Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 27, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Balero creameries have started a move
Kent to reform competitive exhibitions
f butter at fairs and displays, so tn,
the prizes- will bo offered upon samples
t average production instead of special
ly exhibit prepared cubes,
i It is pointed out ag a well known fact
that the present day competitive exhi
bition of butter and the awarding of
prizes carries very .little, if any, valu
able information to the general public
.fhat buys butter. The butter maker who
enters hig cube in the contest prepares
the same under extraordinarily favor
able conditions, selecting his cream
'(nearly always sweet crenm) and churn
Jne game with the care and dovotcd at
tention that he would not think of using
b the daily run of business.
S . The cubo that h8exhibits rarely rep
kesents the dailv output of his creamery
And. the result is that the public got
very little practical information in order
to be able to judge whether or not a
ereamery is entitled - to the credit of
waking a 92 seore butter or better in Its
daily run of business. The faet is that
Itbo. daily market feports from PortJsno
had Seattle and other points indicate
tint for more than a month there lias,
fcecn but very little 92 seore butter in
eyideneo in any of these commercial
confers. '
If every creamery that entered a con
test would furnish a bona fide sample
of Its daily average churning made from
the daily receipt of sour cream furnish
ed by its cream patrons nnd handled In
tie enetomary manner, then the results
would carry with it the practical in for
mat ion that the. public is entiled to.
There is a general concensus of opm
ion on tho part of creamery men and
dairy products officials that sucn a
course should be followed and adhered
to, and sporadic efforts have at timet)
eon mndo to adopt the plan. F. O.
Doeekbac.lv president of' the' Marion
Creamery of Salem, firmly bolioves.iha
dis is the only fair way of holding any
butter contest in which the public has a
ital interest. Desiring to start the
Movement in this direction, yet fully
malixing at the same time the hnndicap
tkey were assuming, the Marion Cream
ery entered a cube of butter taken from
Its daily run of churning, at the- Oregon
state, fair ereamery butter contest.
Accompanying he entry was the fol
lowing affidavit:
1,1'. 0. Dockebach, president of; tho
Unci On Creamery & Produce Co., hereby
srtify that the cube of butter entered
By this company as above set forth,
was a. part of the regular daily churn
ing. Bald churning being mndo. of tho
our cream received on Septembor 20th
from 79 individual cream patrons and
churned into butter on the morning of
September 21st, 1919. Said facts being
fully set fortlHm the churning sheet of
September 21st. ' Total butter churned
802 pounds. ... .
Signed F. G. DECKK.BACH,
! r ..- President.
Subscribed and sworn to this 21st
day of September, 1919, before me
i " Notary Public.
The judges of the contest at the state
fair scored this butter at 92 per cent
perfect. As was to be expected twelve
entree scored somewhat higher in the
contest of twenty entrees. However,
the Marion Creamery"offieials and espe
cially C M. Frye, who triads the butter,
feels well satisfied at the result. It
clearly and fully demonstrated that the
customers of the, ereamery were reswv
inr dnily a butter that scored at least
92 per rent or better, for every one at
all familiar with dairying, knows that
the cream received during the months of
August end September is always the
poorest as to quality and quantity of
the entire year.
Ptnte Food and Dnirv Commissioner
Micklo was deeply interested in the out
eomc of this venture ns also was his
deputy, Mr. JSiemor. Whether or not
future contests will adopt qualifications
of this charactor remains to be seen. It
certainly would aid greatly in building
up the reputation of Oregon butter mak
ing and provide the consumer with tho
real facts as to the quality of the vari
ous makes of butter current in the Ore'
gon market. '
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Turner, Sept. 27. George Farris has
rented the old Pink house on D Btreet.
Mrs. IB. G. Briggs was transacting
business in Salem Friday.
. L. D. Barr has begun work on his
new home, on 3d street. Mr. Barr has
engaged Mr.. Loony to do his carpea
ter work. ' ','
R. A. Witzol of Salem and Ed Smith
of Grays IKiver, Wash., were in Tur
ner 'Friday, the guosts of their brother-in-law,
h. D. Barr. . .
Miss Jeannottc Gray has returned
from her vacation. t-.. .
Fred Moore is 'back in the store
rionnrlnq; Mrs.
Vancouver, Wash.
W. .1, Winkler of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Bones entertained a number of rela
tives at dinnor on Friday of this week.
