Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 30, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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By Henry L. Parrell
" - (United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Cincinnati, Ohio, Slept. 36. Chicago 'a
White. Sox invaded Kedland today. ;
liod by Kid Glcason, the American
Jeague champions unloaded themselves
i this baseball crazy town shortly aft
er the sun peeped over lie Ohio hills
this morning. They were bundled into
m waiting fleet of taxis and taken u
their hotel quarters for a short rest Be
fore going to Redland field for a mom
iag workout.-
Hundreds of fans waited an hour or
tore in the station to get their first
glimpse of the Chieagoans, who eland
in the way of Cincinnati's dream of 50
years a. world's clianfpionship team.
Small boys flocked around under the
Sect of Gleason and his aggregation of
tars. Many of the youngistors showing
the effects of the baseball rabies which
has seized the city grabbed perilous
perehes on the backs of the Sox taxis
and Tode proudly to the hotel through
streets covered with banners and pic
tures proclaiming the greatness of Pat
Koran and his team of champion Bed
legs. .
All the enthusiasm stored up in the
CO years that Cincinnati has floundered
round in baseball darkness hoping and
wishing for a. championship team has
, burst forth here in wild jubilation. The
sheer joy of a championship and the
winning spirit envelops Cincinnati. Not
fan believes the Beds can lose. "
Betting here has been very light. Fans
from the Windy City who came on
ahead of the American leaguers with"
large rolls to place on their favorites
found their offers of 6 to 5 going beg
ging. . The Bed backers- want a better
price. It was the belief that offers of
7 to 5 or 8 to 5 would be made after the
tart of the series. Bed backers In re
fusing short odds, refer the Chicago
backers to the assertion by Kid Gleasoa
that his hose should be 2 to 1 favorites
for the series.
Added "stands on Redland field have
iacreased the capacty of the park .
30,000, including the provision of stand
ing room for several thousand. A crowd
ed yard for the opening game is assured;
every ticket has' been sold. World ser
ies tradition was shattered yesterday
when general admission tickets for
standing room were sold. With all of
the paatboards disposed of, the old fa
miliar sigh of long lines of fans on all
sight vigil around the gates before the
optn'iug game will be a missing feature
ef this year's series. :
iThe depth of the play ing field ; has
te-n cut down a little to make addltwvr
al room for spectators but it has not
bern sufficient to necessitate ground
tales. ' i .
Weather always is accorded an Im
portant role in matters pertaining to
world series, and Pat Moran, as well as
every ticket holder, had an eye on weath
er indications today. Yesterday the mer
enrv went on an October jag and showed
itself at the 86 nortch on the govern
ment official' theroincter. A slightly
overcast sky today seemed to strengtuen
forecast of showers, but the day was
warm and there was a eood chance that
ret'ilnr mid-summer baseball weather
will prevail tomorrow.
Belgian Royal Couple To
; Visit Portland October 12
The illness of Provident Wilson has
necessitated a change in the schedule of
the king of Belgium in his trip through
the United States .according to a tele
gram received this morning by Governor
Olcott from William Phillips, acting sec
retary of state. The change in thi3
schedule will place King Albert in Port
land October 12 instead" of October 19
as originally, planned, the telegram
states. . Governor Olcott has been asked
to assist in entertaining the king during
his jtay in Oregon.
At the meeting hold last evening of
the Arabian Knights of Salem, local
members of the Al Kader' Shrino, a
committee was appointed and plans
made ' for reception of 200 Al Kader
Shriners who will parade in the down
town district Friday noon while on
their way to Marshfield to put on cere
monial work.
As this special delegation of Shrin
ers will be the largest .that has ever
visited tho city, and as" they will be
accompanied by the Al Kader Patrol
band, special efforts are to be made
to got out all Shriners in the city, to
not- only greet the visitors when the
special arrives, but to participate in the
parade. All local members as well as
the visito'rs will wear the customary red
fez of the Shriner. .
The special will stop at 12th street
on the Southern Pacific. Led by the Al
Kader Patrol band the Shriners will
march on State street to Commercial,
thence north on Commercial to Che
eketa, south on Comercial to Court
east on Court to the Court House
square where the Patrol will eivc a
'short concert. The special train is
I scheduled for one hour's stop in the
. To notify Shriners to attend, and to
officially receive the visitors Friday at
. about 12:30 or 1 o'clock, Lot L. Pearce
'president of the Arabian Knihgts ap
pointed as committee the lollowing:
Hal D. Patton, chairman; Fred A.
