PAGE fTWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1919. YvYvTVYVYVt VTvYVTl Society BY GEBTRUDE PATRICIA EOBISON S8S8S89B8888888BS88885 868885868688888888 RANKING as pnc of tho principal social event of the year in uni vmity circles, the joint Y. M. 0. A. nd Y. W. C. A. reception at Wil lamette university this evening prom ises to surpass el former events of a similar nature, In the history of the x'hool. The affair, which i an annual event at Willamotte, is in the form of a welcome reception for the new students, and is always largely attend ed. Eaton hll, -which will be the ocene of .the festivities, has been elaborate ly decorated for the evening, and the gay color scheme of Cardinal and Gold whiih has (been used, has transformed the building into a veritable fairyland. A number of important men and wo men of tho city who arc deeply inter ested, both in the university and in the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. J. A., will act as patrons and patronesses. Miss Mary Findlojr president of the Y. W. A. and Tex Anderson, president of the T. M. C. A., will ije in the receiv ing line. No doubt the reception this evening , "will be one of exceptional enjoyment to all in attendance. .'.-..: Mrs, W. E. Do Beck of Vancouver, B. C, who has 'been a guest at the homo of her daughter and son-in-law,. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Liveslcy, left for her home yesterday after a delightful visit (of several weeks. Mrs. Liveslcy accompanied hr a far as Portland. Interest in the younger social set of Salem is centering upon the many departures of young men and women for the various ' colleges ' and univer sities. As is usual, Eugene and Corval lis are the' Meccus of a large number while tho denominational academies and private schools for girls through- j out the state, are receiving a great many. iDuring the past week nearly every day has witnessed the depar ture of one or Jnoro of the students and the present -wook end will nearly complete the exodus. The majority of the schools have already begun their iall terms or are planning to open their doors Monday, and those planning on attending, are milking the eleventh fiour preparations for- their entry. - A lettor from the Salem Woman's elub to .the federated clulbs of Oregon 'announces the support of the local club of Miss MaWie lli'alty for president, to siiccec Mrs.. Charles H. Castner of Hnod Rivor who has so ably filled tho ofiico during tlio past, four yenss. Mis Ueatty is a wouinn of CKceptionul exec utive ability and more than able to linudle 'the affairs connected with im portant office. Her work as vice pres ident of the state organisation is proof positive of her ability to answer all " requirements. The letter: "To the H"cdratcd b1u1m of Ore gon. Xear Madame Presidents: The Sa lem Woman's club having endorsed one of their own members, Miss Mattie Beatty, as a candidate, for the state president hcroby announces tho same to the clubs of the state. 8ho has been first vioe president of tho federation foT the past four veai'S and has proven herself most efficient in every capac ity. Wo would urgo her endorsement and the support of your club at the coming convention at Corvallis, on Oe tulier 1.1," Signed Mrs. W. K. Kirk, ccrriory; Mrs; Z, ,T, Riggs, president. Mrs. Oswald Wost and daughter, Mil Helen, have been guests at the homo of Governor and Mrs, Hen W. Olcott during the past week. They re turned to Portland vesterday. , . . ..' . . ' Miss Uttrjorie Kay went to Euene Wednewlay, to re-enter the University of Oregon, Miss Kay in one of tho most popular members of Halem 's younger social act and is prominent in sorority activities at tho university, taking an important part, s'o in tho affairs nn (lie campus, Hh wo appointed as del rusts to the sorority convention nt Denver last August and with Minn Mft ri 'I'hnrchill was in general charee t the recent dance given for the ben efit of the fund for the women's build- tug., , . ( . . ? , . .Next week ' social activities will omsn with a ladies' golf tournament at the Illihce Country flub. All the wo men members of the club are invited to attend. The David Kyre trophy will 4o played for, .. " One if the prolty, informal events of the past wiH'k was Hie luncheon nt 11m Oommercinl club Thursday noon, vlien the nirmhers of the Portland fcsn tjoitietr were the nuests of 0. B. Clnney. After the luncheon they were eutvrlniiied by their host with an auto n tVilo drive about the city and during tli j remainder of the day thev were Eucati of the 6a!:m Floral society. n Among the prominent Portland folk who visited in Sulem during the past, week were liuvereiuf and Mrs. 0. H. Tate. Jteverend Tate is a well known JVcsliytcriaii minister of tho Koso City nd is also tiecretary of the Modern Woodman. While here he delivered nil address ut a meeting of the Modern Woodmeu, Thursday eveiiinir. .,...