Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 27, 1919, General News Section, Image 11

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Associated Bible Student.
Associated Bible Students meot at
. : Moose hall,, corner High end Court
streets, from 10 a. m. to 12 n. , Study in
Sixth, Vol.; and Tabernacle Shadows.
Junior clow at 10 a.' m. Friends and
f ablio invited.
' Central Congregational Church.
Corner South Nineteenth and ttny
treats, H. 0. Storey minister. Sunday
".school tn charge of Mrs. Burton E. Ed
wards at 10 a. m.; morning sermon at
"' 11 o 'cloak. Christian Endeavor at 7:15
p. m. Evening service at 8 o'clock,
Music by girl chorus.
St. Paul's Church.
Fifteenth) Sunday aftor Trinity: 7:30
a. m., holy communion; 9:45 a. m.,
church school;-11 a. m., morning prayer
and sermon; 7:30 p. m., evening prayer
and address. Everybody welcome.
' Charles H. Powell, rector.
First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Corner State and Church streets, Rich
ard N. Aviaon, pastor. The pastor, Dr.
Avison will speak at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. The Sunday school will meet at
9:45 a. m. and the Young Peopled so
cieties at 6:30 p. m. Music by the
chorus choir, morning and evening, di
rected by Prof. John E. Sites,
, First Christian Church.
Corner High and Center streets,
block north of the Courthouse, LconiJ
W. Porter, minister. Bible school, 9:45
a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. to 12
n. Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. , Prayei
meting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Hear Aet.
J. M. Comer of Calcutta, India, at the
evening services, lecture on Indian life.
Mr. Corner is here visiting the pastor,
old schoolmates and boyhood friends.
Marion County Holiness Association.
The regular monthly meeting of mt
Marion County Holiness association will
be held at Middle Grove church, Silyer
f on road, on Friday night, October 3.
There will be a business meeting preeed
' ing the preaching service. Services to
begin at 7:30. Everybody . be there
that can. A. Wells, president.
Scandinavian Methodist Church,
Fif teenth and Mill streets. Service at
3 o'clock. Bev. A. E. Lind will preach.
Sunday school at 2 o 'clock, Oust Ander
son, superintendent. Come and worship
-with us, and get acquainted. The Swed
ish language will be used in the service.
First United Brethren Church.
Yew Park. Bible study at 10 a, m.
Publie worship at 11 a. m., Rev. WH.
McClain speaker. "Young People's meet
ing at 7:30 p.m, leader, Mrs. J. E. Johnson,-
subject, "The Christian Athlete
and Hi Training."' Mid-week prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening; at
7:39; py m. - A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all who desire to come and
worship with us. C. W. Corby, pastor.
First Congregational Church.7
Corner Liberty and Center street,
Bev. W. C Kantner, minister. Sunday
school, 10 a. m., with elaasea for all, W.
I. Staley, superintendent. Worship with
sermon, 11 a. m., "The Beautiful Gate
of the Temple." Address, 7:80 p. m.,
"Some Thoughts About Heaven.", Fol
lowing this address there will be a mo
tion picture, "Climbs and Trail-in the
Canadian Bookies." Prayer meeting
Thursday at 7:30 p. m, Bible study,
"The Book of the Acta." A cordial in
vitation to all.
' First Baptist Church.
Corner Marion . and North Liberty
streets, Bev. 6. F. Holt, D.D., pastor.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m., W. F. Foster,
superintendent, classes for all agca and
grades. Public worship with preaching
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Topics: morn
ing, "Safeguarding Our Homes"; even
ing, "The Dignity and Destiny of
Man." Young Poople's meeting at 6:30
p. m. Thursday evening, 7:30 o'clock,
prayer and covenant meeting. Strangers
and visitors welcomed at all these serv
- Nararene Church.
There will be special services it the
Nararene church, Sunday, September 28.
The 'Sunday school rally will be at 9:45
a. m. This will be different. A Surprise
program will be givenV each class hav
ing a part in the proglant- butno one
else know what it isto -be. Preaching
service at 1 Is, m. aid again at 7:30
p. m. Young People 'a Bible' study at
8:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting at
7:30 o'clock Wednesday night. We are
pushing the old fashioned gospel in all
these services. Mother with their babies
are welcome. Nieteenth and Marion
streets W. B. Hardy, Sunday echoo)
supriatendent Florence Wells, deacon-
i; A. Wells, pastor. ......
