Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 27, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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All Aro
una Town
" MMt.. M " I I l I 1 1 1 I H 1 1 1 1 1 1,
Sr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8-.
. v tf
Dance M. B. A. hall near Chemawa
Bat. night Sept. 27. 9-26
The last will and testament of Sarah,
Jennie Williams has teen admitted to
probate y Judge Wm. H. Bushey. The
value of the estate is estimated at $4,
000 in real estate and $1200 in person
al property.
Stenographers who take pride in
their work always want a Roya tjrpe
writer because their efforts show to
best advantage, and another reason is
they can turn out more work with less
effort on the Royal than any other
typewriter made. For sale by Graham
.& Wells, Corvallis, Or. tf
- Miss Margaret Fisher, teacher of pi
eno, will resume her classes Oct. 1.
studio 790 IN. Church St. Phone '2041M.
Beginnors a specialty. 9-27
Western Conservatory of Music of
Chicago, 111., Frank E. Churchill rep
resentative of Salem branch. Fall term
Jaegins Sept. loth. Complete course in
piano and theoretical subjects. Studio
snite 1-2 Odd Fellows Wdg. Phone
1671R. 10-15
Phone 1950W, teacher of piano, theo
ry, harmony. . -
Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of sing
ing. 162 Liberty St. N. Phone 334 or
1615. -
Dr. Mary C. Rowland, M. D., 407
Court St. Phone 695. -
Members of the Jason Lee Memorial
church and those interested in the
church will be given an opportunity to
hear Dr. Bowen of the Methodist
Episcopal church Centenary of Port
land. Announcement is. made that he
will occupy the pulpit of the church
both morning and evening tomorrow.
Furnished apartment suitable for one
or two school girls. Call at 335 S. 19th
Dance tonight at M. B. A. hall, Che
mawa. , .
Thomas H. Byrnes, a laborer at the
state hospital has filed his declaration
of intention of becoming a real Am
erican citizen. Ho was born at Ottawa,
Canada, and came into this country
July 3, 1913, to locate at Eastport,
Idaho. In about two years' time he will
bo given an opportunity to show his
fitness to become a citizen of this
country, as this time must elapse be
tween the first declaration and the
final examination for citizenship.
Green Italian prunes. We are in the
market. Bring them to our plant op
pesite S.- P. Co. passenger station. Phez
company. Phone 204. tf
Artificial teeth, have expert plate
man, with over 35 years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den
tist, 302 U. S. Nat, bank; bldg. tf
We buy liberty Jbonds. 1 205 Oregon
building. tf
Try Northern Flour. "It's a Bear.
Every sack guaranteed. At your gro
cers, tf
The estate of Gilbert G. Evens, de
ceased, has been appraised at $12,075.
Included in this amount is the 85 acre
farm a few miles east of Silverton,
valued at $8500, three acres in Ames
addition to Silverton at $2000 and a
two acre tract in Silverton, valued at
1000 to loan for 1 year at 6 per
eent on good real estate security. G.
I!.- Unruh. Phone , 815. Jf
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for- your
. i r .1 i .' i i! non lit fi
TTpiiir wur&. ruvne . xooo, siu -li. uum
mercial street.
The Industrial Normal school, 13th
and Wilbur Sts., will begin on Mon
day. The prospect is good for a very
successful school year. In addition to
bookkeeping, . typewriting and short
hand classes will be formed in type
setting and printing, and students may
earn monoy while carrying their stud
ies. We have been fortunate in sccur-.
ing Mrs. C. M. Palmer as teacher in
grades from 6th to 9th. 'She has had
several years' experience and will de-
pood work. If interested address J. J.
Kraps, Salem, Ore.
H.-C. Thompson, cashier of the Bank
of Brownsville, transacted business in
the office of Will H. Bennett state
superintendent of banks, Friday' modn-
uig, wnne in eaiem to tase in the fair.
John L. Childs, of Crescent City, Cal.
judge of the superior court of Del
Norte county, Calif., dropped into the
offices of the state public service com
mission,, Thursday afternoon, for a vis
it with his old time friend Commis
sioner Fred Williams. Childs was for
merly a newspaperman at Grants Pass.
Thomas A. Marshall of Chicago, the
famous trap-shooter, who captained the
all-Amcrican team of champion marks
men in their tour of the world over a
decade ago, and who still shoots among
the top notchers, arrived Friday for a
brief visit with his cousin, Governor
Olcott, and both left Saturday, oh an
auto trip to the coast. Mr. Marshall is
probably the best known and most pop
ular professional shot on the continent
and a recognized authority on the sub
ject. His articles ' on shooting are print
ed weekly in half the newspapers of
the country. He leaves Sunday to visit
his Medford pear orchard, v ..si & .
No additional news has developed
regarding the bad check artist who
bought some goods at the'"Welch elec
tric store on State street, and who
left the goods but, managed to pass a
cheek payable to bearer, and , then
walk off with the change amounting to
$10.95. As no other store has reported
anything of the kind, the police be
lieve he was satisfied with . the one
effort and then left town.