- " Tuesday, 1 Woman 's day ' at the s!to fair, was one of the principal days of the week. Particular attention tins given to the women 'g clubs and or pmuations of the state. Mrs, Fred J. Mvindl, chairman -f fair work for the Oregon Parent-Teacher association and nrauch of the National tXngres of Miit hem, was in active charge of af fair at tho grounds. Headquarters were iu tho educational building mid the or pmmataoa was of infinite value in tak ing care of the children while the moth rs visited the various attractions, or tteuded lectures. A splendid program ms rendered Tuesday in the auditor ium of the agricultural building. Mrs. red ch,ilk of Ln Grande, president of the ass.iciation, mm Mrs, Mattie JtiiMtfc, stnto president of tuo W. ft T. c.,' being the' principal speakers. On Thursday and Friday eugenic tets wore held, with Mrs. Meiudl in charge, sssiaioct by a group of promi aunt local physiciniiK. AS a pretty social compliment to Mrs. W. E. Do Beck of Van couver, B. C, who has been a guest at the T. ' A-Livesley residence cor the past fortnight, Mrs. William Boot entertained' with charming luncheon Wednesday. A gay mixture of multi-colored autumn flowers cen tered the prettily appointed table at which covers were laid for the follow ing guestB: Mrs. W.' E. Do Beck, Mrs. T. A. 1iveslcy, Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs. William 1ytle, Mrs. Frederick Thielsen, Mrs. Ada Strong, Mrs. Wil liam Burghardt, Jr., Mrs. Daa Fry Jr., Mrs. William Walton, Mrs. W. M. Plimpton, Mrs. J. h. Van Doren and the gracious hostess. , Salem was honored during the past week with the presence of Mrs. Alice M. Weister of Portland, who is in charge of the art exhibit at the fair. Mrs. Woister is prominent in educa tional circles, and it was through her efforts that somo of the most beauti ful piocos in the collection at the fair, are on exhibit. Those persons who take. especial Helmut in reviewing excep tional works of art and who make it a point to visit that department eneh year will bo grieved to hear that Mrs. Weister does not plan to be in charge of it after this season. Her kindly in terest and her rcadmcsa to give any in formation desired concerning tho ex hibit, hug endeared her to the numer ous visitors in that department, and nor presence will bo greatly missed. . Honoring (Reverend (Father Derouin, assistant pastor of Bt. Joseph's church who leaves xor the cast tomorrow, an informal reception was held at the parochial residence last evening. The affair was sponsored by tho women of tno parish, under tho mole direction ot Mrs. Theodore M. B-arr. Multi-colored autumn flowers in artistic profusion gave a cheory note to the pretty af fair aad' tight reirosliments were serv ed. A puyie wag presented to the guest os Honor as a to Ken ot the apprecia tion of the parishioners for bis zealous work while in Salem. Father Derouin will visit in Canada and tho eastern states, lib ultimate destination being Providence, Bhode Jslaud his former home. r ' Three conventions will be hold in October and tho women who attend all three will be busy. October 7, 8 and 9 the Congress of Mothers will meet in Medford at the same time tho W. C. T. U, will convene in Ashland. The fol lowing week, October 13 to 18, inclus ive, will see the stato federation as sembling in Corvallis with the CorvaH lis Woman s club as the hostess or ganisation. . , For the last nnmod Mrs. C. H. Cast ner, state president, has. issued the of ficial call and the program is well un der way. While there will ibe some eon-, sidorubfe interest in who will, be pres-, ident, the question of politics is not agitating the women very much, but all aro workng for the best interests of the federation. Tho .program 'committee, of which Miss Mattie Beatty is chairman, has deemed It wise to make some changes in reporting the activities of the past year. Owing to war conditions stand ing committees wore ablo to do little work and this: ibeing the year for a change of administration, with possi ble changes of 'committee chairmen, it seemed best to eliminate) committee conferences aud give more time to speakers who have vital messages for club women, They will therefore have a speaker from the "state board of vo