- a II kwuoi - " 5250 CIRCULATION (za OOO READERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar- 4c , anteed by the Audit Bureau of " ' Circulations. Oregon: Tonight raih west, cloudy and warmer east portion; Wednesday rain;. " moderate . . . .1 1 l' J J . 9k FULL LEASED WIRE ' - - - V ' ' ! V ' . '. Jl DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE . VALLEY NEWS SERVICE .-,-. iir the 24. hours , ending at; 10?. ' umi temperature 8, MinimuSa u numauj, river flUMHonr ' ary at 1.5 feet below sera. ; , FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 231. EIGHT PAGES SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TBAINB AKD XBW STANDS m "CLHT1 . . - ............ .... . . , ,. , ., .- ii l mr jl - m j. u Vi v.i it mninii. ' , I L r v. i v v .1 i . . ui 1111111111 iiiiiijiii nrniTr rvimnrn NEW S REQUEST IN RESOLUTION President Asked To Furnish Full Data On Landing Of . Marines In Trau. FILIBUSTER TO DELAY TREATY CHARGED TODAY Hitchcock Attacks Republic . ans For Failure To Act : Promptly Upon Pact - By L. C. Martin ; ' (United Press Staff Correspondent.) : Washington, Sept, 30. The senute to day ' unanimously adopted Senator Kew'g resolution calling on President "Wilson to furnish U the facts concern ling the landing of American marines at Trau, Dalmatia. .Adoption of the resolution followed denunciation of republicans by senate administration leaders, who charged that a filibuster is being conducted to dlny tho peace treaty; They charged that republicans are "everlastingly providing and harassing" President Wil son and ''demanded that- such tactics cease. - . - - .. In debate which for bitterness and heat lias not been excelled in the senate for a long time, Senators Hitchcock and Swansou angrily declared that tho re publicans demand on tho tending of American marines in Dalmatin has been mado the occasion for ."condemnation by senators of their own government." Senator Now had calledup his resolu tion requesting tUftpriiidtnt to inform the sonato concerning the landing of marines. ' '' ' " ; . - At the same time, Representative Campbell, Kansas, started an attack in the house 'against the use of American forces on orders of foreigners. - "There is a systematic filibuster go ing on hore to delay consideration of the treaty against tho wishes of the peo ple," Hitchcock declared. "I cm not protesting Against this resolution. But I am protesting ajainst this everlasting disposition to prod and annoy an ad ministration that is doing ita best to end thi war. I don't believe (he senators on that side are in sy.mpathv with the pri-e-tie&of constantly heckling and attack ing the president. We ought to net, on this treaty and act on it, even If it goes against what I believe ought to be done. "When we reach an amendment we Plight to discuss it. The Fall amend, ments have boon before the senate-several days, but the senate hasn't heard a word of discussion on the Fall amend- cie-nts. Anvthine to delay, anything to,""" l" 'utno,1 unirung certm-, ,-stinate, while a .few politic !CaeS. oft,the 8ta? labr ommtesioner te other side, think thev ar,- '. deftnltl- ' , j i oscrastinate leaders r.mking polit't nl capital and political is- sue. I warn them thnt they may renr-1 they got the issue, after thev get it." $500,000 BRIDGE FOR YOUNGS BAY PLANNED A double loaf trunnion bascule briagj costing approximately $500,000 is to be constructed across Youngs Tloy at An tor.a according to plans now under wny in the ttato hichw.y depart-'"! nt. Then: plans sre now beini? submit! jd to'co tractors and the contract v.i'l be award ed either in Ifover.'ber or licccmber. . Bids are bein iisk.'d on three tvpe- of bridges, one r. combined high way and railway bridge and the other two con fined exclusively to highway traffic. In the interest of econcmv engineers iu the state highwav department favor the combined highway and railway bridg! inasmuch as the Port of Asto.-,a Is now constructing a belt line' railway for which a bridge must be provided across Youngs Bay. The cost of the prooosed new struc ture which is to replace the present countv bride would be divided betweea the Port of Astoria, which would be re uuired to pay half of the cost, and the f V ""d . eonntv "overnments which would share equally in the other naii. , Wsshincrfon. fJnnt. T-O- Members of he sen-t Tnie,l Pi""w !.