Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 27, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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- ,
2:14 pace, every heat a race purse
Mildred Pireot (McClirr) 111.
bollv D (Monlnomeiv) 2 2 dr.
Hod' IThI (Swisher) 3 3 2
Time, 2:0'j; 2:11; 2:13.
tmt fnr Orptmn horses, everv
tiou, tliis - morning. Ur. -Wilkins is in ; n(,at a ,,.a,. pttrse $HXJ0. .
. I.adv Alatian (Swisher) 2 1
Bonarav, (.Sehultze) 3 2 2
J'errio (Wheeler) 13 3 ''
Great Kiln (Helinan) 4 5 4 ;
Oregona (Marshall) dia. 4 5
" Time, 2:13; 2:13; 2:15 ',
Running, four furlongs, for Mrs.
Wilson purse of $150:
Ashton fiirl (T. 0. Barker) first;
Nick Carter (J. Barker) second; Miss
Creiifhton (Mrs. L. Oalbraith) third.
Time, 50(4 seconds. ' 1
-Running, six furlongs, for J. D. Fer-
rell purse of 200:
Louis Larhmund (Louis Lachmund)
first; far Cathay (B. I Fortune) see-
oil d ; Drummer, (.loclc Coffuian) third.
Time, 1:14. ... '
Silverton Woman Receives
Letter Dropped From Air
. - ' V '
Mrs. A. R. Johnson is probably the
first person in Hilverton to be benefit
ted by the aeroplane mail service, hat
unlay her brother, Eiul Simmons, putt-'
ed over tho city in & plane from Eu
gene, and after flying around Sit. the
vinciiiity of the Ford depot owned by
I Earl and Arthur Johnson, he propped i.
letter which was addressed to his sister.
The machine' flew very low when the
envelope wus dropped, and attracted tho
attention of ft great many people in the
"Auto dealers, to the mail, are well I
pleased' with the success oi this year 'si
auto show,'' declared M. O. Wilkins, I
president of the Auto Dealers 'associa-!
hrgo- of the' exhibits at the state
fair. '.' -' '"
l'u'!y 85 per cent of the visitors t-
r. tended the show, Mr. Wilkins suid,
while only 00 per cent saw it lust year.
. f Where, we had 49 vehicles last season
have "95 thin week," he pointed out.
The motor truck display here is even
better than" the one exhibited at the
winter show in Portland." In size the
Oregon show is much larger and has
more new cars than the one held in
friicrsmento at the -California fair, Mr.
rwilkins stated.
"The dealers did not come to Salem
with n view to selling ears, " Mr, Wil
kins explained. "Most of them already
1i:iv orders they are unable to fill.
They are here to let the people seer
their machines, " and to support th
fair. The advertising will benefit them
nest year." .. .. . j
This year's auto show is fully twice
as large as the one held here at the
tttadium Inst year, Mr. Wilkins said.
' Fur membership on tho board of di
rectum of the American Jersey Cuttiu !ify. Tribune
club, Representative C. IN. McArthur
was yestorduy the choice of tlie Oregon
Jersey Cattle club to succeed Edward
Ctiry of Carlton, who is not eligible for
ic-eloction. At its next regular mootiug
in June, IH20, tho national organization
w-.ll be asked to elect Mr. McArthur. At
the meeting Walter K. Taylor of Corvnl
lis and Frank A, Doeiflor of Qilverton
Truck Breaks Thru Bridge
When Avoiding Collision
While attempting to avoid a collision
with an approaching Ford, in the cover
ed bridge, across the Pudding river, A.
of the Hubcr
i trucks, crashed into the side of the
1.,., i !. ...... ji v..
