Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 29, 1919, Image 1

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    m m
Oregon: Tonight and Tuesday
fair and farmer; gentle wester
ly winds. :';.J.. '.
-' 'For the 24 hours ending at 8
o'clock this morning: Mai
mum temperature 64, minimum.
H9; no rainfall; river 1.5 "below
iero, falling. ..
(25 000 READERS DAILY) -Only
Circulation in Salem Guar
anteed by the. Audit Bureau of
7 230..
life JJmlifii 'WrSlal
Mob Burns Courthouse, Hangs
NegiradBea MayorWho
'- ' Omahay . Neb;, Sept.l 29.Ath6ih'-'l,6(rO-;regular-troops
patrolled the streets and machine guns were placed
at . strategic points about the city, of f icials this morning
1 -Paov-flll -fVlof VQia .lrf l vi m -it rill kwtrtl,- a.-.- ivw.'MUi
A negro,
win urown,: lnaentmed by
Mms Agnes Loeback, 19; as the man who
had assnltcd her Thursday night, was
lvnched and his body burned Mayor Ed
I". Smith was nearly hanged, the Doug-.
. li county courthouse was burned, ono
man, Francis Clancy, 19",-was shot and
killed and fifty-six other . persons were
wpunded in a riot here Sunday night.
While thousands of men, women and
children looked on and cheered, Brown
was takon from the fourth floor of the
burning courthouse after the smoke had
all '.but overcome Sheriff Clark and Ms
deputies, and taken to Eighteenth airt
Douglas street; a rope, put around his
iieek and he was hanged from a tele
phone ole. Tiro mob then riddled his
body with bullets, cut it down and burn
ed, it.
Mayor Smith almost suffered the
an me fate when he defied the mob. His
Inst words, mumbled whilo almost un
conscious from the boating he had re
ceived, and with the rope around his
neck, were:
"I'll givo my life if necessary, but
I'll not surrender tho negro. I'm going
to enforce the law."
A tall, well dressed man saved the
mayor's life when he cut tho rope Jus.
as the mayor -was. being Jjfted . of f the
ground. Police reinforcements w"itli
draw pistols bear-back the mob and the
mayor was rushed away in an automo
bile. . . ." - i.
Mayor Smith regained consciousness
this morning and was able to sit
. Oinnlui, Neb., Sept. 29. A
captured Germnn cannon pre
sented to the city by tho war
. department was used by the mob
to baiter down the court houso
door in last liight 's rioting.
County commissioners esti
mated the damage to the court 1
"house at from $100,0000 to 2.r0,
000. this blaze, but tho mob obtained more
gasoline and soon flames were darling
from the first, second and third floors.
Sheriff Clark theii took his prisoner to
the roof. Snipers climbed to the roof
or nearby buildins and fired on. the
group on the roof of the courthouse.
When the flames reached tho fourth
floor and firemen had arrived, the mob
took the firemen's ladders away from
them nnd climbed to the roof. Clark
was forced to surrender his prisoner,
who wag taken down the ladder. The
mob tore practically every .stitch of
eloth'ing off the black, aiid his body
was practically nude when the telephone
T"le where he was lvnched was reach
Light sentences imposed on negroes
for attacks en white women, is be
lieved to have incited the mo'i to take
the law into its hrnds. Nebraska laws
do not allow capital punishment jor
criminal assault.
Tn Omaha and Council Bluffs the
have been over fortv attacks on women
in the last two months. Public feeling
ran very Inch. Inf Council Bluffs, re
turned soldiers numberm? -several hun
dred formed a Tigilnnce committee head
ed by Colonel Donald MeRo and have
patrolled the streets all night for sevcr-
(CoTitimied on rtaee two
Seeing the Series In Salem ?
Flash! Just like that will Salem baseball fans J
get the news of the world's series games hot off j
lhe Capital Journal's leased wire direct from the
playing field. ' .
Each day from the time the teams trot onto the
, field until the last put-out is made The Capital Jour
nal bulletin board fans will get the news play by play.'
inen, in the evening, they will get the detailed 1
story of the game in The Capital Journal along with J
j red hot features and sidelights on the series, the I
teams and the individual players. ;
to Keep Order
By Hugh Bailie
" (United Press Staff Correspondent.)