- ten will en to the Pittsburgh steel fields; Cleveland union of the International i to have a new modern hotel in the near to make a personnl investirtatioi of the Longshoremen's association todcy. All, future, according to IL K Hoeflcr, who steel strike situation' Fridnr. !f vp"'dock workers will be out on strike byjbas purchased a half block at the cor trostv "moi'dmc!!-! con br tvi8tronel tomorrow, William Loy, president of the iner of Coinmerciai and Fourteenth R-tnr Kenyon, chnbrman, announced loeal, said . . 'streets as the site f -the new building, todar. I More than 300 are aiready out. The consideration was $.33,000. New Fruit Products Firm to l Commence Operations A bout Octobe r 15, (With, announcement of the pro posed i gcjshmont within 30 days of a new j g- 0 try in Salem the Steward Fruit j p "'icts Co. many citizens grasp t a token of a brilliant in- dust rial all cre for the city. Progres or JS-e about to align with the sive f 01 Chambel . Commerce to invito other industry C5 -e, that it is felt certain will com the near future. Upon 'emoval of the Salem School I a To., a temporary firm, in. the Argd S vChemeketa street, near Commer.r-t.-1 Steward Fruit Pro ducts company will immediately install maohinery and start operations! Accord ing to. Mr. J. C. Steward, resident man ager of the firm, the new venture will be runn3n full blast within 30' daya. "We expect the machinery to arrive any day now,.' Mr. Steward Baid Tues day, "and as goon as the option of the book company - expires October 15 we shall commence installation.'.' Tho new plant will employ about 5 people, all to be from Salem except two executive Iheads who travel for the firm. Two prominent Salem people, Dis trict Attorney Max Gehlhar and James Holtzol, with offices in the Bush and Lane Bank building, are on tho board of directors of the Steward Fruit Pro ducts Co. , . The machinery to be installed in the plant in the Argo block will cost "ap proximately $5000. The monthly out put of the plant at the start is estim ated by Mr. Steward at $20,000. Tho product will be handled in Oregon, Washington and Montana, by a general sales agency. . investigation by Secretary T. E. Mc- T CASE RE-TRIED The supremo court today, in an opin ion written by Justice Burnett and con curred in by Justices Harris, Bean and Johns, reversed the decision of Judge Robert G. Morrow of the Multnomah couuty supreme court in awarding dam ages to Katherine Kuntz for tho death of her husband, George Kutttz while In the employ of the i,merson Hardwoou company, and ordered the case back for a new trial. Kuntz was killed while adjusting a belt on a machine in the department in which he was employed, 'xne Jinierson Hardwood company had rejected the pri, visions of the workmen's compensation act and Mrs. Kuntz brought suit and was awarded damages. In reversing Judge Morrow the su preme court declares . that the lower ,.. j j i..'i:.. ... ; .1 i Lu i "ZJ . Thl on rApkion Undeddown1 today wrl that in ?he case of ou I Dennison vs. Mike .Tosi ,n, an nnl from Multnomah -county in a case tu correct mortgage; is affirmed Justice . A Petition lor renparinff in tliA phra of Rive vs. Douglus county was deniea ! by. the court. FLOUR JUMPS FORTY CENTS IN PORTLAND Portland, Or., Sept. 30. Flour ad vanced 40 cents a barrel in Portland today going to $11.15 as the will price for new patent. There was a similar 'boost in tho price of bakers' brands. The increased price has been- caused by the most sensational premium ever paid for wheat in this section of the country. Due to the short crop of hard wheatin the east big eastern millers have rushed into the Pacific northwest market and are today paying a premi um of from 30 to 35 cents a bushel above the government price. SMEW ORDERS DAMAGE a premature satisfaction of "e no caance or .B"uu. "'c"'"Bi' n " ' i t,, t w" Judge George W. Stapleton waator. to d.scuss the situation. w ' t tn ,Mt in an opinion written by , Ihe time being Rt least, he wm not par- '7""-' , " r" Harris. - tieipaf dlreetly to the treaty fight .nn n 7 Consequently local miller j have been!t.,, iwiccu iv fcu iiiiu iiiu country hiiu. pur chase wheat at high prices. Coal And Ire Handlers To Strike Within 24 Hours ' Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 30. Movement of coal and ore in and out of Cleveland will be completely stopped in the next - - .... - ., w , iuV Announcement Croskey of the Chamber of Commerce shows the value that this enterprising firm will be to Salem, and. the sincer ity of its instigators to make this city the home of its best plants. Another plant of the Steward