Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 29, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I Society 1
HOLMN its plae among the im
portant sociai events of the
week, the golden wedding anni-
vemarjr el Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Mag
cia was celebrated yesterday at their
iwautiful country home near Salem.
The house was artistically- decorated
with autumnal flowers, and the hand
somely appointed table at .whieh. the
tnmptuous wedding dinner waa served,
was centered: with variegated bloom.
Mr. and Mrs. itagness are among
the oldest residents of the country and
are well and favorably known both in
Malem and Portland, and the guest list
for the affair included a number of
prominent persons from both cities.
Among those present were Mr. and,
Mrs. A. P. Magness, 1. O. Magness,
Mr. and Mrs. Ji. N. Magness Mr. nud
Mrs. J li Boss, Mr and Mrs W B. Mag
ness, Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Parker and
on Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Jap Longcor
srnd ann .Jap, Jr., Leland Boss, Elmer
Boss. Jir. and Mrs. Prank Westfall,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKee and daugh
ter Varna, Mr. J. "W. Dryden, George
Wiggans,, Mr. And Mrs. Jess Denson,
Mi, and Mrs. T. A. McKce and. Mrs.
M. U farmenter. . . .. . . ,
Organizing under the name of "Beta
ti'' a group of fifteen girl students
of Willamette university have formed
a club, and rented the Fleming resi
dence on Court street. Mrs. E. C. Hich-
ards, wife of the seheetary of educa
tion of Willamette is acting as house
mother this year.
Members of the club are Velma Ba
ker, llartline, Washington; Vera Wise,
Granger, Washington; Evelyn Gordon,
Portland; Eva I'arrott, ewberg; Eita
Hubba, Walla Walla; Bernice Knnts,
Brownsville, eeniors; Sybil Smith, Van
couver, Washington; Myrtle Mason,
Boi?, Idaho; Kuth Wise. Granger,
Washington, juniors; Mildtcd Brown,
Outlook, Washington; Eva Roberts,
i;ovc; Grace Collins, Portland; l.nura
Uuegless, Vancouver, Washington, 'soph
mores, and Marjorio Flegel, Portland,
freehman. Officers for 1919-20 are Vel
au( Baker, president; Eva Parrett, man
ager and Bernice Knuts, secretary.
-The appeaance at the state fair ef
llifw Elizabeth Levy's violin ensemble
composed of twenty five of her stu
dents' was record breaking as it over
shadowed any previous concert. They
wen very attractively dressed and ren
dered their numbers in fine style, keep
ing in perfect bowing and the three
fart harmony of the instruments sung
ut the selections, Salem is proud to
claim Miss Iw far their own for her
brillinat violin selections accompanied
by Tommasinus famous Italian band
of New York were enthusiastically re
ceived at the horse show, held in the
stadium Wednesday and Thursday eve
ning, Friday evening her renditions. at
the auditorium completely .captivated,
ner auaienoe unu sue was recaiiea lour
Mrs. Unlph White returned yester
day from Portland where she attended,
the state eonferenee of dancing pro
cessors at Cnristenaen academy, under
the direction of Professor Christensen.
This was held in connection with the
national convention in New York c'ly
for the benefit of those who found it
inconvenient to go east. A great many
topks of interest were discussed and
the dancing public is now made aware
of the welcome news that the quick
steps will no longer be in vogue, and
that the old fashioned waltz, with a
few pretty hesitations added, has come
into it own again. The foxtrot and
one atop will also be fashionable, the
short quick steps, found so objection
ablo -by the majority of dancers, will
be done away with entirely.
The principal object of both the na
tional and state conventions was to
standardize the methods of teaching,
and an effort will be made by all these
who attended to use a uniform method
of instruction in the future.
Mrs. If. P. (White was hostess at a
pretty party Saturday, honoring the
third birthday anniversary of her lit
tle daughter, Helen Kathorine. The
dainty color scheme of pink and white
which was used in tho decorations, was
further brought out in the white birth
day cake with its three pink- candles.
Games and stories and a delicious
luncheon filled the afternoon hours.
The little folk attending, were Mary
Frances Henderson. Eleanor Luper,
Grace Whito, Homer Ingrey, James
Liuper and Moert White.
Miss Birdcen Myers of the state ac
cident commission, has returned from
a vacation in Atlanta, Georgia, tthe
brought with her as her guest, her sis
ter, Mrs. Ocorge Blower, who will re
main in the city for a visit of indefi
nite length. Mrs. Blower will be re
membered as Kffie Myers, formerly of
Salem and widely known in the social
circles of this city.
'Dr. : and Mrs. Hugh Williamson of
l'ortland, were fair week visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. "Frank 'Myers. Dr. and
Mrs. Williamson were formerly resi
dents of this city. .
Miss Beryl Holt had as her guest
over the week end, Miss Madaline Bow
lings of Albany.
- '
Mrs. B. W. Starr of Brownsville was
tho guest of her sister, Mrs. C. P. Bish-i
op during the past week.