Erixon, Joseph Adolph. A. L. Fraser.
George G. Brown, I. W. Eyre, Lee L.
Gilbert, O. P. Hoff T. B. Kay and ad
jutant general, Conrad Stafrin.
I Due to "the fact that the national
ceremonial of Shriners will bo held
next June in Portland, a spe.ihl effort
will lu- made to secure menbenh'.os -,o
the Jabjan Knights and to have this
wek ir charge President Peurci ap
pointed the following committjo: F. 7.
Wrightman, 'chairman; W. H. Levehen,
W. W, Moore, O. A, Olson Z. J. Biggs,
George A. Bamp, D. A. Shaver, L K.
Siegmund, George H. Dunsford and W.
V. Fuller. . . " . .-
As honorary members of the Arnibnn
i'Kuights, to assist in the reception Fri
day President Pearce named Governor
Ben W. Olcott and Mavor Otto J. Wil-
Governor Olcott received a telegram
from Secretary of War- Baker last eve
ning telling how federal troops could
be obtained in ease they should be
needed to protect life and property
should domestic disorders occur in Ore-
'Baker says that in case of outbreak
on a scale large enough to warrant the
use of regular army troops, appeal
sfiould 'be made directly to Major Gen
eral 'Liggett, commandoT of the west
ern department, and the inference is
that soldiers would be supplied at once.
The message reads as follows:
"In case of necessity for use of fed
eral troops in your state as protection
against domestic violence, under ar
ticle 4, section 4, of "the constitution
of the United States, you are request
ed to communicate directly with Gen
eral Liggett, commanding the western
department, loan Francisco, who has
full authority- to take the necessary
action." - "
; Although the first half of Septem
ber started in to break tho monthly
record for rainfall, after the 12th, the
"weather man gave it up and now the
total for the- entire month is 2.42 inch
es. Up to the 12th of the month, the
precipitation was 2.38 inches. Even
this is above the general rainfall for
the month notwithstanding the belief
in Oregon that it rains always on state
fair weok and the belief down south
that it always ra'ns on Emancipation
fThe Soptomber precipitation since
the year 1911, according to the offi
cial records has been as follows:
i 1911 4.56 inches.
1 1 912 1.42 inches
r. 3913 2,57 inchea . , " '
' J!)14 4.51 inches
J 915 .41 inch
' J9H5 1.17 inches .
! 1917 1.32 inches
.' 1918 .17 inch
1 1919 2.42 inches
Ford Runs Amuck On Street
In Silverton; Banker Hurt
"While rounding the corner at the
intoiaectioD of Main and Water streets
about 5:30 " Tuesday evening, W. H.
Egnn had a mishap with his Ford car
which might have terminated fatally.
In rounding the corner the radius rod
broke and at the same time the wheels
le'ked and would not straighten. The
ear made straight for the side of the
First National bank. J. W. Hyett and
6. W. Hubbs were standing on the curb
When tho car mounted the eurb Hyett
was knocked down and one of the lit
tle trees that grace" the sidewalk was
' crowded against the building. Appeal.
flegro Who Escaped From
l Flax Gang Is Captured
George Smith, tho negro who escaped
from the state prison erew at work in
the flax patch yesterday, morning was
eaptured by guards while making his
way towards the hills southeast of here
.just before noon-Hmith was received at
the prison from Umatilla county last
Aprjl on a term of from one to seven
years for larceny from a dwelling. -
The rush at the Salem School Book
company, branch firm of the J. K. Gill
company of Portland, .on Chemekcta
street, continued Tuesday morning, with
the staff of able clerks striving to meet
all comers in due time. The branch,
house is in charge of J. B. Bcddingficld,
who, -himself, labors diligently and pleas
antlyamong the people attending to
their needs. , .
Dissatisfaction has been expressed by
patrons at tho long time they are re
quired to wait. before succeeding in. ex
changing their books. This can not be
helped, according to clerks and Mr. Bed
dingfield, who claims too many from one
family come. They ask, in the intorest
of the persons desirous of exchanging
books, that one from each fnmily get
all the books required for that family.
This will eliminate more than half of
the rush, they say.
Another shipment of books came to
the store Tuesday afternoon.
A statement issued by publishers sayf
that the increased school attendaneo
throughout the United States forms
handicap for them in the issuance of
enough text books to go around. -
It has been said that the book flm
here has been paying too little for the
b:ioks taken in exchange. It is pointed
put that prices paid for such books are
govamed by law, and that theiig figures
necessarily are complied with.
