THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1919. PEQ HUM AWARDS AT STATE FAIR ANNOlKtCED (ontianed'from page one) bow Biown Int. . Brrw under 300 lbs Scholl 1st and 2nd. " " '-.r- Pen 3 burrows over 300 lbs Nichols Int; ScaoU 2nd. .' ' ' Fat Barrow. Barrow under 300 Jhs A.. C. 1st nd Eul. l'cu f 3 burrows under 300 lbs O.A. C. 1st and Sud. Barrow ver 800 lbs 0. A. Cist and 2nd - I'ra (ft t bnrrews orer 300 O.A. O. 1st; Vox Stirt. ' I : ' " HWnpUrt. '- '.' J. W.,Kinfer received tie first pre niiuai ou the following: Boar 8 years Id or over; Iioju- 16 msnths, under years; boa U noutiis, under 1 four; hoar tinder 6 months,; sow I years eld or over; sow 16 months, under Syenra; ow 1 year, under 18 months; sow tJ months wider -1 four; aged -herd; ot f lr;' 'produce of bow; senior fconr; junior ttoar; senior now; junior ow; boar, sow. J. Y'. Heiiger received second prem ium on the following: sow 1 year, under J8 mouths; sow 6 mouths under 1 year. Urnxc 2 years old or over; Bunn, 1st; JCoaner 2nd. Hoar 18 months, under 9 years: Bunn litt; Bonner 3rd; Kinger 8ud. . Boar 1 year, under 18 months; "Ringer 1st; Hunn 2nd. Hosir 6 months, under 1 year; Bunn Int. and 2nd. iioftr under 8 months: Buna 1st and 2nd. ' fSow 2 yours old or over: Bunn m And 2nd; Homier 3rd. Sow 1 year, under . 18 months: Bunn lt; and 2nd; Kinder 3rd and 4th. frow 0 months, under 0110 year: Bon ner Ut; Ilium 2nd, Bonner 3rd; Bunn 4. How under 6 months: Bunn 1st And 2d. Aged herd: Bunn 1st and 2nd; Rinffei frd. Aged herd bred by exhibitor,. Bunn 1st. and 2ud. - Tuiuijf herd: Bunn 1st. . Young herd bred by eruibitor: Bunn ' 1st. , , :', t ... V lMlok 8 niirl 4; Sow 0 months, under 1 . yew, Klieard 1 and fi; I'inaioum 8 ml4: . Moaon !; Sow under 6 months, Adams 1 and 5; iioorflrr 2; Flunicum !1; Pra tor 4. . Aged herd: DeBok 1st. Young herd: Slieard 1st; Trater 2; Fruit 3; Young herd bred by exhioiiw, Sheard 1; Prater 2; Fruit 3; Get of sire, Sheard 1 ; Prater 2. Produce of sow, Sheard 1; Prater ,2. Senior of champion boar: Prater 1. . Junior champion boar: Adtuns 1'. Senior ehnmpion ow Doerfler-1. ' Junior chnmpion sow: Adams 1. Boar: Prater 1st. Sow: Doerf lor 1st. Barrow under 300 lbs: Doerfler 1st; DeBok 2nd. Barrow over 800 lbs: Both tut and 2. Get Of aire: Bunn 1st and End. Produce of sow: Bunn 1st and 2nd. Senior champion boar: Bunn Ist Junior ckuuipion hoar: Bunn 1st. .;- Senior champion sow: Bunn 1st. Junior chnmpioa sow: Bonner 1st. , Boar: Bnnn 1st. ' , Sow: Bunn 1st. : Bane under 809 lbs: Bunn 1st and iafl, Pen of throe barrows under 300 lbs- Bunn 1st; Bonner 2nd. Barrow over 300 lbs: Buna. Is nd 2nd. Poa of tli roe barrows over 800 lb Buna lt. . Duroo Jersey. Real' 2 tears 018 f Aver: Docffler 1; DeBok 2. Uoag 18 most lis, under 2 yrs., Ringer 1 and 2; Boar 1 rear, under months, Prater 1; Binger 2; Roth 8; Boar 0 months, under 1 year, Shear 1; Finnicum 2; Mr son 3; Adams 4; Boar under 6 months, Adams 1; Prater 2 and 8; Adams 4 j Fruit 3. Sow 2 years old or over: Doerfler t; Naftzfror 2; Rother 3; Eow 18 months, under 2 years, IeBolc 1 ; Sow 1 year un der 18 months, Naft.ew 1: Doerfler 2; ft CATTLE Shorthorns. Bull, 3 yenrs old or over; Ruder, 1st; Cornell, 2nd; Cole 8rd. Bull 2 years, under 3: Cordinger 1st. Bull junior yearling: Beechiug 1st; and 3rd; Cornell 2nd. Bujl junior calf: Cordiner 1st; Cornell 2nd nud 3rd, " - Bull jnnlor enlf: Cole 1st niid 2nd; Beee.hing 3rd ftnd 0th; Cornell 4tn. Cow 3 years or vpr: Cordiner 1st 3rd and 4th; Becching 2nd and Bth. Cnw 2 years, -uhder HiMe: BeeehKig 1st anil ata; Uoruiucr 2nd, Heifer senior yearling: Beechiug 1,-it anu 4 mi: uoie 2nd: Lordine Bwl. Heifer junior yearling: Botching lt and 2nd; Cordiner 3rd; Kador ila. Heifer senior calf: Beeehing 1st; Cor nell 2nd and 4th; Cole 3rd. .... Heifer junior calf: Beeching 1st; Cor nell 2nd; Cordiner 3rd and 4th. - Herefords. '"' Win. F. Emery received first premium on the following: Bull, senior calf; Brill, junior calf; Heifer, senior calf; bull, nn dcr 2 years; heifer under " yenrs; Breeder's calf herd; Get of site; ; Bull, senior calf: McKinney 2nd; , . Heifer, junior yearling: Me Kin nor 3rd. . . Heifor, senior calf: McKinney ."rd; Emory 2nd. ... . - , Milking 8horthome. - - Oow, 4 years or over: Beeohing jst nnd 2nd. Bed Polled, " '. " 