Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 27, 1919, Image 1

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    1 5250 CIRCULATION
Only Circulation in Salem Guar-'
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
' Circulations. '
. II Vhuivi livvsk 41
Oregon: Tonight fair and eeol-
er; heavy fcpst east portion;
- Sunday fair; gentle northerly
winds. ,
- - ; , ,
, - For the 24 hours ending at 8
o'clock this morning: Max imam
64, minimum 52; rainfall .4 inch;
. river 1.3 foot below zero, fall-.
wiLSori shows
President Spends "Fairly
Restful Night" Is Report
Tram, Now Travelling On
Special fane, Due In Wash
ington Sunday. ;
Aboard the President's Train, Iudian
apolis, Ind., Sept. 27. "The president's
condition is about the same," Dr. Gray
con announced shortly after 10 o'clock
Ifiis morning. "He has had a fairly rest
ful night. " ; "
'It was understood President Wilson
probably would remain in bed today.
The president, who is suffering from
nervous exhaustion and is being rush
ed back to Washington .on his special
train, Was taking a nap about o'clock
this morning. - i ,.i .,.
Dr. Grayson moved into a room on the.
presidential private car Mayflower last
night and did not leave the car even to
issue his morning bulletin. It was sent
Wilson is as comfortably situated ns
could be expected aboard the train. His
loin is commodious, with a double bed.
His physician occupies a room just a
few stops from the president's room,
Grayson's final word last night was
that the president's condition was un
changed. Before midnight the light in
the president's bed chamber was out,
tindicetine he. might be sleeping. ' " -i
With the way cleared, and a pilot en
gine ahed, the president's train was
making good time toward Washington.
Heretofore it has been operated as tho
second section of regular trains, but for
the unexpected dash for Washington il
is dispatched ns a special train. Tho
si hedule called for it to reach Washing
ton early tomorrow.
Dcspte the faet the schedule was not
made public, there were crowds at ev
ery station up to late hours last night.
Some difficulty was experienced in pre
venting a noise being made around the
ear. . There was cheering und a number
of people demanded to sec the presi
dent. Mrs. Wilson was in constant attend
ance on her husband, just as she has
always been with him on the tour, when
h,e was receiving the chens of thou
sands. The presidential train slipped into St.
Louis unannounced and wr.ited on a sid
ing at the outskirts while the train crew
was shifted and engines were changed.
There was no crowd to greet the train.
A few stragglers curiously watched it.
, Special policemen and Beeret service
men threw a cordon about the train on
its arrival here and a detail of police
was placed on bridges nnd vital points
eu route until the train departed forty
minutes later. From St. Louis the presi
dential trnin goes to Torre Haute, Ind.,
then to Indianapolis and Pittsburgh.
mounts a
Paris, Sept. 27. (United Press.)
The supreme council of the peace confer
ence today directed Marshal Foch to
notify the Germans that their food sup
ply would be cut off unless they imme
diately evacuated the Baltic provinces.
The allied warning to the Germans
presumably is connected with the oper
ations of General Von Der Goeltz, Ger
man militarist, who has ben leading a
force in the Bnltie states, apparently
with the purpose of establishing German
influence there. In response to allied
inquiries as to his aeivities, the German
government has replied that he was op
erating as a private citizen and that the
government was not responsible for his
The supreme council instructed tlicar
mistiee eommiwiion to permit the Ger
mnnsto use fourteen German steamers,
which will be delivered to the allies
Ikter for the importation of oft.
(Capital Journal Special Service.) ,
Dallas, Ore, Sept. 27. M. J. Bcllan
tyne of this e itr has an exhibit in a lo
cal store a big tomato raised on his
property on Hayter street.. The tomato
weights two and one-qnarter pounds and
measures 17 inches in circumference.
Girls Confess to ;
Twelve Robberies
Following Arrest
Portland, Or., Sept. 27 a ,o 13 year
old, . bobiOod haired gi' essie Day
and iRose Douglas," U" jonfessed to
twelve sensational iea in Port
land, according toSybliee.