cational education, one from tho na tional social service bureau upon Am ericanization, and one from 4ho newly created child welfare commission. Am ple time is to he given for delegates to inspect the agricultural college and a delighftul luncheon followed by con vocation on the cnniiuis is to be given delegates by the college faculty. Pres ident Kerr will deliver an address at this session. Tho musical features promise to be delightful and will give the club wo men an opportunity to learn of this phase of lire at the collece. Club reports will be given Tuesday mid Thursday at noon luncheons. Pres idents will respond from where they seated nt the table, telling in three minutes only tho most important activ ity of their club for tho past year. Re port of elubs having no personal rep resentative will bo filed with the re cording secretary. Ten minutes will be allowed for the reports of standing committees. Reports of all vliiba nnd chairmen of committees must be typewritten and tiled with the recording secretary. Resolutions will bo read ami aeted upon each duy. All resolutions must be in the hands of the resolution com niittee -befero noon Wednesday. All officers, delegates or alternates nnd chairmen of standing committees will tie provided with rouuis and break fasts by the hostess chub. .-' Mr. and Mrs, J. A, Beck of Portland entertained a number of their Salem and Portland friends recently, the oc casion being thoir twenty fifth wed ding anniversary. About 00 guests were present. Tiny telejpsiiiiis were used, in iinuoiincing the engagement of their daughter, Vivian, to Henwick Taylor, who was a Willamette university stu dent at the time of his enlistment in the armv. The vouno- couple will re side in Portland. M;s& iBcck was also honored with n pretty miscellaneous shower last week, many Halem friends being among the invited guests. .. . Edwin R, Pnvne, sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. Payne, 113 . Wouth 13th street, has, returned to Camp Lewis, after an enjoyable visit with hi par- The Illihee 4'ountry club announces an informal dance. Tuesday evening at the club. This is the first event of its kind of the season. Hallowe'en has been reserved as the daUe for the first formal dunes at the club. I The War Work council. Y. W. C. in Xew York, which is still extremely ac tive in spite of the fact that the war rtself is rapidly resolving atsclx into a host of bitter-sweet memories, eends out the followng interesting item of news: Seven of the women physicians who came from abroad to attend the inter national conference of women physi cians that opened in (New York, Sep tember 17 and will continue through October, sailed on the Helligolan from Christiania, Norway, September 1. In this group are Dr. Dagney Bang, and Dr. Regina Stang of Christiania, the former a specialist in dematology and school physician in her home city; the latter well known for her work along Hnea of pathology and hygiene. ! !! in; Johanne Feilberg, a specialist in diseases of women; 'Dr.., Betty Ager- holm, who specializes in children ail eases; Dr. Estrid Hein, an eye special-ist--ll from Copenhagen. Dr. Coerda K. Bomanun will be one of the speakers at the conference and tr. Alma Sundquist, also of otock holm, a. specialist: in diseases of wo men, - school physician In Stockholm and a teacher, on sub jects of hygiene. War ' mothers all over the United States are completing plana to be of fered for the strengthening and per fecting of tho national American War Mother organization when it meets in Washington, D. C, on September 29, 30, October.'! and 2, ' National headquarters for' the na tional American War Motliers the on ly organization of -its kind that is made up solely of mothers who offered their sons for army, navy and marine serv- Sacred Heart Academy Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names, Salem, Oregon, Boarding and Day school Most Approved Methods Primary, Grammar and Hieh School Departments Complete Courses in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Violin and Harmony Elocution and Physical Culture Classes Modern Conveniences And Domestic Comforts - Scholastic year begins ' September 8th ; ; . Address: ' , " Sister Superior ice are in Indianapolis and Mrs. Alice French is president." ... Any assistance the mothers can jive in helping to curb the wave Of unrest that has swept over the eountry will be given, at is said, and this subject will be thoroughly discussed. One of the features of the conven tion will ie the meeting for mothers whose sons lost their