PAGE FOUR THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1919. AX IXDEPBNDEXT.-JTBWSPAPER Publbed every evening -except Sun day br the Capital Journal Printing Vol. i36 South . Commercial street, iS.ilem, Oregon. ... i GEOBGE PUTNAM Lditor and Publisher Telephones Circulation anil Busi ness office,. 81 Editoriul ibohu 82. National Advertising Bepreoentt tiyeft W. D. Wnrd, Tribune Building, New York, W. H. Stockwell, People's Utt Building, Chicago. A DAY OF REACTION. - AVEBAGE DAILY CIRCULATION 6200 Certified hy Audit bureau of Circu lation. ... FlTLL LEASE WIRE TELKOKAPH SERVICK Entered as second class mail matter t Salem, Oregon. Odds and Ends Solo. "I got this car for a song. "I hoard that you gave a note for it. "--Boston Evening Transcript. : One Difference. SheYou know, Jnclt, I always apea M I think. He Yep, dear only oftener. Life. , Feminine Advantage. . Tt is doubtful whether equal pay toi men and women workers vrilt ever be f-iir as long as women can continue to ride the streetenrs on transfers a week old can't. Kansas City Slur. Why Chickens Go Wrong. rn nrrunnnl noultiv dealer snid it was ix pond chicken, but It seems nobody lias ever told our personal poultry fleal-- ! tlie crnoil die Y011112. Detroit . ...... . .... , Now. ... 7 , , ... Welcome Belief. "Look 'ereI Asks yer for the taw ti ne for tlmt 'arf dollar yer owes me. "Tliivnk 'ovius! that' the end of R fly quest ion. "Wighty (London). Ther8 Was a Reason. t Mrs. lix "I waa ashamed of you, Lihi'iaui( to see you dust the cluf.r yon vat on ut Mrs. HciisliaVn. I saw her little boy watching you," lix ' I saw him, too. I'm too old tt fUh to be caught on bent pin." lUighty (London). ' ,:, Son's Look. Fntlier well,, now that you've seen roe son, which sidt of the house do' you Vii'nk he more closely resembles? Genial Friend H 'in of course, his full beauty ir not yet developed, but ei.rely you should not suggest tlmt he look like the side of a liousel Hllifhty (l.mulonL , Our "Striking" Times. The Futlur But have you enough r.iuiev to niarry my daughler? ' The Stiitoi Well, sir, flj; the moment I onlv get 300 franc a mouth, but by iroiiiu mi strike every other month for liilter wages. I shall be Retting 10(10 f ;( liv tlte end of the year. l.oliire (1'arhL Comestible Coal. "What kind of coal d you wish, tniim?" . "Dear ine, I r.m so inexperienced in these things. Arc there various kinds?" "Oh, res. We" have egg coal, chest-vt-"' "I tliiult I'll lake, egg coal. We have e.jgs of tenor than we have chest nuts. " Ivanstm Oitv Journal. . Acquiring FoliA, "Prances," said the little Rirl's mil ta, who nan entertaining callers in the . ti'lor, "you eaine down -stairs go noisily that you tould be heard all over the lumse. Now go back and come down uttiirs like a lady." Frances retired and after a few mo r: cuts re entered the parlor. "Did you hear nie come down-stairs this time, nininr.?" ' . "No, dear; I nm glad you came down quietly. Now, don 't ever let we have to tell vou again not to come-down noisily. J-o tell these hollos how you managed to come down like n. lady the second lime when the first time you made so much noise." '.'The lest time I slid down the ban isters," explained Fwaeos. Philadel phia llnlletin. AFTER every great effort there follows a period of re action. We are now passing through' such a period, following the effort and sacrifices of the war. The high ideals which animated the nation a year ago, the causes for which we fought, the liberation of peoples, the free dom of humanity, the abolition of war, have apparently, been forgotten, smothered under the senate's blanket of billingsgate. America has had such reactions after all of her su preme effortsepochs that brought to the surface all that was little and contemptible in human nature. Small ' A 'J 1 i -.l'JI ! i -L - statesmen seen 10 niae ineir iauure to measure up 10 greatness in the hour of national peril by envious attacks upon those who did hence the abuse of Wilson, of Per shing, of Hoover, of Daniels, of all those who helped win the war by the Johnsons, the Reeds, the Shermans and the Borahs who didn't. After the revolutionary war, the reactionary ele ments had their inning and the colonies came near disin tegrating. After the adoption of the constitution, Wash ington was the center of a campaign of villification only equalled by that later showered upon Lincoln and in our own day upon Wilson. But these natural periods of reac tion have in all cases been followed by a return to normal, because the people are at heart wholesome and true to national ideals, if the self-seekers who misrepresent them are not. -' " The war will have been in vain if effort is not made to fulfill the aims for which the