Fruit Products company is located at Tatioma, Wash, letters received from Mr. MlcCroskey from stock owners in the firm are en thusiastic in their acclaim of the busi ness. One stockholder, of Tacoma, said that although ho paid only $10 for his stock 00 days ago, he wouldn't sell It now for $50. . , The Steward Fruit Products company has a. five year lease on the plant site iu the Argo block. . . . The. ready sale that awaits the pro duction of the firm's products is shown by the fact that one wholesale house has expressed its readiness to contract for the entire output. Mr. Steward, in, discussing the Issue Tuesday, spoke highly of Salem as a future industrial center. "Itiere is plenty of factory sites in and uear Halom," he declared. And I'm sure that other companies, just as we did. will recognise the future that lays ahead of Salem and i:mtall factor ies and plants here. Tho only thing that is needed is an energetic campaign by the Chamber of .Commerce and other civic bodies In acquainting manufac turers with the possibilities here." The output of the Steward Products company consists of flavoring extracts, pie filling, egg substitutes, apple but ter, baking powders, chocolate a&d cus-1 tard ptylding powders) washing com pounds, and many other articles. WILSONBETTER Washington, Sept. 30 (United Press) "The president had a good night's rest and Is improving, " said a bulletin issued at 11:05 a. m. today by Dr. Cary T. Grayson, President Wilson's physi cian. f i- nPiHnt lm been riven to un-' dorstand that tho situation in the sen- ate with regard to -ratification of the nec treatv "is much improved" since l. ,.. ., hi. cnnot!n tnnr. nii nl(liu I to information at the White House to day. Improvement in tho situation from the administration's viewpoint had been continuous during the last ten days the president lias been told. Friends of .tho treaty, he was assurect, now believe that ratification is possible without reservations' or amendments which would necessitate sending the rl..imont l,o,k tn tlm iiMcn conference. Hnwr HmrA la nn immediate Pros- nect of starting to vote on tho treaty, h-. - -y" -- -- - .f" litlon U delaying h'"' Secretary Tumulty went to the captial late yesterday. Then, late last niglit he 8aw tne president There is said to 'v to keoP uis m'in,1 ott t as much us possible. California Town Shaken By Five Quakes la Night Caloxico, Cal., rVpt. "0. Five stiff earthquake shocks were felt here dur ing, I nt night. The longest lasted 15 .seconds. No damans w?a done but vis itors to the city and many of the peruan'-nt residMits tcii ewalt alarmed. Cossacks Seize And Hold , .Two American Soldiers Washington, Sept. 30. Cossacks, whom the Americans are aiding iu Si beria, recently- seized two United States soldiers and did not iciea3e them until Major General Graves, commander of the Siberian expeditionary force de manded it, Secretary Baker announced One of the Americans wa'i an officer and one n. enlisted man, accoruing 10 Rtiknr. Unofficial advii-i-s iaid the en-l-'ted man was subjected to iudig.-itica by the Kusskns. Astoria To Have New Modern Hostelry Soon ASToria in. Hem. ao. Tiii ntv is BULLETIN SAYS AND BUSY TODAY lU'COlUUlK til A'l. umjm-Ji o ..." .... ITALK AND JUGO SLAVS AT WAR SAYS POET D'Annuazio Cuts Telegraphic Communication To Capital Of S!a?oaia.! Military Expty : Agaast riume By beriaans 'Inaptd By Staff Chief. ' " By Oamillo Cianfarr (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Borne, Sept. ' ;28. (Delayed.) Ga- briello D'Annuhzio considers tfiat a state of war exists between Jugo-Slavla and the Italian forces' under his com mand, -it was revealed (today in reports of negotiations betweil the post com mander and the head of the French mis-' sion at Fiume. -, . - !' : D'Aununzio had ordered a oeveranci of telegraphic communication between. Fiume and Agram, the captial of d ot in and Slavonia. The French representa tive protested, insisting eommounica tions in resumed. '.In refusing to grant tho request, D'Annunzio replied that in his opinion a state- of war existed with the Jugo-Slavs. ' A dispatch from Berne to the Idea Nazionale declares the Serbian govern ment was planning e! military expedi tion against D'Annunzio but at the last moment the cabinet ministers decided to hear the opinion of the chief of staff. The latter is Said tp .have pointed Out that Serbia was practically in a state of war with every border people, espe cially Rumania Which had mobilized her