Don't Snoil A Good Meal
With "A Bad Stomach
If a physician, a specialist in stomach
diseases, came to you and said; "I will
fix up1 that miserable, worn out stomach
for you or money back.
." "I will make it as good as new go
you will not suffer from any distress
and ean eat what you want without
fear or suffering, or money back would
you turn down his offer "
And when you are offered Mi-o-na
stomach tablets, made from a prescrip
tion better than many of the stoir.ach
specialists know how to write, are you
going to be narrow minded and con
tinue to suffer from indigestion, or are
you going to be fair to yourself and
try Mi-o-na on the money back agree
ment. ' . -
Mi-o-na stomach tablets are offered
to you on this basis, that It they do not
put your stomach into such good shape
that there is tu dizziness sour stomach,
bilionsnes, dick headache, and stomach
distress, vour money will be returned.
For sale by Daniel J. Fry and all lead
ing druggists. - (Adv:)
State guarantee of the interest on the
$1,250,000 issue of bond - of the Ochoco
irrigation district in Crook county now
awaits only a favorable report by the
appraiser of the state irrigation securi
ties commission. At a meeting of the
commission in the office of State Engi
neer Cuppe.y Monday afternoon, a con
tract satisfactory to both the state and
the officials of the irrigation district
was agred upon and will be executed
immediately upon receipt of tho apprais
ers report. Present at tho meeting Mon
day were M. B. Biggs, president; B. A.
Sordal, secretary 1 W. I. Dishman, di
rector, and Jay H. Upton, attorney for
the district. !
The status of the Ochoco interest !
guarantee is now the same as that of
the Warmsprings district upon vhich
the apraisers report is also awaited be
fore execution of the interest guarantee
contract. -A telcgrsolic report fr-ji-i the
rppraiser- on the Warmsprings protect
yesterday showi the-vil'iftioii 'iC the
district as fixei by Judge Daltoi Biggs
if the Malheur county circuit eoirt to
be $3,111,700 as against a valuation of
$3,283,982 claimed by the district.
No girl or woman is pretty if her
eyes are red strained or have dark
rings. Simple witchhazol, camphor,
hydrastie, etc., as mixed in, Lavoptik
eye wash, will biighten the eyes and
a week's use will surpr.se you with
its QUICK results. Regular use of
Lavoptik keeps the eyes healthy,
sparkling ' and vivacious. The quick
change will ' please you. Dainty
aluminum eye cup FREE. J. C. Perry
druggist, 115 South Commercial (Adv)
at the rate of 10 to 35 pounds
per month. By simple guaran
teed, safe reliable treatment,
tassco will reduce your weight
without unnecessary exercise
and dieting, and will not injure
or weaken your system. Write
today for FREE 50c box enclos
ing 10c in silver or stamps with
this ad to Tassco Co., Boston,
San Francisco, Sept. 30. Unless the
United States Shipping Board revokes
its order preventing increased wages on
government wor.k, the walkout of all
steel shipbuilders on the coast will oc
cur tonight af midnight.
The strike, it is claimed, will affect
50 000 men hero and close all the ship
yards foundries and metal trades
plants of the bay district.
Koports from Los Aigeles, Portland.
Tacoma and Seattle and other points
'indicato the striko will be effoctive
Coast- metal trades' workers had
reached an agreement with the employ
ers allowing an eight cent an hour in
crease in wages effective October 1.
The shipninff board then stennoH in
with its order preventing increases un-
ih uirer uctorier o wncn the president's
industrial congress meets.
. Ia view of the fact that tho congress
may be indefinitely postponed bocause
of the president's illness, some action is
expected from the sliJnnin hnor.i tn.
for the acid-distressed stomach,
Uj (3 or three
after meals, dissolved on the
tongue keep your stomach
weet try Kl-mo idsthe new
aid to digestion.
i rate IB cords; Z i
, 35 aw.
Goes Anywhere Any Auto.
BRIGGS & BURPEE CO, Inc. Manufacturers
J Hawthorn An.. Portland.
Saad far lafomatlon and Uhutratod CiraiUr
Not A Blemu
mars the perfect
appearance of htrcom
ptexion. Permanent
and temriorflrv akin
troubles are effn-tivciv
concealed. Reduces un
natural mlnr and mnwre
ereasv skins. Hiehlv
used with beneficial resuiqi as
a curative agent for 70 years.
Corns 'Tween Toes?
Use Easy "Gets-It"
Any Corn Or Callus domes Off Peace-
folly, Gloriously. Never Falls.