. Washington, ;. Sept." - 29. " President
Wilson had a restless night but is
sleeping this morning," a bulletin issued
by Dr. Cary T. Grayson, t'e president's
physician suid today.
. Only members of the president's im
mediate family are permitted to in
him. All appointments have been can-
called and no other will bo made, accord
ing to Secretary Tumulty.
Dr. Grayson said it is undecided wheth
er tho president will leave Washington
to rest at some other place. . ,
The round table industrial conference,
set for October 0 will meet despite the
illness of President Wilson it was safd
at the White Housp today. ' The pror,'
dent, however, will' probably be uiMit
to take any part in the session.
Xr Wii,a nlnn itafinitolv Jtiniminnoi? in.
day that the king and queen 8f Belgium
will tour the country before coining, to
Washington to be guests nt the While
Honse. Original plans were for the roy
al couple to eomo here first. -
President Wilson, as soon as his health
permits, is expected to issue a- state
ment containing a number of arguments
for ratification of the peace trenty,
which his breakdown prevented him
from making in speeches at Little Rod;,
Oklahoma- Citv, Memphis and Louis
ville Before he became ill, it was learned
that he had "something up frig sleeve''
that he was saving ammunition for
the concluding addresses of his trip. His
idea apparently was to finish his drive
fur ratification in such a manner that
world-wide attention would be rivekcu
on it, returneding to Washington primed
for a "show down" on acceptance or
rejection of the treaty. Illness prevent
ed this climax. It was considered like
ly today he would take tho first oppor
tunity to make use of his arguments by
the issuance of this statement.
Portland Man Named State
Bank Examiner By Oicott
Stato Superintendent of Bunks Will
H. Bennett todav announced the cp-
pointniont of W. M. Adair of Portland
as state bank examiner to fill the vtt
caney caused by the resignation of E. F.
Slnde who left two weks ago to accent
a position with the federal reserve bank
r.t San Francisco. Adair has been idon
tified with the Security Saving & Trust
company of Portland for several years
San Francisco Girl Takes
Own Life On Wedding Day
San Francisco, Sept. 29. Jeanette
Cooper, 29, wkoivas to have been mar
ried today, took poison instead and
is believed dying at the emergency
Marine Landing
In Dal mat ia Is
; Attacked Today
By L. C. Martin ; .1 .'-..'
(United Press Staff Correspondent.) ...
Washington, Sept. 9. A. resolution
calling on the state department for-" all
facts ' concerning the landing of Amer
ican marines in Dnlmanu was intro
duced, today by Sonator Now, Indiana..
Opposition . to, its .-consideration by
Senator Hitchcock, administration lean
er, delayed action on it until tomorrow.
senator Sherman, Illinois, also intro
duced a joint resolution which -declared
tho "interference" by - the ; United
States in the -Adriatic was '.'unwarrant
ed and- without lawful authority ' ' and
not within the "proper duty or prov
ince" of this government.
The landing at Trau ordered by the
supremo war council, is "beyond the
power of such council or the executive
department, of this government,", the
resolution further stated. The intent to
thus anticipate the action of the senate
on the peace treaty was ''unwarranted
and declared to bo no binding force on
the United Slates,'-' by the resolution.
i It was referred to tho foreign rela
tions committee. , v - ;
Introduction of the resolutions start
ed a running fire of debate, in which
Hitchcock used the Fjume-Dulmatinn
situation as the text for an admonition
to tho senate on tho folly of further de
laying treaty ratification. Ho was
heckled by republican senators, who
declared tho American marines were
landed by order of the British admiral
ty or of the supremo council, n "bodv
not recognized by Hie American consti
tution." - - :-'-'.
Salem's .public schools opened Mon
day morning with an average increase
in attendance of more, than 35 'percent.
Teachers and principals from the vari
ous schools reported greatly enlarged
numbers of children over those of last
year, flocking to school and eagerly
reporting for the work that lays ahead.