Arrested 17 m iutside Oregon
City, Thursday, y ipany with, Mol
comb.Weld, Lesf nrrcn and Gladys
Wyatt,.all you g',H, the girls were
brought to Poik $A and their confes
sions, say the. officers, followed this
While one girl asked to ust the tele
phone, her companion would rob the
till of a business establishment, accord
ing to the police, version.
Tro , participants in this most un
usual case appearing in police circles
here in years are said to have secured
more than $200 in cash, a. $100 liberty
'bond and many articles of clothing in,
'the various robberies.
With the announcement of S E. E.
Brodie, editor of the Oregon City
.Courier, that he is to be a candidate
office of secretary of state at the com-;
iug primary election tho political ru
mor pot, wherein the state's political
aspirants are "boiled and segregated,
has commenced to bubble.
Brodie 's candidacy has been defi
nitely announced, it js understood, and
among the consequent . guesses as to
who will bo numbered among his com
petitors the name of A. H. Lea, sec
retary of the stute fair board, is prom
inently mentioned.
Another development in the politic
al situation this week is the assertion
that iRoy Ritner, senator from Umatil
la county, has entered the contest for
! president of the senate in the coming
I reorganization al the upper , house of
the legi-slaturc.'Mr. iotner has been a
visitor in Salem during the past week
in company with J. J). Burgess, recent
ly' appointed stato highway" commis
sioner. ..
Condemnation proceedings to ac
quire for the state the site of the Her
man cree k feeding ponds, where the
state fish and game commission has
'been feeding around 7,000,000 young
salmon annually for the past five
years, have been started by Attorney
General Brown at the instigation of
K. K. Cliuiton, master fish warden.
The pond site, upon which the state
has spent about $2000 in improvements,
was recently appraised when the pro
posal to purchase it was made, but the
onnerjias so far refused to nccet the
appraisement figures.
Mr. Clantou, who has just made a do
tailed survey of the locations for the
proposed hatchery on the Santiam riv
er, will make his recommendations on
this project to the fish and game com
mission while in the city. Two loca
tions are being considered, one a short
disfanco below Detroit and the other
at the mouth of Stout .creek, just be
low Mehuma.
Recovery Of Fred Roalt '
From Injuries Expected
T).....t J t- i Off T J.
the hospital tins morning arc to the
effect that Fred L. Bonlt, editor of -the
Portland Newp, is steadily improving.
His complete recovery is expected.
Boalt was injured several days ago
while indulging in an athletic exercise,
when he ruptured a kidney. Physicians
(gave up all hope for his recovery the
;day following the accident, but the news
.paperman's strong constitution brought
him through.
Work Train Deolished In
Wreck At Dallas Bunkers
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dr.llaa, Or., Sept. 27. The work train
at the cement quarry consisting of an
engine and three cars of loaded rocked
were wrecked this week when the train
when off the end of the trestle at the
bunkers. The crew escaped Injury be
yond a few scratches by jumping when
they saw the impending disaster which
was about to happen.
The engine and ears dropped for e
distnee of more than 50 foot sftcr
leaving the trestle and were wrecked be
yond repair. A new engine was tafeen
to the auarrv Tuesday to take the place
of the disabled me nnd the work is now
proceeding smoothly.
A 600-vard rifle ranae has just been
., f:ilJrts at Oregon Agri
culture! college-.
Traffic Oa AO Lines Halts At
Midnight And Whole Conn-
try Paralyzed.
OVER 500,000 MEN ARE
Food Ministry Springs Sur
prse In Revealing Big Sur
plus Food Stocks. -V
. London, Sept, 27.-(United Pressor
Great Britain today was. involved in the
moat extensive .strike in the country's
memory, . . - . ; "
Stoppage of the entire railway sysTe.
at midnight opened the first battle in
Kugusu history directly between the
governineut nd organized labor. Both
sides were highly organized and were
preparingtoday for a linish fight.'