lives while in -the service. Varfibus committee meetings also are on the "program. ,' Mrs. J. A. Mitchel of Kentuckyj is chairman of the election board. Chair men of other Committees include: Mrs. Siver Sevnrngard of North ' Dakota, constitution; Mrs. John C McNutt of Indiana, publicity and Mrs. Alice H3oss finance. . . PauJ iPetri, dramatic tenor, accom panied by his talented wife, " Lillian Jeffrey Petri, was one of the excep tionally popular features of the fair during the past week. He appeared in an evening concert, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Petri will five a joint recit al at Eoseburg, Oetober 4th and later in the month they will appear togeth er in Vancouver, The Dalles, Albany, Hillsbord and Salem, probably insuld ing other Paeif ie northwes'tera cities MM STORAGE 1 BATTERY in the tour. ' Mies Doris Churchill left .yosterday morning for Eugene where she will at tend the University of Oregon during the- coming year. Laurence Hofer left Thursday on a business trip to San Francisco. He ex pects to be gone a week. Mrs. F. W. JSwanton of Portland, secretary of the Humane Society, da a week end guest at the beautiful, .E. Hofer residence on South Commercial street. -'.. . . Professor aud Mrs. Schraff, of the University of Oregon, were among the prominent out of town visitors at the state fair. They accompanied Presi dent Campbell of the university, Mon day. -". Mr. and Mrs. -Charles Playle, influ ential in La Grande social circles, are Salem visitors this woek. They were joined over the week end toy their eon, Audiner, a student at the Oregon Ag ricultural college. ... . Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Defer have ie- '-. turned from a delightful motor trip to California, All points of interest aorth of San Francisco- were visited. The trip covered a period of about three weeks." '" ' ' " ' ' ' " ' Allan and Wallace XJaison, .two f Salem's most popular young men,, will leave Monday for Eugene where tbey will attend the state university. . Mrs. W. J. Cuddy of Portland 3s 'vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Thco Madsen. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar !Falkcmbird and , daughter, Virginia, also are guests of- . Mrs. Madsen. Mrs. Falkcnbird and Mis, Madsen are sisters. Mrs. ttalph Glover had as her bone -guests during the week her sister, Mrs-i (Continued on page three) I ,TA5 MASK REGISTCRCO Decide on Your Next Battery NOW Your next battery should be a Willard with Threaded Rubber Insulation because it is the one kind of battery that gives you adequate protection against the expensive reinsulation that is sure to come to sr. ordinary battery. . - Fouryears experience ion many thousand , cars have proven the remarkable dur abili t of this latest Willard invention. It eliminates ths a JbiKijesi: cause o' , battery troubles. ; : . .. Call and let-os tell you about it. Well nelp you get every last day's use out of your present battery at the least possible expense, but we want you to have u belter . battery. ;, t ' ; - . -;- Degge & Burred ' 238 North High Street. 4 " Automobile Electricians 'La Through Service We Grow E 'rvducui ' :JT" " lilt I , :- -' - WA! I I v y : . I ... ' "v 'v ft r i -4' s - ' - clsJ Shi ZBcdL Shc $!xVzd$hz Danced :: ;; '70Win Wis Oa 7 i3 did mi sc :::: to oa?.xte. - TT Jr T? r?TTT TFI -f-mjfimy.-c V : ,- - V X ' r t "5 9 i - j - 1. -it" - v ..-.t. ' - w ct 7 'V 3 -1 r " rJ Hi XT r:ii " UNi n MONDAY TUESDAY Distinctly Youthful Exclusive Fashions Chevy-Chase Frocks I itsiantH fnr Ynrtnar ' f ' II M 8i2 y Girls of the intermediate age-'-the hard to-fit years from 14 to 20 are as eager to . be smartly -dressed as their older sisters, and in Chevy-Chase Frocks they find the winsome styles that they have always long ed to have. Chevy-Chase Frocks express the newest style ideas of the season, but skillful design ers add to them the snap, the spirited air, and the chic simplicity that transforms . them into distinctly young girls' fashions. And the lines, too, are cut specially to fit active, youthful figures. All over the country, school and busi ness girls are wearing these smart frocks. - This store showsChevy-Chase styles exclu sively in this city. You are cordially invited to visit the fall display which contains more styles than ever before. Quality materials, thorough making . and moderate pricing are additional attrac tive features of these splendid dresses. $19.75 $24.75 $29.75 $34.75 $44.75 $54.75 toft ' "Where Shopping Is a Pleasure" , . Quality Merchandise Popular Prices -M-f-f