Bonald E. Esson, brother of Mrs. 8.
H. Brown, who has been iat France as a
member of Camp Hospital 29, Prov.
Aero Squadron sinee 1917, and who was
Appear At Yen
Bed Iajtanlly
It ma rceriM a soddta
caOararaa unipecl to-
Vila don yam caa ant con
fident at army appeariaa-
at year nn& la avt a few
ana a wonderfully para,
son complexion that a
NOTHING that we could say would so thoroughly
convince you of the value of Chamberlain's
Tablets as a personal trial. We can tell you
of thousands who have been permanently cored of
chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick
headache and disorders of the stomach and liver,
but this will have little weight with you as compared
to a personal trial. That always convinces.
Free Methodist Church.
Sunday services: Sunday school at 10
. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:.
p. m.j preaching Wednesday night at 8
o'clock, by Bev. F. L. Burns; prayer
meeting Thursday, 8 p. m.j cottage pray.
r meting at 1463 North Winter street
Wednesday at 2 p. m.; Young People's
meeting Sunday at 8:45 p. m. All are
welcome. W. J. Johnston, pastor.
United Evangelical Church.
Cottage end Center streets, Bev. G. L.
IjOvcII, pastor. The Sunday school meets
mt 10 a, m., R. A. Schmalle, superintenu
nt. Morning worship and preaching at
11 o'clock, "Some Neds of tho Church.'
Evening worship and sermon at 7:31
'clock, Bev. M. J. Ballantyne of Dallas
will preach in the evening. Prayer meet
ing Thursday evening.
(' Evangelical Church.
Corner Seventeenth, and Chemeketa
streets. Sunday school held at 10 a. m
Bormon, 11 a. m., subject, "The New
Birth," St. John 3:3. Everett Walker
-will conduct the Young People's meet
ing at 7:15 p. m. Sermon at 8 p. m. F.
JW. Launer, pastor.
Catholic Church.
Sunday morning the pastor will speak
axt the 10:30 high mass on "Hypocrccy."
Communion mass at 7:30 a. m. Bene
diction follows last mass. Boys' sanctu
ary choir practices on, Saturday after
noons at ? o'clock. Catechism at 3
o'clock and confessions at 4 o'clock on
Saturday. Strangers and non-Catholics
ere always welcome to all services. Bev.
J. R. Buck, pastor.
: XeaUe Methodist Episcopal Church.
Corner South Commercial and Meyera
tetrets, Morace N. Aldrich, pastor. Sun
day school, 9:45 a. m., E. A. Rhoten, su
perintendent; 11 swim., public worship.
The pastor will .give the annual report.
6:30 p. m., demovation meeting of the
Epworth League, Leslie Springer, presi
dent. 7:30 p. m., song service and an
address by the pastor.
me help you. . ";
' Hotel Marion, Saiem, Ore.
447 Morgan Bldg., Portland Or.
well up tav the front during the hottest '
fighting, recently -returned home to the
delight of his relatives and friends.
Gervaia Star." " :'
: : - i
Horlick's the Original
Malted Milk Avoid
Uuitations &Substitute
Fdsa ef th reccHef
Fcrlle Sept Tena 1919.
kZj ccn;d, etc, acecr&2
b tb recsrds effree c
Soad District No. 3
Kuensting, Ben H opening
toad for travel .
Kuensting, F 9 do
Miller, J H patrolman
Boad sutrict No. 6
Davidson. John scraninc ete
Davidson, Ralph hauling lumber
etc ....
Kernftric, August clearing brush
xiavidson, vv ' patrolman
Bead District No. 6
Mowherter, AV B haul gravel
Mahony, J F do
Moore, Chaa do
Boad District No. 7
Dr&ger, D G adv for freight on
gravel ...... ....
Kuacknick, John lumiber-..........
Hock, Prank driving team
Shields, B B haul gravel
Noeock," Frank haul gravel etc ..
Schafer, Alfred haul gravel ........
Vaehter, Martin, on bridge
Cutsforth, I E, do .......
Kuaehmck Henry do
Harper, Robert do
Manning, Ward do ..
Maurer, Valentine do
vaehter, Adam do
Zellner, Peto haul gravel ....
Knschiiif k, George haul lumber
Cutaforth, John H patrolman
Boad District No. 8
Demerest, Charlaa repairing cul
vert eta ...k....