nation fought. A square deal to small peoples calls for a League of Nations now as a part of a treaty of peace worthy of our effort. We fought to carry the principles of the Declaration of Inde pendence to all nations. We won the battle. Are we go ing now to desert the cause for which we struggled? Is America to betray the trust that brought hope to Europe? America was not misrepresented at the fighting front nor at the peace conference. But she is misrepresented by the narrow visioned United States senate, where pro vincial partisanship and peanut politics have supplanted patriotism and would make the nation a slacker in her duty to humanity. " There are signs that this dark day of reaction is near ing an end and that a healthy public opinion will enforce itself, compelling acceptance of the peace treaty and silencing the braying asses of our national temple of dis cord. : ". HUNTING A HUSBAND By Mary Douglas A LETTER IS WRITTEN It seems too wonderful. Last night George Arnold stayed with me ull even ing. He neglected Margot and even Mia. Ashby. He uid to nie, "You are that rare thing, a modern girl with deli cacies! ' It has made me happy ever since. That ho should say that. He, a man among men. A man with the sure way that comes only from handling big things, and men. And J interested him, when I had given up all hope. Because I was myself was modest, ' But my little triumph has alloy. It runs through it all. The problem of Beunic. He says ho loves me; and he thinks it, too. And I must do something to make him forget. At last 1 have hit on a plan. By my advice, he would study at the Art League this winter. But it is" secondary a time-filler. While Bennie 's whole heart is set on going to war. I shall write to Bunnie's mother, mv great-aunt, whom I see seldom. I shall tell her Bonnie loves me. Is bent on marrying me. Swears he will do wild things if I will not marry him. And says many foolish things. Foolish, but they worry me. ... I shall tell her I am six yoors older than Bcnnie. But I am very fond of Bennie. Love him, in fact. But I shall tell her it is in a big-sisterly way. 1 shall write her too, that Bennie 's one aim is to go to yar. If she will let him do that, it will save him. But. otherwise I do not know where his madness may J lead him. Nor where' mv tiitv shall make me follow. The letter is written. I feel relieved. It would be .such a splendid way out. i! will make a man of Bennie. And though he is only nineteen, ho is not too youn to -serve his country. The die is cast. I can only hope snt will gee it as I do. George. Arnold is coming again to night. -And Judge Ashby. I cannot but wonder what he is. A while ago I went to Mrs. Ashby 'a room. She lay on her couch. The glar ing morning sun streamed over her. I could not but notice the sallowness of her skin. And the deep linos cut In her face. They are ewsed under a deli cate make-up. But I almost felt as if she were wor ried, frightened.. As if hc would tell something. But had laid a restraining finger oji her lips. . With all her charm and fascination, can she not hold her husband f Or is ho jealous of the attention she attracts! Or is it something else? I am curious I admit to see the husband of the bewitching Mrs. Ashby. But not as curious as I am happy. For George Arnold is coming tonight. (Monday Judge Ashby comes.) STUNTING SALEM. SALEM is losing population daily because of the ack of housing facilities. V New and growing industries assure payrolls and per manent tenantsyet no effort is being made to house them. One thing is certain the city is filled to overflowing and there-is no place for the prospective resident tcrmake his home. Salem cannot grow and expand unless more houses are provided. - - , i Property owners and builders who have held back expecting a reduction in building costs, are working a serious injury to the city's future for there is not going to be much of a reduction for some years and in all prob ability building costs will never descend to their old level. , The builder will, as formerly, figure upon a fair re turn upon his investment and the property will yield it for if building costs have increased, so have rents, and the increased earning power of renter makes it easier to col lect. Community welfare demands an effort upon the part of the city's monied men to solve the housing problem at once. If individuals will not build, the example of other cities should be followed and a building corporation form ed, its stock subscribed by the public, and operations un dertaken upon a large scale. The houses so constructed would be sold before completion, or rented in advance for long periods at a rate that would insure profits to the stockholders. 