General General News' Section News. ' (ffl kjfl $ 1 "i SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY; SEPT. 27,' 1919. JISMiB imMuI ' JPlOOT -yvtm .-oo , . ,. : , . ' ' lllHif lllSil lilillii ' The first premium awards in the live lock section of the state fair have been - ;uuMiuuced by the judges as follows: - ' J.V. 8. Hart & bone, Monroo, Oregonr ilat ram, 2 years old or over; -Wilhara V .Waddle & Sons, Monmouth, 2nd ram, 2 'years old or over; Clow Brothers, Inde pendence, Or., 3rd ram, 2 years old or vcr. .... . 'v , ... : ,. ' ', Clow Brothers, Independence, 1st ram. ,, ' ) year old and under. .. -i. Clow Brothers. 2nd ram, 1 year old . Hi under. - . J. 1i. S. Hubbard & Sons, Monroe,- 3rd mm, 1 year old and under. ! i Win. Kcddlc & Sons, Monmouth, 4tu jam, 1 .year old and under. . Clow Bros., Independence , 1st , ram ,nb. : .. - . Clow Bros., Independence, 2nd ram lamb. I William Reddle & Sons, Monmouth, 3d tu Iamb.? : t J. D. 8. Hubbard & Sons, Monroe, 4tn lam dumb. -,. " , Claw Bros., Independence, 1st ewe, 2 years old or over. . . William Beddle & Sons, Monmouth, Sad ew, 2 years old or -over... .).; :'., V ' - William. Reddle . & Sons, Monmouth, Srd ewe, 2 years old or over., ; J. IX S. Hubbard & Sons, Monroe, 4th we, two years old or over. J. D. S. Hubbard & Sons, Monroe, 1st ewv 1 year old and under. 1 It D. 8i Hutbard Sons, Moaroe, Snd . juui oia and under. - J. D. S. Hubbard & Sons, Monroe, 3rd ewe, 1 yeaT old and under. " Clow Brothers, Independence, 1st ewe ' dow Bros.j Independence, and ewe lamb. ; '. '" - William Reddle & Sous, Monmouth, 3d ewe lamb. ' ' . - ;''; ' ''' ; William Redjlle & Sons, Monmouth, 4th ewe,, lamb? .-:-' -- .. ..' ..... .K - i - ' J. D. S. Hubbard & Sons, Monroe, 5th we lamb. . William let flock. -. William Sad flock. - WilKara Reddle & Sons, Monmouth, Reddle & Sons, Monmouth, Reddlo & Sons, Monmouth, 1st flock bred by exhibitor. Clow Brothers; Independence, pc lambs, either sex, 1st. : '"' " : .";"'' William Reddle & Sons, Monmouth, fen four lambs, either sex, 2nd. ." J. D. S. Hubbard & Sons, Monroe, pen Joor lambs, either sex, 3rd. t '; ' Clow Bros., Independence,; pen 4 Iambs, bred by exhibitor, cither sex, 1st. ; William Reidle & Sons, Monmouth, rpen 4 lambs, cither sex, bred by exhv tor, 2nd. ' '" ' ; J. I). S; Hubbard & Sons, Monroe, ram ay age, 1st.' . Clow Bros., Independence, ewe, any go. 1st. S Awards on Poland China swine fol lows -, ; C. H. Lee, Silverton, Or.; 1st ' boar, 2 yeara old or over. ; K. W. Hogg, Salem, 2nd boar, 2 yei old or over. , J. W. Einger, Seattle, 2nd board, - -years old or over. llir .T. Fox. Lvons. 1st boar, la 'months, under two years. ' E. O., Loe, Silverton, 2nd boar, 18 months, under 2 years. ' Herbert Willard, Dayton, On, 1st boar -1 Tear, under 18 months. '. ; Kay J. Fox, Lyons, 2nd boar, 1 year, aader Is months. Herbert Willard, Dayton, 3rd boar, 1 (Jar, under 18 months. O. T. Murphy & Son, Huljbard, 1st lmar, 6 months, under 1 year. C. K. Loe, Silverton, 2nd boar, 6 "months, under 1 year. Kay J. Fox, Lyons, 3rd boar, 6 months ndcr 1 year. , Ky J. Fox, Lyons, 4th boar, 6 months Under 1 year. K. O. Loe, Silverton, 4th sow, 6 jMntlts, under 1 year. . O. T. Murphy k Son, Hubbard, 1st aoar, under 6 months. O: T. Murphy & Son, 2nd boar, under C months. - C. K. Loe, Silverton, 3rd boar, under ft months. . - C. K. l.oe, Silverton, 4th boar, under .C months. . . - Herbert Willard, Dayton.. 