Huntley & Covington lumber
Whitman, O (F nails i..
Durant, L W patrolman
Boad Dtetxtct No. n
;'Gilles, Frank building eulverta
. 3.00
, e.75
wis i sr.'-
(TfepresenU the
i'lto ;uiwuc
Presbyterian Church,
Between Chemeketa and Center on
Church street, Thomas S. Anderson, min
ister. Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m.,
Jos. H. Albert, superintendent, classes
for all. Morning worship at 11 o 'dock,
"Meaning of the New Era Movement. "
Touaflf People' meting at. 6:30 p.. m.
Evening worship at 7:30 o'clock, "See
ing the Invisible." There is a weleome
lor all.
Salvation Army.
Street meeting Saturday evening at
7:15 o'clock. Salvation full and free in
the hall at 8 p. m. Street meeting Sun
Say morning at 10:30 a. m. Holiness
meeting in the hall at 11 a. m. Lieut.
Colonel Scott of Seattle will be with as.
Sunday school at 2 p. m. sharp. TTrrited
Mission meeting at 3 p. m. Street meet
ing at 7:15 p. m. Testimony praise and
Ji reaching at 8 p. ra. Come and get ae
touainted with the lieutenant colonel.
Captain ant Mrs. Hunter officers in
mO $Si4 Battery
the battery that by hard, sturdy, powerful and
persistent service in motor cars all over the
country has earned itself the title of "the Giant
that Lives in a Box."
The "jexiee" Battery is a giant of the most dependable
sort. Every ounce of it represents strength and endurance;
every detail of its construction has been proved right in
many years of practical performance. If was designed and
is manufactured by the largest maker pf storage batteries
in the world. ' ' '
. Put an "J6xt6" Giant's power behind your starting and
lighting system and have done with guesswork.
Inch for Inch and pound for pound, there is more power and
punch In the "xiDe" Giant than In any other starting battery
Starter Service Battery Service '
171 South Commercial St.
Homan, Fred do . 2.50
lloman, Henry do ,........... 2.50
King A Kenagy, gravel 39.60
cison, A Jt haul . rock 5.00
Nelson. Hans do i.... " . 5.00
Zollner, Robert haul lumber 6.25
Van Cleave, Joseph. A patrolman 29,00
Koaa Msttlct No. 8V
Parker, B E cutting thistles etc 3.00
Proctort Frank bridge plank 10.21
Scollard. J C haul lumber ...... 3.00
Scollard, Roy redecking bridge
ere ... .( .... 9.00
Whitman, C F nails ..; , X 2.10
Whitney, GUbcrt haul lbr ete.... 8.00
Whitnev. IJoyd fillinir holes 1.50
Scollard, Wm patrolman ll.?5
Boad District No. 10
Oregon City Sand Gravel Co
gravel u.. ...... , 85.00
Salem Sand & Gravel Co gravel 156.00
ncnmaita son w tile 2.48
Willamette Valley S Ry Co
freight on gravel 79.00
Duda, B shovel gravel 12.00
Kracmer, Teny shoveling gravel
ete 10.50
Moffenbier, Louis haul tile .. 3.00
Berifing, Clement haul tile etc.... ' 6.00
Butsch,- Edmund grader and
gravel 3.00
Hougham, Bert haul cravel etc 51.23
Oreisenauer, John do , 132.(17
Hchaecher, Wm do .... 47.10
Seifer, S do : , 49.60
Schmidt, Joe shovel gravel 3.00
Schmaltz, Martin do ,,. 6.00
Schmaltz, Ralph do 4.50
Berning, R J patrolman 47.45
Boad District No. 12
Bronghcr, A L sledges and hdls 9.05
Telfer, Ray driving team .. 22.50
Shepherd, Carl break rock etc.... 37.50
Shepherd, Louis dv 15.00
Oersch. A A srrubbin .!. 10.00
Flag, Gherhart do 5.00
flas, Bernon do .......M.. 5.00
waaibel, Matt helping load rock
etc 30.00
Hettwer, Leo grubbing 15.00
Landwing, Mike do . 5.00
waibel, John engineer on grader 7.00
Waibel, M use of engine 13.00
Williams, W D loading rock 7.50
Shepherd, B F scraping 5.00
Osburn, E R grulbbing .. 12.50
Wilkinson, F do 10.00
Hogg, W T patrolman .... 90.00
Boad District No. 13
Moser k Harwood wood ..... 5.50
English, W O patrolman 8.50
Boad District No. IS
Ringwald, C H haul grave) . 110.25
Boad District No. 16V.