It is easy for "Gets-ItM to reach
''Hard-to-get-at" corns, and better yet
it is easy to remote them, because
"Uets-lt" makes them come right off
Anr Cora PU Off
With "CateJt."
just' like a banana peel. ' Ton ean try
to dig or drag out your corns with a
knife, or slice the with a "bloody"
razor, or use bandages and tape end
wrap up""your toe into a package, but
that's the ''treat-'em-rough " painful,
foolish way. Use 2 or 3 drops of "Gets-
It" that's the peaceful, sure, com
mon-sense way that never fails. You
reach the corn easily with the little
glass rod in the cork of every "Gets-
It ' bottle. It does not hurt the true
flesh. Try it, trot and smile! It's a
blessing; never fails.
Oets-It" the only sure, guaranteed,
money-back enrn-remover, costs but a
trifle at any drug store. M'f 'd by E.
Lawrence A Co., Chicago 111, v
Sold in Salem, and recommended as
the world's best corn remedy by J. C.
Perry, D. J. Fry, W'm. Neimcyer and
Capital Drug Store,
Alleging that her husband. E. P.
Hanson, deserted her July 11, . 1918,
Mrs. Susie .May Hanson Tuesday filed
proceedings' for a divorce with the
county clerk. She savo that her hus
band now resides at Wnlla Walla. Wn.
Thoy were married in Salem April 11,
Just at this time of
the year every man or
young man is ; looking
forward to jhis winter
wearing apparel.
Wool is the one gar
ment that always stands
for Style, (Service and
Warmth its economical.
Puts you in posses
sion of an Overcoat or
Suit made to your
measureWool, Wor
steds, Casimeres, and
all the latest novelties.
Yes, hundreds of
them for you to select
fromand the big fea
ture of having them
tailored the style' you
Woolen Mills
426 State Street
John Waltman, administrator of the
estate of Jane Pearl Shelrtcia, having
submitted a satisfactory final report
of his activities' to the county court,
was relieved Tuesday, by an order of
.nidge Jlushcy, from all further liabil
ity- '
Objections to the disposition of mat
ters in the estate of Eliza 'Free hav-J
ng arisen. County Judge Bushev Tues
day set October 6, at 10 a. m. for at
date of hearing tho plaints. It is said
that discrimination Iirs been shown by
those concerned in the estate.
Two marriage licenses were-issued
bv tho county clerk Tuesday. Corneli
us J. Mcliugh, a shipyard worker of
1'ortlnnd, secured a license to wed Miss
Cecelia (Bice of iRou'te 1, Turner. A li
cense was also granted John Leslie, a
blacksmith, and Mary Wenker, lioth of
Mount Angel.
A forest fire is reported in the Prin
gle falls district of Deschutes county
and already has coveredrmoro than 40
acres of valuable yellow pine.
Necessities of Life
for the Boy
NOW is the time when boys should be warmly
clothed, colder weather is at hand and demands heav
ier underwear.
TO guard your boys health and protect him
from a hard cold or even, worse, is the duty of every
Carry '
LACKAWANNA TWINS, worsted ribbed union
suits in the closed crotch. This weight is especially
desirable for winter.
Priced at $2.00 per garment.
Boys Corwith Unions, in the high neck and
quarter length sleeves, made of extra Egyptian cot
ton. , '
Boys 1-in-l Cotton Ribbed, in very good weights
at $3.50.
We have all the many styles of underwear that
v ill satisfy your needs at reasonable prices.
Boys' Corduroys
A full line of BOYS' CORDUROYS for
growing boy from the ages of 6 to 17 years old.
For economy in wear and looks you cannot .find
another garment that will compare. They .take the
hard knocks and jolts given them by an average
, growing boy and show no bad effects.
$2.25 and $3.00
"Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a
Patron." . '
Salem Woolen
Mills Store
- McMorran & WasWburne, a dry goods 8omc China pheasant meat canned 25
firm" at Eugene, has entered into aycars ago was oaten recently by the
"contract with the Eugene Woolen millsfamily of M. S. Monteith at Allnny
to take all its surplus products for theand was pronounced in splendid cos
next five years. dition. . '
OCENE a garage; time, mid
night. Characters, the dealer
and a transient customer limping
in with a damaged tire.
CUSTOMER "Give me a Fire
stone; I know what it will do and
I haven't time to experiment on
an unknown tire." .
DEALER"Sure; you want
most miles per dollar and I want
most friends per mile."
Exit customer, happy and satis
fied, with
V ,
Most Miles per Dollai