5th. boa-r, ndcr 6 months. . Kay J. Fox,-Lyons, 1st sow, 2 years 'M n over. ; ,3 . Bay J. Fox, Lyons, 2nd sow, 2 years ld. or over. . O. T. Murphy & Son, Hubbard, 3rd bow, 2 years old or over. Herbert Willard, Dayton, 4th sow, 2 years old or over. , Herbert Willard, Dayton, 5th sow, 2 yean old or over. Kav J. Fox, Lyons, 1st sow, under 18 psoBths, nnder 2 years. Kay J. Fox, Lyons, 2d sow, 18 months nder 2 years. J. W. Binger, Seattle, Wash., 3rd sow, M months, under two years. , . , Bay J. Fox, Lycns, 1st sow, 1 year, wnieT 18 months. Kay .T. Fox, Lyons, 2nd sow, 1 year, aader 18 months. " " Alvin L. Gilkey, Scio, 3rd sow, 1 year amder IS months. E. 0. Loe,'Silverton, 5th sow, 1 year, under 18 months." , E. 0. Lee,-Silverton, sow 1 year, under 18 months. Wayne Pox, Lyons, 1st sow, 6 mouths under 1 year. ' Ray J. Fox, Lyons, 2nd bow, 6 months uider 1 year. - ' Ray J. Fox, Lyons, 3rd sow, 6 months under 1 year. X: T. Murphv & Son, Hubbard, 4th sow, 8 months, under 1 year. . 0. T. Murohy & Son's, Hubbard, 5th bow; 6 months, under 1 year. - ' T." B. Clark, Dayton, 1st sow, uudor 6 months. O. TJ' Murphy & Sons, Hubbard, 2nd sow, under 6 months. 0. T. Murphy & Sons, Hubbard, 3rd sow, under 6 months. 1 T. B. Clark, Dayton, 4th sow, under 1 months. ' i e- Bay J. Fox, Lyons, 5th sow, under months. - ' . , Ray J. Fox, Lyons, 1st aged herd. Herbert Willard, Davton, 2nd aged herd. ,.. J. W. Binger, Seattle, Wash., 3rd aged herd. '" -' t ' v : c. :.-.;,.. ;" . ; Herbert ' Willard, Dayton, 1st aged herd bred by exhibitor. , . . ,i .. Ray J. Fox, Lyons, 1st young herd. -. 0. T. Murphy & Son, Hubbard, 2n4 young herd. .-- u '- T. B, Clark, Dayton, 3rd young herd Ray J. Fox, Lyons, 1st young herd bred by exhibitor. T. BT Clark, Dayton, 2nd young herd bred by exhibitor. : C. K, Loo,' Silverton, 3rd young herd bred by exhibitor.' ; Ray J. Fox, Lyons,' 1st get of sire. 0.;T. Murphy & Son, Silverton, 2nd get'of sire. .- ,,:;'ri-, ... . :; J : 0.' T. Miirphy" & Son, Hubbard,: 1st, produce of sow ' ' ''-: T.'. B. Clark, Payton, 2n"dr produce of sow. ' '-' ; ? Ray J, Fox, Lyons, 1st, senior oham pi on boar. . . . 0. T. Murphy & Son, 1st, junior cham pion boar. . : 1 Ray J. Fox, Lyons, 1st, senior cham pion sow. , Ray J., Fox, Lyons, 1st, junior chain, pion sow," - . ' j, Ray J; Fox, Lyons, 1st, boar. Ray J. Fox, Lyons, 1st aow..: ,-, f . ? R. W. Hogg,' Salem, 1st, barrow under 300 pounds. . . , R. W. Hogg, Salem, 2nd, barrow under 300 pounds.- . -.' : Ray J. Fox, Lyons, 1st, pen 3 barrows under 300 pounds. - O. A. C, Corvallis, 2nd, pen 3 barrows under 300 pounds. Awards on Tamworth swine all went to J. W. Renger of Seattle, Wash. They were: Sow, 2 years old and over, 1st pre mium. Senior sow, 1st premium. Sow, 1st premium. Mr. Renger won first on the following Hampslrires: Boar, 2 years old or over. . Boar, 18 months under 2 years. Boar, 6 months, under 1 year. Boar under 6 months. Sow 2 years old or over. Sow, 18 months, under 2 years. Sow, 1 year, under 18 months. Sow 2 years old or over. Sow, 18 months, under 2 years.