Barr, G X repairs on roller etc 25.80
rown, Bam woo a ..... l.oo
Hunter,- John do i. 8.50
Meyers Chas haul water . . 6.00
Boaa matnet so. is
Oregon City Sand ft Gravel Co
gravel , ... ... 52.00
N.xvD..3w....6.. .A -4R40,;.T em fw
Oregon Gravel Co gravel 97.78
Boad District No. 19
Claggett. Ben opening ereek .. 4.00
Malterty, Downer shovel dirt .. 8.0U
Radke, Carl haul and shovel dirt 15.00
Newton, Wm shovel dirt 6.00
Hall, B O foreman "21.25
Boad District No. 20 '
Nowak, Frank War.li smithing 13.55
Boad District no. 21
Lewis, Evert haul lumber 3.00 ,
Salem Sand ft Gravel Co gravel 2.70
Boad District No. 22
Oregon Gravel Co gravel 65.95 (
Hcrsch, Fred work on .bridge 1.87
De Vnea, Wm rnnning drag .... 3.75,
Boad District NO. 24 1
Downing, Osrl rock : 33.48
Etzcl, P J do 11.94
Boad District No. 26 '
Bear, Earl put in culvert ete 2.50
Bones, J M blacksmithing 5.00
Brown-Pettel Lumber Co lbr 67.56
Bear, C A patrolman 8.25
, Boad Dlattlct No. 27
Ransom Transfer Business, M M
haul lumber . 3.50
Spanldiag Logging Co, Chas K
lnmjhnr S 7
Gurffnrrich. Pul waai) ' 11 Sfi
Wihaey, Frank haul rock .. ..." 3ft00
Dosay jaca ao .. . 43.UO
Fabry John do- . ; i 39.00
Best. Homer Att - : 30.00
Cannon,. C H do; ,.t . 12.00
otapleton, Nathan do 42.00
Barrv WW do a. as no
Smith! .1 T. il 10 nn
Stark, Frank shovel rock ............ 8.00
wuteey, .lamea do ... r 24.00"
Allm, O B do - 21.00
Gurimrrieh do ' 84 (Ml
Allen, A E spread rock 'flj.50
Stark. CharliA An . lAO
Stapleton, H C patrolman 31.50
Boad District No. 27V,
Feller, Emery gen repair work,.- . SM
Feller, Fred do . e.OO
Jreller, Wilfre do , 3.06
Tavlor- iPftnl rpnnir rilffA ft !U1
Taylor, C H' patrolman 3.00
wih insoles no. zo't
Kugel, (N P gravel .... 18.80
Clark. E neri renair work 39 00
Gambel, R C do 30.00
strauaer, A IP do .- 13.50
Ringwald, Geo do 36.00
Bemish. T team work ' (iO.OO
Jones,, J W patrolman ......j 66.00
Boad District No. 29
Jorgenen, Ira repair grader .... 519
Boad District No. 30
Holt. Cecil gravel 5.10
Skelton, Wn haul gravel 96.00
Curl, Jim do 86.00
Smith, Bedford vB repair bridge 1.75
Albert, Arther shovel gravel 9.00
Wied, Frank F patrolman .:. 123,50
Boad District No. 31
Dcrfler. Jon haul oravet et ' ' ID AO
FennelV Albert oa .grader ete ."15.00
ueorge, wait Haul, gravel J8.00
March, "Noram work oa bridge '
eta 12 00
Morrow, Jia haul gravel ............ 15.00
rtusseu, Delta work on Bridge 7.00
Riuaell. Hal work An Jiriilon otr. 9.1 flfl
Russell. Kermflt work nn hriilao 3 (Ml
.Shipperd, Orvil do etc . 13.50
rnomas, earn shovel gravel (l.oo
Weaver, Ralph do 3.00
Russell, S H patrolman . 25.25
Boad District No. 32
Pearce ft Son, Lot 1 crusher re
pairs ..... .........,;. ... . 8.32
Cladek, Chas do 18.25
van Krmen, mix work on crush
er ete ......... 17.50
Brown, O E do .' 20.00
Gidbeler. Oiri haul lnmhev 4."75
Brewer, Geo haul crusher.-.... ; 1.00
n.irscn, Augustus wora on cui- '
vert . ...... . 1.75
Traak. Gi B work on rnaher 1.7.1
I St o well, A C haul lumber . 3.00
uamiDert, Xj patrolman . 30.50
Boad District No. 34
Barhan. O S nwivip. - 1(1 7
Lomker, John haul gravel etc.... .109.00
