I was taking a year off. .spcrr innr. givtng teem lias Docome, ere tlik, a lost art, and fortunate indeed ore the persons who were forethoughtful runugh In have a life-size portrait point ed of himself bending over a bowl and 'Then Invinjir the suds (soap) removed. And yet the barber will invariably k yon if you want it shampoo, when lm might be tulkinir about 1'at Mornn, the hoy who put the "ciueh" in Cin f ieMti. Curtoous Hagiu.iue. Jessie Creighton Jones, executrix of the last will and testament of W. Al Jones has filed her final account wjth the county court and has-asked for a date for tho final settlement of the es-' fate. The court named Ocober 27. In her report of the sale of personal property of the estate, the executrix field a atatmcent wherein the receipts the desk. And a pencil. She dictated ' mo-nre jealous. I am the fascinating I HVl ' ' 1 slowly at first. Then slsaid How;M Ashhy Mnrrted-I can yon do it so fast ? Head it to me." , as far as that goes. I have money- f-,.om Wa0WH t.uHnfy. xhe tot, amomlt I did. ; ' plenty and tune, and freedom. And I' i(, 0llt to cnver fa indebtedness f niat a pertect," sue sum, "tiow "lam young, mo women are jealous or me. jthe estate amounted to $22,171.80, lliey hate me. And men, they are in-1 leaving a cash balance on hand of latuatea. lpu know, now, why I fhrt $2,3(15.0. nnra tnen Jnugn. it. is a small thing. It tnkea my time. Amuses me. "For what have I? There, Sara Lane, lyou have the 'torv of niv lifel I held up mv paper. she eriwd. " VVlier did How wonderful! " In a few short sentences, I told her I Shorthaiiill " you learn it?. How clever you are, Sara Lane. Think of earning your own living! ' ' I did not tell her I thought her fur cleverer. Wie knew how to Win men. I thought of the man alio had are the first woman I to,' so." "I understand," I see, now." (Tomorrow The Little Drama,) She reports on hand personal and real estate valued at $17,41)9.00. Includ ed in this estimate, is a 185 acre tract Yon t at Jonesmore, appraised Bt $9,000, a have ever talked ' one-half interest in a 40 acre tract at jWueonda, appraised at. $1150 and 240 an id softly ' ht! acres in Yamhill county, (valued at ' ' ; $3-100. .. ! 1 1 j(c 36 Open Forum, 1 Quibs and Quirks , S I1 : I old soul. , duvelnn in I INCORPORATIONS' Editor Capital Jour Jul: Being reader of .your paper and a atranger in your city T read in iiw papers that Sa lem n a cheap etiy to live iu. The only cheap article I found is the' laboring man. . A visitor to the fair and your city made statement through the paper that he WaB served with an ample meal f'ir Si cents and a- shine for IS cents. No trouble to find the shine, but ho fiiiled to give the name and number wliem to find the meal. I think lie made a uiUlaUe and went In the lmck door and got his men from the garbage can. I would suggest call Jng frdr week "hold up." wk. Even your police found no excessive, charges belli? nu de to busy themselves dodging tbe high cost of living. . A LABORING MAN, Old King Omil is a costly -Lowell Courier Citisen. The ol'fort now is to make the hire worthy of tho laborer. 4reenville (S, O.) Piedmont. Honor will uuiko the league effect ive. Honor would have nindo it nn- neeesarv, UrccnviHe (S. C) Pied mont, The rapidity with which Belgium got on it feet again suggests that the llel- ginns didn't sit down and haggle about how many hours a day they should Work. Rochester 'Herald. ' develop into a second peace confer ence. Wall Street Journal. Tho league idea is to talk instead of fight. It may be that our senators aro trying to qualify for these new jcs, 5 Greenvillo' (S. C.) Piedmont. Hoover's, advice to Europe is to go to work. Perhaps he might be induced to have a, short heart to heart ' talk with our rougress. Xashvillo Banner. When the Xew 1'ork fan talks about tha Itcdi beiug a menace. to eiviliisa tion, he isn't thinking of Rusia. Greenville (S. C) Piedmont. Munr had little lamb, s very small thin slice, for that was all she could afford at the prevailing price. New Vork American. That capital labor conference iu The new German state is fortunate. It has a constitution that guarantees liberty and a debt that guarantees peaee. Orecnville (8. C.) Piedmont. One reas.m why so many people are extravagant these days is that there are a thousand ways to spend money nud only