With more- than a million men af
fected by the walkout and the country's
whole transportation paralyzed, thc-gov-
ernmont's first precautions today were
to prepare against starvation.
ike -food ministry sprang a big sur
prise when it rovcalod tho existence of
secret food reserves in London, wnleh,
was estimated, 6,re sufficient to supply
the city for six woeks. Stocks in otner
parts of the United Kingdom, it was de
clared, will enable Britain to submit for
at least eight weeks. Motor lornv,
stationed in all parts of the country,
early" today begani operating between
the seaports and food depots in the in-
lund cities. TU. difficulty, of milk dis
tribution offered the Worst problem, but
an attempt will be . made to operate a
few trains for tins purpose and it was
believed the nation ' babies will be
spared any .suffering.
The government has established a vir
tual food dictatorship, endowed with al
most limitless powers.
The navy will be used to help feed the,!
country the first time in history the
sea forces have been called to serve In
such a capacity.
The strike decision followed failure
of desperate attempts at adjustment in
oil day conferences between Premier
Lloyd George, Minister of Transporta
tion Gcddes-aua tho railway men. The
public had interpreted the continued ne
gotiations as an indication that an agree
meut could be expected and was poorlv
prepared today to meet tho problems of
transport. . '
Old bicycles were dragged from store
rooms and carried many persons to work
this morning. The scarcity and expen
sivencss of gssoliuo, however, prevented
a general use of private automobiles.
and, with none of the trains operating,
Britain practically stood still.
The war oitice last night suspended
soldiers' loave .snd stopped demobiliza
The food ministry re-imposed the ra
tioning of meat, bacon, sugar, butter,
margarine and fixed the quantities of .
meat, sugar and bread to be used at one ,
meal by restaurants. Wholesalers and
retailors are required to consult the food
controller before pkveing new orders.
Under the authority of the defense of
the realm act, the food controller an
nounced owners of vehicles would bo re
quired to turn thcin over to the govern .,
ment if required. Refusal will be met,
by official punishment.
W. W. Johns, a well known - harness
maker of Salem, died at an early hour
this morniao'- at the Salem " hospital.
Death was due to a stroke of paralysis
yesterday afternoon while attending to
his business at his work bench.
He wns born in Salem, February 6,
1808,' his pareuts having crossed the
plains by ox team in 18:32. Besides sis
wife, he is survived by two daughters,
Mrij George Van I.nauen nnd Mrs. T.
1.. Cnminiugs of Salein, one brother,
Henrv Johns of ,Salcm and two sistcts;
Mrs. Campbell of Seattle and Mrs. Krv-
ant of Los Angeles. He was a member
of the Salem Caiup .o. 118, Woudmcn
of the World.
The funeral services will be held Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock atthe Rig
don chapel. Burial will be in the Odd
Fellows cemetery.
R. O. Rice, butter maker for the Mt.l
Angel creamery, won the gold medul for
first prize at the state fair.
UK 0
Escaped Convict
Is Arrested For
Auto TheftToday
Portland, Or, Sept. 27. .Winter Wil
Ha, alias George Dumont, who escaf
eu fruui the uregoa penitentiary at Sa
lem August 23, was captured here this
morning by Patrolman ileming.
E. J. Hallberry, Willis' companion
in an alleged' stolen automobile, was
also arrested.
The men jire said to have confessed
to the theft of the automobile-, 14 tiros
and sundry accessories, which liave
been recovered by the police.
The 67th session of the Oregon An
nual Conference- of the Methodist
Episcopal church will be . held in 6alejn
beginning Wednesday October 1 and
closing Monday, .October 5. All ssssions
will be held in the First Methodist
church. , . . ;, ! ";'
On tht.day before the opening, ses
sion, the annuat meeting of the board
of examiners will be hld, followed by
the annual dinner trt 6:30 o'clock and
a sacred concert t be given in the
evening at the First Mothodiat church.
The opening session of the confer
ence will be addressed by Bishop Mat
thew Simpson Hughes, who lias chosen
for his address ' The Call to Evangel
ism." Bishop Hughei Is president of
the conference., .
Dr. Carl Gregg Dbney, president of
Wiillamette tiniversity, will speak
Thursday evening. Justice Henry L.
Benson is also ou the program for
Thursday evening, to speak, on "A
oice Cryiug in the Wilderness."
One of the special events of tho con
ference will be Thursday evening,' Oct.