- oaa Dunnci no. do
Gates Mill Co, lumber ..........."" 75.09
McCurflv. J P naiU 9. 7S
Watt Hhipp Powder Co powder
ruse ana caps . 11.43
Spencer, G A load gravel etc.... "55.50
BartoE, Hildegard do .... 57.00
Joost, Rudolph load gravel . 30.00
K nut son, Carl haul grave lete.... 71.75
Bradley, Nelson haul gravel .... 12.00
Mltnro. R J load crawl . Ml
Miller, Conrad patrolman 130.25
i Koaa District no. 39
Oregon Gravel Co pravel 65
Boad District No. 40
Hammond Lbr Co naiU ... 1.55
Shumacber, John gen repairs
enoveis ete 39.00
Work, rf"! H Arillino 3 Sl
Bilyeu. Chester haul rock 57.00
iticnards, A A sharpening (iriiis 9.53
Hawkins, A L build bridges 4.50
Hawkins. Eunene Ben renaini S .10
Kichards, E.J patrolman 52.00
Boad District No. 41
Salem Hardware Co spikes adz
and handle 4.50
Spnulding Logging Co, Chaa K
luniocr .... zo.aa
WeltV. Theodora lianl rav1 1(1 Rd
Weltv. Gforfft work nn liriilan fin
Wclty, G patrolman . 12.00
Boaa District No. 46
f- H fmn, Tlrlnr Pn C T. . ! - I fin
iRosenbaum, 'N patrolman 10.00
Boad District No. 47
Batliner. John haul lumbar . . A Ml
Miller, C M lumiber 23.04
Boaa District no. 49
Becker, Fred graveling ete 16.50
Diison, Loyal shovel gravel .... 18.00
ressler. SteDhen Cfravelincr 1000
Hauth, A A shovel gravel etc .... 4.50
Hughes, W W graveling 5.00
Jack, Merle shovel gravel 28.50
King ft Kenagy gravel 54.00
Kocher, R C graveling 10.00
Larson, Leonard shovel gravel 7.50
Larson, O F graveling etc ....,.; 64.50
Lheureuv L O trravnlinv T ftfl
McK.ee, Rodney do . 5.00
-nonen, uiaud shovel gravel . 15.00
-onen, vnrrora graveling 25.00
Norten. Zavn tttt . am
Pinsker. Frank tmvoMna At AKnn
Seely, R K graveling . 2.50
-uine, Aioert snovei gravel .... 3.00
Swcanev. Frank inraiul ttrava 1 na
Sweaney, Geo W graveling .. 2.50
ii' i i . . ,
"uue, Joan w ao 15.00
Zurlindn. Genrim An at r9 rl
MdKee, Chaa A patrolman .......... 102.50
Boaa District no. si
Drager, L W patrolman . 3.50
Boad Dlatrlct No. K.I
Humphreys, Orlo shovel dirt .... 5.00
BoaA THtrir Ka. ka
Goer, R T scraping ........ 6.00
Boad District No. 60
Jorgensen, Tra sharpening grad
er oiaae . 4.00
Ringwald, C H haul gravel 9.62
Boad District No. M
Rvan. Joha aiiikpa . 9. ft1
Tautfest, Henry lumber 66.72
jMathieu, Willie replanking
. bridge .... , 15.00
8mith Dewey do 15.00
Lalbe, Louie haul plank 4.00
Mathiot, Pete patrolman 17.50
Boad District No. 64 ,
Vernon, Miles filling hole 3.00
, . Boad District No. B
Alsman, Alma spread gravel .... " "3.6o
Alaman, Alma helping -roll ete 19.50
Alsman, 1 O' slip scraping 6.00
Alsman, I O haul screenings 2I.0O
Alsman, L-M shovel screenings .--
etc ....l.i..' ...... ... 15.00
Ash ford, G B haul feridfe plank' . .59
Bealr A haul screenings ...... 6.00
BcaL, Frank, helping roll 6.00
Helmer, C J cut thiatles ete .'. 4.50
Kuemli, Hugh haul screenings 6.00
Lath rep, Earl haul rock 8.00
Lathrop, F W haul screenings 30.00
MoCtellat. Paul haul water eta 72.00
Miller, J M haul screenings 59.23
Murphv Lumber 06, A L lum
iber ties and slab wood . 60.98
Scofiold, W Hi shave screenings 12.00
Spieer, Walter do ..i 84.6$