uuMT, uiuivi. t u ui iiiroe ui'HiiiN aim n
w ere unnnimoiisly re-elected to the offi- V l une
cea of president and .Vice-president re
With ii'mnv experts of the opinion that'!" lH iui'U ImkW wi,lli '"'
the Jorsevs'ftt this venr' fair are the ",,(,0 I'UK '' ' mer. One of
best ever' assembled on the coast, some J1'?,'" W? (1'd ""J f've -wa-v ,n"(1
bndeis were of the opinion that a saw ','U1 ? probably saved the
6l,ould be held at the exposition in No-i1 T Bf .K"',k,,'lt ",ul who was
v'emher. but a survev of the herds indi- ri,ll" w,th llim- T1", tnu'k WK9 mud
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Or., Sept. 27. The Octobei
docket for the fall session of circuit
court for Polk county is just being com
pleted by County Clerk Moore and will
consist of civil cases only, not a crim
inal case appearing on, the entire docket.
At the first, session of the court on Mou
day morning, October 0th several ap
plications for Citizenship papers will
heard, - among the petitioners being
Ernest Zieleseh of Parker; Frederick W.
Gerlinger, Dallas; Otto Jahn, Grand.
Rond; Adain E. Wurm, West Salem, and
Oustav A. Grab of this city. All of
the above petitioners were former .sub
jects of the late German empire.
The following Polk county citizens
have beeu drawn to serve on the jury
for the torm: W. M. Alexander, Inde
pendence; O. H. Burbank, Airlie; 0. F.
Brown, Dajlas; George H. Bull, Ball
ston; K. L. Baker, Kuver; Cyrus Blair,
Sheridan Bt. 1; T. P. Bevens, Airlie;
C. I. Ballard, Rickreull, Rt. 1; 0. L.
Carey, Dallas Rt. 2; Bert Clanfietd,
Amity Rt. 2; A. H. (.'raven, Monmoutn;
Robert Dent, Snlem Rt. 1 ; W. D. Estell,
Palls City; F. C. Ewing, Salem Rt. 1;
P. AV. FlanOTy, Amity Rt. 2; F H. Fawk,
Rickreall; James Goodman, Monmouth;
Emerson Harris, Rickreall; Clifford Me-
Beth, Independence; S. L. McElinurrny,
Independence; P. T. Peterson, Independ
ence; C. L. Penrce, Salom Rt. 2; D. J.
Riley, Dallas; George Sellers, Dallas;'
James Savage, Sheridan Rt. 1; J. C. !
Syron, Sheridan Rt. 1; Holt Stockton,
Sheridan Rt. 1 ; Blaine Routhwick, Rick-
reall; J. M. Tedrow, Monmouth; F. M.
sent to the asylum at Salem. . Anderson
claims that ho was formerly an inmate
of the asylum at Stellicoom, Washing
ton, Irrigation Project Bonds
Are Certified This Week
The final $200,000 installment of the
original $600,000 bond issue recently
presented by the Warm Springs irriga
tion district is this week being certified
by the secretary of state's office -upon
the authorization of the state irrigation
securities commission. The district,
through John M. Lewis, engineer-manager;
Rex Marquis, president; M. G.
Hope, secretary, and George McLaughlin
and R. H. DeArmond, directors, have ap
plied for the guaranty by the state of
thc interest on the total issue of $1,
300,000 in bonds which have been au
thorized by the district"..
Suffered 3 Years With Rheu
matism, Catarrh And Stom
ach Trouble, Since Taking
Number 40 Feels Fine.
cnted that it might not be successful.
Due to the success of last year's
event, another tour of the Willamette
valley ly Oregon's Jersey breeders will
tr.ke place next spring. It is said that
the demand for Jerseys' is uncommonly
urgent at present.
Fire Destroys Barn Near
Woodburn;Loss Is $3,000
but tittle. Aurora Observer.
Woman's Assault Charge
Against Husband Dropped
Demented Man Committed
To Asylum From Dallas
: (Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Or., Sept. 27. W. W. Ander
son, a transient, who had been about
Dallas for . the past several days w
taken into custody by Sheriff JuhnW.