At noon 443 students had enrolled
at the high school, with approximately
120 waiting in the hall:
to register
th'rir names. Principal J.
C. Nelson,
with a staff of teachers, busied them
selves all morning and Into in the af
ternoon enrolling the many children
Last year tho recorded attendance for
the first day was 2&1 pupils at the high
The Washington school opened its
door with an attendance of 570 chil
dren, to 530 in 1910. The other schools,
with tlio attendance reported Monday
and that of the first school dav in
1918, follow:
Kuglewood, 105, 81
Oarfield, 241, 220
"(Grant 328, 283
- Highland, 153, 134
Uncoln, 31 4, 290 .
Yow Park, 154, 137 . '
Kiehmond, 154, 12t
-I'iVerything was in readiness for the
influx of school children Monday morn
ing. Under tne guidance of Supenn
,t of Schools John W. Todd, all
rs.were assigned and readv for
their ilntica when fho knll nf nll
that spelled the end of vacation days
rang out over the city. Janitors work- Uregon s productive ana industrial capa
iug during the summer months had pre- bilities. Many persons and families who
pared the school rooms for the opening 'remained in Salem or at the fair grounds
day. 'during the entire week of merriment
At the high school 15 ex-soldiers had ana sllow, apparently enjoyed the occa.
enrolled up to noon. . lsion to th lltm08t. Several families
Remodelling of the hysicaV training ,arfi t camped. at thn fair gronnds or
culture department of the high school . .. ... . .... ., . ' y . ......
enables the accommodation of 65 girls
now. otir new and modern sUowcts
have been installed, and 32 new dress
ing compartments, making the room,
which is situated in the attic of the
building, 75 .percent larger than form
erly. Physical culture is now compul
sory hi Salom schools, and much in
terest is manifested by the students in
this study.
Mr. Todd said that complete figures
on attendance in all eity schools ProD,
ably would be announced Tuesday... j
Wage Aad Hoar Demands Of
Mine Workers Was Reiected
Buffalo. IN. Y.. Ser,t. 29. Demands
of the United Mine Workers, of Amer
ica for a six hour, five day week, six
ty percent increase in wages -and other
concessions were formally rejected -by
operators of the central competitive
district today. The miners have set
( .November 1 as a date for a nation
wide strike in the event the demands
are not met by that time.
; i Critic alJnSe t tie men t of
Bish Railroad WalkOut
i , ; By Ed. L, Keen
- (United Ptcss Staff Correspondent.) .
: London, Sept.- 29. Great Britain, a
nation without -transportation, expected
today that the' next forty-eight hours
would prove the most crltoial period Of
the railway, strike, Toflay.And tomor
row, it was believed would show wheth
er the walkout would be-broken soon or
whether the nation would hsve to faee a
long siege. ' .'- ..-,"'"
i While all the strikers readily accept
ed the opportuntiy for a week end holi
day, it was believed today that many of
them were becoming disheartened over
the public's hostility and were likely to
resume work. . - -
I The government 'se efforts to operate
a; skeleton service were partly success
ful tod&y on both; local and long dis
tance lines.' The trains were manned by
Volunteers and loyal employes who. are
not members of the union. -
i The hoat train, running from London
to Folkestone,' departed on time. . V " ;
; The London Southwestern road is run
ning electric trains to the suburban dis-
With the close of ' the 58th annual
state fair of Oregon the state treasurer's '
coffers will be enriched by approximate-1
ly $80,000; Salem has been made ac-j
quainted with more thaii 150,000 visit-.
ing guests, aad the banner event of its
kind ever held in the state has been
successfully concluded., . '.
The abova estimatewere made Sat-
urdny night, tho closing-day of tho fair,
by A. H. Lea, secretary of tho state fair
board. He was unexpectedly culled to(
Portland Monday morning, so whether
these figures will be exceeded will not
be known until Mr. Lea's return Mon
day evening. .
Attendance at tho fair this veur Is
said to have exceeded by one-third that
of any previous year. Saturday's ot-
iHjndonvj broke all records for :he clos
ing day. Gate receipts, Saturday nigHt
totalled 4050 42190 more than the last
day's receipts in J ltl8.