The following Is an extract from an
account appearing in the Sunday Ore
goniun which will, no doubt, be of
unlimited interest to club women of Sa
lem. The entire article is replete with
useful suggestions, aod the last two
paragraphs are in direct keeping with
the idea of the membership drive which,
the 4-Snlem Woman's cl.ub is making an
issue fotithis' year:
"The Portland Woman's club has in'
dorsed Miss Mnttie Beatty of Balem
for president of the Oregon federation
of women's clubs. The Portland Wo
man's club hold its. first meeting of
the season in the ballroom of the Mult
nomah hotel Friday at 2 a'cloek, with
the newly elected " president, Mrs.
Charles Kunyon, ia the chair.
"In her address, Mrs. Bunyon said:
" 'Jn this, the beginning of a new
club year, we may look forward t s
period of reconstruction when elub wo
men should strive for a clearer and
better understanding of .problems and
" 'In the relaxing of the war activi
ties in which members of this club and
the immense number who gave their
time to such faithful and untiring vol
untary war work, the question is asked,
h-Will these women want to atop and.
stay at home! Or will they want'to
put to some use this energy and foree.
this cooperation; which should be di-.
rcetea to needs which vitally atfeetr the
weitare or our country!' '..
" They were asked this at the vic
tory conference called in Washington
recently. -
" " Though no one dare to prophesy,
we wilt assume that these club women
will not be content with being enter
tained, but will want their club to
used in some way tot serviceJt would
be criminal, indeed, to como out of this
without saving any of this cooperative
spirit that our common patriotism in
spired in ns,
" 'To make our club a factor in the
community we must stand for some
thing worth while, and I repeat, we
must increase our membership with en
ergetic women.
" ' If every member would pledge
herself that tshe would bring in at
least one application this year we
would double our membership with lit
tle effort. Will you do that much for
your club! ' " ' ' '
(Continued from page one)
"Six recruits have been sent to Port
land this week from the fair grounds,
and I am very much satisfied with re
sults in Balem," said J. E- Adams, re
cruiting officer Saturday afternoon. The
taavy maintained a booth at the grounds
an during the week.
Physicians were at his bedside constant
ly during the night. They said the may
or had been badly beaten about the
In his delirium the mayor moaned con
tinuously: "You shall not take him."
Tho mob laBt night broke into pawn
shops and hardware stores to obtain
firearms and ammunition. Thcv over
powered evory policeman on the streets.
The police did not resort to weapons.
They were eaitily overpowered and usu
ally siirreiidcredVtheir clubs and guns
without resistance.
The mob set fire to the courthouse
when it was unable to break oast Sher
iff Clark and his deputies. Some one
on the first floor. Police extinguished
obtained gasoline which was set on fire
al weeks.
Major General Leonard Wood tele
graphed Mayor Smith from BiBmarck, N.
D., this morning that he will arrive la
Omaha at 9:20 Tuesday morning to take
personal charge of operations. Wood
also said that he has ordered additional
troops from Camp Grant, 111., and
Camp Fimston, Kansas.
That a -riot spirit still prevails is
shown from numerous street fight be
tween whites and blacks.' Troons at
Twenty-fourth and Lake streets, in the
heart of the negro district were fired on
by negroes just before daybreak this
mornim;. They returned the fire. No
one was injured.
La Victcire or Thomson's
This season, let your selection be one
of the handsome new models of La Vic
toire or Thomson's.
"Clove fitting''
Corsets on our assurance of Style,
Comfort, Wearability. Given one trial
of a model suited to the figure, we feel
' certain that no other make of corset
will ever be worn will ever prove
equallv satisfying.
Worn Once-i-Always Worn
$1.85 to $40
New Hosiery
A large new shipment of Women's
White Mercerized Hose at
50c, 60c, 65c "
Black or j White Artificial Silk, a
splendid hose at
- $1.25 -
Baker Sent Troops.
"Washington, Bept. 29. The troor
rushed to Omaha to take chargo of
the situation there went on the permual
order of Hecretary- of -War Baker,
transmitted by long distance telephone
to tho conima'ider at Fort Omaha Sun
day night on request of Senator Hitch
cock, it: was stntcd here today. .
After Nebraska. authorities had spent
several hours in tryijg to unravel war
department red tape and get troops,
Hitchcock was appealed to and he got
Baker to telephone for linmediato dis
patch of the troops.
At the same time Hitchcock tele
phoned the commander at Fort Omaha
to have the troops ready and send as
Nazimova To Appear
InRoleOf The Brat'
Great Screen Production of Maude
Fulton's Stage Success Promised, At
Ye Liberty Theater
The supreme Nazimova in her fastest
Srodnctiun, "The illrat, " has been
ooked as the attraction at the Lib
erty theater today and tomorrow, the
management promises a rare treat to
its patrons. "The Brat'' is Naaimo
va's own screen version of Maude Ful
ton's highly successful stago play.' She
collmborutod ' with 1'harlea Bryant in
tho adaptation of the dramatic vehicle,
which was made mto scenario form by
.lane Mathis, Metro Pictures Corpora
tion is the exclusive distributor of this
now Naxiuiova production, which is
1 4 t -XVj
soon as Baker's order arrived. Troops
reached Omaha at midnight.