Tucker Al haul screenings ete 69.75
Van ji'avs. St :W. . unloadXnff
screenings eta . ; . 88.50
McIKinney, E E patrolmaa 35.00
Road Dtirtsict No. 66
BrowB-Petsel Lumber Co Ibr.. 17.47
Champ ft Son, 8 H nails - .70
Uuoeh t-nmber ft bhingle Co
lumber , , .. .. 16.64
Lilly Hardware Co nails . .1.40
Loose, Cecil "W shoveling and
spreading dirt ...... . 1.00
Titze, Alias plank for eulvert 2.70
Loose, W H patrolman 18.50
Boad District No. 88
Kriba, John eut thistles .. 6.00
Mills, Claud eut brush ... 6.00
Pureell, Charley haul gravel etc 1.30
xurniago, nenry do J.00
Turnidge, W J eut thistles ..... .73
Nave, St, 8 work on Ferry hUl 1.56
Turnidge do . . i 1.50
Turnidge, John patrolman 13.75
Road District No. 89
Evans, A B lumber 9.30
"Market Roads
JBayes, Clarence fdioN-eler and
grade work ' 81.46
Blair, Joe feeder at plant 90.13
Drager, D G adv for freight
on fuel oil 122.48
Draper, D G adv for freight on
asphalt ..... 1758.22
Farmer Hdw Co Ray h lanterns
nails shovels etc - 38.64
Fuson, !R M lease on land for
gravel ..... . 555.00
Oilmer, John W work- on grade-v 21.00
Hardy. William , team work at
plant ' 7.60
Harper, J M work on grade ...... 21.00
Herren, J H chaining and auto
service ...... , 112.50
Herxick, B B adv for nails ete - 1.00
Jorgensen, Ira sharpen scraper
teeth i ...... 3.00
Mehl, Bert chaining 52.50
Miller, M IB helping on bridge
etc i 17.50
Oregon Gravel Company gravel
and crushed rock .....2101.83
Patton Bros, level Ibooks ......... 9.00
Pearce ft Hon, Lot IL cup grease
iieroicne ete jo.sm
Rowland, G B work on grade 35.00
Russell Grader Mfg Co scarifieT 1162.50
salem Hardware Co spikes and
cat ........... ...w ...j .. 1.15
Salem Sand A Gravel Co sand '
and gravel. ..... 640.50
.Spaulding Logging Co Chas K
lumber . ....... Z.38
Standard Oil Co asphaltum ...2841.95
Paving and Mariwt Roads
Ball. W B work on grade ...... 80.50
Beardsley, A F silt sand .. 279.50
Beckman, a. shoveler ........ Bn.44
Beecroft, I night watch - 108.50
BirdWell, Wl rolling pavement 173.63
Bonell, B A' work oa grade 91.00
Darby,- P J kettleman 's helper
for fit's .....i... ..... .... 22.41
Molt Manufacturing Co The
hwAltur Arm fni, mAffnalA & r.A
Towa, Machine iShop blacksmith 6.25
Jorgensen, Irs sharpen scarifier
- . . . .
Offer, -ft .T nrraiirtifcm fcaft .100
Pearce ft Son, Lot I oil gas et 12.56
Hnwwll Grader , Manaf aetnring?
On frnnt u.4init enin. 19. QO
Seymour,. John sharpen scarifier
wia ... . ; -i 3.7i-
SUndard Oil Co distillate . 94.lt
" Paving Plant
Barr Than M blk- iron pipe et 123.11
Farmer Hdw Co, Ray L supplies 84.2t
HodSon-tPMtnaiiiihf.v f'n rtnb. UHR
llowa Maehine Jhjsp repairs en
roiier . ...; n.
JorwaaMi. Tra '4irkt Mi.h IW
Salem Hardware Co drill1 aad
; lace earner ...... 2.S
Spauding Logging Co, Chas K . .
ituuwr ... - ..... ,..,:::. x.m
Batch, V C work on grade ...... 34.8
Barr. Thm Tit irtnfia nl. in oa
Drager, D G udv for freight en'
ttsjrnaic , ... . . Q.W
Farmer Hdw Co, Ray L suppliet .' '
for pas roller ...... 8.7$
PMfM A flAn .T At t. Mn . .. . ON
City- of Salem Oregon asphalt..2631.66
Spaulding Logging Co, Chss K
wiunus lulu 1 1U N u I r ....