forces on the Bnnate border. ,. : The chief of staff also asserted that the situation within the new Jugo-Slav state was alarming, as the Crotians and Slavonians were stm conaucting enor- Vtic anti-Serbia agitation. After this '.explanation the cabinet abandoned tho ri-mnuu EugClllo ClXlSSa, Of the- chamber of deputies, just returned, from Fiume, de clared that it was impossible to describe the enthusiasm in Fiume. "If D'Annunzio had not entered Fi ume, the Jugo-Slavs would have ruled the port now," he said. "The Fiumans feel now they huve been delivered for- ever from a foreign yoke, "President-Wilson s re resolution not acceptable for three reasons: First Because of international re '"HOHS, second, because D'Aununzio 's expedition places the city in a position where it anot be abandoned without 'annexation; third, Fiume will notaccopt .Wilson's solution. "As . threat to Italy it is expelled m t he eague of nation , .d deprived .'-'"- I would point out thtt reparations are an integral part of the was without success. Newspaper reporters assigned to par liament have issued a challenge for a duel with Deputy Husholi, who, they charge insulted the press and Tribuna in particular during the chamber's discus' (Continued on Page Kight.) ABE MABTIN Most o' th' girls that come out o'' beauty shops look like they hadn' been waited on. A straight life is th' best policy, , tiupo tpflntv thfl IPftirUft lfl BflL" it mueh "as wiwiuiu uuciiuoo. . Local Hop Market Touches 75 cent Mark; Many Sales Above 70 Are Transacted For those few fortunate growers wo decided wot to contraot their hops when the market looked good last winter and much better the past summer, and who have not sold, there is a market of. 70 cents or niore ft pound today. . ; J. B. Linn was one of the fortunate growers who held on. Yesterday ho sold lB,oqo pounds of hops for 70 cents a pound. Last year , about this time of the month he sold his crop for 8 cents a pound. . , . ... , . ,, . The firm- of Downing & Eoff is also one of the fortunate Ones that a rising market did not tempt. . A few days ago they sold 44 bales - of fuggles at 72 cents a pound. The total amount re ceived for the 44 bales was $6,168.78. Another firm that figured the market about right up to the present date is Veavey ft .Cooper of Corvallis. - Tb morninir ther sold their crop of 141 bales at 73 cents a pound. One year ago the hop market opened at 10 cents and about S00 bales wer sold at this figure.. Early in October of ivxa laere was an uneasv ieonna in ine morKet ana prices began to surgo up wara. me ijonaon prewers osgan t anticipate and tho Market stiffened Later last winter, the English- brew- G0VERO1T IS By Bd L. Keen (United Press Staff Correspondent.) 1 London, Sept 30. Minor acts of sa botage have been reported in connection with the railway strike, the government announced in a communique issued to day from Downing street!. It wfts ro- GAR UPPER HAND IN STRIKE ported, in one instanec,that the switch- T lom,orrow morning, wo can "t at . .k. ill KaaW lford t0 0,y ,ou- ' es on one of the roads had been thrown, . The railway scrvico is improving, the communique stated. . The distribution of food is reported as progressing satis factorily. Tho government apparently is grad ually gaining the upper hand natioa-wide strike. . in tho The busman and tram operators, clos ing a long session early today, postponed their deciffion with regard to a sympa-Via. thctle strike. They had planned originally to walk out tonight. Action by tho transport workers also has been delayed. Despite the nation-wide railway block- ade, the food ministry has been able mitted at the high school free of tuition. '"R Ph.vicmns Militory guard, patrol thus far to maintain a steady move.;Tnia ,top was decided upon at a recent a froat of the hosI"tal ,ta,'U ment of foodstuffs into the beleaguered .meeting of the school board, and Is win-1 T', . . , ' . . . cities, thus countering labor's first w.. Binr high commendation from citizens.! n,ht muha i i jor blow and virtually removing the ;As tuition in most cases amount, to $90 military appearance with steel heWed danger of starvation. London, it was annually, the importance of this step .aouUbojw i patroll.ng the black belt and estimated by food officials todav, is re-'(an j,e readUv seen. I0thcr P''8 of the e ty' 7 truck. ceWgbetwen80 andl00per"centof The belief is held that many ehUdrcn, armc w'th f,M".Ku"?' the normal amount of principal food- realizing that