4 Prominent Calif ornians have wired Senator Hiram Johnson requesting him to cease his opposition to the peace treaty on the ground that he is misrepresenting the people of California. Johnson who is now, as always, a self seeker, does, not care what4he people of California want. He will ignore the request and continue his shame less campaign for the presidency by appealing to the Bol sheviki and the hyphenated, securiing thereby additional notoriety. , ROSEBURG ASKS FOR WATER PEMIT FOR CITY POWER PI ANT W. S. Hamilton, mayor, and B. L. Whipplo, recorder, of the city of Rose burg, have filed Vjth tho state engi neer 's offico an application for permis sion to appropriate 880 second-feet of water from the North TJmpqua j-iver for a municipal power plant. The project is designed to cdver the development of 2D00 horsepower, utilizing a fall of 25 feet and will cost approximately $500, 000. Other recent applications on file m the state engineer V. office include the following: - C. H. Metskor, Weatherby, covering the construction of small reservoir for the storage of watrr for irrigation pur poses. . ' ... James H. Owen', illy, for the appro priation of six second-icet of water from tributaries of Sprague river for the ir rigation df 560 ueveii of laud. The con struction of several miles of ditches at ah estimated cost of $1000 is contem plated, ."' JW. E. Evans, Prinovillc, covering ap propriation of water from small spring for atock. , i Lestor Moore, Deep River, Wash., cov ering appropriation of domestic -water uupply in Yamhill county. Noah D. Norcrossj Kogue River, cov ering irrigation of small tract in Jose phine county. Alfred Doerner, Grants Pass, covering irrigation of small tract. Dock F. Smith, Hwect Home, eoverln domestic water supply and irrigation ot small' tract. Edward Ten Have, Kicrview, Malheur county, covering water for irrigation. HAZELGREEN Lloyd George's Sewns. A country yokel dropped iu nt an I :iglish tavern nud overheard soiu( con versation which led hiai t remark to th in milord, "So this is St. George's fluv. be It!" . ' Yen, ' ' si id the landlord, " and every Englishman, should know it." "Well, I lie Knclishybut blowed if T JiuOwed they'd made 'im a a!nt," f i.-klod the old gaffer, raising his glass. " 'Kre'a to you, David! " -Boston Tina i-'-npt, . :' -1; Art." The artist dipped his liru.-h in a buck et of paint and wiped It across the can vns ieverivl times horinontnllv. When he 1 u d .l.jtte thin he took his i:tior to hand and carefully placed It r na elaborate frame. ..' ' ' 'What's '"the Idea?" liu boon eons itirta Inquired. : ' "Impressionistic etudv." "D.) Ton mean to tell roe that is finished painting?" ' , . "CerWnly." "What ore you goingr to call HH" "A villace afreet as seen from the roar neat of a motorcycle! "London Answers. " Quibs and Quirks Article X is still the unknown quan tilv, Wall Street Journal. Ooagress is oposod to both duylignt and moonshine. Wt. Louis ( lobe-Democrat. An Illinois farmer sold the hide of a. lull' for $t then went to town and paid for a puir of shoes. Now he knows what n skin game s. Los Angeles Times. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Mrs. Louie Bart ruff and- baby Grace have been t listing friends and relatives hero and at Middle Orove since Hundny.. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hudson which died Saturday night was buried Monday at Pioneer cemetery. Ueorgo Dunignu of Portland came home to attend the fair Wednesday and Thursday. Will Humphrey brought his- sister, Fern Grimes, over from Mt, Angel Sat urday to spend the .week end -at the Rittfey home. Kdgnr Johnson and family and Mias Hilda Williamson spent the last week end nt the const. Miss Marguerite Peterson of Seattle visited her sister, Mrs. Arthur Lander, this week. Louio Burtruff and Miss Mildred Williamson went to Lacomb Sunduy and were accompanied on their return y Mrs. Klmer Hartruff, r" -' Mr. and Mrs. lox of Suleiu called on C. J. Latham Sunday, Carl Morris went to Lacomb Thurv day with his lister, Mrs. Louie Bartruff. Mr. and Mrs. t'asen aud daughter oi Tillamook were guests of Charles Vk-n Cleave W ednesday )m at the must niinovhitr feature nf the high cost of living is the high cost ;lB f'- weekly wage of thirty-six et of flivving. Seatflo Tillies. ltev. F. Fisher- rufurnBit from Thi Are tho window-cleaners wise in strik- ,0!tIlvg Mondv 8m, wm ,,; his torate of the Hanoi Green V 8. church larsf If they're not careful college presidents will try to take their jobs Uispaiehoa spesk of cold storage egg3awavXow York Eveuiug Telegram. being libeled, as if that were possible Little Hock Arkansas Uanette.