Willamette Transfer Cty drayage - 6.5ft
Ball. W B hnl rtnB frnm Tnlo fl .a
Giibson, Carl haul water m!o
tun, iynn, driving team ...... 14.00
Ball, W B work on paving 7.0O--
Westenhouse, W ' B foreman... 14.00
. raclfic Highway North
Ashby, Claude C grading and
scarifier 111 imi
iColver, W J adv for telephone .SI
r iiuw vo, nay ij water :
bag ...... . ... , n 2.00
Holt Manufacturing Co, The
iriarta rfnr 4at.Amjl.TrM r , . aoma .
Johnson, F O deputy roadmas-
, 161.5
Kobow O A onenitintr nvaAa nn .
Spauidmg Logging Co, Chaa K -
lumber ..... -Ni.fto
Hauer, ,f H grading ... 48.00
Boje, Henry do .;....... 85.7!f
rJraden. L A ncraninot ' 3i nA
Carl, H L fillin- holes 7M
onnsiian, Tiieortore awecping
navement ...
goldsmith, John B putting in t!ie- 7.50
Grassman, L H mowing ditch .... 3.00 -
..uUW(.i-r, iiowa giaamg K4.lr(f
Keeter. M IB nraAintr Kiiu
Miller,' A D.put in tile
? gnt! f 138.00-
miirer, jonn sweeping pavement 1.75
I Vf f To U a n - . 1
Davis, T J work on grade
isavis, w M raaer
Davis, W I team work
Donaldeon, B O night watch ....
Kctman, A F feeder at plant ....
Empy, I M work, on grade
Evans, C H foreman on grade 30.00
isvana, Gcith helping on grade a..w
Fromader, G A team work ...... 35.00
Gdliner, John :W work on grader
etc 7H.00
Harper, J H work on grade .. 50.50
Hendricks, J L haul water 66.00
Kofmann, A T caterpillar man 156.00
Hoven, G A kettleman 131.88
Hoven, Oscar foreman paving
plant . .; -158.25)
Woven, Oscar transportation .... ,33.80
Jefferson, Wm shoveler 86.96
Kobow, Louig haul asphalt .... 715.25
Kron, Irvon weigher 105.50
Jiron, V R oiior 10B.50
Kuhn, M C work on grade ......... 63.88
Leach, O A work on grade 77.00
bewis, 10 A haul water , 84.00
Lightfoot, Herbert grading 10.50
Lightfoot, R H work on grade 84.50
Lipp, is w foreman grade erew J 17.00
Martin, Orey raker 111.55
Mattison, (Jhas, feeder 01.44
Mi'Millen, 11 B engineer paving
plant w 117.56
Mehl, Bert helper on truck'., 28.00
Mnrdock, L J timekeeper ...... 103.90
Pallas, George engineer on roll
er , .. . 1(50.00
Pnderson, A work on grade ... 62.56
Peterson, Clarence water 'hoy ....
Reinbrecht, August work on
Richardson, H J work on grader
Robinson, H C work on grade ....
Howland, D ahoveler .
Rowland, E do .................
Rowland, J E do : ..
Oregon State Highway commis
won truck haul hot stuff
Stroud, Bvert engineer on roller 151.50
Tade, Henry raker 111.55
Taylor, W W mixermaa .......... 118.69
Varley, B H team work 140.88
Ward, M shoveler 95.19
White, J F foreman paving
erew 130.32
Wilkerson, L M work on grade 80.60
Zell, G B team work 12.88
Anderson Steel Furnace ft Boil
er Work tracks angle iron 3.00
Burn; J A driving truck 118.60
Churchill, K B do 106.03
Clare. Hase do 127.12
Culver, W J adv for license fee 13.50
Farmer Hdw Co, Bay L wrench
es belts etc 19.92
Hensley, (Ralph driving truck ... 129.65
Hill, M O driving truck 118.69-
Jorgensen, Ira tiret .( . 249.61
MeAlvin, J H drivjig truck... 119.98
Mercer, Ira G do 118.11
Shell Company o' California
g -.. 815.87
VJek jBroiaj mc.n leaf for ,
spring .. . ..... 5.97
Wilson,. Otto J truck 4169.00
Associated Oil Co distillate ....