Mon-Iav the wc rk of disinantltiti,; the
exhibition pavilions and sales stands
was in full swing. All exhibits, except
33 head of prize-winning cattle from the
Gene-Duluth Farms of Minnesota, and
three carloads of banner-carrying horses
from the Merritt-Bowers Farm, Tulare, I
'Cal.. have left the fair' grounds. These
cattle and norscs win oe permuiea io
rest a few days betorc undertaking tne
return journey to tueir -Homes.
Figures, at 4 o'clock Saturday, show
ed that 7o.471.26 . had been netted
through the big fair. Several thousands
of dollars arc yet to be "received from
non-resident exhibitors, according to
Miss Wilson, secretary to Mr. Lea, and
with tho receipt of this thetotol clear
ance from the show is expected to reach
Promise of a substantial balnnoe in
funds, although tho expense of this
year's fair was greater than any pre
vious ones, is made by Mr. Lea. Final
fiirures revealing the amount of this
balance may not bo known for 30 days
Jor more, when clerks working on the
' books of the fair have completed their
The law requires that this report be in
tl,c hands of Governor Oicott and State
Treasurer Hoff by December 1."
' The thousands of visitors to the fair
departed with best of impressions of i
in the vicinity and will remain to avail
themselves of the outdoor life la the
prevailing good weather. .
One of the greatest features of this
year's fair was the auto races. The
success of this part of the entertain
ment wins for its permanency in future
program of events. Horse races were
equally successfully staged. No acci
dents to mar the entertainment of the
thm,.,..,.i t. th,,. .!,. .
reported v .
a(ljnstracllts MiMm, ot .
l.ibitors will be considered by the state
it-ir board at
October 10.
a meeting scheduled fo:
Last Friday afternoon X. Watkins
fell from a barn lot -while helping
-i-udy Strubahr and broke his collar
bone and one rib on the left side.
Albany's public schools opened this
week with an enrollment of 893, an in-
crease? of 14 per cent over last year.
trust south of th Thames, maSntaintr. g
half hour service.
The troina u-re operated by union men
who refused ttf Strike. - s -.;' r. . ;:
1 The- seamen's.- and firemen's union,
voting against a strike, has dselared it
wilt-' remain loyal' to the" govern nvm.
Mid defeat the-endeavors of the bM
. heriki and . hot Heads of the industnnl
world.' '; .? ' :'-' ''. " : !;.'.'
1 The -traffic situation was unchanged
today. . Pending the government 's a
tempt t-o operate train service, travel re
mained oa difficult as When the strilto
begua. ,
1 Arrangements for the distribution" of
food are proceedings" smoothly, an of fi
cial . statement issued from" Downing
street ' declared. ' It " wse- stated' imme
diate use would be made of offers for
servic which were pouring in from all
parts of the country. ', 1 " v " v
! London is likc a city in a state of
siege--beseiged by a section of its own
population. The full extent of the
strike ' is" gradually -sinking into he
niinds of the people and affecting every
perfsou in one way or another.
! At the age of 90 years, Charles Arnbli't
died September 28, 1919, at' his homo
1145 Jforth. Liberty street, having boon
Jairosidcnt of Howell Prairie und- Balcm
for the past 67 years; .
He was born in Alsace-Lorraine In
(1829, comine ten years later to this
country and locating is Missouri. In
1-852 he crossed the plans coming direct
to Oregon
In' 1862' he -was married to
Mis Elinabeth Morrfss-
He lived on
iHowcll Prairio 3T yeaiB. .' .
Of the nine children, born, pix are liv
'ing; ,t Elvin A44 "Mfusi. Arnold Mid
lira Arnold, all 'of PoTtlBnurMrs, Nettie
Thompson; Mrs. Ida Thdmpsoir.'! ani(
Charles Arnold of Los Angeles.
I All six of the children will arrive in
Salem in time to attend the, funeral
services to be held Thursday, October l,
at the: home in Salem. Burial will be In
tho City View cemetery ,
Mrs. Catherine Foley Dies
In Oregon City On Sunday
' r- I - .