Orr and City Marshal Chase Wednesday
nfternoou and lodged in the county bns
tlle to' nwuit hearing on tin insanity
Anderson appeared at the law office
of li, D. Brown on Mill street and stated
that he wanted a patent on a viuuavt
niece of furniture. He stated to Mr.
Drown tllflt lift hft.il writtmi tn ttm Irincr '
ot about i! o'clock Tuesday morning. ' ,. T , ,, '' . "nf Trlv TueTtav .1cln fn, n m.t,,t
Alr.rms were sounded and the Woodburn n miTi AZm &T.5 ' ou.try and was gng to wVi d i
cd, but it wn too late to. savo tho build 'd((lldt)nt 1 - H1 . ,pean notubles for Datents. He stnte.l
jng. Beside the bnhi there were do-, 1 ,: ' that ho was a Russian and an expert
t.yed al.orse,lmrnnss, buggy, 300 lu-l A marriage' license was issued this pointer . . '
sliflls of wheat, about 900 bushels of morning to Kidney E. kSaunielson, of I Mr. Brown noticed the condition of
oats, -'5 ton of liny audtools. The loss 387 East State street, a millwright by tho man and notified Sheriff Orr who
Mr. Aichor estimates at $3000, the Snsur- occupation, and Miss Arlyn Wolfe, a took him into custody. lie was exam-'
mice being 1000. Independent.- school teacher of Silverton. . incd before County Judge Robinson atut I
The ease of assnult end battery
brought by the. divorced wife of Wal
ter Dodge against the latter caiun up in
Justice McCord 's'conrt lust Friday, Dis
trict Attorney Max Gehlar looking after
the stale and Hiram Overtoil the fle-
destroyed the bum and contents fe"d?"!; ,The JK witness ne-
iiini'u wiiuhh i rimnuii: uer li-nu Tills
: ' """ ".Kiiu., iTWllW ,1 1, ,1.V ,I,.t.l Tl, 1,
Airlie, and Otis Wait, Rick-
'efferson Man Confined
To Hospital In Portand
Tho many Jefferson friends of A. I,.
Gordon will regret to learn that is lying
1.. .1... i i u 1. A.-:... i
ut:im-a ill lue viouu oiiiiniriiiiii iiuMjjlltu
in Portland, with tubercular rheumatism
and must remain there from two to
months. His physicians say he will re
cover in time. Review. .
Gary, Ind., April 2o, 1919. "I suf
fered for over three years with chronic
rheumatism . catarrh, constipation,
stomach trouble, bad blood, nervous
spells; aching li mbs, so I could hot
sleep. Saw an advertisement in the
daily pnper about Mendenhall 's Num
ber 40 for tho Blood. Thought I would
give it a trial. Altho I was discouraged
us I had doctored with a number of
physicians and tried numerous medi
cines without receiving any benefit. I
have taken but two bottlos of .Number
40. Can eat anything T want without
fear and am not near so nervous and
am feeling fine. I am now starting on
my- third 'bottle. Mrs. Gostine Rainey,
aaiO Jefferson St." 40 is demanded
in noisoning, 'gouty conditions, mal-nu-trition,
auto-intoxication, constipation,
liver and stomach troubles. Believed to
remove and prevent gall stones, appen
dicitis. Successfully used) in eczema
and skin diseases. fTsed with phenome
nal success in chronic rheumatism, ca
tarrh, lumbago, myalgia (paiu in the
muscles, musculad rheumatism or neu;
ralgia), glandular swellings, scrofula,
mercurial nnd lead poisoning, abcesses,
sores,- ulcers,, boils and carbuncles..
Sold by Schaefers drug store.
The exceptional quil
ity of our profession
al conduct "matches
the up ' to dnteness
of our., .equipment.
Wet sei vo with ; an
experienced. , . discre
lo oJ
12;20KeisenoTracSdJ Jrwifii 16-yatvc engine
Twenty years of growth have made the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Company the largest machinery
manufacturing organization in the Northwest today.
The fabricated steel work for many great buildings and bridges, the large Corliss steam engines that
turn the wheels of factories throughout the continent, as well as heavy duty Muenzel gas engines,. were de
signed and built by this company. .