'C ' Joan DuLuth Farms received first premium on the following: Bull, 3 years or over; bull l yenr 'jd under 2; bull, senior 'calf; hall,' junteU" calf; cow, 4 years nnd over;" heifer, years and under; heifer senior yearling'; heifer junior yearling; heifer senior calf heifer, junior calf; bull over 2 years; bull under 2 years; cow over 2 yenrs; heifer under 2 years; bull aVv age; c or 'heifor any nge; graded hard: Breed er's young herft; Breeder's calf herd; (tot of one sire; produce of one cow. Jona DuLnth Farms received second f-rominms on. tho following: Bull, junior calf: cow 4 years and ov er; hoifflpr 2 yenrs and under; hrifcr, junior yearling; heifer senior calf; get of one sire, produce of one cow. x Holstelns. Bull,'2 years, under 3: Evans 1st and 2nd. . Bull, senior calf: DeBok 1st; Evana 2nd and 3rd. Bull, junior enlf: Evans 2nd. Heifer, senior yearling: Daniel, 1st; Evnns 3rd. Heifer, junior yearling: Daniel, 1st; Evans 3rd. Heifer, senior calf: Hntliorn 1st nnd 2nd; Evans 3rd and 4th. Heifer, senior enlf Hathorn 1st. Heifer, Junior calf: Hntliorn 1st. Bull, over 2 years: Evans 1st. Bull, under 2 years: DeBok 1st. Heifer, under 2 venrs: Dnnlel 1st. Bull, any nee: Evnns 1st. Cow or heifer nny age: Daniel 1st. Breeder's young herd: Evnns 1st. Breeder's calf herd: Evans 1st. Get pf one aire: Evnns 1st. For n consideration of $15,00(1, .Tames G. H. Wolfe, i Illinois farmer, h.11 rnir chased ft nO-acre prune ranch from X). J Miles of Salem. ALBERT L. C LOUGH I..-.'?, . ' Copyright 1BV9, by Th International SwSicaH. - When Th Gears CXajh ' Of ALL, THE SOUNDS ARWINQ tram the operation ot a car, the most excruciating Is that of transmission gears being rasped together,, la shifting. Furthermore the effect ot clashing them Is about as destructive upon the gears aa the noise la upon the nerves. It is a fact that very many motorists do not know Just what takes place in the gear box, when inch-grinding occurs. If they did, they might taki more -pains . to avoid clashing. If ona conceives of two circular saws, one running flults fast and the 6fher vary slowly, suddenly forced together,- that their teeth meet, one obtains a somewhat but not unreasonably exaggerated Idea of what happens when gears are inconsiderately forced into mesh. Anyone would aesnais that- the teeth of the suppose saws would be broken oft. bat the actual gears aye. ot course wider and their teeth mom atocky. However the ultiniate reeult of gar flashing Is very similar. The destructive effect is gradual, the edges-of .the teeth are chipped off, little by little, with th result that ; the width rot gear face is reduced and the teeth lose ttreir eerreet form. Finally, noisy operation sets in and there is a tendeirey for the gears to slip out of engagement. At last, the tooth surface In contest beeemes so small and pressure becomes so concentrated that, under some especially severe stress, the gears strip. ENGINE "FALTERS" AT HIGH fil'EKD H. M. Y. -writes: My Ford pull the hills-well enough and I have lit tle fauH to find with It when running- slowly but when I try to get It above a certain, speed, It misses, sput ters and will not g-0 any faster. Where is the trouble most UkIy to be found T Answer: The following are a few. of the possible causes: The timer may be so worn that, while the roller 11 1 tikes reliable connection with the contact segments at low speed, Its track 1 so uneven that, at high speed, It tends to jump and no longer Wood 'and Combination' Inleaters MASCOT WOOD HEATERS With cast bot tom, top and front, with large open ing in the front and top giving amplt, space to take in large chunks. Neat ly, trimmed with nickle making a very durable stove throughout. Price From $18.00 to $22.50 (See Window Display) COLD BLAST COMBINATION HEATERS - This is the heater that gives comfort dur ing the long winter evenings. It burns either wood or coal with a Du plex grate. The draft regulating system is complete, making it possible to get most any heat desired. - Nickle plated, fire place front. $33.50 to $40.00 :r (See Window Display) OIL HEATERS Perfection Florence $ 6.50 $12.50 readily detect any limp place, where one or more canvas piles have act ually foremen er re fr on the wny to failure, if you carry Hits exam ination all around the Inside 'Circum ference of the casing and And the fabric walls firm and springy, at all points, it is probable there is no weak spot yet developed,'' ' ' ' makes Infnlllble contact with the segments. : Some of the valves may be inclined t stick In their guides, owing to roughness or warping of their stems and they may fall to seat In time when the speed exceeds a certain value. Weakness of some of the valve-springs may aggravate this behavior. It Is also barely pos sible that the gasoline line Is some what obstructed and not .