ono way to save it. Atmeon d Standard. Washington should not be allowtj to deaf, Harold iXiion, 8 years of age, is missing from tho state The Trigonia Oil & Gas-company of Mcdford, Or., capitalized at . $300,000 filed articles of incorporation With cor poration commissioner Sehuldermnn Monday. The company proposes to drtn for gas, oil and coal. The incorporators are William N. Campbell, Ernest W. Uljegran and Prank Kqse ull of Oregon and Charles Lilly of California. Other articles were filed as follows: Murine Supply company, Astoria, $10, 000; G. M. Worrell, O. Waters and Goo. F. Brice. To conduct and carry on a ship chandlery store. City Hull Garage company, Portland, $10,000; Victor Wagini, Ado'.ph Graeger and Rudolph Graeger. Buttner Mill compvny, Portland, $20, IM0; J. M. Buttner. E. W. Bnrnes not, ,V, F. Magill. Steward Food Product eorapanv, s;a I. in, $25,000; J. O. Steward, C. E, Stew ard and P. O. Worthiagton. . ' Alpha Phi House Pnichasing associn tt s Portland, $100; WUTia 8. Moore, Hurriet Forsberg and S. J. Graham. Auto Transit company. Torflsnd, $:r Newburg, Indiana, -April 17; 1919. "I suffered with rheumatism for sev eral years and tried numerous remedies with little or no benefit. Number 40 for the Blood was recommended to me and I have used in all six bottles and am entirely cured, and have had no symptoms of the disease for over two years." Frank Stacer. Number 40 en cpuraires rapid elimination of morbid und unhealthy .products used in the treatment of chronic enlargements of! advantage in eczema and skin erup glands, in oitre, nodes, tumors, chron- tions of whatever character. Made by ic enlargement of the spleen and liver.) J. C. Mendenhall. Evausville, Ind. 48 Encourages the flew. of bile and corv years a druggiet. ,ul flolnrrhnl pnnrnrtnna I 'npri with Sold bv Schaefers diug store. . . fl L ADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. If, you will like the J & K Boots for Fall. The J & K line is replete with daring novelties in lasts and patterns, presenting the most unusual, the most refined, the best-fitting women's footwear made in America. Dwo-tone effects; high cloth tops; "all leather," offering you your choice of colors from light gray to) deep, rich "tony red" everything that is good and new and effective. Every pair of J & K Boots is guaranteed by tha manufacturer and by us to FIT THE ARCH. They never have failed to make good. If they do, come in and get your money back. Come and let us show you. QUALITY HIGHEST Products that Packers Sell Their Number Grossly Exaggerated The Federal Trade Commission has published a list of some 640 articles said to be sold by the packers. This list is ridiculously padded in order to scare people into the belief that the packers are getting control of the food supply of the nation. For example, the list includes not only "beef ' sides" and "beef cuts," ,but also over 60 other items of beef products and by-products. Over 90 articles listed are not sold to the outside trade but are raw materials and supplies, such as brick, cement, etc., used by Swift & Company in carrying on its business. Glaring duplications appear, such as "sardines" and "canned sardines"; "butterine" and "oleomar garine"; "dried sausages" and "drysausage, " etc. The list includes 37 kinds of sausage; 4 dif ferent kinds or preparations of beef tongue, etc., eta Simmered down, Swift & Company handles in addition to meats and meat by-products, only butter, eggs, cheese, poultry, canned goods, lard substitutes, and to a very small extent, dried and salt. fish. And the proportion which we handle of the total supply of any one of these is absurdly small. Do you want to be fooled by such misleading" and ridiculous statements of the Trade Commission? . Do you want radical legislation based on such absurd evidence? Let us send you a "Swift Dolltr," It will interest you. Address Swift and Company . Union Stock Yards, Chioago, III. Swift & Company, U. S. A. fl seJiool for the W; 8. H. Solomon. Joe Werlhelmer. Werthe'uner .fl Vj'A 'X Jf WHAT BECOMES OF II Sr V THE AVIBMSE DOUA II --, RECEIVED 8Y II UJtmimm&JX SWIFT & COMPANY II I l 1 I FROM THE SIF OF MCT 1 0.otw I B H tt no 7 ft I I I NO iT MOOOCIS 1 n I2.90 ate vll I ctNT ismiotorthi 1 mmmm ; IX ctmuf m ojt p. II 1 uve animal i BBRBBEKBBiSHBEll WW AIT7 EXPENSES AND FWC16KT