2 when .services will be held with refer
ence to the 75th anniversary of the
founding of Willamette university, Dr.
B. JU Steeves, , one ofyi. trustee .of
the university, will ,Vi!dB at, this ser
vices i
Among the ' district superintendents
who will attend arc 1 the following:
James Moore, D. D., of the Eugene dis
trict; H. J. Van Fossen, D. D; of the
Klamath FaUs district; William. W.
oun8son, 1).D., of the Portland disr
triet and T. B, Ford of .the Salem dis
trict. The following is the program for the
Monday September 29 '.
1 p. ni. .'onference examinations in
all work to bo concluded by..,
Tuesday Beptamber 30
4:30 V. m.. Annual meeting of the
board of examiners. Albert S. fliscy,
tuuLrniuu. . .
5:30 p. m. .Annual dinner of the
board of examiners at The Spa.
7:30 p. m. A sacred concert Iby the
choir and soloists of First .church, di
rected by Prof. John B. Sites.
Indiana Man To Supervise
Own Funeral Before Death
CrawfordsvUle, Ind., Sept. 27.
James H. Houser, an aged
farmer, living near here, wants
to be assured that the ministerial
comments on his life are satis
factory and he wants to seo that
his funeral is properly arranged.
So next Sunday Houser will
attend his own funeral. The pro
cession will wind Blowlv over the
hill to the Union Center chureh,
where Hooter's personally se
lected minister will extoll the
deeds of the aged man.
Houser has expressed the wish
that no funeral services be held
at the time of his death.
Mr. and Mrs Artie Small have .
41 182i
turned from a week end visit t' Mrg.jto the general education board, founded
Link Gage, a' Bloom Center, an' report by him. to be used in improvement of
that she's a charmiu' hostess an' ah ac- medical education in the United States.
complishcd brewer. Beauty in on'His gifts to that organization now total
georgette waist deep. about $300,000,000. .
SEPT. 27, 1919.
Employes Of Bethlehem Com
pany To Be' Called Oat
Monday Moraing.
Belief Expressed Deadlock
May Be Broken At "Round
Table'' Conference.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 27. Striko of
forty thousand employes of the Bethle
hem Steel company, was called, today by
tho steel workers' national committee.
The strike is to become effoctive at 6
o 'clock Monday morning, September 29.
The action was taken after Secretary
Foster had laid before the full commit
tee his letter requesting, and Presloenv
Grace's letter refusing a conference
with the union, representatives.
Foster declared Bethlehem stool em
ployes were highly organized, and that
his reports indicated they had voted i0
per cent in favor of the strike.
Washington, Sept. 7 (United Press)
-The senate labor committee, which is
conducting tho Investigation into the
steel strike, will hear the employers sido
6f the controversy next Wednesday
when Judge Gary, head of the United
States Stool Corporation, testifies.
Labor's, side, the committeemen feci,
hp s been presented by John Fitzpatrlck,
leader of the strikers, and Samuel floin
pers head';f tha, Americaji Federation
of Labor, h. , ,...,? .
During the recess of the "committee
hearings efforts to get employers to
agree to arbitration will gor forward.
Fitzpatrick has already said thai an
ngremenl ta arbitrate would bring the
strikers back to the mills! , '
The arbitration statement was the one
big thing that senators got from Fits
From Gomoers tho committee learned:
Thut the steel striko wns inevitable
because of conditions in the industry.
That labor was seeking Its "day In
court." ,
There is a growing belief here that
the strike, unless settled before that
time, will be adjusted at the "round ta
ble" conference October 6.
Gary, Sept. 27. Gary, Bteol city, pre
pared today for a supremo test Monday.
On that date, it was announced, the
Gary stel works will reo pen so far an
To guard against trouble belt ween
workers and strikers, 300 Gary men,'
largely ex-soldiers, formed themsolves
into companies of specol police today.