- Boiled down, it nioy be said that the rirtvddoiit want the ITnited States to A scientist says people who eat meat : . A w) .. - are savage, lie is wrong; they are' either rich or lucky Pottsville Journal I Lodge insists that we merely be a sister to it. Fort Smith Southwest American. Soiiut day Mextoo will pile on the last i Last week the warehouse of the Or,i straw, nd then she'll soon be as civil jfon Milling company- nt Monmouth i.ed and educated ns the Philippine.--! reached its eaparitv of 75.000 bushels another year. . Charles Van Cleave and family mo tored to Philomath last Sunday to visit Mrs. Bertha -Peoples. ' ' Mrs. Ellen Van Cleave returned from The Palles Monday. The Lebanon high school opened this week with an enrollment of 200, the largest in the history of the school. Houston Chronicle. You have to hand it to the kaisfr for one thing; he hasn't suggested a plan for control of our railroads. lirccavlVU (S, C.) Piedmont. and had to refuse to tuk, more. The last published report of Silver- ton's two banks shows deposits of $1,' The Coos and Curry Comity Medical asaoYintion has adopted a resolution in creasing the fees of physician 100 per cent. , . A meeting of ex-aervice men was tiew at Lebanon Tuesday night, with a view Whad'dya Think o' These? -.'..Jfr..-;. .... COME IN MONDAY i 9 room house close in on Lib erty street. For quick sale $3500 7 room house close in on pav ed street. Fairly modern.' R room 'bungalow, nice large lot, east front on South Lib erty St. Price $2800 - 5 room bungalow in South Salem, 214 blocks from car line. .100 down. Balance like ' j foil t.- $2250 e .--,, v 4 room house on car line. Fairly miodern, price includ ing whiter 's wood. $1100. 4 room house on South Lib erty St, with -3 good lots. Close in. One block from car line. $1400 . . Xiee 6 room home on Court street. Price $4000 i Wo have some good trades for cars, what have you? ACREAGE 16 acres with fine (i room biingiWow and good buildings, o miles north of Salem. Close to O. E. station. For quick sale. $5500 .14 acres 0(i miles north of Salem. 4 room house and fair buildings. All in cultiva tion. Close to church and school, on good gravel road. Price $3200 5 acres, 1 mile from fnir grounds right off of paved road, (juite a little grub oak on place. No buildings. If sold soon $900 5 acres, Vj miles from town. Right off of paved road. Land all cleared. No build ings. $1150 5 acres all in cultivation, 4 room house, tlood out build ings. Small orchard. C miles from Salem. $1700; ? Vi ncroa. 4 acres under cul tivation. 1 acre of loganber ries and number of fruit trees 4 room house. Close to O. E. station. $1000 down. Price $2000 50 acres 6 miles east of Sa lem. In Waldo hills district. New 3 . room bungalow. Good barn and out tiuildings. 5 acres timber, the rest under cultivation. Good well with gas engine. Trice. $10,000 50 acres right outside of city limits east of Salem. Good 8 room house. Land all under cultivation. $18,000 406-407-408 Oregon bldg LANLAR & LAFLAR WE BATS PLENTY OP MONEY TO LOAN ON CrTY PROPEHTY 1137,814.60 and resource totaling nearly to organiiing a post of the American jZ&'' $2,000,000. Legion, Theo arte The great American tenor at the Opera House September 29 8 o'clock t This will perhaps be the greatest artist that has been. m balem this year. Buy your tickets today Prices: $1.00. $1.50, $2.00 Opera House Pharmacy LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1868 ' General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 12 m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 24, 25, 26, Account Oregon State Fair Season's Finest Cycling Days Are Here K Get astride vour DAYTON RTf!Yf!T,F nnrl I joy thg finest cycling days of all the year. kh Use your DAYTON for workor for play 0) to save your time, earn your money, give you the j new vigor and zip that comes from good, sound, v ?j pleasureable exercise. : v e Lloyd E. Rarnsden ' . 387 Court Street Study Your Child's Interests Let the opening of this school year mark the time when you aided your child to SEE and STUDY without ef ort, by having us prescribe CORRECTLY FITTED glasses. DR. A. McCULLOCH, OPTOMETRIST 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Building . t MM t 4 Seeing The Series In Salem. . Flash! Just like that will Salem baseball fans get the news of the world's series games hot off :: The Capital Journal's leased wire direct from the :: playing field. " ' Each day from the time the teams trot onto the : : field until the last put-out is made The Capital Jour- : : nal bulletin board fans will get the news play by play.v Then, in the evening, they will get the detailed 'X story of the game in The Capital Journal along with ' red hot features and sidelights on the series, the : teams and the individual players. . t ; MMHMMHM