According to wrml received in Salem
Monduy, Mrs. Catherine Foley, wife or
Patrick Foley, formerly of this city,
died at their new home in Clackamas,
Oregon, Hunday. Funeral services will
be held at the Catholic ehurch at Clack
amas Wednesday.
. Besides her husband, Mrs, Foley is
survived by two sons and two daughter!
George R. Foley of Clackamas, Owen J,
Foley of San FranciscQi Mrs. George F.
Clem of Portland and Mrs. W. P. Rich
mond of Detroit .Mich.
Ne?ro Convict
From Flax Field Today
George Smith, a negro, 24 years o,(t,
sentenced from Umatilla- county last
April to a term of from ono to seven
years for larceny from a dwelling, es
caped from the flax patch at the state
prison this morning. Smith's record in
clude a term in the Walla Walla, Wn
and Deerlodge, Mont., penitentiaries and
in the Washington state reform school.
"Ther'a few purtier combinations t'
my mind than a snowy white shirt an ' a
pair o' bright hew galluses," said Gran
maw Paah, t'day. What's become o' th'
ole time travelin' ''specialist" that
looked like a Russian Socialist an' cured
ever thin' that eouldu be cured!
Few Employes of Bethl eh em
Compcmyltetyondfa .:
to Leave Jobo. "
: The steel workers attempt to extend the hation-wide
strike-to the Bethlehem Steel company apparently-failed-!
today. " Reports indicated that in most of the Bethlehem
mills the response was so limited that production will be ''
but little affected.
for o::e night
Portland Or., Sept.-' 29. Two holdups
the burglary of ' downtown jewelry
store, the robbery of a clothing estab
lishment, and tho daring theft of a
safe from the Casino theatre, in Burn
side street, were reported to the police
this morning. Thrco men drove up to
the theatre in an automobile, at an
early hour. They 'jimmied tho door of
the cashier's cage in the front of the
show house placed the safe, with an
unknown amount of money, into their
-car and drove away leisurely.
By-stanoerg watched them in their
theft, but thought ths robbers 'wero the
proprietors' of tho place, so bold was
their work,-- '. - ' "
The- safe contained the receipts of
Saturday night and Sunday.
The front window of a Third street
jewelry store was smashed early thil
morning by an unknown thief, who
made away with jewolry' worth $250. -
A lone highwayman held up thi
Standard Oil company's filling station
at Williams avenue and Sacramentc
street at mid.:ight, taking $150 awaj
from the clerk.
Two Chinese bandits held up a fan
tan game last night and ran own J
with $700. Chin Him, proprietor of the
fame, which boing conducted within
00 feet of tho polco station, ran
screaming into the street as the rob
bers left. The police took up tho chase,
arresting Kini" Wong as an alleged
Hurglnrs (with i fancy for high
prilled shirts cleaned out tho show
cases in the entrances to Ben Selling's
clothing storo early this morning. Other
coBtly habordashery was stolen, the
loot being valued at hundreds of dol
lars, i
One year in the slate penitentiary,
without limitation of time, was tho sen
tence imposed this morning on Wilbur
Wilson, ono of the four young men who
stole a new Studebakor automobile and
about $500 worth of supplies from a
I garage in Woodburn a month or so ago.
With this sentonco, ho may ask to come
before tho parole board within three
The other thrco young men who took
part in stealine about $2500 worth of
property got off easier, as thov pleaded
guilty. Staben is now serving a sen
tence of three months in tho county
jail. Forstner was given a one year
sentence in the state penitentiary, but
never got there as he was pa.-oled. Mer
chant, who claimed to be only 10 years
old and no record could be had to learn
his exact age, was tnrned over to the
Marion county juvenile eourt.
Auto Thief Will fisiit
Extradition To Oregon
I.. P. Aldrich of tho )Udd it Bush
bank, who went to Xos Angeles as a
deputy -sheriff to bring back tho thieves
who stole liis Dodgs car, did not return
today as expected. The delay is due to
the fact that the young thief who con
fessed to the robbery, has secured an at
torney who has brought habeas corpus
iroceedings to prevent the return to
Oregon. ')
Tho hearing was first set for last Sat
urday and then postponed until Tues
day of this week. Extradition papers
for the young thief had been issued here
nod had been honored by tho governor
of California. It is understood that one
'of the thieves who confessed, feigned
sickness and was taken to a hospite.l
from which he csenped.