Clyde A. Kelly and Miss Pearl Black
man wore married in' Portland last
Thursday Sept. 18. Mr. and . Mrs. Kel
ly will be at home to their friends
after Oct. 1st at the corner of A and
5th stroots.
A merry bunch serenaded Mr. nnd
Mrs. Kolly Monday evening, after
a generous supply of c'idor and weinies
the crowd presented the "newlyweds"
with a very useful present. All wool,
a yard wide, and guaranteed not to
leak. . "
Mrs. G, F. Robertson and daughter,
Theo, of Balem are in Turner for a
short "visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bobertson are
to move to Helix, Oregon, this week.
' Miss Helen Peetz will finish high
school in Astoria this winter.
Alfred Wright is up from Portland.
Mis. B. W. Gilfillan of Portland re
turning from a visit in Albany, was
a week end visitor at the Turner home.
E. Farris has rented the honse on C
sctreet, recently , vacated by-Mrs. Jas
min. '
E. L. Welch was a recent business
visitor in Turner.
The Farris family from the Liberty
district are moving into tho Wright
Vacant houses are scarce in Turner.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Or., Sept. 27. Dr. M. L.
'Bhompson of Falls City was a Dallas
business visitor Thursday afternoon.
Miss Dorothy Childs of Independence'
was a guest this week at the home of
Mr. an Mrs. H. 0. Eakln on Court
Mrs. J. C. Uglow and children are
visiting this week at the home of her
mother, Mrs. A. M. Perry at McMinn
ville. ,
Mrs. Frank Kcrslake of Portland is
a guest this week at the homo of Mrs.
E. W. Fuller on Court street.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Craven wont to
Portland, Thursday morning for a short
business trip. ' 1
Miss Maud Barnes left Thursday
morning for Eugene where he will en
ter the University of Oregon.
Jtfrs. M. B. Young returned from Port
land this week after a short visit at tho
home of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Leitch.
H, V. Link, a prominent rancher of
tho Pedee neighborhood, was a Dallas
business visitor this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Bilyeu left Thurs
day for Spokane, Washington, where
Mrs. Bilyeu will attend- a meeting of
the Commercial club secretaries of the
northwest. Mrs. Bilyeu is secretary of
the Dallas Commercial club.
Mrs. R. G. Balderrce and daughter,
Miss Echo, wore capital city visitors the
first of the week. "'
Dallas was practically deserted Thurs
day, several hundred of her citizens hav-
'iug departed fqr Salcin to attend the
state fair.
The great nerve tonic ,the-fanioua
.5. grain tonoline tablets that will put
vigor, vim and vitality into .nervous,
tited out, all in, despondent people in
a few days.
Anyone can buy a box, they are inex
pensive, and Perry's drug store is au
thorized by tho maker to refund the
purchase pirce if anyone is dissatisfied
in according with guarantee in each
large Ibox. '-
Thousands prnise them for general
debility, nervous prostration,- mental
depression and unstrung nervoscaused
by ovor indulgence In alcohol, tobacco,
or overwork of any kind. - v -
As a brain food orlfor any affliction
of the nervous system tonoline is un
surpassed,' while for hysteria, trembling
and neuralgia they are simply splen
did. Mail orders filled for out of town
customers. (Adv.)
We Wish All the State Fair Visitors
A Hearty W
And assure you that it will be TO YOUR CREDIT TO GIVE US A CALL if in
need of anything in the line of
Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear or
Being one link in the chain of 197 Busy Stores which buy for cash, sell for cash,
' and do not deliver, we are enabled to
LADIES' COATS ................ ... $1g 5Q to $fi5 M
ladies' suits : .... $24.50 to $45.00
!S " 9.90 to $42.50
AISTS " " $ 1.49 to $ 7.50
PETTIC0ATS - $ 125 to $ 4.98
wool jersey ,......... .,............; tfM Yd
tricotine , : :-. $4.98 Yd
SERGES .. ....,... - - 98c to $2.98 Yd
WOOL PLAIDS .,. .$1.15 to $425 Yd
I . -LI
Public Auction
MONDAY, SEPT., 29, 1919
10:30 a; m.-5 1-2 miles northwest of Salem, on the
Salem-Dayton road, near Lincoln, in Polk County.
Consisting of the following;
HORSES 1 bay horse, age 8 years, weight 1300 lbs.; 1 bay horse,
ago 6 years, weight 1150 lbs.; 1 black horse, age 6 years, weight 1200 lbs.