Ttia ntrn, marlrnt tt'n ...... .1... J
now commission houses are offering 58
Cents a dozen for shinmpnt.. - Trfinnl
stores are paying from 60 cents up, ac
cording to their needs and) the- retail
price now is varying from 65 to 70
cents. For strictly fresh ranch eggs,
candled, some Portland commission
houses are offering 61 cents.
Duo to the general prosperity of
farmers, the records of the eountv re
corder show an unusual number of sat
isfactions of mortgages filed daily.
lcsteiuay there was a satisfaction for
a mortgage of $3000, another for one
of $1500 and another of $1000. And be
sides these, five satisfactions were fil
ed without the amount being named
of record.
J 918 Ford touring car for sale, fine
condition, Phone 1267M. 9-27
Officers of the Oregon -Growers Co
operative association are well pleased
with the work done at the state fair
and the attention given to speakers at
the association's booth. At all times of
the day crowds wero around the booth
asking for information and receiving
same, as well as copies of tho Oregon
rower. C. I. Lewis, publicity manager
spoke daily 'from the booth and spent
the greater part of tho week giving in
formation in general" as to why the
Oregon Growers Co-operative associa
tion was organized and what it intend
. ed to accomplish. (Now that the state
fair is over and the really busy season
passed, the association will give more
time to its membership work and will
) soon begin holding meetings in all
parts of the valley.
Stove Mikulich, a baker living at the
Richmond hotel, Salem, has decided to
beconio an American citizen. As he
was born in Unbana, Crotia, ho will
be obliged to forswear allegiance to
the new Jugo-fclavia republic. .He ar
rived in this country by steamer com
ing direct to New York in 1910.
! Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Manning receiv
ed tho news yesterday that their son
George," had arrived in Wow York, af
i ter service of two years on a subma
I r'no chaser in the V. H. navy. At the
outbreak of the war Mr. Manning was
a student at O. A. C. and will finish
his education at this place when he
returns homo, (since the war closed
he has been mine sweeping in the
uNorth sea and came direct from Nor
way to the U. S. A. ,
Miss Ada Miller, teacher of voice.
Thursdays, second floor of Derby build
. inf. Residence 660 N. Hig"h St. Phone
. 1948. ,
Minnetta Magers will meet vocal pu
pils Fridav and Saturday of each week.
Studio 2d floor Derby building.
When the legislature passed tho law
requiring a medical 'certificate of a
man applying for a marriage license,
and also when the law was passed pro
viding that the license can be issued
only in the county where the bride
lived, trouble started for those who
liavo docided to step np to any county
clerk's counter and get the necessary
permit. Again this morning a couple,
stepped jauntily up to the marriage
license counter and ran up against two
fatal propositions the first- that no
medical license had been ob:ained and
the seeond that the prospective bride
wasn't sure whether she lived in Ma
rion county or Portland. An affidavit
ty a third party must be made as to
the bride's residence.
Work Work Work Remember
able bodied boys over 18 years old and
under 60, the Crown Willamette Pulp
Mills at Oregon Citv .and West Linn
will need men in October or November
for the winter season. Just keep them
in mind when arranging yOnr winter
work schedule. They have a fine hotel
just for employes, at low rates.
'Bertha Junk Darby, 679 N. Cottage.
The Giese method of singing taught
by -Lueile Barton, especial attention
given to fundamental principles of
name. Voiee tried free of charge. 598
North 17th street, rhone 15S8.
Grain: Wheat, soft white No. 1 $2;
feed oats 80c; milling oats 86c; hay,
cheat, now $17; hay, oats, new $18
20; mill run $344. . '
' Bnuaerfalti: : 'Buttdrfafl ,67c; cream
ery butter 6768c.
Pork, veal and mutton:. Pork on foot
17c; veal, faincy 23c; steers 79o;
cows 5(5i7c; spring lambs 10c; ewes
45c; sheep, yearlings 7e.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 57c;
hens, live 2224c; old roosters 15
16c; springs 22c.
Vegetables::. Onions, per sack $3;
celery doz. $1; tomatoes 90c; potatoes
3c sweet potatoes 8c. 1
Fruit: Watermelons le; oranges
$5.755)6.50; lemons, box $7.50(28.50;
foananas 9?4c; honey, exartcted 20c;
cantaloupes $1.50; bunch beets 4oc;
calbbage 3 3-4c; head lcttnee 60c; car
rots 45c; grapes, Malagas 10c; grapes,
Tokays 20c. i
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 65(3;70e;
Creamery butter 75c; country butter
67c; flour, hard wheat $3.103.25 ;
Portland, Or.. Sept. 27 Butter, citv
creamery 65(ai66e. Eggs seleeted local
ex. 6269e. Hens 30n)31e. Broilers 25
(a'Sflc. Geese 15c. Cheese 3234e.
Live Stock
Cattle: Receipts 55;" tone of mar
ket steady; good to ehoiee steers $9.50
(SilO; fair to medirm steers $7.50
8.50; common to fair steers $6(3)7;
choice to good cows and heifers $7
7.50; medium to good cows and heifers
$V57; eanners $3(34.50; bulls $57;
calves $S14.