At the same time strikers urged their
pickets to become more aggressive. Need
for this, they said, was shown by the
fact that many returned to work yester
day. It wa. claimed that 2500 men
i were within-the steel company's walls
and that steel was being turned out. al
though in smaller quantities than be-
Chicago, Sept. 27. A request that
the United States sugar equalization
board hn emnoweruri in .aim tha nntii-a
.Cuban suaitr crop and take stens to
i force the iCuban ffovernment tn set il
maximum price on sugar, today was
under consideration by the Beet Sugar
Manufacturers', association, in conven
tion here. The alternative will be IS
or 25 cent sugar by spring, they said.
The convention has indicated it will
refer the request to the president.
Jn the face of 'a world shortage of
sugar, delegates charged tho Cubans
are holding their product for the high
est, possible prices and have ignored
the advice of their government to dis
pose of the crop. ' .
To make tho United States independ
ent of Burope, the sugar men voted to
contribute $100,000 for scientific re
search in the cultivation of sugar
Rockefeller Makes Gift
Of $20,000,000 To Board
Xew York. Sept. 27. John D. Rocke-
feller has made a new gift of $20,000,000
40,11(11) iOUE
140,000 People
See Fair Daring
First Five Days
Approximately 140.000 ' persons ' had
visited the Oregon state fair when the
gates closed last night, it was estimated
by A. H. Lea, secretary of the fair
association, this morning.
The attendance, Mr. Lea explained,
has been nearly one-third larger than
over before, in the state fair's history
and it is estimated that about 46,000
more persons have- already been on the
grounds this season than were present
Inst year. . . " -
"It is so much, bigger, so much moro
successful this year, that no comparison
may be made with former seasons,'' he
doclared. . Auditors are at work endea
voring to ascertain tha amount of mon
ey so far taken in, but accurate statis
tics are at present unavailable.
State fair times bring activo times
to the police department of the city.
: IF. W. Armsmier of 1740 Nebraska
avenue reported yesterday that some
one stole ins pusni cart last night, one
that, he had fixed up on two bicycle
wheels. .
iRichard Coleman, with, . the Able
Mfg. Co. at the state fair grounds, re
ported the theft of a fiber too.l kit
containing a lot of useful tools. He had
no one under suspicion.
'.Earl Anderson of 1460 State street,
roportod that while his family was
away from home attending the fair,
some one had entered his house and
stolon small change from, a dreasi
drawer. . .:
The police were notified that the
ear: of E. Tooker, stolen the other eve
ning, had been . located in Portland.
The two young thieves are in custody
and Mr. tooker was notified whqra, he
could get his car.,
Mrs. J.: H. Campbell of 411 North
Commercial street, reported that her
home had been broken into yesterday
whilo she was attending the fair and
some very valuable papors stolen.
Hazel Durgman of Falls City reported
that there was stolen. from hor auto
parked near the pavilion, a gray crav-
enetto raincoat.
Frank E. Welch of the Chevrolet Mfg.
Co., of Portland, reported that his rain
coat had been stolen at the Marion ho
tel last night. He bad worn it but once
and was hoping very much that the
police might he able to locate it. ; .
To tho desire to fwinkn a flitravntin
between dances last evening at the ar
mory, nnd tha fact. tht ha .11,1 ,...,!,
one, accompanied by a frioiul, is duo
ui im-.i mai iiarry j vy is now in
possession of his Ford.
Just as John Brophy and Harry Levy
were inhalin,? the frmmmi nil) n..t,,i.i
of the armory, Mr. Levy mentioned that
ho had nnrkprl hia par vinui. fh.
and just as' they happened to look in
tne direction or tho car, they noted a
VOUIlir ill Oil at thn 1hll anil ui.nflinr
bUHy cranking.
Without discussing the matter, Levy
and Brophp made a quick run to the
car. nropny paraiyzoa the youth at the
wheel, threatening tn do Hprmiu rtm.
age to his nose if ho moved. Levy's
caiinuittte, toon ror the railroad yards
but he was finally captured under a
freight car.
The two would-be auto thieves gave
their tmrnnfl n. X.avrvannn Alls...
John Taylor. They claimed they work-
mi near i.orvams at nignts, Dut just
happened to be in Salem and were
about to take a little spin.