difficulty awaited thorn thrng,h tho ?T - Biuna ironi iim omgme n.niruiB, moior lorries provding tho mode of transports Hob. Tho government hoped today to re peat yesterday 's venture, when the first volunteer food train reached London from the east coast loaded with fishs Thus far it has hardly been necessary to draw upon reserve stocks. Incoming meat and flour supplies arc nearly nor mal. Vegetables today were being re- reived in usual Quantities, the milk sun-, ply Was fifty per cent or normal and ully killed while hunting deer near Ver- pected to arrive today and fiOO soldiers r-flrgs 25 per cent. jnonia, Or., Sunday morning. It was hts from Camp Grant arc now detaining-. ' 'initio! hunting trip. Omaha business men, mooting yester- f AC AitffOiac Wirrmmi-lfli-e I H wa on vil,it ttt tho homc of day' (,!PIorcd 8utoy ' r'"tin8 iiUa niifjeiCa Ulll)WUirvCI5 Itister-in-low, Mis. Mary Millcnger, when s"ed thnt s permanent military unit be Rorlv Vltr VjlriHra Tftnrrrllf . "r hunt was proposed, and ill com- stationed at Fort Crook, near here. neaay ror oiriKe lonsgni: with ,lis hrjTi Joe B Mr ColU(i i -mgind the brute wasknied's, id ' '.Tames and Green Adams, he went in Mrs. Joseph Loeback, mother of Agnes, Log Angeles, Cal., Sept. 30. Leaders quel!t n dner About 10 o'clock, while I9 year old girl, who identified the ne of tho shipyard unions were busy today landing on a log, his shotgun was dis- g'o Will Brown, as the one who robbed wtih perparations for a strike effective charged in such a manner as to tear jand later assaulted her. Tho girl has nt midnight in all Los Angeles district jaway hjg throat and a part of his face, broken down completely and is in a shipyards. ' James Adams saw bim fall off the los: "orious condition. While the unions say sow men at the i,ong xeacn nnipounuinjr company ami nonthwestern ntiipyartis will be arrcr.t ed, the companies declare no such num ber will walk out and that not even that many men are employed. The Los An geles Shipbuilding and Drydock com pany's yard are working with non union men since the strike was called there many weeks ago. Californians Carry Anti- . Japanese fight To Polls Stockton, Cal.. Sept. 30. California 's cnti-Jupauese fight will be carried di rect to tho voters through the initiative. The Anti-Japanese association of Cali fornia has decided to circulate initia tive petitions in order to place their measures on the 1920 ballot. ' The program decided on here lust night includes cancellation of the "gen- tlemau's sgreement." with Japan, ex- d union of all "picture brides," barring further Japanese immigration and bar- ring Japanese forever from citizenship, era began to realize there was a short age of erops and they also realised there would be a greater demand for beer, the war having come to a. close. . Statistics also showed that the English production of hops was 50 per cent off and when this was realized, the .market started upward and has continued to go up. w. Hop men hore, feel the priee s but ft temporary one,, as the English as weU as .German erops : will . resume normal conditions in another year and that the Willamette valley grower who plant under the impulse of the inflated mar ket, will bo sadly disappointed. ..... - As to whether -the local "dealers are getting any of this remarkable, price and thereby laying away large sums of money for a rainy dnv.'the trensral im pression is that fully 75 per cent of tke' buyers hore have already eontraeted and that the inflated price win work Lor the benefit of the Eaxlish brewer and! not tho Willamette valley broker. Those best informed as to thn hnn bnsXiiiun ( here, say that the brokers ha-ve mostly i avlll Ub XllUl L.r LU III CtUlkS. X Jill I. IHJtT. sold at from H I tn E7 -nn). Tk.i a.t I Ml ni vvm OA 4-. Of im. 1 1 l . winter as soon as . contracts .were made with growers, the hops wore again akld to the Loudon brewers on the usual hop margins. ,; - HOT TO HOLD UP IT Despite the continued shortage - of school books that has temporarily sus pended classes, work will begin in Sa lem's public schools in full blast Wed ncsday morning, according to Superin tendent of Schools Todd. -' ! "Books, or no books," Todd said o dny .noon "Work 'will, start'' .with a No new figures as to tho number of children attending tho city schools wore announced. Mr. Todd said that there was a slight increase in all schools over Monday, and that at the high school stu dents were -still enrolling Tuesday. - He .refuted