- Sow, 1 year, under 18 months. Sow six months, under 1 year. Sow under 6 months, 1st and 2nd pre miums. ... Aged herd. - . . Young herd. Young herd bred by exhibitor. Get of sire. Produce of sow. Senior boar. Junior boar. Senior sow. Junior sow.; Boar. -Sow. SHEEP AND GOATS - Milch Goat Exhibitors, J. B. Stomp & Son, Mon moothj Mrs. B. M. Woods, Salem. Buck one year fend under two Stump & Son, first. Doe one year and under two Mrs. B. M. Woods first. Angora Goats Exhibitors, J. B. Stump & Son, Mon mouth; Wm. Beddle & Sons, Monmouth S. F. Zyssott, Scio; B. W. Hogg, fca- lem; W. D. Gilliam, Dallas. ,Rnk two years old or over Stump & Son, first; Zyssett, second; Beddoll x Sons, third; Stump & Son, fourth; Hogg, fifth.- . Buck one year and under two Red- dell & Sons, first; Zyssetf, second; Red dell Sons, third; Stump & Son, fourth Stump & Son, fifth. Buck kid Reddell & Sous, first and second; Hogg, third; Stump & Son, fourth; Ho?g, fifth. , Doe two years old or over neaoeii & Sons first and second; btump & oon third and fifth; Zyssett,- fourth. Doe one year- and under 2 Reddell & Son, first ; and second j Zyssett, third and fourth; Gilliam, fifth.-'. ".' " '. , ' ' Doe : kid Ueddoll & Son,- first and second; Zyssett,-third and fourth.; Gil liam, fifth. .. - ' , - "' ; . Flock iReddell ft Son', first; Zyssett second; . Stump & Son, third; . .Gilliam, fourth; Hogg, fifth. ..; ' j Get of sire Reddell & Sons, first; Zyssott,' second; Gilliam, third; Stump & Son, fourth; Hogg, fifth. Produce of doe Reddell & Sons, first; Zyssott, second.' -- " Breeder's premium"i-Rcddll & Son's first; Zyssett, second; Stump & Son, third; Gilliam, fourth; Hogg, fifth. ' - Buck any age Stump & Son, first. Doe any age Reddell & Son second and third; Kerby, fourth. " . . Angora Goats Long Haired ' " Exhibitor, Wm. Reddell & Sons, Mon mouth, first and second. ' . y Sheep Cheviot , Exhibitor, Raleigh Templeton. " " ." Ewe two years old or over Temple ton, first and second. . - Sheep Airy Breed -"" . . Exhibitor, J. E 8. Hubbard & Son, first on pen or rams, consisting of not less than five. V v : "; fc! Fat- Sheep All Fine Wool' Breeds Exhibitor, Ed Schoel,: Albany. ,. Wether lamb tichoel, first and sec ond. - . Pen. of three wether lambs Schoel, first. " ' ; '." ..', Sheep Cotswolds - Exhibitors, Reddell & S0ns," Mon-. mouth; ;D. J ''Kejrlby, cMinnville; Gust Jaeger, Sherwood; O. T.i Murphy & Son, Hubbard. . Ram two years old or over Murphy & Son; first; Reddell & Sons, second and third; Kerby, fourth; Jaeger fifth Ram one -year-, and under two Ker by, first, second,, third and fourth; Jaeger, fifth,. . .