SxRecnuts For Navy
Enlisted During
Miss Frances Herrod, care of Plun-
kettsJarrel Grocery Co., Little fBoek,
Ark, writes Tyrrel's Hygienic Institute
of New Tork, ai follows:
I am very glad to tell you that I
am more than pleased with the results
obtained from the use ef the J. B. L.
For Skin Tortures
Don't worry about eczema or other
skin troubles. You can have a clear,
healthy skin by using Zemo, obtained
at any drug store for 35c, or extra large
bottle at $1.00.
Zemo generally removes pimples,
blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring
worm and makes the skin clear and
healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating,
antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor .
greasy and stains nothing. It is easily
applied and cost a mere trifle for each
application. It is. always dependable.
The E. W. Rest Co., Cleveland, O.
The dignity of our
profes s i o n a 1 eti
quetto matches the
high standards we
have set for the con
duct of our business
Cascade,' and am in better health than
I have been in years."
This ia but one of thousands of the
same kind of letters received by Dr.
Chas. A. Tyrrell of New York, the in
ventor of the "J. B. h. Cascade."
By a purely natural proeess of prop
erly uaing warm water, the "J. B. L.
Caseade" removes all the poisonous
waste from the lower intestine, which
physicians agree is the cause of 95 per
eent of all human ailments. ,
Daniel J. Fry in Balem, Or., has fill-
"Where Boae
Ctafarts Abomf
The pleasure of your trip to Port
land will-depend upon the hotel you
eleet. Coxy surroundings, moderate
rates, and the welcome you find In
your own home town, await you at
tfaa Multnomah.
Garage in Connection. '
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names,
Salem, Oregon, Boarding
and Day school
Most Approved Methods
Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp,
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin
and Harmony
Elocution and Physical
Culture Classes
Modern Conveniences And
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
September 8th
' Address: !
Sister Superior
Tomorrow - Wednesday
Pretty Smooth"
sa i f.1"ii,ffiii iTTi,T'ifTr1' rr " ---y-7f '
I " '
presented by liichard A. Rowland aud
Maxwell Kurgcr.
In "The Brat" .taginiova is to be
seen for the first time in her screen or
s'.age career m an American girl. Her
giyut fame Hitherte has leen derived
from her impersonation of foreign
types. It will bo rccullcd she was an
Kurasian, or half Chinese girl in her
last big feature, "The Red Lantern."
nud in other screen veh'ctes has been
Parisian, gypsy and Bedouin.
Some Table Beverages
such, as tea and. coffee
tSnod for
yound people, but no Jnn3 is
missed when. you have
Instant postdm
Its rich flavor pleases, and it
. contains absolutdy -Tiolhind.-harmful.
.. j?eason-
ed an enormous demand for "J. B. L.
Caseade" in the past few years and
will show and explain it to you on re
quest. An interesting booklet on In
ternal hathing " Why Man of Today
is Only 50 percent Bfficien" can be
obtained at their store free of any cost.
Blackheads, blotches and pimples
are genorally eaused by improper acj
tion of the bowels. Hollister's Bocky
Mountain Tea regulates the boweis,
cleans the stomach, clears the com
plexion from the inside nature's way
"Get that healthy, happy look." D. J.
Fry. : . :
The Original
EVhs3ted MHk
For Infants and Invalids
Avoid ImUatioai &i4 S'Vawtituha
Remove .blackheads, soften - reogh
ckin .'ulnar the blood, briehten - the
eyes, sweeten the whola systesu.
.Nothing helps mane a pretty race, wm
some smile, as Hollister's Bocky Moun
tain Tea. Try it tonight. 35e. D. J.
Fry. - , i . - - (Adv.)
111 To reduce the itch. 7 f J$gJ
applications of ,
YOUR BODYGUARD" '-30. 60. l
ifMtMMMtttlMt 4
Distinctly Youthful
Exclusive Fashions
Designed for Young Girls
. 812 3
C , - l ft;
(JyfliasA Ik'"..
' Girls of the intermediate agethe hard
to-fit years from 14 to 20are as eager to
be smartly dressed as their older sisters, .
and in Chevy-Chase Frocks they find the
winsome styles that they have always long
ed to have. .
Chevy-Chase Frocks express the newest
style ideas of the season, but skillful design
ers add to them the snap, the spirited air,"
and the chic simplicity that transforms
them into distinctly young girls' fashions.
And the lines, too, are cut specially to
fit active, youthful figures.
All over the country, school and busi
ness girls are wearing these smart frocks.
This store shows Chevy-Chase styles exclu
sively in this city. You are cordially invited
to visit the fall display which contains more
styles than ever before.
Quality, materials, thorough making
and moderate pricing are additional attrac
tive features of these splendid dresses.
ji lit
r ;
"WTiere Shopping Is a Pleasure"
Quality Merchandise Popular Prices