- .quite enough fuel can be supplied to keep' the mixture up to normal strength, when the engine Is drawing charges fast. You better Inspect the timer, teat the valves and their springs and see that th gasolme pipe la clear. 'TESTING SHOE FOR WEAK , SPOTS W. W. O.' Asks: How can I tell whether a old easing has yet de veloped any special points of weak ness. I don't want to put any casing In service, if It is likely lo blow right out. Answer; By feeling It over with the hands, you can detect -any bad fabrle break that wiU noon lead to a blowout.. By . turning the casing; wrong side out and bending the wall at all points with the hands, one can ' Questioni ,of general intertsttp motorists iciH, he jftgiperefl .in Jhit , column, (pace permitting. A Mrei Albert L. Clongh, car of this'ojjtce.' - CMOAXIN'G Mt' FIXER O. W. B. asks: What is the beat way of cleaning out tbe muffler? I am giving my car a general over hauling and am told that this should not be- neglected. .- Answeri- The only effective way of cleaning the muftler is to take It entirely apart and -scrape the sur faces, but sometimes it is quite diffi cult to do this because till tbe Joints become burned and rusted tight. Some scale and soot can -usually be dislodged by tapping the muffler all over vigorously with a hammer. While the engine is run with consid erable throttle and very late spark, so as to blow out the material that becomes loosened. It used -to be a common practice to remove a muffler and place it upon a fire, built out of doors, until It became Ted hot and then to hammer It all over and empty out the scale, but this method is not to be recommended. We doubt if your muffler requires attention un less It Is pretty old and has been used with an engine giving a very oily or sooty exhaust. r- sjjajjsjsjBSjjsjaajsjsssjBBjsjsVHH M 9 M APPLES j L-MUM We are in the Market for all va- YlCk SO TODff rietios of Late Apples. Call up ; ; MANGIS BROS. : li.$2: : .... . , , , ' " - Open Sundays from 10 A. M. ) Warehouse, High and Ferry Sts. ; ; nntii g p, M. . . , , Phono 717 ; 153 South High Sf. ' ', Office 542 State St. : Salem, Or. ! Salem, Oregon Phone 238 , iiiiiiiiiiiiiimH ' ' " ' " For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PiS State fair wm Visitors IGT ROLAS Those-long winter evenings are not far off. Have you bought that Victrola to entertain your family and friends? Do not wait longer, but buy it today. Complete list of new Victrola Records. You Get llm For Year Hose? At HOME OF THE VICTROLA Are invited to visit our sanitary bak ery. All our baking is done by elec tricity in our big electric ovens. We believe that our bakery products are the finest to be had. Made from best materials, by expert bakers. Our goods are fresh and clean. Try a Loaf of our Bake-Rite Bread B AKE-RITE SANITARY BAKERY 457 State Street The PBezG(b. 1 Needs Men, Women and Girls For the Fruit Preparing room--Good Pay, "Sanitary Factory, Light Work. 1 ' CALL AT ONCE " ,' S. P. Warehouse Cr'- QUACEC'S ..FOR... Tires, Accessories and Vulcanizing Phone 66 219 North Commercial Street Any Trouble The Battery Shop f 263 NOKTH gOMMEBCIAIj STREET tT ttt MiflW ! the Time to RITV W. FAIR WEEK SPECIAL RANGES $42.50 to $75.00 HEATERS $1.75 to $30.00 BOILERS $2.25 to $750 MATTRESSES $5.00 to $24.00 DINING TABLES $17.00 to $43.50 LIBRARY TABLES $9.00 to $30.00 - PROFITS DIVIDED Peoples furniture Store New and Second Hand Goods Bought, Sold and Exchanged -271 N. Commercial St Salem. Phone 734 tMMMlltHMMMMMMMHMHMMMMTl WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Miller Ad-oii-a Tires BETTER THAN HALF SOLES I COME IN AND BE CONVINCED Monty's Tire Shop .. SAVE MAIL ORDER POSTAGE-BUYING AT HOM3 Yon See What You Buy Before Paying Buying At Homo