-r', - Ram lamb Kerby, first and third; -Reddell & Soil's, second and fourth; Jaeger,', fifth. . T,; Ewe two years old or over Reddell 8c Sons, first and sbcond; Kerby, third and fourth; Jaeger, fifth. r Ewe ono year and under two Red dell & Sons, first and third; Kerby second and fourth; Jaeger, fifth. Ewe lamb Reddell & Sons, first and third; Kerby, second and fourth; Mur phy & Son,' fifth, i , Flock Reddell & Sons,, first; Kwr by, second and third; Jaeger," fourth. Flock 'bred by exhibitor-r-Roddell & Sons, first; Kerby, second and third; Jaeger, fourth.' . Pen of four lambs, either sex Bed dell & Sons, first; Kerby, second; Mur phy & Son, third; Jaegor, fourth. , - Pen of four lanubs, either sex, ihrcd by exhibitor Reddell & Sons, first; rveroj, seconrt; Murphy ic Son; third; Jaeger, fourth. Ram any age Kerby, first. Ewe any age Reddell & Sons, first Sheep-Hampahires Exhibitors, J. (i, S. Hubbard & Son, monroe; jca ccnoci, Albany. J. G. 8..' Hubbard & Son, first on the following: Ram 2 years old or over; ram 1 year and under two; ram lamb; owe two years oia or over; ewe one year and under two; ewe lamb: flock: flock, bred by exhibitor; pen of four lambs, cither sex; pen of four lambs, either sex, bred by exhibitor; ram any age; ewe any age; produce of ewe. Hubbard & Son, second on the folJ lowing: Ram 2 years old or over: ram lamb; ewe two years old or over; ewe one year and under twp; ewe lamb; flock; flock, bred by exhibitor; pen oi rour lamios. Ed Schoel, third on the following: Ram lamb; pen of two lambs, either sex; pen of four lambs, cither sex bred oy exniDitor. . -;. Schoel, fourth Jon ram lamb, i Sheep Bambouillet Exhibitors, William GaJlowav. Sa lem; C. H. Craig, Lowden, Wn; Ed ocnoei, Aioany. r Craig, first on the" following: Ram two years old or over; ram one year and under two; ram lamb; ewe two years old or ovor; ewe one year . and under two; 'Vwe lamb; flock; flock, bred by exhibitor: lien of four lambs. cither sex; pen of four lambs, either sex, bred by exhibitor; ram any age; ewe any age. l-raig, eeeona eir-'ram two rears old or over; ram lamb; ewe. two years old or over; cWei one year old and nnder 2; ewe lamb; frock; flock, bred by ex- liibitor; pert of foor-lambs, either sex; pen of four lambs, either Bex, bred by exnroiior. . ; Schoel, second on pen of four lambs. either sex, and on pen of four, either sex, bred by exhibitor. Behoel, third on the following: ram two years old or over; ram lamb; ewe! two years old or over; ewe one year and nnder two; ewe Iamb; flock; flock Dred y exhibitor. Schoel. fourth on the following: Ram lamb; ewe two years old or over; ewe lamb. . - . All Middle Wool Breeds. Wether 1 year and nnder 2: Vaughn & Fox 1 and 2; Wether lamb: O. A. C. I,1 and 2; Vaughn & Fox 3; Pen of 3 wetii- er lambs: O. A. C. 1 and 2; Vaughn Fox 3; Champion wether 0. A. C.j Cham pion pen of lambs O. A. C. " Oxford Downs. '.' Earn 2 years old or' over":' Kizer 1 and 2; Kara 1 year old and under: Kizer 1 arid 2; Ram lamb, Starr 1 and 3; Kizer 2 and 4;. -! '.:;' i ". ' ,': ' ' ,Ewo 1 year. ' and under 2: Starr ; Kizer 2 and 3; Ewe iamb: Starf -1 and 3;, Kizer 2 and 4; ' .'. : .. . Flock: Kizer 1 and 3; Starr 2; Pen 2 lumbs, either sex: Starr 1; Kizer 2 and 3; Pen of 4 lambs, either sex: Kizer 1 anJ2, (bred by exhibitor.) Ram any age,: . Kizer 1; Ewe any ago: Kizer 1. , . 