COWS' AND HOGS 1 Jersoy cow, ago 8 years, fresh Nov. 1st; 1
Jersey cow, age 6 years, fresh Nov. 2; 1 Jersey cow, age 5 years, fresh
Nov. 5; 1 Jersey cow, aged 3 years, fresh Nov. 9; 1 Jersey cow, age t)
years, fresh Jan. 16; 1 Jersey cow, age 3 years, fresh April 19;' 1 Hoi
stein and Durham cow, age 8 years, fresh Nov, 27; 1 Holstein and Dui
, ham cow, age 4 years, in calf; l Durham bull, age 18 months; 1 heifer, ,
age 2 year; 2 calves. All the above cows are good milkers. l'O. I. C.
brood sow, with 6 pigs; 1 double set breeching harness; 1 double set
chain harness.
FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 McCormick Binder, 6 ft. cut; 1 10-ft. Me-.
Cormick rake; 1 5-ft cut McCormick mower; 1 broadcast Beeder; 1 2-horse
coin cultivator; 1 2-section lover harrow; 1 disk harrow; 1 John Deere"
stool plow; 1 Economy King cream separators new; 1 light wagon; 1
truck wagon; 1 hay rack; chickens, geese, milk cans, etc. All the above
machinery is as good as new.
TERMS: All articles under $20 will be cash, over
that amount, 6 months time will be given to parties
furnishing approved bankable notes at 8 per cent in
E. E. BUCKLES, Owner
R.F.D. No. 1, Phone 1F23
' The Auctioneer,
Phone 510 or 511, Salem
Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1919
10 a..m'., nine miles southwest of Salem on the Slough
road, or 2 1-2 miles east of Independence, in Marion
county. .
Having 'rented my farm for a term of years, I will sell without
reserve, the, following: 1 bay mare, 6 years old, weight 1600 lbs.; 1
black horse, 7. years old, weight 1600 lbs. 1 brown mare 8 years old,
weight 1100 lbs., good driver; 1 black Jersey cow, 9 years old, fresh in
November;' 1 yellow Jersey cow, 4 years old, fresh in November; 1
yellow Jersey cow, 3 years old, fresh about October 7th; 1 squirrel grey
Jorsey cow, 8 years old, fresh about October 7th; 1 black and white
Jersey and Holstein cow, 2 years old, giving 3 gallons daily; 2 grey
heifers, 9 months old; 10 (Shropshire ewes; 15 Shropshire wether lambs,
fat; 1 Duroo brood sow, 2 years old; 18 Duroe pigs 30 to 50 pounds
each; 12 white Leghorn hens; 12 Rhode Maud Red hens. 1 Hickorv
wngoir 3 J4iisch, good as new; 1 Bain wagon; 1 single buggy; 1 Comi
' gated roller, now; 1 spring tooth harrow; i P. and O. wiggle tail culti
vator, new;,l 5-tooth garden cultivator; 1 Planet Junior seeder; 1 hay
rack; 1 Buckeye Cider mill, new, powor or hand; 1 Awker Holth cream
separator, now1, pp.wer,.or hand; 200 feet 2-inch iron pipe, black, never
used; l;,eorn BheHer, power or hand; 1 Applcton feed cutter, power or
hand; 4 rolls chicken wire 6 feet high; 1 heavy team harness, nearly
new; 1 light team harness, nearly new; 1 plow harness; 2 set single
harness good; 1 set harness and tugs;'l 18-foot binding chain; 1 10-ft.
log chain; 1 6foot disk harrow; 1 14 inch steel plow;' 1 8-inch steel plow
1 2-section spiko tooth harrow; 1 hay fork; 2 sets block and tackle;
200 bushels of white oats; 12 tons of hay in bam.; 4 tile spakes; 2 po-'
tato forks; 5 pitch forks; 1 grain cradle; 2 scyths; 2 cross cut saws;
2 hands saws; 1 walnut extension table; 4 bed steads; 6 sets bed springs;
1. book case and writing desk; 1 power washing machine, nigs, carpets,
dishes, kitchen utensils and many other articles.
TERMS All articles under $10 will be cash, over
that amount, 12 months time will be 'given tcf parties
furnishing approved bankable notes at 8 per cent in
J. B. Parker, Owner. F.N. WOODRY.
. The Auctioneer.
ic Sale
Twill offer the following property at public sale a
mile and a half west of Drain, Oregon, which is 115
miles south of Salem, on Pacific Highway, commenc
ing promptly at ten o'clock a. m. on
Wednesday, October 1, 1 9
1 5-year-old horse and 1 2-year-old horse, 44 head of
sheep, 2 sows, 16 pigs and 1 shoat.