Barr, Theo M blk oomp galv
ells etc. . . .
Parmer Hdw Co, Bay L supplies
utt, Jake, grading ........ 35.06-
jaracs grading 88.75--
Sowa, J'iul blacksmithing....,....' lfl.00-
TrOUdt. Adam CrTAlUnn . , . ,1 Mi
,w . " o--- ....... .V... M.UW
'iroudt, C D overseer 104.00
Dariru.tr, Robert griding, and
' StMirifier ... ,nn
Mangold. F A supplies for cat r 6.6.
Nutting, W B- gaseoline .68
nt tJ.leav I M overseer ........ 122.50
DeJardm, John, on fresno and
Pw ..; Hi Mi
Nvs. Alhert An ' '
Jirpor, lltODt M
Manning, Ward, do 1ZZZ
tcrreu, ueo uo ......
Jones. Harriimn 'A '
i Stafford, Henry do Z..Z.!..
a fresno etc..
rundrlch, Daa dump' fresno ete
FandVich, . August ditehing
aim, Henry ditching ete .
Pacific Highway mth
Draffer. Tkt irlia n .
Barhau, G S pay't on bridge coa
f , o rn
fc!Ln' t '..........:i::2065.;
"J"OT r worn- en wheel
scraper '. .
'.Tise, Lyde worlr en"grade "7
(Mvrla kV.i.; . .
Culver, iW J R(1v for truck li-
cense roe .....
Creson, L iQ clearing riniht of
Darling, H E do ........ 1" "'
farmer Hdw Co, Ray L tools ete
Hudson, B M damages aeet loss
1KnannVd "" 120.00
Allowed ,..,.
Jorgensen, Ira shaken plows "cto" 10.50
,""1 1 wora on grade
K loen, T I) clearing right of way
K ceil, T D drilling ,ork
Kleen, T D do ....
Lane. II Wi An "" if T'
Lcw)8, Myles work on grade ... lo!5
Mly' v ,,0Ud' crnPCT 10.50
m?, "J? W0l'k, Kr,le 10'5
' 1 " W.OO
it- n ao
Meyers, William worlt on
.'Olson. John drill .u
Olmstead, II B use of euto""Z
i'pe, H ai work on grade
. . - ..... vu Kintic 77.00
-amnlfl Chaa i
Surface, B M do "
surface, E M do . .. .
Surface. TlnvA a. "'"
Surface, Koyd do
ur.ii - -
"an, CTnipp I'owder Co powder
ruse and caps 199 9
.,m"' ,?aroll work on grade 7.00
e.ller, VNoby do ..... . j n
Adams. .1 T .i, j. ll"
Alexander, Norman work on
tsraae iqa .-a
Baiioy, Hallie do ZZ 1 M
,,. .IZO.UU
fallinger, E C do . .. .i o
Hollier, John driving gj'nfj
Branch, Ames plowman on
grade A,
Chandler, A Ir work on grade 175.0f)
;Ta.g, J D do ,73.00
uraig, James do 75
loty, C T do etc "Z 8480
teller, ttred An lot ej
Feller, Wilfred do ..ZZZZZ 2i.W
Feller, George do 14.00-
Fullerton R L An ntr Bi'nn
German, D F oreman on grade Oo'oO
. r-r, i j iruca nire 160.50
''icatio, -qarl work en grade.... 84.00
. v.agston, Roy do 3.50
Marchand, Roy do 119.00
M?.Ilwaiu. Win trrarl.,mnn ... luniw
. ... . 010 .1 1., in
Mcleod, A 'B caterpillarman .... 156.0O
McMillan, Arthur work oa grade 81.75
Mf.Uillan, Ellia do 21 00
McMillan. Willar! An tenon
Mills, Walter on grader .ZZ! 10O
vxiicneii, w a. wor on grade 7 0
Monarch, Paul do . , 52.50
Vforgali. M R An mui
Morgali, B J do Z.Z." lo!50
i.i irgali, R J picking rock 83.00
Morsali B!nh An in nn
Morris, Will work on grade . 115.30
Ninachwandcr, d t(t ......... 77.flO
Neonsehwander, John water boy 46.00
Oiiell, C H work on grado , 7.00
Ptarson, Harry do ....., 81.00
(Continued on page four)