the rumor that tho InM-on-md at. tendnnco would find the schools too Bmall to accomodate the pupils. There is plenty of room," Mr. Todd but w r hrt ,t t,t,. ;ors. Thw,c, however eaa be. e,,, ' short)y x thinl so ther u n0 noticeable delay in school work." t. t i,-i. i-.t !Ti. a " .i.A a in gecuring books havo deferrod enroll ment in schools, so it is doubtful wheth er tho exact atendauce can bo known for at least a week. Accidental Discharge Of Shotgun Fatal To Hunter Forest Grove, On., Sept. 30. John Siuuett of Camas, Wash., was accident- and ran to his as8istli.nce, but found him 'flad Japan's Under-Secretary For League Is Nominated Tokio, Sept. 29. (Delayed.) Dr. Ni tobe was today nominated by the Japa nese government for appointment as un dersecretary of tho league of nations. Nitobe is director of a social bureau ;at London and is the ranking minister plenipotentiary. Closed Shop Base Of AH Labor Troubles Is Claim St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 30. (United Press.) The principle of the closed shop is at the root of the labor troubles of the nation, Robert F. Maddox of At- lanta, ua., declared today in the annual address of the president, opening convention of the American Bankers as-, sociation here. BOO SHORTAGE SALEM SCHOOLS WOODASSUwES if Arm num in ii n OMAHA TODAY Ccssiasder Of 4 CeztnJ Dt- parfcert Takes Cc&c! ALL4"G!1TRAC,FUTS DAIIFER UPON RI3TO V"" ' iMrt F--,rf i""-vJ. . "'v. " Lynchin? Of Negro As Good Moral Lessen. Omaha, Web., Kept, ao. (Unltea Press.) General' Leonard Wood, eaui manding the central department, arrived at 10:30 today to take command of tho military forces stationed here to prevent rioting. .". . .'.' - - He went immediately into conference with city, state and military anthori ties. Ho declined, to disens the situa tion wth newspapermen until after, tho conterenee. Wood waa sent here. by Secretary of War Baker following the riots of Sun day night when a mob lynched a negro and nearly killed Mayor Smith. Witn the sKics Btiu overcast and ram forecast for tonight, no further raee troubles are feared until Wednesday night. On that evening the electrical parade, tho feature of the annual Ak- .Sar-Ben carnival will be held. Ak-Sur-Bcn vfficials today decided to hold the parade and the rest of the carnival program ias schedule They . believe thai there- are' suffieient troops i the , city to o,uell wny disturbance. This pa rade in former years drew crowd, esti mated at 200,000 pereoiis., ':; v v ' - 'i However, if eoudition look toad to morrow, the parade will ilkely 'be call ed off. - "... "."'i- .. . (lenenil Wood, is ip full iramond. He has established headijuartert in Mayor iSmith's office. Actittj; Mayor U re today turned the . police depart ment over to the. military anthorities. M. J. Hyketl, a traveling sntesmnn,' shot' in this, riots Sunday night, died this morning, bringing tho death list up to three. A "'V rnln wh3c? feU dn,,nSt the n,ght probably did more to restor. order in Omaha than anything els., ' yor Smith, who was eut djwn after being hanged front a light tott, Will probably recover, according to attend- could be heard, but the official, report no serious trouble. A huge captive balloon for observa tion purposes has been hoisted over tho black belt, where 13,000 negroes li'e. Here also machine guns have been set up at intersections where the soldier can sweep four different streets. The American Legion has volunteered to furnish local authorities 300 special 'police, recruited from overseas: veterans. Major General. Leonard Wood is ex- umunn sw.ievy women apjjroveu iaa negro's lynching and many were Been in the crowd cheering the mob as it at tacked the courthouse and fought buck polico inch by inch until tho prisoner 1 rwas reached. "The fire and wounding of so many is a deplorable thing," suid one preuii- , ncnt society lender, "but I think it will jbo a- great lesson. It really hasn't bcesi -soiiiiior umana giris or women u k the streets unescorted after dark." Prosecutor Of Mooney Asks Re-Election From Voters Ran Francisco, Sept. 30. Charles M. Fickert, the district attorney who su ccsttfully presented Thomas J. Mooney for the preparedness parade bombing, is a candidate for re-election today. His declaration is on file. Although forced to lie fu-ee downward on a hospital cot, the district attorney believe, he will soon be up and eonduct- ing a vigorous campaign. . Fickert some weeks ago under a seri- ous spinal operation. 1 II U1V V kit