I Machinery and Implements.
1 12 horse steam traction engine, J. I. Case; 1 J. I. Case steel sep
arator, size 2850; 1 J. I. Case wood separator, size 24i42; 1 7-ft. Mc
Cormick binder; I 5-ft. McCormick mower; 1 10-ft. McCormick rake;
1 7-ft. rrain drill; 1 2 horse cultivator; 1 spring tooth harrow; 1 disc
harrow; 1 peg tooth, harrow; J Woodbury horse pover; 1 wagon; 1
water tank and pump; 1 hydraulic ram; 1 cream separator; 1 hack;
1 plow; 1 incubator; Other articles too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale Sums of $15 or less, cash; on sums
over $15 a bankable note drawing interest at the rate
of 8 per cent will be accepted.
RMorningstar, Owner. F.N. WOODRY.
Thursday, October 2, 1 91 9
10:30 a. m. 11 miles north of Salem, or 1-2 mile east
of Eldridge school house, or 1-.4 mile west of Con
comly Station, known as the Joe Warginer place.
Consisting of the following: 1 well matched brown team age 6
and 7 years, weight 2500 pounds; 1 black mare, aged, weight 1000 lbs;
1 brown marc, aged, weight 1HV0 lbs. 1 brown horse, age 12 years,
weight 1250 lbs.; 1 bay mare, age 12 years, weight 1100 lbs.; 22 shoats,
weight from 40 to 75 lbs; 1 7-foot new Ideal binder with tongue truck,
nearly new; 1 6-foot Decring binder; 1 Kentucky 8-foot disk drill; 1
3-inch waeon .wlth double box, complete; 1 3-inch wagon ; 2 hay racks
1 2-horse cultivator; 1 12-incli John Deere gang plow; 1 No. 40 Oliver
chilled plow; 1 10-foot Deering hay rake, new; 2 2-section lever. harrow.
A 30-gallon caldron kettle; 100 bushels cheat seed; 15 sacks chicken
"wheat; 100 bushels fall oats; 100 bushels spring oats; 130-foot hay rope
anxl harpoon fork; 2 sets double breeching harness; 1 set single harness;
2 stands .bee hives; 15 tons cheat hay, baled; 10 tons clover hay, balod;
1 pitcher .pump; Forks, shovels spades, chains and many other things.
TERMS All articles under $10 will be cash, over
that amount, 6 months time will be given to parties
furnishing approved bankable notes at 8 per cent
interest. "
Fred Hecker, Owner. ' F. N. WOODRY,
. ... ' . . Phone 510 or 511 Salem.
Fred Griffith's Sale
7-Roomed Home
Located at 390 Hoyt Street
Saturday, Oct 4, 2 p. m.
: See full particulars later
Monday, October 6th, 1919
10:30 a. m. 5 Miles South of Salem, on Jefferson road
HORSES: 1 bay horse, age 12 years; 1 bay horse, age 8 years; 1
sorrel horse, age 6 years. COWS 1 pure bred Jersey, 6 years old; 1
crenm Jersey, 4 years old; 1 heifer, 10 months old. MACHINERY,
GRAIN, ETC., 1 double breeching harness nearly n.cw; 1 double car
riage harness, nearly new; several horse collars and pads; 1 top buggy;
1 iron wheel wagon; 1 spike tooth harrow; 1 McCormick binder; 1 Mc
Cormick. mower 1 plow; 1 hay fork and carrier; llady's saddle; 1
man's saddle; 1 cream separator and cream cans; 1 ITcClanahan in
cubator and brooder; 1 heating stove; .1 Superior cook stove; 2 wash-'
ing machines. lico cream freezer; 1 new pump; 50 or more Rhode
Island Red chickens; 9 turkeys; 1 cross cut saw; 200 bushels of oats;
100 bushels wheat and many other articles including furniture, etc.
TERMS: All articles under $10 will be cash, over
that amount, 6 months time will be given to parties
furnishing approved bankable notes at 8 per cent
Mrs. Philip Rees, Owner. TN. WOODRY,
Rt. box 106
The Auctioneer.
Woodry will be located at 270 N. Commercial Street,
October 1st, where he will carry a full line of second
hand goods and open a general real estate office in
connection with his Auction Business, Furniture,
Tools, etc., bought for cash. Phone 510 or 511.
List -Your Sales With Woodry for Results