Boy's Arm Broken By Fall
From Ferris Wheel Friday
Fulling a distance Iff 30 feet, Donald
stickney, a student of tho state train
ing school, yesterday reeeived a brok
en arm and was taken to a local hos
pital. ,
Young fltieknoy was riding On the
fcrris wheel at. the state fair grounds
when the bar which makes passengers
secure, broke , letting him fall to the
ground. '
It was estimated by the physician
in charge that the lad's treatment
would cost about $100. This amount!
was paid by the ferris wheel manager.
Independence Boy Dies Of
Blood Poisoning On Trip
Roseburg, Or., Sept. 27. Raymond
Hceves, son of an Indpendence, Or.,
merchant, died here Thursday night ni
the result of blood poisoning which he
contracted while on a hunting trip tn
the Tiller locality.
Arm in Annum
Ligfct Showers Of Ksnd2
Have No Effect Ucca At
tendance Tcday.
for auto::o:ie RACES
uNicessioners 10 nave rcj
Sway Dming fad Wfcd
up This Evening.
Light rains, failed utterly ia even
moistening the spirits of Salem residents
and viators Who have flocked today to
the state fair grounds for maaufaetur-
crs' and grange day. ' "'
Chief interest Is plainly eonUsred ia
what officials declare is the biggest
event .of, its hind ever staged in the
northwest-.-the automobile rases. Ten
professional speed kings have entered
the fastest makes of machines, and with
the course undamaged by - infrequent
rainfall, officials believe this afternoon
will be easily the most interesting of
the week. '. . , ,
Eleven hundred dollars will be given'
to the auto racers alone, Contestants
have appeared from various points lu
the nortlfwest and such cars as tha Stuta
Special, Romano Special, Duray Special,
McDonnell Special, Bulger Speeia),
Beckett Special, Comet BpoeSeJ, Lott
Special, Oakland Special a4 the Beattlo
Special will be seen.- "M
.rue iirst auto rac this afternoon wrU
ae tne non-stock free-for-all. Racing a
mile against time, the four cars making;
best time will be allowed to eater the
i oveiu, iiie Australian jursini race.
No prizes are off orcd for the first event.
Twenty gypsies who had given offi
cials much troublo during tho entire
week, were this morning put off the
grounds at tne order of Major William
White, commanding the Oregon national
guardsmen. Petty thiovery and a com
mon desire to pet everything for noth
ing, justified their enforced exit, Major
White explained. It was also nee-.
essar.y, the major explained, to dismiss
from the grounds several fakirs wbo
were running illegitimate gambling
Tomorrow morning the 80 members of
the guard will return to their homes in
various parts of the state. Due to tha
ruin of last night it was necessary for
the men to move their tents into the
Rtadium. Major Whito Is of the opinion
that the fair board will provide for
barracks in the near future. - v
This evening it to be concessioners'
night, and no special entertainment has
been provided. It Is believed that the
large crowds will spend the evening at
tending the many shows to be found on
the grounds.
"No automobiles will be moved until
this eveninir." said M. O. Wilkins, in
charge of the auto show. "Saturday
visitors at the fair will not be disap
pointed by early departures of ears."
Shortly after noon the crowd began
filing into the grandstands. Horse nrnum
begun at 1 o'clock instead of 1:30 aa
formerly, nnd visitors were apparently
anxious tn get seats for the auto races.
London, Sept. 27, Adelina I'atti, fa
mous opera singer, died today at Croigy
'os castle, Breconshire, Wales.
Adelina Patti, one of the world's most
famous prima donnn, was born in Mad
rid, but mode her debut at the Academy
of Music ia New York, November, J8j!.
Shu was 7o years old. I utti was further
cmk'utcd to Americans, aside from her
charms us a singer, by the faet that aha
spent her childhood in the Unitud
Patti had been married three time.
She married her present husband, Baron
Rolf Cederstrom in 1899. Previously
she had wedded Marquis De Caux, in
18o8, nnd Signor Ernesto Nicolini, In.
1886. Nicolini died in 1898.
Though born in Bpain, Patti was of
Italian parentage. Her father Ralvatore
Patti, was a Sicilian. Her mother, Cat
erina Chicsa, was a well known Italian
opera inger. i
Patti retired in J07 and had spent
most of her time since then at her
estate in Wales.