- All this broad, practical experience, with expert knowledge of stresses and strains, metallurgy and inter
nal combustion engineering is now concentrated upon the manufacture of -TWIN CITY Tractors and
Threshers. ;
Communicate with our office for daily demonstration.
Qregosi f racfion Co,
-173 South Commercial Street
To the People of Polknd Marion Counties:
,'. This is to notify you that our Oakland Sensible Six model '1920 Touring Cars
just arrived and are exhibited at the fair, and are meeting with great success.
Therefore, as I stated at the exhibition grounds, the regular price is $1275.00 for
this Oakland Sensible Six model i920, fvo. b. Salem." But we have reduced our
price during fair week to $1250. This price will still be effective for thirty days
longer in order to give prospective purchasers time to close for their cars. Don't
forget we can make delivery at once. First come, first served.
Also We Have a Line of Used Carsv
2 Chevrolets, 2 Saxons, 1 Maxwell, 1 Ford, and 1 Oakland Truck. We will be pleas
ed to have you call and inspect our line of new and used cars. Open all day Sunday
Come and get a demonstration. . , ' -
American Automobile Co.
185-197 S. Com'l St.
D. SAMUEL, Proprietor.
Phone 399
Salem, Oregon.
STRICTLY modern 12-room house on
. State street. Two beautiful lots 132x
165. The best buy of its kind in the
city. $6500. Good terms.
ATTRACTIVE 8-room bunaglow, just
. off State street. Close in. $5000.
7- ROOM house with all modern con
veniences except furnace. Good cor-
; ner lot; well situated. $3800.
8- ROOM bungalow with 5 bedrooms.
All modern conveniences. On N. Cap
ital street. $3500. Could not be dup
licated under $5500 today.
LOVELY 8-room, strictly modern bun
galow; garage, fine corner lot. In
Oaks addition. $5500.
SPLENDID 6-room bungalow close-in
with all modern conveniences. $4500
An unusually good buy for the times.
''A SNAP buy for $3600 is a strictly
modern 7-room bungalow, just off S,.
Commercial street. Interior is excep
tionally well arranged.
5-ROOM bungalow on S. Cottage
street. A good buy for $1700.
eep Moving? And Why
Keep Paying Rent?
owoH? " a houht- You have bee? Paying rent for years and yet'you are as far
buy right! m 0Wnmg yUr Wn NW iS the PPortunity to buy one and
You can plant your fruit trees on your own land without benefiting your land-:
they wremain youi 86 6 iraprovements fanc your own" Lme, and
m I'hink it over. It will pay you. ' Or, come and talk it over with me, I might be
jto buflduVSm? 6 a 16 CaSh' r a l0t' 1 l6nd yU enou moey
Whether you want to pay cash or whether you want easy terms, the following
wl lbitrge8 use property Iist in Salem wil1 give jo11 an idea as
The Following May Be Bought on the Instalment Plan
5-ROOM bungalow with fireplace. Two
bedrooms; bath and toilet; living
room, dining room and kitchen ! wood
shed. $1700. Like new. See it !
5-ROOM plastered cottage with two
lots, 100x150. Splendid fruit; fine
; well. $1100. $300 cash, $15 monthly.
FOUR lots with fair house. Fine fruit.
In Riverside Park addition.' $2250.
$250 cash, $17.50 monthly.
A LITTLE, old-fashioned cottage on
paved street. Nicely located. $1400.
$200 down. $12.50 monthly.
9-ROOM house in first-class condition.
$1500. $200 cash. .
7-ROOMhouse, four blocks from Court
. House. Bath and toilet. Cellar. Old,
but in good condition. Good lot $2250.
Lot is worth more.
"Just Real Estate and High-Class Investments"
215-216 Masonic Building
Telephones 1000
3 lc Word Class Ad Fill Sell It A little "Wast" Ad Sells It Use The Journal Want Ads