Hogs: Receipts none; tone of market
steady; prime prized $1 7.50( 18.50 ;
medium mixed $17(8)17.50; rough heav
ies 15.755)17; pigs 15.7517: bulk
$17.2517.50. .
Sheep: Receipts 294; tone' of market
steady; prime lamtw $1112; fair to
medium lambs $1011; ewes $89;
wethers $"8; yearlings $57.50
Speck" Kcene, well known foot
ball man who is attending the Oregon
Agricultural college, arrived in Salem
last night from Corvallis to spend the
week end visiting the fair.
Frank Dnrbin of Salem, who is at
tending tho Orpn-nn A rrrU,.wul
, ., ... . , u.nuiKllW LUl
lege, is here for the week end attending
xi a ...
xttJi, jic win renua io corvallis
tomorrow. ; - ...
Included in the proceedings of the
lounty court yesterday was the report
of Juliet M. Lord as executrix of the
estate of William P. Lord.. The report
covered the handling of the 'estate
from July 17, 1917, up to recent date
and was approved y the court.
Miss Joy Tamer, the well known
music teacher, was called to Hubbard
yesterday. .
To practially handle eitheror both of
such trade transactionsthe good facilities of
.the United States National Bank are'indispen
sible. The collection of money due or the ac
quiring of reasonable credit rating are only
two of the services we are able to afford.
Get acquainted with our Commercial
Banking Department.
,: oalem
lliiiir .'
IS kSmHflSl - Oregon. - B
I DOUGHNTJTS-The best that the Baker's Art can
t produce. Bread. Pies. Cakes or nnvlii
I can be found in a modern bakery. ' -
: Philip Winters, Prop.
: 170 N. Commercial St. ' . Phone 247
Chinese Pheasants
Remington and Winchester
Shot Guns
Shot Gun Shells
. Formerly Watt Shipp Co. 126 S. ConVl. St.
- "We issue hunting licenses
This is the triggest and
best state fair we nave ever
iad; all records for attend
ance have been broken, and
the visitors from other statos
and the remote parts of our
own state marvel at the show
ing Oregon is making, but
particularly at the wonderful
opportunities in the Willam
ette valley.
Let us develop those possi
bilities, build on them and
stand before our nation as
the greatest section in Amer
ica. This is not "hot air,"
"airy dreams," but -a prac
tical possibility.
If we will but do our part
individually wo shall then
do our part collectively.
We should, nay we must
"play the game" and "play
the game square," and pat
ronize our .own industries and
our own merchants.
In war times anyone not
backing "their own," were
termed "slackers, ' and just
ly received the condemnation
of their neighbors.
In times of peace the term
"slacker" is just as appli
cable to those who buy away
from home, and leave a few
loyal ones to carry the load
of development for the com
munity. Let each of us ask ourselv
es if we are really "playing
tho game square" and then
ask. our neighbors if they are
doing their dtrty to develop
our wonderful city and the
greatest county in Oregon.
r; '?'
Cf!innl (Wiamc Mnnrliir
uvuwui vpHO muikUUJ
We are prepared to pro
perly outfit your boy and
girl.. . .-;:.-.,:
In this modern fire-proof building the largest
and best equipped knitting mills in the United States,
more than 3500 healthy, happy, well paid employees
work under the most sanitary conditions, in the pro
duction of MUNSING WEAR. When you put on a
suit of "MUNSING WEAR" you have the assurance
that it is clean and sanitary, fit to wear next to your
skin.- We carry MUNSING WEAR for
' Men, Women and Children
In all sizes, weights and styles. It is the best under
wear made for wear, fit and real economy.
You Can Always Do Better At
When in need of a purga
tive, do not resort to vio
lent cathartics, but take the
gentle, natural laxative
Utwt SaU of Any Mcfa 1b Am Wmti
Sold rarywbw, In Box as, 10c, 26a. .
252 North nigh Street
A little "Wait" Ad Sells It
For the Benefit of the Buying Public
This Big Sale Continues Til Monday
School Starts Monday
In and have it put in shape for the season. Bring it
to us and let an EXPERT MECHANIC do your
work. You will find our prices reasonable.
Or, better still Trade your old wheel as part
payment on a
Harley Davidson Bicycle
The bicycle that you can be proud of.
You' can secure one for a small payment down
and the balance on monthly payments.
Harley-Davidson Bicycles and Motorcycles
147 S. Com! Street. " Phone 68
Pry Oooda. ' 7le ftwmSt(m tttoShow
Clothlnflf Z '" . I.1 .JUiona .
Hurry and take advantage of it. Everything in our store is in the Bargain List,
it is useless to say how important it is at the present time to save money, but it
is also important to Toiow where to save money and there is no doubt that the
place is the People's Cash Store. .
In addition to the Thousands of Bargains we are offering during our
three days sale we offer the following for Saturday
1 plug
Day's Work
Chewing Tobacco
100 Bars
White Navy
Special Bargains will be found among the
things the children will need for school. We
have a large stock or Boys' Clothing and we
are selling it at prices, that will Save you
Come Here to Save Money!