1 Southdowns. : ' J. G S. Hubberd & Sons received 1st and 2nd premiums on the following: Ram 2 years old or over; Ram 1 year old and under: Barn-lamb; Ram 2 years old or over; Ewe 1 year and under 2; Ewe lamb Floek; Flock bred by exhibitor; Fen ot 4 lambs, either Bex; Pen of 4 lifmbs, either sex, bred by exhibitor; Ram any age; Ewe any age; : Bam 2 years old or over: Richardson & Griffith I and 6; Vaughn Fox 2 and 4; Floyd D. Fox 4. ' , .... Bam 1 year and under 2: Vaughn & Fox t and 2; Richardson & Griffith 3 and 4. '.' ,"; :"."v: .., ... ' . i Bam ; Lamb: . Floyd D. Fox 1 and 2; Vaughn & Fox 3 and 4; Richardson a Griffith 5. '-' ' " vi;. - Ewe 2 years old or over: Flovfl D. Fox 1 and 2; Vauchn 4 Fox 3 and 4,; ; Richardson & Griffith. 5. - 1 Ewe 1 year and under 2: Flovd D. Fox 1; Vaughn & Fo 2 and 3; Floyd D. Fox 4; Richardson tc Griffith 5.' Ewe Lamb:. Floyd D, Fox 1 end 2: Vaughn & Fox 3; Richardson & Griffith 4; Vaughn & Fox 5. - v . Flock: Floyd D: Fox 1; Vaughn & Fox 2; Richardson & Griffith 3. -. Flock bred by exhibitor: Vaughn & Fox 1; Richardson ts Griffith 2. . . Pen of 4 lambs, either sex: Floyd 15. Fox 1; Vaughn & Vox 2; EichaTaon 4r Griffith 3. Pen of 4 lambs, eithor sex, bred by exhibitor: Floyd D. Fox 1; Vaughn & Fox 2; Richardson & Griffith 3. Ram, any age: Richardson & Griffith 1. '; '". ... ; Ewe, any age: Floyd D. Fox. Fat Sheep, All Long Wool Breeds. Wether 1 year and undor 2: 0. A. C. 1. ....... ' -J ill HOBSES JC afC )(( S(t jfi Clydesdale . years or .over: Stallion Sous 1st. Dryden & Stallion 2 years: Boigcr 1; Ownby 2 and 3. . . , Stallion 1 year': Reynolds 1 and 2. Marc and Buckling colt: Reynolds 1. Mare 4 years or ovor: Roynolds 1; Mcrritt & Bowers 2; Ownbey 3 and 4. Mnre 1 year: Reynolds 1. , " Fily under 1 year: Reynolds 1. - Get of one sire: Reynolds 1. Produce of one mare: -Reynolds 1. Senior champion stallion: Rryden & Sons 1. . Junior champion stallion: Rieger 1. Senior champion mare: Reynolds 1. Junior champion maro: Reynolds 1. Stallion: Reigor 1. , . , Mare: Reynolds 1. Five animals owned by exhibitor: Reynolds 1. Thoroughbreds, Stallion 4 years old or over: Bagley 1; Galbraith 2. , Stallion l year: Murphy 1. Mare 4 years old or over: Bagley 1; Galbraith 2; Parker 3 Gaffney 4; Mir pbv 5. Mare 2 years: Ryers 1. Stallion 3 years and over: Baglev . Marc 3 years old and over: B;.;-i-y 1. Stallion any age: Bagley 1. Mare or filley any age: Bagl y 1. Morgans. StaJHon' 4 years and over: Augcl 1; Woodcock 2. - Stallion 3 years: Angel 1; Woodcock 2. Stallion lyear: Woodcock 1. " Stallion under I year: Woodcock I. Maro 4 years and over: Angel 1 and 2; Vaughn 3. . Mare 1 year; Woodcock 1. Filly ifnder 1 year: Angel 1 and 2." Get of one sire: Vaughn 1; Woodcock Produce 1 mare: Vaughn 1 and S; Woodcock 3. . ! Stallion 3 years and over: Angel 1. 1 J Stallion 2 year and under: Woodcock j Stallion any age Woodcock 1. 4 I Mare or filly uny age: Angel 1. French or German Coach. Stallion 4 years or over: Merritt THvOISON OAK - rWasn with weak solu tion of bio atone or time water, dry thor oughly, follow with light appli cation of vicrcs VAPom YOUR BODYGUARD" -20?. 