I "Aside from 'the apparent initial fail- .'
ure of the Bethlehem' strike,. the steel :
workers appeared to be losing- ground
m their fignt ror unioniration or ino
Uu.trd -States Steel corporaton and its .
subsidiaries. - . In the all-important '
Pittsburgh district reports indicated an
increasing number, of men returning to ,
work. The feracgie Steel company was ,
particularly optimistic. The situation hi
the Ohio, Illinois, and Gary areas show-'.
ed, little change. ; . . ... , . ,
Announcement-wns 'made; at. ''the ,
White House today, that .the .'"round '
table"- industrial corif ereneo" whieh wan
expected to take up steel strike will '
be held October r6 'despite President
Wilson's illness. '
, Pittsburhg, Pa. Sept. 29. -''The steel
workers now on strike will cithei be
granted their demands or they will Imi
starved into submission and compelled
to return to-work," William JS, fWer,
orgarazer, said today In a statement to
newspapermen. , ; ; : ; ;
"I am convinced," he added, "that
tho steel workers are thoroughly organ
ized. Wo are not claiming that the
steel industry is shut down . entirely.
Some plants are not operating. Bat tho
normal production of steel has been
lowered in most eases well ever fifty
per1-cent. We are winning that la all
I can- say." ,;. : , -t,
Jones ad JjangliH officials-reported
the fourth attempt fo-fftU Out thrir
mo- had been in psychological mis
take, ' ' and that the men reported tit
day as usual 100 per cent.
Carncgio Steel company appeared tho
most optimistic in this district. They
announced, several hundred more men
reported today among f the mbcing
many foreigners.
The West Pen Steel company at
Hrackenridge heliovtd the strike at
their plant had been broken by tho
pledge of 30 mn to return to work
todav. -" :
, Steelton, Pa., Sept. 29. Hundreds of
workers at- tho Bethlehem Steel conr
pany's plant here 'reported for work
this morning In the face of the strike
order issued by Secretary FoKtor, of
the steel worker's union.
Newtown, Pa., Sept. 29. Approxim
ately fifteen per cent of the employees
of the Bethlehem Steel company at
South Bethlehem failed to report for
work this morsiing, it Is estimated fcy
Baltimore, Aid., Sept., 29.. The six
thousand workers of the Bethlehem
Steel company at Sparrows Point today
refused to strike. The night force was
on duty last night while the day shifts
reported at the usual time today.
South Bethlehem, Pa., Sept. 29.
Less than 20 pcr cent of tho workers
responded to the strike call at the Beth
lehem Steel plant this morning. There
, was no picketing in the vicinity of the
steel plant.
Sim Francisco, Sept. 29. (United :
Press,) The Southern Pucific Shorelino ',
Limited, which was wrecked last night ;
north of Kink City, with two dead and i
39 injured pulled out of San Luis Obispo ,
"like a streak of greased lightning, 5i
minutes late," according to a statement .
made today by Daniel Tutciihan,
San Francisco, Sept. 29. The special
train, bringing the injured from tho
wreck of the Southern Pacifie shore- .
line limited arrived hero at 6 a. ro. to-,
duy. The injured were taken at once
to the Southern Pacific general hospital -and
to the Mount Zion hospital.
The train, northbound, left the track
at Koi-k Point, a dungerous curve 8
miles north of King City. t
The engineer, Walter Patrick, and
the fireman O. Bernhardt, both of San
Luis Obispo, were killed.
The Solithern Pacific gave out a list .
of .19 injured, which includes:
Mrs. K, T. Kidgeman, lS.ri(J Shelly -street.
Seattle, bruised.
T. D. Starke, and wife, 1835 Barclay
street, Vancouver, let's bruised. 5
Total registration at tho opening of
school in Albany Monday reaehod !M. '
I lie largest ever recorded on the first
dav of school. .