60', 2f ML tl-20 Bowens 1. V' :; - ' '. :' Mare 4 years and over: Ruby 1. " Stallion 3 year, and over: Merritt : & Bowers 1. '- " , ' ' " ' Stallion anv.'age: Morrift & Bowers. . :'- -. : - Draft Horses. - - ,.'.-.,; '. Gelding, or mare 4 years or over: o gcr 1 and 2; Webb 3 and 4. Gelding or mare 3 years: Webb 1 and 2. '..", ..- .- '.'. : - Gelding or mare -2 yearsr Webb 1 and 2: ' . ' Pair to weigh botween 2800 and 3200 11m: Ruby 1; Burge- 2; - Ownbey ' 3; Webb 4. ' -Pair to weigh over 3200 lbs: Merriw. & Bowers 1 and 4; Ruby 2; -Jaeger 2. . -Four horses community team to weigh over 3200 lbs: Ruby 1; Merritt & Bow ers 2.- - .-:.'. - -, - Jacks, Jennets and Mules.- - . A. C. Ruby received first and seconft premium on the following: Jack, 4 years old or over;-Jack, 8 year and under; Jack 2. years and under 3; Jock 1 yeR-r and-nnder 2; Jennet and foal. (by Jaeky at her side; Jennctt 4 years or older; J'cnnett 3 years; under ,4f Jennott 8 WW(fMIWjfcM'j WMVVM .-''''fej' wm Marguerite Clark "Widow By Proxy NOT A DEAD MOMENT IN IT. SO FUNNY YOU TILL YOU CRY. VAUDEVILLE "TREATING 'EM ROUGH" A SENNETT COMEDY contin ; uous SHOW . TOMORROW years, under 3;. Jack under 1 year.' ; i; Span of miiles: Merritt & Mowers 1 nad-2. .--.; -':iv-'r Four mule team: Merritt & Bowers 1. ; . Shetland Fonies. ; M F. P. Wolfe received 1st premiuin on the following: Stallion 4 years or over; jmare 4 years and over; Mare 3 years: jfilly under 1 year; get of ono sire; pro duce of 1 mare; stallion 3 years and lover;. Mare 3 years and over;, stallion I any age; mare or filly any age. Mare 4 years and over: D. M. Dry- don & Sons 2;- Wolfe 3. , ' : .' ' :: .: ..HOGS'. '; ' -. ... . . Chester White. Boar, 2. years old and over Nioholii 1st; Scholl 2nd; Renger 3rd; Fletcher 4th. , ;, ,;. '.'-'-.;; '' .'.!...(;'- ..- Boar, 18 months, under 2 years Brown 1st. ". .' '. Boar' 1 year, under 18 months Nich ols 1st; ("lnggett 2nd; Benger 3d; Brown Tomorrow - Monday IN PATHE tfiS I " 2:15 W-i N -u s ) WUQ 8-15 ''i?-lZ iWifrnwstwrif ... " 4th;"8ehoU 5th. '.':.-'' "-r; i'r; -v ; :-', '? " Boar under 8 months-Claggett .2nd; -Hunger 3rd; Brown 4th and 5th; . Sow, 2 years bid or over---Browii Jtj Sehbll 2nd and 8rd;"Niehol!4 ith; ,' " ' Sow 18 months, under 8 years Brown 1st; Fletcher 2nd,'. ,'.";;,; V .;, ;. . Sow 1 year, under 18 months Brown 1st and 2nd; Scholl 3rd; Fletcher . "4th and 5th. . .- , '- .' .- ;''- Sow, 6 months, under 1 yearr-SchoJl 1st; Nichols 2nd; Scholl 3rd; Brown -ft'n and 5th. : ' ' '. " ' " ' ' -, Sow under 6 months r Benger 1st and 2nd; Brown 3rd; Scholl 4th; Alex Har old and Son 5th,v ' - ''.-..".'"'','.' "' Aged Herd Brown 1st; Scholl Sn; Fletcher 3rd.'";' .V vT'.V-;V-v''v;0-i"' ' ' Young'Herd Nichols 1st; Renger 2d; -Scholl 3rd. , ' " . ' ' " Get of sire Brown 1st; Nichols. 2nd; ' Senior champion Boar Nichols 1st.; . Junior champion Boor Fletcher 1st. ' Senior champion sow Brown. 1st. i . Junior champion Sow Benger 1st." Boar Nichols 1st, . " t (Continued on page two LAUGH news ; " pictorial